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编辑:梦回江南 识别码:69-998817 教学设计 发布时间: 2024-05-17 21:45:19 来源:网络


English lesson plans


Unit1 My new teachers


一、教学重点:Let’s learn部分的单词:old,short thin,tall,strong, young, funny, kind等。要求学生能听懂句型,并结合这些句子表达的情境,学会恰当地替换句中的单词。逐步学会听、说、读、写单词:old,short,thin,tall,strong。

二、教学难点:如何利用所提供的对话和情景,以旧引新,让学生进入学习状态。Let’s start部分在学生用书当中首次出现,教师应正确理解此部分的辅垫作用,可根据实际教学需要进行使用,并帮助学生熟悉教材内容的变化。







(l)播放Let’s start下面歌谣的录音,让学生听歌谣猜单元话题,激发学生对新学期第一单元英语学习的兴趣。还可以使用四年级上册第三单元学过的句型:“I have a new friend.He’s tall.He’s strong, too.”并结合相关人物的图片,引导学生复习strong,tall,short,thin等词,为本课时听、说、读、写这些单词做好准备。


T:Hello, everyone!Welcome back to school!Nice to see you!

Ss: Nice to meet you!


T:Hi,everyone!Nice to see you again.What grade are you in now?

Ss:We’re in Grade 5.

T:Do you like your new English books(new classroom, new teacher)?


T: What are we going to talk about in Unit 1?Guess!What’s the topic of Unit 1?

2. Presentation(新课呈现)

(l)出示Let’s start部分图片,介绍说: Rabbit has many new teachers in her school.Do you have new teachers? 引导学生根据情景图的提示描述新教师。然后说:“今天我们将学习怎样描述新教师。Sarah将为大家介绍几位新教师,大家在先看一看有哪些是新教师?

(2)出示Let’s learn部分的图片,向学生介绍说: They are Sarah’s teachers.Describe these teachers.引导学生结合预习部分回答出 strong,tall,short,thin等旧词,然后结合图卡向学生呈现新词:youny,kind old,funny。可利用简笔画、单词卡片或实物图片等—一教授新词,使学生正确理解、认读。


(4)根据以下信息请学生判断会话中描述的教师是 Let’s learn配图中的哪一位: Mr Hu is the art teacher.What’s he like?He’s short and thin.完成前面铺垫的学习任务,让学生猜出哪位是Sarah的新教师。再引导学生利用 Let’s learn部分所提供的替换句型,描述Sarah的其他两位新教师,练习巩固所学新词。



3.Let’s play(趣味操练)

(1)Let’s find out(找一找)

指导学生用所学新词和句型描述Let’s find out部分几位教师的体貌特征,然后找出正确的图片。完成这项活动后,教师引导学生充分利用八张新词卡片继续进行结对或小组活动,如: My new Chinese teacher is tall and strong.Who is he? 让其他学生选出正确的图片。

(2)Let’s sing(唱一唱)

放歌曲“My new teacher”的录音,学生跟唱,进一步在音乐节奏中感知新词。

4.Consolidation and extension(巩固与扩展)

(l)让学生做本单元 A Let’s learn部分的活动手册配套练习。

(2)让学生模仿Let’s find out部分的录音,读给朋友或家长听。展示不同教师的图片,让学生猜出是教哪个科目的教师,然后用所学新词描述这些教师的外貌特征。

(3)让学生参照 Let’s find out部分设计一些谜语让大家清一猜。可以参考以下语言: She is tall. She’s beautiful. She’s very young. We all like her. Who’s she?



Unit1 My new teachers

old,short thin,tall,strong, young, funny, kind




本课时的重点掌握句型是: Who’s your math teacher? Mr Zhao. What’s he like? He’s thin and short.He’s very kind要求学生能在相似的情景中完成替换练习。能灵活运用这些句子进行交际。


Let’s try这一形式在学生用书中第一次出现,但难度不大。学生即使不能够听懂句子的含义,只要明白关键词语的意思也能找到正确答案。教师要帮助学生听录音熟悉新词和新句型,感知连读、失去爆破和弱读等语音现象。初步培养学生的听力技能。


1.教师准备教学过程中所需要的图片、声音、课件,人物图片最好是能够 直接粘贴在黑板上。





(1)教师放歌曲“My New Teacher”,让学生感知并复习歌曲中语言。


A: Good morning/afternoon.Look!Our math teacher is very young.He’s tall and thin.B: This is our music teacher.She’s young.She’s very funny.A: Who’s your art teacher?

B: Mr Hu.

A: What’s he like?

B: He’s short and thin!

2. Let’s try and talk(操练)

Let’s try

反复播放Let’s try部分录音,指导学生根据声音选出图中相应的人物。在学生根据录音内容圈出所描述教师之后,可让学生看一看他们熟悉老师的图片,用英语说出他们是谁,用句型:“Who’s he/ she? What’s he / she like? ”提问学生。此后再转入 Let’s talk部分对话的详细学习。教师最好能放一句,停一句,并重复录音中的话语,帮助学生掌握正确的语音、语调。

Let’s talk

(1)教师播放Let’s learn A中的四句话(声音见媒体素材的A learn sentences.wav)。教师说:“这位胡老师又瘦又矮,我们找一找图中的哪位老师又瘦又矮呢?”出示Let’s talk部分的人物图片,让学生快速找出Mr Zhao。然后教师分别说出教师姓氏: Mr Ma/ Miss Liu„.这时先不要求学生描述这些教师,可把该项任务放到对话教学之后。

(2)听录音,跟读Let’s talk部分的对话。引导学生指现图中的人物 Mr Zhao是English teacher, 而录音中的人物说的是math teacher。

(3)教师再次出示人物图片,让学生分别并对人物进行描述,可利用句型:“Who’s this man / woman? What’s he/she like?”进行操练,先由教师示范,再结对或分小组进行。

Good to know

此部分为选学内容,要求学生了解中西方国家在人名称呼习惯上的不同。汉语中习惯把姓放首位,名字放在后面。英语国家的人却习惯把名放在首位,家族的姓氏放在后面,而且有的在两者之间还有中间名(middle name)。这些不同需要让学生了解。

3.Consolidation and extension(巩固与扩展)

(l)让学生做A部分Let’s talk的活动手册配套练习。

(2)让学生默记Let’s talk部分的录音,将内容说给家长或朋友听。




Who’s your math teacher? Mr Zhao.

What’s he like?

He’s thin and short.He’s very kind.教学反思:


Who’s your math teacher?Mr Zhao.What’s he like?He’s thin and short.He’s very kind.这些句子在第一课时已接触过,本课重点是让学生进行句型操练。先学会听懂句型,再进行复述句型,最后灵活运用这几句话进行交谈。教师主要参与学生一开始的听说部分,引导学生掌握听英语的技巧,和说英语的语音。在学生最后的活动中,教师只起辅助作用,进行评分和最后的总结。Unit1 My new teachers第三课时


本课时需要重点掌握四会句子,要求学生能在相似情景中正确使用。教师需重 点强调这些四会句子的规范书写。










描述教师:在多张教师的图片中,让某学生任意抽取一张,对该教师进行描述,其他同学补充。结合所学句型:“He’s tall and thin.He’s our English teacher.” 结合单词卡片复习所学的四会单词,可让学生进行口头拼读比赛。

2. Presentation(新课呈现)

Read and write

(l)用图片展示的方法导入。教师介绍说: Zhang Peng has three new teachers this term. He talks about them with his classmate Tim.Let’s go and have a look!Who are the teachers?




3.Let’s play(趣味操练)

Pair work

要求学生看Pair work部分的图片,理解对话内容。两人一组,根据图片出示的句子,制作两组单词卡片,要求每组单词不少于五个。一组为各科目教师,如 math teacher,music teacher等,另一组为描述人物外形的词组,如 thin and tall,strong and short等。制作完成后,一人抽取两张卡片并提出问题,另一人根据卡片的内容进行回答。答对时,由此人抽取图片,问另一人。

4.Pronunciation(语音操练)(1)教师出示一些含有相同字母组合,如 ee,ea等的单词卡片,要求学生根据图片或实物读出这些单词。在教学过程中要注意引导学生发现字母组合ea和ee在这些单词里发长音的规律,同时还要特别注意示范bl,br的滑音变化并强调这两个字母组合发音的区别。


5.Consolidation and extension(巩固与扩展)

(l)让学生做 Read and write部分的活动手册配套练习。

(2)让学生听 Read and write、Pronunciation部分的录音,读给朋友或家长听。针对语音部分,教师可以找出更多相关单词让学生练习四个字母组合的发音,也可以要求学生自己去找。对于找到较多单词的学生要及时鼓励。

(3)让学生参照Pair work说一说,做一做,设计一些有关教师或亲友的词组卡片,让大家来做句子整合游戏。



Who’s your English teacher?

Mr Carter.What’s he like?

He’s tall and strong.教学反思:



Step 1.Lead in.这个部分,我的目的主要是要引入单词interesting、fun、difficult、relaxing、boring的学习。设计上我以学生比较熟悉的歌星张杰作为切入点,由他做出的表情来帮助学生理解单词。之后,为了加深学生对于单词的理解,也为了调动在课堂一开始的学习氛围,提高学生的学习兴趣,笔者安排一名同学上台表演五个表情让学生来猜单词。掌握单词后马上进入巩固阶段,完成了一个填空练习,让学生尝试运用这五个单词。学生当时的情况是准确的完成这道题,说明学生已经基本掌握些单词,但是对于单词的拼写方面,学生的掌握程度笔者没有在课堂上实时检测,需要课后加强单词的拼写检查。

Step 2.Listen to the tape and answer the question.此处的主要是起到承上启下的作用。一方面再次复习引入部分的新单词,另外一方面,对于下面文章的阅读起到铺垫的作用。听力的内容不是很难,大多数学生可以准确的找出答案。完成听力后马上进行提问:Does Tony like watching TV? Why? / Does he like playing basketball? Why? 由此处引入到下一个步骤,阅读Ed Smith的爱好。

Step 3.Read an article and complete the questions.阅读是本课的重点,阅读前为了辅助学生更有效地阅读文章,笔者带领学生一起看文章对应的图片,提前带领学生了解文章的内容,然后再让学生进行阅读。阅读主要是采用任务式教学。学生找出物品的数量。这个部分为了加大题的难度,我加入3个文章中没有出现的运动品。学生仍然可以正确的判断,并做出正确的反应。任务3是让学生根据文章的信息表来复述这篇文章。也是对文章内容的升华。此任务不仅是让学生更熟练文章的内容,更为下面的作文打下基础。任务4是让学生再看一幅图,完成内容。经过上一篇文章的学习,学生可以很容易的完成此项任务。

Step 4.Write a composition.本课的主要任务是读写综合。阅读技巧练习过后就要进入写作练习。以“My favorite sport” 为题写一篇和运动品有关的文章。这个部分的设计上,笔者首先给出学生具体球类的内容和数量。其次,给出文章的开头和结尾。给出开头的目的是为了让学生学会运用“sb have/has a sports collection”这个句型。结尾我给出的是“But my favorite sport is „„ because I think it is„„”这个结尾的设计是为了呼应课堂一开始的新单词,此处再次出现,增强学生学习的成就感。



本课基本上完成了教学任务,课堂上学习氛围良好,学生对知识的掌握非常到位。但是对于情感教育方面还稍有欠缺,课后思考,应该在课文阅读后,针对Ed Smith不爱做运动这件事情上展开情感教育,可以和学生一起探讨“Playing sports is good for our health.”这个话题。


Unit 2 My Favorite Season教学设计 Huashan Primary School Guo Yue Part A Read & write Let’s play


本节课的设计是针对〈〈义务教育课程标准实验教科书英语PEP〉〉五年级下册 Unit 2 My Favorite Season Part A Read & write Let’s play部分,通过本节课的学习,学生能够掌握Read & write部分的四会句型 Which season do you like best ? I like winter best.Summer is good, but fall is my favorite season.单词leaf(leaves), up, north, Halloween, Thanksgiving 以及培养学生的英语阅读能力。




任务型语言教学是我国基础教育英语新课程标准基本教学理念中所倡导的一种教学模式。学生在明确的任务目标的驱动下,主动参与课堂实践,真正实现了以话题为核心,以任务为主线,任务以活动为载体,活动以学生为中心。学生在教师的指导下,通过感知、体验、实践、参与和合作等方式学习和使用英语,完成学习任务。任务型教学法以交际活动为核心,注重信息的沟通,强调学生在完成任务的过程中进行有意义的对话和交流,从而习得语言知识和技能。任务型语言教学的倡导者认为,掌握语言的最佳途径是让学生做事情,即完成各种任务。当学习者积极参与用目的语进行交际尝试时,语言也被掌握了。当学习者所进行的任务使他们当前的语言能力发挥至极点时,习得也扩展到最佳状态。因此,《国家基础教育英语课程标准》建议教师在课堂教学中采用实践性强、具有明确任务的“任务型”学习方式,使学生带着明确的任务目标,通过实践、思考、调查、讨论、交流和合作等方式积极主动地进行学习英语。它将英语课程的总体目标确定为培养学生综合运用语言的能力,而这一能力的形成是建立在学生的语言技能、语言知识、情感态度、学习策略和文化意识等素养整合发展的基础上的。《课程标准(实验稿)》指出基础教育阶段英语课程的任务是:激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣,使学生树立自信心,养成良好的学习习惯和形成有效的学习策略。所以,我在设计本节课的任务时,以学生的生活经验和兴趣为出发点,让学生参与和完成真实任务的同时学会和运用语言知识。The Third Period Ⅰ.Teaching Aims & Demands: a.Knowledge Objects Able to master the new words: leaf(leaves), up, north, Halloween, Thanksgiving Key sentence patterns : Which season do you like best ? I like winter best.Summer is good, but fall is my favorite season.b.Ability Objects Can train students ’ reading & speaking skills.Able to understand the meaning of the conversation and master the four-skilled sentences.c.Moral Object Let students know each season will be more beautiful if we can get along well with the environment.Ⅱ.Teaching keys & difficulties How to master the four-skilled sentences,understanding the meaning of the conversation.Can finish the questions by inpiduals.Develop students’ reading & speaking skills Ⅲ.Teaching Methods Reading , speaking & watching methods Pair work & group work Ⅳ.Teaching Aids The blackboard and multimedia teaching equipment Ⅴ.Teaching Procedures: StepⅠWarm-up & free talk Play a song to review the seasons.Greet the students as usual.Make a simply conversation to know some students.Free talk How many seasons are there in a year?(There are four.)What are they?(They’re spring, summer, fall and winter.)Show some pictures to review the four-skilled words we’ve learnt.StepⅡ Read & write Watch the cartoon of this part.Ask students to watch carefully.Show the dialogue, explain the words, phrases and the sentences which they can’t understand.Introduce the two festivals to the students.Present the dialogue and play the recording again.Show the exercises and the questions.Invite some students to finish them, encourage the students who have done a good job.Ask students to read the conversation after me.Then use different ways to read the dialogue.Boys & girls will have a race to read it.Now give them 2 minutes to prepare, call them to work with their partners, invite some pairs to act out the dialogue.Help them to correct their pronunciation if necessary.Encourage the pairs who have done a good job.StepⅢ Let’s play Guessing game Show some pictures & sentences, let student judge which season it is.Encourage the students to read the sentences as possible as they can.StepⅣ Consolidation Show a conversation.Ask students to finish the sentences & write down.Call someone to read the conversation.Show some proverbs , let the students know much more.StepⅤ Homework Listen to the tape and read the passage.Finish off the excises of the workbook.Recite the conversation.Write a short passage about what you do in different seasons.Preview the new lesson.StepⅥ The Blackboard Design Unit 2 My Favorite Season Vocabularies spring , summer , fall , winter , leaf(leaves), up , north, Halloween , Thanksgiving The target language: A: Which season do you like best ? B: I like winter best.A: I like summer.C: Summer is good, but fall is my favorite season.Teaching Reflection:



【题目】What colour is it? Teaching aims and demands: 1 Learn some words about colours.2 Learn question with “what”.Teaching procedure: Step 1 Greetings T: Good afternoon, boys and girls!Ss: Good afternoon, Mr.Wang!T: How are you?

Ss: I’m fine, Thank you,and you?

T: I’m fine, too.What’s the weather like today? Ss: It’s sunny.T: Very good.Sit down, please!

【设计意图:以学生耳熟能详的英语问候语“ Good afternoon.” “ How are you?”以及天气等引入课堂,吸引学生的注意力】

Step 2 New words and expressions The students learn the new words and expressions all by themselves, and help each other, the teacher checks and helps.Now call a student to read them , the others listen and check..S1:(reads the new words and expressions)The teacher teaches the new words and expressions, then the Students read them and check each other.【设计意图:前置自学单词,由学生自已拼读——互相检查帮助——教师检查辅导等方式方法改变原来单一的教师教学生跟着读,容易激发学生的积极性,且掌握得更好。真正地体现学生的自学互助与老师的导学】 Step 3 Presentation T:Please look at my dress.What colour is it? Ss: It iswhite.T: Very Good.And what colour is the moniter’s dress? Ss:It is black.T: What colour are these desks in our classroom? Ss: They are red.T: Excellent!All of you have a good memory.Show a picture to the students T: Look at this picture.Now all of you make dialogues“What colour is(are)…? It’s(They are)…?”with your partners, then act in the front of the classroom.【设计意图:教师抓住现场的教学资源,从教师自身穿的dress入手,问“ what colour is my dress?”然后分组展示学生的衣服,最后到课桌,从教师到学生再到物体,充分利用了现场的教学元素.】

Call some groups to act out their dialogues.Work in pairs.Sa:(Point to the picture)This girl is beautiful.What colour is her hair? Sb:It’s brown.Sa:What colour is her coat? Sb:It’s yellow

Sa:What colour are her eyes? Sb:They are blue.Sa:What colour are her shoes? Sb:They are purple.……

(在学生对话时,教师在黑板上写下涉及到的新单词)T: Very Good,Li Chong!Come here.You’re the little teacher.Read “brown”, please!Li Chong:(Point to the brown)One two begin, brown, brown.Ss:(Read after Li Chong)brown,brown.T: Thank you!Who’d like to be the little teacher? Would you like to have a try?(Some students hands up.)Hu Lingli, please.…

【设计意图:整个过程,学生都处在教师创设的情境中,围绕“ Brown ”等单词,给学生开口说英语提供了机会。以组为单位进行讨论,带领全班同学一起学习,这既是对该生回答正确的肯定,让优生带动了全班同学,又充分调动了其他学生学习英语的热情.】 Step 4 Improvement Show a green and black butterfly(picture).T:Look at the picture.What’s this? Ss:A butterfly.T: Yes, it’s a butterfly.Please repeat, a lovely butterfly, a little butterfly.T: What colour is this butterfly? Please hands up and answer it.Hewei: It’s green and black.T: Excellent.You will be the little teacher, come to the front.Hewei: One two, begin!It’s green and black.Ss:(Read aloud after Hewei)It’s green and black.T:(Show a pink and blue butterfly)What colour is this one? Please.Lili:It’s a pink and blue butterfly.T: Very good!Thank you.You will be the little teacher.Come here!Lili: One two, begin!It’s a pink and blue.Ss:(Read after Lili.)It’s a pink and blue.……

【沿袭了单词brown教学中的little teacher,这种教学方法可谓是策略,对于激发学生的学习积极性较有效果.另外在前部分教学的基础上,加大了难度,出现了butterfly,而且颜色都涉及到了两种.但于前部分内容仍旧环环相扣,循序渐进.课堂向深度,高度发展.】 Step 5 Practice(Prepare for some two colour's balls)T: Let’s play a game.Who wants to be my partner? S1: Let me have a try.T:(Throw a ball to S1)What colour is it? S1: It’s pink and blue.T: Very good!I want two other pairs of students to do the game again.S2:(Throw a ball to S3)What colour is it? S3: It’s orange and black.S4:(Throw a ball to S5)What colour is it? S5: It’s brown and yellow.(Teacher asks two more pairs to act out their dialogues.)【学生英语表达的细胞在此完全得到释放,而且教师引导学生拿出自己的玩具,互编新对话,培养了学生在真实场景中运用英语的能力.在此部分,我们可以看到学生思维的火花得以绽放.】

Step 6 Magic(Prepare for some colour oil pastel)T: Look, what colour is it? Ss: It’s blue.T: Look, what colour is it? Ss: It’s yellow.T:(Mixing the two colours)Look, what colour is it now? Ss: It’s green.T: How lovely!Listen, blue and yellow is green.Ss: Blue and yellow is green.T: Now everybody takes out your colour oil pastel.Show me yellow.Ss: Yellow-yellow-yellow.(Read and hands up)T: Show me blue.Ss: Blue-blue-blue.T: Show me red.Ss: Red-red-red.T: Mix the colours and then find out what you get.Talk with your partner about the colours.Ss:(Doing the experiment and then have conversations in their group.)T: What do you get from what you did just now? Tell me together.Ss: Red and blue is purple.Red and yellow is orange.T: You’re clever.Step 7 Everyday English T: Please read: ''I have broken his cup,he looks blue in the face.''.“Blue in the face”.What is the meaning? Ss:蓝色的脸。

T:脸变成了蓝色说明了什么? Ss:很生气。

T: Yes.如果中国人很生气,脸变成什么颜色? Ss: Red.T: Yes, red.可是在英语中要表示“气得脸发红”,应该怎样说呢? Ss: Blue in the face.T: That’s right!You should remember it.And for example:Don’t be blue(不要忧伤);You are yellow(你害怕了)。注意文化差异,可不要望文生义哟!

(最后,根据实际情况可安排一些课外活动)T: Time is up.We have to say good bye!Ss: Bye-bye!Mr.Bai.Thank you!【此部分内容,虽然是课堂的尾声,但却是精彩部分所在.对于本课所学颜色类单词,精心设计了一个小活动和一个习惯用语的渗透.一个调色盘的游戏,艳丽的色彩足以吸引学生的眼球,从英语课堂中培养了学生的艺术细胞;还有从“ Blue in the face.”形象地告诉学生“气得脸发红”就用“Blue in the face”.表达,使学生在乐中学,收获颇多.】


It’s Monday.Sheep:Baaaa, baaaa.Grass,grass.Boring.Storyteller:It’s Tuesday.The sheep has got an idea.Sheep:Baaaa.Fish.Yummy.One, two, three, baaaa!Storyteller:Well…fishing isn’t easy.It’s Wednesday.Sheep:Baaaa.What a lovely bone.Dog:This is my bone.Go away.Sheep:Baaaa, baaaa.Storyteller:It’s Thursday.Squirrel:Have a nut.Sheep:Oh, thank you.Ouch!

Storyteller:It’s Friday.Sheep:Baaaa…I’m hungry.Stork:Here you are.Sheep:No, no, thank you very much.Storyteller:The sheep runs home.Sheep:Baaaa, baaaa.Storyteller:On Saturday the sheep is very happy.Sheep:Baaaa, baaaa.
