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编辑:沉香触手 识别码:23-451610 14号文库 发布时间: 2023-05-06 16:13:01 来源:网络





The year of XX is coming to an end, and the bell of the New Year is going to ring.At this happy moment of ringing out the old year and ringing in the new①, I would like to extend② my New Year wishes to people from all ethnic groups across China,to our compatriots③from Hong Kong and Macao Special Administrative Regions④, to our compatriots from Taiwan region and overseas, and to friends from all countries and regions across the world.①: 辞旧迎新:

②: Extend sth to sb(officially)=offer sb sth =give

We will extend(give)a warm welcome to our guests

Extend thanks,sympathy,help,welcome


Com=together with combine

比如 combine

Patriot(n): a person who loves his country

Patriotic(adj): 爱国的 patriotic song

Patrioticism(n): love for your country and loyalty toward it 爱国神,爱国心

A sense of patrioticism


特别行政区:Special Administrative Region(大写)

Administrative:relating to the work of organizing and supervisin行政的,管理的

Staff can provide technical and administrative support to the college.技术和行政支持


For the Chinese people, the year of XX is not only outstanding but also unforgettable①.We made a good start②of the 13th 5year National Development Period③which spans④from XX to 2020.①:Forget


②:开门红:在工作一开始取得很好的发展(make a good start)

③:十三五(XX2020):第十三个五年计划(the thirteenth fiveyear national development period)

④:持续:Span a period of time=to last all through a period of time=extend(extend over=continue for a longer period)

His professional career spanned 16 years

Some of our courses extend over(continue for)two years

The normal cyclone(飓风)season extends over(continues for)two years.我们积极践行新发展理念,加快全面建成小康社会进程,推动我国经济增长继续走在世界前列。我们积极推进全面深化改革,供给侧结构性改革迈出重要步伐,国防和军队改革取得重大突破,各领域具有四梁八柱性质的改革主体框架已经基本确立。

We actively carried out① the new development concept, accelerated the process of building a moderately prosperous society in an allround way②, and maintained our economic growth ranking the first in the world.We vigorously pushed forwardthe comprehensive deepening of reform③, made important steps in terms of supplyside structural reform④, achieved remarkable breakthroughs in the reform of national defense and the military, and the main frame of reform in all fields with “multiple pillars⑤” has been established.①:Carry out =you do it

②:1: 全面建成小康社会(building amoderately prosperous society in an allround way或者是building amoderately welloff society in all aspects)小康意思就是指介于温饱和富裕之间比较殷实的生活状态,按照英语中富裕表达程度从大到小的排序(rich,well todo,welloff,,)所以用rich不合适

2: moderate(适中的,适当的)

A moderate something is neitherlarge nor small in amount of degree

A moderate amount of stress can be beneficial.③:全面深化改革还可以用an allround in depth reform


⑤: 个人感觉四梁八柱比较难翻,如果直接翻译是four beams and 8 columns, 如果外国人看的话不会理解这个意思,翻译成multiple pillars相对好一点吧


We actively promoted the building of a lawbased governance of the country ①, deepened the reform on the judicial system, enhanced judicial justice in an allround way, and maintained social fairness and justice.We vigorously pushed forward② the exercise of our Party's strict governance in every respect③, unswervingly cracked down on ④both “tigers” and “flies”, in a bid to⑤purify our political ecosystem, and continue to improve our Party and our government's working style, as well as our social conduct.①:全面依法治国

②:Push ahead or push forward with sth, you make progress with it


③:直接翻译就是党在各个方面严格管理,还可以说是enforce strict party discipline或者说strength party discipline

④:Crack down on =try harder toprevent an illegal activity 取缔,镇压

⑤:A bid for sth or a bid to do sth=an attempt to obtain it

⑥:社会风气(social conduct):社会的一个群体内所传播流行的观念,爱好,行为


辞旧迎新:ring out the old year and ring in the new


特别行政区:Special Administrative Region

持续:span= last=extend(extend over)

全面建成小康社会:building a moderately welloff society in all aspects

全面深化改革:an allround in depth reform / the comprehensive deepening of reform

全面依法治国:the building of a lawbased governance of the country/ comprehensively governing the country in accordance with the law

全面从严治党:strenghthening party discipline/ the strict discipline of the communist party of china

供给侧改革:supplyside structural reform

crack down on:取缔

a bid to do sth= an attempt to do sth

push forward =make progress with =promote




























2016年:扩大朋友圈 共建命运共同体







2014年:中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦 2014年新年贺词中提到,改革、中国梦、70亿地球人守望相助等热词。2014年是习近平任国家主席后首次致新年贺词。贺词用语亲切,开篇向全国人民送祝福,多次强调“改革”。指出2013年部署全面深化改革,2014年在改革道路上迈出新步伐。并指出改革目的是让国家更加富强、社会更加公平正义、人民生活得更加美好,并提到中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦。
















President Xi delivers New Year pledge

President Xi Jinping expressed his confidence in China's reform and extended

good wishes to all Chinese in his New Year address Tuesday.“In 2013, we made an overall arrangement on comprehensively deepening reform, drawing a grand blueprint for the country's future development,” Xi said in the address via state broadcasters.“In 2014, we will make new strides along the path of reform.”

The fundamental purpose of the reform is to make the country rich and strong, the society fair and just and people's lives better, he said.Addressing domestic and overseas audiences, Xi called on the people to fight hard together for this great cause.“We have numerous glories in the name of the great cause of reform and opening-up.I firmly believe that new glories are awaiting the Chinese people,” he said.“We welcome a 2014 that is full of hope,” Xi said, extending his New Year greetings to compatriots in Hong Kong and Macao, compatriots from Taiwan, overseas Chinese and friends from various countries and regions across the world.Xi wished the elderly health, children happiness and every family felicity and safety.According to Xi, numerous workers, farmers, intellectuals and cadres are still serving at their posts;many compatriots around the world are still diligently working for their motherland;many People's Liberation Army and Armed Police soldiers and officers as well as police are performing their glorious duties.“Some of them are far from the motherland and their relatives, and some can't reunite with their families,” said Xi.“On behalf of the homeland and its people, I bid the sincerest greetings to them and wished them peace and safety.”

Xi said that 2013 was a very unusual year for the country and the people as the Chinese people jointly overcame various difficulties and challenges and won prominent achievements.“These precious achievements contained people's sweat and blood, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart,” Xi said.Xi said that more than 7 billion people live together on the planet, and they should help each other and work together to weather hardships and seek common development.Xi said that the Chinese people are pursuing the Chinese dream to realize the nation's great rejuvenation, and expressed his hope that people from various countries could realize their dreams too.“I sincerely hope that people from all countries, while striving for their own dreams, can understand and help each other, and make efforts to build our Earth into a wonderful homest,” Xi said.“Life is always full of hope, and success always belongs to people who strive hard and never give up,” he said.Noting various risks and challenges ahead, Xi admitted that “a huge amount of work” need to be done in order to ensure a better life for the people.“Let's be modest and discreet, and work hard to jointly compose a new chapter for the development of our great motherland,” Xi said.






Ladies and gentlemen, comrades and friends:


We'll soon usher in the year 2014 with great hopes.As the new year begins, let us also start anew.I'm delighted to extend New Year wishes to Chinese people of all ethnic groups, to compatriots in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the Macao Special Administrative Region and Taiwan, to overseas Chinese and to friends all over the world!I wish senior people and children, and every family happiness, peace and health in the New Year.在这辞旧迎新之际,无数工人、农民、知识分子、干部仍然坚守在工作岗位,不少同胞依然奔波在世界各地为祖国辛勤工作,许多人民解放军和武警官兵、公安干警正在履行光荣使命。他们有的远离祖国、远离亲人,有的不能同家人团聚。我代表祖国和人民,向他们致以诚挚的问候,祝他们平安顺利!

At a time to ring out the old year and ring in the new, countless workers, farmers, intellectuals and cadres still remain at their posts working hard.Many of our compatriots are on the go, working in various regions of the world for the motherland.Many members of the People's Liberation Army, armed police and public security are performing their glorious duties.Some of them are far away from the motherland, and their close relatives and some cannot have a reunion with family members.On behalf of the motherland and people, I'd like to offer my sincere greetings to them and wish them a peaceful and smooth new year.2013年,对我们国家和人民来说是很不平凡的一年。我们共同战胜了各种困难和挑战,取得了新的显著成就。成绩来之不易,凝聚了大家的心血和汗水。我向大家表示衷心的感谢!

The year 2013 has been an extraordinary year for our nation and people.We have worked together in overcoming a variety of obstacles and challenges, and made new outstanding achievements.The achievements have not come easily as they are the result of blood and sweat from all.I'd like to convey my heartfelt gratitude to you all.2013年,我们对全面深化改革作出总体部署,共同描绘了未来发展的宏伟蓝图。2014年,我们将在改革的道路上迈出新的步伐。

In 2013, we made an overall plan on comprehensively deepening reform and laid out a grand blueprint together for future development.In 2014, we are expected to make new strides on the road of reform.体验式英语教育先锋美联英语


We have advanced reforms with the fundamental purpose of making our nation stronger and more prosperous.We also aim to achieve a higher degree of impartiality and justice in society so that people can live a better life.Reform is a great cause that calls for common commitments and strenuous efforts from us all.We must sow before we can reap.In the great practice of reform and opening up, we have already made countless spectacular achievements.I firmly believe that the Chinese people will create new spectacles.宇宙浩瀚,星汉灿烂。70多亿人共同生活在我们这个星球上,应该守望相助、同舟共济、共同发展。中国人民追寻实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦,也祝愿各国人民能够实现自己的梦想。我真诚希望,世界各国人民在实现各自梦想的过程中相互理解、相互帮助,努力把我们赖以生存的地球建设成为共同的美好家园。

There exists an immense and vast universe with bright stars.More than 7 billion people inhabit the planet Earth.We in the same boat should keep watch and help each other to achieve common development.We Chinese people seek to realize the Chinese dream, a great revitalization of the Chinese nation, and also wish that the dreams of people of all countries will come true.I sincerely hope that people of various countries in the world will understand and help each other in the course of realizing their dreams and build the Earth that we rely on for survival into a common beautiful homeland.生活总是充满希望的,成功总是属于积极进取、不懈追求的人们。我们在前进的道路上,还会遇到各种风险和挑战。让老百姓过上更加幸福的生活,还有大量工作要做。我们要谦虚谨慎、艰苦奋斗,共同谱写伟大祖国发展的时代新篇章。Life is always full of hopes.Success always belongs to those who keep forging ahead unswervingly.On our way forward, we will encounter various risks and challenges.We still need to complete a lot of tasks so that common people can live a happier life.We need to be modest and prudent and work hard together in writing a new chapter for the development of our great nation.谢谢大家。

Thank you all.
