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编辑:莲雾凝露 识别码:23-1097318 14号文库 发布时间: 2024-08-09 13:40:54 来源:网络



在The Right Word at the Right Time的“序言”中,编者对词语选用的重要性作了一个很好的比喻:“Using the right word at the right time is rather like wearing appropriate clothing for the occasion:

it is a courtesy to others,and a favor to yourself-a matter of presenting yourself well in the eyes of the world.“






Dictionaries are like watches: the worst is better than none, and the best cannot be expected to go quite true.3.词语选择的三项标准




Do not write so that your words may be undetstood, but write so that your words must be understood.著名美国作家马克·吐温说:“用词准确与用词几乎准确,这两者之间的差异就如闪电与萤火虫之间的差异。”(The difference between the right word and the almost-right word is as great as that between lighting and the lighting bug.)


He is in a state of deep depression as a result of his setback latest experiment.The depression first hit almost all the small and medium-sized enterprises.Transportation was at a standstill caused by the depressions in the highways after the earthquake in that area.反之,也常常有几个词语可以表示类似的含义,如心理学上的“depression”也能用melancholia,the blues,the dismal in the dumps,low等词语表示。

要做到准确选择,有必要注意词语的两种意义:“基本意义”(denotation)和”引申意义"(connotation)。前者指该词语的本身,或客观的固有含义,后者指该词语在一定搭配或上下句中出现的其他意义,往往比较含蓄,带有词语使用者的主观态度或感情色彩。如inexpensive和cheap都表示便宜的基本意思,如顾客问营业员:“May I have some thing cheaper?”意思是希望要价钱便宜一点的,当然并不是说质量可以不好,但cheap在其他句式或使用场合可引出“低劣”、“平庸”、“吝啬”、“卑鄙”等多种意思,这类意思正是修辞上的“敏感地带”。



A)Honest labor creates wealth for the society.B)In the GM contract dispute, labor seeks a five-cent per hour wage increase.上述A句中labor一词为抽象含义,泛指各种社会劳动,B句中labor为具体含义,特指WAW,即美国汽车、飞机、农业机械工人联合会。


准确性是鲜明度的前提,也是提高鲜明度的基础。然而,鲜明与简练相关。英国文豪莎士比亚的名言“Brevity is the soul of wit”相当于汉语的“言贵简洁”。我们说话、写文章都要以“言简意赅”四字为目标,为此,应从两个方面加以注意:

A.在可以运用较简短的常见词语表达意思时不要用复杂而少的词语,如:do something for(不用perform,accomplish),用end/finish a letter(不用terminate,conclude)。


mutual aid(to each other)(mutual)aid to each other,(an entirely)complete confidence,repeat the question(again),return(back)from abroad,etc.






在The Right Word at the Right Time的“序言”中,编者对词语选用的重要性作了一个很好的比喻:“Using the right word at the right time is rather like wearing appropriate clothing for the occasion:it is a courtesy to others,and a favor to yourself-a matter of presenting yourself well in the eyes of the world.“





从客观条件广看,我们有各种类型的词典和参考书,只要我们平时多翻译、多阅读,写作时勤查考,就会在词语选用上不断进步。当然,一部好词典也不会毫无缺点,更难以面面俱到,因此在这里我们应牢牢记住著名英国作家、评论家和辞书编纂家Johson的话: Dictionaries are like watches: the worst is better than none, and the best cannot be expected to go quite true.3.词语选择的三项标准




Do not write so that your words may be undetstood, but write so that your words must be understood.著名美国作家马克·吐温说:“用词准确与用词几乎准确,这两者之间的差异就如闪电与萤火虫之间的差异。”(The difference between the right word and the almost-right word is as great as that between lighting and the lighting bug.)为了择语准确,必须熟悉词语的多义性。例如depression对心理学家、经济学家或地质学家来说,含义各不相同: He is in a state of deep depression as a result of his setback latest experiment.The depression first hit almost all the small and medium-sized enterprises.Transportation was at a standstill caused by the depressions in the highways after the earthquake in that area.反之,也常常有几个词语可以表示类似的含义,如心理学上的“depression”也能用melancholia,the blues,the dismal in the dumps,low等词语表示。

要做到准确选择,有必要注意词语的两种意义:“基本意义”(denotation)和”引申意义"(connotation)。前者指该词语的本身,或客观的固有含义,后者指该词语在一定搭配或上下句中出现的其他意义,往往比较含蓄,带有词语使用者的主观态度或感情色彩。如inexpensive和cheap都表示便宜的基本意思,如顾客问营业员:“May I have some thing cheaper?”意思是希望要价钱便宜一点的,当然并不是说质量可以不好,但cheap在其他句式或使用场合可引出“低劣”、“平庸”、“吝啬”、“卑鄙”等多种意思,这类意思正是修辞上的“敏感地带”。选用词语的准确性还表现在区分表示大体/抽象含义的词语和表示具体/特定含义的词语上,需要根据不同的使用场合做出正确的选择。抽象含义词语和具体含义词语不是两个对立的家族,在一定的条件下可以转化,如


A)Honest labor creates wealth for the society.B)In the GM contract dispute, labor seeks a five-cent per hour wage increase.上述A句中labor一词为抽象含义,泛指各种社会劳动,B句中labor为具体含义,特指WAW,即美国汽车、飞机、农业机械工人联合会。


准确性是鲜明度的前提,也是提高鲜明度的基础。然而,鲜明与简练相关。英国文豪莎士比亚的名言“Brevity is the soul of wit”相当于汉语的“言贵简洁”。我们说话、写文章都要以“言简意赅”四字为目标,为此,应从两个方面加以注意:

A.在可以运用较简短的常见词语表达意思时不要用复杂而少的词语,如:do something for(不用perform,accomplish),用end/finish a letter(不用terminate,conclude)。


mutual aid(to each other)(mutual)aid to each other,(an entirely)complete confidence,repeat the question(again),return(back)from abroad,etc.





1、阐述看法、观点、进行说明、论证时常用的词语: 就我所知to my knowledge, as far as I know


在我看来in myopinion,一般来说generally

generally speaking,概括地说in general terms, 严格地说strictly speaking, 更准确地说more specifically,more precisely,可以肯定地说……It is safe to say that… 我认为……I

据报导……It is reported that… 有人指出……It is pointed out that… 有人估计……It is estimated that…

必须承认……It must be admitted that… 必须指出……It must be pointed out that…




我们必须对……引起注意。We mustattract attentionto



personal judgement,in/with


in respect to/of

as toas/so far as sb./sth.is concened,place

We shoud

lay great emphasis on



We should attach importance to …We should attach importance to … 毫无疑问,There is no




clear显然,It is 



apparent不言而喻It goes without saying that…

It is self-evident that…

2、举例说明、补充说明或进一步阐述时常用的词语: 例如,for 



such as

以……为例,take…for example,等等……and so on



It is believed that

It is generally accepted that … It used to be said that … It is well known to all that… As is known to all, It is said that…

and so forth and all and others and the like and what not



in the same wayin fact,in effect,as a matter of fact


in particularespecially

more than that,the most important,what's more,moreover,furthermore,in addition,我们应该重视……

in addition to that,besides,即,也就是说,that is,that is to say,or

namely,换言之,in other words,正如以前所说的那样,as previously mentioned,正如前面提到的那样,as we have mentioned above,3、陈述或论证观点、看法(view,point, opinion)、原因、理由(reason,cause)、方法、手段、措施、步骤……(method,means,measures,step…)因素(factor):利弊、优缺点(advantage,disadvantage)时常用的词语:


……的原因有许多。There are many reasons why… ……的原因如下:The reasons why…are as follows: 我的看法是……My opinion is that… ②展开段落论证时常用词语:

A.第一层次(首先)First,Firstly,In the first place,First of all,To begin with,For one thing,我的第一点理由是……My first reason is that··· 主要因素是……The main factor is that··· B.第二层次(其次)Second,Secondly,In the second place,Therefore,Consequently,For these reasons,结果In consequence,As a result,由此可见……It will be seen from it that…,如上所述,我们可以得As has been said above, 出结论……

他们的区别如下: Their differences

are as follows:

can be described as follows:


islies in

The difference between A and B


最后一点简言之总之因此Next Then

For another,Another means of…is to V The second solution is that… Third,Thirdly,Besides,In addition,In addition to that,Furthermore,What is more important,Last,Lastly,Finally,In the last place,Last of all,Shortly,Briefly,In

short,brief,In a word,In summary,.

To sum up,In conclusion,On the whole,Altogether,In all,So,Thus,Hence,conclude

We can

make a conclusiondraw a conclusion that

reach a conclusioncome to a conclusion

这就是……的理由。It is、the reason that…

④将事物的正与反、好与坏两个方面,或将两种不同事物进行比 较、对照时常用的词语:



however,nevertheless,尽管如此in spite of that,despite all this,不管,不顾regardless of…

但在另一方面but on the other hand,但是说到……我们认为……but,as regards…,we say that…与……相比in/by comparison with…as compared with··· 对比之下by/in contrast,与……相反as opposed to···

in opposition to··· instead of…

反之on the contraryinstead

情况正好相反。The contrary is the case.让我们把A与B做个比较。

Let us make a comparison between A and B.

exists in consists in

A is different from B in…A and B are different in…



1、talent = capacity = gift = facility n.天赋

2、explore the potential/capability/ability 发掘潜力

3、parenting n.家长给小孩的教育

4、schooling =education =tutoring n.学校对学生的教育

5、cultivate = develop v.6、awareness = sense = recognition n.7、creative = original = innovative adj.8、physical adj.9、psychological = mental adj.10、motivation = incentive n.11、discipline = order = regulation =rule n

12、contribute to

13、adapt to =become accustomed to =adjust to =get use to

14、modern distance education Family

15、domestic = household = family n /adj.16、affluent = well off =wealth = rich adj.17、impoverished = indigent = poor adj

18、community = neighborhood = society n.19、childhood / adulthood n.20、family values

21、family bonds 培养 意识 有创造力的 身体的 心理的 动力,动机 纪律,法规 推动,有助于 适应 现代远程教育 家庭,家庭的 富裕的 贫穷的 社区

儿童时期/成年时期家庭观念 亲情

22、personality clashes 性格冲突


24、harmony = concord n.和谐


25、domestic violence 家庭暴力

26、gender equality 性别平等

27、(sexual / gender)discrimination n.(性别)歧视

28、household chores /affairs 家庭事务

29、be tied by 被……所拖累 30、an enlightened society 一个开明的社会


31、crimes =offense =criminal acts =transgression n.犯罪行为

32、commit a crime 犯下罪行

33、stringent =severe =rigorous=harsh=stern=strict adj.严厉的

34、punishment =chastisement =penalty=sentence n.惩罚

35、the crime rate = the incidence of crimes 犯罪率

36、rampant = unbridled adj.猖獗的,控制不住的

37、contravene = violate/ break the law v.违法

38、curb = restrain = limit =reduce =hold back v.遏制

39、preserve = protect and maintain v.保护,维持

Media 40、prevalent =everywhere=common=widespread adj.无处不在的

41、objective / subjective adj.客观的/主观的

42、prejudice = biased adj.不客观的

43、celebrity = super star =personality =pop idol n.名人

44、journalists = reporters n.记者

45、coverage n.报道

46、misleading = false adj.误导性的,令人误会的

47、dependable =reliable =trustworthy adj.可靠的

48、the press = the media 新闻界,媒体

49、up-to-the-minute = up to date=latest=most recent adj.最新的,非常及时的

Technology 50、transform = alter = change v.改变

51、transform into =become =turn into=develop into 变成为

52、breakthrough = breach n.突破

53、advance = develop / development v./n.发展

54、enhance =strengthen =boost =improve v.提高,增强

55、innovations = creations = inventions n.创新,发明

56、at a staggering rate = surprisingly rapid 以惊人的速度/速度惊人的

57、information overloaded 信息爆炸的

58、telecommunication 远程通信

59、expedite = promote = accelerate v.加快,促进 60、satellite transmission system 卫星通信系统

Development 61、the pace / tempo of life 生活节奏 62、living standard = quality of life 生活质量

63、bridge up the urban-rural(income)gap 消除城乡(收入)差距 64、eliminate = eradicate v.消除,根除 65、inferior = substandard adj.质量次等的 66、facility n.设施

67、materialism = money oriented adj.68、alienated = estranged adj.69、inalienable adj.70、the present/current situation=the status quo 71、interior/exterior feature of(buildings)(72、function=purpose n.Government 73、priority=main concern n.74、stability=steadiness n.75、establish=set up=institute v.76、solve=combat=tackle=resolve=address v.77、alleviate=ease=relieve v.78、harmonious=well balanced adj.79、authority=government department n.80、invest in=allocate resource in 81、ban=forbid=prohibit v.82、scrutinize=monitor=inspect v.83、administer=regulate=govern=manage=direct v.物质的,现实的 疏远的,不和的 不可分割的 现状

建筑)的内/外部特征功能 首要任务 稳定 建立 解决 减轻 和谐的 当局,政府机构 对……投资 禁止 监督,审查 管理

84、tax revenue n.税收

Tourism 85、broaden one's horizons/insights=expand one's outlook=open up one's eyes 开阔人的眼界

86、conflicts=pergences=disagreements n.冲突,分歧 87、explore=discover v.探索

88、tourist/visitor/scenic attractions=sights of interest=famous spot/scenery 风景名胜 89、local residents=local inhabitants 当地居民 90、mutual understanding 相互了解 91、enrich one's experience 丰富人的经历

Culture 92、cultural tradition 文化传统 93、cultural exchange 文化交流 94、cultural persity 文化多样性 95、cultural identity 文化特性 96、cultural heritages/relics 文化遗产 97、cultural assimilation 文化同化

98、cultural globalization 文化全球化 99、cultural differences 文化差异 100、cultural barrier 文化障碍 101、cultural shock 文化冲击 102、cultural and social evolution of mankind 人类文化演进 103、cultural impacts on 文化对……的影响 104、intercultural adj.不同文化间的 105、ancestors n.祖先 106、descendants=offspring n.后代 107、time-honored 历史悠久的

Languages 108、extinct=wiped out=vanished adj.灭绝的,消失的 109、lesser-known languages 小语种

110、the widespread use of… ……的广泛使用 111、plays a dominant role in(某一事物)在……中占统治地位 112、the proliferation/augment/boost of… ……的激增

Globalization 113、sweeping trends 席卷一切的潮流 114、synthesis of Asian and Western cultures 东西方文化的融合 115、universal=worldwide=global adj.全世界的 116、isolated adj.孤立的 117、erode=corrode=wear down v.侵蚀 118、global shutdown 全球消退

Environment 119、(excessive/exceeding)exploitations of natural resources 自然资源的(过度)开采 120、deforestation=destructive lumbering of forest 滥砍滥伐

121、disappearance of(tropical)rain forest(热带)雨林的消失 122、consume=deplete v.消耗 123、soil erosion 水土流失 124、desertification n.沙漠化

125、exhaust /carbon dioxide emission 尾气/二氧化碳排放 126、deteriorate/aggravate v.(自身)恶化/(使某事物)恶化 127、discharge v.排放

128、radioactive adj.放射性的,辐射的 129、contamination=pollution n.污染

130、decontamination=pollution cleanup n.净化,排除污染 131、alternative resource 替代能源

132、environmentally-friendly;eco-friendly adj.有益环境(环保)的; 133、green house effect 温室效应 134、global warming 全球变暖 135、glacier-melting 冰川消融 136、sea level rise 海平面上升 137、natural catastrophes/calamities/disasters 自然灾害 138、scarcity=scarceness=shortage=dearth=insufficient=paucity n.匮乏,缺少 139、balance of ecosystem 生态平衡 140、disposable 一次性的 141、reusable 可再度使用的 142、renewable resources 可再生资源 143、sustainable development(strategies)可持续发展(战略)144、conserve=save v.节约 145、harmonious co-existence/development/rhythm of man and nature; Harmony of mankind and mother nature 人与自然的和谐共存/发展/旋律 146、affluent life and sound ecosystem Animals 147、threats to biopersity 148、dangerously tamper the food chain 149、face/on the edge of extinction 150、endangered species/animals 151、natural reserves 152、habitat n.153、companions=friends n.154、replacements=alternatives n.富足的生活和健康的生态系统 对生物多样性的威胁 极大地破坏生物链 濒临灭绝 濒危物种/动物 自然保护区 栖息地 伙伴 替代物


英语写作中100个高频使用词语搭配-B 42.满足需求 satisfy/ meet the needs of„

43.可靠的信息源 a reliable source of information 44.宝贵的自然资源 valuable natural resources 45.因特网 the Internet(一定要由冠词,字母I 大写)46.方便快捷 convenient and efficient 47.在人类生活的方方面面 in all aspects of human life 48.环保(的)environmental protection / environmentally friendly 49.社会进步的体现 a symbol of society progress 50.科技的飞速更新 the ever-accelerated updating of science and technology 51.对这一问题持有不同态度 hold different attitudes towards this issue

52.支持前/后种观点的人 people / those in fovor of the former/ latteropinion

53.有/ 提供如下理由/ 证据 have/ provide the following reasons/ evidence

54.在一定程度上 to some extent/ degree / in some way

55.理论和实践相结合 integrate theory with practice

56.„必然趋势 an irresistible trend of„

57.日益激烈的社会竞争 the increasingly fierce social competition

58.眼前利益 immediate interest/ short-term interest

59.长远利益.interest in the long run

60.„有其自身的优缺点 „ has its merits and demerits/ advantages and disadvantages

61.扬长避短 Exploit to the full one’s favorable conditions and avoid unfavorable ones

62.取其精髓,取其糟粕 Take the essence and discard the dregs.63.对„有害 do harm to / be harmful to/ be detrimental to

64.交流思想/ 情感/ 信息 exchange ideas/ emotions/ information

65.跟上„的最新发展 keep pace with / catch up with/ keep abreast with

the latest development of „

66.采取有效措施来„ take effective measures to do sth.67.„的健康发展 the healthy development of „

68.有利有弊 Every coin has its two sides.No garden without weeds.69.对„观点因人而异 Views on „vary from person to person.70.重视 attach great importance to„

71.社会地位 social status

72.把时间和精力放在„上 focus time and energy on„

73.扩大知识面 expand one’s scope of knowledge

74.身心两方面 both physically and mentally

75.有直接/间接关系 be directly / indirectly related to„ 76.提出折中提议 set forth a compromise proposal

77.可以取代 “think”的词 believe, claim, maintain, argue, insist, hold the opinion/ belief that

78.缓解压力/ 减轻负担 relieve stress/ burden

79.优先考虑/发展„ give(top)priority to sth.80.与„比较 compared with„/ in comparison with

81.相反 in contrast / on the contrary.82.代替 replace/ substitute / take the place of

83.经不起推敲 cannot bear closer analysis / cannot hold water

84.提供就业机会 offer job opportunities

85.社会进步的反映 mirror of social progress

86.毫无疑问 Undoubtedly, / There is no doubt that„

87.增进相互了解 enhance/ promote mutual understanding

88.充分利用 make full use of / take advantage of

89.承受更大的工作压力 suffer from heavier work pressure

90.保障社会的稳定和繁荣 guarantee the stability and prosperity of our society

91.更多地强调 put more emphasis on„

92.适应社会发展 adapt oneself to the development of society

93.实现梦想 realize one’s dream/ make one’s dream come true

94.主要理由列举如下 The main reasons are listed as follows:

95.首先 First,Firstly,In the first place, To begin with

96.其次 Second, Secondly, In the second place

97.再次 Besides,In addition, Additionally, Moreover, Furthermore

98.最后 Finally, Last but not the least, Above all, Lastly,99.总而言之 All in all, To sum up, In summary, In a word,100.我们还有很长的路要走 We still have a long way to go.
