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a magic dream(推荐)
编辑:九曲桥畔 识别码:15-806838 6号文库 发布时间: 2023-11-22 11:15:28 来源:网络

第一篇:a magic dream(推荐)

Cynthia chang31920081153051

Last Night I Had a Magic Dream

In recent days, I dreamt a lot.Most of the dreams were about my families.I

knew that I missed them very much.Also, they expected to meet me urgently.Last night, to my great surprise, I had an unusual dream.It was so special that I still

remembered it absolutely clear.In the dream world, I was in a strange room furtured according to old-fashion.A man with white clothes was sitting by a black-wooden table on which there was a cup of tea.Inexplicablely, he paid little attention to me,or he did not notice me.He can not? Anyway, he just read a volume of poem,sipping tea occationally.A little away from him, a big bookshelf stood, occupied 2 thirds of the room.In front of the big, long shelf was the door and a wide window.The man, at the left of the door, read

preoccupiedly and stopped to think for a long interveral, the bright sunshine jumping up and down his shoulder.What a beautiful picture!About two hours, I stood by the shelf, browsed books that interested me, quietly without any anxiety or fear.Nothing happened, no one interrupted.Suddenly, a light footsteps attracted me.The man also shifted his eyepoint to the door.A few minutes ago, the door opened,and a yong girl, weared like the man, appeared.She walked toward the man smilingly and said something respectfully

which I could not understand.The man nodded, putting the volume down on the table, standing up and walking out of the room.That girl followed away.With great

curiosity, I followed too.Outside of the room, there was a long long carriage which surrounded beatutiful arbours and sparkling lakes.Several young girls walked along the carriage, holding trays of fruits and wine pots,headign to the same orientation.The man and the young girl disappeared.I had only to trace thouse girls to a majestic hall.A kingsized table was placed in the center of the hall, on which the delicious food and fragrance flowers would temptate everyone’s vision and taste easily.A little noise

interrupted my minding.Turning back, I saw a man surrounding by a crowed entering the hall.The reading man!They seated around the table happily, cheating with each other, cheering for something.Similar to the situation in the first room, they didn’t

Cynthia chang31920081153051

notice me.The reading man sit on the prior seat, not too excited, just smiled when others cheered with him.From time to time, I even caught some ngative emotion flashing in his eyes.Strange man.I went forward a little, nearer to the man.staring at him more carefully.I was even more sure that he was not so happy as others.Without any hints, he headed up and staring at me, like he could feel someone was there.That motion frightened me, compelling me to turn back and immediatily rush away.Not konwing how long I had run, I stopped.No one was here and so I was safe.Confused by what had happened and the alient place, I felt very depressed.Meanwhile, a familiar ring alerted me.Everything in the dream world disappeared.Looking around, I found myself was in my bed,the real world swimming into my eyes.Smiling to myself, which world I had “visited” just now? Who was the mysterious man? Maybe I have no chance to find the riddle, but I still record the dream.After all, it is really a magic dream!

a magic dream(推荐)