One day, I found a magic lamp containing a genie who has agreed to grant me three wishes.I was amazed, but thought over carefully and told him about my own three wishes.The genie looked at me meaningfully for a while, then he smiled and disappeared.So I write down my wishes to wait for the achievements.First of all, I hope all my family members keep healthy and joyful.They are the most important persons of me.Health and good mind is the good beginning for everything.They are the most significant thing in my point, and they lay the foundation of a beatific life.I will focus on what I enjoy and never be worried about my affectionate relatives.I think that is which I really want.In addition, I have another two expectations about myself.I want to get a good job soon.The ideal one could pay me a comfortable salary at least.So I can pay for what I need and I want.Otherwise, it could offer me more opportunities to improve myself is better.In that condition, I will use my knowledge to help people and solve problems.It would be best if people I cooperate with are all nice.Now we postgraduate in China are easier to find job than graduate, but to find a satisfied one is difficult still.Absolutely, I will work hard to be successful.After this, I have only one wish can be realized by him.A chance to travel to Europe with my family is pretty good.I have never traveled with my family to such a distant place.It sounds interesting and could be a happy memory for us.I like to travel with my family, but for so many reasons, I scarcely any have a good chance to do this.Most time I attend school far away from home, I have not so much time to company with my family.I like to stay with them even if we just sit and talk together.Moreover, we all enjoy traveling to somewhere beautiful and unique.In this journey, we can keep together in a long time and enjoy the beautiful view.These are my wishes which have been told to the genie in the magical day.Keeping healthy is the base, a good job is the guarantee, a distant travel is an amusement.I am waiting for him to make them come true.I believe that it could be true in the near future.Actually, everyone would meet the genie in a certain chance, but not all of us have such a opportunity to realize all the wishes.Now I get it and make my own three wishes, I am waiting for the result.
第二篇:a magic dream(推荐)
Cynthia chang31920081153051
Last Night I Had a Magic Dream
In recent days, I dreamt a lot.Most of the dreams were about my families.I
knew that I missed them very much.Also, they expected to meet me urgently.Last night, to my great surprise, I had an unusual dream.It was so special that I still
remembered it absolutely clear.In the dream world, I was in a strange room furtured according to old-fashion.A man with white clothes was sitting by a black-wooden table on which there was a cup of tea.Inexplicablely, he paid little attention to me,or he did not notice me.He can not? Anyway, he just read a volume of poem,sipping tea occationally.A little away from him, a big bookshelf stood, occupied 2 thirds of the room.In front of the big, long shelf was the door and a wide window.The man, at the left of the door, read
preoccupiedly and stopped to think for a long interveral, the bright sunshine jumping up and down his shoulder.What a beautiful picture!About two hours, I stood by the shelf, browsed books that interested me, quietly without any anxiety or fear.Nothing happened, no one interrupted.Suddenly, a light footsteps attracted me.The man also shifted his eyepoint to the door.A few minutes ago, the door opened,and a yong girl, weared like the man, appeared.She walked toward the man smilingly and said something respectfully
which I could not understand.The man nodded, putting the volume down on the table, standing up and walking out of the room.That girl followed away.With great
curiosity, I followed too.Outside of the room, there was a long long carriage which surrounded beatutiful arbours and sparkling lakes.Several young girls walked along the carriage, holding trays of fruits and wine pots,headign to the same orientation.The man and the young girl disappeared.I had only to trace thouse girls to a majestic hall.A kingsized table was placed in the center of the hall, on which the delicious food and fragrance flowers would temptate everyone’s vision and taste easily.A little noise
interrupted my minding.Turning back, I saw a man surrounding by a crowed entering the hall.The reading man!They seated around the table happily, cheating with each other, cheering for something.Similar to the situation in the first room, they didn’t
Cynthia chang31920081153051
notice me.The reading man sit on the prior seat, not too excited, just smiled when others cheered with him.From time to time, I even caught some ngative emotion flashing in his eyes.Strange man.I went forward a little, nearer to the man.staring at him more carefully.I was even more sure that he was not so happy as others.Without any hints, he headed up and staring at me, like he could feel someone was there.That motion frightened me, compelling me to turn back and immediatily rush away.Not konwing how long I had run, I stopped.No one was here and so I was safe.Confused by what had happened and the alient place, I felt very depressed.Meanwhile, a familiar ring alerted me.Everything in the dream world disappeared.Looking around, I found myself was in my bed,the real world swimming into my eyes.Smiling to myself, which world I had “visited” just now? Who was the mysterious man? Maybe I have no chance to find the riddle, but I still record the dream.After all, it is really a magic dream!
Chi nese per form ing arts have played a large role in pre serv ing and dis sem i nat ing folk tales.One example is “The Magic Lo tus Lan tern.” The at ri cal per for mances of this tale ap peared as early
as the Song(960–1126)and Yuan(1280–1368)dy nas ties, and it gained re newed pop u lar ity in the form of a Chinese dance drama in 1957, a re gional op era of Hebei prov ince in 1959, and a movie car toon in 2002.In Mid west ern China there is a beau ti ful moun tain named Hua.On top of it there is a tem ple ded i cated to the God dess San Shengmu.Peo ple wor ship this God dess be cause they be lieve that she
is al ways ready to help them.When this story took place, she was busy help ing the peo ple of the re-gion fight ing a strange ep i demic with the magic power of her baoliandeng(Magic Lo tus Lan tern).Even though the dis ease was un der con trol, she did not stop work ing be cause she wanted to make sure that the ep i demic would not re cur.For this rea son, she had to be away from her tem ple’s altar from time to time.Dur ing her ab sence, a young scholar named Liu Yanchang toured the tem ple.He was on his
way to the cap i tal to take an im pe rial ex am i na tion.He burned incense and drew a qian(bam boo slips
used for p i na tion)af ter pray ing to the God dess San Shengmu, wish ing that the god dess would make him lucky enough to suc ceed in the ex am i na tion.At the time, the god dess hap pened to be ab-
sent and there fore was un able to give him an an swer to the lot he had drawn.Dis ap pointed at the
第四篇:小班英语教案 Magic Colors专题
小班英语教案 Magic Colors
一、Length of lesson(活动时间):20 mins
二、Teacher Aims(活动目标):
1、掌握新单词:red yellow blue.2、在奇妙的游戏中体验英语学习的乐趣。
四、Teaching Procedures(活动过程):
1、师生问好:Good morning,boys and girls.Good morning, teacher.2、英语歌曲律动:“How are you today ?” “London Bridge”
(二)New-lesson Presentation:
1、教师表现口渴状,表达口渴要喝水:I want to drink some water!此时呈现三瓶带水的饮料瓶,事先在瓶盖里分别涂上颜料红、黄、蓝。
2、教师作要喝水状,大声念出饮料标示:Shake it before you drink.(喝前摇一摇!)提示幼儿单词“shake”,并要求幼儿一起大声说“shake”。
2、Practice: 将瓶盖涂有颜色的瓶子随机分发给小朋友,要求小朋友边大声说“shake”边摇晃瓶子,直到变色。
教师提问:Who has orange color?手中是橙色的幼儿一起站立,念出单词并投入相应颜色的玩具筐中。依次进行。
3、Game 教师先示范,拿出苹果的图片,说the color is red.指着红色的框说“red”,将苹果图片放进去
(三)Closure: 在教师的引导下,共同表演英文儿歌 “red”.五、活动反思:
第五篇:英语作文 like magic
英语作文I like magic
Hello everyone.Today I will show you a magic toy.Look, it’s a brick, right?Wait a second.In fact,it’s a magic ruler!Now let’s enjoy its magic.I will change it into another.What will it be this time? Everyone will use it everyday.When you get home, you will use it to open the door.Yes, it is a key!
Oh, I have a joke about a key.An iron bar wanted to open a firm lock.But it couldn’t do it.A little key reached into the lockhole.“Pa”, it’s opened.“Oh my god.I can’t do it with great effort.Why did you do it so easily?” The iron bar was very surprised.The little key answered with pride: “Because I can touch its heart.”Thank you.今天,我给大家带来了一样新奇的玩具,瞧!这是一块板砖。等等,事实上,这是魔尺。接下来让我们一起感受一下它的魔力吧。我要变换形状了。这次我变的会是什么呢?这是一个人人都有,天天在用的东西。当你回到家时,你会用它开门。对了,这就是钥匙。