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编辑:空谷幽兰 识别码:21-650086 12号文库 发布时间: 2023-08-22 09:21:48 来源:网络




In my childhood, I dream that one day I would be a student of an elite college.The college is a beautiful one, which is full of the breathiness of knowledge.I can’t help immersing myself in the ocean of knowledge.In fact, I went to this college more than two years ago.However, this college is not the one I dream to go.It is worse than what I thought.Although this college is not good, I came to this college to learn some useful academic knowledge and experience the college life.The main aim of going to college is that I can receive an academic training on campus, which is indispensable for my future career.As we all know, a college or university in a specialized institution of higher learning where we can receive systematic and scientific training in a certain field, which paves the way for our future career.Now, in our country, more and more college graduates find it difficult to hunt a satisfactory job, especially in recent years.So if you don’t receive a university education, you will have fewer chance than these college graduates to apply for a job.It’s acknowledged that a man without academic background can hardly accomplish anything.Only in universities of higher learning can she or he master the professional knowledge and relevant skills, which are essential to his or her career.However, it is not so easy to do a good job in the academic training.It is obvious that every student has their own way to study well.But, to be certain, only one works hard, can he or she acquire great achievements in a certain professional area.To begin with, as college students, we must listen to the lesson carefully.Teachers can make us understand something difficult for us easier.And by the lesson, we can also enjoy a lot of fun.Then, it is necessary for us to preview the lesson before class and review it after class, which can help us master the knowledge we have learnt.For example, I’m a student of English major;I have to try my best to learn.As we all know, English is a language as a tool for communication.However, the biggest problem most students face in learning a language is their own fear.They worry that they won’t say things correctly or they will look stupid so they don’t talk at all.Don’t do this.Whatever you do, you should try it again and again until you get it right.Like anything else, learning English requires practice.Don’t let a little thing stop you from getting what you want.Although the condition or background in this college is bad for learning English, we can use as many different sources, methods and tools as possible, especially from the internet, to learn it better and faster.To learn English better, we can listen to English music and radio broadcasts and watch English news and movies, which is not only a fun to learn but it is also very effective.By listening to this item, we can practice our listening and reading skill at the same time.And by watching English movies, especially these with English subtitles, we can expand our vocabulary and hear the flow of speech from the actors.If we listen to the news, we can also hear different accent.And most important of all, we need to practice speaking again and again.Only by practicing speaking and doing exercises, can we really improve our knowledge.This college provides an English corner for us to communicate with teachers or students.So participating in English corner is a good way for us to improve our spoken English.Finally, we should know

about the culture of English speaking countries, which is useful for our study of this language.However, no matter what major you are, you must study hard by yourself instead of just relying on the requirement of teachers.Then, cultivating the taste of college students is also the aim of receiving college education.Nowadays, the taste of college students is a serious problem.Many citizen people complain that current college students aren’t like the so-called college students.As a result, raising the taste of college students is very necessary.College can cultivate their taste according to four aspects as follows;in the first place, it’s fundamental for college students about their style of dressing.One can make a good impression on others if he or she dresses in good taste.As for college students, we should dress the formal clothes and shoes rather than bizarre clothes or loafer.In the second place, college students also should pay attention to the way of saying.Not speaking loudly in public is the basic essence what everyone possesses.And not speaking with other students in class is the basic manner to respect for teachers.In the third place, we should learn to make contact with others.Communicating with others can establish a relation net, which can help us greatly in the future career.And there are a large number of community activities in this college we can participate in, which we’re interested in.when we take part in those activities, we can make a lot of new friends from different department in this college.And we can communicate with them and express our own views on anything.Moreover, participating in those activities can cultivate our interpersonal skills, which are conductive to our future career and success.The last one is the attitude towards all kinds of things, which is the most important one for college students.On campus, we can face varieties of problems.So how to resolve them becomes important.We should face to them actively and resolve them in the correct way.In recent years, a lot of suicide incidents took place in some elite colleges.From these incidents, we can know that those suicide students have the poor psychological qualities leading to the consequence.Facing to some problems, they can’t cope with them calmly and correctly but by ending their lives.I want to say that they’re not qualified college students.When facing to difficulties, they can’t find the correct solution resolve them but to avoid them.For college students, it is also necessary to understand human nature.When we’re children, we’re told that human nature is innately good.We should treat others with a kind heart.We can acquaint a person better with the ability of understanding human nature.On campus, college students can distinguish someone who is the most appropriate ones to become our friend from others.Based on human nature, teachers should take into account of the self-esteem of college students and had better not criticize them in the class.They can communicate with each other and educate them after class.Last but not the least, college students must learn to think critically on their own.The importance of creative thinking today needs no emphasis, especially for college students.In our profession, and we will have a competitive advantage if we develop our ability to come up with new ideas.In our personal life, too, creative thinking can

lead us to new paths of creative activity.It can rich our life through not always in the way we expect.On campus, we can learn a lot of things by creative thinking, thus others can’t acquire.For college students, creative thinking needs ourselves to think the problems in our own way, which is typical and effective to solve the problems.However, there is a big discrepancy between this college and the top universities of the world.First of all, our college is just a third-rate college which receives the student who not the best.Yet the top universities of the world absorb the elite students from all over the world, such as Yale universities, Harvard universities, Stanford universities and so on.Second, the top universities teach the students not only the professional knowledge.And most important of all, they teach them to learn to innovative and think critically on their own.For example, in the Yale universities, the professors encourage the student bringing forth new idea.It has cultivated five great people who became the president of united state and innumerable statesman all around the world.Lots of elite people in all sides of profession were educated in it.In Yale, it carries out residential college, which is an outstanding feature.It is a big class from which students can learn a lot of useful experience.All kinds of people who are from all over the world speaking different language and having different culture background assemble here.But they have the same aim of pursuing knowledge.They can communicate with each other and express their own opinions to study or life through residential college.And it also can establish a better alumni connection for their future career.It’s universally acknowledged that the library of Yale is like a maze which contains all kinds of books.Finally, nothing is more than to emphasize the aim of education for Yale.A professor said once that they encourage students have the original idea.They educate students the learning ability totally and the human nature.However, this college fails to have those feature, many deficits have been existing in this college.I hope that it can provide more study facilities for students and improve the teaching quality.And it should provide us a better environment for study.09 本科2班


张 霞












苍天给予人太多的不公,这也许就是对人性的磨练。面对不公平的现实不要抱怨不如去努力的奋斗争取你自己最合适的公平。在社会上要想胜利的唯一的方法永远只有一个那就是实力。世界上没有绝对的公平,唯一的办法就是加倍的努力。比尔盖茨说过:“这个世界并不在乎你的自尊,只在乎你的成就,有了成就再去强调你的感受也不迟。” 所以要懂得感谢困难中给你力量的人,因为他增强了你的自信;感谢顺境中提醒你的人,因为他校正了你的航向;感谢伤害过你的人,因为他磨练了你的心态,感谢绊倒过你的人,因为他强化了你的双腿;感谢欺骗你的人,因为他增进了你的智慧;感谢蔑视你的人,因为他唤醒了你的自尊;感谢遗弃过你的人,因为他教会了你独立;感谢在背后默默关心你的人,因为他让你明白了什么叫做幸福;感谢给你收获的季节,因为它让你懂得了什么叫做成长。


永远不要嘲笑别人的梦想,因为自己也有梦。如果你的梦想破灭了,把这些碎片扫起来收藏好。碎梦的残屑中可以找到发亮的希望。有水必有岸,有岸就会有追求;有爱才有梦,有梦总会有希望 从绝望中寻找希望人生终将辉煌!我相信所有的梦想都不再是梦想,所有的期望都将会跃上生命的枝头,绽放出迷人的馨香。愿望是命运的星辰,只要心中永不放弃,生命的潮头终将会




我的大学,与众不同 1


































College Life

I have a dream: go to my heart inside, I think that college like a sunning day sheds its brightness everywhere.But when I really came to the college, I was very disappointed beyond my imagination.People attended colleges for various kinds of reasons.There are four most common reasons, namely: to think critically on one’s own, to cultivate taste and temperament, to understand human nature and to have academic training

We are also adult through the past years of experience, which we should have contemplated on our own.Therefore, at college, I should learn how to think critically no matter what teachers impart.At college, there is an access to different kinds of great minds you can acquire, but this doesn’t mean that their thoughts are perfect.In our college, we have no rights to raise doubts about something because we have learned to ready to comply with any command through thousands of years.Even if sometimes you had questions, we are not willing to consult teachers due to their arrogance.When we believe something with certainty, we have to look be fore leap.It’s necessary to ponder with dialectical thinking for us.Faced with teacher’s view, we should come up with opposite idea appropriately.At the same time, college can take some pleasures to encourage criticism if they really want to improve the quality of the education.Then, college can picture a kaleidoscopic world and act upon act of the dream of life so that we can refine aesthetic and cultivate the inherent quality of character and temperament.Whoever has so far formed his taste as to be able to relish and feel the beauties of the great master has gone a great in his study.But our college I fail to perceive or catch with the sense of mind that what is called taste.College students clothes、hairstyle and appetite are appalled.Besides, with increasing number of computers to the dormitory, students were indulged to computers, few going outside to enjoy the natural scenery.As we all know that delivering ourselves up to free air and natural scene can help to broaden our horizon.More importantly, the cultivation of taste is rooted from lager amount of varied kinds of readings.But we prefer to surf the internet and stay in the dormitory lacking in far-sight.In addition, the way of teaching is also monotonous without stimulating any interest.In other words, teachers’ methods have a lower level in conducting students into a higher level of appreciation.Naturally, the key is to depend on ourselves.So at college we can explore that the great use of studying our predecessors is to open the mind and to give us the result of the selection made by great minds of what is grand or beautiful in nature.Besides, a civilized mind has to understand human nature.In fact, humanity is very abstract and vague that can’t understand it clearly, but it can reflect in some different concrete aspects.For example, our attitudes to friendships are honest and kind without any impurity.At college, we seem to forget some basic criterion violating our goodness.Only when we can benefit from something, can we spare no efforts to win it by any possible means.Sometimes we can fight with each other so as to gain scholarship.At this time, we should deposit our heart by reading some famous book.Then we can delve into the soul and share the flower of humanity.Finally, we must learn to have academic training.As a college student, I have to understand how to acquire knowledge by myself.What’s the most important is that I should study conscientiously instead of relying on others.In addition, I should read larger amount of great books we can learn from.Only in this way can we have the ability to deal with the competitive markets.If I meet some confused questions or some doubts, I can ask teachers or students for help rapidly.At college, we must solve problems independently

because most time we study by ourselves.Therefore, we should do our level best to study.It is acknowledged that the education of college is different to some extent in home and abroad due to culture background.Universities in China are always vague in purpose.For example, our college is paid with a higher tuition, but the result of education is not very ideal.The atmosphere of study is very boring because students are lacking in communication with each other.The teachers impart us all the knowledge of books and we receive them without any criticism.The classrooms of the college are also monotonous with a style, which can’t instill any inspiration into our minds.Meanwhile, the system of education in our college is rigid without innovation.There is no much practice for us even in the experiment.Because we only watch out teacher’s performance not make more our practice.There is also gap between students and teachers, which fail to change.It is possible that students are very humble to circumvent teachers’ well-informed, or teachers are greatly focus on their own great mind regardless of students’ real idea inside.So students are not willing to put up with confused questions to teachers.Probably, we are confined to the thoughts of our traditional culture.We set premium on imparting the spirit.At the same time, our environment of college is rather humble, which can’t provide us comfortable surroundings.Every day there are many cars passing through our campus so that we couldn’t study and rest in a good state.Extracurricular activities are few not only in number but also in categories.This means that our hobbies are not abundant.Besides, studying or teaching is not out of our real interest.Taking a panoramic view of five thousand history of civilization, uncountable men of letters learning were to progress into official career, bringing prestige and honor to family or enjoy the lavish life.It is obvious that idea of education is closely related to culture and history.While western culture has emphasis on inpidualism.So foreigners hope to win the laurel wreath attracting the world attention.They are forthright、astute and levelheaded.Therefore, the education makes great difference.For example, COLOBIAN University is well-known in the world, especially its financial major gaining the renown.The smell of is akin to the science odor with which it mingles.The university is located in New York in line with the pace of bustling metropolis.It can perceive the information resources of this international city now and then.It’s known as the Pulitzer Prize for Feature Photography, encouraging every student to go forward without stopping.COLOBIAN UNIVERSITY is a manifestation of wisdom and art of all excellent students.Because they clearly construe that their renown should rely on the quality of graduates.They give students adage that you should keep punching and enhance the spirit of unremitting endeavor.Their academic research support service for society and their professors are paid with high salary.Its idea of education imparts the speck of vivid cheerfulness in world’s education.So famous is the YALE UNIVEERSITY that it cultivates many talents in the world.The environment of this university is also tranquil and splendid with prevailing tint.It’s designation is also special with twelve residential college and every college can have its own regulation、name and canteen and so on.The core designation of the university is that undergraduates first learn politics and philosophy to delve students’ potential abilities.It calls for a lager amount of readings even a week more than a semester in TSINGHUA UNIVERSITY.In order to get along well between students and professor, it allows free lunch in ding hall for professors.Professors also join the performance of bands with students.They also consciously cultivate leaders to influence the society.Students are confident beaming from the edges of western horizon and professors strain their energy and intellect to the limit on making the brightest future to students.But I should full of hope for our college and future.I believe that study hard and read more can uncover and find out the latent causes of beauties, and from thence form principle for my own conduct.Then, I probably understand the taste and temperament.Only when every famous university pass through the deposit of history can grow up displaying his charm.张芙蓉


