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编辑:落花无言 识别码:15-687555 6号文库 发布时间: 2023-09-11 08:51:39 来源:网络




My life's work — studying stars

When I was about eight,I got a book about stars.That was the beginning of my life's work.When I was young,I did not use to have much money.I could not buy expensivethings,but I had my eyes.I used to go outside every night to look at the stars.

There are billions ofstars in the sky — but you can only see about 3,000 with your own eyes.

Get a map of the stars and begin to find your way throughthe sky.In different seasons,you can see different groups of stars.The shapes of these groups never change.It is easy to learn the name of each group.When you know these,you may start to look at the stars inside each group.Not all stars are the same.Some are big,and some are small.Some look white,some look red and some look blue.

Sometimes,you may see a star move.However,if you see it move from one group to another,then it is not a star but a planet.You are able to see Venus and Jupiter easily.They are both very bright.It is easy to see Mars,too.It looks red.You will soon begin to learn more and more about the stars.Then you will want to find out even more about them.

Taking photographs

A photographer can have a very interesting life.Norman Parkinson was a famous English photographer.He liked travelling to interestingplaces and taking photographs.It was his hobby as well as his job.

Taking photographs is a favourite hobby of many people all over the world.It can help us rememberthings.We all love to take photographs of each other,especiallywhen we travel to new places.We also like to have a photograph of everybody in the group together.When we want to be in the picture,we need to ask someone to take the photograph for us.

Having photographs is important because people and places always change.It is very sad,for example,if children cannot look at photographs of their parents or grandparents.What did Grandfather look like? Where did he use to live? If we do not have photographs,children may not know the answers to these questions.Photographs help us know and understand our history.

This picture is more than fifty years old.Guangzhou later held the Chinese Export Commodities Fair in this building.Do you think the old picture helps us remember life in the past?

What are your hobbies?

CHEN YUI collectstamps.I have about 1,500 stamps from all over the world.Ben gives me American ones and I get British ones from Sally.Six weeks ago,a boy from Holland gave me some stamps from his country.In my stamp album,I usually put the stamps from each country together.I also collect stamps with sports on them.I put these on a special page.Collecting stamps is fun and interesting.

ZHEN HUIFishing is fun,too.Fishing takes you to beautiful places.You can catch fish in small rivers,big lakes or the sea.You can go with friends or,if you like,you can go alone.You can make a lot of new friends when you go fishing.You can catch fish with just a net,or with a long piece of string,a hook and some bread.Everybody gets excited when someone catches a big fish.Catching fish is great fun,but eating them is even better!

WANG GANGMaking models is my favourite hobby.I have made a few model planes.At the weekend,I fly my planes at a park near my home.If they crash,I have to mend them.I like mending things.It teaches me a lot about real planes.


Hello,everyone.Welcome to the “Sports Report”.This is Dai Fang speaking to you near the long jump,at Guangzhou Sports Centre.Zhang Yue is going to take his second jump.The second jump is always an important one.Will this be better than his first jump — only 7.59 metres? That is his worstjump this year!Zhang Yue is the best in Guangzhou at the long jump,but he does not look happy today.

And now he is beginning his second jump.He always has a long,slow run at the beginning.Oh,no!The second jump is worse than his first one — only 7.43 metres long.

(Ten minutes later)

Now Zhang Yue takes his third and last jump.He starts to run.This is a faster beginning than the first and second jumps...and Zhang Yue is flying!This looks a good jump,better than the first,and is it the best? This jump looks very,very long.Yes,7.79 metres!That's a very long jump!Zhang Yue looks very,very happy!


Unit 4 Where’s my schoolbag?说课稿 第一课时(Section A 1a-1c)

说课教师 :Crystal 大家好!

今天我说课的内容是人教版新目标英语七年级上册的第四单元Unit 4 Where’s my schoolbag?下面,我将从以下几个方面进行说课。


本单元主要内容是谈论物品的位置。通过询问物品的位置,学生们将学习一些有关家居物品的单词,以及on、in、under等方位介词的用法,学习并掌握where引导的特殊疑问句及其答语。学习人称代词they的用法。使学生学会基本句型“Where’s/ Where’re..? It’s/ They’re on/in/under...”学会运用方位介词“on/in/under”来表达物品的位置。通过以上的学习,使学生学会运用听关键词、推测词意的学习策略,识别不同物品的位置。这样既能让学生了解自己的家居环境,热爱自己的家,又能促使学生通过想象来设计自己理想中的房间和对好的生活习惯的重新认识。



三、说教学目标 知识目标:


Where’s my schoolbag? It’s on/in/under/behind/next to the chair.2、学习和掌握有关家具类的单词:table, bed, bookcase, keys,books , sofa ,chair ,schoolbag

3、学会三个方位介词的用法:on ,in , under 能力目标:学会询问物品的位置和确认物品的位置;能够运用所学知识进行简单的会话。


四、说教学重难点 重点:

1、熟练拼写和运用家居物品名称:where, table, chair, bed, bookcase, sofa, chair, on, under等词。





六、说教学过程 Step1.Warming up T:Good morning, everyone!Ss: Good morning,Miss Zhan!T:How are you today? Ss: Fine, thinks.And you? T:I’m fine, too.Step2:Lead in Now, look at me.What’s this in English? Ss: It’s a pen.T:Very good.together, read twice.Step3:Teach the new words 通过图片展示来学习新单词,同时引出句型“Where’s my schoolbag? It’s…” T:Where’s the schoolbag? Ss:It’s under the table?(引导学生回答)T: Where’s the pencil box? Ss: It’s on the desk.T: Where’s the baseball? Ss: It’s in the drawer.根据1a图,引出复数句型。Where are …? They’re …? T:Where are the books ? Ss:They’re on the sofa ?(引导学生回答)T: Where are the keys? Ss:They’ re on the table.接着板书呈现句型,让学生对比这两个单复数句型的用法。Step4:Listening Practice 1b 播放1b部分的录音让学生听,引导学生写出所听到的单词的号码,完成1b部分的听力任务。Step5: Pair work 让学生小组合作共同探究完成1c部分口语交际的教学任务,学会运用“Where’s my schoolbag? It’s under the chair.” 的对话及方位介词“on/in/under/behind”目标句型来表达物品的位置。Step6: Guess Game 设计一个猜谜游戏,比如把不同的物体放在不同的位置,让学生来猜,在找寻物体的过程中来巩固今天所学的内容。Step7:Summary 教师带着学生总结本课重点学习了哪些词汇、句型。Step8:Homework 1.画出自己的小房间,为其中的物品标上英文,物品越多越好。2.抄写新单词和重点句型。


Unit4 Where‘s my schoolbag?

Word: Sentences:

table chair bed Where‘s my schoolbag? It’s under the chair.Sofa clock tape Where is his pencil? It is in his schoolbag.Desk pencil Where are the keys? Ss:They’ re on the table.where schoolbag Where are my books on in under behind.? They’re on the sofa

第三篇:】牛津小学英语4A Unit4(定稿)

牛津小学英语4A Unit4



1.very much_________________________ 2.look at____________________________

3.come here_____________________________4.excuse me_______________________

5.a TV room__________________________6.all right_______________________

7.Me ,too___________________________ 8.Happy Teacher’s Day!_________________



13.这本英语书_________________________14.一把扇子 _______________________







1.()What’s this ____ English?A toB inC at

2.()Is that _____ball pen?A youB sheC his

3.()--Do you like puppets?--Yes, I do.--___________.A Me,too.B Thank you.C Sorry.4.()_____I have a rubber ____ Su Yang?A May;forB Do;to

5.()—Helen, is this your umbrella?--No.It’s _____,I think.A Yang LingB Yang Ling’sC Yang Lings’

四、连词成句.1.English , is , this , what(?)

What _________________________________in ___________ ?

2.think , your, I , that , is , umbrella(.)

That_________________________________,I___________.3.she , perhaps , in , classroom , the , is ,(.)

_______she_________________________________ the ___________.4.this , Yang Ling’s , is , purse ,(?)

Is___________Yang Ling’s___________?

5.like , you , do , doll , this(?)

Do _________________________________this ________________?

五、根据答句,写出相应的问句.1._________________________________ ?It’s a balloon.2._________________________________?Yes,I do.I like dolls.3._________________________________ ?No , I don’t.like puppets.4._________________________________ ?He’s in the computer room.5._________________________________?Come in , please.C Do;for

第四篇:牛津英语5a unit4 A教案

Unit 4 Halloween Step 1 Warm up 1.Ask some question:(1).I can sing.What can you do?(2).He/ She can…What can you do?(3).Can you…? 2.Say a rhyme.Step 2 Pre-reading 1.Show a picture of my sitting-room to them and ask them: What can you see my sitting room?(1).Teach vase.Then teach vases.Teach them to say a chant.(2).Then ask them to guess what’s in the picture.Teach horse, horses.Duck, ducks.Chicken, chickens.Pig, pigs.(The same way to vase)2.Show some tips for the students, ask them to read it together.Tips:

1.like +复数名词表示喜欢这一类物品

2.like + the/ this/that + 单数名词表示喜欢这个或那个物品

3.Ask them to do some exercises. like

(flower).I like

(puppet).I like the

(car).They like

(cat). like this

(puzzle).I like that

(bike).They like

(apple).We like the

(house).4.Ask one student: I like pigs.What do you like?-----I like… Teach the new sentence patterns.5.Show the pictures of horses, chickens, vases, ducks, and pigs.Ask them to in pairs.A: I like…What do you like? B: I like…

6.Show a photo of Ben’s sitting-room.And say that: He wants to have a Halloween party in his sitting room.Teach Halloween.And know something about Halloween.Then ask them: What do they need for a Halloween?

7.Teach pumpkin and mask.The same way to vase.8.Ask one student: Do you like masks? Teach the new sentence patterns.And ask them to ask and answer one next one.9.Ask the students to open the book and work in pairs to practice part C.Step 3 consolidation 1.Introduce two friends.And say that: They want to go to Ben’s Halloween party.And they want to buy things for the party.Move them to the supermarket.Ask them to work in pairs: A: Do you like…?

B: Yes, I do./No, I don’t.I like…

2.Move them to the toy shop.Ask them to work in pairs: A: What are these /those? B: They are….A: Do you like…?

B: Yes, I do./No, I don’t.I like…

3.Move them to the stationer.Ask them to work in groups: A: What are these/ those? B: They are….A: Do you like…? B: Yes, I do.C: What would you like? A: I’d like some… C: Here are your…

A: Thank you.How much are they? C: They are … A: Here you are.C: Thank you.4.Then show some photos of the Halloween party and ask the students to enjoy them.Step 4 Homework 1.Copy the new words 3 times.2.Read Part A after the tape 3 times.3.Collect some information of Halloween.(收集一些万圣节前夕的资料)





()6.A.He is a policeman.B.He lives in New York.C.He works hard.()7.A Yes, she does.B.In a bank.C.It’s over there.()8.A.I am busy.B.Tomorrow is OK.C.Sure.But what is your e-mail address?()9.A.Yes, he is.B.Yes, he doesn’t.C.No, he doesn’t.()10.A.Because it’s an interesting job.B.Because they are interesting.C.Beca use it is there.第三节:对话理解

听对话,选择正确答案。每组对话读两遍。()11.What does the boy’s father do?

A.A teacher.B.A doctor.C.A policeman.()12.What does Maria want to be? A.A bank clerk.B.A teacher.C.A waiter.()13.Where does the girl’s brother work? A.In a school.B.In a bank.C.In a hospital.()14.Does the woman like her job? A.Yes, she does.B.No, she doesn’t.C.We don’t know.()15.What does the man want to be? A.A teacher.B.An actor.C.A doctor.第四节:短文理解

听短文,选择正确答案。短文读两遍。()16.I have ________.A.an old friend B.two friends C.a clerk()17.We ________ at 5:00 in the morning.A.get up B.go to work C.go home()18.At about ________ in the evening we go home.A.9:00 B.9:50 C.9:30()19.We go to bed at about __________.A.9:30 B.9:00 C.10:00()20.----Do we like our jobs very much?----________.A.Yes, we do.B.No, we don’t.C.Yes, we don’t.(Unit 4)听力材料:

第一节:听句子,选择与你所听到的句子内容相符的图画。每个句子读两遍。1.My mother works in a hospital.She is a nurse.2.I want to be a policeman because I want to help others.3.Many boys today want to be famous actors.4.My sister works in a school.She is a teacher.5.She is a waiter and she works in a restaurant.第二节:听句子,选择恰当的答语。每个句子读两遍。6.What does your father do? 7.Where does she wo rk? 8.Please write to me when you have time.9.Do your brother want to be a waiter? 10.Why do you work as a reporter? 第三节:对话理解

听对话,选择正确答案。每组对话读两遍。1.W: What does your father do? M: He is a polic eman.2.M: Maria, where do you want to work? W: I want to work in a school, because I’m good with kids.3.M: What does your brother do? W: He is a doctor.4.M: Do you like your job, Judy? W: Yes, I like it very much.It’s exciting.5.W: What do you do? M: I am a doctor.But I want to be an actor.第四节:短文理解


I have two friends.They are Tom and Jim.We are waiters.We go to work at 5 o’clock in the morning and we go home at about 9 o’clock in the evening.We go to bed at about 10 o’clock.The job is kind of boring.1—5EBACD 6—10ABCCA

11—15CBCAB 16—20BBACB
