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编辑:空山幽谷 识别码:23-486838 14号文库 发布时间: 2023-05-25 16:01:57 来源:网络



1.______ LOW ELY SLWLY WITH COLD FRONT FM CEN TO 12N 179W AND WARM FROM FM CEN TO 11N 171W. A.SHLW B.SCTD C.OBS D.SW A 2.______ moving rather quickly east expected 150 miles south of Cape Farewell 972 by 160000 GMT. A.Developed low B.Developing low C.Being developed low D.Low to be developed B 3.______ rain means it rains in some parts of the area. A.Squally B.Isolated C.Scattered D.Occasional C 4.A local wind which occurs during the daytime and is caused by the different rates of warming of land and water is a ______. A.Foehn

B.Chinook C.Land breeze

D.Sea breeze D 5.A microbarograph is a precision instrument that provides a ______. A.charted record of atmospheric temperature over time B.charted record of atmospheric pressure over time C.graphic record of combustible gases measured in an atmosphere D.graphic record of vapor pressure from a flammable/combustible liquid B 6.A tropical storm is building strength some distance from your ship.Waves are coming from the east,with periods increasing from 5 seconds to 15 seconds.The swell is from the east.Where was the storm when these new swells were generated ________.

A.To the north of you

B.To the south of you C.To the east of you

D.To the west of you C 7.A type of precipitation that occurs only in thunderstorms with strong convection currents that convey raindrops above and below the freezing level is known as ______. A.Sleet

B.Hail C.Freezing rain D.Rime B 8.A weather forecast states that the wind will commence backing.In the Northern Hemisphere,this would indicate that it will ______. A.Shift in a clockwise manner B.Shift in a counterclockwise manner C.Continue blowing from the same direction D.Decrease in velocity B 9.A WIND BLOWS ROUND ANTICLOCKWISE defines ______. A.Bcking(of wind)B.Beach(to)

C.Veering(of wind)

D.Maintaining direction of the wind A 10.After a cold front passes,the barometric pressure ______. A.Drops,and the temperature drops B.Drops,and the temperature rises C.Rises,and the temperature drops D.Rises,and the temperature rises C 11.Anticyclones are usually characterized by ______. A.dry,fair weather B.high winds and cloudiness C.gustiness and continuous precipitation D.overcast skies A 12.As the temperature for a given mass of air increases,the ______. A.Dew point increases B.Dew point decreases C.Relative humidity increases D.Relative humidity decreases D 13.BASHI:E TO SE 9-10.500M IN HVY SQUALLY SHWRS AND TS.SEA 8-9M.SWELL SE 6-7M.From the above forecast,the wind in Beaufort Scale will be ______.


SHOWERS.This description is likely to be under the heading of ______. A.FORECAST B.STORM WARNING C.GENERAL SITUATION D.MAP ANALYSIS A

15.During the voyage he encountered boisterous winds and heavy weather during which time the vessel ______ heavily and to such an extent that at times it was necessary to change course. A.Moved B.Labored C.Drove D.Went B 16.During the voyage my ship ______ bad weather in the Pacific Ocean. A.meets with B.has met with C.met with D.meeted with C 17.Especially in adverse weather,risk of collision with an offshore supply vessel increases when the vessel is moored to what side of the unit ________. A.Upwind B.Downwind C.Crosswind D.Downcurrent A 18.For an accurate barometer check,you would ______. A.Check it with a barometer on another vessel B.Take readings from several barometers and average them C.Check it with the barometer at the ship chandlery D.Check it against radio or National Weather Service reports of the immediate vicinity D 19.HIGH WAVES;DENSE STREAKS OF FOAM ALONG THE DIRECTION OF THE WIND;CRESTS OF WAVES BEGIN TO TOPPLE,TUMBLE AND ROLL OVER;SPRAY MAY AFFECT VISIBILITY.This condition is likely to be termed ______.

A.Strong breeze B.Near gale C.Gale D.Strong gale D

20.If the center of low pressure is due west of you in the Northern Hemisphere,which wind direction should you expect ________. A.South to west B.South to east C.West to north D.North to east B 21.If your weather bulletin shows the center of a low pressure area to be 100 miles due east of your position,what winds can you expect in the Northern Hemisphere ________.

A.East to northeast

B.East to southeast C.North to northwest

D.South to southeast C 22.INTERTROPICAL CONVERGENCE ZONE OVER SOUTH PHILIPPINE PASSING OVER MINDANAO NORTHERN SULU AND PALAWAN.This phrase is likely to be under the heading of ______. A.GALE WARNING B.24 HOURS FORECAST C.SYNOPSIS D.STORM WARNING C 23.Mechanical lifting of air by the upslope slant of the terrain is called ______. A.Vertical lifting B.Convective lifting C.Advective lifting D.Topographic lifting D 24.NORTHEAST TAIWAN RYUKYU PARTLY CLOUDY SKIES WITH ISOLATED SHOWERS WIND NORTHEASTLY ZERO FIVE TO ONE FIVE KNOTS SEA MAINLY SLIGHT.The weather in this area is ______. A.CLOUDY B.PARTLY CLOUDY C.CLEAR D.OVERCAST B 25.Of the following,______ is not a wind. A.Bora B.Gust C.Gregale D.FloeD 26.OWING TROPICAL STORM9706 CROSSING OUR/COURSE PLSPERMIT SHELTERING KAGOSHIMA KAIWAN.This cable indicates that ______.

A.She requested shelter permission

B.She intended to berth at port of KAGOSHIMA C.She intended to change her course D.She was reporting to the port that a tropical storm is coming A 27.REEF(SOUTH)WIND NORTH 10 KNOTS WEATHER ISOLATED SHOWERS SEA SLIGHT STOP.This phase is a ______. A.forecast B.warning C.map analysis D.general introduction A 28.SCARBOROUGH= W TO SW UP TO 10 IN N.500 M IN HVY SQUALLY SHOWERS AND TS.SEA 7-8 M.SWELL SW 5-6 M.The visibility in this area is ______.

A.10 NM

B.500 M

C.7-8 M

D.5-6M B 29.SEVERE TROPICAL STORM UPGRADED INTO A TYPHOON AND AT 1800Z 13 AUGUST IT WAS ESTIMATED BASED ON SURFACE REPORTS.This phrase is likely to be under the heading of ______. A.GALE WARNING B.24 HOURS FORECAST C.SYNOPSIS D.STORM WARNING D 30.TAIWAN STRAITS EAST GUANGDONG:CLOUDY TO OVERCAST WITH LOCAL SHOWERS WIND NE 22 TO 33 KTS SEAS ROUGH TO VERY ROUGH VIS 10 TO 20 KMS.The Vis.in this area is ______ nautical miles. A.22 TO 33 B.11 TO 16 C.5 TO 10 D.10 TO 20 C 31.The AMVER system requires ______. A.Sailing plans to be sent before departure B.More frequent reports in heavy weather C.Arrival reports to be sent within 8 hours of arrival D.A position report within 24 hours of departure D 32.The apparent wind's speed can be zero,but only when two conditions are present.One condition is that the true wind ______. A.Must be from dead ahead B.Speed must be zero C.Must be from dead astern D.Must be on the beam

C 33.The area of strong westerly winds occurring between 40°S and 60°S latitude is called the ______. A.polar easterlies B.prevailing westerlies C.roaring forties D.jet streams C 34.The Beaufort scale is used to estimate the ______. A.Wind direction B.Percentage of cloud cover C.Wind speed D.Barometric pressure C 35.The dense black cumulonimbus clouds surrounding the eye of a hurricane are called ______.

A.Spiral rainbands

B.Cloud walls C.Funnel clouds

D.Cyclonic spirals B 36.The eye of a hurricane is surrounded by dense black cumulonimbus clouds which are called the ______. A.Wall cloud B.Nimbostratus cloud C.Bar D.Funnel A 37.The Routing System which aimed at reducing the risk of casualties is called as ______.

A.Traffic Separation Schemes B.Recommended tracks C.Precautionary areas D.Inshore traffic zones A 38.The winds you would expect to encounter in the North Atlantic between latitudes 5° and 30° are known as the ______. A.Doldrums B.Westerlies C.Trades D.Easterlies C 39.TYPHOON KAREN WARNING 14.POSIT ONE THREE PT ONE NORTH ONE FOUR EIGHT PT TWO EAST AT 110 000Z.GOOD BASED ON 102 200Z RECON FIX.The typhoon is in ______.

A.the high latitude of the northern hemisphere

B.the high latitude of the southern hemisphere C.the low latitude of the northern hemisphere D.the low latitude of the southern hemisphere C 40.Weather conditions in the middle latitudes generally move ______. A.Eastward B.Westward C.Northward D.Southward A 41.Weather forecast messages are usually ______. A.Given only to TV stations B.Transmitted only by commercial broadcast stations C.Broadcast in plain language D.Broadcast immediately on VHF Channel 16 and 2182 kHz C 42.Weather information is available from ______. A.Commercial radio broadcasts B.The Coast Guard on scheduled marine information broadcasts C.VHF-FM continuous marine weather broadcasts provided by the National Weather Service D.All of the above D 43.Weather observations provided by each weather station include all of the following except ______. A.temperature B.visibility C.predicted weather for the next twelve hours D.barometric pressure and change in the last three hours C 44.West backing south-west gale 8 locally storm 10 ______ then rain or sleet mainly good.

A.windy showers B.showers with winds C.wintry showers D.showery winds C 45.What benefit is a weather bulletin to a mariner ________. A.It provides a legal reason to cancel a projected voyage B.It allows the mariner to make long term weather forecasts C.It is of little benefit since the weather changes frequently and rapidly D.It gives the mariner time to prepare for weather changes D 46.What will a veering wind do ________.

A.Change direction in a clockwise manner in the Northern Hemisphere B.Circulate about a low pressure center in a counterclockwise manner in the Northern Hemisphere C.Vary in strength constantly and unpredictably D.Circulate about a high pressure center in a clockwise manner in the Southern Hemisphere A 47.When a high pressure system is centered north of your vessel in the Northern Hemisphere ______.

A.You should experience hot,moist,clear weather B.The wind direction is generally easterly C.The winds should be from the southwest at your location D.The winds should be brisk B 48.When force of winds reaches 10-11 in Beaufort scale,we usually call such wind ______.




D.Typhoon B 49.When observing a rapid rise in barometric pressure,you may expect ______. A.Clear weather with no wind,but the possibility of rain or snow within 24 hours B.Deteriorating weather with rain or snow C.Heavy rain or severe thundershowers D.Clearing weather,possibly accompanied by high winds D 50.When steering on autopilot which of the following input conditions may NOT have an effect on the control of the steering gear ________. A.Non-follow-up

B.Rudder adjustment C.Weather adjustment

D.All the above may be activated A 51.Which general weather conditions should you expect to find in a low pressure system ________. A.Fair weather B.Precipitation and cloudiness C.Scattered clouds at high elevations D.Gradual clearing and cooler temperatures B 52.Which of the following is not a frontal term ______. A.Ridge B.Col C.Trough D.Bora D 53.Which of the following statements concerning frontal movements is TRUE ________.

A.The temperature rises after a cold front passes B.The barometric pressure rises when a warm front passes C.A cold front generally passes faster than a warm front D.A warm front usually has more violent weather associated with it than a cold front C 54.While on watch,you notice that the air temperature is dropping and is approaching the dew point.Which type of weather should be forecasted ________. A.Hail B.Heavy rain C.Sleet D.Fog D 55.Widely spaced isobars on a weather map indicate ______. A.High winds B.Gentle breezes C.Ice,snow or frozen rain D.Probability of tornados B 海上天气现象

1.______ are experienced in temperate latitudes during warn summer weather but rarely exceed Force 3 and may extend 10 to 15 miles on either side of the coastline. A.Trade Winds B.Winds of the temperate zones C.Monsoons D.Land and Sea Breezes D 2.______ blow more or less constantly(except when monsoons prevail)throughout all seasons at a mean speed of around 14 knots and are generally strongest in the late winter.

A.Trade Winds

B.Winds of the temperate zones C.Monsoons

D.Land and Sea Breezes A 3.______ forms over land,most frequently during autumn and winter over low-lying land,especially if it is damp and marshy and in valleys on quiet nights with clear skies.

A.FRONTAL FOG B.MIXING FOG C.ADVECTION FOG D.RADIATION FOG D 4.______ is a type of fog occurring close to the sea surface when the air is dry and cold-probably at least 9℃ below the sea surface temperature. A.MIXING FOG

B.ADVECTION FOG C.RADIATION FOG D.ARCTIC SEA SMOKE D 5.______ is the most widespread type likely to be encountered at sea and is caused by relatively warm air being cooled by flowing over a cooler sea surface. A.FRONTAL FOG B.MIXING FOG C.ADVECTION FOG D.RADIATION FOG C 6.A ______ is created by a pressure gradient or slope in the water level. A.gradient current B.density current C.swift current D.torrent current A 7.A barometer showing falling pressure indicates the approach of a ______. A.High pressure system B.Low pressure system C.High dew point D.Low dew point B 8.A hurricane moving northeast out of the Gulf passes west of your position.You could expect all of the following EXCEPT ______. A.higher than normal swells B.high winds C.winds veering from south,through west,to northwest D.light showers D 9.A katabatic wind blows ______. A.Up an incline due to surface heating B.In a circular pattern C.Down an incline due to cooling of the air D.Horizontally between a high and a low pressure area C 10.A sign of thunderstorm development is a cumulus cloud ______. A.Darkening,growing in size and forming an anvil top B.That shows extensive vertical development C.Creating cold downdrafts that are felt on the ground D.All of the above D 11.A vessel entering the eye of a hurricane should expect ______.

A.Moderating winds and heavy confused seas to strike his vessel from all directions

B.The winds to increase to hurricane force and strike from a different direction as the eye passes C.The barometer to reach the lowest point D.All of the above D 12.Altocumulus clouds are defined as ______. A.high clouds B.middle clouds C.low clouds D.vertical development clouds B 13.By plotting the analysis messages on weather charts,we are able to ______. A.prevent any possible accident at sea B.prepare a reasonable forecast of the wind and weather C.help the mariner to fix a accurate ship's position D.aid the salvage of a ship in peril B

14.Clouds with the prefix“nimbo”in their name ______. A.are sheet or layer clouds B.have undergone great vertical development C.are middle or high altitude clouds D.are rain clouds D 15.Cumulonimbus clouds are formed by ______. A.vertical air movements B.heavy rainstorms C.horizontal air movements D.any movement of moist air A 16.Cumulus clouds that have undergone vertical development and have become cumulonimbus in form,indicate ______. A.clearing weather B.that a warm front has passed C.probable thunderstorm activity D.an approaching hurricane or typhoon C

17.Customs,upon boarding a vessel desiring entry into PRC port,would inspect which document ________.

A.Cargo Manifest

B.Certified Crew List C.Stores List

D.All of the above D

18.Cyclones that have warm sectors usually move ______. A.westerly B.parallel to the isobars in the warm sector C.toward the nearest high pressure area D.faster than the accompanying cold front B 19.Fetch is the ______.

A.Distance a wave travels between formation and decay B.Stretch of water over which a wave-forming wind blows C.Time in seconds required for two crests to pass a given point D.Measurement of a wave's steepness B 20.Fog forms when the air ______. A.Is 50% water saturated B.Is 90% water saturated C.Temperature is greater than the dew point temperature D.Temperature is equal to,or below the dew point temperature D 21.Good weather is usually associated with a region of ______.

A.low barometric pressure

B.high barometric pressure C.falling barometric pressure

D.pumping barometric pressure B 22.Haze is not caused by ______.

A.forest fires

B.smoke from industrial areas C.dust or sand storms

D.water droplets with the relative humidity more than 95% B 23.High pressure ridge ______ from Sevastopol to eastern Libya.




D.Upgrading B 24.Hurricanes may move in any direction.However,it is rare and generally of short duration when a hurricane in the Northern Hemisphere moves toward the ______. A.West or northwest



D.North C 25.If you are caught in the left semicircle of a tropical storm,in the Southern Hemisphere,you should bring the wind ______.

A.On the starboard quarter,hold course and make as much way as possible B.2 points on the port quarter,and make as much way as possible C.On the port bow,and make as much way as possible D.Dead ahead and heave to C

26.If you observe the point of cloud convergence shifting to the right and the “bar”of the storm appears to move along the horizon ______.

A.The center of the storm will by-pass you B.The storm will strike you on the starboard side C.You are in the direct path of the storm and should take immediate steps to batten down loose gear D.The storm is starting to break up A 27.In reading a weather map,closely spaced pressure gradient lines would indicate ______.

A.High winds B.High overcast clouds C.Calm or light winds D.Fog or steady rain A 28.In regions near the poles,the winds are generally described as ______. A.Westerlies B.Easterlies C.Northerlies D.Southerlies B 29.In the doldrums you can expect ______. A.Steady,constant winds B.Frequent rain showers and thunderstorms C.Steep pressure gradients D.Low relative humidity B 30.In the Northern Hemisphere a wind is said to veer when the wind ______. A.Changes direction clockwise,as from north to east,etc. B.Changes direction violently and erratically C.Remains constant in direction and speed D.Changes direction counterclockwise,as from south to east,etc. A 31.In the Northern Hemisphere,an observer at point II in the weather system should experience a wind shift from the ______. A.Southwest,clockwise to northwest B.Northeast,clockwise to west-southwest C.Northeast,counterclockwise to northwest D.East,counterclockwise to south-southwest A 32.In the Northern Hemisphere,if your vessel is in a hurricane's navigable semicircle it should be positioned with the wind on the ______.

A.Starboard quarter,hold course and make as much speed as possible B.Port bow,hold course and make as much speed as possible until the hurricane has passed C.Port quarter,maintain course and make as much speed as possible

D.Starboard bow and heave to until the hurricane has passed A

33.In the Northern Hemisphere,the right half of the storm is known as the dangerous semicircle because ______.

A.the wind speed is greater here since the wind is traveling in the same general direction as the storm's track B.the direction of the wind and seas might carry a vessel into the path of the storm C.the seas are higher because of greater wind speed D.All of the above D 34.In the Northern Hemisphere,when the wind at your location is northerly,the low pressure center causing the wind is located to your ______. A.NNW B.WSW C.ESE D.SSW C 35.In the relatively calm area near the hurricane center,the seas are ______. A.moderate but easily navigated B.calm C.mountainous and confused D.mountainous but fairly regular as far as direction is concerned C 36.In the Southern Hemisphere winds in a low pressure system rotate in a ______. A.clockwise direction B.northeasterly direction C.northerly direction D.counterclockwise direction A 37.Isobars on a synoptic chart are useful in predicting ______. A.Temperature B.Dew point C.Wind velocity D.Relative humidity C 38.MAINLY VARIABLE 3 to 4 VEERING NELY 5 TOMORROW MORNING.This forecast refers to ______ in the designated area. A.visibility B.winds C.sea D.fog B 39.MIST is caused by ______.

A.forest fires B.smoke from industrial areas C.dust or sand storms D.water droplets with the relative humidity more than 95% D 40.Monsoons are characterized by ______.

A.light,variable winds with little or no humidity B.strong,gusty winds that blow from the same general direction all year C.steady winds that reverse direction semiannually D.strong,cyclonic winds that change direction to conform to the passage of an extreme low pressure system C 41.Recurvature of a hurricane's track usually results in the forward speed ______. A.Increasing B.Decreasing C.Remaining the same D.Varying during the day A 42.Steady precipitation is typical of ______. A.Coming cold weather conditions B.A warm front weather condition C.High pressure conditions D.Scattered cumulus clouds B 43.The direction of prevailing winds in the Northern hemisphere is caused by the ______.

A.Magnetic field at the North Pole B.Gulf Stream C.Earth's rotation D.Arctic cold fronts C 44.The doldrums are characterized by ______. A.Steady,light to moderate winds B.Frequent calms C.Clear skies D.Low humidity B 45.The force resulting from the earth's rotation that causes winds to deflect to the right in the Northern Hemisphere and to the left in the Southern Hemisphere is called ______.

A.Pressure gradient

B.Coriolis effect C.Aurora borealis

D.Ballistic deflection B 46.The moisture equilibrium chart can be used to determine the ______.

A.Absolute moisture content of the air surrounding a hygroscopic cargo when moisture equilibrium exists B.Dew point temperature that the air surrounding a hygroscopic commodity will have when in moisture equilibrium with that commodity C.Enthalpy of the air surrounding a hydroscopic cargo which is in moisture equilibrium with the cargo D.Temperature at which moisture equilibrium will occur in a cargo hold containing a hygroscopic cargo B 47.The passing of a low pressure system can be determined by periodically checking the ______. A.Thermometer



D.Anemometer C 48.The southeast trade winds actually blow toward the ______. A.Southeast



D.Northwest D 49.The strong wind will make us ______ here for some days.

A.To stay



D.Stayed C 50.The thin,whitish,high clouds composed of ice crystals,popularly known as mare's tails are ______.




D.nimbostratus A 51.The wind is ______ and decreasing. A.anticlockwise rotating

B.anticlock rotating C.clockwise rotating D.clock rotating C 52.Tropical cyclones are classified by form and intensity.Which system does not have closed isobars ________.


B.Tropical disturbance

C.Tropical depression

D.Cyclone B 53.Two well-developed high pressure areas may be separated by a ______. A.Hill of low pressure

B.Trough of low pressure C.Valley of low pressure

D.Ridge of low pressure B 54.What is the first visible indication of the presence of a tropical cyclone or hurricane ________.

A.Stratocumulus clouds or strange birds

B.Rain and increasing winds C.An exceptionally long swell

D.Dark clouds and the“bar”of the storm C 55.What kind of conditions would you observe as the eye of a storm passes over your ship's position ________.

A.Huge waves approaching from all directions,clearing skies,light winds,and an extremely low barometer B.Flat calm seas,heavy rain,light winds,and an extremely low barometer C.Flat calm seas,heavy rain,light winds,and high pressure D.Huge waves approaching from all directions,clearing skies,light winds,and high pressure A 56.What kind of pressure systems travel in easterly waves ________. A.High pressure

B.Low pressure

C.Subsurface pressure D.Terrastatic pressure B 57.When a hurricane passes into high latitudes over colder water and the source of heat is disrupted,the storm assumes the characteristics of ______. A.a high pressure area B.an extratropical cyclone C.a tropical storm D.an easterly wave B 58.When a hurricane passes over colder water or land and loses its tropical characteristics,the storm becomes a(n)______. A.High pressure area B.Extratropical low-pressure system C.Tropical storm D.Easterly wave B 59.When a tornado moves over the water from land it is called a ______. A.Tornado B.Waterspout C.Hurricane D.Cyclone B 60.When a wind blows round clockwise,it is ______. A.Variable B.Changing C.Backing D.Veering D 61.When experiencing heavy winds,you should reef sails to ______. A.bring the sails parallel to the wind B.reduce sail area exposed to the wind C.allow the sails to catch more wind D.remove all tension on the main and jib sheets B 62.When your vessel is on or near the path of an approaching tropical storm the


A.wind direction remains steady B.wind speed increases C.barometer falls D.All of the above D 63.Which condition indicates that you are in a hurricane's dangerous semicircle in the Northern hemisphere ________. A.A backing wind B.A veering wind C.A norther D.A strong,gusty wind B 64.Which condition suggests that your present position lies in the navigable semicircle of a tropical storm ________. A.A backing wind B.A veering wind C.Sustained gale force winds D.A strong wind that maintains a constant speed and direction A

65.Which of the following is not a frontal term ________. A.ridge



D.bora D 66.Which of the following is not a wind ________.




D.Mistral A 67.Which type of precipitation is a product of the violent convection found in thunderstorms ________.


B.Freezing Rain


D.Sleet C 68.You have determined that you are in the right semicircle of a tropical cyclone in the Northern Hemisphere.What action should you take to avoid the storm ________. A.Place the wind on the starboard quarter and hold that course B.Place the wind on the port quarter and hold that course C.Place the wind on the port bow and hold that course D.Place the wind on the starboard bow and hold that course D 69.Your facsimile prognostic chart indicates that you will cross the cold front of a low pressure system in about 24 hours.You should ______.

A.Expect to see cirrus clouds followed by altostratus and nimbostratus clouds B.Alter course to remain in the navigable semicircle C.Prepare for gusty winds,thunderstorms,and a sudden wind shift D.Expect clear weather,with steady winds and pressure,until the front passes

C 船体结构

1.______ is not a longitudinal structural member.


B.bottom shell plating C.inner bottom plating

D.transverse bulkhead D 2.______ is not a static load.

A.Actual weight of the ship's structure,outfitting,equipment and machinery B.Ballast load(weight)C.Cargo load D.Slamming and sloshing load D 3.A block and tackle is rove to advantage.This means that the ______.

A.blocks have been overhauled

B.hauling parts of two tackles are attached C.hauling part leads through the movable block

D.hauling part leads through the standing block C 4.A carling is used aboard ship ______.

A.As a connecting strap between the butted ends of plating B.To stiffen areas under points of great stress between beams C.To prevent the anchor from fouling when the brake is released D.To provide an extra heavy fitting in a heavy lift cargo rig B 5.A continuous watertight bulkhead is normally also a(n)______. A.Structural bulkhead B.Exterior bulkhead C.Centerline bulkhead D.Joiner bulkhead A 6.A deck fitting,used to secure line or wire rope,consisting of a single body with two protruding horns is called a ______. A.Bitt B.Bollard C.Capstan D.Cleat D 7.A design modification of an anchor chain which prevents kinking is the ______. A.Detachable link B.Stud link C.Kenter link D.Connecting link B

8.A set of interior steps on a ship leading up to a deck from below is known as ______.

A.A companion way B.Tween-decks C.Stairs D.Any of the above are acceptable A 9.A term applied to the bottom shell plating in a double-bottom ship is ______. A.bottom floor B.outer bottom C.shear plating D.tank top B 10.A vessel has sustained damage in a collision with another vessel.It is necessary to have a Seaworthy Certificate before the vessel sails.Who will issue this certificate ________.

A.American Consul B.Classification Society C.Captain of the Port D.Officer in Charge,Marine Inspection B 11.Bilge keels are fitted on ships to ______. A.Assist in drydock alignment B.Improve the vessel's stability C.Protect the vessel from slamming against piers D.Reduce the rolling of the vessel D

12.Buckler plates are ______.

A.Triangular-shaped plates connecting the bull chain to the topping lift B.Metal plates secured over the tops of the hawsepipes C.Faired shell plates with curvature in two directions D.Sheets of dunnage used to prevent heavy cargo from buckling the deck plates B 13.Compared to internal structural plating,the exterior hull plating on a vessel is usually ______. A.stronger B.thinner C.more corrosion resistant D.a lower grade steel A 14.Compared to internal structural plating,the exterior hull plating on a ship is usually ______.

A.stronger B.thinner C.more corrosion resistant D.a lower grade steel A 15.Deck beams on a vessel are generally spaced at equal intervals and run ______. A.longitudinally



D.intermittently C 16.Deck beams perform ______ of the following functions in the hull structure of a vessel.① They transfer deck loads to the frames;② They help to maintain the shape of the hull. A.① only. B.② only.

C.Both ① and ② D.Neither ① nor ② C 17.Floors aboard ship are ______. A.also called decks B.vertical transverse plates connecting the vertical keel with the margin plates C.large beams fitted in various parts of the vessel for additional strength D.found in passenger and berthing spaces only B 18.Floors aboard ship are ______.

A.frames to which the tank top and bottom shell are fastened on a double bottomed ship B.transverse members of the ships frame which support the decks C.longitudinal beams in the extreme bottom of a ship from which the ship's ribs start D.longitudinal angle bars fastened to a surface for strength A 19.For existing ships,______ is not an improvement to safety. A.the reinforcement of the aft transverse watertight bulkhead B.the double bottom structure in way of the foremost cargo hold C.the introduction of a more rigorous survey regime and greater attention to operating procedures D.introduction of new and improved designs D 20.Forecastle deck is located in the ship's ______. A.Bow stem B.Stern C.Portside D.Starboard side A 21.Frames to which the tank top and bottom shell are fastened are called ______. A.floors

B.intercostals C.stringers D.tank top supports A 22.Holes in the bulwark,which allow deck water to drain into the sea,are ______. A.Doggers B.Fidleys C.Freeing ports D.Swash ports C 23.If the weights are moved away from the midship section,______ will happen on board. A.hogging B.sagging C.stiff D.tender A 24.In a transversely framed ship,the transverse frames are supported by all of the following EXCEPT ______. A.Girders B.Longitudinals C.Side stringers D.Web plates D 25.In heavy weather you notice buckling in the midships deck plating of your vessel.To relieve the strain you could ______.

A.pump fuel oil from midships to the ends of the vessel B.reduce speed C.take a course which most eases the vessel D.All of the above D 26.In vessel construction,a greater number of watertight bulkheads results in ______. A.increased capacity to set flooding boundaries B.decreased capacity to set flooding boundaries C.reduced compartmentation D.greater deck load capacity C

27.In vessel construction,beams are transverse girders which provide support to ______. A.Bulkheads B.Deckhouse structures C.Decks

D.Vertical frames C 28.In vessel construction,the garboard strake is ______. A.Located next to and parallel to the keel B.Located next to and parallel to the gunwale C.Another term for the bilge keel D.Another term for the rub rail A 29.It is possible,and sometimes necessary,to strengthen the deck of a vessel for carriage of deck cargo by ______. A.placing bunker on the deck B.building a stage on which to place the cargo C.welding steel feet to the deck,on which the cargo is placed D.erecting vertical pillars under the deck to support the cargo D 30.Limber is a term associated with ______. A.Emergency gear B.Drainage C.Deck cargo storage D.Securing gear B 31.On a vessel,the keel is the primary strength member of the lower hull form in which direction ________. A.Transverse B.Diagonal C.Longitudinal D.Vertical C 32.On board a bulk carrier,______.

A.harbour SWSF > seagoing SWSF,harbour SWBM > seagoing SWBM B.harbour SWSF < seagoing SWSF,harbour SWBM < seagoing SWBM C.harbour SWSF > seagoing SWSF,harbour SWBM < seagoing SWBM D.harbour SWSF < seagoing SWSF,harbour SWBM > seagoing SWBM A 33.One function of a bulwark is to ______. A.Help keep the deck dry B.Prevent stress concentrations on the stringer plate C.Protect against twisting forces exerted on the frame of the vessel D.Reinforce the side stringers A

34.Pollution regulations require that each scupper in an enclosed deck area have a ______.

A.Wooden plug B.Soft rubber plug C.Two-piece soft patch D.Mechanical means of closing D 35.Prior to magnetic particle inspection of anchor chain,the chain should be ______. A.Degaussed B.Demagnetized C.Soaked D.Sandblasted D 36.Regulations define the bulkhead deck as ______.(subpision and stability regulations)

A.any deck extending from stem to stern B.the uppermost deck to which transverse watertight bulkheads extend C.the lowermost deck to which transverse watertight bulkheads extend D.the uppermost complete deck B 37.Reinforcing frames attached to a bulkhead on a vessel are called ______. A.side longitudinal

B.intercostals C.stiffeners

D.brackets C 38.Ship's steering gear refers to ______.

A.cargo handling machines

B.deck winches and derricks C.engine-room tools

D.course controlling system D 39.The American Petroleum Institute recommends magnetic particle inspection for ______. A.Anchor chain

B.Wire rope

C.Connecting links

D.Pendant wires C 40.The American Petroleum Institute recommends that connecting links and anchor shackles be inspected using ______. A.Visual examinations B.Magnetic particle inspection C.Dye penetrant inspection D.X-ray inspection B 41.The Captain's accommodation comprising rooms certified for his exclusive use may be ______ in the measurement of vessel's tonnage.




D.Used A 42.The deadweight of a bulk carrier consists of ______. A.the weight of the ship's structure and its machinery

B.bunker and other consumable loads C.ballast loads D.all those weights,such as the weight of the bunkers,ballast,provisions and cargo D 43.The extension of the after part of the keel in a single-screw vessel upon which the stern post rests is called the ______. A.boss B.knuckle C.skeg D.strut C 44.The hull is pided up into a number of watertight compartments by ______. A.inner bottom plating and longitudinals B.decks and bulkheads C.double bottom girders D.topside and hopper tank sloping plating and longitudinals B 45.The locker will ______ as long as your ship is here. A.Be kept sealed B.Be released from being sealed C.Be kept signed D.Be released from being signed A 46.The opening in the deck beneath the anchor windlass that leads to the chain locker is the ______. A.Hawse pipe B.Fall pipe C.Drop-pipe D.Spill pipe D 47.The perforated,elevated bottom of the chain locker,which prevents the chains from touching the main locker bottom and allows seepage water to flow to the drains,is called a ______. A.cradle B.draft C.harping D.manger D 48.The permissible SWSF and SWBM are assigned by ______. A.IMO B.IACS Member Societies C.SOLAS D.BC Code B

49.The piping that routes an oil cargo from the manifold to underdeck pipelines is known as a ______. A.Cargo fill B.Line drop C.Transfer D.Branch line B 50.The primary barrier of a bulk carrier is formed by ______. A.the single skin side shell and the inner bottom B.deck strips,hatch covers and coamings C.the vertically corrugated transverse watertight bulkheads D.the single skin side shell between topside and hopper tanks,and the cross deck strips,hatch covers and coamings D 51.The riding pawl is ______.

A.a safety interlock in a cargo winch that prevents the runner from overspeeding B.a stopper that prevents the anchor cable from running free if the cable jumps the wildcat C.the device that locks the deck lashings of the Peck and Hale system D.the lug that rides on the eccentric rib and engages the locking ring on the windlass B 52.The section of each end of a barge which is heavily reinforced to take the pressure of pushing is called the ______. A.Headlog B.Towhead C.Collision bulkhead D.Bullnose A 53.The strake on each side of the keel is called a ______. A.Sheer strake B.Gatewood strake C.Insulation strake D.Garboard strake D 54.The term strake is used in reference to ______. A.rudder mountings B.anchor gear C.hull plating D.vessel framing C 55.The type of joint formed when an edge of one plate is laid over the edge of the plate to which it is riveted is a ______. A.Grip joint B.Strap joint

C.Thread joint D.Lap joint D 56.The Vessel's cargo holds are properly fitted with _______ in way of hatches. A.Floor-ceiling B.Battens C.Covers D.Hard-wood boards A

57.To determine the weight capacity of a deck in a cargo hold,you would refer to the ______.

A.Deadweight scale B.Deck capacity plan C.Cubic capacity tables D.General arrangement plan B 58.Tonnage openings must be closed by means of ______. A.Press board B.Steel hatch boards C.Steel plates D.Wooden hatch boards C 59.What can cause a lack of oxygen in a chain locker ________. A.Absorption B.Osmosis C.Evaporation D.Oxidation D 60.What is a cofferdam ________. A.Tube fitted to an ullage hole B.Area the product is loaded into C.Void or empty space separating two tanks D.Opening in the deck used for cleaning a tank C 61.What type of stern tube bearing has the least friction ________. A.Oil-lubricated bearings B.Lignum vitae C.Hard rubber D.Bronze bushings A 62.When lowering manropes alongside a stage rigged over the side of a vessel,they should be allowed to trail in the water ______. A.to easily remove the kinks that form in the lines

B.to allow the seamen on the stage to know the direction and strength of the current C.to provide the seaman something to hold onto if he or she falls from the stage into the water D.only for short periods of time since they will become waterlogged and be very heavy to pull up C 63.When using the term limber system one is referring to a ______. A.Cleaning system B.Drainage system C.Strengthening system D.Weight reduction system B 64.Which arrangement of shell plating is used most in modern shipbuilding ________.




D.Joggled B 65.Which of the following is a characteristic of a Ro-Ro vessel ________. A.Passenger tours available upon docking B.Long port stays necessary to secure vehicles C.Short in port turnaround times D.Heavy vehicles only require lightweight securing equipment C 66.Which of the following tensioning devices is used with webbing to secure light vehicles aboard Ro-Ro vessels ________. A.Chain lever B.Buckle tensioner C.Adjust-a-matic tensioner D.Turnbuckle B 67.Which space cannot be deducted from gross tonnage when calculating net tonnage ________.

A.Crew messroom B.Forepeak ballast tank C.Master's cabin D.Chain locker B 68.Which space(s)is(are)deducted from gross tonnage to derive net tonnage ________.

A.Boatswain's stores B.Companions and booby hatches C.Passenger spaces D.All of the above A 69.Which space(s)is(are)deducted from gross tonnage to derive net tonnage


A.Galley fitted with range or oven

B.Open structures C.Passenger spaces

D.Boatswain's stores D 70.Which statement about the hospital space on a cargo ship is TRUE ________. A.The hospital may be used for disciplinary confinement if it is not being used for treatment B.The hospital space must have both a bathtub and shower C.A hospital is required on all vessels with a crew of 12 or more if it makes overnight voyages D.If a ship has a crew of forty-five who do not have their own room,the hospital must have four berths D 71.Which term refers to a transverse curvature of the deck ________. A.Deadrise



D.Flare B 72.While cranking out a quadrantal davit,slippage of the quadrant due to excessive wear or failure of the teeth in the quadrant will cause the ______. A.Davit arm to pivot on the traveling nut and the head to fall outboard B.Traveling nut to lock up in place on the worm gear C.Limit switch to engage and hold the traveling nut in position D.Winch brake to lock in position and prevent lowering the boat A 73.Why is it necessary to extend ventilators of gasoline powered vessels to the bilges ________.

A.To keep them dry,and thus easier to clean B.To remove fuel vapors which are heavier than air C.To provide adequate air to the engines D.To cool the machinery areas B 74.Your vessel has a midships engine room and the cargo is concentrated in the end holds.The vessel is ______.

A.sagging with tensile stress on main deck B.sagging with compressive stress on main deck C.hogging with tensile stress on main deck D.hogging with compressive stress on main deck C 船舶设备

1.______ is not a proper instruction for handling hatch covers. A.not to obstruct clear fore-and-aft passageways B.not to obstruct coaming-to-bulwark passageways C.to be lashed or otherwise secured to prevent accidental dislodgement D.to be laid on their sides

D 2.______ is not a proper instruction for laying hatch beams. A.to be laid on their sides B.to be stood on edge close together C.be lashed D.be covered D 3.A deck beam does NOT ______.

A.act as a beam to support vertical deck loads B.lessen the longitudinal stiffness of the vessel C.act as a tie to keep the sides of the ship in place D.act as a web to prevent plate wrinkling due to twisting action on the vessel B 4.A fuel-air mixture below the lower explosive limit is too ______. A.Rich to burn B.Lean to burn C.Cool to burn D.Dense to burn B 5.A person may operate an air compressor in which of the following areas on board a tank barge ________. A.Pumproom B.Generator room C.A space adjacent to a cargo tank D.A space two meters from a cargo valve B 6.A safe fuel system must ______. A.Prevent engine overheating B.Have proper air/gasoline fuel mixture ratio C.Be liquid-and vapor-tight D.Supply sufficient air to the intake manifold C 7.A towing vessel's capability is BEST measured by horsepower,bollard pull,maneuverability and ______. A.displacement B.stability C.towrope pull D.propeller design A 8.A VLCC(100,000 DWT+)with a 30,000 Shaft Horsepower Steam Turbine is slow to respond to engine movements and has less stopping power than normal ships because it has a ______. A.Bigger propeller B.Smaller power weight ratio

C.Smaller propeller D.Larger power weight ratio B 9.A whipping is ______. A.a messenger B.a stopper for nylon line C.a U-bolt for securing a cargo whip to the winch drum D.turns of twine around a rope end D 10.A whipping on a fiber line ______. A.keeps the ends from fraying B.strengthens it C.protects your hands D.becomes part of a splice A 11.All diesel engines are classified as ______.

A.Four cycle

B.Compression ignition C.Vacuum ignition

D.External combustion B 12.All echo-sounders can measure the ______. A.Actual depth of water B.Actual depth of water below keel C.Average depth from waterline to hard bottom D.Average depth of water to soft bottom B 13.All marine low-speed diesels are of what design ________. A.Four-stroke

B.Two-stroke C.Electronic ignition

D.Forced exhaust B 14.All of the following steps are taken in starting a centrifugal pump,EXCEPT to ______.

A.Set the relief valve B.Check the lubrication system C.Vent the pump casing D.Open the pump suction and discharge valves A 15.An anchor winch should be equipped with mechanical brakes capable of holding ______.

A.half the breaking strength of the mooring line B.the full breaking strength of the mooring line C.the maximum expected tension of the mooring line D.50% over the working tension of the mooring line B 16.An example of a messenger is a ______.

A.fairlead B.heaving line C.stay D.warp B 17.An example of a modern anchor which has a stock is a(n)______. A.Articulated anchor B.Flipper Delta anchor C.Baldt anchor D.Danforth anchor D 18.An LWT anchor often has difficulty tripping in ______. A.Sand B.Soft soil C.Stiff clay D.Heterogeneous soil B 19.Anchor shackles should have a breaking strength that is ______. A.equal to the chains they are connecting B.25% more than the chains they are connecting C.50% more than the chains they are connecting D.100% more than the chains they are connecting A 20.Anchors are prevented from running out when secured by the ______. A.Brake

B.Devil's claw


D.All of the above D 21.Any hatch beam or pontoon left in place next to an open hatch section being worked shall be ______ or otherwise secured,so that it cannot be accidentally displaced.

A.tommed down B.braced C.locked D.chopped C 22.Because of ______,air ducts used aboard ships are often very small and have sharp curves and bends. A.high level B.overflow spaces C.cargo tank D.space constraints D 23.Centrifugal pumps have what advantage(s)over reciprocating pumps ________. A.They are less expensive B.They are smaller for equivalent pumping ability

C.They pump more cargo in less time D.All of the above D 24.Diesel engines are considered safer than gasoline engines because ______. A.They are more heavily built B.The fuel used is less volatile挥发 C.They can be easily reversed D.They operate at a lower speed B 25.Diesel engines obtain combustion air through turbo chargers,blowers,or ______. A.Air starters B.Carburetors C.Natural aspiration D.Air receivers C 26.Dual electro-hydraulic steering units usually operate ______. A.With both pumps on line at the same time B.With one pump on standby C.With the follow-up gear disconnected D.Only when the rudder is moved amidships B

第二篇:航海英语题库 船舶证书

一 船舶证书

01.1 各类证书的内容、展期与更新

[1]This Certificate will remain in force until May 1,2009.This Sentence refers to ______ of the Certificate.A.the validity B.the time C.the date D.the issue KEY: A [2]The International Loadline Certificate is a document indicating ______ of the various loadlines of the vessel.

A.functions B.importances C.actions D.positions KEY: D [3]The certificate will remain in force ______ July lst,2008.

A.in B.on C.till D.to KEY: C [4]The certificate shall have effect ______ all Chinese ports.

A.to B.for C.in D.on KEY: C

[5]The certificate of nationality ______ serves as evidence of the nationality of the ship ______ shows the port of registry.


B.not only,but also C.not,but

D.not only and but KEY: B

[7]My Deratization Exemption Certificate will become ______ on the 16th of September.

A.due B.expire C.lawful D.non-effective KEY: A [8]If there are any Certificates expired or nearing expiry the master of a ship must shall apply for their ______ at any port.

A.inspection or issuance B.requirements or renewal C.renewal or extension D.extension or expiring KEY: C [9]______ of this Deratting Exemption Certificate is hereby extended until 4th Oct.2007 as the vessel is laden with cargo.

A.Validity B.Valid


D.The coming into force KEY: A [10]Vessel shall possess International Cargo Gear Certificates ______ duration of Charter Party showing winches and derricks in order.

A.validity in B.valid for C.effective at

D.effectiveness for KEY: B

[11]______ the vessel have no safety radiotelegraphy certificate at the time of her delivery,she ______ be held to be unseaworthy.

A.If/may B.Will/shall

C.Should/would D.Would/should KEY: C [12]The Tonnage Certificate indicates ______.A.deadweight tons B.displacement tons

C.net tons and gross tons D.volume tons KEY: C [13]Which certificate is always issued by the China Classification Society? ______.A.Loadline certificate

B.Safety equipment certificate C.Safety construction certificate D.Safety cargo gear certificate KEY: D [14]A vessel used for international service shall possess ______ valid for duration of charter party showing winches and derricks in order. A.International Cargo Gear Certificate B.International Loadline Certificate

C.International Safety Construction Certificate D.International Seaman Identification KEY: A [15]The vessel's Loadline Certificate is always issued by ______.A.The Register of Shipping B.Customs House

C.Cargo Survey Bureau

D.Maritime Safety Administration KEY: A [16]The certificate of pratique certifies that ______.A.the ship has no rats or mice on board

B.no quarantinable disease has been found on the vessel

C.no person has died during the voyage the ship has just completed D.all the crew members have no health problem KEY: B [17]Official proof of a Chinese vessel's nationality is contained in the ______.A.Certificate of Inspection B.Official Log

C.Certificate of Documentation D.Shipping Articles KEY: C [18]A vessel's Derat Certificate is always issued by ______.A.Classification Society.

B.Cargo Survey Bureau.

C.Environmental Protection Agency.

D.Public Health KEY: D [19]A vessel's Classification Certificate is issued by the ______.A.Bureau of Shipping B.National Cargo Bureau C.Port Authorities D.The Customs KEY: A [20]This certificate is valid until Jan 1 2008 subject,where appropriate,______ periodical inspection in accordance with Article 14(1)(c)of the Convention A.to B.for C.in D.of KEY: A [21]This certificate is issued under the authority of the said Government,and it will remain in ______ until Jan 1 2008.A.strength B.power C.force D.stress KEY: C [22]The validity of this certificate is,in accordance with article 19(4)(a)of the Convention,______ until Jan 1 2003.A.stretched B.expanded C.enlarged D.extended KEY: D [23]The official identification of a vessel is found in the ______.A.Certificate of Inspection B.Classification Certificate C.Loadline Certificate

D.Certificate of Documentation KEY: D [24]The maximum draft to which a vessel can legally be submerged is indicated by the ______.A.Loadline mark

B.Certificate of Inspection C.Station Bill D.Tonnage mark KEY: A [25]The loadline certificate of a Chinese ship is issued by ______.A.CCS

B.the National Cargo Bureau C.MSA

D.PRC Customs KEY: A [26]The Certificate of Freeboard is the ______.A.Loadline Certificate B.Certificate of Inspection C.Admeasurer's Certificate D.Forecastle Card KEY: A [27]The agency which assigns loadlines and issues Loadline Certificates in US is the ______.A.American Bureau of Shipping B.Secretary of Commerce C.US Customs D.USCG KEY: A [28]That SHE WAS ENTERED IN THE REGISTER BOOK OF THIS SOCIETY,WITH THE CHARACTER +100A1 SUBJECT TO PERIODICAL SURVEYS AS REQUIRED BY THE RULES is likely to appear in ______.A.INTERNATIONAL OIL POLLUTION PREVENTION CERTIFICATE B.FUMIGATION AND GAS FREE CERTIFICATE


C.CARGO SHIP SAFETY CONSTRUCTION CERTIFICATE D.GENERAL DECLARATION KEY: A [30]______ is issued under the provision of International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships,1973,as modified by the Protocol of 1978 relating thereto.A.INTERNATIONAL OIL POLLUTION PREVENTION CERTIFICATE B.CARGO SHIP SAFETY CONSTRUCTION CERTIFICATE C.CARGO SHIP SAFETY EQUIPMENT CERTIFICATE

D.CARGO SHIP SAFETY RADIOTELEPHONY CERTIFICATE KEY: A [32]A vessel has sustained damage in a collision with another vessel.It is necessary to have a Seaworthy Certificate before the vessel sails.Who will issue this certificate? A.American Consul B.Classification Society C.Captain of the Port

D.Officer in Charge,Marine Inspection KEY: B [33]A vessel's Certificate of Documentation ______.A.may be retained by the owner at the home port OR kept on the vessel B.must be posted under transparent material in the pilothouse C.must be carried on board

D.must be kept on file at the corporate offices of the owner or operator KEY: C [34]A vessel's Classification Certificate is issued by the ______.A.American Bureau of Shipping B.National Cargo Bureau C.United States Coast Guard D.United States Customs KEY: A [35]An International Tonnage Certificate will be issued to a vessel when it meets several requirements,one of which is that the vessel must ______.A.admeasure over 100 GT B.be 79 or more feet in length

C.engage in intercoastal or international trade D.be issued a Certificate of Inspection KEY: B [37]If your passenger vessel has been issued a stability letter,it must be ______.A.filed in the ship's office B.posted in a passenger area

C.posted adjacent to the Certificate of Inspection D.posted in the pilothouse KEY: D [38]If your vessel is equipped with a radiotelephone,what must also be aboard? A.Certificate of Inspection B.List of ship stations

C.Copy of ship to shore channels D.Radio station license KEY: D [39]My Deratization Exemption Certificate will ______ by the end of this month.

A.become due B.become valid C.become lawful D.become effective KEY: A [40]Said cargo spaces having been cleaned in accordance with the Regulations of the United States Coast Guard and the Code of Federal Regulations so far as applicable,and in accordance with the recommendations of the National Cargo Bureau,Inc.This wording is likely to appear in ______.A.CERTIFICATE OF CLEANLINESS


D.INTERNATIONAL OIL POLLUTION PREVENTION CERTIFICATE KEY: A [41]That she was entered in the REGISTER BOOK of this Society,with the Character +100A1 subject to Periodical Surveys as required by the Rules is likely to appear in ______.A.INTERNATIONAL OIL POLLUTION PREVENTION CERTIFICATE B.FUMIGATION AND GAS FREE CERTIFICATE

C.CERTIFICATE OF CLEANLINESS OF NATIONAL CARGO BUREAU,INC.D.CERTIFICATE OF CLASS KEY: D [42]The agency which assigns load lines and issues Load Line Certificates is the ______.A.the Bureau of Shipping B.Secretary of Commerce C.the Customs

D.MSA or Coast Guard KEY: A [43]The Certificate of Inspection for a containership ______.A.is issued by the Coast Guard and is usually valid for 2 years

B.must be posted under transparent material near the officers' licenses C.lists all of the stability limitations and conditions imposed on the vessel D.shows the due date of the quadrennial test of the cargo gear KEY: A [44]The certificate of inspection of a vessel will specify the ______.A.number of licensed personnel required on board B.maximum load line draft

C.maximum water depth for drilling D.next date for an inclining experiment KEY: A [45]The International Load Line Certificate is a document indicating ______ of the various load lines of the vessel.

A.decks B.cabins C.holds D.positions KEY: D [46]The undersigned ______ that he is duly authorized by the said Government to issue this certificate.A.claims B.declares C.complains D.says KEY: B [47]This certificate is issued under the authority of the said Government,and it will remain in ______ until Jan 1 2008.A.strength B.power C.force D.stress KEY: C [48]This Certificate will remain in force until May 1,2009. ______.A.This Sentence refers to the validity of the Certificate.

B.This Sentence refers to the time of the Certificate.

C.This Sentence refers to the date of the Certificate.

D.This Sentence refers to the issue of the Certificate KEY: A [49]Tonnage tax is officially based upon the figures obtained from the ______.A.Admeasurement Certificate B.deadweight scale C.displacement scale D.Load Line Certificate KEY: A [50]Vessels must be ______ valid certificate of nationality or certificate of registry or license.


B.with possession of C.required for D.in possession of KEY:




DELL [选取日期]











当台风外围接近时,天空出现辐射状卷云,并逐渐变厚,变密,辐射中心的方向就是台风中心所在的方向。(4)风 ,当台风接近时,当地的盛行风就会改变。在信风区域内,若小范围内发小有东风,风速比平时大25%时,就应当提高警惕。例如,我国沿海当台风前缘的气流到达后,当地原来的季风就遭到破坏。福建沿海的天气谚语“六七月里括北风,一二日内括台风”,就是根据季风被破坏判断的。









我国沿海多雾,按雾的成因可封为平流雾,蒸气雾和辐射雾 ,而在世界海洋的雾主要产生在冷暖海流汇合处的冷水面和信风带海洋东岸附近的翻腾冷流上,多出现于春夏季节。雾的高发区集中在中高位靠近大陆的海洋上,大洋中央和赤道附近的热带海面几乎没有雾,主要的雾区如下: 日本北海道东部至阿留申群岛常年多雾:夏季北太平洋高压势力加强,日本以动(1)














Please wireless to let me kwon _______ I am to anchor or to meet pilot.A.which





Heavy lifts are usually tallied by _______.A.unit methods

B.package methods C.block methods)D.straight methods.unit methods(按键计算)

package methods(按包计算)

block methods(按批计算)Heavy lifts(重大物件)

tallied by(被当做...计算)


Estimated time of arrival at destination of vessel can be broadcast by_______.A.GPS






be broadcast by(通过...广播)AIS会播送船的到达时间。


The information received by AIS will be displayed on _______.A.DCU




received by AIS(通过AIS接收)by displayed on(被显示在...上)DCU(数据收集器)


What is the female section of a joint called? _______, A.Stem








The southeast trade winds actually blow toward the _______.A.southeast




southeast trade winds(东南信风)blow toward(吹向)


When the ship causes oil pollution to the port ,she will be_______.A.fined







Turnbuckles are considered as ______.A.running rigging

B.standing rigging



Turnbuckle(花兰螺丝,属于静索或定索)standing rigging(固定绳索)running rigging(移动绳索)shackles(卸扣,锚链)chains(链条)


Please tell your Captain that your anchor is _______.A.moving







________ fear of the damages and losses, I hereby note my protest.A.To




for fear of 担心,这是海事声明中的常用语。


It is dangerous to ______ in present position.A.remain


C.be remaining

D.be remained

present position 现在船位



________ is where delicious food is cooked.A.The funnel B.The messroom C.The galley

D.The satellite antenna


satellite antenna(卫星天线)delicious(美味的、可口的)


A wave entering _______ is likely to produce bores.A.shallow water B.deep water C.river


bore(涌潮)shallow water(浅水区)deep water(深水区)river(江、河)tide(潮汐、潮流)


Which of the following is not a frontal term?_______ 下面哪个不是锋面术语?








The lashings are not functional,since they are _______.A.crisscrossed B.tightened







Which is NOT a part of an anchor?_______ A.Bill

B.Devil'e claw




Devil'e claw(锚链制)palm(锚爪)cromn(锚冠)


I hereby request permission to _______ the ship hull for routine maintenance.A.operate




ship hull(船体)routine maintenance(日常维护、保养)



The Chief Officer insisted on putting remarks regardless _____ my objection.A.at




insist(坚持)objection(反对、异议)remark(评论)regardless of(不管、不顾)

[19]Notice of Readiness to Load must be served ______ the Charterer or his agent.A.to(serve to用来(足以))B.for(用作,担任,起...的作用)C.at D.on KEY: D装货就绪通知书必须被送交承租人或其代理。

be served on sb.送交某人


A boundary between two air masses is a(n)______.A.lapse rate




continent(大陆)front(前面)lapse rate(温度递减率)


Chinese is used in ______ stores.A.IMPA


C.Both IMPA and ISSA

D.Neither IMPA nor ISSA

IMPA 物料手册中有中文,ISSA物料手册中无中文


If you do not wear goggles and helmet,your chances of being _____ will be greater.A.beaten








The {said} accident was caused by your ship.A.Sailing



D.Above mentioned

The said accident 上述事故

sailing 航行

sounded 听起来 above mention 上面谈到的


By convention,the north seeking ends of a compass' magnets are colored __________.A.black




convention 会议

the north seeking ends 北极

compass' magnets磁罗经



Freeboard is measured from the upper edge of the _______.A.bulkwark

B.desk line

C.gunwale bar

D.sheer strake

Freeboard(干舷)desk line(浅水线)measured(测量)upper edge(上边缘)


Rivets are usually made of ______.A.wrought-iron


C.high-tensile steel

D.mild steel

rivets(铆钉)high-tensile steel(高强钢)mild steel(低碳钢)低碳钢可用作制造铆钉


The important provisions on the use of radar are contained in _______.A.COLREG




COLREG(国际海上避碰规则)SOLAS(人命安全公约)STCW(培训、发证、值班公约)IMDG Code(危险货物运输规则)避碰规则中载有雷达使用的规定


We have two kinds of cargo on board,but ______ is dangerous.A.either





0029 Inclination of the vessel to port side or starboard side defines ______.A.tip




inclination 倾向

tip 纵倾

capsize 倾覆


trim 整齐 define 定义

0030 ______ will not prevent anchors from running out.A.Brake

B.Devil's claw

C.Pawls D.Studs

Brake(刹车)Devil's claw(锚链制)pawls(锚链棘手)studs(双头螺柱)prevent预防

0031 I'd like to know something about the cargo condition at the loading port ______ detail.A.at




in detail(详细地)

0032 ______ such circumstances I usually put the remarks IN DISPUTE.A.At




circumstances(情况)under such circumstances(在这种情况下)

0033 Ordnance exercise is _______.A.naval firing practice

B.fire drills

C.crew drills D.survival drills

Ordnance exercise(军事演习)naval firing practice(海军演习)fire drills(消防演习)

crew drills(海员演习)survival drills(生存训练)

0034 As defined in the Rules,the term VESSEL includes ______.A.swaplanes

B.non-diplacement craft B.barges D,swaplanes,barges and non-displacment craft

VESSEL这个定义 包括.....水上飞车、驳船及非排水船均属于船舶

0035 Is it clear _____ traffic lane? A.my entering B.for my entering

C.for me to enter D.I am entering

clear(清爽的)traffic lane 通航分道

0036 The terminal stuff tallies the cargo mainly before the ship's ________.A.loading






0037 In the safety communication ,you can get your R/O _____ in for you.A.do

B.to do



communication(交流)get sb.to do sth.说服某人做某事

0038 Recent surveys have used _______ as the position-fixing aid.A.HMAS Soresby





0039 Nylon line is NOT suitable for ______.A.towing



D.mooring lines nylon line(尼龙绳)


mooring lines(系船具)

0040 Is it safe _______ a rocket? A.to shoot

B.to fire

C.to let go

D.to send to sky

rocket(火箭)shoot射出(子弹等)let go 解掉(绳)、抛(锚)

0041 This notice will ______ you of the problem.A.use to remind

B.use to tell

C.serve to remind

D.be served to talk.serve to remind(兹提醒你该问题)

0042 Will it be convenient ______ you to start unloading tomorrow? A.by




for you to start unloading动词不定式的复合结构

convenient 方便的unloading 卸货

0043 _______ of the following is not a frontal term.哪个不属于天气图中的术语。




D.Bora ridge 高压脊



bora 布拉风,一种强风

0044 All of the following are part of the fire triangle EXCEPT_______.A.electricity



D.heat except(除外)

fire triangle(可燃三角形)





0045 ______ the Vessel be lost,hire to cease at noon on the day of her loss.A.Would





0046 We'll put off ______ until Friday.A.to discharge



D.to be discharging

discharge 卸货

put off(延期)until(直到...)

0047 Admiralty Sailing Directions are often referred to as _____.A.pilots






0048 What type of stopper would you use on a nylon mooring line? ______.A.Chain




stopper(止索)nylon 尼龙绳只能用来做止索

0049 A sail hook is used for ______.A.hoisting a windsail


C.sewing canvas

D.testing canvas


sail hook(缝帆钩)sewing 缝纫 canvas帆布 testing 测试


0050 ______ tankers over 100 meters long must not proceed beyond Dongbei Buoy.A.Loading




laden tanker 载重油轮

proceed 开始 beyond 越过,那一边

0051 The ______ is the most accurate position-fixing equipment.A.DGPS




position-fixing 定位

accurate 精确

0052 ______ Yokohama ,We,ll also call at some other Japanese ports.A.Beside




besides 除之外

0053 She arrived at the anchorage last night and anchored _____ berth.A.waiting


C.awaiting for


berth 停泊

awaiting berth 等待停泊

0054 I,m {disabled} ,communicate with me.A.in good order

B.having no capacity C.out of control

D.unavailable.disabled 发生故障

0055 A steep barometric gradient indicates ______.A.calms

B.light winds C.strong winds D.precipitation

steep 急剧上升的barometric gradient 气压梯度

indicates 表明

calms平静的prcipitation 冰雹

0056 Tell them _____ the cargo,please.A.not touch

B.to not touch

C.not to touch

D.to touch not

tell sb.not to do sht.0057 ______ means rudder to be held in the fore and aft position.A.Steady

B.Meet her


D.Stop engines

fore and aft 纵长,在首尾向 midships 在船中央部 rudder 船舵

0058 What is the primary source of the earth's weather?______ A.The oceans

B.The moon C.The sun

D.The solar system

primary source 来源

weather 气象

0059 Some goods are missing ______ terrible weather.A.due

B.because of



terrible 恶劣的 because of 后面接名词或动名词

because 后面加句子

0060 The canvas covering of fire hose is called the ______.A.casing

B.outer hose C.line cover


covering 覆盖的 fire hose 消防软管

jachet 防护罩

0061 Please ______ search and rescue.A.make command of B.take command of

C.get command of

D.have command of

search 收索 rescue 营救

take command of 指挥

0062 A tank which is NOT completely full or empty is called _____.A.pressed




tank 水槽

completely 完全

slack 为满舱

0063 The strongest of the natural fibers is _____.A.cotton




strongest 最强壮的 natural fibers 自然纤维

cotton 棉线绳

hemp 大麻绳

manila 马尼拉麻绳 sisal 西沙尔麻绳

0064 LIMBER is a term associated with _____.A.emergency gear


C.deck cargo storage

D.securing gear

limber 船底污水口

term 术语

associated 与有关系

emergency gear 应急装置

drainage 排水系统

deck cargo storage 甲板货物舱

securing gear 固定装置 0065 Deviation changes with a change in ______.A.latitude



D.sea conditions

deviation changes 自差

change in 收什么影响,改变

latitude 纬度

heading 船首向

longitude 经度

conditions 条件

0066 My gyro-compass error is ______.A.east two degrees

B.two degrees east

C.two east degrees

D.two-degrees east

gyro-compass error 陀螺罗经误差

two degrees east 东2度

0067 The carrier is entitled to ______ overboard goods which are dangerous.A.though




the carrier 运营人

entire 有权

throw 抛

though 尽管

thought 想

through 通过

0068 The larger sizes of manila line are measured by their ______.A.radius



D.weight per foot

measured by 以什么测量 radius 半径

diameter 直径

circumference 周长

weight 重量

0069 The transmission of messages respecting the dangers specified is free ______ cost to the ships concerned.A.of




free of cost 免费

0070 The receiver uses _______ satellites to compute latitude,longitude,altitude,and velocity.A.one




receiver 接收者

satellites 人造卫星

to compute 计算 latitude 纬度

longitude 经度 altitude 高度 velocity 速度

0071 ______ refers to the amount of water vapour in the air.A.Humidity




refers 引用

to the amount of 总计

water vapour 水蒸气

humidity 湿度

temperature 温度 precipitation 冰雹

0072 Vessels are required to illuminate their ______ to aid identification.A.funnels




are required 是必须的 illuminate 说明

aid 帮助,有助于,方便

identification 身份证明,识别

funnel 烟囱

tunnel 隧道

channel 通道,频道

handles 把,柄

0073 The remarks are not similar _______ shose on the Shipping Orders.A.at




remarks 摘要

similar 相似的 shipping orders •关单

be similar to 与.....相似

0074 ______ is not a means of securing cargo.A.SHORING




mean 方法

securing cargo 固定货物,绑扎作业

shoring 支柱

blocking 阻塞,封闭

tomming down 固撑作业 nesting 嵌套,镶嵌

0075 When a person is in shock,their skin will be _______.A.warm and dry

B.warm and damp

C.cold and dry D.cold and damp 休克的人皮肤冰凉。

in shock 休克

skin 皮肤

warw 温的 dry 干燥

damp 潮湿

cold 冷的

0076 The ship is not very stable,please _____ when making a turn.A.stop down

B.speed down

C.slow down

D.down slow

stable 稳定的 making a turn 转弯

0077 _____ persons are needed to launch the free fall lifeboat.A.One




lanuch 使下水

free fall lifeboat 自由落水救生艇

0078 What is your latest tropical storm warning ______? A.information




tropical storm warning热带气旋警告

0079 The rudder acts as a _____.A.parabola


C.conoid D.hyperbola

rudder 舵

acts as 担当

parabola 抛物线

hydrofoil 水翼

conoid 椭圆线 hyperbola 双曲线

0080 ______ the way from shanghai to Japan,the ship encountered heavy weather.A.On




on the way 在途中

in the way 挡路

encountered 曾遭遇

heavy weather 恶劣天气

0081 Ships are designed by ______.A.shipowners


C.naval architects

D.shipping agents

designed 设计

naval arcitects 造船工程师

shipping agents 运货代理商

0082 A look-out should report objects sighted using ______.A.true bearings

B.magnetic bearings

C.gyro bearings

D.relative bearings

report 报告 objects 物体

sight 可见的true bearings 真实方位

magnetic 磁

gyro 陀螺仪

relative 相对


0083 The Humboldt Current flows in which direction?_______ A.North




Humboldt Current 洪保德洋流,秘鲁洋流(沿南美洲西岸北流的冷洋流)

0084 Lateral thrusters are usually fitted _______.A.in the bow

B.in the stern

C.at the middle

D.in the boe or the stern

lateral 横向的thruster 推进器

fit 合适的bow 首部

stern 尾部

0085 The collision bulkhead shall be of _______.A.water-tight




collision bulkhead 防碰撞舱壁,船首舱壁


0086 The tweendecker has _______ below the main deck.A.another

B.two other decks

C.no deck

D.additional deck

tweendecker 双层甲板船


main 主要的0087 ______ is not a tallying methods.A.Unit method

B.Block method

C.Straight method

D.Record method

tallying 统计

Straight method 直接法

Block method 分段统计账法 Record method 记录方法

0088 I immediately telephoned the enging room to tell _____ was happening to the C/E.A.it




immediately 立刻

0089 What is the brightest navigational planet?______ A.Saturn




brightest 最亮的navigational planet 航运星

Saturn 土星

Jupiter 木星 Mars火星

Venus 金星

0090 A fire _______ out on the vessel under my command at about 0320 on 24th May ship's time.A.broke




broke out 突发

0091 How much time can be saved by use of weather routeing? ______.A.2%




weather routeing 气象航线。

impossible 很难确定


0092 May I set off the shortage _____ the overage? A.against




set off 以...抵消

shortage 短少的 overage 多余的against 对立的set off.....with

0093 The Brazil Current flows in which general direction?_______ A.Norhwesterly





0094 The master should ______ necessary precautions to prevent accidents or damage.A.do




necessary 必需



take precautions 采取防御措施

0095 Ship to ship communications during SAR should be executed by _______.A.VHF



D.VHF and MF

communication 通讯

during 在....的期间

execute 履行 在搜救时船与船之间的通信应该用VHF和MF完成

0096 What is a grooved pulley ? ____ A.Sheave




grooved pulley 三角破带轮,槽轮

sheave 槽轮

slip 滑落

block 滑车

reeve 穿过

0097 The bow of the trawler was ______ by the impact,but there was no ingress of water.A.holed




trawler 拖网渔船

impact 碰撞

ingress 入口

holed 进洞的 holded 拿住,握住

held 握住

be holed 被穿孔

0098 Mooing _____ are placed on both banks of the Suez Canal about 200m apart.A.bollards




placed 放置 bank 岸

bollard 系缆桩

Suez Canal 苏伊士

apart 相距

0099 ______ means check the swing of the vessel's head in a turn.A.Steady

B.Meet her


D.Stop engings

swing 摇摆 means 方法

turn 变化 check 阻止,阻止物

head in 避让

meet 遇见,满足

0100 GPS receiver uses _______ satellites to compute latitude,longitude,altitude,and velocity.A.24




receiver 接收器

satellite 人造卫星

compute 计算


0101 A tow that veers to the side on the end of the towline is said to _____.A.yaw




tow 拖索 veers 改变方向

towline 拖绳

yaw 偏荡

surge 巨浪

sway 影响,摇摆

swing 摇动,摇摆

yaw 偏荡,被拖物在拖索末端向左侧或向右侧的运动

0102 Forecastle deck is located in the ship's _____.A.bow stem



D.starboard sidw

Forecastle deck 船首楼甲板

located 位于

bow stem 船首

0103 _____ port anchor ,one shackle in water.A.throw

B.Heave in

C.Cast off

D.Let go

port anchor 左锚 throw 抛,投

heave 举起

cast off 解缆

let go 解掉,0104 Admiralty Notices to Mariners are published______.A.every day

B.every week

C.every month

D.every year

Admiralty Notices to Mariners 航海通告 published 发行


0105 The antennas of the trucks on deck are not fitted _____.A.in




antenna 天线

truck 驾驶卡车,驾驶台 fit on 装上(仪器,部件)

fit out 配备,准备

0106 You'd better ______ your course to port to avoid collision.A.to alter




to avoid 避免

collision 碰撞

you'd better 后面加动词原形

0107 Permission is kindly requested _______ the ballast.A.pump out

B.to pump out

C.pumping out

D.be pumped out

permission 允许 kindly 温和的 ballast 压舱物

be requested 后面接不定式

0108 Our ship will get alongside _____.A.on this evening

B.this evening

C.today's evening

D.in this evening

this evening 今晚(前面不能再加介词)

0109 When did you check the contents of CO2 cylinders ______? A.by counting

B.by calculating

C.by weighing

D.by filling

check 检查 content 内容 cylindess 汽缸,钢瓶

counting 计数

calculating 计算

weighing 称重

filling 填充

0110 Please tell you tallymen to ______ out the marks in the holds during discharging.A.pick



D.decide tallymen 装卸货计数人

marks 标记

holds 货舱

during 在....期间

discharging 卸货

sort out 挑出,拣出

0111 Several shoals ______ reported to exist in the area south-west of the Brothers.A.have

B.have been


D.has been

several 各自的 shoal 浅滩,沙洲

report 报告,报道

exist in 存在于 area 这个地区

0112 The end of work is indicated by each station adding ______ to the end of its last transmission.A.“Over”

B.“Out” C.“OK”


indicate 表明 each 各个

transmission 传动装置 “out”通话结束,“over”一句话的结束

0113 Are your lifeboats fitted with ____? A.cargo wires

B.topping lift

C.guiding lines

D.tripping line

tripping line(用于将救生艇收回的)回收索,topping lift 千斤索,顶牵索

cargo wires 吊货索

guiding lines 池底线

0114 My ship is ____ NO.5 Berth for loading.A.onto the wharf

B.moved astern

C.into the dock

D.moored alongside

moored alongsid 系泊于

berth 泊位

loading 装载

wharf 停泊处

astern 在船尾,向船尾

dock 码头

0115 These stations may _____ the control of distress traffic to another station.A.detect




distress traffic 遇难通信

detect 发现

delete 删除

allege 宣称

delegate 指派,委托

0116 My vessel ___ bad weather with winds reaching force 9 on her may home.A.encountered




reaching force 达到风力 encountered 曾遭遇

faced 面对

found 找到

met 遇见

0117 No repairs can be done without the Harbor Marster's _____.A.approval




repairs 修理

Harbor Marster 港长

approval 批准,认可


consideration 考虑,关心

discussion 讨论

0118 The reproduction of portions of charts which accompany some Notices is known as _______.A.note




reproduction 复制品

portions 部分

chart 海图

accompany 伴随

note 记录

symbol 标志


0119 Mariners not entering the port are ______ to keep at least one mile off.A.advised




mariner 水手 be advised 被告知

entering 录入

report 报告,报道

complied 遵照

supplied 提供,供应

0120 _____ is not a turn for MOB.A.Scharnow turn

B.Williamson Turn

C.Anderson Turn

D.Sharp turn

turn 转弯 sharp turn 急转

MOB(man over board 人员落水)

0121 I have to be responsible _____ my Shipowner.A.against




responsible for 对(事故,损坏,安全等)负责。responsible to sb.对某人负责

0122 Direct delivery and discharge can ______ the handling operation.A.speed down


C.slow down


direct 直接

delivery 交付

dicharge 卸货

quick 快速

facilitate 帮助,促进

handling operation 装卸工作

0123 I shall apply _____ the extension of my Deratization Certificate.A.to




apply 申请

extension 延长,延期

Deratization Certificate 除鼠豁免证书

apply for 申请

0124 Please be advised that my radio transmitter broke down and needs _______.A.repair


C.to repair

D.be repaired

need 后面加动名词

0125 The largest of the navigational planets is _____.A.mars




nabigational planets 航海标会,航用

mars 火星


jupiter木星 saturn 土星



0126 Fire will not be spread by _____.A.conduction of heat to adjacent surfaces

B.direct radiation



mixing 混合,搅拌。


radiation 辐射

convection 对流

0127 The Consignee will take it for _____ that the shortage is true.A.grant





take sb.for granted 认为某事当然

0128 The engine in a covered lifeboat is fueled with _______.A.kerosene

B.unleaded gasoline

C.diesel oil

D.liquefied gas

kerosene 煤油

unleaded gasoline 无铅汽油

diesel oil 柴油

liquefied gas 液化气


0129 My ship has been delayed ______ poor visibility.A.because

B.in reason of

C.owing to


delayed 延时 poor visibility 不良能见度

in reason 明智

because 后加介词

owing to 因为

0130 ______ is not a component of GPS.A.Space component

B.Control component

C.User component

D.Atomic clock.component 部分,控件

atomic clock 原子钟(不属于GPS的控件)

0131 ______ water is the water in the hold to keep the ship's stability.A.Bilge




stability 稳定性

hold to 坚持




sanitary 清洁的

ballast water 压载水(用以保持船舶的稳性)

0132 A bench hook is used for ____.A.handling of cargo cases

B.hanging oilskins

C.sewing canvas

D.splicing small stuff

benck hook 缝帆钩

sewing canvas 缝纫帆布

0133 High pressure redge ____ from Sevastopol to eastern libya.A.reaching




high ressure redge 高压脊


extend 伸展

increasing渐增 upgrading 加积

0134 ______ is not a cargo that is suitable for carriage in Ro-Ro vessel.A.Trailers

B.Rolling vehicles


D.cases and cartons

suitable 适合于


Ro-Ro 滚装船

trailers 拖头

rolling vehicles滚装车辆

container 集装箱

cases and cartons 包装箱和纸箱

0135 As a general rule,tally clerks should make their tallying _____.A.in warehouses

B.on deck


D.in te tallyroom

as a general rule 按照常规

tally clerk 点货人,理货人


0136 The pilot motor launches are _____ blue,with the PILOT in white.A.furnished




be painted +颜色 被漆成

0137 The launching ramp for the lifeboat is ____.A.the roller

B.the skid

C.the slide

D.the davit

launching ramp 救生艇的放落道,一般称为滑道(skid)

0138 A preferred-channel buoy may be _____.A.lettered


C.showing a white light

D.showing a yellow light

表示优先选用航道的浮灯应以字母编号 lettered 标有字母的 spherical 球型的show 展示

preferred 优先,首选的

0139 I am proceeding at a slackened speed.here SLACKENED stands for _____.A.reduced




proceeding 开始,继续

slackened speed 减小速度

stands for 代替

reduced 减小

increased 增强

normal 正常

half 一半

0140 ______ port anchor,one shackle in water.A.Throw

B.Heave in

C.cast off

D.let go

let go 解掉绳,抛锚

port anchor 左舷锚

cast of 解缆,开船

0141 The worn-out bags are all second-hand ones _____ stated in the Shipping Order.A.so




worn-out 穿旧的second-hand 二手

stated 规定

0142 How do you dispose ______ the general cargo in the fore part of Hatch NO.5? A.at




dispose 处理 general一般

fore part 船头 hatch 舱口

dispose of 处理

0143 The proper place _______ the sling is made up is the square of the hatch.A.which




proper 适当的 place 放置

the square of the hatch 舱口下的位置

is made up 由组成

0144 On a ship ,the deck stringer is the outboard most deck________.A.plating




deck plating 甲板钢板

deck stringer 甲板纵骨

0145 The strong wind will make us _____ here for some days.A.to stay




make us stay here 迫使我们停留

0146 We ______ at anchor in the roadstead till the evening.A.have to ride

B.have to get

C.have to put

D.have to make

ride at anchor 在锚泊中

roadstead 锚地

0147 Timber can be stowed _______.A.only on deck

B.only in holds

C.in forecastle,bridge and poop

D.both on deck and in holds

timber 木材

stowed 存放

0148 I have no choice _____ to put such remarks.A.or




choice 选择

have no choice but to....除了...别无它法

0149 Weather conditions in the middle latitudes generally move ______.A.eastward




weather conditions 气象现象

latitude 纬度


0150 You may _____ traffic lane.A.enter

B.enter in

C.enter to

D.enter into

traffic lane 分道通航

enter 进入

enter into 达成

0151 If you were to pass a stopper on a wire rope,what should the stopper be made of?______ A.Wire




wire rope 钢丝绳

chain 铁链

wire 天线

manila 马尼拉绳


0152 On a long ocean tow,the bridle should be made up of two equal lengths of _____.A.chain




equal平等的bridle 龙须绳


0153 A partial deck in a hold is called a(n)_____.A.weather deck

B.orlop deck

C.shelter deck

D.main deck

partial 部分

orlop deck 最下层甲板

weather deck 露天甲板

shelter deck 遮蔽甲板

main deck 主甲板

0154 The end of the joint with the exterior threads is called the ______.A.pin




joint 连接件

带凸杆一端称 pin,带凹杆部分称 box。

0155 The pilot station is {situated close} W of the breakwater.A.to




breakwater 放浪提

close 亲近,结束,使靠近

near 靠近,接近

distant 遥远的,远隔的 0156 On the 27th,a small oil _______ was reported near Puerto Villamil in southern Isabela.A.slick




0157 ____ type is the largest type of mattress.A.Single




0158 I regret ______ you of the accident.A.inform


C.to inform

D.will inform

0159 On cargo booms,preventers are ______.A.auxiliary guys

B.extra fair leads

C.steel bands


0160 Vessels must not {exceed} a speed of 8 knots in this area.A.sail at


C.proceed at

D.steam over

0161 The strictest load line regulations apply to ______.A.gas carriers




0162 Isobars on a synoptic chart are usrful in predicting _______.A.temperature

B.dew point

C.wind velocity

D.relative humidity

0163 A stay is ______.A.standing rigging

B.a downhaul

C.a halyard

D.a jib

0164 The warm front is usually lifted up from the surface by ______.A.the cold

B.heavy wind

C.high pressure


0165 A tackle by which the outer end of a boom is raised and lowered is the topping _____.A.boom




0166 ______ are used as slings to lift heavy objects with sharp edges which would cut wire.A.Chains




0167 ______ cargoes chargeable at the same rate,part of one ton shall be taken as one ton.A.At




0168 From ______ the mariner can know the data of tide.A.the sea polot

B.the cargo plan

C.the tide table

D.the port list

0169 In China,oil spills must be reported to the _____.A.MOT


C.local police

D.local fire department 0170 The defference in height between consecutive high and low waters is the ______.A.HEIGHT




0171 The flood stream here is at an average rate of 0.8 ______.A.cables




0172 Your explanation for eruption of the disease ____ all right.A.sounds

B.have sounded

C.is sounding

D.is sounded

0173 Damage to cargo caused by dust is known as _______.A.contamination B.oxidation C.tainting


0174 How is an uncoded racon displayed on the PPI?______ A.As a line

B.As a dot

C.As small circle

D.As a large circle

0175 Traffic separation schemes adopted by the IMO are listed in _____.A.MN

B.ship's routing C.colreg


0176 Your feet,hands,and exposed facial areas are particularly vulnerable to ______.A.frostbite



D.sea water

0177 The part of an anchor which takes hold on the bottom is the ______.A.arm




0178 The stevedores have already stowed the porcelain ware _____ up to the deckhead.A.Routine radio B.closely



0179 Routine radio communications should be no more than _____.A.one minute

B.three minutes C.five minutes D.eight minutes

0180 Buoyancy is a measure of the ship's _____.A.ability to float



D.midships strength

0181 All of out export dangerous cargo is ______ examined before shipment.A.though




0182 ______ are aids to navigation which are permanently fixed to the earth's surface.A.Buoys




0183 Backfire flame arrestors are installed on ______.A.fuel tanks B.spark plugs



0184 There ____ salvage operatons in position,south side of fairway at Fishhaven.A.is

B.has C.are

D.have 0185 My ship {met with} heavy weather during this voyage.A.Received




0186 Upon release to the atmosphera,LFG readily _______.A.vaporizes

B.attacks caustically


D.attacks corrosively

0187 ______ may not ignite fuel vapors.A.Static electricity

B.An open and running motor

C.loose wiring

D.Eye splice

0188 ______ is a point about which the ship rotares.A.Gravity center

B.Floating center

C.Pivot point

D.Center of buoyancy

0189 All marine low-speed diesels are of what design?_____ A.Four-stroke


C.Electronic ignition

D.Forced wxhaust

0190 A ship with the TCG off the longitudinal centerline inclines to an angle of _____.A.list




0191 The through cargo in No.4hatch square stands _____ the way.A.at




0192 The Local Notice to Mariners are usually published ________.A.daily




0193 Speed must be regulated _____ no damage is done to the wharf.A.in order to

B.so as

C.so that

D.such that

0194 Passage through the Suez Canal is operated on a _______ system.A.convey




0195 A vessel being towed will show ______.A.a forward masthead light

B.sidelights and a sternlight

C.a towing light

D.a red light

0196 Which type of stoper should be used to stop off wire rope?_____ A.Chain




0197 I've already put down the remarks DECK CARGO ______ SHIPPER's RISK in the Shipping Order.A.IN




0198 The fire-protected lifeboats are found ______.A.in satisfactorily condition



D.satisfactoried 0199 A line on the Earth parallel to the equator is a ______.A.gnomonic curve

B.small circle


D.great circle

0200 Making observations a matter of record is referred to as _______.A.tallying



D.draft surveying


B.run aground



0202 You are mooring to abuoy.You should approach the buoy with the current from ______ A.ahead

B.broad on the bow



0203 ANCHOR IS ACROSS meanss that _____.A.anchor is crossing the bow

B.anchor is in the ground MAINLY GOO C.anchor is foul

D.anchor is dragging

0204 Which one of the following is the safety signal?_____ A.SSS




0205 MAINLY GOOD BECOMING MODERATE.This forecast probably refers to _____ certain area.A.visibility




0206 Charted depths ______ by 2 meters due to state of the winds.A.is decreased



D.are decreased

0207 A wind has caused a difference betwin drafts starboard and port.This diffenence is _______.A.list




0208 The permissible SWSF and SWBM are assigned by ____ A.IMO

B.IACS Member Societies


D.BC Code

0209 Watertight compartments are separated by ______.A.longitudinal girder

B.securing fittings


D.decks and bulkheads

0210 Compared with bearing accuracy,marine radar range accuracy is generally _____.A.lower



D.very low

0211 At this point,the flow of Murban crude oil from Laura D.Amato into Gore Bay ______.A.ceased



D.terminated 0212 This is to bring ______ your notice that MV Utopia has anchored too close to my ship.A.for




0213 The size of wire irope is determined by the _____.A.number

B.number of wires in each strand C.circumference


0214 The transportation of dangerous cargo in packages is governed by ______.A.IBC code

B.BC code

C.IMDG code

D.IGC code

0215 Cleaning,painting and repairing work is known as ______.A.maintenance work

B.Iashing work

C.tallying work

D.overtime work

0216 Those ship's tanks that are particularly important for trimming the ship are the ______.A.domestics




0217 Gale warnings are usually issued when winds of _____ 8-9 are expected.A.wind speed

B.air force

C.wind velocity

D.beaufort force

0218 ____ day,pilot flag should be displayed from main mast.A.From




0219 Be careful _____ mix the inflammable cargo with that kind.A.do not

B.will not

C.shall not

D.not to

0220 ______ is aUK maritime agency.A.MCA




0221 When should voyage plan be done?_____ A.During the sailing

B.Prior the sailing

C.After sailing

D.Before the pilot is leaving

0222 PORT A BIT SLUGGISH means that port rudder _____.A.answers very well

B.rudder answers all right

C.answers slow

D.answers fast

0223 A safety shackle is identified by its _____.A.shape


C.certification stamp

D.color code

0224 What will NOT induce errors into a Doppler sonar log? ___ A.Increased draft



D.c=Change in trim

0225 It is generally NOT allowed to clean up an oil apill by using ____ A.a boom

B.suction equipment

C.chemical agents


0226 The urgency signal concerning the illness of persons on board ship is _____ A.MAYDAY




0227 It was demanded that the injured crewmembers _____ at once.A.was treated

B.would be treated


D.be treated

0228 A safe water mark may be all of the following excpt ______ A.vertically striped


C.a white light

D.a red light

0229 Which word is an international distress signal when transmitted by radiotelephone ?_____.A.Securite


C.a white light

D.a red light

0230 The Vessel not to be ____ to force ice,but to follow ice-breaker if required.A.made




0231 It's also essential that we can not _____ any marks mixed ot damage to the cargo.A.agree




0232 SECURITE is to be used to announce ______ A.a distress message

B.an urgency message

C.a safety message

D.a massage of SMCP

0233 Of the following, ______ deals with fire-fighting arrangements A.MARPOL


C.load line convention

D.tonnage convention

0234 If the weights are moved away from the midship section,____ will happen on board.A.hogging




0235 How about deducting 10 bundles,_______ is to say 50 bundles partly rusty? A.it




0236 Vessel must be ______ duly qualified officers and crew.A.supplied with

B.equipped by C.manned with D.fitted with

0237 The doldrums are characterized by ____.A.steady,light to moderate winds

B.frequent calms

C.clear skies

D.low humidity

0238 After the passage of a cold front the visibility ______.A.does not change

B.improves rapidly

C.improves only slightly

D.becomes poor

0239 Conventional anchors are least likely to hold in a bottom consisting of _____.A.soft clay

B.hard mud



0240 Which type of ballast is most commonly used in barges and ships?_____ A.Water


C.Concrete and barite

D.Sand,rock and gravel

0241 Which term describes a part of a natural fiber line?_______.A.Lacings




0242 How should the letter O be pronounced when spoken on the radiotelephone?______ A.OCK tow BER




0243 MMSI number of vessel is broadcast every 6 minutes by _______.A.GPS




0244 The period at high or low water during which there is no apparent change of level is called _____.A.HEIGHT




0245 Radar reflector consists of _______ mutually perpendicular flat metal surfaces.A.one




0246 A celestial body's complete orbit around another body is ______.A.a rotation

B.a revolution

C.a space motion

D.a nutation

0247 The agent has probably already handed over you the stowage plan,_____? A.isn't he

B.doesn't he

C.hasn't he

D.didn't he

0248 ______ mighe be not subject to spontaneous combustion.A.Coal

B.Scrap rubber

C.Leather D.Talc powder

0249 A whipping on a fiber line _____.A.keeps the ends from fraying

B.strengthens it C.protects your hands

D.becomes part of a splice

0250 Messages concerning weather conditions transmitted by tadiotelephone are preceded by ______.A.MAYDAY




0251 The lighthouse if______at night may be in trouble.


B.it is invisible

C.isn't visible

D.Unvisible KEY: A夜间看不见灯塔,则肯能是出故障了。

0252 The most effective fire extinguishing agent to use on burning linen is ______.A.water

B.carbon dioxide

C.isn't visible


0253 Can we change the location for the tung-oil _______ that for the gum rosin? A.by




0254 How to reduce beam width distortion?_____ A.Adjust centre

B.Adjust brilliance

C.Adjust heading marker

D.Reduce gain

0255 The ship will _____ backward if Hatch No.4 and No.5 are over stowed.A.dent




0256 Vessel's provisions refer to _____ of the vessel.A.fuel oil

B.vegetables and food

C.spare parts on board

D.ballast water

0257 Temporary seizings on wire rope are made with _____.A.marline

B.sail twine



0258 Clouds are classified according to their _______.A.size

B.moisture content

C.altitude and how they were formed

D.location in a front

0259 The strongest winds and heaviest rains in a hurricane are found in the ____.A.outer bands


C.cloud walls

D.spiral rainbands

0260 A relative bearing is always measured from______.

A.true north

B.magnetic north C.the vessel's beam

D.the vessel's head KEY: A相对方位总是从船首开始量起的。

0261 A relative bearing always measured from _____.A.true north

B.magnetic north

C.the vessel's beam

D.the vessel's head

0262 Altocumulus clouds are defined as______.

A.high clouds

B.middle clouds C.low clouds

D.vertical development clouds KEY: B高积云被定义为中云族。

0263 Please arrange ______ a surveyor to inspect the damaged bulkhead.A.of



D.in KEY: B请安排一个检验员检查损坏的舱壁。

0264 A rope made of a combination of wire and fiber is known as _____.A.independent

B.lang lay


D.spring lay

0265 I suppose the winch-man is ______ for the damage to the case.A.in blame

B.in blaming

C.to have blame

D.to blame

KEY: D我猜想绞车手应对箱子的损坏负责。

0266 ______ rain means it rains in some parts of the area.A.Squally




0267 The joint formed when two steel plates are placed end-to-end is called a ____.A.bevel





Please tell the stevedores to load the cargo ______ according to the respective figures.A.tightly




0269 The step of a pilot ladder which prevents the ladder from twisting is the ______.A.Proof bar

B.Shifting bar

C.Long bar

D.Spreader KEY: D防止引航梯扭曲的梯踏板是横撑杆。

0270 _____ is/are not prevailing winds.A.Crachin

B.Land and sea breezes



0271 The pilot shall make the most effective use of all navigational equipment _____ his disposal.A.at




0272 An example of a messenger is a _______.A.fairlead

B.heaving line



0273 Structural bulkheads on a ship are usually ______.A.continuous




0274 A natural fiber rope can be ruined by dampness because it may ______.A.rot



D.unlay KEY: A天然纤维绳可以被湿气毁坏因为其可能腐烂。

0275 I'd like to know the full ______ of the accident.A.particular B.particulars C.in particular D.in particulars KEY: B我想了解事故的全部详细情况。

0276 I'd like to know the full _____ of the accident.A.sea




0277 Fot most products of oil the fire will die out when the oxygen content is reduced to _____.A.10%




0278 The key to rescuing a man overboard is______.

A.good communication

B.a dedicated crew C.good equipment

D.well conducted KEY: D对抢救落水人,关键是良好的练习。

0279 The rope which is the lightest is ______.A.manila




0280 Nylon line can be dangerous because it ______.A.breaks down when wet

B.kinks when wet

C.is not elastic


0281 Approach to waypoints and other critical points can be warned by audible and visible signals form _____ A.GPS




0282 Which type of line floats? ______ A.dacton


C.old manila


0283 I'm extremely sorry for ______ you an early reply.A.not to give

B.not to have given

C.not having given

D.not giving

0284 _____ has absolute priority over all other transmissions.A.The distress call

B.the Securite

C.The Safety


0285 Generally speaking,the most favorable bottom for anchoring is ____.A.very soft mud


C.a mixture of mud and clay

D.loose sand

0286 the set of the equatorial countercurrent is generally to the ______.A.North




0287 Lifejackets should be stowed in ______.A.the forpeaks

B.the pumproom

C.readily accessible

D.locked watertight containers

0288 Many of the lights on this coast are placed so high as to be freqently obscured by _______.A.power




0289 Ship's heading is the direction the vessel is _____.A.pointing

B.traveling relative to land

C.traveling relative to ground


0290 What is used when securing light vehicles aboard Ro-Ro vessels?_____ A.Chain lever or turnbuckle



D.Nylon belt

0291 Who checks the bridge clock for accuracy each day?______.A.Third officer

B.Second officer

C.Chief officer

D.Assisant officer

0292 If the sling bumps ______ the beams,serious accidents may follow.A.at




0293 A vessel's quarter is that section which is _____.A.abeam

B.dead astern

C.just aft of the how

D.on either side of the stern

0294 _____ will not generally clear the fog.A.Wind speed increases

B.wind direction changes

C.Temperature increases

D.Pressure of the air

0295 Spheres or Flinders bars which show signs of residual magnetism should be _______ A.hammered




0296 A semisubmersible with a negative GM flops to an angle of _____.A.heel




0297 Antiseptics are used principally to ______.A.speed healing

B.prevent infection

C.reduce inflammation

D.increa blood cirulation

0298 Which cargo would require a dangerous cargo manifest?_____ A.Cotton




0299 Cargoes that might leak from containers are know as ______.A.dirty cargoes

B.caustic cargoes

C.wet cargoes

D.bulk cargoes

0300 A vessel emitting harmful substances into the air or spilling oil into the sea is a______.





KEY: A一船散发有害气体到空气中或泄露油到水中是污染者。352: A mid-channel buoy,if lighted,will show a ______.A.fixed red light

B.Morse(A)white light

C.green light

D.flashing red light KEY: B [465] A continuous watertight bulkhead is normally also a(n)______.A.structural bulkhead

B.exterior bulkhead

C.centerline bulkhead

D.joiner bulkhead KEY: A连续水密舱壁是结构横舱壁。

[466] All the cargo holds must be ___ cleaned out __ meet the requirement of the cargo surveyor.A.such / that

B.so / that

C.such / to

D.so / as to

KEY: D所有货舱必须被清理以满足货物测量员的标准 If a vessel lists to port, the center of buoyancy will ______.[467] If a vessel lists to port, the center of buoyancy will ______.A.move to port

B.move to starboard

C.move directly down

D.stay in the same position KEY: A假如船舶左倾,浮心将移到左边。

[468] On my last voyage it ______ at the discharging port that some watches were pilfered.A.happens B.has happened C.happened D.had happened KEY: C在我们最后的航次中,在卸货港发生了一些手表被盗的事情。[469] If you shorten the scope of anchor cable, your anchor‟s holding power ______.A.decreases


C.remains the same

D.has no relation to the scope KEY: A假如缩短锚链长度,锚的抓力减少。

[470] The patches where rust have been removed should be wiped clean before paint is ______.A.applied




KEY: A被除锈后的(船体)修补处在涂上油漆前应该被擦拭干净。[472] On no account ______ proceed without pilot in this water area.A.the vessel B.shall not vessel C.the vessel should D.should vessel KEY: D(假如)船舶没有引水员决不可以在这个水域航行。[473] Argon is classified as a ______.A.corrosive

B.flammable gas C.flammable liquid

D.nonflammable gas KEY: A氩气被分类为不易燃气体

[474] A twin-screw ship going ahead on the starboard screw only tends to move ______.A.in a straight line

B.to port

C.from side to side

D.to starboard

KEY: B一双车船仅用右舷车前进,趋向左舷运动。[479] What information is NOT found in the chart title?

A.Survey information B.Scale

C.Date of first edition


KEY: C第一版本日期不包含在海图的标题栏里.[482] An occluded front is caused by a(n)______.A.low pressure area

B.high pressure area C.area of calm air

D.cold front overtaking a warm front KEY: D锢囚锋是由于冷锋赶上暖风造成的。[487] A bowline is used to ______.A.join lines of equal size B.form a temporary eye(loop)at the end of a line C.be a stopper

D.keep a line from fraying KEY: B单套结用于绳尾临时的绳圈。

[490] A mooring line that checks forward motion of a vessel at a pier is a ______.A.bow line

B.forward bow line

C.stern line

D.stern breast line

KEY: C在码头上.检查船向前运动的缆绳是尾缆.[491] PAN-PAN repeated three times over the radiotelephone indicates which type of message will follow? ______.A.Distress


C.All clear


KEY: D在无线电话上重复三次Pan-Pan显示接下来的信息将是紧急的

[492] In plotting a running fix,how many fixed objects are needed to take your lines of position from? A.Three B.Two C.One D.None KEY: C在移线定位中,你需要从几个固定物标处获得位置线?一个 [493] Widely spaced isobars on a weather map indicate ________.A.high winds

B.gentle breezes

C.ice,snow or frozen rain

D.probability of tornados

KEY: B天气图上等压线比较稀疏说明什么?微风

[494] In the first 24 hours after abandoning a vessel, water should be given only to personnel who are ______.A.thirsty

B.sick or injured



KEY: B在弃船后的最初24小时里面,水只提供给病人或伤员。[498] Never______stowed like this.

A.optional cargo should be

B.should optional cargo be C.should be optional cargo

D.optional cargo must be KEY: B选港货从来不能这样堆装。[500] Frames to which the tank top and bottom shell are fastened are called ______.A.floors



D.tank top supports

KEY: A固定在舱顶和船底间的肋骨架构叫做肋板。

[501] Topside icing decreases vessel stability because it increases ______.A.displacement B.free surface C.draft D.KG KEY: D水线以上的结冰减少船舶稳性因为它增加了KG值。

[506] In determining if risk of collision exists the following considerations shall be among ______.A.these taken into calculation B.those taking into account C.that taken into account D.those taken into account KEY: D在确定是否存在碰撞危险时,下列事项应被逐一考虑在内。

[512] ______ of arresting the ship is to secure her continued presence and to prevent her from slipping away.A.Project—计划,方案




KEY: C扣留船舶的目的在于保证她继续存在并防止其悄悄溜走。[515] A gas-free certificate would usually be issued by a(n)______.A.CCS marine surveyor B.certified marine chemist C.port engineer D.MSA marine inspector KEY: B除气证书将通常由持证的化学专家颁发。[517] It is not necessary to declare ______ in the Health List.A.Appendicitis B.Cholera---霍乱


D.Typhus fever---伤寒发热

KEY: A阑尾炎没有必要在健康清单中声明 [519] A special purpose buoy shall be ______.A.lighted with a white light

B.striped black and red

C.lighted with a red light


KEY: D特殊用途的浮标应该是黄色.[520] A quick and rapid motion of a vessel in a seaway is an indication of a(n)______.A.large GM

B.high center of gravity

C.excessive free surface

D.small GZ KEY: A船舶快而急的斜向运动,表明船舶稳性大。(这是大稳性的现象)[522] I have been ______ that we are to shift from the wharf to buoys No.12 and No.13.A.noted---注意,记录,笔记


C.notificated D.notified---正式通知

KEY: D我已被通知从码头移泊到第12号和第13号浮筒。(被动语态完成式)[523] A lookout can leave his station ______.A.at the end of the watch

B.at any time C.ONLY when properly relieved

D.15 minutes before the end of the watch KEY: C瞭望人员未经许可不得离开。

[524] Magnetic variation changes with a change in ______.A.the vessel's heading

B.sea conditions


D.the vessel's position

KEY: D [526] After being rescued from the vessel accident,the people agreed that they had much to ______.A.thank

B.be thankful

C.be thanked

D.be thankful for KEY: A在事故船舶被营救后,人们一致同意他们应该得到感谢。[529] An instrument useful in predicting fog is the ______.A.sling psychrometer



D.aneroid barometer KEY:A 预报雾的有用的仪器是旋转式干湿球湿度计.[530] All ships ______ suspected infectious disease on board should radio information to Port Health Officer.A.with B.has---have 的第三人称单数现在式


D.had---have 的过去式和过去分词

KEY: A任何怀疑船上带有传染病的船舶应使用无线电报告给港口健康官员。[531] Although KG for a vessel in lightweight is relatively high,the vessel is stiff because ______.A.KM is small

B.KM is high

C.BL is small

D.KB is large

KEY: B空船时,KG较大KM亦很大.[532] A Coast Guard radiotelephone message about an aid to navigation that is off station is preceded by the word ______.A.PAN-PAN




KEY: D [535] When navigating using DGPS(Differential Global Positioning System)you may expect your position to be accurate to within a radius of _____.A.10 meters

B.20 meters

C.50 meters

D.100 meters

KEY: A当航行中用DGPS(全球差分定位系统)测定船位时,定位精度可达10米半径的圆。

[537] A barometer showing falling pressure indicates the approach of a ______.A.high pressure system

B.low pressure system

C.high dew point

D.low dew point KEY: B气压计显示气压下降,表示低气压临近。

[539] I'll have the damaged parts repaired in Hongkong and send you in due course the amount of expenses ______.A.incurred



D.paying out

KEY: A [541] A tall object with a light on or near the shore,to act as a guide or warning to mariners is called ______.A.beam


C.light beacon

D.reflector KEY: C在岸上很高的带着光的物标,来引导或者警告航海者的.被称做:灯标.[542] The only cylindrical chart projection widely used for navigation is the ______.A.Lambert conformal




KEY: B下列选项中,唯一被广泛应用的圆柱型投影海图是:墨卡托海图.[543] Most high pressure areas are accompanied by ______.A.precipitation

B.clear,cool weather

C.humid,sticky weather

D.cool fogs

KEY: B [545] A white buoy with a blue band is ______.A.an isolated danger mark

B.a hydrographic data collection buoy

C.a mooring buoy D.marking a restricted area

KEY: C [546] A monkey fist is found on a ______.A.heaving line B.lead line C.manrope D.mooring line KEY: A撇缆头结存在于撇缆绳上。

[547] Peck and Hale gear is used most commonly for securing ______.A.automobiles汽车

B.baled cargo

C.large wooden crates

D.palletized cargo

KEY: A叠加捆叠法一般用来固定汽车.[548] After using a Halon extinguisher,it should be ______.A.put back in service if more than 50% of the charge remains




KEY: D卤化物灭火器用完后需要重新充罐.[550] The terms ceiling and margin plate are associated with the ______.A.crew's quarters

B.engine room

C.main deck

D.tank top

KEY: D舱底铺板和内底边板与货舱底有关联.552] My propeller was hit by a steel barge lying ______.A.ahead


C.alongside my port bow

D.alongside my starboard bow

KEY: B [554] After using a CO2 portable extinguisher, it should be ______ A.put back in service if some CO2 remains

B.hydrostatically tested C.retagged

D.Recharged KEY: DCO2便携式灭火器使用后,应被重新充装。

[555] ______get your engine ready before six tomorrow morning.

A.You‟d better

B.You would better

C.You at least

D.You at most KEY: A你最好明天早上六点前备妥主机。[558] The Earth has the shape of a(n)______.A.sphere B.oblate spheroid C.spheroid of revolution D.oblate eggoid KEY: B地球具有椭圆体形状。

[560] A line connecting all possible positions of your vessel at any given time is a ______.A.longitude line B.latitude line C.line of position D.fix KEY: C在给定时刻你船所有可能船位的连线是位置线。

[561] A foam-type portable fire extinguisher is most useful in fighting a fire in ______.A.generators

B.oil drums

C.the bridge controls

D.combustible metals

KEY: B便携式泡沫灭火器对扑灭油桶着火最有效。

[562] For details of these and other lights the larger scale charts and Admiralty Lists should be __ A.considered



D.Commanded KEY: B对于这些和另外的灯标的详细资料,大比例尺海图和英版灯标表应被参考。

[564] A vessel is ______ when she is not at anchor,made fast to the shore,or aground.


B.making way

C.dead in the water

D.on the way.

KEY: A [569] Which would you NOT use to report the amount of anchor chain out?Three shots ______ A.at the water‟s edge

B.on deck

C.on the bottom

D.well in the water KEY: C哪项不被用于报告出链的数量?三节……?在海底

[571] My radar is not working.I require shore based radar assistance.Is shore based radar assistance _______? C.used


C.in use

D.can be used

KEY: B我船雷达坏了需要岸上雷达维修帮助,岸上雷达帮助能否得到。

[574] When a line is spirally coiled about its end and lying flat on deck,it is said to be ______.A.coiled



KEY: C [575] A wet cargo refers to ______.A.a cargo that will be damaged if it gets wet

B.bulk liquids C.cargoes that will cause condensation

D.liquids in containers KEY: D湿货指的是包装的流质货物。

[577] Bilge keels are more effective at dampening rolls as the ______.A.pitching increases

B.list increases

C.rolling increases

D.draft decreases KEY: C舭龙骨在横摇增加时减少横摇最有效。[578] A proper lookout must be kept ______.A.only in fog B.only between the hours of sunset and sunrise C.only when entering and leaving port D.at all times KEY: D严格的了望在任何时候都必须保持

[579] Fleet weather forecast messages are the expected conditions in ______.A.a certain area

B.all ocean areas

C.some areas

D.important areas

KEY: A [582] A vessel is listed when it is ______.A.down by the head

B.down by the stern

C.inclined due to off-center weight

D.inclined due to wind

KEY: C [583] A contract of affreightment is a ______.A.Bill of Lading

B.Bottomry Bond


D.Portage Bill

KEY: A装卸合同就是一个装货单.[585] A vessel‟s position should be plotted using bearings of ______.A.buoys close at hand

B.fixed known objects on shore C.buoys at a distance

D.All of above KEY: B船舶的位置应该用一已知岸上固定物标方位来表示

[587] All accidents and damage to ship, equipment or personnel, must be _ in the vessel deck log.A.entered into


C.entered with

D.entered in KEY: B所有的事故和船舶损坏,设备或人员,必须记录在甲板日志中。[588] A large oil fire on the deck of a ship can be fought most effectively with ______.A.dry chemical


C.high-velocity fog

D.water(cartridge-operated)、KEY: B甲板上大量由油水引起的火灾最有效的扑救方法是泡沫。

[590] On one hand,you have to continue loading,on ______ hand,I'll contact the Despatch Office right now.A.another B.other C.the other D.the others KEY: C一方面,你必须继续装货,在另一方面,我将现在立即联系调度办公室。

[592] Fixed CO2 systems would not be used on crew‟s quarters or ______.A.the paint locker

B.spaces open to the atmosphere

C.cargo holds

D.the engine room KEY: B固定CO2灭火系统将不用于船员舱室和开放的空间。

[593] ______is the most visible signal of distress from a lifeboat at sea in the daytime.A.Smoke signal

B.Flash signal

C.Fire signal

D.Radio emergency transmission KEY: A烟雾信号是白天在救生艇上发出的最容易看到的危险信号。

[594]______chart 3994,positions read from this chart should be shifted 0.03 minutes Northward.

A.To consideer

B.To check

C.To examine

D.To agree with KEY: D为了与3994号海图一致,从这张海图上读出的位置应该向北移动0.03分的距离。

[595]______means the curve on the earth's surface which cuts all the meridians at the same angle.

A.Great Circle

B.Position Line

C.Rhumb line

D.True Bearing KEY: C恒向线解释为在地球表面与所有的经线(子午线)切割相交成相同的角度曲线。

[596] Do you know ______ ?

A.where is the chief officer

B.where the chief officer is

C.is where the chief officer

D.the chief officer is where

KEY: Bwhere,what,when引导的宾语从句必须用直叙语序.[597] A sea with height 2. 5-4. 0m is termed as______according to the sea and swell scale.

A.slight sea

B.Moderate sea

C.Rough sea

D.High sea KEY: C 2.5-40米浪高,用术语表示为大浪。[598] When my ship arrived there,their ship______.

.has left already

B.left already C.had left already

D.would left already KEY: C当我们到达那里的时候,他们的船早已离开。

[600]______ the repeater compass with the master compass,please.





KEY: c [601]The fittings used to secure a watertight door are known as ______.A.clamps




KEY: C [602] Chemical burns are caused by the skin coming in contact with ______.A.acids or alkalies

B.diesel oil C.acids, but not alkalies

D.alkalies, but not acids KEY: A化学烧伤是由于皮肤与酸或碱接触而引起的

[603]VHF Radio is one of the very important navigational instruments on board,______ messages can be sent.

A.by which

B.through which

C.by that

D.through that

KEY: B [604]At an angle of loll,the righting arm(GZ)is ______.A.maximum


C.positive,but reflexive


KEY: D [606] The heights and soundings of Admiralty chart are expressed ___ in Fathoms ___ in Meters.A.either, or

B.neither, nor

C.another, nor

D.other, or

KEY: A英版海图上的标高和测深以拓或米表示。

[608] There shall be two principal ______ through the harbor for the passage of vessels of over 60 tons burden.A.straits




KEY: B那里应有两条供60吨以上船舶通过港口的主要航道

[612] Forces within a vessel have caused a difference between the starboard and port drafts.This difference is called ______.A.list




KEY: A船舶内部的力致使船舶左右舷的吃水不同。这种不同叫做横倾。

List, 系指船内力所致的倾斜

[613]All diesel engines are classified as ______.A.four cycle

B.compression ignition

C.vacuum ignition

D.external combustion

KEY: B [614]Admiralty Sailing Directions published in England are kept up to date by______.





KEY: C英版航路指南发布的信息保存在补篇内

[616]One of the factors which affects the circulation of ocean currents is ______.同原题库3180 A.humidity B.varying densities of water C.vessel traffic D.the jet stream KEY: B影响洋流循环的因素之一是水密度的变化。

[618]A plane perpendicular to the polar axis will never form what line on the Earth's surface?

A.Great circle


C.Small circle


KEY: D [619]In nautical terminology a dog is a ______.A.crow bar

B.device to force a water tight door against the frame

C.heavy steel beam


KEY: B [620]The material used extensively as electrolytic protection around bronze propellers is ______.A.Brass B.Copper C.Lead D.Zinc KEY: D被广泛运用作为电解保护青铜螺旋桨的材料是锌。

[621]Sometimes a tropical storm moves so slowly that a vessel,if astern of it,can______it.



C.proceed near

D.run into

KEY: D有时候热带风暴移动缓慢,以至在他后面的船舶可以进去。[623]You are kindly______to issue the landing permits to the crew.




D.be request KEY: C请你颁发登陆证书给船员。

[624]The athwartship hull structural members of a ship are ______.A.stringers



D.deck beams甲板横梁

KEY: D [625] Attention is ______ the advice on the use of charts in The Mariner‟s Handbook Chapter 3,Section 1.A.fixed to

B.needed for

C.pushed to

D.drawn to

KEY: D注意海员手册关于海图的使用的一些建议。

[630]MAINLY VARIABLE 3 to 4 VEERING NELY 5 TOMORROW MORNING.This forecast refers to ______ in the designated area. A.visibility




KEY: B [632] To increase the distance to the vessel ahead by reducing one‟s own speed means ______.A.Fall back

B.Keep low speed

C.Running after

D.Drop back

KEY: D通过减速以增加与前方船之间的距离叫退后(后撤)[635]A precaution you should take before bunkering is to ______ A.plug the vents B.plug the sounding pipes C.plug the scuppers D.close the lids on the vents KEY: C在添加燃油前你应采取的预防措施是塞上甲板排水孔。

[636]CASE OF DEATH OR SERIOUS INJURY TO A PERSON IN AN ACCIDENT OR SHIPPING DISASTER is ______.A.Salvage B.Operations of the salvage C.Casualty D.Injury KEY: C在事故或海难中人员的死亡或严重受伤事件是海难伤亡。

[638]A vessel showing a green light over a white light in a vertical line above the level of the sidelights is ______.A.engaged in underwater construction B.under sail and power C.a pilot vessel D.trawling KEY: D一船在其舷灯的水平线上方垂直显示一盏绿灯在一盏白灯上面是拖网船。

[639]Deck beams on a vessel are generally spaced at equal intervals and run ______.A.longitudinally




KEY: C [641]Nylon line is better suited than manila for ______.A.towing alongside

B.towing astern

C.holding knots and splices

D.resisting damage from chemicals

KEY: B [643] Some sea water came into the wheel house during the voyage due to __ the window thereof.A.not close

B.not closing

C.we didn‟t close

D.not to be closed

KEY: B航行中由于驾驶室窗户没有关闭,一些海水进入其中。

[645]The International Load Line Certificate is a document indicating ______ of the various load lines of the vessel.

A.decks B.cabins C.holds D.positions KEY: D [646] On a mercator chart, 1 nautical mile is equal to ______.A.1 minute of longitude

B.1 degree of longitude

C.1 minute of latitude

D.1 degree of latitude

KEY: C在默卡托海图上,1海里等于1分纬度(的长度)。[647] A proper look-out shall be maintained ______.A.only at night

B.only during restricted visibility C.at night and during restricted visibility

D.at all times KEY: D在任何时候都应保持正规的瞭望。

[648]A power-driven vessel leaving a quay or wharf must sound what signal? A.Three short blasts B.A long blast C.A prolonged blast D.No signal is required KEY: D机动船离开码头时必须鸣放什么声号?没有要求

[649] In revised editions of Admiralty charts the ______ are corrected first.A.smaller scales

B.larger scales

C.smaller scales and larger scales

D.moderate scales KEY: B在英版海图改正中,大比例尺海图应先改正。

[651]An orange and white buoy indicating a vessel-exclusion area will be marked with what symbol?

A.Open-faced diamond

B.Diamond with a cross



KEY: B [652]In the Northern Hemisphere,an area of counterclockwise wind circulation surrounded by higher pressure is a ______.A.low


C.warm front

D.cold front

KEY: A [655]The lifeboats and liferafts were ______ with the provisions of the regulations annexed to the Convention.A.put on board




KEY: D [656] Mean high water is the average height of ______ A.the higher high waters

B.the lower high waters C.the lower of the two daily tides

D.all high waters KEY: D平均高潮是所有高潮潮高的平均值。

[657]A vessel using a traffic separation scheme shall normally join or leave a traffic lane at the ______ of the lane.





KEY: C [660]Portable foam type fire extinguishers are most effective on ______.A.mattress fires

B.oil fires

C.wood fires

D.All of the above

KEY: B [661] Blood flowing from a cut artery appears ______.A.dark red with a steady flow

B.bright red with a steady flow C.bright red and in spurts

D.dark red and in spurts KEY: C动脉割开,出的血是鲜红色的。





KEY: A [668]When force of winds reaches 10~11 in Beaufort scale,we usually call such wind______.





KEY: B当按照蒲氏风级航速达到10-11级时我们经常称为什么风?风暴

[669]Vessels transiting the canal must have their accommodation ladders and cargo booms ______.A.removed

B.rigged in



KEY: B [670]The pilot station ______ close west of the end of the breakwater.A.is stayed B.is situated C.is placed D.is located KEY: B引水站(被)置于靠近防浪堤末端的西面。

[672] A cargo that has a stowage factor over 40 is know as a ______.A.hygroscopic cargo

B.measurement cargo

C.stowage cargo

D.weight cargo KEY: B基载因数超过40的货物被最为容积货。

[677] The ship ______ on a low rock was broken in two by the waves.A.that had been driven

B.had been driven

C.have been driven

D.which to have been driven KEY: A搁浅在浅处岩石上的船在风浪中断成了两段。[678] A pelican hook ______.A.can be released while under strain

B.is used for boat falls C.is used for extra heavy loads

D.is used for light loads only KEY: A速脱钩能在紧张的情况下被释放。

[679]Gangway______with pilot ladder on my starboard side.

A.being rigged combined

B.is rigged combining C.rigs combining

D.is rigged combined KEY: B在我船右舷,舷梯和引水梯结合被装妥 [680]Broken stowage includes the space ______.A.within irregular containers

B.between irregular containers

C.on uniform packaged commodities

D.on general cargo

KEY: B [682]A yellow buoy may mark a(n)______.A.wreck

B.shoal area

C.anchorage area

D.middle ground

KEY: C [683]______refers to the angle between true north and the heading line of the vessel.

A.True position

B.True meridian

C.True course

D.True bearing KEY: C真航向是镇北和船首线的夹角 [684]A contra-guide is a type of ______.A.bow thruster

B.cargo gear

C.steering engine


KEY: D [686]The man directing and supervising the work of stevedores is the______.

A.local agent




KEY: D指导和监督码头工人工作的人是工头。[687] Oil fires are best extinguished by ______.A.cutting off the supply of oxygen

B.removing the fuel C.cooling below the ignition temperature

D.spraying with water KEY: A灭油火的最好灭火器是切断氧气供应。

[688]A sextant having an index error that is “off the arc” has a ______.A.positive correction B.dip error---眼高差

C.negative correction D.semidiameter error---半径差

KEY: A六分仪具有指标差是一个正校正。

[689]I look forward to ______ for this at your earliest convenience.同原题库1864 A.having your approval B.approved by you C.get your answer D.know your opinion KEY: A我期待尽早地得到你的批准。Look forward to, 期待,盼望…(后接名词或动名词)[690] Which term describes a rope in which three right-handed strands are laid up left-handed? A.Soft-laid


C.Shroud laid


KEY: D哪一个术语表示了用左手盘三股右旋绳?盘放缆绳

[691]A call between any two ship stations on an intership working frequency shall have a maximum duration of ______.A.2 minutes

B.3 minutes

C.4 minutes

D.5 minutes

KEY: B [695]______is a device used to measure atmospheric pressure.





KEY: A气压计装置用于测量大气压。

[696]Cumulonimbus clouds are formed by ______.A.vertical air movements

B.heavy rainstorms

C.horizontal air movements

D.any movement of moist air

KEY: A [698]Merchant vessels three basic ways,but __________ is not one of them. can operate in A.liners


C.specialized vessels D.passenger ships


[700]A ship lists and trims about the ______.A.center of gravity B.center of buoyancy C.center of flotation

D.centroid of the underwater volume KEY: C [701] A sheave is a ______.A.grooved wheel in a block

B.line to hold a lifeboat next to the embarkation deck C.partial load of grain

D.seaman‟s knife KEY: A槽轮是滑车里有凹槽的轮子。

[702]The depth______a shallow patch,lying about 1.3 miles southeastward of Nanshan Tou lighthouse reduces to about 6.1 meters.





KEY: B位于Nanshan Tou 灯塔东南方大约1.3海里的浅水区上方水深减少对6.1米

[704] The winds you would expect to encounter in the North Atlantic between latitudes 5°and 30°are known as the ______.D.doldrums




KEY: C在北大西洋 5°到30°之间你将会遇到的风被称为信风

[705] Generally speaking, with ______ the weather becomes cloudy or overcast with strong winds B.high pressures

B.low pressures

C.weak pressures

D.strong pressures

KEY: B一般来说,低压常伴随阴云大风天气。

[706] Winds expected to ________ Storm Force 10 in south-east semicircle later up to 300 miles from the center of the tropical cyclone.





KEY: D在热带气旋中心300海里半径内,东南半园的风速预期达到10级风暴。[707]The injured stevedore paid______attention to the loading instructions.




D.a few

KEY: B受伤的工人没有注意大副的装货指示。

[708]The angular motion of a ship in the athwartship is termed ______.A.pitching B.yawing C.rolling D.tracking KEY: B [709]The master cannot sue ______ freight where he signs bill of lading merely as the Ship-owner's agent.A.to(Sue to向...提出诉讼)B.for C.as D.on KEY: B船长不能请求运费假如他仅仅作为船东的代理人签署提单。(若船长仅作为船东的代理人签发提单,则其不能就运费提赔)

[711]______ cargo means to check all cargo loaded into or discharged from a vessel.

A.Tallying B.Examining C.Weighing D.Handling KEY: A [713]A generally circular low pressure area is called a(n)______.



C.cold front

D.occluded front

KEY: A一般低压区叫气旋。

[714]Vessels wishing to com with the Port municateHealth Officer should do ______ on VHF Channel 14.

A.so B.that C.this D.same KEY: A [716]Tripping defects in anchors frequently occur in ______.A.deep water B.shallow water C.stiff soils D.soft soils KEY: D [717]Since the fire is increasing on board the vessel,the Captain orders that the ship be ______.A.subtle B.dental C.brittle D.scuttled KEY: D [720]A crew member suffering from hypothermia should be given ______.A.a small dose of alcohol B.treatment for shock C.a large meal D.a brisk rub down KEY: B遭受体温降低的船员应给予防休克处理。

[721]The circular steel structure installed around the propeller of a towboat is the______. D.nozzle




KEY: A圆形钢结构围安装在拖轮螺旋的导流管上。[722]The arrangement of charts in the catalogue is______. A.on a regional basis

B.on a national basis C.shown orderly

D.appeared from A to W KEY: A目录中的海图排列是基于地理性的。

[723] You are requisitioning stores for your tank vessel.What type of matches are permitted aboard?





KEY: B你是一艘油船正在申请备品,船上允许什么样的火柴?安全型的 [727]If any cargo is found not in good order, ______.A.it is usually cancelled B.its bill of lading not signed C.the shipper pays for it D.a remark is made for it KEY: D假如发现货物状况不好,应被批注。

[728]According to the stowage factor of the cargo,my ship will ______ take 350 more metric tons of cargo.

A.could B.can

C.be able to D.should KEY: C [729]Contour elevations on this chart refer to heights in feet above mean______. A.lower low water

B.high water C.low water

D.sea level KEY: D这海图的正面等高线指的是英寸表示的平均海面以上的高度


B.Alley way


D.Embarking way KEY: A一处清楚表明的路线,在紧急情况是使用的叫做逃生路线。

[731]The bill of lading is prima facie evidence ______ the quantity of goods alleged to have been shipped has been shipped in fact.同原题库3156 A.that B.which C.where D.while KEY: A提单是宣称数量的货物已被装船并存在于船上的事实的初步证据。[734]How would the exhaust of a properly operating diesel engine appear? ______.A.Light blue haze B.Light brown haze C.Light gray haze D.Perfectly clear KEY: D [735] In the doldrums you will NOT have ______.

第五篇:航海英语1002第二节 船体结构

第二节 船体结构

0287.The upward slope of a vessels bottom from the keel to the bilge is called ___D___.


A.Camber 梁拱B.Sheer 舷弧C.Rake倾角D.Rise of bottom 底部升高

0995.____D__ is not a longitudinal structural member.


A.sideshell 船壳边板B.bottom shell plating 船壳底板C.inner bottom plating 内底板 D.transverse bulkhead 横舱壁

0996.____D__ is not a static load.


A.Actual weight of the ship's structure,outfitting,equipment and machinery 船舶结构、舾装、设备及机械等的实际重量

B.Ballast load(weight)压载C.Cargo load 载货

D.Slamming(猛撞)and sloshing load(泼溅)自由液面

0998.A carling is used aboard ship ___B___.[49] 在船上纵梁有什么用途()

A.As a connecting strap between the butted(使接合)ends of plating 用于连接壳板的铁条

B.To stiffen areas under points of great stress between beams 用来加强受力的横梁之间的区域

C.To prevent the anchor from fouling when the brake is released 当松开刹车后,用来防止锚链绞缠

D.To provide an extra heavy fitting in a heavy lift cargo rig 在重吊吊吊杆中增加承重构件

0999.A continuous watertight bulkhead is normally also a(n)___A___.[71] 连续的水密舱壁一般同时也是()

A.Structural bulkhead 结构舱壁B.Exterior bulkhead 外壳舱臂 C.Centerline bulkhead 船中央舱臂D.Joiner bulkhead 连接舱壁

1000.A deck fitting,used to secure line or wire rope,consisting of a single body with two protruding horns is called a ____D__.[77] 甲板上由两个突出的角状结构组成的,用来挽、系绳索或缆绳的设备叫()A.Bitt单柱系缆桩B.Bollard系缆桩C.Capstan绞盘 D.Cleat 羊角

1002.A set of interior steps on a ship leading up to a deck from below is known as __A___.[182] 在船体内部,从下层甲板到上层甲板之间的台阶叫做()

A.A companion way升降口通道B.Tween-decks 双层甲板C.Stairs 楼梯 D.Any of the above are acceptable 以上均可 1003.A term applied to the bottom shell plating in a double-bottom ship is ___B___.


A.bottom floor 底层B.outer bottom 外底板C.shea(E)r plating 舷顶列板 D.tank top 内底板

1005.Bilge keels are fitted on ships to ___D___.[426] 船上舭龙骨起什么作用()

A.Assist in drydock alignment 上坞时便于排墩 B.Improve the vessel's stability 提高船舶稳性

C.Protect the vessel from slamming against piers 靠泊时防止船体与码头碰撞 D.Reduce the rolling of the vessel 减少船舶横摇

1007.Compared to internal structural plating,the exterior hull plating on a vessel is usually ____A__.[467] 与船舶内部结构相比,外部船壳板一般()

A.stronger 强度更大B.thinner 更薄C.more corrosion resistant 更耐腐蚀 D.a lower grade steel 所用钢材的等级较低

1008.Compared to internal structural plating,the exterior hull plating on a ship is usually ____A__.

A.stronger B.thinner C.more corrosion resistant D.a lower grade steel

1009.Deck beams on a vessel are generally spaced at equal intervals and run __C____.


A.longitudinally 纵向B.vertically 垂向C.transversely 横向D.intermittently间歇地

1010.Deck beams perform ___C___ of the following functions in the hull structure of a vessel.① They transfer deck loads to the frames;② They help to maintain the shape of the hull.

在船舶结构中,甲板起下列哪些作用①把甲板承重转移到肋骨上②有助于保持船体形状 A.① only. B.② only. C.Both ① and ② D.Neither ① nor ②

1011.Floors aboard ship are __B____. 船上肋板是()A.also called decks 又叫甲板

B.vertical transverse plates connecting the vertical keel with the margin plates 垂直横向排列,用来联接垂向龙骨与边板的钢板

C.large beams fitted in various parts of the vessel for additional strength 安装在船体各个部位起加强作用的横梁

D.found in passenger and berthing spaces only 只在客船及泊位上可见到

1012.Floors aboard ship are ____A__.[528] 船上肋板是()

A.frames to which the tank top and bottom shell are fastened on a double bottomed ship 在双层底船上,用来连接船壳外板与内底板的骨架

B.transverse members of the ships frame which support the decks 支撑甲板的横向船舶构件 C.longitudinal beams in the extreme bottom of a ship from which the ship's ribs start 在船壳最外面的纵向构件,用于铺设船体肋骨

D.longitudinal angle bars fastened to a surface for strength 附着在(钢板)表面起加强作用的角钢

1013.For existing ships,___D___ is not an improvement to safety.


A.the reinforcement of the aft transverse watertight bulkhead 加强船舶艉部横向舱壁 B.the double bottom structure in way of the foremost cargo hold 有接近艏部的货舱下增加双层底结构 C.the introduction of a more rigorous survey regime and greater attention to operating procedures 引入更为严厉的船舶检验机制,更加小心操作

D.introduction of new and improved designs 采用新的、先进的设计

1014.Forecastle deck is located in the ship's ___A___.


A.Bow stem 船头B.Stern 船尾C.Portside 左舷 D.Starboard side 右舷

1015.Frames to which the tank top and bottom shell are fastened are called ___A___.[553] 用来连接内底板与外板的船体骨架叫()

A.floors 肋板B.intercostals 断续材、肋间部C.stringers纵梁;纵桁

D.tank top supports 内底板支架

1016.Holes in the bulwark,which allow deck water to drain into the sea,are ___C___.[586] 在舷墙上,为方便甲板水排入海中而开的孔叫()

A.Doggers 荷兰双桅渔船B.Fidleys锅炉舱顶棚C.Freeing ports排水孔

D.Swash ports 止荡孔

1017.If the weights are moved away from the midship section,___A___ will happen on board.


A.hogging 中拱B.sagging 中垂C.stiff 稳性过大D.tender 稳性太小

1018.In a transversely framed ship,the transverse frames are supported by all of the following EXCEPT ____D__.[682] 在一艘横骨架式的船上,下列哪一项不起支撑船舶横向构件的作用()

A.Girders 纵梁B.Longitudinals 纵骨C.Side stringers 边纵桁D.Web plates 宽板肋骨

1019.In heavy weather you notice buckling(弯曲;鼓起;褶皱)in the midships deck plating of your vessel.To relieve the strain you could ___D___.


A.pump fuel oil from midships to the ends of the vessel 把燃油从中部驳到船体首尾 B.reduce speed 减速航行

C.take a course which most eases the vessel 采用最适合船舶的航向航行 D.All of the above 全是

1020.In vessel construction,a greater number of watertight bulkheads results in __C____.[747] 船体结构中,如果船舶水密舱壁的数量增加,会产生什么后果()A.increased capacity to set flooding boundaries 增加船舶抗沉性 B.decreased capacity to set flooding boundaries 减少船舶抗沉性 C.reduced compartmentation 减少船舶舱容 D.greater deck load capacity 增加甲板载荷

1021.In vessel construction,beams are transverse girders which provide support to_C____.[749] 船体结构中,横梁是用来支撑()的横向构件

A.Bulkheads 舱壁B.Deckhouse structures 甲板桅房C.Decks 甲板 D.Vertical frames 垂向骨架

1022.In vessel construction,the garboard strake is ___A___.[750] 船舶结构中,龙骨翼板列()

A.Located next to and parallel to the keel 安放在龙骨旁边并与龙骨平行

B.Located next to and parallel to the gunwale 安放在甲板边缘附近并与之平行

C.Another term for the bilge keel 又叫舭龙骨 D.Another term for the rub rail又叫扶手栏杆


1023.It is possible,and sometimes necessary,to strengthen the deck of a vessel for carriage of deck cargo by __D____.[769] 有时,为了在甲板装货,有可能或必须通过()来加强甲板承荷能力 A.placing bunker on the deck 在甲板上堆放燃煤

B.building a stage on which to place the cargo 在甲板上搭个台,用来装甲板货 C.welding steel feet to the deck,on which the cargo is placed 在甲板上焊一些支架,用来装甲板货

D.erecting vertical pillars under the deck to support the cargo 在甲板下立一些垂直的柱子撑住甲板货

1024.Limber(污水道)is a term associated with _B_____.[796] 污水道是与()有关的单词

A.Emergency gear应急设备 B.Drainage 排水C.Deck cargo storage 甲板货储藏 D.Securing gear 绑扎设备

1025.On a vessel,the keel is the primary strength member of the lower hull form in which direction ____C____.


A.Transverse 横向B.Diagonal 斜向C.Longitudinal 纵向D.Vertical 垂向

1026.On board a bulk carrier,__A____.

散货船上()A.harbour SWSF > seagoing SWSF,harbour SWBM > seagoing SWBM B.harbour SWSF < seagoing SWSF,harbour SWBM < seagoing SWBM C.harbour SWSF > seagoing SWSF,harbour SWBM < seagoing SWBM D.harbour SWSF < seagoing SWSF,harbour SWBM > seagoing SWBM SWSF:safe working sheer force(许用)安全剪力矩 SWBM:safe working bending moment(许用)安全弯矩

1027.One function of a bulwark is to ___A___.[875] 舷墙的作用之一是()

A.Help keep the deck dry 保持甲板干燥

B.Prevent stress concentrations on the stringer plate 减少纵桁的应力集中 C.Protect against twisting forces exerted on the frame of the vessel 保护船体免因受到扭矩而受损

D.Reinforce the side stringers 用于加强边纵桁

1028.Pollution regulations require that each scupper in an enclosed deck area have a __D____.

根据防污规则要求,封闭甲板区域内的每个排水口必须有()A.Wooden plug木头塞子 B.Soft rubber plug 软橡胶塞子 C.Two-piece soft patch两件一套的软贴片 D.Mechanical means of closing 机械关闭装置

1030.Regulations define the bulkhead deck as ___B___.(subpision and stability regulations)


A.any deck extending from stem to stern 任何从船头延伸至船尾的甲板 B.the uppermost deck to which transverse watertight bulkheads extend 横向水密舱壁达到的最上一层甲板

C.the lowermost deck to which transverse watertight bulkheads extend 横向水密舱壁到达的最下一层甲板

D.the uppermost complete deck 最上一层连续甲板

1031.Reinforcing frames attached to a bulkhead on a vessel are called ____C__.


A.side longitudinals 边纵骨B.intercostals 断续材C.stiffeners 加强筋D.brackets 撑架

1035.The Captain's accommodation comprising rooms certified for his exclusive use may be ___A___ in the measurement of vessel's tonnage.

在进行船舶吨位丈量时,船舶房间(包括所有指定由他单独使用的各个房间)可以()A.Deducted 扣除B.Added 增加C.Forfeited 没收、失去D.Used 使用

1037.The extension of the after part of the keel in a single-screw vessel upon which the stern post rests is called the __C____.


A.boss圆形突出物B.knuckle转向节C.skeg龙骨的支柱D.strut支柱 1038.The hull is pided up into a number of watertight compartments by ___B___.


A.inner bottom plating and longitudinals 内底板及纵骨

B.decks and bulkheads 甲板及舱壁C.double bottom girders 双层底桁架

D.topside and hopper tank sloping plating and longitudinals 内底板、低边柜斜坡及纵骨

1039.The locker will ___A___ as long as your ship is here.


A.Be kept sealed保持关闭B.Be released from being sealed 把关闭的都打开 C.Be kept signed 保持可见D.Be released from being signed 把可见到的都打开

1043.The piping that routes an oil cargo from the manifold to underdeck pipelines is known as a ___B___.[1136] 从管路集成器那把货油接到甲板下的管路里去的支管叫()

A.Cargo fill 装货管B.Line drop 下舱管C.Transfer 转驳管D.Branch line分支管

1044.The primary barrier of a bulk carrier is formed by ___D___.


A.the single skin side shell and the inner bottom 单壳船壳板及内底板 B.deck strips,hatch covers and coamings甲板带、舱盖及舱口围

C.the vertically corrugated transverse watertight bulkheads 垂向折弯的水密横舱壁

D.the single skin side shell between topside and hopper tanks,and the cross deck strips,hatch covers and coamings 高边柜及低边柜之间的单壳船壳板、横向甲板带、舱盖及舱口围

1046.The section of each end of a barge which is heavily reinforced to take the pressure of pushing is called the ___A___.[1186] 驳船首尾两端特别加强的,用来承受顶推时所受的压力的构件叫做()

A.Headlog 碰垫B.Towhead沙洲C.Collision bulkhead 防撞舱壁D.Bullnose 球鼻首

1047.The strake on each side of the keel is called a ___D___.


A.Sheer strake舷侧厚板列B.Gatewood strake C.Insulation(隔离)strake D.Garboard strake龙骨翼板列

1048.The term strake is used in reference to ___C___.


A.rudder mountings 舵的托架B.anchor gear 锚设备C.hull plating 船壳板 D.vessel framing 船体骨架

1050.The Vessel's cargo holds are properly fitted with ___A____ in way of hatches.


A.Floor-ceiling舱顶板B.Battens 压条板C.Covers 覆盖物 D.Hard-wood boards 硬木板 1051.To determine the weight capacity of a deck in a cargo hold,you would refer to the __B____.[1268] 为了确定甲板最大载货能力,你应查阅()

A.Deadweight scale总载重量表尺B.Deck capacity plan 甲板装载能力平面图 C.Cubic capacity tables 体积容量表D.General arrangement plan 总布置图

1052.Tonnage openings must be closed by means of ____C__.


A.Press board(绝缘)压榨纸板B.Steel hatch boards 钢制舱口板 C.Steel plates 钢板D.Wooden hatch boards 木制舱口板

1053.What can cause a lack of oxygen in a chain locker ____D____.


A.Absorption 吸收作用B.Osmosis渗透作用C.Evaporation蒸发作用 D.Oxidation氧化作用

1054.What is a cofferdam ___C_____.[1348] 干隔舱是()

A.Tube fitted to an ullage hole安装在容器内液面以上的空间内的管子 B.Area the product is loaded into 用来装入货物的区域

C.Void or empty space separating two tanks 用来分隔两个液货舱的空舱

D.Opening in the deck used for cleaning a tank 甲板上的开口,便于冲冼甲板的水流出

1055.What type of stern tube bearing has the least friction _____A___.


A.Oil-lubricated bearings 用油润滑的轴承B.Lignum vitae(热带产)愈疮树 C.Hard rubber 硬橡胶D.Bronze bushings青铜轴衬

1056.When lowering manropes alongside a stage rigged over the side of a vessel,they should be allowed to trail in the water ___C___.


A.to easily remove the kinks that form in the lines 如果绳子打结了,可轻易解开 B.to allow the seamen on the stage to know the direction and strength of the current 可以使架板上的船员知道流的方向及强度

C.to provide the seaman something to hold onto if he or she falls from the stage into the water 如果船员从架板上落水,他可以抓住绳子

D.only for short periods of time since they will become waterlogged and be very heavy to pull up 只能放一小段时间,因为绳子很快会泡水变重,无法拉上来

1057.When using the term limber system one is referring to a ___B___.[1528] 当提到“排污系统”这一词组时,一般指的是()

A.Cleaning system 清洗系统B.Drainage system 排水系统

C.Strengthening system 加固系统D.Weight reduction system 减重系统

1058.Which arrangement of shell plating is used most in modern shipbuilding ____B____.


A.Clinker熔铸B.Flush 冲压C.In-and-Out 进进出出D.Joggled啮合

1059.Which of the following is a characteristic of a Ro-Ro vessel ____C____.[1612] 下列哪一项是滚装船的特点()

A.Passenger tours available upon docking 靠舶后为乘客提供旅游服务 B.Long port stays necessary to secure vehicles 用绑扎汽车,靠岸时间长 C.Short in port turnaround times 在港周转时间短

D.Heavy vehicles only require lightweight securing equipment 重件货也只需轻型绑扎设备即可

1061.Which space cannot be deducted from gross tonnage when calculating net tonnage ____B____.


A.Crew messroom 船员餐厅B.Forepeak ballast tank 首尖舱压载舱 C.Master's cabin 船长房间D.Chain locker 锚链舱

1062.Which space(s)is(are)deducted from gross tonnage to derive net tonnage _A_____.


A.Boatswain's stores 水手长的水手长的储物间储物间B.Companions and booby hatches 升降舱口

C.Passenger spaces 载客舱室 D.All of the above 以上全是

1063.Which space(s)is(are)deducted from gross tonnage to derive net tonnage ___D___.[1634] 下列哪一部分容积可以从总吨位中扣除以得到净吨位()

A.Galley fitted with range or oven配有煤气灶及铁锅的厨房B.Open structures 开口结构 C.Passenger spaces 载客舱室D.Boatswain's stores 水手长的个人储物间

1064.Which statement about the hospital space on a cargo ship is TRUE ___D_____.


A.The hospital may be used for disciplinary confinement if it is not being used for treatment 如果没有病人正接受治疗,医院可作为禁闭室

B.The hospital space must have both a bathtub and shower 医院内应有浴缸和喷淋设备

C.A hospital is required on all vessels with a crew of 12 or more if it makes overnight voyages 如果船上船员人数超过12人,且航程超过一个晚上,必须配有医院

D.If a ship has a crew of forty-five who do not have their own room,the hospital must have four berths 如果船上有45个船员没有个人房间,医院应有4个铺位

1065.Which term refers to a transverse curvature of the deck ____B____.


A.Deadrise 端部上翘B.Camber 梁拱C.Freeboard 干舷D.Flare(船舷)外倾

1066.While cranking(用曲柄启动或旋转)out a quadrantal davit,slippage of the quadrant due to excessive wear or failure of the teeth in the quadrant will cause the ___A___.


A.Davit arm to pivot on the traveling nut and the head to fall outboard 吊艇架会顺着移动螺母转动,吊艇架头部将落向舷外

B.Traveling nut to lock up in place on the worm gear 吊艇架移动螺母会卡在磨损的轮齿的位置上

C.Limit switch to engage and hold the traveling nut in position 限位开关开始工作并把移动螺母固定住 D.Winch brake to lock in position and prevent lowering the boat 绞车的刹车会刹住,使艇不会滑下

1067.Why is it necessary to extend ventilators of gasoline powered vessels to the bilges _____B___.[1727] 为什么汽油机船的通风管应伸到污水井里()

A.To keep them dry,and thus easier to clean 为了保持干燥,因而更易清洁 B.To remove fuel vapors which are heavier than air 为了清除比空气重的油汽 C.To provide adequate air to the engines 为主机提供适量的空气 D.To cool the machinery areas 冷却机器处所

1071.A deck beam does NOT ___B___.[76] 甲板横梁不起下列哪一项作用()

A.act as a beam to support vertical deck loads 作为支持垂向甲板货的横梁 B.lessen the longitudinal stiffness of the vessel 减轻船舶纵向的刚性

C.act as a tie to keep the sides of the ship in place 连接船舶边板,使之不变形 D.act as a web to prevent plate wrinkling due to twisting action on the vessel 作为一种框架,防止因船舶扭转而造成的船壳板扭曲变形

1089.Any hatch beam or pontoon left in place next to an open hatch section being worked shall be _C_____ or otherwise secured,so that it cannot be accidentally displaced.


A.tommed down B.braced 支撑;加固C.locked 锁定,固定D.chopped 砍,劈,剁

1090.Because of ___D___,air ducts used aboard ships are often very small and have sharp curves and bends. 由于(),船上的空气管经常很小,而且曲度很大

A.high level 液位高B.overflow spaces 防溢空档C.cargo tank 液货舱 D.space constraints 受空间限制

1101.In nautical terminology a dog is a ___B___. 航海词汇中,“dog” 是什么意思

A.Crow bar撬棍B.Device to force a water tight door against the frame 用来顶住水密门使之紧贴在架构上的器具(压盖螺栓,顶门杠,水密门板闩把手)C.Heavy steel beam 厚钢梁D.Wedge楔子

1106.On a ship,a door that is required to be marked KEEP CLOSED is designed to ___D___.[858]船舶上,标有“保持关闭”字样的门是被设计用来()A.prevent the passage of flammable gases 防止可燃气体通过 B.prevent the passage of poisonous vapors防止有毒气体通过 C.delay the spread of heat and flames 延缓热量及火焰通过 D.maintain watertight integrity 保持水密性

1109.Strongbacks(强力背材,装货舷门闩,活动舱盖梁)unshipped in an intermediate deck shall be secured so that they cannot be __B____ into a lower compartment.

在中层甲板上已经卸下的活动舱盖梁,应绑扎固定好,以免()进入下层舱室中去 A.moved 移动B.tipped or dragged倾倒或被拉动C.removed 移除D.put 放

1110.Strongbacks unshipped in an intermediate deck shall not be placed closer than 15.24 cm from ___A___.

在中层甲板上已经卸下的活动舱盖梁,应放置在靠近()附近不超过15.24 cm处 A.the coaming 舱口围B.hatch way仓口位C.fore bulkhead 前舱壁 D.aft bulkhead 后舱壁

1127.The permanent dunnage attached to the frames of the ship that aids in ventilation is(are)the ____D__.[1134] 船舶上永久性地固定在骨架上以利通风的垫舱板叫做()

A.hatch boards 舱口板B.tank top 内底板、舱底C.hatch beams 舱口横梁 D.sweat battens 防汗湿压条

1129.The purpose of a bilge well is to __B____.[1149] 污水井的作用是()

A.Afford access to the shell through the double bottoms 在双层底与船壳板之间提供通道 B.Collect water to be pumped out 收集污水,以便抽出 C.Provide access for the pneumercator

D.Provide a base line for sounding measurements 作为测量舱内水深基线

1130.The roller hatch beam at the edge of the open section of the hatch shall be ___C___ so that it cannot be moved toward the open section.


A.braced 支撑;加固B.chopped砍,劈,剁C.lashed or pinned back 绑扎住或用插销固定D.locked 锁定,固定

1136.Ultrasonic testing is used to determine the thickness of a vessel's shell plating and to ___B___.[1293] 超声波检测用来检验船壳板厚度及()

A.Provide tailshaft clearances 提供尾轴间隙 B.Test welds for subsurface defects 检查焊缝内部缺陷

C.Check the wear of the rudder carrier bearing 检查舵承磨损情况 D.Test the links of the anchor cables while being ranged 检查锚链链环

1143.What is the purpose of limber holes ____D____.[1398] 舭部流水孔的作用是()

A.To allow for air circulation 使空气流通

B.To allow for stress and strain in rough waters 在波浪大时,减轻船体压力与拉力 C.To allow water in the boat to drain overboard 便于艇中的水排出艇外

D.To allow water in the bilge to get to the boat drain 便于舭部的水流到污水井

1149.When stowed on steel decks,the strongbacks and pontoons shall be secured with ___A___.

A.Dunnage or other suitable material B.other strongbacks C.hatch covers D.other pontoons

1367.A partial deck in a hold is called a(n)__B____.[150] 在船舱中的半全通甲板叫做()A.Weather deck 露天甲板B.Orlop deck最下层甲板C.Shelter deck 遮蔽甲板D.Main deck 主甲板

1517.A well in the uppermost deck of a shelter deck vessel which has only a temporary means of closing for the purpose of gaining an exemption from tonnage measurement is called a(n)__D____.


A.Exemption space 减免空间B.Tonnage deck 吨位甲板C.Cofferdam 隔离空舱 D.Tonnage opening 吨位开口

1526.Kort nozzles are installed around the propellers of some vessels to __A____.[783] 在一些船舶的螺旋桨上装有导流管,其目的是()A.Increase the thrust of the propeller 增加螺旋桨推力

B.Protect the propeller from striking sawyers 防止螺旋桨撞到

C.Prevent the propeller from striking barges towed on the ship 防止螺旋桨撞到拖带的驳船 D.Prevent the propeller from touching bottom in low water 防止螺旋桨在浅水中触底
