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牛津小学英语6B Unit 2(第六课时)教案
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第一篇:牛津小学英语6B Unit 2(第六课时)教案

牛津小学英语6B Unit 2(第六课时)教案





2.能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写late later,early earlier, far farther..。

3.掌握会话中出现的三会单词和词组far, traffic , well, jog, do well in , have problems with

, do more exercise, animal show, go for a walk..4.能听得懂、会说、会读和会写四会句型:Ben runs faster than Jim.Do the boys jump higher

than the girls? Yes ,they do.Does Jim swim slower than David? No, he

doesn't..5.能听得懂、会说、会读日常交际用语.That's true.Well done.Jim is not

other boys.Mike runs as fast as Ben..6.了解字母组合or在单词中的读音。


三、教学重、难点: 正确掌握B部分出现的四会单词,和句型。


准备录音机和本课H部分的磁带 2






1.Free talk.师生交流

2.请学生之间用所学的句型问答,分组比赛 C

Revision 复习

看A部分投影片,创设情景让学生表演 2



教师让学生根据实际情况说自己的优势 I'm taller than xxx I'm younger than xxx I'm stronger than xxx My father is taller than My pencil is longer than xxx's I'm good at Maths..I'm good at English....I run faster than xxx.I swim slower than xxx.Tom jump higher than xxx....5





Practice and consolidation练习和巩固

as strong as the 1.游戏; 用所学的句型来猜班级的同学 2.教师投影本单元的练习题请学生完成 六





一、教学内容: 综合练习



2.能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写tall ,light ,young ,old ,heavy。

3.掌握会话中出现的三会单词和词组twin ,minute ,centimeter, child ,cute, also, chat.4.能听得懂、会说、会读和会写四会句型:Who taller than David?Gao Shan is taller than David.5.能听得懂、会说、会读日常交际用语.Whose bag is heaviwer ,yours or mine ?I’m as tall as you

.SuYang is younger than Su Hai.6.了解字母组合or在单词中的读音。7.会说英语歌谣《Iwish Iwas taller.》


正确掌握B部分出现的四会单词light lighter ,heavy heavier,和句型Who is taller ,you and SuYang?Whose ruler is longer ,yours or mine?

四、课前准备: 准备录音机和本课H部分的磁带 2







1.Free talk.师生交流

2.请学生之间用所学的句型问答,分组比赛 C

Revision 复习

看A部分投影片,创设情景让学生表演 2



教师让学生根据实际情况说自己的优势 I’m taller than xxx I’m younger than xxx I’m stronger than xxx My father is taller than My pencil is longer than xxx’s …





Practice and consolidation练习和巩固 1.游戏; 用所学的句型来猜班级的同学 2.教师投影本单元的练习题请学生完成 六










1.能听懂、会说、会读和会写单词sleep,sweep,jump,run,walk,wash clothes 2.能听懂、会说、会读What are you doing ?I’m„„ 3.能听懂、会说What is he/she doing ? He/She is „„ 4.能初步了解现在进行时的一些知识。


单词sweep,sleep,jump,run,wash clothes,walk




1.教具准备:课件出示相应的图片。2.板书准备:黑板上预先写好Unit 6 What are you doing ? standing /jumping /sleeping /washing clothes /sweeping sitting / running dancing /skating

六、教学过程 A.Revision 1.师生问候 Nice to meet you.How are you ? 2.复习: Do you like „..? What do you like ?B.Prasentation 1.Teach sweep, sleep, jump, run, wash clothes(热身运动)T: Look at me.sing, sing, let’s sing.dance, dance, let’s dance.Swim, swim, let’s swim.Jump, jump, let’s jump.Stand, stand, let’s stand.Sit, sit, let’s sit.Walk, walk, let’s walk.Run, run, let’s run.Sleep, sleep, let’s sleep.Wash clothes, let’s wash clothes.Sweep, sweep, sweep the floor.老师边做边说两边,让学生了解单词的意思。

T: Ok.Let’s do together.(与学生一起做。)2 T: look at the pictures.Read after me.stand,sit, walk, run, jump, sweep, wash clothes, sleep Ss: stand, sit, walk, run, jump, sweep, wash clothes, sleep 3 T: Open your books.Listen to the tape recorderand read after it.Ss: stand, sit „„.4T: Look at the blackboard.Let’s guess.What is it ? S1: stand ? S2: sit ? S3: jump ? T: Let’s open it and have a look.Oh, it’s “stand “.课件出示图片,让学生快速猜出单词,揭示板书。

5.T: Look at me.What am I doing ? I am standing / running/ jumping „„ 边做边说,在说到的单词后面加上ing.请学生说。S1: I’m dancing.S2: I’m jumping.S3: I’m riding a horse.T: What are you doing ? S4: I’m wleeping.T: What are you doing ? S5: I’m sweeping the floor.„„.揭示板书:What are you doing ? T: Look at the blackboard.Read after me.What are you doing ? Ss: What are you doing ? 6.T: Let’s play a game.You can ask your deskmate or your friend what are you doing ? S1: I’m singing.What are you doing ? S2: I’m playing the guitar.What are you doing / S3: I’m swimming.What are you doing ? S4: I’m riding abike.What are you doing ? „„.7.T: Who can tell me how to add ing ?(让学生说说余下的该如何加ing.S1: 第一排直接加ing.S2: ,„..T: Look at this word” dance”.How to add ing ? T:(1.)直接加ing(2)双写最后一个字母加ing(3)去e加ing 8.T: Look at the blackboard.Read after me.Standing/ sitting/ jumping/ sleeping/washing clothes Ss: standing/ sitting/ jumping/ running„„ C.Consilidation 1.T: Let’s say a chant.What are you doing ? I am running.Running, Running, I’m running.What are you doing ? I am jumping.Jumping, jumping , I am jumping.„„

Ss: What are you doing ? I am jumping.Jumping, jumping, I am jumping.What are you doing ? I am running.Running, running, I am running.„„.S1: „„..S2: „„..2.请一学生上来,让他做动作, 我来猜。

T: xxx,come here.What is he doing ? He is running/ jumping „..然后让学生来猜,其他学生问。Ss: What si he/she doing ? S1: he’She is jumping/washing clothes/sleeping/ playing the piano„„


Ss: Yes, you’re right./ No, you’re wrong.3.T: Listen to the tape.Let’s leare a chant “ What are they doing ?” Twins, twins, they are dancing.Father, father, he is writing.Mother, mother, she is cooking.Grandpa , grandpa, he is smoking.Grandma,grandma, she is reading.Their life is very interesting.Ss : Twins, twins, they are dancing.„„

D.Homework Make a new chant.板书设计: Unit 6 What are you doing ? I am standing/sleeping/washing/clothes/sweeping/jumping/ walking / sitting/running/dancing/skating


Unit11 Shapes Period 1



一、Teaching aims:

1.能准确地听、说、读、写四会单词shape, star,四会句型What shape is the...? It’s a...2.能准确地听、说、读三会单词circle, square, diamond, rectangle, triangle

二、Teaching keys: 1.掌握以上单词及句型

2.注意单词shape, rectangle, triangle的正确发音

三、Teaching tools:


四、Teaching procedures: Step1.Greetings and free talk a: T: Good afternoon, boys and girls.S: Good afternoon, Miss OuYang.b: T: Hello,girl,do you like singing?/What do you like?


T: Hello,boy,can you dance?/What can you do?.S2:…

T:What can I do?I can draw.Now I am drawing.I am drawing some shapes.(在黑板上画圆形、菱形、三角形,边画边说)Step2.Presentation and Practice

1.Teach:“shape”出示卡片,用she tape帮助发音,开火车读单词,拼写单词。揭示课题:Today,we’ll learn Unit 9 shapes.(加s)2.T:If you learn well, I’ll give you a star.Teach “star”,用car来帮助发音,开火车读,拼写单词。

3.T: Look,this is a magic box.(指板书好的盒子)If you say the order:“what shape ,what shape „”(板书)it’ll give you many nice things.用不同的节奏把what shape这个口令练熟。

【设计意图:通过这个环节激发学习兴趣,并不断操练what shape这个词组,为句子教学做好准备。】

4.T:What shape is the box?(用慢速说两遍,让学生听清句子结构)You can ask me : What shape is the box?(生问)S1„S2„.S3„..随机奖励学生星形纸。S4„S5„(耳语告知,引起学生注意和兴趣,声音渐大It’s a square.)Ss: What shape is the box? T:It’s a square.Teach “square”,用hair帮助发音,开火车读单词。T:What shape is the box?

Ss:It’s a square.Ss:What shape is the box?

T:It’s a square.5.T: What’s in the box? Let’s say the order“what shape ,what shape „”(生不断重复,师在原有的圆形上添画成一个球)Look, the magic box gave us a ball.What shape is the ball? You can ask me : What shape is the ball?(生问)随机奖励学生星形或正方形纸

Teach “circle”,用bird帮助发音,开火车读单词。

T-Ss Ss-T问答句型

Group1-Group 2, Group 2-Group3„小组间问答。

6.复习巩固star/square/circle, T show the paper, Ss say the word 7.Ss say the order: “what shape ,what shape „”(生不断重复,师在原有的菱形上添画成一个闹钟)T: Can you make a question?

S1:What shape is the clock? S2„S3„ Teach “diamond”,用violin帮助发音,开火车读单词。T-Ss Ss-T问答句型

Work in pairs.Check(请若干学生问答句型,随机奖励星形、正方形、圆形、菱形纸,给的过程中教师要边说单词让学生加深印象:The „ is for you.)【设计意图:奖励各种图形纸,一方面激发学习热情,一方面在不知不觉中巩固所学单词,并为写的练习做好铺垫。】

8.复习巩固star/square/circle/diamond,Follow the teacher , draw and say the rhyme: star,star,it’s a star/ square,square,it’s a square/ circle,circle,it’s a circle/ diamond,diamond,it’s a diamond T draw Ss say,T say Ss draw 9.简笔画一棵三角形的小树T:Look,It’s a little tree.It’s not happy.(添画哭脸)Becouse it’s too short.It wants to be a tall tree.Let’s help it.We must say the conjuration“triangle” T say the word slowly some times, ask some students to say.Train practice: triangle(随机奖励图形纸)Show the word ,spell it.在学生说熟的情况下,采用小组说,男女生说,齐说的方式进一步巩固读音,教师边画三角形,使小树“长成”大树。T: Look, it’s a tall tree ,it’s happy now.(添画笑脸)

T: What shape is the tree?

Ss: It’s a triangle.Train practice: What shape is the tree? It’s a triangle.【设计意图:triangle学起来有点难度,通过创设帮小树成长的小情境,用“triangle”作为成长咒语,采用不同形式的读,调动多重感官,较好的突破难点。】 10.Ss say the order: “what shape ,what shape …”

T 悄悄拿糖果在手上,作一从盒内取物的手势:It’s in my hand,What’s this? Ss:It’s a sweet.You can ask me : Ss:What shape is the sweet? T:It’s a „It’s a „(故作停顿,集中学生注意力)板书:angle—tangle—rectangle,借triangle和red学习rectangle的读音,鼓励学生自己读出。Train practice: rectangle

快速闪现图形纸,区分读triangle/rectangle Look at our classroom.Let’s look for rectangles.T:Oh,look,I find it.What shape is the door? Ss:It’s a rectangle.S1: What shape is the...? Ss: It’s a rectangle.Ask some students to make the sentence随机奖励三角形或长方形纸,加深学生对这两个单词的区分。

Step 3.Consolidation 1.Can you say the order? OK, The box gave me a piece of paper.Oh, where’s it?(师作寻找状)It’s over there.(事先发给一生保管)T:This is a piece of magic paper.Look, what shape is the paper? Ss: It’s a rectangle.T: what shape is the paper? Ss: It’s a square.„(通过折叠、剪裁的方式变换出六种图形,巩固单词和句型)T:Do you want to have a piece of magic paper? 让学生看板书复习刚才的六种图形,再一次巩固单词。


2.Take out your paper,(让学生拿出随机奖励的纸), write down the sentences.Watch me,(T write the sentences on the blackboard:What shape is the paper? It’s a...)写的过程中提醒学生注意句子开头的大写,结尾的标点。

Who has no paper? What shape do you like? I like „(用这个句型和没有得到纸的学生对话,让他选择一种纸,同时复习单词)Ss write

Whose handwriting is good ?Ask some students to read the sentences 拿到一类纸的学生读句子(stars:what shape is the paper? It’s a star./ squares:what shape is the paper? It’s a square./ circles:what shape is the paper? It’s a circle./ diamonds:what shape is the paper? It’s a diamond./ triangles:what shape is the paper? It’s a triangle./ rectangles:what shape is the paper? It’s a rectangle.)


3.拓展作业T: I’m hungry now.I want to eat some biscuits.Please draw some biscuits for me

(让学生画上不同于纸形状的饼干,并写上句型:What shape is the biscuit? It’s a „)

五、板书 she Unit9 shapes tape


star What shape„


It’s a...square(is the „)









what shape is the paper?

It’s a …






5A Unit 4(B,C,D,F)

1.能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词a vase, a horse, a chicken, a duck, a pig,。

2.能听得懂、会说、会读单词a mask, a pumpkin。能进一步掌握以上单词复数的词形和读音的变化。3能听得懂、会说、会读和会写句型What animals do you like? I like„ Do you like..? 及回答Yes, I do./ No, I don't.I like...What do you like...? 及其回答I like...4.能综合运用单词和句型完成调查任务。


能综合运用单词和句型What animals do you like? I like„ Do you like...? 及回 答Yes, I do./ No, I don't.I like...完成调查任务。

1.动物面具(rabbit, dog ,tiger,cat,horse, chicken, duck, pig,)2.板书的准备(字条)(双面胶)3.自制课件。4.录音磁带 5.调查表

记 本节课是单词、句型结构课。在教学设计及教学过程中,注重“单词教学情景化,句型教学任务化”。在教课的“呈现”阶段,就向学生们介绍了“万圣节”的习俗,点明了主题,所有的单词、句型教学围绕这个主题情景展开。1.在教授新词a mask, a pumpkin,a vase时为学生们创设了人们为“万圣节”准备物品的图片情景,引导学生学习句型“What do people need for Halloween?”“They need„”让学生调动他们的知识储备,看图学词并运用新句型自主问答,扩展他们的知识面。2.在教授新词a horse, a chicken, a duck, a pig时做成各种动物面具,运用孩子们喜闻乐见的猜谜形式,让他们猜猜面具是什么动物,充分调动他们的视听器官来进行轻松愉快地学习,并穿插使用各种句型特别是重点句型“Do you like „? Yes, I do./No, I don’t.What do you like ?I like„”来谈论,达到了词句相结合的教学目的。




程 Step 2: Presentation and practice: “Do you like my house”? 1.T:Can you say this rhyme

2.a.T:The little mouse likes its house.Do you like your house?

b.Who‟s on duty today? Please introduce your house to your classmates,OK?

c.Who „d like to ask her questions about her house?

1.T: What day is it today? What date is it?

2.T:Oh,it’s the 13th of Oct.After 18 days, on the 31st of Oct, in some western countries, there’s a holiday.Look, people dress up in costumes and they need a pumpkin lantern.(放课件图片)What holiday is it? Now let’s watch and listen.(播放介绍“万圣节”的课件)

3.T: What holiday is it?

4.T:Pelple like to have a Halloween party.They would like to buy many things.What do people need for Halloween?

S:Yes, we do.S1:OK.(On duty)

Students ask her some questions: S1 answer.S:Yes, I can

S: Today is Wednesday.It‟s the 13th of Oct.watch and listen

S: It‟s Halloween.Learn the word “Halloween”

引导回答”They need„”(先读句型,学习单词”need”再看图让学生自由问答)通过学生复习说歌谣,“值日”活动,不断复现”Do you like„” “I like „”等句型为新课中的重点句型作铺垫。有效地提取学生的知识储备。




内 容 教 师 活 动 学 生 活 动 教 学设 计

5.T: What do people need for Halloween?

(根据学生的反馈,呈现vase ,pumpkin lantern, mask)

6.a.T:In Halloween, people like to put on masks.this is the most important sign for Halloween.Look, I have some masks.What masks are they ?Let’s play a guessing game.OK?(准备四个面具“rabbit, cat, dog ,tiger”让学生看面具反面)b.T: What mask is it? Very clever!It‟s a cat mask..Do you like cats?(同法教授rabbit, dog ,tiger面具)

7.a.T: I have another masks.Listen.What mask is it?(放课 件)

bDo you like chickens? Talk in pairs.A: What do people need for Halloween? B: ”They need…”

S: ”They need…”

学生学习单词vase ,pumpkin lantern, mask

Great.S: It‟s a cat.Yes, I do./No, I don‟t.Listen.S: It‟s a chicken mask.(Learn the word “chicken “)

Yes, I do./No, I don‟t.c.Talk about chickens in pairs.“Do you like …? Yes, I do./No, I don‟t.What do you like ?I like…”

将动物类单词“rabbit, cat, dog ,tiger,chicken,duck,horse,pig”和面具“mask”相结合,让学生自然地学习新词。


在学生学单词的过程中穿插句型“Do you like „? Yes, I do./No, I don’t.What do you like ?I like„”的操练。


内 容 教 师 活 动 学 生 活 动 教 学 调 整

Step3: Consolidation:(同法教授“duck”)

d.T: How about this mask? I have a riddle.It is an animal.It has four legs.It‟s white, lack or brown..It can run fast.You can ride on it.What mask is it?


1.a T: Do you like these masks? Now Halloween is coming soon.There’s a mask factory.They make animal masks for Halloween.They would like to know what animal people like most.Now I’m the investgator of this factory.(课件中呈现“调查表”)

b.T: Now I’ll use these sentences to do a survey.(指板书中的句型)T :Good afternoon!May I know your name? What animals do you like? Do you like red dogs?

Listen and guess.S: It‟s a horse..e.Talk about horses in pairs.“Do you like …? Yes, I do./No, I don‟t.What do you like ?I like…”

S: Yes, we do.S: Good afternoon!

My name is…

I like dogs.Yes, I do./No, I don‟t

设计任务“调查表”,重点巩固新词和新句型,并进一步拓展句型”What animals do you like? I like...”.“Big or small? Big./Small.”让学生学有所用.教


内 容 教 师 活 动 学 生 活 动 教 学 调 整 What do you like ? Big or small?(在“调查”过程中填表)

e.T: Now you can go to streets to do a survey.Understand?

2.a.T: In this class, we‟ve learnt seven new words and new drills.And you can use them well.Now open your books ,turn to P.32.”Listen and repeat”.b.T :Now Look at P33.Can you use drills to practice Picture 1and 3 ?

c.T :Now Look at P34.Can you use drills to practice Picture 1? I like yellow dogs.Big./Small.c.读板书

What animals do you like? I like dogs.Do you like red dogs? Yes, I do./No, I don‟t What do you like ? I like yellow dogs.Big or small? Big./Small.d.Do a survey in pairs.f.DO a survey with new teachers.Listen and repeat the new words.Talk in pairs.Talk in pairs.d.Write the drills what they talked about.e.Correct.在“巩固”环节中,学生将口头练习和笔头训练相结合。促进学生听、说、读、写全面发展。


内 容 教 师 活 动 学 生 活 动 教 学 调 整

Step 4: Homework 1.Copy the words of Part B recite the words.2.Make dialogues with Part C and D in pairs.3.Finish the survey after class.4.Look,listen and learn Part A by yourself.5.Surf the Internet about “Halloween”.

牛津小学英语6B Unit 2(第六课时)教案