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202_年浙江大学考博英语真题听力原文,仅供参考 第一篇

Among my experiences as a college president is the all‐too‐frequent phone call in the night that begins: “One of your students is in the emergency room with alcohol poisoning.” The whole country got a similar wake‐up call in June when it was reported that alcohol abuse on college campuses is on the rise, especially for women, and that college students drink far more than nonstudents.One statistic showed that college students spend more money on alcohol while in college than on books.Alcohol abuse, although tragic, is but one symptom of a larger campus crisis.A generation has come to college quite fragile, not very secure about who it is, fearful of its lack of identity and without confidence in its future.Many students are ashamed of themselves and afraid of relationships.Students use alcohol as an escape.It's used as an excuse for bad behavior: the insanity defense writ large on campus.This diminished sense of self has caused a growth in racism, sexism, attempted suicide, theft, property‐damage and cheating on most campuses.This is not the stuff of most presidents' public conversations.Nor can it be explained away as an “underclass” problem;it is found on our most privileged campuses.It is happening because the generation now entering college has experienced few authentic connections with adults in its lifetime.I call this the “Culture of Neglect,” and we — parents, teachers, professors and administrators — are the primary architects.It begins at home, where social and economic factors — such as declining incomes requiring longer work hours — result in less family time.Young people have been allowed to or must take part‐time jobs rather than spending time in school, on homework or with their families.More children and youths are being reared in a vacuum, with television as their only supervisor, and there is little expectation that they learn personal responsibility.Immersed in themselves, they are left to their peers.31.The main idea of the first paragraph is that().× 正确答案为C [A] it is easy to be a college president [B] a college president has to sit up till midnight [C] alcohol abuse is quite common on campus [D] it is harmful for college students to drink alcohol 32.According to the author, college students turn to alcohol as a(n)().× 正确答案为C [A] inspiration [B] stimulation [C] escape [D] relaxation 33.The word “architects” in Para.2 can be best replaced by().× 正确答案为D [A] artists [B] experts [C] discoverers [D] designers 34.How do parents react to the “Culture of Neglect”?()× 正确答案为B [A] Parents have lowered their expectations on children.[B] Parents take little care of the growth of their children.[C] Parents spend too much time watching television.[D] Parents fail to cooperate with teachers and administrators.35.What is the main problem with the children brought up in the “Culture of Neglect?”()× 正确答案为C [A] They can't read or write well.[B] They can hardly find a good job.[C] They don't have the sense of responsibility.[D] They are more likely to commit crimes.第二篇

Conventional wisdom about conflict seems pretty much cut and dried.Too little conflict breeds apathy(冷漠)and stagnation(呆滞).Too much conflict leads to pisiveness(分裂)and hostility.Moderate levels of conflict, however, can spark creativity and motivate people in a healthy and competitive way.Recent research by Professor Charles R.Schwenk, however, suggests that the optimal level of conflict may be more complex to determine than these simple generalizations.He studied perceptions of conflict among a sample of executives.Some of the executives worked for profit‐seeking organizations and others for not‐for‐profit organizations.Somewhat surprisingly, Schwenk found that opinions about conflict varied systematically as a function of the type of organization.Specifically, managers in not‐for‐profit organizations strongly believed that conflict was beneficial to their organizations and that it promoted higher quality decision making than might be achieved in the absence of conflict.Managers of for‐profit organizations saw a different picture.They believed that conflict generally was damaging and usually led to poor‐quality decision making in their organizations.Schwenk interpreted these results in terms of the criteria for effective decision making suggested by the executives.In the profit‐seeking organizations, decision‐making effectiveness was most often assessed in financial terms.The executives believed that consensus rather than conflict enhanced financial indicators.In the not‐for‐profit organizations, decision‐making effectiveness was defined from the

perspective of satisfying constituents.Given the complexities and ambiguities associated with satisfying many perse constituents executives perceived that conflict led to more considered and acceptable decisions.31.In the eyes of the author, conventional opinion on conflict is________.A)wrong B)oversimplified C)misleading D)unclear 注:文章第一句

32.Professor Charles R.Schwenk's research shows________.A)the advantages and disadvantages of conflict B)the real value of conflict C)the difficulty in determining the optimal level of conflict D)the complexity of defining the roles of conflict 注:文章第二段

33.We can learn from Schwenk's research that________.A)a person’s view of conflict is influenced by the purpose of his organization B)conflict is necessary for managers of for‐profit organizations C)different people resolve conflicts in different ways D)it is impossible for people to avoid conflict 注:文章第三段

34.The passage suggests that in for ‐ profit organizations_______.A)there is no end of conflict B)expression of different opinions is encouraged C)decisions must be justifiable D)success lies in general agreement 注:文章第四段,justifiable 合法化

35.People working in a not ‐ for ‐ profit organization________.A)seem to be difficult to satisfy B)are free to express perse opinions C)are less effective in making decisions D)find it easier to reach agreement B C A D B 第三篇

Children live in a world in which science has tremendous importance.During their lifetimes it will affect them more and more.In time, many of them will work at jobs that depend heavily on science ‐‐‐ for example, concerning energy sources, pollution control, highway safety, wilderness conservation, and population growth, and population growth.As taxpayers they will pay for scientific research and exploration.And, as consumers, they will be bombarded(受到轰击)by advertising, much of which is said to be based on science.Therefore, it is important that children, the citizens of the future, become functionally acquainted with science‐‐‐‐ with the process and spirit of science, as well as with its facts and principles.Fortunately, science has a natural appeal for youngsters.They can relate it to so many things that they encounter ‐‐‐‐ flashlights, tools, echoes, and rainbows.Besides, science is an excellent medium for teaching far more than content.It can help pupils learn to think logically, to organize and analyse ideas.It can provide practice in communication skills and mathematics.In fact, there is no area of the curriculum to which science cannot contribute, whether it be geography, history, language arts, music, or art!Above all, good science teaching leads to what might be called a “scientific attitude.” Those who possess it seek answers through observing, experimenting, and reasoning, rather than blindly accepting the pronouncements of others.They weigh evidence carefully and reach conclusions with caution.While respecting the opinions of others, they expect honesty, accuracy, and objectivity and are on guard against hasty judgments and sweeping generalizations.All children should be developing this approach to solving problems, but it cannot be expected to appear automatically with the mere acquisition of information.Continual practice, through guided participation, is needed.(293 words)36.One of the reasons why science is important for children is that many of them will _____.A.work in scientific research institutions B.work at jobs closely related to science C.make the final decision in matters concerning science D.be fund‐raisers for scientific research and exploration

37.There is no doubt that children like learning science because_____.A.science is linked with many of the things they meet B.science is a very easy subject for them to learn C.they encounter the facts and principles of science daily D.they are familiar with the process and spirit of science 38.Pupils can learn logical thinking while _____.A.practicing communication skills B.studying geography C.taking art courses D.learning science 39.People with a scientific attitude ____.A.are ready to accept the pronouncements of others B.tend to reach conclusions with certainty C.are aware that others are likely to make hasty judgments D.seek truth through observation , experimentation and reasoning 40.In the passage the writer seems to ______.A.prove that science is a successful course in school B.point out that science as a course is now poorly taught in school C.suggest that science should be included in the school curriculum D.predict that children who learn science will be good scientists 36‐40 B A D D C


Question1 W:It would help me if you could go over last week and give me an idea how muchbeer drank each evening.M:Well, let me see, I went on to the bar 4 times last week, and drank about 3pints each evening.Question:How much beer did the man drink last week?

Question2 W:Is there anything else I can do to help me sleep at night? M:Don’t worry about so much things about work.I know, I know, easily said thandone.W:Should I stay home from work? M:No, I don’t think that necessary.Just remember to stay calm.Question:What did the doctor suggest the woman do?

Question3 W:How is with your feeling in general? M:No complaints really.Question:What does the man mean?

Question4 W:Our managing director is going to give you a raise.M:Really? Are you kidding me? W:Absolutely!He thinks you would!Question:What does the woman say?

Question5 W:I’ve been so worry about my daughter.She is so different and temperament forme.We are not always on the same wheeling.M:That’s quite common with mothers and daughters.W:She is a further personality and very much on the ball, but she is an excitedball child.Question:What does the woman mean?

Question6 W:Where is your injury? M:Here, my ankle.W:How did it happen? M:I tripped over on the evening and twisted it.It was swollen and very painful.Question:What is true about the woman?

Question7 W:John wants to move upwards and onwards within his new company.M:He is well qualified and the boss was into him.W:So you think he will achieve his goal? M:Year!For a better he will.Question:What did the man mean? Question8 M:Take the slip to the front desk and then arrange an appointment for the tests.W:Thanks doc!Have a nice day!Question:What will the woman do?


M:There is one girl on my school who everybody picks up.W:Why? M:Because she doesn’t wear everybody wears.Question:What can be inferred about the girl in question?

Question10 M:What’s your coming for today, Mrs.Sanderson?

W:I’ve been having some pains in my joints, especially the knees!Question:Where does the conversation most probably take place?

Question11 W:How long does the pain last when you get it? M:It comes and goes!Sometimes I hardly feel anything, other times it can lastfor half an hour or more.W:Is there any type of food that seems to cause the strong pain or other types? M:Um, heavy foods like stake insonnia usually bring it on, I’m trying to avoid those.Question:What kind of food seems to cause strong pain to the man?

Question12 W:Carl, your bicycle is too old, it’s not safe for you to ride.M:Year!I think I need to buy a new one, but it will go with time.Question:What did the man mean?

Question13 M:How long could you have these symptoms? W:Oh, I have the cough for two weeks, but feeling ill just be part a few days.Question:What do we know about the woman’s illness?

Question14 W:I think I could recover the cough at the end of this year.M:I’m sorry to burst your bubble, but the stock index still ranges between 1900 and2900 after every year.Question:What does the man mean?

Question15 M:I just want check to understand which pills to take and when? W:The yellow one in the morning and the others, Oh, I think no, maybe, Ah, you’dbetter to write it down!Then you won’t forget!

M:Here is some paper!The yellow one once a day before breakfast, the large roundone three times a day after meals, the small ones when you need one forsleeping.Question:Which of the following statements is true?

W:Hi, Patrick, how is your feeling today? M:A bit better!W:That’s good to hear!Are your still feeling nausea? M:No, I haven’t feel sick to my stomach since you switched my medication.W:Great!See, your test results come in this morning.M:I’s about time!Is it good news or bad? W:I get it a bit of both!Which do you want first? M:Let’s get the bad news over with it.W:OK, it looks like you are going to need a surgery to remove the tumor from yourleg.After the operation, you are going to have to stay off your feet for atleast 3 weeks, that means no soccer!M:Oh, I’m afraid you are going to say that!

W:Now for the good news!The biopsy shows that the tumor is benign, which meansit’s not cancerous.We are going to take it off any way just to be on the safeside!M:Wow, that’s a load off my mind!Thanks doctor!

W:Don’t get too excited!We still need to get the bottom all this way loss!M:I probably just been so worry about this stupid lump!W:These things often our stressed related.But we are still going to have a fewblood tests just to rule off things out!M:Like what? Cancer? W:Actually I’m thinking more of the line of food allergy!

Question16 Whydid the man have to switch medication? Question17 What’sthe bad news for the man? Question18 Whatmedical procedures has the man already undergone? Question19 Whydid the doctor ask the man to take a few blood tests? Question20 Whichof the following could best describe the man’s feeling in the end?

Women may be more susceptible to the lung-damaging effect to smoking than man.According to New research by Inassessali Sohine, MD, and her colleagues from Chiming laboratory,Briven and Women Hospital at University of Bourger, Norway.They analyzed data from the Norwegian case control study, including 954 subjects with chronic obstructed pulmonary disease(COPD)and 955 control, all are current or ex-smokers.The COPD subject have moderate or severe COPD.A role our analysis indicated the women may be more vulnerable to the effect of smoking, which is something previously suspected the(norkuven?), said Dr.Sohine.The study result would be presented on may 18, at the 105 international conference of the American directive society in San Diego.Examining the total study sample there is no gender differences with respect to lung function and COPD severity, but the women were on average younger, and they smoked significantly less than the man.To experience the differences further they also analyzed two subgroup a six study samples.COPD subject on the age of 60 and COPD subject with less than 20 pack years.In both subgroups women have more severe disease and great impairment to the lung function than men.New(flims?)that female smokers in our study experienced reduced lung function at a lower level of smoking exposure and at earlier age than men, said Dr Sohine.It is long been suspected that the effective Smoking on lung function may be modified by gender.Interaction analysis confirm that being female represent a higher risk of reduced lung function and severer COPD.This gender reset were less pronounced when smoking exposure is low.According to Dr Sohine, the reason why the women may be more susceptible to the effect of cigarette smoke is still unknown.But there are four possible explanations.Women have small airways, therefore eat cigarettes may be more harm.Also there are gender differences in the metabolism of cigarette smoke.Genes or hormones could also be important.Question No.21: what is the most likely surface topic for this talk? Question No.22: How many subjects the Dr.Sohine recruited in the study? Question No.23: When and where the Dr Sohine presented their study result? Question No.24: According to the talk, When is the gender difference most likely to be obvious in COPD susceptibility? Question No.25: which of the following is not the explanation for user great susceptibility to the effect of smoking?








发布: 202_-5-13 14:54 | 作者: 陆向武 | 来源: kaobo.cn | 查看: 829次

1.Hoping that he might be able to _____the problem,I asked Manio to look at the engine.A.shed light on

B.make light of C.bring light to

D.set light to

2.His_____ and unwillingless to learn from others prevent him from being an effective member of the team.A.arrogance B.dignity C.humility D.solitude 3.The economy grew at its fastest rate since 1980 thanks to a(n)______in world trade.A.inflation B.stimulus C.bulge D.boom

4.He decided he was going to take______ for the murder of his sister

A.refuge B.testify C.certify D.allege

5.No one expected him to ____against his former employer.A.dedare B.testify C.certify D.allege 6.Rachel was the_____choice for the job thanks to her communication skills

A.unanimous B.genuine C.harmnious D.agreeable

7.The police detective put together the pieces of evidence to form on ____ account.A.senstive B.genuine C.expressive D.coherent

8.You should have your eyes examined_____to be sure of your eyesight.A.periodically B.persistently C.continuously D.continually

9.You should treat those remarks with the ___ that they deserve don’t give them a second thought.A.negative B.disgrace C.contempt D.sarcasm The book is a rain attempt to ____ the name of one of the worst dictators in modern history.A.worship B.glorify C.adore D.cherish The government is seeking to ___ itself from the latest financial.A.detach B.extract C.derive D.ease Heavy rainful in the south of England means that flooding is____ A.imminent B.momentous C.transient D.prospective He____ his assistant to pick up the plans from the office.A.dispose B.dispensed C.dispatched D.dispersed I didn't ignore her_____ just didn't recognize her.A.attentively B.intensively C.intentionally D.intensely You will only be allowed to leave early in_____ circumstances

A.exceptional B.concidental C.peculiar D.imperative

参考答案:A A D B B A D A A B B A C C A


1.It is important to keep the factory working at ____ efficiency all the time.A optimistic B optimum C optical D optional

2.We need to take steps to counter the _____ decline in our export market.A lingering B chronic C lengthy D abiding

3.Her handwriting is so bad that it is barely____

A legible B intelligible C distinctive D conceivable

4.We are going to____ what were learned so for by doing some revision exercise today.A consolidate B reinforce C affirm D conform

5.Kerin made one last____attempt to persuade Sandra to go with him and then left

A considerable B trival C futile D resultant 6.The school agree to ___ their decision until they had spoken to his parents.A convert B retain C deter D expel

7.Repullican Party member were confidently ____ victory even as the first few votes come in

A acclaining B reclaining C exclaining D proclaiming 8.The___between the two sets of figures suggests that someone had been stealing money from the bank

A discrepancy B conflict C contrast D pergence

9.The idea that a good night sleep will cure everything is a complete _____

A defect B fallacy C fraud D abuse Before a bill can become law it has to have the full ____ of both Houses of Parliament.A justification B warrant C endorsement D verification 11 The image is ____ by a series of lenses within the telescope A maginfied B signified C extended D expanded Strangely enough the most obvious explanation did not ___ Juckie until the next day

A stumble on B occur to C come up with D stand up to The government wants a 3% inflation rate,but is this a ___ objective?

A reflective B flexible C feeble D feasible She has still ___ by what happened in Bancelona,although she had left 20years earlier

A haunted B frequented C recalled D sustained The hands on my alarm clock are____.So I can tell time in the dark

A imminent B luminous C illumination D illustrative

参考答案:B B A A C B D A B C A B D A B


(大部分与03年秋以及04年春词汇部分重复,不同的有)1.You can't cure a common cold, but you can ____ the symptoms.A moderate B alleviate C dilute D subdue 2.For years scientists have been ___ by the strange circles that have appeared in cornfields.A tangled B terrified C evoked D baffled

3.The flood was a___ from which Bangladesh has never really recored.A calamity B downfall C reverse D scandal Our company's management____negotiations on a new union contract

A launched B triggered C terminated D preserved

参考答案:B D A A


1.If wool is submerged in hot water,it tend to___

A snap B shrink C fade D condense 2.His last play was ___ by the critics as a masterpiece

A claimed B proclaimed C exclaimed D acclaimed

3.It is the builder’s job to make sure that the house conforms to the architects___ in every way.A regulations B specialities C essentials D specifications 4.Your letter has been___ to the authority concerned.A transited B transfered C transported D transmitted

5.Among her many___ are loyalty ,courage andtruthfulness

A virtues B morals C characters D graces The soldiers___ their arms as thay marched.A swayed B swung C swerved D swelled

7.The country's constitution___ the ideals of equality and freedom.A embodies B symbolizes C marks D represents

8.It was ___ whether the patient will survive the operation A vague B suspicious C ambiguous D doubtful 9, The brochure______us into thinking that our hotel was only five minutes from the beach A trapped B frightened C engaged D misled “I'm far too busy to talk to you now.”

he said,in his usual____manner.A rigid B steep C abrupt D stern 11 He's rich and keeps____about how much money he's got to impress people

A exaggerating B boasting C admiring D inspiring She was____enough to realize right from the start that he was lying.A initiative B pervasive C imaginative D perceptive The two countries___ their peace efforts after a break of two and a half years

A rebuked B renewed C reviewed D reclaimed People always greet each other warmly,____ their different origins and beliefs.A in regard to B in contrast with C with respect to D regardless of The express train from London___ on time.A pulled up B pulled over C pulled in D pulled through

参考答案:B D D B A B A D D C B D B D C





报名前一定要和导师联系好,说明自己情况,征的同意报考后再报名,否则容易白辛苦。导 师不想要的学生面试的时候会提一些很难的问题,不但考不上,面试的时候在很多人的面前 很丢脸,伤自尊。

专业课的有些科目历年考试重复率很高,甚至于完全一样 复习越早动手越好

重视英语。重视听力,被英语卡住的占很大比例,其中听力不达线的很大部分 听力前10 分题型少见,后10 分题型和四六级一样


前10 分的题型有自己的特点,注意总结做题技巧。比如问题的题干部分在录音中会出现或 者同语义出现,特别是听到题干中提到的相关名词或者动词,这时要知道答案马上要出现,集中精力听,并马上记下来,否则很快遗忘。

听力考试要求用收音机接收,并配耳机,以免相互影响。考试千万不要用便宜的收音机,易 串台,有杂音,要使用质量好些的收音机。这点一定要重视,这已经不是一个两个人失败的 教训了。我当时使用的德生911,价格便宜效果还好。

考英语前天晚上休息好,第二天考试早上可以适当吃巧克力、喝浓咖啡提高神经兴奋度,以 便提高听力成绩,听力是要求瞬间状态,状态好坏至关重要,就那么20 多分钟,20 分。本 人听力不好,这个方法是找了很久找到的一个方法。这是听力过关的一个奇兵。

词汇的复习用纸质的东西,先把不认识的单词做标记,以后背单词只看不认识的,认识的再 看也是浪费时间。按照网上所讲复习记忆规律逐渐拉大复习间隔时间,或者有空的时候把它 拿出来浏览一下。既轻松又节省时间。

英语做题,阅读最后做,把25 分的翻译提到阅读前面做,阅读4 篇短文才20 分,分值小 翻译卷面写的清晰整洁否印象分就好几分

翻译提前做可以保证足够时间做翻译,从而使卷面整洁。时间不够阅读可以蒙选项 做翻译题要特别重视开头和结尾部分的翻译,因为批卷子老师主要看的也就是开头和结尾两 段

练习翻译一定要动手写,只看的话,做题的时候会有很多单词写不出来或者写错。如果考前时间紧迫,对照翻译手抄一遍英文也很管用,既增强了语感又熟悉了单词。考前英语突击复习的话也就是听力和翻译能见效,其他不起作用 现在我对另一篇内部经验提到的三点说说我的看法,这三点是: 1.浙大考博英语的几千份卷子是在一天内改完的;

2.听力PartA,PartB 中的填空,如果实在不会,不要空着,填上%,$,km,kg 等符号也是会给0.5 分的

3.改卷老师在每篇翻译题上停留的时间相当于高考改语文作文。前2 段作为门面要仔细翻译,后几段无需打草稿,直接写就可以 我的看法是:

第一条,由于人力有限,也不必一天忙死,多用几天也没关系,有夸张之嫌 第二条,都是人批卷,填上的至少要是英文,这说法意思就是千万不要空着

第三条,批文章通常人是先看第一段,但最后一段一定会看的,不看怎么知道你有没有把题 目做完呢?所以在此特地纠正此不当之说。

真传一句话,假传万卷书,那些花两千块钱参加辅导班的也许不如领会我的本篇文章管用 得此文者英语总分及其听力立涨几分不成问题!!


此乃本人考博及其接触数百位考博人士总结的经验教训,来之不易,只需个人切记,尊重我 这呕心沥血之作的版权,切勿传播!此文只赠与购买资料合作愉快的考友,如考友受益望宣传推荐客户来此购买资料、并把考试 的专业课回忆版甚至手抄版发给我。
