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编辑:紫陌红颜 识别码:15-805930 6号文库 发布时间: 2023-11-21 17:16:17 来源:网络


Have you ever had a day w__1__ everything seemed to go wrong, and nothing seemed to go right? Not too long ago I was having one of those days.I was disappointed and sad.I told it to my mother, h__2__ for some pity.Instead, she said, “I heard Jamie was having a difficult day too.Why don’t you make her some cookies and we’ll take t__3__ to her this afternoon?”

I didn’t r__4__ want to, but I decided that I didn’t want to go back to my other problems just yet.I made the cookies and put it on a little plate.Then I made a card with a sunflower on it and wrote a small note.That afternoon we c__5__ at my friend’s house.I went to the door and rang the bell.Soon, Jamie came to the door and looked at me in surprise for the u__6__ visit.Before she could say anything, I rushed, “I heard you were having a h__7__ day and decided to bring you something.I hope your day goes better.” The look that came over Jamie’s face was one that I could n__8__ put into words.It was as if a darkened sky was suddenly lit up with the golden rays of the sun;because of that small act, her day was brightened.I got back into the car and for some amazing r__9__, I felt a lot better myself.That day I e__9__ the truth that James Barrie attempted to describe, “Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves.”

People are not perfect, as a matter of fact, we human beings are far from perfect.Everyone makes m__1__ in their lives.Things happen and most of the time, there usually isn’t much time l__2__ for you to consider what to do with this.E__3__ you are given a lot of time, your judgment can still be wrong.After all, you may not have all the n information to make a right __4__decision.Are you ever trying to make up for a silly choice you’ve made? Anyone is s__5__ to make up for his mistakes.Examine your past life choices, you might see w__6__ you went wrong, or come to realize that you should have taken a different way.You might wonder how you could have done such a thing.There are two important things in deciding w__7__ you can actually make up for your mistakes.The first one is to be honest.Do you really feel bad for your fault? Do you t__8__ know that you should have made a different choice?

If that is the case, the second factor lies in the hands of the person, who needs to f__9__ you.Have a chat with him or her.Tell him or her you’re sorry, go on to explain that you sincerely want to make things right.If you can do that, you might find that the unpleasant experiences tend to disappear.What’s more, mistakes can be valuable by learning from them and passing on advice to others.We are not about to p__10__ each other for our mistakes, and we can’t always make up for past mistakes, but we can learn from them, taking the lessons with us as we journey to a brighter tomorrow.



Robot Vogel is a p officer in New York.One Morning, he was drinking coffee in a restaurant.Suddenly a man ran in and shouted, “Officer!A car is going down the Officer Vogel ran out of the restaurant and saw a car going at about 25 miles an hour.He jumped intoit.When he was behind it, he turned on his red light and siren(警笛of the road and stopped.Officer Vogel got out of his police car and looked inside.The driver was a littleseat was his littlechildren were crying.”I want my mommy!“ Rocco cried.”But she can't get here, I have the car.“ Then he had an idea ”Just a minute,“ he told Officer Vogel.”I can drive.I will go to get her.“ ”No!“ Officer Vogel said.“You stay with me.”

Officer Vogel drove Rocco and his sister to the police station.Then he called theirfrom thehis father was at work and his mother was sleeping.about Rocco, and a lot of reporters went to his house.One reporter asked Rocco, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” Rocco smiled “I want to be a truck driver,” he said.B

One day a man put an ad in most of the newspapers in England.He said that he himself was a young man of m.He’d like toa girl to be his wife, and the girl must be like the one in books wby Somerest Maugham.This ad was at once k by thousands of parents and young girls.Parents went to shops to look for the books written by Maugham.They bought those books for their daughters as p.Girls tried to get those books to read.They wanted to know what kind of girl the rich and wise young man wfor.Before long all the books written by Maugham were sout and the writer was known all over the country.Who was the rich man? It was Somerest Maugham who put an ad in the newspapers!The ad s, too!


up my first job as a teacher.The students in my class were about sixteen or seventeen years old, only several years than me.In fact, some of them looked older and seemed more like grownups.And some of them even didn’t listen to me c___3__ in class.The classroom was on the second floor and it was directly above the street.One day, I was writing on the blackboard w____4____ I heard a sudden change in the noise behind me.There was a man standing in the room with half an apple in his hand.He lookeda____5____

“Who threw this?”he shouted, looking around the class.“I beg your pardon?”I said.“s___6_____ threw this apple out of the window.” he said,“It landed on my car.”

“Who threw an apple out of the window?”I shouted to the class.There was no a_____7___.“I want the one who threw this.” said the man, “I will be waiting outside for you.”And then he left, slamming(摔)the door.There was silence and I went on w____8____the lesson.At the end of every lesson, as the bell rang, usually the class were all gone before it finished r___9___, leaving me saying “That's all for today, ”to an empty room.This time, when the bell went for the end of the lesson, no one m___10____.“That's all for today,”I said, “You go first, sir.”said one of the boys.It made a nice change, being first out.D

Life is not always.So you should learn to enjoy your life.Try to stay and longer.Here are some ways to help you live your life more happily.Write down all the good things.These can make you happier.And as for the bad thinking of them.Do not try to with others.They might have a bigger house or a more in your life.Your life may be very busy,you don’t have to do what o7ask you to do each time.Remember to tell your family and friends that you love them.Take activities.You can go hiking in the mountains to breathair.It can make you relaxed.You can also go to the beach to enjoy beach volleyball.Learn new things.There’s always s__10___ new to learn.Read a book or learn on a computer, they can open your mind to the world.Give a helping hand to others.It is also helpful for yourselves and others.You make them happier, and you will be the happiest of all.E

Everybody has one of those days when everything goes wrong.This is what h__1__ to Harry.One morning, he got up very late because his clock stopped.He t__2__ to shave(刮脸)quickly and cut himself.When he got dressed, he got blood all over his shirt,so he had to find a__3_ one.The only other shirt that was clean n_4__ ironing(熨).While he was ironing it, there was a knock at the door.It was the man to collect money for water.After he paid the water b_5__ and showed the man out, he found the iron had burnt a hole in his shirt.So he had to wear the one with the blood on it after all.By this time it was very late, so he t_6__ he couldn’t go to work by bus.He c_7__ for a taxi to take him to work.In another part of the town, a man had killed a woman with a knife and was s_8__ to run away in a taxi.When Harry’s taxi stopped outside his office, a policeman happened to be s_9__ there.He saw the blood on Harry’s shirt, and took him to the police station.He was k__10_ till 3 o’clock p.m.before the police found out that he was not the man they wanted.When he finally arrived at the office at about 4 p.m., his boss took a look at him and told him to find another job.KEYS














At one time, making a film was an expensive activity only for a small group of people and film companies.Not only were the tools and machines expensive but the cost of film was also far greater than most people could afford.However, modem technology has c___1___ all that.New technology has really opened up the world of film-making for film fans.Now a camera does not cost m___2___ and most young people are certainly able to pay for it.So all you need is to get one for yourself.With that, you may then start your own film-making.However, film-making is t__3____ work.You probably need many other people to help you.For example, the p___4___ of actors and actresses is very important in your film.Of course, these actors and actresses may be your schoolmates, friends or family members.You don't even need to pay them a cent while they are glad to be part of your job.B____5__, you need to make up a story.Can you write your own one? If you have good imagination, you can create an attractive story e____6____.Many world-famous film makers and producers are also good story-writers.If not, perhaps you need someone else to write it for you.An excellent story is the key to making a s__7____ film.Are you going to be a cameraman yourself? When filming, who is going to take care of the lighting? Who is going to make the furniture, the background and things like that? If you can’t do all these things, you need to think about asking other people to help you.Remember: Film-making is not a one-man business.1.changed 2.much 3.team 4.performance 5.Besides 6.easily 7.successful



A survey has been published which shows that British people don't like their neighbours very much.80% of the people who took part in the survey feel that their neighbours h __1___ pay attention to others’ feelings.25% don't talk lo the people who live next door and 10% don't even know their names.In fact, one million people in Britain would like to m ___93__ because they don't get along well with their neighbours.According to the survey, the b____3___ problem is noise.Many of the complaints about noise came from people who live in flats and old houses.These places often have thin walls which can't s____4___ the noise from next door.The other main problems are disagreements(争吵)about car parking spaces, and old people complaining about the young.Some disagreement last a 1___5___ time.In one case, people who live in the same building haven't talked to each other for fifteen years.Sometimes the disagreements end in violence.In one of the worst cases, a man killed a neighbour because he kept parking in “his space”.Another survey shows that 90% of the neighbours never share a meal, 80% have never had a drink t___6___, and 20% have never even spoken.However, when neighbours become each other's f___7___, they are often ready to offer help, as we can see in many parts of the world.One solution to such problems is to talk about them with a professional organization and if necessary, to sign a written agreement.Now people can get this service in more and more towns.1.hardly 2.move 3.biggest 4.stop 5.long 6.together



“There is no love which is more sincere than the love of food,” said Anglo-Irish writer George Bernard Shaw.Like Bernard Shaw, many writers e___1___ food very much, and they say and write interesting things about it.British poet Owen Meredith(1831-1891)learnt a lot about food when he lived in Paris.He famously said, “We may live without friends, we may live without books, but civilized(文明的)men cannot live


without c____2____.American writer Mark Twain also wrote a lot about food.“When you have t___3___ watermelon,” he wrote, “you know what angels eat.”

American cookbook writer Alice May Brock has some simple rules about food from different c ___4___.“ If you want to cook international food, it’s easy,” she wrote.“Put tomatoes on the plate and it’s Italian.Use soy sauce and it’s Chinese.A___5___ wine to the recipe(食谱)and it’s French.Sour cream makes it Russian and lemon makes it Greek.But garlic makes it good!Cheers!”

Tea and coffee are even more i___6____ for some people.There is a Chinese saying, “It is better to go without food for three days, than tea for one.”

American President Abraham Lincoln was often rude about the tea and coffee which was served to him.For example, he was in a Washington restaurant one day, and when the main meal was over, a cup of hot l_____7___ was placed in front of him.He drank a bit and was clearly angry.“Waiter,” he said, “if this is coffee, please bring me some tea;and if this is tea, please bring me some coffee.”

1.enjoy 2.cooks 3.tasted 4.countries

5.Add 6.important 7.liquid







1、理解材料主旨,把握材料价值取向。材料的主要内容是:大哥 防患于未然 天下不闻,二哥 消灭于萌芽 闻名乡里,扁鹊 起死回生 闻名天下。





再者,审题立意要科学,要有章可循,有法可依,要走出直觉式模糊判断的误区,要象阅读分析一样,要象讲数学题一样,通过圈点勾画、列出要点、判断筛选、分析归纳等分步操作依次进行。具体要做好以下几点:列出要点,选准角度,对比照应,筛选归纳。① 出要点: ①大哥 防患于未然 天下不闻 ②二哥 消灭于萌芽 闻名乡里 ③扁鹊 起死回生 闻名天下


纵向角度:从行为表现的角度:可筛选:防患未然与起死回生 可归纳:起死回生与未雨绸缪 防微杜渐与亡羊补牢 根治与预防 事前与事后

从行为结果的角度(人们认识的角度)可筛选:天下不闻与闻名天下 可归纳:默默无闻与声名显赫 大名希声 可阐发:默默无闻的事前英雄同样值得推崇

从行为和结果两相对照的角度;可归纳阐发:名望与效果 结果与名誉 名誉地位与人生境界等。

横向角度:——在订标过程中,我们发现,好作文都能站在肯定大哥的立场上,联系扁鹊,对比分析,准确立意,如: ①防患于未然,方是做事的最高境界。





以上观点,都是在全面理解材料的基础上,提炼出来的最佳立意。但有同学站在肯定大哥的立场上,提出“要从本质上看问题”,“不要被表象所迷惑”,“不畏浮云遮望眼”,则是没有准确把握归纳材料要素,缺乏现实意义与针对性,大而不当,赋分应在44分左右,视文章中偏离程度而定。此外,我们还发现:对照式、对偶式的标题效果不同一般,具有很大的推广价值。如:功力 眼力 能力




无名≠无能 有的同学从赞扬扁鹊角度立意,提出以下观点: ①抓住机遇,迎接挑战。②在困境中崛起。③绝地反击。④该出手时就出手。⑤成功有道。













第五篇:高考作文训练第二十七周 比较思维见微知著








































例文4:江苏 韩丽亚





