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编辑:风起云涌 识别码:15-811443 6号文库 发布时间: 2023-11-25 18:26:07 来源:网络


归元寺 Guiyuan Temple

Ladies and gentlemen,Welcome to Wuhan.My name is LiBo.I am from Wuhan travel service.I will be your local guide during your stay in Wuhan.This is our driver,Mr Zhang.His bus number is WH12345.On behalf of my travel agency, we hope you have a nice journey here.If you have any special interest, plese tell your tour leader, and he will ler us know.My job is to smooth you way, care for your welfare, try my best to answer your question, and be your guide and interpreter.I will try to do my level to “warm the ceekles of your heart”.We highly appreciate your understanding andcooperation.Today we will go to visit the Guiyuan Temple.At first, I would like to give you a brief intronduction of it.Guiyuan Temple is a Buddhist temple in Central China.It located at the west end ofCuiwei Street, Hangyang Town of Wuhan.It is a famous relic of Wuhan.Guiyuan Temple was builtbetween the late Ming dynasty and the early Qing dynasty.Until now it is over 300 years old.According to the legend, during the late Ming dynasty there were two brothers in Zhejiang province, one was called Baiguang and the other called Zhufeng.They became monks in the same time.They believe in Buddhism very much when they were children, so they often went to other places to broadcast Buddhism.One day, they came to Hangyang and saw many bones of dead soldiers because of the great battle here.They were very sad so they spent three days to pray for these soldiers.Two rich merchants were moved by their good deeds, they donated a lot of money to build temple for them and named it Guiyuan Temple.The main meanning of the name is “If you practice Buddhism,keep purity in mind and do a lot of good deeds, you will have a chance to get into Heaven finally”.Contrasting with other temple, Guiyuan Temple has its own threefeatures.The first feature is the color.Guiyuan Temple's color is yellow, “yellow” was the symbol of noble and power, it was royal family's special color, only emperor and his family could use this kind fo color on their clothes and buildings.The second feature is the title.The title of Guiyuan Temple is straight, not across.The third feature is the gate shape, the gate of Guiyuan Temple is shaped like the Chinese character “eight”.Guiyuan Temple mainly consisted of four building groups.They are located inpidully in four courtyards.Today we will main visit the Great Hall and the Ahrat Hall.The back building is called the Great Hall in which the statua of Sakyamuni is standing.It was Sakyamuni whocreated Buddhism.Sakyamuni are his two disciples.It is said, when Sakyamuni was alive, there was not copyright record of Buddhist scriptures, people spread Buddhism only by recitation.After Sakyamuni died, one of his disciples asked somdbody to make a good record and made these into

books.This is why we can read Buddhist scriptures today.In front of the statua, there is an table 3.6 meters long and less than1 meter wide.It is a very precious wood-carving of Guiyuan Temple,carved according to the famous Chinese classical novel in Ming dynasty.Next, we'll go to visit the Ahrat Hall.The Ahrat Hall is an very important structure in a Buddhist temple.But well-kept Ahrat Hall are very rare in China.Guiyuan Temple's one of them.What's more, there is a characteristic about the Ahrats.They were nerther made up of wood nor stone.A special was taken in making them, which could prevent them from being burned, being soaked or being eaten by insects.They remained well after Wuhan was flooded in 1954.It was really a wonder.After getting into the hall , ladies count from the right, and gentlemen count from the left.When you start to count, please take anyone as the NO.1, then count according to your actual age.The last one will stand for you lucky ahrat.You can imagine your fortune according to the appearance of this Ahrat.And your lucky ahrat will accompany you to spend a peaceful and lucky year.That's all explanation for Guiyuan Temple.My friends, the time has gone very quickly and our trip is drawing to a close.It's a pity to say goodbye.Please allow me take this opportunity to thank you fou your cooperation and understanding, and if you come back in the future, I hope to see you again and be your guide again.


Guiyuan Temple Chinese Buddhist temples are never single buildings.They always consist of a group buildings following a fundamental patter, which can, however, be modified.The main buildings and their symmetrically corresponding secondary buildings form inpidual groups and courtyards.The entire temple complex is spacious.The building inside the complex are usually single-storied and the main halls are sometimes decorated with a double roof.The towers, pavilions and halls can be multi-storied structures.The Chinese temple complex has been subject to great structural changes throughout the centuries.But temple architects follow the basic principles of secular structures from the Tang Dynasty onwards.The complexes stand on a central axis, usually a north-south axis: east-west only as an exception.(Guiyuan Temple is just the very exception.)The main buildings are strung along this central axis, their broadest sides facing south or east.The most important and most frequently presented building inside a Buddhist temple complex are the main entrance gate, the bell and drum towers, the Hall of the Heavenly Kings, the Hall of the Buddha and a pagoda.Buddhism is said to be founded in India in the 6th century BC by Siddatha Gautama(BC565 ¨CBC486), the son of a nobleman and member of the Kshatriya caste near the present borders of India and Nepal.Buddhism advocates that all the people are created equal and turns against the caste system of Brahmanism, so it was popular with the common people.It was said that Buddhism was spread to China in 2 BC.At the beginning, it was only regarded as a kind of witch.About 200 AD, Chinese version of Buddhist s criptures began to appear, and thus, Buddhist doctrines began to emerge with traditional Chinese religious thought.From 2nd century to late 6th century, translation and research of Buddhist sects with Chinese characteristics were becoming more and more popular and many temples were built, which reached its peak in Sui Dynasty(581AD-617AD)and Tang Dynasty(618-907).Some Buddhist sects with Chinese characteristics came into being.Buddhism exerts a great influence on Chinese philosophy, literature, art and folk customs.What is presented before our eyes is a copper statue of a famous bodhisattva in Hynayana Buddhism.Bodhisattva is a tittle which is only next to Buddha.This statue is the image of Avalokitesvara, which has been popular with Chinese people or more than 1,000 years.She is called the Goddess of Mercy cordially by Chinese and is regarded as the symbol of kindness, mercy and benevolence.When we visit the Avalokitesvara Pavilion after a while, I will give a detailed introduction about her.This copper statue was sent to Guiyuan Temple by Taiwan Buddhists in September 1990.It shows that all Chinese, whether in the mainland or in Taiwan, are eager for the reunion of the country, even including religion believers.The building we see now is the Buddha Hall where one certain Buddha and his two assistant bodhisattvases are worshiped.This Buddha is Amitabha Buddha.Amitabha means incomparable brightness.According to Buddhism, time and space is limitless and thus there are many many Buddhas in different spaces and times.But in a certain space or in a certain period of time, there is only one certain Buddha who is in charge of instructing all living creatures.Amitabha Buddha is the Buddha who presides over the Land of Ultimate Bliss in the west, which will come in the future.Buddhist s criptures describe the Land of Ultimate Bliss as a wonderland, in which no pain exists and the people enjoy their lives.In one word, it¡¯s very attractive.Some people will think it must be very difficult to enter such a world.How can I go to such a paradise? Maybe I have to work hard and bear a lot of sufferings.In fact, it¡¯s very easy to enter the world.He only need often murmur ¡®May Buddha preserve us¡¯ sincerely.It¡¯s enough.You see, the statue in the middle is the very Buddha.On his left is the Goddess of Mercy.On his right is the other bodhisattva who follows the Buddha.It is said that he can save all the living creatures from three kinds of terrible disasters.Now, let¡¯s step into the Buddhist s criptures Pavilion where the s criptures of Buddhism are kept.But I ¡®m afraid what attracts our attention at the first sight must be this snow-white statue.It is a statue of Sakyamuni, the founder of Buddhism.This statue was carved out of a big piece of jade which is 2-meter-tall and weighs 3 tons.It was carved by Myanmar handicraftsmen and donated to the temple by the Rangoon Buddhists in 1935.If we watch the statue, we may sense that the peaceful expression on the Buddha¡¯s face has brought us to a quiet and harmonious state.The last building we will visit is the Avalokitesvara Pavilion in the north yard.When we entered the yard just now we saw a statue of her.Now I¡¯d like to introduce her carefully.As a goddess, she swore that she would not become a Buddha until all the living creatures suffering from pains were saved.So she became a bodhisattva who is most popular among the people and attracts the most believers of all the gods and goddesses in Buddhism.It was said that one would be saved from trouble and disaster as long as he(she)chanted her name and if it was heard by her.Thus she is called Guanshiyin, which means ¡®hearing or looking on the voices of the suffering¡¯.Because of her kind heart and benevolence she got another title ¡®the Goddess of Mercy¡¯.According to Buddhism, bodhisattvases have no distinction of sex, that is, they are neither male nor female, because they are immortals.But it¡¯s very strange and interesting that most of bodhisattvases were engraved or carved in the images of various kinds of men in human society.Changes didn¡¯t take place until an emperor¡¯s mother thought it was inconvenient to worship a male bodhisattva in her bedroom.From then on, Guanshiyin, the bodhisattvas began to appear before her believers in the image of a beautiful and elegant lady.We¡¯ll pay a visit to a very serious, sacred place.Generally, the place is regarded as the most holy by Buddhists.It is the Grand Hall, where the founder of Buddhism, Sakyamuni is worshiped.It is always the center of a Buddhist temple in construction and in Buddhists¡¯ mind.The statue in the middle is Sakyamuni.According to Buddhism his mother gave birth to him in a garden.He belonged to Kshatreya Caste.He married his cousin when he was 16 or 17 years old.At the age of 29, he was confronted with the sights of an old man, a sick man, a corpse, and a wandering ascetic.With eyes opened to aspects of life newly revealed to him, he broke from the material world and became an ascetic.Six years later, he gave up mystic concentration that at last brought him enlightenment under a bo tree.He then founded an order of mendicants and spent his next 45 years preaching his ideas until his death.These two statue beside the Buddha are his two disciples.The one on the right was said to be Sakyamuni¡¯s cousin and he had good memory so that he could remember all the Buddha told his disciples.The one on the left was said to be the lord of Brahmnism and he once was Sakyamuni¡¯s tutor.But afterwards he was convinced by Buddhism after long-term debate between Buddhism and other religions and he accepted Sakyamuni as his tutor.Thus he became the eldest one of all Sakyamuni¡¯s disciples.Next, we¡¯ll pay a visit to the Ahrat Hall in the south court.The Ahrat Hall is an important structure in a Buddhist temple.But not all temples have an Ahrat Hall, especially, well-kept Ahrat Halls are very rare in China.This one is among them, and what¡¯s more, it has its own unique characteristics.Generally, an Ahrat Hall is a square building.The building is subpided into four small square courts so that the hall can get enough sunlight.This kind of structure show some lucky implies in Chinese Buddhist culture.Another characteristic about the hall lies in these sculptures themselves.They were neither made up of wood, nor stone, nor clay.A special way was taken in making them, which could prevents them from being burned, being soaked or being eaten by insects.All the sculptures were floating in water while Wuhan was flooded in 1954, but, surprisingly, they were sound and safe after the flood had receded.It was really a wonder.Ahrats are the immortals in Buddhism.But when you have a look around the sculptures, you may find from the expressions on their faces that they are so familiar to you.That¡¯s only because they were molded on the basis of the people in the reality, so they are human beings in our daily life rather than immortals.Ahrats are the symbols of harmony, happiness, and good luck, so the Wuhan natives have got used to counting ahrats since ancient time to pray for peace.There are a few ways of counting ahrats.We can count from the first ahrat from left to right or from right to left, when we just enter the hall.We can also choose any ahrat as our starting point, and count in the same way, left to right or right to left.We should base counting on our own ages whatever we take.For example, I¡¯m 25, so I should stop in front of the 25th ahrat from the starting ahrat.The sculpture in front of which I stop is my lucky ahrat.My lucky ahrat will accompany me to spend a peaceful and lucky year.Wouldn¡¯t you like to have a try now? If you need, I can explain connotation of some ahrats.That¡¯s all for the explanation to Guiyuan Temple.Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.You will have another 30 minutes to have a look around the temple.If you have any problems, do let me know.I would like to repeat our bus number, A3074.Please don¡¯t forget.See you later.


Guiyuan Temple

Chinese Buddhist temples are never single buildings.They always consist of a group buildings following a fundamental patter, which can, however, be modified.The main buildings and their symmetrically corresponding secondary buildings form inpidual groups and courtyards.The entire temple complex is spacious.The building inside the complex are usually single-storied and the main halls are sometimes decorated with a double roof.The towers, pavilions and halls can be multi-storied structures.The Chinese temple complex has been subject to great structural changes throughout the centuries.But temple architects follow the basic principles of secular structures from the Tang Dynasty onwards.The complexes stand on a central axis, usually a north-south axis: east-west only as an exception.(Guiyuan Temple is just the very exception.)The main buildings are strung along this central axis, their broadest sides facing south or east.The most important and most frequently presented building inside a Buddhist temple complex are the main entrance gate, the bell and drum towers, the Hall of the Heavenly Kings, the Hall of the Buddha and a pagoda.Buddhism is said to be founded in India in the 6th century BC by Siddatha Gautama(BC565 –BC486), the son of a nobleman and member of the Kshatriya caste near the present borders of India and Nepal.Buddhism advocates that all the people are created equal and turns against the caste system of Brahmanism, so it was popular with the common people.It was said that Buddhism was spread to China in 2 BC.At the beginning, it was only regarded as a kind of witch.About 200 AD, Chinese version of Buddhist s criptures began to appear, and thus, Buddhist doctrines began to emerge with traditional Chinese religious thought.From 2nd century to late 6th century, translation and research of Buddhist sects with Chinese characteristics were becoming more and more popular and many temples were built, which reached its peak in Sui Dynasty(581AD-617AD)and Tang Dynasty(618-907).Some Buddhist sects with Chinese characteristics came into being.Buddhism exerts a great influence on Chinese philosophy, literature, art and folk customs.What is presented before our eyes is a copper statue of a famous bodhisattva in Hynayana Buddhism.Bodhisattva is a tittle which is only next to Buddha.This statue is the image of Avalokitesvara, which has been popular with Chinese people or more than 1,000 years.She is called the Goddess of Mercy cordially by Chinese and is regarded as the symbol of kindness, mercy and benevolence.When we visit the Avalokitesvara pavilion after a while, I will give a detailed introduction about her.This copper statue was sent to Guiyuan Temple by Taiwan Buddhists in September 1990.It shows that all Chinese, whether in the mainland or in Taiwan, are eager for the reunion of the country, even including religion believers.The building we see now is the Buddha Hall where one certain Buddha and his two assistant bodhisattvases are worshiped.This Buddha is Amitabha Buddha.Amitabha means incomparable brightness.According to Buddhism, time and space is limitless and thus there are many many Buddhas in different spaces and times.But in a certain space or in a certain period of time, there is only one certain Buddha who is in charge of instructing all living creatures.Amitabha Buddha is the Buddha who presides over the Land of Ultimate Bliss in the west, which will come in the future.Buddhist s criptures describe the Land of Ultimate Bliss as a wonderland, in which no pain exists and the people enjoy their lives.In one word, it’s very attractive.Some people will think it must be very difficult to enter such a world.How can I go to such a paradise? Maybe I have to work hard and bear a lot of sufferings.In fact, it’s very easy to enter the world.He only need often murmur ‘May Buddha preserve us’ sincerely.It’s enough.You see, the statue in the middle is the very Buddha.On his left is the Goddess of Mercy.On his right is the other bodhisattva who follows the Buddha.It is said that he can save all the living creatures from three kinds of terrible disasters.Ahrats are the immortals in Buddhism.But when you have a look around the sculptures, you may find from the expressions on their faces that they are so familiar to you.That’s only because they were molded on the basis of the people in the reality, so they are human beings in our daily life rather than immortals.Ahrats are the symbols of harmony, happiness, and good luck, so the Wuhan natives have got used to counting ahrats since ancient time to pray for peace.There are a few ways of counting ahrats.We can count from the first ahrat from left to right or from right to left, when we just enter the hall.We can also choose any ahrat as our starting point, and count in the same way, left to right or right to left.We should base counting on our own ages whatever we take.For example, I’m 25, so I should stop in front of the 25th ahrat from the starting ahrat.The sculpture in front of which I stop is my lucky ahrat.My lucky ahrat will accompany me to spend a peaceful and lucky year.Wouldn’t you like to have a try now? If you need, I can explain connotation of some ahrats.That’s all for the explanation to Guiyuan Temple.Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.You will have another 30 minutes to have a look around the temple.If you have any problems, do let me know.I would like to repeat our bus number, A3074.please don’t forget.See you later.








































各位游客朋友们,大家好,欢迎光临美丽的江城武汉,我是楚天旅行社的导游员李成,叔叔阿姨们可以叫 我小李或李导,小弟弟妹妹们叫我成哥,好吗?我的手机号码是??,在接下来的 时间里将由我为大家提供导游讲解服务,在我右边的这位成熟稳重,魅力四射的男士,就 是我们的司机张师傅了,咱们张师傅不仅仅是光有魅力,技术也是一流的。我们的车牌号是 鄂 A23478,这一路上,呢,大家尽管放心尽兴的游玩,安全由老张负责,开心就交给我了,如果有什么困难可以尽管找我们,我们将竭诚为您服务。游历过山川湖泊,感受了风土人情,向往过桃园故里,今天,我将带领大家感受不一样 的艺术奇观---归元禅寺。

众所周知,佛教文化源远流长,其身后的文化底蕴影响了历代的文 人墨客,迁客骚人,可见其博大精深,而咱们今天要游览的归元禅寺就与宝通禅寺、莲溪寺、古德寺并称为武汉四大佛学丛林,归元寺更是声名远扬,在 1983 年被国务院确定为汉地全 国重点佛教寺院之一,现在为湖北省佛教协会和武汉市佛教协会的所在地。归元寺建于清顺治年间 1685 年,整个寺院分东、西、南、北、中五个院落,占地 17500 多平方米归元寺现存殿堂楼阁二十八栋,呈袈裟状。据说是禅宗的白光法师在明朝汉阳诗人王氏葵园旧址上兴建的,关于当时修建归元禅寺还有几种说法,有的说是白光、主峰两位法 师明末战乱时募化与汉阳府城凤山门外,见尸骨遍野,一片凄凉,建“普同塔”和''归元禅寺'',掩埋尸骨,超度亡魂,园主王章浦好奇,问为何为归元禅寺,法师答曰:元,数之始,道之极,物之总也。归元即归真、归化、归本,出生灭界,还归真寂本元,义同圆寂。圆是一切功德圆满,寂是一切烦恼寂灭,归元便是得到成佛之义也。如此一说,王章浦心悦诚服,甚至觉得法师道行无量,便将葵园献出,作为建寺之地。还有一说,明崇祯末年,一富翁无 名断指,听说翠微草庵长老医道非凡,隧穿草鞋前来进香,祈求再接断指。长老见其心诚,果然为他接活断指,口松归本归元。富翁感恩戴德,愿为长老新建寺庙,即就其规模请问长老,长老法事完毕,随手将破袈裟抛向天空,就此一袈裟之地,顿时,袈裟越变越大,徐徐降落,覆地五十余亩,富翁见长老有如此法力,欣然买的这一袈裟之地,聘全国能工巧匠,选各地上材石,经数年营造方告成功,并由法师以归元为寺命名。

说着说着我们已经到了归元禅寺了,下面请大家随身带好贵重物品,下车随我一起到里 面去参观,在这里呢,我要为大家提个建议,进入佛寺有个规矩,过大门时不可脚踩门槛,因为脚踩门槛是对神灵的亵渎。

现在大家面前的就是归元寺的三门,也就是归元寺的大门,佛寺的大门称三门,即佛教 里的三解脱门。中间的是空门,左右分别是无相和无作门。这门的建筑形式也是有说法的,象此寺的三门八字朝外开,就是象征着广结善缘,普度众生,寓意吉祥。大家在看门上方的 直匾,相传当年白光法师要离去,主峰及众僧挽留不住,只好请他题写寺名,永志纪念,白 光盛情难却,便在临行时亲笔写下了归元禅寺四个字。说到这儿,可能有的朋友会问了:“这寺名怎么不是横着写的呢?”确实,全国佛教古刹不少,可寺名直书的却不多见,因为直书寺名只有皇帝御赐匾额的寺庙才可以使用,可见归元禅寺这座民间寺庙在佛教丛林中的地位了之高。

步入三门,映入我们眼帘的是晚晴文人张日煜的手迹"南无阿弥陀佛,现在大家右边的 是北院,里面主要是念佛堂,藏经阁等几座建筑,下面我们就从北院开始游览。此时我们所 在的地方名为翠微妙境,内涵翠微泉,翠微古池,翠微亭等景观。大家看着圆形门上的翠微 妙境,翠微二字还是源于王氏葵园,据记载,当年王章浦购得太湖石,在葵园中垒砌了一座 高大假山,雅称翠微峰,供高朋玩赏,当年的翠微峰比现在的藏经阁还要高,可惜的是在明 朝末年毁于战乱。建造归元寺的时候又搬掉了颓废的残石,翠微峰便名存实亡,白光法师感 到很惋惜,就将此石已到了寺右后方的小石山上至今。现在归元寺附近的翠微街等皆是由此 而得名。这里的妙境两个字则是蕴含着宗教色彩。接下来呢,咱们就到这边来欣赏,这便是 念佛堂,进入念佛堂的,大家可以看到,这里主要供奉的是西方三圣,中间的是阿弥陀佛,也就是西方极乐世界的教主,他的左右分别是观世音菩萨和大势至菩萨,不知大家注意到这 个供桌了没?它长达 4.5 米,是于 1935 年制成的,上面刻了五组浮雕图案,从左到右再现了我过古典小说《西游记》中的几个情节,分别为唐太宗为唐僧师徒送行、如来向伽蓝等菩 萨说法,四大天王及七佛、来说法于树下佛祖给唐僧师徒封位。

下面请大家跟我一起去藏经阁,现在我们看到的藏经阁是 1920 年重建的,为两层五间,高约 25 米,其中的珍藏十分丰富,光这部清代刊印的《龙藏》就有 7250 部,除藏经外,还 有佛像、法物、书画、石雕、碑帖及外文典籍,是国内收藏佛教经典较多的一个佛寺。在藏经阁旁边的就是大士阁,主要是供奉观音菩萨。

各位朋友,现在我们所在的就是归元寺的主殿大雄宝殿,这里主要供奉的是佛教的最高 神释迦牟尼,他是全寺中最为高大的一尊佛像,大家看佛前的这两棵树,代表的是释迦牟尼 涅盘时的双婆罗树,据说释迦牟尼在涅盘后遗体火化有七佛在火中显现。因此人们拜佛前先 化纸钱或黄表纸,并焚香点烛,所以这里的树叶也做成火焰型,树间各有七佛。下面再请大家随我一起去游览罗汉堂。说到罗汉,我国五百罗汉的形象是自唐以后,有 元代开始兴盛,而到了今天,在全国寺庙中保存比较完好的寺庙已经不多了,民间有这样一 句谚语:上有宝光,下有西园,北有碧云,中有归元。比较而言,又属归元寺的罗汉堂最有 特色。他的平面呈田字形,内有四院,是为了使殿内的罗汉有充足的光线,另外田字刚好是 佛教中正反两面卐(wàn)字相加,这种布局暗示着一种善神降世的吉祥和神秘感。这里的五百罗汉既非木雕也不是泥塑,而是采用的一种盛行于唐代的独特工艺制成的夹伫像,夹伫像又称脱 纱像或干漆像,归元寺的罗汉堂就不能这么说了,归元寺的罗汉塑像属活脱干漆,其制作过 程较为复杂,首先要用粘土做成人形胎模,干后用生漆将丝绸或夏布层层沾附于其上,再用 生漆将混合的膏灰、木粉调匀涂刮,塑造细部,阴干后再打磨抛光,然后在塑像的背后开一 个小孔,注水化泥成浆脱出胎模并冲洗干净,晾干后再木块封口,再刷上生漆,贴上金箔,最后涂上桐油或亮漆以保持光泽。它的特点是抗潮湿、防虫蛀,经久不变,两百年间罗汉堂 几次遭受水灾侵袭,但水退后罗汉仍旧完好无损。这罗汉堂除了可供参观外,人们还喜欢用它来预测一年内的祝福,也就是武汉人说的数罗汉,方法有两种,其中一种是随意选中一尊罗汉,然后顺着数下去,数到和自己年龄数相 等时看看那尊罗汉是什么样子,然后大家可以去外面根据罗汉对应的号码买一个金箔,看看上面的偈语,就可以推测这一年的运势了。大家不妨去试一下,那么我今天的讲解就到此告 一段落了,接下来的时间给大家自由观赏,我们下午三点大门口见。

朋友们,大家玩的还开心吗?咱们的归元寺之行也要说再见了,很感谢大家给力的支持,不足之处也希望大家多多指导指导,也希望大家在听了我的讲解之后能够对佛教的文化底蕴 有一个深层次的了解,俗话说天下没有不散的宴席,但我相信只要有缘,我们还会再聚,在 这里呢,我祝大家每天开开心心,合家幸福,前程似锦。谢谢!
