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编辑:醉人清风 识别码:15-799649 6号文库 发布时间: 2023-11-16 23:26:57 来源:网络


高 一 英 语 寒 假 作 业

1.Children can get close to_______nature by taking part in______series of outdoor activities.A.the;/B.the;aC./;theD./;a

2.Have you seen Jack recently?I wonder________with his classmates.A.how is he getting alongB.that he is getting along well

C.what he is getting alongD.if he is getting along well

3.Now I’ve got him in my________;I can make him do anything I want.A.powerB.energyC.strengthD.right

4.Emily’s grandma________poor health for several years,so she always takes care of her after school.A.joined inB.has got tired ofC.went throughD.has suffered from

5.You look well.The air and the sea foods in Sanya must ________you,I suppose.A.agree withB.agree toC.agree onD.agree about

6.Drivers are warned that it is dangerous to talk on the phone while________.A.driveB.drivingC.droveD.to drive

7.—Have you ever been to Shanghai Expo Garden?

—No.It is the first time that I________to China.A.comeB.have comeC.am comingD.came

8.David said that it was because of his strong interest in literature________he chose the course.A.thatB.whatC.whyD.how

9.—Did the boys break the window________?

—No.They did it when they were playing football.A.by accidentB.on purposeC.at duskD.as usual

10.As we all know,parents are concerned________their children’s study,because it is concerned________their future.A.about;withB.about;forC.for;aboutD.with;about

11.I have some trouble________physics.I would be grateful________you if you could give me some advice on it.A.with;forB.in;toC.in;withD.with;to

12.—So you didn’t say “Hi” to your partner when you saw her?

—Well,I stopped and smiled at her,but she________me and walked on with her head high.A.refusedB.failedC.missedD.ignored 13 -I missed the first part of the film .It was really a pity.

-You ________home half an hour earlier.

A should have left B must have leftC should leaveD must leave

14.I requested that he _______an hour earlier.A.cameB.comesC.will comeD.come

15.Don’t lose heart before difficulties for everything will change ______time.A.throughB.overC.pastD.during

16.They don't know much about ______ English language but they can speak ______ English well.A.the, theB./, theC.the, /D./,/

17.John said he would pay ____second visit to China ___next month.A.the;/B.the;theC.a;theD.a;/

18.Thousands of works of art, ________ the most famous paintings, were_______1

during the war.A.included;missedB.including;missing


19.When Bob woke up, he found himself in hospital, but he didn’t know how that __________.A.came aboutB.came outC.came alongD.came across

20.—Shall we go outing this weekend?

—Oh, with all this work __________,I don’t know if I’ll have time to go out.A.to doB.doingC.doneD.do

21.—What is your plan for the holiday, Paul?

—I’ll go on a trip to Yunnan Province with my family.—_____.A.Have a nice time B.Good luckC.Come back soon D.Congratulations

22.The professor _____ his thoughts before giving his lecture so that he could make himself understood well.A.organizedB.recognizedC.realizedD.advertised

23.That salesman _____ me to buy his MP4, but it doesn’t work well now.A.advisedB.persuadedC.preferredD.expected

24.The American experts went on a long train _____ across China.A.journal B.journey C.voyage D.transport

25.Mr.Black has been teaching English in a middle school _____ he came to China.A.for everB.ever sinceC.ever beforeD.long before

26.A teacher who is just interested in his teaching but doesn’t _____ students is not a good teacher.A.argue about B.discuss aboutC.dream aboutD.care about

27.Though she was ill that day, she was the first to come to school _____.A.as usualB.on timeC.at timesD.no longer

28.Is the river_____ through that town very large?

A which flowsB flowsC that flowingD whose flows

29.Little Tony insisted that his lessonsimportant and that his mother _____ him to school.A.were , sendB.are , sentC.were , sentD.are, sending

30.I prefer________ at home to ______outside.

A staying,playingB to stay,play C staying,playD to stay,playing

31.Jane, I hear you _____ to China.Have you got everything right?

A.have traveledB.travelC.are travelingD.would travel

32.—If you are free,I’ll invite you to see a film tomorrow.—.It couldn’t be better.A.I’m sorryB.Thank youC.That’s rightD.Don’t mention it

33.Soon after the quakes,one thousand soldiers were sent out tofrom the local coal mine.A.shelterB.rescueC.buryD.injure

34.Two days later,the fighting between the two countries left the areaA.in fearB.in silenceC.in ruinsD.in peace

35.—Congratulationsyoupassing your driving test!

—Thank you.A.to, atB.to, onC.on, fromD./, in

36.This task is _____difficult for us.We need ______people.

A much too; another threeB too much; other three

C much too; more threeD too much; three more

37.The mother’s actionsA.expressedB.saidC.meantD.judged

38.The Sound of Music is the first English filmI have ever seen.A.whichB.thatC.whenD.what

39.They talked about their classmates and thingsthey still remembered in middle school.A.whoB.whomC.thatD.which

40.the teachers who made a visit to our school this year was less than that of last year.A.The number ofB.A number ofC.A great deal ofD.Plenty of

41.—What’s the matter?

—My legwhen I try to move it.A.damagesB.destroysC.hurtsD.injuries

42.He remembers everything of his childhood as if itjust now.A.was happeningB.happensC.happenedD.has happened

43.---I just heard that the tickets for tonight’s show have been sold out.---Oh no!____________.A.I was looking forward to thatB.It doesn’t matter

C.I knew it alreadyD.It’s not at all interesting

44.Which sentence is incorrect?

A He devoted himself to the work of children`s health care.

B He is devoted to his work.

C He devoted all his life to work hard in people`s interests.

D He is determined to make more money for his family

45.When the rescue workers arrived, they were sad to see what _____ of the relics after the big fire..A.was remainedB.remainedC.was madeD.made

46.I have never fancied _____ such a house with such a beautiful garden.A.to haveB.havingC.to belong toD.belonging to

47.You can’t imagine the trouble we had _____ the drowning child.A.to saveB.savingC.savedD.save

48.If you want to be a creative writer, you have to form your own ______ of writing.A.mannersB.styleC.typeD.ability

49.Thank you for _____ me of the meeting which I would otherwise have forgotten.A.rememberingB.tellingC.remindingD.recalling

50.The magazine is ______reading,so he advised me ____it.

A well worth; to buyB very worth; buying

C worthing,buyingD worthy,to buy

51.The foreign guests gave us some jewels like precious stones, gold rings and so on as gifts, but we didn’t know what to give them _____.A.in turnB.in returnC.in rewardD.in honor

52.The student you considered ______hardest failed to pass the important examination.A.to have studiedB.having studiedC.to studyD.studying

53.It is really a wonder that _____ fell down from a ten-storey building to the ground without getting the least damage.A.your furnituresB.that piece of your furniture

C.those pieces of your furnituresD.your that furniture

54.The lazy bone pretended ______ earnestly when his father came into his study to see what he was doing.A.studyingB.to studyC.to be studyingD.to have studied

55.More evidence is needed _____that your maid _____ your money when you were away on business.A.proving;stoleB.to prove;has stolen

C.to be proved;has stolenD.to prove;stole

56.When the sailors went into the old castle with ____ candles on the lonely island, they were surprised to find its walls ____ with beautiful paintings of different times.A.lighted;coveringC.lit;coveredC.lighted;coveredD.lit;covering

57.Mike was our________customer,who used to shop here on Sundays.A.regularB.usualC.normalD.formal

58.People with different personalities have different learning styles.Some learn best by _____ and error;some learn best by listening and seeing.A.doingB.trialC.tryD.testing

59.—I think we should find out the answers on the Internet.—________.I’d rather work these questions out myself.A.I become interested in itB.I can’t agree with you

C.Let’s make a decisionD.I couldn’t agree more

60.Most politicians are not _____ in that country.Which of the following is not OK?

A.well thought ofB.highly thought ofC.thought of wellD.much thought of

61.It’s a problem of such difficulty________nobody can work it out.A.asB.whichC.thatD.where

62.The police questioned William closely and he finally admitted________the car.A.to stealB.having stolenC.to have stolenD.to be stealing

63.—Do you know Ann Watterson very well?

—Yes,she used to be an editor and________the business part of the paper.A.was in charge ofB.is in charge of

C.was in the charge ofD.is in the charge of

64.Anything ____ public interests has to be decided ____ the opinion of the majority.A.which concerns;in C.that concerns about;in C.concerns;in D.concerning;in

65.—Could you tell me your favorite________?—No pains,no gains.A.realityB.expressionC.mottoD.mark

66.The reason________he could not go to that college was________his grades were too low.A.why;becauseB.that;becauseC.why;thatD.what;that

21.—My mother doesn’ t know much about the computer.—________.A.So does my motherB.Nor does my mother

C.So my mother doesD.Neither my mother does

22.If you keep practicing your son in football,he________to make a famous player.A.wantsB.hopesC.promisesD.wishes

23.Her sister________a rich man.They________for twenty years.A.married with;have marriedB.married to;have married

C.married;have been marriedD.has married with;have been married

24.—Who is________the TV show?She seems to be talented.—Mary Green,who used to be a great actress.A.openingB.hostingC.playingD.seeing

25.—There are many________for the Summer and Winter Olympic Games.Can you list some of them?

—Running races,horse riding,sailing and so on.A.basesB.designsC.mattersD.events













2.学唱两首英文歌曲或看两篇浅显易懂的英文原版电影(如迪士尼动画片英文原版电影), 两者可选择其一:

选择学唱两首英文歌曲要求: 学会模仿唱并要求把两首歌的英文


选择看两篇英文原版电影要求: 学会模仿至少20句喜欢的电影台

词, 并要求把在20句的电影台词





注意: 每课背诵完之后, 要求家长签字并要求注明每课背诵日期.(请


4.温馨提示: 请各英语课代表回校后,收齐单词抄写本和Handwriting本;另外, 每位学生准备好开学初的新概念英语的背诵默写以及英文歌曲或英文电影台词模仿的展示!最后, 祝同学们新年快乐!

Practice makes perfect!


高一英语寒假作业内容: 1.完成英语寒假作业


2.背出必修2第2、3、4、5单元的单词和词组; 3.背诵必修2第2、3单元的课文,并完成课文填空;


(一)姓名______________ 学号______________ I.单选选择

1.---Oh!I‟ve just broken a window.---______.I know you didn't do it on purpose.A.Never mind

B.All right

C.That‟s fine

D.Not at all 2.________________of the students who took part in the military training(军训)is 450.

A.A number

B.A lot


D.The number 3.Jack has decided to buy himself an iPhone 4 _______ it means standing in line all night waiting.A.so that

B.as if

C.even though

D.however 4.They believe that there is __________ in the world.A.no such a car

B.no such car

C.not such cars

D.not such car 5.It is the first time that Mr.Smith ________ Wenzhou and I’d like to show him around.A.visits


C.had visited

D.has visited 6.Every minute should be made full ___ of ___ our lessons well.A.to use;study

B.use;to study


D.used;studying 7.Some languages,________ Russian and German,are not easy to learn.A.for example

B.such as


D.that is 8.________ get to the company in time, we set out early in the morning.A.So as to

B.In order to

C.So that

D.In order that 9.It was because of the bad weather ______ the sports meet was put off.A.when



D.that 10.Could you tell me __________ the airport?

A.how I can get to

B.how can I get to

C.where I can get to

D.where can I get to 11.It is so nice to hear from her._______, we last met more than thirty years ago.A.What‟s more

B.That is to say

C.In other words

D.Believe it or not 12.---Mike, please don‟t forget to turn off the light when you leave.---Pardon?

---I ________ forget to turn off the light.A.tell you don‟t

B.told you not to

C.told you to not

D.told you don’t 13.Scientists say it may be five or six years _______ it is possible to test this medicine on

human patients.A.since



D.when 14.When the expression first came into being, people refused(拒绝)to use it but _____ they

began to accept it.A.usually



D.quickly 15.She felt very upset ___________ what her deskmate said.A.because

B.because of

C.as if

D.unless 16.“Will you _______ us in the discussion ”, she asked us.A.join in


C.take part in

D.take part 17.---Has Mary come back yet?

---Yes.She has got many books from her elder schoolmates, and the number ___ 1000.A.adds up

B.adds up to

C.add to

D.add up to 18.I could tell he was surprised from the ________ on his face.A.appearance



D.expression 19.Iraq has __________ too many wars since 1990, making his people __________ a lot.A.got through;pay

B.looked through;face

C.gone through;suffer

D.passed through;destroy 20.—Thank you for giving us a wonderful Chinese dinner, Ms.Wang.—__________________.A.Oh.I‟m afraid I didn‟t cook very well.B.I’m glad you enjoy it.C.Come again when you are free.D.It’s not polite of you to say so.21.I need to get a part-time job ________ earn some money for my school expenses.A.in order that

B.in order to

C.so as that D.so that 22.It wasn‟t until we had sat down to eat_______ we got back to the subject of Tom Holliday.A.when



D.which 23.Mr.Smith, who was eight-four years old,______ the Second World War and had a couple of adventures.A.went on

B.went for

C.went against

D.went through 24.Please ________ the numbers and I‟m sure they will________ more than 1,000.A.add;add up B.add up;add up C.add up;add up to D.add to;add up 25.It‟s already 10 o‟clock.I wonder how it ______ that she was two hours late on such a short trip.A.came over B.came out

C.came about

D.came up 26.The number of people invited_______ fifty, but a number of them_______ absent for different reasons.A.were, was

B.was, were

C.was, was

D.were, were 27.Mr.Hall understands that _______ maths has always been easy for him, it is not easy for the students.A.unless



D.when 28.He _________all his important thoughts in his diary.A.set down B.set off

C.set up

D.set on 29.It‟s the third time he _________with her in a week.A.had quarreled B.quarreled

C.has quarreled D.quarreling 30.The film ______ on the book by Jack London is well worth________.A.basing;seeing B.based;being seen C.to be based;to see D.based;seeing 31.They began to think about what use could be _______ such materials.A.made up B.made from

C.made of

D.made out 32.________ he is determined to do something, no one is able to persuade him to________.A.If;give away B.Although;give in C.As long as;give out D.Once;give up 33.We don‟t need to do extra work this evening.The day‟s work was almost ______ now.A.at the end B.at an end

C.at one end

D.at our end 34.In that big fire all their houses were __________, so they had to build new ones.A.hurt



D.destroyed 35.I‟ve read all the books ______you gave me.A.who





God‟s Coffee

A group of class friends, highly achieved in their careers, got together to visit their old university professor.Conversation soon ____36____ into complaints about stress(压力)in work and life.Offering his guests coffee, the professor went to the ___37___ and returned with a large pot of coffee and a couple of ___38___ —porcelain, plastic, glass, crystal, some plain looking, ___39___ expensive, some delicate—telling them to ___40___ themselves to the coffee.

When all the students had a cup of coffee in ___41___ ,the professor said:“If you noticed,all the nice looking expensive cups were taken up, ___42___ behind the plain and cheap ones.While it is ____43___ for you to choose only the best for yourselves, that is the ___44___ of your problems and stress.Be sure that the cup itself ___45___ no quality to the coffee.In most cases it is just more expensive and in some cases even hides what we drink.___46___ all of you really wanted was coffee, not the cup, but you consciously(自觉地)went ___47___ the best cups.And then you began ___48___ each other‟s cups.Now consider this:Life is the ___49___;the jobs, money and position in society are the cups.They are just tools to hold and contain life, and the type of cup we have does not explain , nor ___50___ the quality of life we ___51___.Sometimes, by concentrating only on the cup, we ___52___ to enjoy the coffee God has ___53___ us.God brews the coffee, not the cups„Enjoy your coffee!”

The happiest people don’t have the best of everything.They just ___54___ the best of everything.

Live simply.Love generously.Care deeply.Speak kindly.Leave the ___55___ to God. 36.A.crowded



D.turned 37.A.living-room

B.waiting-room C.bedroom D.kitchen 38.A.cups



D.dishes 39.A.some



D.other 40.A.choose



D.pick 41.A.stomach



D.mouth 42.A.running



D.staying 43.A.wise



D.necessary 44.A.use



D.cause 45.A.likes



D.relies 46.A.As



D.Which 47.A.for



D.on 48.A.looking



D.changing 49.A.tea



D.coffee 50.A.worsen



D.improve 51.A.dislike



D.use 52.A.fail



D.try 53.A.sold



D.brought 54.A.keep



D.do 55.A.item





A Students who say they never or hardly ever used dictionaries may speak English well but usually write poorly, because they make many mistakes.The students who use dictionaries most do not learn especially well either.The ones who look up every new word do not read fast.Therefore they do not have time to read much.Those who use small two-language dictionaries have the worst problems.Their dictionaries often give only one or two words as translations of English.But one English word often has many translations in a foreign language and one foreign word has many translations in English.The most successful students are those who use large college edition dictionaries with about 100,000 words but do not use them too often.When they are reading, these students first try to get the general idea and understand new words from the context.Then they reread and use the dictionary to look up only key words that they still do not understand.They use dictionaries more for writing.If they are not sure how to spell a word, they always use a dictionary.Also, if they think a noun might have an unusual plural form, they check this in a dictionary.56.The writer thinks that ___________.A.choose a good dictionary, and you‟ll be successful in learning English B.dictionaries are not necessary to the students who learn English C.it is very important for students to use good dictionaries properly D.using dictionaries very often can’t help to improve writing 57.According to the passage, which of the following is WRONG? A.Dictionaries have little effect on learning to speak English.B.Whatever new words you meet while reading, never use dictionaries.C.Small two-language dictionaries have serious shortcomings.D.Reading something for the first time, you’d better not use dictionaries.58. When in the reading does the writer advise students to use a good dictionary? A.At the beginning of the reading

B.At the end of the reading C.During the first reading

D.After the first reading 59. This passage mainly tells us _____________.A.that students shouldn‟t use small two-language dictionaries B.what were the shortcomings of small two-language dictionaries C.why students should use large college edition dictionaries D.what dictionary students should choose and how to use it

B Ambassador Hotel:

Welcome to the Ambassador Hotel.To make your stay as enjoyable as possible, we hope you will use our facilities to the full.Dining Room Breakfast is served in the dining mom from 8 a.m.to 9: 30 a.m.Alternatively, the room staff will bring a breakfast tray to your room at any time after 7 a.m.In this case, please fill out a card and hang it outside your door when you go to bed.Lunch: 12:00a.m.to2:30p.m.Dinner: 7:30 p.m.to 9:00 p.m.Room Service This operates 24 hours a day;phone the Reception Desk(前台), and your message will be passed on to the room staff.Telephones To make a phone call, dial 0 for Reception and ask to be connected.We apologize for delays in putting calls through when the staffs are very busy.There are also public telephone booths near the Reception Desk.Early calls should be booked with Reception.Laundry We have a laundry in the hotel, and will wash iron and return your clothes within 24 hours.Ask the room staff to collect them.Bar The hotel bar is open from 12 a.m.to 2 p.m.and 7 p.m.to 1 a.m.60.You would see this notice _________.A.in a hotel bar

B.in a hotel dining room C.in a bedroom of a large international hotel

D.at the entrance of a small family hotel 61. What should you do if you have arrived to stay at the hotel at 2 a.m.and want something to eat? A.Go to the hotel shop.B.Go to the hotel bar.C.Hang a message outside your door.D.Phone the Reception Desk.62. What should you do when you come back to the hotel to make an important call and see a lot of people around the Reception desk? A.Go to your room and phone from there.B.Ask at the Reception Desk.C.Use one of the telephones in the entrance hall.D.Go out again and look for a public phone box 63.What do you think a room staff’s last job is before he goes off duty at 6 p.m.? A.Lay the tables in the dining room.B.Check the bedroom doors.C.Start preparing the breakfast.D.Wake any of the guests who have asked for early calls.C Good sportsmanship occurs when teammates, opponents(对手), coaches, and officials treat each other with respect.Kids learn the basics of sportsmanship from the adults in their lives, especially their parents and their coaches.Kids who see adults behaving in a sportsmanlike way gradually come to understand that the real winners in sports are those who know how to keep on trying and to behave welland parents-encourage their kids to play fair, to have fun, and to concentrate(专心于)on helping the team while improving their own skills.64.The most important feature of good sportsmanship is ______.A.respecting others.B.concentrating on winning C.improving one’s own skills.D.beating the opposing team 65.Which of the following is NOT the behavior of good sportsmanship? A.Shaking hands with opponents

B.Playing on the field like heroes.C.Praising good playing of others

D.Accepting unfriendly viewers’ opinions 66. As a child with good sportsmanship, he / she will ______.A.treat winning as the most important thing.B.be proud of the success of his / her team C.look down on others’ playing skills.D.not get discouraged when defeated 67.It can be inferred from the passage ______.A.a child who bullies others can’t play well on the field.B.the real winners are those who play with best skills.C.a child with good sportsmanship behaves well in society D.it is simple and easy to show one’s good sportsmanship

D The most frightening words in the English language are, “Our computer is down.” You hear it more and more when you are on business.The other day I was at the airport waiting for a ticket to Washington and the girl in the ticket office said, “I‟m sorry, I can‟t sell you a ticket.Our computer is down.”

“If your computer is down, just write me out a ticket.”

“I can‟t write you out a ticket.The computer is the only one allowed to do so.”

I looked down on the computer and every passenger was just standing there drinking coffee and staring at the black screen.Then I asked her, “What do all your people do?”

“We give the computer the information about your trip, and then it tells us whether you can fly with us or not.”

“So when it goes down, you go down with it.” “That‟s good, sir.”

“How long will the computer be down?” I wanted to know.“I have no idea.Sometimes it‟s down for 10 minutes, sometimes for two hours.There‟s no way we can find out without asking the computer, and since it‟s down it won‟t answer us.”

After the girl told me they had no backup computer, I said.“Let‟s forget the computer.What about your planes? They‟re still flying, aren‟t they?”

“I couldn‟t tell without asking the computer.”

“Maybe I could just go to the gate and ask the pilot if he‟s flying to Washington, ” I suggested.“I wouldn‟t know what gate to send you to.Even if the pilot was going to Washington, he couldn‟t take you if you didn‟t have a ticket.”

“Is there any other airline flying to Washington within the next few hours?”

“I wouldn‟t know, ” she said, pointing at the dark screen.“Only „IT‟ knows.„It‟ can‟t tell me.”

By this time there were quite a few people standing in line.The word soon spread to other travelers that the computer was down.Some people went white, some people started to cry and still others kicked their luggage.68.The best title for the article is _______.A.When the Computer Is Down

B.The Most Frightening Words C.The Computer of the Airport

D.Asking the Computer 69. What does the underlined words“ backup computer” probably mean?

A.A computer that will be brought back soon.B.A second-hand computer that is still in use.C.An advanced computer that never breaks down..D.A computer ready for use when the main one does not work.70. The last paragraph implies that _______.A.a modern computer won‟t be down.B.computers can take the place of humans C.sometimes a computer may bring suffering to people D.there will be great changes in computers

E Richard Gray was a famous explorer(勘察者).He was also a millionaire.He had visited every country in the world.He had crossed Antarctica, flown across the Atlantic by balloon, and climbed Mount Everest.Last year he decided to walk across Death Valley, the hottest place on earth.He walked for days over the hot desert sand.One night he found the camp where he had been in the night before.Gray had walked in circle.He was lost.Two days later he had drank up all his water.He couldn‟t walk.He crawled to the top of a sand dune(沙丘), and there he saw a man.The man was wearing smart clean trousers, a white shirt and a tie.Gray crawled over to him.“Water…water…,” he said.“I‟m terribly sorry, old boy,” replied the man, “but I haven‟t got any water with me.” “Help me!” shouted Gray, “I‟m a rich man, a millionaire…I‟ll give you anything.”

“That‟s very nice of you, old boy,” said the man, “Look, I can‟t give you any water, but would you like to buy my tie?”

“A tie? Of course not!” Gray screamed and crawled away.He crawled slowly up the next sand dune.His mouth was full of sand.His lips were cracked and dry.He couldn‟t breathe.He reached the top of the dune and there he saw a huge good hotel.Girls were swimming in the hotel.“It is a mirage(幻景)?” he thought “Am I dying?” He stood up and staggered(蹒跚)down the dune.A waiter in a shining white uniform came out of the door.“Water…water…a bath!Food!” screamed Gray.“I‟m sorry, you can‟t come into this hotel, ”said the waiter.“Why not? I‟ve got plenty of money…I‟m a millionaire.” “Ah, ” replied the waiter, “but you aren‟t wearing a tie.” 71.The famous explorer __________.A.had crossed Antarctica and the Atlantic by balloon B.had travelled all over the world C.had walked across Death Valley D.had ever been a millionaire 72.Death Valley is __________.A.a valley where people may die from loss of water B.a dead place where people dare not go C.a terribly hot valley where people may die of heat D.a place‟s name

73.Two days later Richard Gray __________.A.was lost in a circle

B.was drunk C.began to search for water in the desert

D.crawled to the top of a dune to see a man 74.At last Richard Gray __________.A.was not permitted to enter the hotel

B.got some water to drink C.was very sorry for the waiter

D.was dying I.单选选择


6-10 BBBDA

11-15 DBCBB

16-20 BBDCB 21—25 BCDCC

26—30 BCACD 31—35CDBDD


36-40 DDAAB

41-45 BBCDC 46-50 BACDC 51-55 BADCC


56-59 CBDD


64=67ABDC 68-70 ADC

71-74 BDCA 9

第五篇:高一英语寒假作业 -答案


参考答案: 词汇书: P26-P30 1.apparent









10.apple 11.architecture 12.Approximately

13.area 14.appropriate

15.application 16.Apart/Aside from

17.appealing to

18.an appetite for

19.applied himself to

20.approve of P31-35 P36-P40 1 astonished atmosphere 3 attacked 4 attending attentive 6 attitude attraction

audience authority automatic

autonomous available avoid awesome awkward

To my astonishment 17 attach great importance to made an attempt

attributes his success to became aware of
