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编辑:落花时节 识别码:23-1014380 14号文库 发布时间: 2024-05-29 13:03:12 来源:网络


Good morning.And Zhongxing Huanyin.早上好。[用中文说]衷心欢迎。

It is a privilege to open this inaugural meeting of the Strategic and Economic Dialogue between the United States and China.I am especially pleased to join my co-chair, Secretary Geithner, and to welcome State Councilor Dai and Vice Premier Wang.I look forward to resuming the productive discussions I had with Councilor Dai, President Hu, and Premier Wen on my trip to China in February, and to build on President Obama and President Hu’s meeting in London.十分荣幸能在美中两国之间的战略与经济对话首次会议开幕式上致辞。我特别高兴能与盖特纳(Geithner)部长共同主持会议,并欢迎王岐山副总理和戴秉国国务委员。我期待着继续我2月访华期间与戴秉国国务委员、胡锦涛主席和温家宝总理进行的富有成果的讨论,并在奥巴马总统和胡锦涛主席伦敦会晤的基础上取得更多成果。

This is both a culmination, and a beginning.A culmination of actions taken by our predecessors 30 years ago, when the United States and China established formal diplomatic relations, and Deng Xiaoping launched China’s economic reform and opening to the world.What followed was a blossoming of Chinese economic growth and diplomatic engagement that has allowed our nations to reach this place of opportunity today.这一对话既是一个结果又是一个开端。作为结果,它源于我们的前任们30年前所采取的行动。那时,美中两国建立了正式外交关系,邓小平发起了中国的经济改革并实行对外开放。随之而来的是中国经济的蓬勃发展和使我们两国到达今天机遇之地的外交接触。

This dialogue also marks a beginning – the beginning of an unprecedented effort to lay the foundation for a positive, cooperative, and comprehensive U.S.-Chinese relationship for the 21st century.这一对话也标志着一个开端——一个为建立21世纪积极、合作、全面的美中关系奠定基础而作出前所未有努力的开端。

That so many members of President Obama’s cabinet are here reflects our belief that a stronger relationship will yield rewards, not only for our two nations, but for the world beyond.奥巴马总统内阁的众多阁员今天与会反映了我们的一个信念,即更牢固的美中关系不仅会使我们两国受益,而且会使整个世界受益。

For in the decades ahead, great countries will be defined less by their power to dominate or pide than by their capacity to solve problems.It is this reality – and the fact that no country can solve today’s challenges alone – that demands a new global architecture for progress.因为在未来数十年内,伟大国家的特征将不是其控制和分割他国的力量,而是其解决问题的能力。正是这一现实——以及没有任何国家能单独应对今天面临的挑战这一事实——要求建立一个新的争取进步的全球架构。

Although past relations between the United States and China have been influenced by the idea of a balance of power among great nations, the fresh thinking of the 21st century can move us from a multi-polar world to a multi-partner world.And it is our hope that the dialogue we initiate today will enable us to shape that common agenda.尽管美国和中国以往的关系受到大国间权力平衡的观点的影响,但21世纪全新的思维能使我们从一个多极世界走向一个多伙伴世界。我们希望今天启动的对话将使我们能够确立这个共同议程。

Our nations face common global threats, from the economic crisis, to non-proliferation, climate change and clean energy, pandemic disease and global poverty, North Korea, Iran, and extremism in Afghanistan and Pakistan.我们两国面临着同样的全球性威胁,从经济危机到防扩散,从气候变化到清洁能源,从大规模流行性疾病到全球贫困,从北韩到伊朗,还有阿富汗和巴基斯坦的极端主义势力。

To meet these threats, we must find common ground and work together in common purpose, even as we may disagree on certain issues.为了应对这些威胁,我们必须找到共同之处并向着共同目标一起努力,即使我们可能在某些问题上存在分歧。

As we’ll hear from the President later this morning, the Obama Administration is committed to broader engagement – to using robust diplomacy and development and working with and beyond government to solve regional and global problems and take advantage of the unprecedented opportunities they present.今天上午我们将会听到总统阐明,奥巴马政府致力于更广泛的接触——利用有力的外交和发展手段,同政府及非政府人士合作解决区域性和全球性问题,并把握它们所带来的前所未有的机会。

When I was in China in February, it was my first time back in almost a decade.And I was struck, as many visitors are, by the transformation that had taken place.Driving on the third ring road in Beijing, I felt like was watching a movie in fast-forward.From a few high rise buildings on my last trip, to a gleaming Olympic complex and corporate skyscrapers today.From millions of Flying Pigeon bicycles navigating the streets, to cars of every model traversing modern thoroughfares.And for those traveling to Shanghai, an already cosmopolitan city soon to add the Shanghai Expo.我今年二月访问中国时,距我前一次访问已有将近十年之久。我像很多来访者一样,被今昔的变化所震撼。驱车行驶在三环路上,我感到仿佛是在观看一部快进的电影。我上次来时高楼大厦屈指可数,如今奥林匹克场馆和摩天商务大厦令人眼花缭乱。过去有千百万辆飞鸽牌自行车在大街小巷穿行,如今有各种型号的汽车在现代化公路上行驶。那些去上海的人还会看到上海世博会将为这个已经发展成型的大都市增添光彩。

All are testaments to China’s dynamism and growth.And we welcome these signs of progress.这些都是中国蓬勃发展的见证。这些进步的气象令我们感到高兴。

We also welcome China’s role in promoting peace and stability in the Asia Pacific.Over the past 30 years, the United States has helped foster security in the region – a critical factor in China’s growth, and an important strategic interest of our own.In the future, we will remain actively engaged in promoting the security of Asia.When misunderstandings or disagreements arise, we will work through them peacefully and through intensive dialogue.我们还欢迎中国为促进亚太地区的和平与稳定所发挥的作用。过去30年来,美国帮助建立该地区的安全,这对中国的增长至关重要,对我们自身的战略利益也意义重大。未来,我们将继续积极参与促进亚洲的安全。出现误解或分歧时,我们将以和平方式并通过积极对话来予以解决。

This Strategic and Economic Dialogue differs from past dialogues in scope, substance, and approach.It is comprehensive by design, meant to enlist the full range of talent within our governments and to include cross-cutting challenges that are neither bureaucratically neat, nor easily compartmentalized.本届战略与经济对话在广度、实质乃至方法上均不同于过去的对话。其形式结构力求全面,以便充分利用两国政府内部的聪明才智,解决那些在行政体制上无法按部门截然划分的问题。

With this dialogue we are laying, brick by brick, the foundation of a stronger relationship – improving lines of communication;increasing understanding;setting priorities;and creating a work plan.通过这一对话,我们正脚踏实地为加强关系而奠定基础,改善交流途径,增强理解,制定重点目标和工作计划。

Our agenda will focus on several areas:


First, the economic recovery.Repairing the global economy is a priority for both the United States and China.We have taken aggressive action at home to stimulate our economy and stabilize our financial institutions.China has taken similarly bold steps and we both agree that further economic and financial cooperation is necessary for global recovery.第一,经济复苏。修复全球经济是美中两国的首要目标。我们已在国内采取果断行动,以刺激经济和稳定金融机构。中国已采取类似的大胆措施,而且我们双方均认为,进一步的经济和金融合作对全球复苏是必要的。

Second, climate change and clean energy.As the world’s two biggest emitters, we must demonstrate to the developed and developing world that clean energy and economic growth can go hand-in-hand.We are already involved in promising partnerships.In Beijing, I toured a geo-thermal plant that is a true U.S.-Chinese collaboration.General Electric has provided high-tech equipment to produce heat and power with half the emissions, and far less water usage than the coal plants that are typically relied on.And Chinese businesses build the steam turbines that help to power the plant.This plant saves costs and provides clean energy – including heat for the U.S.Embassy.第二,气候变化和清洁能源。作为世界上两个最大的排放国,我们必须向发达和发展中国家表明,清洁能源和经济增长能够同步进行。我们已在进行充满希望的合作。在北京期间,我参观了一家地热工厂,这是名副其实的美中合作。通用电气公司提供的高科技设备被用于产热发电,与通常燃煤的火力发电相比,排放减少了一半,用水量也大大下降。中国公司则制造了工厂发电用的燃气轮机。该厂在节省成本的基础上提供了清洁能源,包括为美国大使馆提供热能。

Third, security challenges.I just attended the ASEAN conference in Thailand, where the North Korean regime’s recent provocations were a subject of great concern.China and the United States both appreciate the dangers of escalating tensions and a prospective arms race in East Asia;and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.第三,安全挑战。我刚刚出席了在泰国举行的东盟会议,北韩政权最近的挑衅行动成了大会十分关注的议题。中国和美国均认识到紧张局势升级以及东亚可能发生的军备竞赛所导致的危险以及大规模毁灭性武器扩散的危险。

Already, China and the United States have worked together to contain dangerous actions on the part of North Korea.We are grateful for the Chinese government’s leadership in establishing the Six Party Talks and for its close cooperation in response to North Korean missile launches.In this dialogue, we will discuss ways to work jointly to persuade the regime to agree to denuclearization and end its international isolation.中美两国已经在进行合作,以遏制北韩方面的危险行动。我们感谢中国政府为设立六方会谈所发挥的主导作用以及在应对北韩导弹发射问题上所进行的密切合作。本届对话期间,我们将探讨如何共同努力以说服该政权同意实现无核化并结束其国际孤立状态。

We will also discuss our common concerns about the nuclear weapons capability of Iran, and explore ways to address violent extremism and promote stability in Afghanistan and Pakistan.我们还将讨论我们对伊朗核武器能力的共同关注,并探讨清除暴力极端主义、促进阿富汗和巴基斯坦稳定的方法。

Fourth, development.Under President Obama, development, like diplomacy, is an equally important pillar of American foreign policy.Many of the world’s threats stem from lack of opportunity which, in turn, leads to poverty, social erosion, and political instability.By addressing global scourges such as hunger, illiteracy, disease, and economic marginalization from the bottom up, and by insisting on accountability and adherence to the rule of law, we can widen opportunity and prosperity for more people in more places.第四,发展。在奥巴马总统领导下,发展同外交一样,是美国对外政策的重要支柱。世界上许多威胁的根源来自机会的缺乏,而机会缺乏进而导致贫困、社会解体及政治动荡。通过自下而上地消除饥饿、文盲、疾病以及经济边缘化等全球性灾难,坚持问责制和法治,我们能够为更多地区的更多人带来机会和繁荣。

None of these problems will be easy to solve, and results won’t happen overnight.We will not always see eye-to-eye, as is the case with human rights, where the United States will continue to be guided by the ideal that the rights of all people must be respected.Still, solutions to many of today’s global challenges are within reach if we work cooperatively where our interests intersect, and are honest with each other when they don’t.这些问题无一能轻易解决,也不会一夜之间就产生结果。我们的观点并非全部一致,人权便是一例。美国将继续恪守这样的理念:所有人的权利都必须得到尊重。尽管如此,如果我们在利益一致的领域进行合作,并且在利益不一致时能做到开诚布公,那么我们就能够成功应对当今的许多全球性挑战。

A well-known Chinese saying speaks of a sacred mountain in northern China near Confucius’ home.It says: “When people are of one mind and heart, they can move Mt.Tai."


We cannot expect to be united at every turn, but we can be of one mind and heart on the need to find common ground as we confront the shared challenges of the 21st century.The Obama Administration has embraced this dialogue with China early and energetically because we want to see it to fruition.This is an issue of great importance to me as Secretary of State, and I know the same is true for my colleagues and for our President.我们无法期待事事处处都保持一致,但就面临21世纪的共同挑战有必要找到共同立足点而言,我们能够齐心协力。奥巴马政府上任伊始就决定大力与中国展开对话,因为我们希望看到它结出硕果。作为国务卿,这对我本人是一个十分重要的问题,并且我知道对我的同事们和奥巴马总统也是如此。

And now, it is my great honor to introduce Vice Premier Wang.现在,我非常荣幸地向大家介绍王副总理。


第二篇:第四轮中美战略经济对话 希拉里讲话

Remarks at U.S.-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue Opening



Hillary Rodham Clinton


Secretary of State 美国国务卿

Diaoyutai Villa 17, Beijing, China 中国北京钓鱼台国宾馆第17号楼

May 3, 202_ 202_年5月3日

(In progress)– Strategic and Economic Dialogue, and I know that both Secretary Geithner and I greatly appreciate all the work done by both of our delegations and the months of preparation for this meeting.I’ve read readings from President Obama and a letter from him expressing how important the Strategic and Economic Dialogue is to the U.S.-China relationship and how important this relationship is to the United States.(正在讲话)--战略与经济对话,而且我知道盖特纳部长和我对于双方代表的所有工作以及连月来的会议筹备都表示十分感谢。我已读到欧巴马总统的声明以及一封信函,其中表明战略与经济对话对于美中关系的重要性,以及这一关系对于美国的重要性。

As President Obama says, the United States remains committed to building a cooperative partnership based on mutual benefit and mutual respect.Since we launched this dialogue three years ago, high-ranking officials from both our governments have criss-crossed the Pacific dozens of times.Our relationship has grown closer and more consequential, and the web of connections that link our nations is increasing.如同欧巴马总统所言,美国继续致力于建设一种基于互惠与互相尊重的合作关系。自从我们在三年前启动这项对话以来,双方政府的高级官员已在太平洋两岸往返了数十次。我们的关系更加密切也更富成效,联系我们两国的纽带也与日俱增。

As a result, this dialogue is even more necessary today than it was when it began, and the eyes of the world are once again upon us.The Chinese people and the American people looking for us to work together for their benefit, and the international community looking to us to work together for the world’s benefit;in today’s world, no global player can afford to treat geopolitics as a zero-sum game, so we are working to build a relationship that allows both of our countries to flourish without unhealthy competition or conflict, while at the same time meeting our responsibilities to our people and to the international community.因此,这项对话在今天比当年启动时更为必要,世人的目光也再次注视着我们。中国人民和美国人民都希望我们共同为他们谋福利,国际社会也希望我们共同为世界谋福利;在今天的世界中,没有任何全球大国能将地缘政治视为零和游戏,所以我们正在努力建立一种关系,使两国能够繁荣兴盛,而且没有不健康的竞争或冲突,同时满足我们人民和国际社会的需求。

We both know that we have to get this right because so much depends upon it.We also both know that our countries have become thoroughly, inescapably interdependent.As President Obama and I have said many times, the United States believes that a thriving China is good for America, and a thriving America is good for China.So we have a strong interest in China’s continued economic growth and if China’s rising capabilities means that we have an increasingly able and engaged partner in solving the threats we face to both regional and global security, that is all good.我们都知道我们必须做得正确,因为这的确事关重大。我们都知道两国已经完全地、不可避免地互相依赖。正如欧巴马总统和我本人多次谈到的,美国相信兴盛的中国对美国有益,而兴盛的美国同样对中国有益。所以,中国持续的经济增长关系到我们的重大利益,如果中国日益加强的能力意味着我们拥有一个越来越强大并投入的合作伙伴以解决我们双方面临的地区和全球安全威胁,那是非常好的事情。

Now, having said that, we understand too that building a cooperative, resilient, mutually beneficial relationship is not easy.That’s why this dialogue is so critical as well as the Strategic Security Dialogue that took place here yesterday.We are discussing how the talks are opening economic activity to advance prosperity, support innovation, and improve the lives of people, how to promote greater military transparency to avoid misunderstandings, to build trust and maintain mutual stability, how to tackle some of the world’s most urgent crises from climate change to proliferation.在此基础上,我们也理解要建立一种合作、坚韧、互惠的关系并不容易。这就是这一对话以及昨天在此举行的战略安全对话如此重要的原因。我们讨论了对话如何开启经济活动以促进繁荣、支持创新并改善人民生活,如何提倡提高军事透明度以避免误解,建立信任并维护共同稳定,如何应对全世界从气候变化到核扩散的一系列最紧迫的危机。

The United States welcomes China’s increased engagement on the highest priority regional and global issues, and in our strategic track, we will be discussing these.For example, on Iran, the United States and China share the goal of preventing Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon.And we had a productive first meeting as members of the P-5+1 in Istanbul, and are looking forward to the next meeting in Baghdad because we both understand it is critical to keep pressure on Iran to meet its international obligations, to negotiate seriously, and prove that its nuclear program is solely for peaceful purposes.美国欢迎中国日益投入于最重要的地区和全球事务,我们将在战略会谈中对此进行讨论。举例而言,在伊朗问题上,美国和中国都抱有制止伊朗获得核武器的目标。作为5常加1的成员,我们已在伊斯坦布尔召开了富于成效的第一次会议,并期待下一次会议在巴格达召开,因为我们双方都理解,继续对伊朗施压以使它履行其国际义务、严肃地进行谈判、并证明其核项目完全用于和平目的,都是至关重要的。

In Syria, we are absolutely committed to end the brutal violence against civilians, and therefore, it is essential that the international community work together to hold the regime and the others involved in violence accountable, because regrettably, the Security Council on which we both serve as current members is at stake.在叙利亚,我们坚定不移地致力于结束伤害平民的野蛮暴力行为;因此,国际社会协力追究实施暴力行为的叙利亚政权及其他人的责任至关重要;因为令人遗憾的是,我们目前都是其成员的安理会面临信誉危机。

Regarding North Korea, the missile launch seems to suggest that Pyongyang actually used improved relations with the outside world not a goal, but as a threat.And we recognize the role that China is playing and are continuing to work together to make it clear to North Korea that strength and security will come from prioritizing the needs of its people, not from further provocation.至于北韩,它进行的导弹发射似乎暗示,平壤实际上不是把与外部世界关系的改善作为一项目标,而是作为一种威胁。我们了解中国正在发挥的作用,继续协作,向北韩明确表示:北韩的力量与安全将来自优先考虑其人民的需求,而不是来自进一步的挑衅。

In Sudan and South Sudan, China and the United States are working together.In fact, with me today is the U.S.special envoy to Sudan who is in regular contact with the Chinese special representative for Africa.And I’m pleased that China and the United States joined with a unified international community just hours ago to support a strong UN security resolution that provides unambiguous support for the African Union roadmap.在苏丹和南苏丹,中国和美国正在共同努力。事实上,与中国驻非洲特别代表保持经常接触的美国驻苏丹特使今天与我一起出席会议。我感到高兴的是,中国与美国就在几个小时前与团结一致的国际社会一道支持联合国关于安全问题的强有力决议,向非洲联盟的路线图提供明确无疑的支持。

Our countries are addressing everything from cyber security to the changes and reforms going on in Burma to piracy and so much else, because we know that we are working to better the lives of our people and a better future for all humanity.Now of course, as part of our dialogue, the United States raises the importance of human rights and fundamental freedoms because we believe that all governments do have to answer to citizens’ aspirations for dignity and the rule of law, and that no nation can or should deny those rights.我们两国正在应对网络安全、缅甸发生的变化与改革、盗窃知识产权以及许许多多的其他各种问题,因为我们知道我们正在努力改善我们两国人民的生活,使全人类有一个更美好的未来。当然,作为我们对话的部分内容,美国提出人权与基本自由重要性的问题,因为我们认为各国政府都必须回应公民对尊严与法治的愿望,任何国家都不能也不应该拒绝这些权利。

As President Obama said this week, a China that protects the rights of all its citizens will be a stronger and more prosperous nation, and of course, a stronger partner on behalf of our common goals.The conversations we have here in Beijing reflect how much the U.S.-China relationship has grown in the 40 years since President Nixon came to China.Then, we had hardly any ties to speak of;now, we work together.I think it’s fair to say China and the United States cannot solve all the problems of the world, but without our cooperation, it is doubtful any problem can be solved.And so we are working as we go forward with our dialogue, seeking opportunities for engagement, building ties that are not only between governments but family, friends, entrepreneurs, students, scholars, artists, and so much else.正如奥巴马总统在本周内所说,一个保护其所有公民权利的中国将是一个更强大和更繁荣的国家,当然也是一个代表我们共同目标的更强有力的合作伙伴。我们在北京这里举行的对话反映出自从尼克松总统访华后40年来美中关系已经取得的巨大进展。那时,我们几乎没有任何联系可言;现在,我们共同工作。我认为,可以公平地说:中国和美国无法解决世界上的所有问题,但如果没有我们之间的合作,就很难解决任何问题。所以我们正在努力推动我们之间的对话,寻求接触与联系的机会,这种联系将不限于政府之间,而是包括家庭、朋友、企业家、学生、学者、艺术家和其他各类人士。

Tomorrow, I will attend the annual meeting of U.S.-China Consultation on People-to-People Exchanges, and we will discuss the progress we’re making, including for our 100000 Strong Education Initiative that will increase significantly the numbers and persity of American students studying in China.明天,我将参加美中人文交流高层磋商会议。我们将讨论我们取得的进展,其中包括“十万人留学中国计划”,该计划将大幅度增加在中国留学的美国学生的人数与多样性。So I wish to thank our hosts for their gracious hospitality once again, and pledge that we will continue to work together in a true spirit of partnership and mutual respect for the mutual benefit of our two nations.Thank you very much.(Applause.)




Thank you.Thank you.Thank you, so much.Thank you, all.Thank you very, very much.Well, this isn't exactly the party I'd planned, but I sure like the company.And I want to start today by saying how grateful I am to all of you,to everyone who poured your hearts and your hopes into this campaign,who drove for miles and lined the streets waving homemade signs,who scrimped and saved to raise money,who knocked on doors and made calls,who talked, sometimes argued with your friends and neighbors,who e-mailed and contributed online,who invested so much in our common enterprise,to the moms and dads who came to our events, who lifted their little girls and little boys on their shoulders and whispered in their ears,“See, you can be anything you want to be.”






To the young people like-a 13-year-old Anne Riddell from Mayfield, Ohio, who had been saving for two years to go to Disney World and decided to use her savings instead to travel to Pennsylvania with her mom and volunteer there, as well.To the veterans, to the childhood friends, to New Yorkers and Arkansans-who traveled across the country, telling anyone who would listen why you supported me.And to all of those women in their 80s and their 90s-born before women could vote, who cast their votes for our campaign.I've told you before about Florence Stein of South Dakota who was 88 years old and insisted that her daughter bring an absentee ballot to her hospice bedside.Her daughter and a friend put an American flag behind her bed and helped her fill out the ballot.She passed away soon after and, under state law, her ballot didn't count, but her daughter later told a reporter,“My dad's an ornery, old cowboy, and he didn't like it when he heard mom's vote wouldn't be counted.I don't think he had voted in 20 years, but he voted in place of my mom.”






So to all those who voted for me and to whom I pledged my utmost, my commitment to you and to the progress we seek is unyielding.You have inspired and touched me with the stories of the joys and sorrows that make up the fabric of our lives.And you have humbled me with your commitment to our country.Eighteen million of you, from all walks of life

-women and men, young and old, Latino and Asian, African-American and Caucasian rich, poor, and middle-class, gay and straight, you have stood with me.And I will continue to stand strong with you every time, every place, in every way that I can.The dreams we share are worth fighting for.Remember, we fought for the single mom with the young daughter, juggling work and school, who told me, “Im doing it all to better myself for her.”

We fought for the woman who grabbed my hand and asked me, “What are you going to do to make sure I have health care?” and began to cry, because even though she works three jobs, she can't afford insurance.所以,对所有给我投票的人们,对所有我发誓尽自己所能来为你们做奉献的人们,对和我一起追求进步未曾屈服的人们,我向你们表示感谢。









We fought for the young man in the Marine Corps T-shirt who waited months for medical care and said,“Take care of my buddies over there, and then will you please take care of me?”

We fought for all those who've lost jobs and health care, who can't afford gas or groceries or college, who have felt invisible to their president these last seven years.I entered this race because I have an old-fashioned conviction that public service is about helping people solve their problems and live their dreams.I've had every opportunity and blessing in my own life, and I want the same for all Americans.And until that day comes, you'll always find me on the front lines of democracy, fighting for the future.The way-the way to continue our fight now, to accomplish the goals for which we stand is to take our energy, our passion, our strength, and do all we can to help elect Barack Obama, the next president of the United States.我们曾奋斗,为了那位身穿海军T恤苦等了数月医院治疗的小伙子,他说:





现在,能够继续我们的奋斗、实现我们坚持的目标的方法,就是竭尽我们的能量、激情、力气以及其他所能来帮助选举巴拉克·奥巴马,我们的下一任美国总统。Today, as I suspend my campaign,I congratulate him on the victory he has won and the extraordinary race he has run.I endorse him and throw my full support behind him.And I ask all of you to join me in working as hard for Barack Obama as you have for me.I have served in the Senate with him for four years.I have been in this campaign with him for 16 months.I have stood on the stage and gone toe-to-toe with him in 22 debates.I've had a front-row seat to his candidacy, and I have seen his strength and determination, his grace and his grit.In his own life, Barack Obama has lived the American dream, as a community organizer.In the State Senate, as a United States senator, he has dedicated himself to ensuring the dream is realized.And in this campaign, he has inspired so many to become involved in the democratic process and invested in our common future.Now, when I started this race,I intended to win back the White House and make sure we have a president who puts our country back on the path to peace, prosperity and progress.And that's exactly what we're going to, by ensuring that Barack Obama walks through the doors of the Oval Office on January 20, 202_.今天,我终止参加竞选活动。我要对奥巴马所取得的胜利以及他在竞选中取得的不俗成绩表示祝贺。













Now, I understand--I understand that we all know this has been a tough fight, but the Democratic Party is a family.And now it's time to restore the ties that bind us together and to come together around the ideals we share, the values we cherish, and the country we love.We may have started on separate journeys, but today our paths have merged.And we're all heading toward the same destination, united and more ready than ever to win in November and to turn our country around, because so much is at stake.We all want economy that sustains the American dream, the opportunity to work hard and have that work rewarded, to save for college, a home and retirement, to afford that gas and those groceries, and still have a little left over at the end of the month, an economy that lifts all of our people and ensures that our prosperity is broadly distributed and shared.We all want a health care system that is universal, high-quality and affordable--

so that parents don't have to choose between care for themselves or their children or be stuck in dead-end jobs simply to keep their insurance.This isn't just an issue for me.It is a passion and a cause, and it is a fight.I will continue until every single American is insured, no exceptions and no excuses.如今,我明白了——我明白大家都知道这是一场艰苦的战斗,但是民主党是一个大家庭,现在是时候为了我们共同的理想、共同价值观、所爱的国家走到一起,齐心协力了。






We all want an America defined by deep and meaningful equality, from civil rights to labor rights, from women's rights to gay rights--from ending discrimination to promoting unionization, to providing help for the most important job there is: caring for our families.And we all want to restore America's standing in the world, to end the war in Iraq, and once again lead by the power of our values--

and to join with our allies to confront our shared challenges, from poverty and genocide to terrorism and global warming.You know, I've been involved in politics and public life in one way or another for four decades.......And during those......During those 40 years, our country has voted 10 times for president.Democrats won only three of those times, and the man who won two of those election is with us today.We made tremendous progress during the 90s under a Democratic president, with a flourishing economy and our leadership for peace and security respected around the world.我们都希望能有一个深深根植于平等中的美国,从公民权到劳工权利、从女权到同性恋者的权利、从结束歧视到促进团结、到为我们最重要的工作——关心家人提供帮助。








Just think how much more progress we could have made over the past 40 years if we'd had a Democratic president.Think about the lost opportunities of these past seven years on the environment and the economy, on health care and civil rights, on education, foreign policy and the Supreme Court.Imagine how far--we could have come, how much we could have achieved if we had--just had a Democrat in the White House.We cannot let this moment slip away.We have come too far and accomplished too much.Now, the journey ahead will not be easy.Some will say we can't do it, that it's too hard, we're just not up to the task.But for as long as America has existed, it has been the American way to reject can't-do claims and to choose instead to stretch the boundaries of the possible through hard work, determination, and a pioneering spirit.It is this belief, this optimism that Senator Obama and I share and that has inspired so many millions of our supporters to make their voices heard.So today I am standing with Senator Obama to say: Yes, we can!

And that together we will work--we'll have to work hard to achieve universal health care.But on the day we live in an America where no child, no man, and no woman is without health insurance, we will live in a stronger America.That's why we need to help elect Barack Obama our president.让我们想想,如果有一个民主党总统,我们可以在过去的40年里取得多大的进步。











这就是为什么我们要帮助巴拉克·奥巴马竞选总统的原因。Now, think how much progress we've already made.When we first started, people everywhere asked the same questions.“Could a woman really serve as commander-in-clief?”

Well, I think we answered that one.Could an African-American really be our president? And Senator Obama has answered that one.Together, Senator Obama and I achieved milestones essential to our progress as a nation, part of our perpetual duty to form a more perfect union.Now, on a personal note, when I was asked what it means to be a woman running for president, I always gave the same answer, that I was proud to be running as a woman, but I was running because I thought I'd be the best president.But--but I am a woman and,like millions of women, I know there are still barriers and biases out there, often unconscious.I want to build an America that respects and embraces the potential of every last one of us.现在,想想我们已经取得了多大的进步。









I ran--I ran as a daughter who benefited from opportunities my mother never dreamed of.I ran as a mother who worries about my daughter's future and a mother who wants to leave all children brighter tomorrows.To build that future I see, we must make sure that women and men alike understand the struggles of their grandmothers and their mothers, and that women enjoy equal opportunities, equal pay, and equal respect.Let us resolve and work toward achieving very simple propositions:

There are no acceptable limits, and there are no acceptable prejudices in the 21st century in our country.You can be so proud that, from now on, it will be unremarkable for a woman to win primary state victories--unremarkable to have a woman in a close race to be our nominee, unremarkable to think that a woman can be the president of the United States.And that is truly remarkable, my friends.我为„„作为一个女儿参加竞选,我得益于许多我的母亲从没梦想过的机会。







To those--to those who are disappointed that we couldn't go all of the way, especially the young people who put so much into this campaign, it would break my heart if, in falling short of my goal, I in any way discouraged any of you from pursuing yours.Always aim high, work hard, and care deeply about what you believe in.And, when you stumble, keep faith.And, when you're knocked down, get right back up and never listen to anyone who says you can't or shouldn't go on.As we gather here today in this historic, magnificent building, the 50th woman to leave this Earth is orbiting overhead.If we can blast 50 women into space, we will someday launch a woman into the White House.Although we weren't able to shatter that highest, hardest glass ceiling this time, thanks to you, it's got about 18 million cracks in it--

and the light is shining through like never before, filling us all with the hope and the sure knowledge that the path will be a little easier next time.对于为我们没能走完全程而失望的人,特别是倾注了大量心血的年轻人,我在目标未实现之际出局,而如果我从某种程度上使你们放弃追求,那才是真正令我心碎的。







前所未有的光明从中渗入,照亮我们,带着希望和定论——下一次道路会平坦得多。We'll have to work hard to get back to fiscal responsibility and a strong middle class.But on the day we live in an America whose middle class in thriving and growing again, where all Americans, no matter where they live or where their ancestors came from, can earn a decent living, we will live in a stronger America.And that is why we must help elect Barack Obama our president.We'll have to work hard to foster the innovations that will make us energy independent and lift the threat of global warming from our children's future.But on the day we live in an America fueled by renewable energy, we will live in a stronger America.And that is why we have to help elect Barack Obama our president.We'll have to work hard to bring our troops home from Iraq and get them the support they've earned by their service.But on the day we live in an America that's as loyal to our troops as they have been to us, we will live in a stronger America.And that is why we must help elect Barack Obama our president.This election is a turning-point election.And it is critical that we all understand what our choice really is.Will we go forward together, or will we stall and slip backwards?











我们将共同前进,还是停滞不前,一起倒退? That has always been the history of progress in America.Think of the suffragists who gathered at Seneca Falls in 1848 and those who kept fighting until women could cast their votes.Think of the abolitionists who struggled and died to see the end of slavery.Think of the civil rights heroes and foot soldiers who marched, protested, and risked their lives to bring about the end of segregation and Jim Crow.Because of them, I grew up taking for granted that women could vote and, because of them, my daughter grew up taking for granted that children of all colors could go to school together.Because of them, Barack Obama and I could wage a hard-fought campaign for the Democratic nomination.Because of them and because of you, children today will grow up taking for granted that an African-American or a woman can, yes, become the president of the United States.And so--when that day arrives, and a woman takes the oath of office as our president, we will all stand taller, proud of the values of our nation, proud that every little girl can dream big and that her dreams can come true in America.And all of you will know that, because of your passion and hard work, you helped pave the way for that day.So I want to say to my supporters:

When you hear people saying or think to yourself, “If only,” or, “What if,” I say, please, don't go there.Every moment wasted looking back keeps us from moving forward.美国曾经的进步都已成为历史。












Life is too short, time is too precious, and the stakes are too high to dwell on what might have been.We have to work together for what still can be.And that is why I will work my heart out to make sure that Senator Obama is our next president.And I hope and pray that all of you will join me in that effort.To my supporters and colleagues in Congress, to the governors and mayors, elected officials who stood with me in good times and bad, thank you for your strength and leadership.To my friends in our labor unions who stood strong every step of the way, I thank you and pledge my support to you.To my friends from every stage of my life, your love and ongoing commitment sustained me every single day.To my family, especially Bill and Chelsea and my mother, you mean the world to me, and I thank you for all you have done.And to my extraordinary staff, volunteers and supporters--thank you for working those long, hard hours.Thank you for dropping everything, leaving work or school, traveling to places that you've never been, sometimes for months on end.And thanks to your families, as well, because your sacrifice was theirs, too.All of you were there for me every step of the way.人生短暂,时间宝贵,沉湎于空想的代价实在太大了。











Now, being human, we are imperfect.That's why we need each other, to catch each other when we falter, to encourage each other when we lose heart.Some may lead, some may follow, but none of us can go it alone.The changes we're working for are changes that we can only accomplish together.Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are rights that belong to us as inpiduals.But our lives, our freedom, our happiness are best enjoyed, best protected, and best advanced when we do work together.That is what we will do now, as we join forces with Senator Obama and his campaign.We will make history together, as we write the next chapter in America's story.We will stand united for the values we hold dear, for the vision of progress we share, and for the country we love.There is nothing more American than that.And looking out at you today, I have never felt so blessed.The challenges that I have faced in this campaign--are nothing compared to those that millions of Americans face every day in their own lives.So today I'm going to count my blessings and keep on going.I'm going to keep doing what I was doing long before the cameras ever showed up and what I'll be doing long after they're gone:

working to give every American the same opportunities I had and working to ensure that every child has the chance to grow up and achieve his or her God-given potential.I will do it with a heart filled with gratitude, with a deep and abiding love for our country, and with nothing but optimism and confidence for the days ahead.This is now our time to do all that we can to make sure that, in this election, we add another Democratic president to that very small list of the last 40 years and that we take back our country and once again move with progress and commitment to the future.Thank you all.And God bless you, and God bless America.现在,作为人类,我们都是不完美的。


















I'm getting ready for a lot of things.A lot of things.It's spring, so we're starting to get the gardens ready and my tomatoes are legendary here in my own neighborhood.My daughter is about to start kindergarten next year, and so we're moving just so she can belong to a better school.......My brother and I are starting our first business......After five years of raising my children, I am now going back to work.Every day we're trying to get more and more ready and more prepared.Baby boy, coming your way.Right now I'm applying for jobs.It's a look into what the real world will look like after college.I'm getting married this summer to someone I really care about.I'm gonna be in the play and I'm gonna be in a fish costume.From little tiny fishes.I'm getting ready to retire soon.Retirement means reinventing yourself in many ways.Well we've been doing a lot of home renovations.But, most importantly, we just want to teach our dog to quit eating the trash.And so we have high hopes for 202_ that that's going to happen.I've started a new career recently.This is a fifth generation company which means a lot to me.This country was founded on hard work and it really feels good to be a part of that.I'm getting ready to do something, too.I'm running for president.Americans have fought their way back from tough economic times but the deck is still stacked in favor of those at the top.Everyday Americans need a champion, and I want to be that champion.So, you can do more than just get by, you can get ahead.And stay ahead!Because when families are strong, America is strong.So, I'm hitting the road to earn your vote.Because it's your time, and I hope you'll join me on this journey.我已准备好了要做很多事,特别多的事。











Remarks at Plenary Session of the U.S.-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue Hillary Rodham Clinton, Secretary of State

Washington, DC July 27, 202_ 希拉里·克林顿国务卿在美中战略与经济对话全体会议上发表的讲话

华盛顿哥伦比亚特区 202_年7月27日

Good morning.And Zhongxing Huanyin.早上好。[用中文说]衷心欢迎。

It is a privilege to open this inaugural meeting of the Strategic and Economic Dialogue between the United States and China.I am especially pleased to join my co-chair, Secretary Geithner, and to welcome State Councilor Dai and Vice Premier Wang.I look forward to resuming the productive discussions I had with Councilor Dai, President Hu, and Premier Wen on my trip to China in February, and to build on President Obama and President Hu’s meeting in London.十分荣幸能在美中两国之间的战略与经济对话首次会议开幕式上致辞。我特别高兴能与盖特纳(Geithner)部长共同主持会议,并欢迎王岐山副总理和戴秉国国务委员。我期待着继续我2月访华期间与戴秉国国务委员、胡锦涛主席和温家宝总理进行的富有成果的讨论,并在奥巴马总统和胡锦涛主席伦敦会晤的基础上取得更多成果。

This is both a culmination, and a beginning.A culmination of actions taken by our predecessors 30 years ago, when the United States and China established formal diplomatic relations.What followed was a blossoming of Chinese economic growth and diplomatic engagement that has allowed our nations to reach this place of opportunity today.这一对话既是一个结果又是一个开端。作为结果,它源于我们的前任们30年前所采取的行动。那时,美中两国建立了正式外交关系,邓小平发起了中国的经济改革并实行对外开放。随之而来的是中国经济的蓬勃发展和使我们两国到达今天机遇之地的外交接触。

This dialogue also marks a beginning – the beginning of an unprecedented effort to lay the foundation for a positive, cooperative, and comprehensive U.S.-Chinese relationship for the 21st century.这一对话也标志着一个开端——一个为建立21世纪积极、合作、全面的美中关系奠定基础而作出前所未有努力的开端。

That so many members of President Obama’s cabinet are here reflects our belief that a stronger relationship will yield rewards, not only for our two nations, but for the world beyond.奥巴马总统内阁的众多阁员今天与会反映了我们的一个信念,即更牢固的美中关系不仅会使我们两国受益,而且会使整个世界受益。

For in the decades ahead, great countries will be defined less by their power to dominate or pide than by their capacity to solve problems.It is this reality – and the fact that no country can solve today’s challenges alone – that demands a new global architecture for progress.因为在未来数十年内,伟大国家的特征将不是其控制和分割他国的力量,而是其解决问题的能力。正是这一现实——以及没有任何国家能单独应对今天面临的挑战这一事实——要求建立一个新的争取进步的全球架构。

Although past relations between the United States and China have been influenced by the idea of a balance of power among great nations, the fresh thinking of the 21st century can move us from a multi-polar world to a multi-partner world.And it is our hope that the dialogue we initiate today will enable us to shape that common agenda.尽管美国和中国以往的关系受到大国间权力平衡的观点的影响,但21世纪全新的思维能使我们从一个多极世界走向一个多伙伴世界。我们希望今天启动的对话将使我们能够确立这个共同议程。

Our nations face common global threats, from the economic crisis, to non-proliferation, climate change and clean energy, pandemic disease and global poverty, North Korea, Iran, and extremism in Afghanistan and Pakistan.我们两国面临着同样的全球性威胁,从经济危机到防扩散,从气候变化到清洁能源,从大规模流行性疾病到全球贫困,从北韩到伊朗,还有阿富汗和巴基斯坦的极端主义势力。

To meet these threats, we must find common ground and work together in common purpose, even as we may disagree on certain issues.为了应对这些威胁,我们必须找到共同之处并向着共同目标一起努力,即使我们可能在某些问题上存在分歧。

As we’ll hear from the President later this morning, the Obama Administration is committed to broader engagement – to using robust diplomacy and development and working with and beyond government to solve regional and global problems.今天上午我们将会听到总统阐明,奥巴马政府致力于更广泛的接触——利用有力的外交和发展手段,同政府及非政府人士合作解决区域性和全球性问题。

When I was in China in February, it was my first time back in almost a decade.And I was struck, as many visitors are, by the transformation that had taken place.Driving on the third ring road in Beijing, I felt like was watching a movie in fast-forward.From a few high rise buildings on my last trip, to a gleaming Olympic complex and corporate skyscrapers today.From millions of Flying Pigeon bicycles navigating the streets, to cars of every model traversing modern thoroughfares.And for those traveling to Shanghai, an already cosmopolitan city soon to add the Shanghai Expo.我今年二月访问中国时,距我前一次访问已有将近十年之久。我像很多来访者一样,被今昔的变化所震撼。驱车行驶在三环路上,我感到仿佛是在观看一部快进的电影。我上次来时高楼大厦屈指可数,如今奥林匹克场馆和摩天商务大厦令人眼花缭乱。过去有千百万辆飞鸽牌自行车在大街小巷穿行,如今有各种型号的汽车在现代化公路上行驶。那些去上海的人还会看到上海世博会将为这个已经发展成型的大都市增添光彩。

All are testaments to China’s dynamism and growth.And we welcome these signs of progress.这些都是中国蓬勃发展的见证。这些进步的气象令我们感到高兴。

We also welcome China’s role in promoting peace and stability in the Asia Pacific.Over the past 30 years, the United States has helped foster security in the region – a critical factor in China’s growth, and an important strategic interest of our own.In the future, we will remain actively engaged in promoting the security of Asia.When misunderstandings or disagreements arise, we will work through them peacefully and through intensive dialogue.我们还欢迎中国为促进亚太地区的和平与稳定所发挥的作用。过去30年来,美国帮助建立该地区的安全,这对中国的增长至关重要,对我们自身的战略利益也意义重大。未来,我们将继续积极参与促进亚洲的安全。出现误解或分歧时,我们将以和平方式并通过积极对话来予以解决。

This Strategic and Economic Dialogue differs from past dialogues in scope, substance, and approach.It is comprehensive by design, meant to enlist the full range of talent within our governments and to include cross-cutting challenges that are neither bureaucratically neat, nor easily compartmentalized.本届战略与经济对话在广度、实质乃至方法上均不同于过去的对话。其形式结构力求全面,以便充分利用两国政府内部的聪明才智,解决那些在行政体制上无法按部门截然划分的问题。

With this dialogue we are laying, brick by brick, the foundation of a stronger relationship – improving lines of communication;increasing understanding;setting priorities;and creating a work plan.通过这一对话,我们正脚踏实地为加强关系而奠定基础,改善交流途径,增强理解,制定重点目标和工作计划。

Our agenda will focus on several areas: 我们的议程将侧重于以下几个方面:

First, the economic recovery.Repairing the global economy is a priority for both the United States and China.We have taken aggressive action at home to stimulate our economy and stabilize our financial institutions.China has taken similarly bold steps and we both agree that further economic and financial cooperation is necessary for global recovery.第一,经济复苏。修复全球经济是美中两国的首要目标。我们已在国内采取果断行动,以刺激经济和稳定金融机构。中国已采取类似的大胆措施,而且我们双方均认为,进一步的经济和金融合作对全球复苏是必要的。

Second, climate change and clean energy.As the world’s two biggest emitters, we must demonstrate to the developed and developing world that clean energy and economic growth can go hand-in-hand.We are already involved in promising partnerships.In Beijing, I toured a geo-thermal plant that is a true U.S.-Chinese collaboration.General Electric has provided high-tech equipment to produce heat and power with half the emissions, and far less water usage than the coal plants that are typically relied on.And Chinese businesses build the steam turbines that help to power the plant.This plant saves costs and provides clean energy – including heat for the U.S.Embassy.第二,气候变化和清洁能源。作为世界上两个最大的排放国,我们必须向发达和发展中国家表明,清洁能源和经济增长能够同步进行。我们已在进行充满希望的合作。在北京期间,我参观了一家地热工厂,这是名副其实的美中合作。通用电气公司提供的高科技设备被用于产热发电,与通常燃煤的火力发电相比,排放减少了一半,用水量也大大下降。中国公司则制造了工厂发电用的燃气轮机。该厂在节省成本的基础上提供了清洁能源,包括为美国大使馆提供热能。

Third, security challenges.I just attended the ASEAN conference in Thailand, where the North Korean regime’s recent provocations were a subject of great concern.China and the United States both appreciate the dangers of escalating tensions and a prospective arms race in East Asia;and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.第三,安全挑战。我刚刚出席了在泰国举行的东盟会议,北韩政权最近的挑衅行动成了大会十分关注的议题。中国和美国均认识到紧张局势升级以及东亚可能发生的军备竞赛所导致的危险以及大规模毁灭性武器扩散的危险。

Already, China and the United States have worked together to contain dangerous actions on the part of North Korea.We are grateful for the Chinese government’s leadership in establishing the Six Party Talks and for its close cooperation in response to North Korean missile launches.中美两国已经在进行合作,以遏制北韩方面的危险行动。我们感谢中国政府为设立六方会谈所发挥的主导作用以及在应对北韩导弹发射问题上所进行的密切合作。

We will also discuss our common concerns about the nuclear weapons capability of Iran, and explore ways to address violent extremism and promote stability in Afghanistan and Pakistan.我们还将讨论我们对伊朗核武器能力的共同关注,并探讨清除暴力极端主义、促进阿富汗和巴基斯坦稳定的方法。

Fourth, development.Under President Obama, development, like diplomacy, is an equally important pillar of American foreign policy.Many of the world’s threats stem from lack of opportunity which, in turn, leads to poverty, social erosion, and political instability.By addressing global scourges such as hunger, illiteracy, disease, and economic marginalization from the bottom up, and by insisting on accountability and adherence to the rule of law, we can widen opportunity and prosperity for more people in more places.第四,发展。在奥巴马总统领导下,发展同外交一样,是美国对外政策的重要支柱。世界上许多威胁的根源来自机会的缺乏,而机会缺乏进而导致贫困、社会解体及政治动荡。通过自下而上地消除饥饿、文盲、疾病以及经济边缘化等全球性灾难,坚持问责制和法治,我们能够为更多地区的更多人带来机会和繁荣。

None of these problems will be easy to solve, and results won’t happen overnight.We will not always see eye-to-eye, as is the case with human rights, where the United States will continue to be guided by the ideal that the rights of all people must be respected.Still, solutions to many of today’s global challenges are within reach if we work cooperatively where our interests intersect, and are honest with each other when they don’t.这些问题无一能轻易解决,也不会一夜之间就产生结果。我们的观点并非全部一致,人权便是一例。美国将继续恪守这样的理念:所有人的权利都必须得到尊重。尽管如此,如果我们在利益一致的领域进行合作,并且在利益不一致时能做到开诚布公,那么我们就能够成功应对当今的许多全球性挑战。

A well-known Chinese saying speaks of a sacred mountain in northern China near Confucius’ home.It says: ―When people are of one mind and heart, they can move Mt.Tai."


We cannot expect to be united at every turn, but we can be of one mind and heart on the need to find common ground as we confront the shared challenges of the 21st century.The Obama Administration has embraced this dialogue with China early and energetically because we want to see it to fruition.This is an issue of great importance to me as Secretary of State, and I know the same is true for my colleagues and for our President.我们无法期待事事处处都保持一致,但就面临21世纪的共同挑战有必要找到共同立足点而言,我们能够齐心协力。奥巴马政府上任伊始就决定大力与中国展开对话,因为我们希望看到它结出硕果。作为国务卿,这对我本人是一个十分重要的问题,并且我知道对我的同事们和奥巴马总统也是如此。

And now, it is my great honor to introduce Vice Premier Wang.现在,我非常荣幸地向大家介绍王副总理。



米歇尔在民主党全国代表大会(Democratic National Convention, DNC)上演讲,为希拉里背书,激昂慷慨、气场十足、极富感染力。演讲从她自己的两个女儿出发,始终围绕人性最柔软的话题,孩子。


The president is about one thing and one thing only, it’s about leaving something better for our kids.一个总统,最主要的任务就是一件事,要为孩子们争取更美好的未来。


她说这个国家需要的不是仇恨与猜忌,而是爱、平等与希望—— “When they go low, we go high.”




Michelle Obama could be Hillary Clinton's ace in the hole 米歇尔或成希拉里的最后王牌

The First Lady is a powerful surrogate to Clinton 米歇尔是希拉里强有力的代言人 Michelle united a pided hall 米歇尔把一个分裂的大堂团结在一起

Michelle’s speech brought down the DNC house


Michelle Obama’s Speech of a Lifetime Turns Convention Around for Hillary Clinton 米歇尔这场终身难遇的演讲把整个大会的人们都团结到了希拉里身旁

再看看这些用词: stirring 震撼人心的 emotional 情感饱满的 incredible 不可思议的 stunning 令人惊叹的 epic 史诗般的 blockbuster 轰动的

speech for ages 千载难逢的演讲

showstopper 因太精彩而屡次被掌声打断的演讲

她的这场演讲让群众激动万分(electrifies crowd),全场都坐不住了(get the crowd on their feet),整个大会的人都被感动得热泪盈眶(move the Democratic convention to tears)。

这就是演讲的力量,想学public speech的同学,一定不要错过。好了,我们现在就来领略一下号称民主党大会上“史上最佳第一夫人演讲”: 双语全文

Thank you all.Thank you so much.You know, it’s hard to believe that it has been eight years since I first came to this convention to talk with you about why I thought my husband should be president.谢谢各位,谢谢。真是令人难以置信,八年就这样过去了。八年前,我第一次站在这个大会上告诉诸位,为什么我的丈夫应该成为总统。

Remember how I told you about his character and convictions, his decency and his grace, the traits that we’ve seen every day that he’s served our country in the White House?

大家还记得吗,我向你们介绍他的品质与信念,说着他的正派与慈悲,以及他在白宫为国操劳的每一天向我们展现的所有优点。I also told you about our daughters, how they are the heart of our hearts, the center of our world.And during our time in the White House, we’ve had the joy of watching them grow from bubbly little girls into poised young women, a journey that started soon after we arrived in Washington.我那时还向各位说起我们的女儿,说起她们是我们宝贝的心头肉,是我们眼里世界的中心。在白宫度过的这段时光里,我们欢欣地看着 她们从热情活泼的小女孩长大为举止沉稳的年轻女性,这是一趟自我们抵达华盛顿之时就已开始的成长旅程。

When they set off for their first day at their new school, I will never forget that winter morning as I watched our girls, just 7 and 10 years old, pile into those black SUVs with all those big men with guns.And I saw their little faces pressed up against the window, and the only thing I could think was, what have we done? 我永远不会忘记她们第一天出发去新学校的场景。那个冬天的早晨,我目送我们7岁和10岁的女儿钻进黑色的SUV车里,陪着她们的全是持枪的壮汉。我看着她们把小脸贴在车窗上往外张望,那时候我想到的唯一一件事是:我们这是做错了什么?

See, because at that moment I realized that our time in the White House would form the foundation for who they would become and how well we managed this experience could truly make or break them.对,就是在那一刻,我意识到,在白宫的日子将会对她们的成长蜕变起到至关重要的影响。我们若能好好地应对这段经历,这段日子将会成就她们;如果不能,这些经历则会把她们带入歧途。That is what Barack and I think about every day as we try to guide and protect our girls through the challenges of this unusual life in the spotlight, how we urge them to ignore those who question their father’s citizenship or faith.How we insist that the hateful language they hear from public figures on TV does not represent the true spirit of this country.How we explain that when someone is cruel or acts like a bully, you don’t stoop to their level.No, our motto is, when they go low, we go high.这就是我和巴拉克每一天所思考的问题。我们努力地引导我们的孩子,保护她们不受这聚光灯之下的不寻常生活的伤害,鼓励她们不去在意别人对她们的爸爸的国籍或信念的质疑。我们坚持让她们相信,电视上那些公共人物说出来的满带恨意的话并不能代表这个国家真正的精神。我们向她们解释,有些人可能残忍而霸道,但这不意味着你可以堕落到与他们一样。绝不可以,我们的信条是,当别人往道德的低处走时,我们要继续向高处前行。

With every word we utter, with every action we take, we know our kids are watching us.We as parents are their most important role models.And let me tell you, Barack and I take that same approach to our jobs as president and first lady because we know that our words and actions matter, not just to our girls, but the children across this country, kids who tell us I saw you on TV, I wrote a report on you for school.Kids like the little black boy who looked up at my husband, his eyes wide with hope and he wondered, is my hair like yours? 我们知道,父母的言行举止时时刻刻都被孩子们所关注,我们是她们最重要的榜样。我想告诉各位,巴拉克和我一直以同样的心态对 待总统与第一夫人的工作。因为我们深知,我们所说的话,我们所做的事,不仅仅被自家孩子所关注,更同时被这个国家所有的孩子听到和看到。这些孩子可能会对我说,“我在电视上看过你”或是“我在一份作业里写了你”,也可能就像那个抬头带着希望看着我丈夫的黑人小男孩,心里充满好奇,“我的头发和你的是一样的吗?”

And make no mistake about it, this November when we go to the polls that is what we’re deciding, not Democrat or Republican, not left or right.No, in this election and every election is about who will have the power to shape our children for the next four or eight years of their lives.毫无疑问,今年11月我们去投票时,要做的就是这样一个决定,不是选择民主党或共和党,也不管左翼右翼之分。就同每一场选举一样,这场选举决定的是由谁来掌握一个大权,由谁来影响塑造孩子们生命中接下来的四年或六年。

And I am here tonight because in this election there is only one person who I trust with that responsibility, only one person who I believe is truly qualified to be president of the United States, and that is our friend Hillary Clinton.今晚,我站在这里,因为在这场选举中,只有一个人,让我放心地将这个责任交付;只有一个人,我相信真正有能力胜任美国总统一职。这个人就是我们的朋友,希拉里•克林顿。That’s right.就是如此。

See, I trust Hillary to lead this country because I’ve seen her lifelong devotion to our nation’s children, not just her own daughter, who she has raised to perfection, but every child who needs a champion, kids who take the long way to school to avoid the gangs, kids who wonder how they’ll ever afford college, kids whose parents don’t speak a word of English, but dream of a better life, kids who look to us to determine who and what they can be.我坚信希拉里能够领导这个国家,因为我见证了她以一生奉献予这个国家的孩子们,不仅仅是她那被栽培得近乎完美的女儿,更包括每一个需要保护的孩子——保护每一个需要走长长的路上学的孩子不受到犯罪团伙的伤害,帮助那些困惑于为何自己负担不起大学费用的孩子、那些自己的父母并不懂得说一句英语但自身梦想过上更好生活的孩子、那些等待着我们去决定他们的未来的孩子。

You see, Hillary has spent decades doing the relentless, thankless work to actually make a difference in their lives, advocating for kids with disabilities as a young lawyer, fighting for children’s health care as first lady, and for quality child care in the Senate.如你们所见,希拉里在几十年间一直任劳任怨地工作,为的是真正地使孩子们的生活有所不同。当她是个年轻律师时,她就为残障儿 童的权益发声;后来她成了第一夫人,她为孩子们的医疗保障奔忙;在国务卿任上,她依然在为孩子们争取高质量的保育环境。And when she didn’t win the nomination eight years ago, she didn’t get angry or disillusioned.Hillary did not pack up and go home, because as a true public servant Hillary knows that this is so much bigger than her own desires and disappointments.So she proudly stepped up to serve our country once again as secretary of state, traveling the globe to keep our kids safe.并且,八年前她竞选失利之后,她并不恼怒,也没有灰心丧气。希拉里没有打包走人,因为作为一个真正的公共利益服务者,她懂得这份事业比个人的欲望与失望重要得多。所以,她又挺身而出,以国务卿的身份为我们的国家服务,为孩子们的安全走遍全球。And look, there were plenty of moments when Hillary could have decided that this work was too hard, that the price of public service was too high, that she was tired of being picked apart for how she looks or how she talks or even how she laughs.But here’s the thing.What I admire most about Hillary is that she never buckles under pressure.She never takes the easy way out.And Hillary Clinton has never quit on anything in her life.很多时候希拉里都可以抱怨她的工作有多难,为人民付出的代价有多大,自己的外貌或言语甚至笑容时刻被人指责有多心累。可是,我最佩服她的一点,就是无论面对多大的压力,她都不会垮掉,也从来不会偷懒。在她的世界里,永无放弃可言。

And when I think about the kind of president that I want for my girls and all our children, that’s what I want.所以,当我想象一个能为我的女儿和所有孩子带来美好和希望的美国总统的样子,这就是我想要的。

I want someone with the proven strength to persevere, someone who knows this job and takes it seriously, someone who understands that the issues a president faces are not black and white and cannot be boiled down to 140 characters.我想要一个真正有能力坚持下去的人,一个了解这份工作、严肃对待它的人,一个懂得总统面对的问题不是非黑即白,也不能短短归结为140个字的人。

Because when you have the nuclear codes at your fingertips and the military in your command, you can’t make snap decisions.You can’t have a thin skin or a tendency to lash out.You need to be steady and measured and well-informed.因为当核武器的发射密码就在你指尖,并且手握着整个国家军队的时候,你不可以做出轻率的决定。你不能死要面子,也不能一戳就发火。你必须运筹帷幄、深思熟虑、见识广博。

I want a president with a record of public service, someone whose life’s work shows our children that we don’t chase fame and fortune for ourselves, we fight to give everyone a chance to succeed.我心目中的总统,要有从事公众服务的纪录,用毕生工作向孩子们证明,我们奋斗的目标不是追名逐利,而是让每个人都有成功的机会。

And we give back even when we’re struggling ourselves because we know that there is always someone worse off.And there but for the grace of God go I.就算当我们苦苦挣扎的时候,也要回报这个社会,因为总有人的生活比你还艰难。我们没吃他们的苦,是因为上帝眷顾。

I want a president who will teach our children that everyone in this country matters, a president who truly believes in the vision that our Founders put forth all those years ago that we are all created equal, each a beloved part of the great American story.我想要的总统,应当告诉孩子们,我们国家的每一个人都很重要。他要深信国父们数百年前的理念,人人生而平等,每一个人都是伟大美国历史珍视的一部分。

And when crisis hits, we don’t turn against each other.No, we listen to each other, we lean on each other, because we are always stronger together.当危机到来时,我们绝不分崩离析。我们互相倾听,相互扶持,因为团结才会让我们更加强大。And I am here tonight because I know that that is the kind of president that Hillary Clinton will be.And that’s why in this election I’m with her.今晚我在这里就是想告诉大家,希拉里就会是这样一位总统。这就是为什么在这场大选中,我站在她的一边。

You see, Hillary understands that the president is about one thing and one thing only, it’s about leaving something better for our kids.That’s how we’ve always moved this country forward, by all of us coming together on behalf of our children, folks who volunteer to coach that team, to teach that Sunday school class, because they know it takes a village.她懂得作为一个总统,最主要的任务就是一件事,要为孩子们争取更美好的未来。为了孩子而团结起来,我们的国家就是这样不断进步的。不论是志愿做学生队教练的人,还是去当主日学的教师,他们都明白,培养下一代,需要整个国家的力量。

Heroes of every color and creed who wear the uniform and risk their lives to keep passing down those blessings of liberty, police officers and the protesters in Dallas who all desperately want to keep our children safe.People who lined up in Orlando to donate blood because it could have been their son, their daughter in that club.不同肤色和信仰的英雄们穿上制服,冒着生命危险将自由的福祉传承下去。在达拉斯,警察和抗议者们都在拼尽全力地呼吁保护孩子们的安全。在奥兰多,人们排着队献血,因为他们知道,那晚在酒吧的也可能就是他们的孩子。

Leaders like Tim Kaine who show our kids what decency and devotion look like.Leaders like Hillary Clinton who has the guts and the grace to keep coming back and putting those cracks in that highest and hardest glass ceiling until she finally breaks through, lifting all of us along with her.蒂姆•凯恩这样的领袖让孩子们懂得了什么是正直与奉献。希拉里这样的领袖拥有的勇气和魅力,让她一直没有放弃,不断地冲击限制女性发展的那道最高最艰难的玻璃顶,直到她终于将其击碎,并带着我们一同提升。

That is the story of this country, the story that has brought me to this stage tonight, the story of generations of people who felt the lash of bondage, the shame of servitude, the sting of segregation, but who kept on striving and hoping and doing what needed to be done so that today I wake up every morning in a house that was built by slaves.And I watch my daughters, two beautiful, intelligent, black young women playing with their dogs on the White House lawn.这就是我们国家的故事,是这个故事让我今天站在这里。在这个故事中,曾有世世代代的人遭受着压迫和束缚,被奴役的耻辱和被隔离的痛苦。但是他们始终怀揣着希望,不息地抗争,所以今天的我才能每天在由奴隶建造的白宫里醒来,看着我的女儿们,两个美丽聪敏的黑皮肤少女,与狗狗们在白宫的草坪上嬉戏。

And because of Hillary Clinton, my daughters and all our sons and daughters now take for granted that a woman can be president of the United States.因为希拉里,我的女儿,和所有的孩子们,觉得女人可以当美国总统,这是理所应当的事。

So, look, so don’t let anyone ever tell you that this country isn’t great, that somehow we need to make it great again.Because this right now is the greatest country on earth!所以,别再听别人说我们的国家不够好,我们要让她变好之类的话。因为此时此刻,这就是世界上最伟大的国家。

And as my daughters prepare to set out into the world, I want a leader who is worthy of that truth, a leader who is worthy of my girls’ promise and all our kids’ promise, a leader who will be guided every day by the love and hope and impossibly big dreams that we all have for our children.我的两个女儿就要去闯荡世界了,我希望能有一个领袖能够配得上这个真相,值得托付我的女儿以及所有孩子们的前途,能用爱与希望,和我们寄予孩子的无限期望来指导其每一天。

So in this election, we cannot sit back and hope that everything works out for the best.We cannot afford to be tired or frustrated or cynical.No, hear me.Between now and November, we need to do what we did eight years ago and four years ago.所以在这次选举中,我们不能坐视着希望最后的结果是最好的,我们承受不起疲倦、沮丧或愤世嫉俗的代价。听我说,从现在起到十一月份,我们要像8年前或4年前那样,为之付出行动。

We need to knock on every door, we need to get out every vote, we need to pour every last ounce of our passion and our strength and our love for this country into electing Hillary Clinton as president of the United States of America!我们要挨家挨户敲门,让更多的人来投票。我们要用尽我们对这个国家的每一丝热情、每一份力量,和每一点爱,来推选希拉里•克林顿成为美利坚合众国的总统!

So let’s get to work.Thank you all and God bless.让我们行动起来吧。谢谢大家,上帝保佑。
