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编辑:空山幽谷 识别码:15-800503 6号文库 发布时间: 2023-11-17 17:06:58 来源:网络


Learn to appreciate

Do you know Helen Keller? Yes, the author of the book “three days to see”.“I thank God for my handicaps, for, through them, I have found myself, my work, and my God.” Helen Keller’ words always resound in my mind.Though she is handicapped, she never complains.Always holding a grateful heart, she finally becomes achievable.And now I will tell you a real story about a boy in my class, he is just like Helen Keller.The boy is namedTim.He is very clever,but unfortunately he wasborn with handicap.Being unable to walk steadily, speak clearly or write easily, he has difficulty in managing his life let alone studies.Therefore, he has to suffer from the society’s discrimination, and he has to take more pains to catch up with his fellows.But he always wears a big sweet smile and is friendly to everybody.When I asked him what made him so happily everyday, he said the secret was simple----he thanked that his parents never abandoned him,he thanked his teachers’ special care and encouragement, he thanked his classmates’ respect and help.Now I know all these gratitude have given him strong power to move forward, forward and forward. At the parents' meeting,his father gave us a deeply moving

speech.He said:“ I knew the fact that he was not a healthy baby when he was born.At that time, I was overwhelmed with sadness, fear, and even anger.I complained to the God “why me ?” When he was at the age of school, we went many schools, but we were turned down, when I was almost despaired, it was this school that accepted us.Here I am grateful that this school gives my son a chance to acquire knowledge.And I am grateful that all the teachers and students give my son special care and love.l But the person to whom I’m most grateful is my son, and I’m grateful that God has chosen me to be his father.” As tears dropped down from the man, all the parents choked with sobs.When life is good, gratitude is easy.But the boy and his father teach me when we are experiencing hard times and misfortunes, there is still a chance to find something to be grateful.I cherish the belief that there is power and healing in gratitude.So just learn to appreciate!Learn to appreciate;we will become stronger, wiser, and happier,


Learn to appreciate Do you know Helen Keller? Yes, the author of the book “three days to see”.“I thank God for my handicaps, for, through them, I have found myself, my work, and my God.” Helen Keller’ words always resound in my mind.Though she is handicapped, she never complains.Always holding a grateful heart, she finally becomes achievable.And now I will tell you a real story about a boy in my class, he is just like Helen Keller.The boy is named Tim.He is very clever,but unfortunately he was born with handicap.Being unable to walk steadily, speak clearly or write easily, he has difficulty in managing his life let alone studies.Therefore, he has to suffer from the society’s discrimination, and he has to take more pains to catch up with his fellows.But he always wears a big sweet smile and is friendly to everybody.When I asked him what made him so happily everyday, he said the secret was simple----he thanked that his parents never abandoned him,he thanked his teachers’ special care and encouragement, he thanked his classmates’ respect and help.Now I know all these gratitude have given him strong power to move forward, forward and forward. At the parents' meeting,his father gave us a deeply moving speech.He said:“ I knew the fact that he was not a healthy baby when he was born.At that time, I was overwhelmed with sadness, fear, and even anger.I complained to the God “why me ?” When he was at the age of school, we went many schools, but we were turned down, when I was almost despaired, it was this school that accepted us.Here I am grateful that this school gives my son a chance to acquire knowledge.And I am grateful that all the teachers and students give my son special care and love.l But the person to whom I’m most grateful is my son, and I’m grateful that God has chosen me to be his father.” As tears dropped down from the man, all the parents choked with sobs.When life is good, gratitude is easy.But the boy and his father teach me when we are experiencing hard times and misfortunes, there is still a chance to find something to be grateful.I cherish the belief that there is power and healing in gratitude.So just learn to appreciate!Learn to appreciate;we will become stronger, wiser, and happier,


Learn to say no

Maybe because I too care about other people's feelings, so in the face of someone else's request, I will never have the heart to say “no.”Even the unreasonable demands, I also always readily agreed, particularly after they often regret this, I am full of contradictions.More than once I determined to learn to reject others, but each time the face of which both begging for attention, I retreat.Finally one day, I did, I refused an unreasonable request.Although it temporarily will I bring trouble, but I believe I am doing so.After half an hour of fighting, I'm finally share of papers.Just relieved!Trouble came.“Can you lend us your papers look?” After the desk asked me softly.I sighed with frustration, handed her the papers.Immediately behind the hilarious, I was very uncomfortable, I know that I helped them make mistakes, but I'm not even reject the weak have no courage.The voice behind more and more, I can not pretend nothing had happened, this is my fault.Suddenly, I turned quickly out of the hands from which both his papers.They looked at me serious face, seems to understand what I was courage, said: “You should work independently.It does not matter, and that was not difficult, you must be completed.” Listening to my words, theydisappointed, but I know this is only temporary, one day they will understand all this is for their good, finally remove the burden of heart here.This conscience feel good!I learned to refuse to change their own weakness.This life has been I feel the taste, I think it should be good for the United States refused.Rejected the city's bustling downtown, you get a weak rural tranquility.Misty rain turned sultry poetry, you get the pure sunny self.Rejected the bitterly painful events of the past, you will gain confidence easy smile.Learn to refuse, you will have a full flavor of the vast sky.Learn to refuse, you will fly in their own unique spiritual home.Let us learn to refuse to make life more meaningful.Let us learn to refuse to create a harmonious society.Let us learn to reject, a better life.


Learn to say no

Maybe because I too care about other people's feelings, so in the face of someone else's request, I will never have the heart to say “no.”Even the unreasonable demands, I also always readily agreed, particularly after they often regret this, I am full of contradictions.More than once I determined to learn to reject others, but each time the face of which both begging for attention, I retreat.Finally one day, I did, I refused an unreasonable request.Although it temporarily will I bring trouble, but I believe I am doing so.After half an hour of fighting, I'm finally share of papers.Just relieved!Trouble came.“Can you lend us your papers look?” After the desk asked me softly.I sighed with frustration, handed her the papers.Immediately behind the hilarious, I was very uncomfortable, I know that I helped them make mistakes, but I'm not even reject the weak have no courage.The voice behind more and more, I can not pretend nothing had happened, this is my fault.Suddenly, I turned quickly out of the hands from which both his papers.They looked at me serious face, seems to understand what I was courage, said: “You should work independently.It does not matter, and that was not difficult, you must be completed.” Listening to my1

words, theydisappointed, but I know this is only temporary, one day they will understand all this is for their good, finally remove the burden of heart here.This conscience feel good!I learned to refuse to change their own weakness.This life has been I feel the taste, I think it should be good for the United States refused.Rejected the city's bustling downtown, you get a weak rural tranquility.Misty rain turned sultry poetry, you get the pure sunny self.Rejected the bitterly painful events of the past, you will gain confidence easy smile.Learn to refuse, you will have a full flavor of the vast sky.Learn to refuse, you will fly in their own unique spiritual home.Let us learn to refuse to make life more meaningful.Let us learn to refuse to create a harmonious society.Let us learn to reject, a better life.

第五篇:learn to share学会分享英语演讲

one day, god said to a priest: ‘come, and i want to take you to see the hell.” they entered a room where so many people were sitting around a cooking pot.they looked at it but no one wants to say or do anything.they felt not only hungry but also disappointed.everyone has a spoon.but the handle of the spoon were too long for the food to be sent into their mouths.有一天,上帝的牧师说:'来吧,我要带你看地狱“他们进入一个房间里这么多人坐在周围的锅。他们看着它,但没有人愿意说或做任何事情。他们认为不仅饥饿,但也感到失望。每个人都有一个勺子。但勺子的柄太长时间的食物到他们口中发出。

“come, now i want to take you to the heaven.”god took the priest to the heaven and entered another room.this room was the same as the first one.there were so many people sitting around a cooking pot, and the handles of their spoon were as long as those of the first group of people.there was nothing different but the atmosphere.people here drank and ate, speaking and laughing.the priest felt puzzled and asked god.god answered with a smile.”can’t you see? people in the second room here learnt to feed each other “ the priest suddenly saw the light.“来吧,现在我要带你到天堂。“上帝的神父到了天堂,进入另一个房间。这间屋子作为第一个相同。有这么多身边的人一个锅坐着,他们的勺子手柄一样的第一组的人长。没有什么不同,但气氛。这里的人喝酒,吃饭,说话和笑。神父感到不解地问上帝。上帝微笑着回答。“你没看见?在第二个房间里学会了喂对方“牧师人们突然看到了光明。

this story tells us that we should learn to share and give, and develop the good habit of loving and helping one another.the niggards who we saw in the hell would rather make themselves hungry than share with others.这个故事告诉我们,我们应该学会分享,给予,爱和发展互相帮助的好习惯。我们在地狱看到了,那些人宁愿让自己比其他人分享饿了。

as a british poet said:” taken away love, our earth would be a grave.sharing is an idea state, a wisdom and distillation.sharing love, happiness and sadness is all that we need.there are so many people who don’t want to share with others.whatever they do they will think about themselves first.these people can never understand the real meaning of sharing.people are always imagining that they can live a good life in the heaven.because of imagination, we always feel we are far away from the heaven.in fact, the heaven is not far away from us.作为英国诗人说:“采取了爱,我们的地球将会是一个严重。分享是一种思想状态,智慧和升华。分享爱,快乐和悲伤是所有我们需要的。有这么多的人谁不想与别人分享。无论他们这么做,他们将第一次对自己的看法。这些人永远无法理解共享的真正意义。人们总是想象他们可以住在天堂的生活,因为一个良好的想象力。,我们总是觉得我们远离天堂。事实上,天堂离我们并不遥远。

as long as we learn to share, happiness always come to us itself.what can we see in the heaven? the priest has told us.if two people share sadness their sadness will be greatly lessened.however, if two people share happiness, their happiness will be doubled

