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英语作文:长短句巧搭配 精悍短语当亮点
编辑:静谧旋律 识别码:11-215211 2号文库 发布时间: 2023-03-27 03:17:20 来源:网络

第一篇:英语作文:长短句巧搭配 精悍短语当亮点



英语作文:长短句巧搭配 精悍短语当亮



一篇好的作文,要有一个主题思想,整篇作文应该是紧扣文章主题,遵循特定的文体格式,选用恰当的语言合理组织文章结构,内容统一、连贯,语法、拼写、标点 正确,用词恰当。很多同学在准备英语写作时找不到方向,一味的想在考研英语写作上面抓分,却又不知道怎么样提高。杨老师在此特别提醒考生首先要学会抓住考研英语写作要领,尤其注意文章逻辑关系在阅读中的运用。逻辑关系散布在文章的句子内部、句句之间、以及段落之间。最基本的逻辑关系有以下几种:

1、因果关系:as a result,therefore,hence,consequently,because,for, due to, hence, consequently等等。

2、并列、递进关系:and, or, then,in addition,besides,in other words,moreover等等

3、转折关系:however,but, yet, in fact等等。


二、摆脱无话可说 练习“三段式”思维




1)first, second, third, last(不推荐,原因:俗)

2)firstly, secondly, thirdly, finally(不推荐,原因:俗)

3)the first, the second, the third, the last(不推荐,原因:俗)

4)in the first place, in the second place, in the third place, lastly(不推荐,原因:俗)

5)to begin with, then, furthermore, finally(强烈推荐)

6)to start with, next, in addition, finally(强烈推荐)

7)first and foremost, besides, last but not least(强烈推荐)

8)most important of all, moreover, finally

9)on the one hand, on the other hand(适用于两点的情况)

10)for one thing, for another thing(适用于两点的情况)





四、长短句巧搭配 精悍短语当亮点





As a creature, I eat;as a man, I read.Although oneaction is to meet the primary need of my body and the other is to satisfy theintellectual need of mind, they are in a way quite similar.杨老师强烈建议:在文章第一段(开头)用一长一短,且先长后短;在文章主体部分,要先用一个短句解释主要意思,然后在阐述几个要点的时候采用先短后长的句群形式,定会让主体部分妙笔生辉!文章结尾一般用一长一短就可以了。



凯程考研的价值观口号:凯旋归来,前程万里; 信念:让每个学员都有好最好的归宿;

使命:完善全新的教育模式,做中国最专业的考研辅导机构; 激情:永不言弃,乐观向上;

















suggest, avoid, risk, mind, miss, practise, dislike, delay, finish, admit, escape, resist, consider, keep, stand, imagine, forgive, enjoy




want, intend, mean, afford, attempt, fail, refuse, pretend, try, learn, choose, decide, determine, manage, plan, agree, offer, help,promise, hope, wish, expect, ask


口诀:go on 表继续,接doing 同一事,接to do 换一个; regret,forget , remember, 接doing 表做过,跟to do 要去做;

mean doing 意味着,mean to do 打算做;try doing 试着做,try to do设法做


口诀:need, want, require, 还有一个deserve, 接不定式用被动,接doing 主动就能表被动;

Worth后接doing, 也用主动表被动,worthy 则不同,改用被动用被动。need, require, want, deserve + doing / to be done(需要做)be worth doing, be worthy of being done, be worthy to be done



口诀:禁止、建议和允许,接doing作宾语,接to do 作补语。

forbid / advise / allow / permit doing sth;forbid / advise / allow / permit sb.to do sth.(禁止,建议 允许某人做某事)


1).在动词order / demand / insist/ command / advise / suggest / request / require 等词后的宾语从句中,谓语动词用(should)+ 动词原形,使用虚拟语气。

口诀:每词有特点,宾语从句中,(should)+ 动词原形会出现。insist, suggest谨慎用,还要把词义细分辨。

insist(坚持要某人做某事 用虚拟;坚持说、坚持认为,则不用), demand, desire, require, request, order, propose, command , ask(要求), advise, prefer, suggest(建议用虚拟,暗示,表明则不用)。



与现在事实不符,用过去;与过去事实不符,用过去完成;与将来事实不符,用would, could 等接动词原形就可以。


1.随着经济的繁荣 with the booming of the economy

随着社会的发展 with the development of society 随着时光流逝

with time going on

as time goes on

随时间改变 change over time

很久以前 once upon a time

long long ago

long before


before long

soon after

shortly after

2.随着人民生活水平的显著提高 with the remarkable improvement of people's living standard

应该 should

ought to

be supposed to do sth Not only is the economy important but also the environment.Only in this way could we do sth


because of

owing to

on account of

attribute to


owe sth to sb 代表

stand for

refer to on behalf of

represent 3.先进的科学技术 advanced science and technology


higer/advanced education

4.为我们日常生活增添了情趣 add much spice / flavor to our daily life

add to


could you help me ? = could you do me a favor?

can I help you ? = what can I do for you ? 5.人们普遍认为 It is commonly believed that…


as is well known

be famous/known for 结果被证明是

it proves to be

it turns out to be 6.我同意前者(后者)观点 I give my vote to the former / latter opinion.agree with sb to/on/about sth in my opinion/view


in the terms of 就什么而言

be on good terms with sb/ be in harmony with sb 和某人相处融洽 in fact 事实上

as it is the fact that face=be faced with 面对

7.引起了广泛的公众关注 Sth.has aroused wide public concern./ Sth has drawn great public attention.care

be concerned about/with 关心;挂念

pay attention to sth 关注

focus on

concentrate on 集中在 emphasise on sth 强调

be capable of doing sth 能够胜任做某事

be dying to be eager to/for long for

itch for

look forward to doing sth 渴望做某事

draw one's attention 吸引某人的注意力 8.不可否认 It is undeniable that…

毋庸置疑 there is no doubt that

no wonder 难怪

there is no point in doing

sth 做某事无意义

it is said that 据说

9.热烈的讨论/ 争论 a heated discussion / debate

argue with sb on/about sth

debate sth with sb 熟悉 sb is familiar with sth

sth is familiar to sb

10.有争议性的问题 a controversial issue

11.就我而言/ 就个人而言 As far as I am concerned, / Personally,据我所知

as far as I know

12.有充分的理由支持 be supported by sound reasons

On these grounds / for these reasons 因为这些

support = stand by

be in favour of


赡养 support=raise the family 13.双方的论点 argument on both sides

side effect 副作用

make attempts to do sth 努力去尝试做某事

make use of 利用

make good use of 合理利用 make the most of 充分利用

14.发挥日益重要的作用 play an increasingly important role in…

China is an ancient country with a long history of 5000 years.15.对…必不可少 be indispensable to … be essential for

it is essential for sb to do

sth is a must to sb 16.正如谚语所说 As the proverb goes

the same goes for 同样适用于 17.对…产生有利/不利的影响 have/exert positive / negative effects on…

be good / bad for

伤害;损害 be harmful to

do damage to 留下印象 sb be impressed with sth

impress sb with sth

have a lasting impression on sb 18.利远远大于弊 The advantages far outweigh the disadvantages.take advantage of 利用

have a whelming advantage over sb on sth 具有压倒性优势

19.导致,引起 lead to / give rise to / contribute to / result in /bring about

cultivate=bring up 培养

引起 cause = result from escape from jail 越狱

20.复杂的社会现象 a complicated social phenomenon

21.责任感 / 成就感 sense of responsibility / achievement

academic performance/achievement 学习成绩

be responsible for 负责

sb take/is in

charge of sth

sth is under the charge of sb 掌管;负责

指控 charge sb with sth

accuse sb of sth

sb be accused of sth

22.竞争与合作精神 sense of competition and cooperation

keep company 陪伴 23.开阔眼界 widen one's horizon / broaden one's vision 24.学习知识和技能 acquire knowledge and skills

25.经济/心理负担 financial burden / psychological burden


26.考虑到诸多因素 take many factors into consideration

被认为是 be considered to be 27.从另一个角度 from another perspective


in other words

28.做出共同努力 make joint efforts

joint venture 合资企业

conduct a survey 做一项调查 29.对…有益 be beneficial to / be conducive to… do benefit to

benefit from 得益于;从中获益 30.为社会做贡献 make contributions to the society

contribute to

31.打下坚实的基础 lay a solid foundation for…

为 铺路

pave the way for

in the way

挡路 32.综合素质 comprehensive quality

33.致力于/ 投身于 be committed / devoted to… devote sb to sth

sacrifice for 牺牲 34.应当承认 Admittedly,35.不可推卸的义务 unshakable duty

it is up for sb to do sth

36.满足需求 satisfy / meet the needs of...call for = need

be in grade needs of 急需

be satisfied/content with

wish you success=may you succeed 祝你成功

37.可靠的信息源 a reliable source of information 38.宝贵的自然资源 valuable natural resources 39.因特网 the Internet(一定要有冠词,字母I 大写)

40.方便快捷 convenient and efficient

inform sb of sth 告知

at your convenience=when it is convenient to you


in/with relation to sth


have something/nothing to do with 有/无关 41.在人类生活的方方面面 in all aspects of human life

after all 毕竟;终究

in all = totally

总共 42.环保的材料 environmentally friendly materials

43.社会进步的体现 a symbol of society progress

make great progress 取得辉煌的成就

44.大大方便了人们的生活 sth has greatly facilitated people's lives.bring convenience to people's daily life 45.对这一问题持有不同态度 hold different attitudes towards this issue 46.在一定程度上 to some extent

47.理论和实践相结合 combine/integrate theory with practice

48.必然趋势 an irresistible trend of…

tend to 趋向于

49.日益激烈的社会竞争 the increasingly keen social competition 50.眼前利益 immediate interest/ short-term interest

51.长远利益 long-term interest

in the long run 从长远看来

for the sake of


起见; 看在 份上

52.…有其自身的优缺点 … has its own merits and demerits / pros and cons

53.对…有害 do harm to / be harmful to / be detrimental to

be bad for 54.交流思想/ 情感/ 信息 exchange ideas / emotions / information

55.跟上…的最新发展 keep pace with / keep abreast with the latest development of…

keep up with 跟上

catch up with赶上;超过

come up with 想出;提出;提供

keep in touch with 保持联系

get in touch with 取得联系

catch sight of=catch a glimpse of 一瞥

be parallel to 平行

56.…的健康发展 the healthy development of… be healthy=be in good health 身体健康

be in good mood/condition 精神状态

57.重视 pay/attach great importance to… 58.社会地位 social status

59.把时间和精力放在…上 focus one's time and energy on… 60.扩大知识面 expand one's scope of knowledge 61.身心两方面 both physically and mentally

62.有直接/间接关系 be directly / indirectly related to…

63.导致很多问题 give rise to / lead to / spell various problems

many=a great many

a lot of

plenty of a variety of

a large number of

large quantity of


at a loss 不知所措

lose to sb 输给某人

beat/defeat sb 战胜某人

fall/lag behind sb 落后

64.可以替代think的词 believe, claim, maintain, argue, insist,hold the opinion / belief / view that 65.缓解压力/ 减轻负担 relieve stress / burden

set sb free释放

set fire to sth 纵火 66.优先考虑/发展… give(top)priority to sth.be prior to 优先于 67.与…比较 compared with(to)…/ in comparison with

on one hand……..on the other hand

一方面。另一方面 on the contrary

in contrast to


68.可降解的/可分解的材料 degradable / decomposable material

69.代替 replace A with B substitute A for B

take the place of

take one's place

70.提供就业机会 offer job opportunities

offer sb sth

offer sth to sb

provide sb with sth

provide sth to sb 71.反映了社会进步的 reflect/mirror the social progress/advance

照镜子look oneself in the mirror do sth in advance/before schedule 提前

in advance by 5 days 提前5天

72.增进相互了解 enhance / promote mutual understanding

73.充分利用 make full use of / take advantage of

heavy/strong smoker 长期吸烟的人 74.承受更大的工作压力 suffer from heavier work pressure

suffer from a cold 患感冒 75.保障社会稳定和繁荣 guarantee the stability and prosperity of our society

76.更多地强调 put more emphasis on…

77.适应社会发展 adapt oneself to the social development 78.实现梦想 realize one's dream

79.主要理由列举如下 The main / leading reasons are listed as follows: 80.我们还有很长的路要走 We still have a long way to go.the days have gone when we were children

advocate=supporter 支持。。的人

an advocate of reform 支持改革的人 advocate doing sth 支持做某事

freedom of speech

free speech 言论自由

be rash in doing sth 匆忙草率做某事

hurrily=in a hurry



otherwise否则 unless除非 therefore因此 nevertheless然而

in addition另外

⑦It is clear that …

⑧All in all ,what really matters is , in fact , to …

⑨It is essential that effective measure be taken to …

⑩From what has been discussed above , we may reasonably arrive at the conclusion that …

⑾ In conclusion ,the most important is …

⑿ On the whole , it is high time that every one …

⒀ As a result , we should take some effective steps to …

⒁ Judging by the figures / statistics , it is not difficult to see that …

⒂ Only in this way / in so doing , can be really …

1. 表示原因

1)There are three reasons for this.

2)The reasons for this are as follows.

3)The reason for this is obvious.

4)The reason for this is not far to seek.

5)The reason for this is that...

6)We have good reason to believe that...

2. 表示好处

1)It has the following advantages.

2)It does us a lot of good.

3)It benefits us quite a lot.

4)It is beneficial to us.

5)It is of great benefit to us.


①递进: then(然后),besides(还有),furthermore(而且),moreover(此外)等。

②转折: however(然而),but(但是),on the contrary(相反),after all(毕竟)等。

③总结: finally(最后),at last(最后),in brief(总之),in conclusion(最后)等。

④强调: indeed(确实),certainly(一定),surely(确定),above all(尤其)等。

⑤对比: in the same way(同样地),just as(正如),on the one hand…on the other hand(一方面……另一方面……)等。

相似的比较: similarly, in the same manner 相反的比较: on the other hand, conversely, whereas, while, instead, nevertheless, in contrast, on the contrary, compared with …,1、陈述个人的观点

It is alleged that(据说)

In my view, both sides are partly right(两方面都部分的正确)

As far as I am concerned(就我而言)

As regards to me

My own point of view is that……

Personally, I believe that……

My experience tells me that……

It comes as no surprise that Chinese economy becomes increasingly hot.2、陈述别人的观点

Other inpiduals, however, take the attitude that……(错误的观点)sb is under the false belief that…




There are different opinions among people as to ____.Some people suggest that ____.2.俗话说(常言道)……,它是我们前辈的经历,但是,即使在今天,它在许多场合仍然适用。

There is an old saying______.Its the experience of our forefathers,however,it is correct in many cases even today.3.现在,……,它们给我们的日常生活带来了许多危害。首先,……;其次,……。更为糟糕的是……。

Today, ____, which have brought a lot of harms in our daily life.First, ____ Second,____.What makes things worse is that______.4.现在,……很普遍,许多人喜欢……,因为……,另外(而且)

Nowadays,it is common to ______.Many people like ______ because ______.Besides,______.5.任何事物都是有两面性,……也不例外。它既有有利的一面,也有不利的一面。

Everything has two sides and ______ is not an exception,it has both advantages and disadvantages.6.关于……人们的观点各不相同,一些人认为(说)……,在他们看来,……

People’s opinions about ______ vary from person to person.Some people say that ______.To them,_____.7.人类正面临着一个严重的问题……,这个问题变得越来越严重。

Man is now facing a big problem ______ which is becoming more and more serious.8.……已成为人的关注的热门话题,特别是在年青人当中,将引发激烈的辩论。

______ has become a hot topic among people,especially among the young and heated debates are right on their way.9.……在我们的日常生活中起着越来越重要的作用,它给我们带来了许多好处,但同时也引发一些严重的问题。

______ has been playing an increasingly important role in among the young and heated debates are right on their way.benefits but has created some serious problems as well.10.根据图表/数字/统计数字/表格中的百分比/图表/条形图/成形图可以看出……。很显然……,但是为什么呢?

According to the figure/number/statistics/percentages in the /chart/bar graph/line/graph,it can be seen that______ while.Obviously,______,but why?



On the contrary,there are some people in favor of ___.At the same time,they say____.2.但是,我认为这不是解决……的好方法,比如……。最糟糕的是……。

But I dont think it is a very good way to solve ____.For example,____.Worst of all,___.3.……对我们国家的发展和建设是必不可少的,(也是)非常重要的。首先,……。而且……,最重要的是……

______is necessary and important to our countrys development and construction.First,______.Whats more, _____.Most important of all,______.4.有几个可供我们采纳的方法。首先,我们可以……。

There are several measures for us to adopt.First, we can______

5.面临……,我们应该采取一系列行之有效的方法来……。一方面……,另一方面,Confronted with______,we should take a series of effective measures to______.For one thing,______For another,______


It is high time that something was done about it.For example._____.In addition._____.All these measures will certainly______.7.为什么……?第一个原因是……;第二个原因是……;第三个原因是……。总的来说,……的主要原因是由于……

Why______? The first reason is that ______.The second reason is ______.The third is ______.For all this, the

main cause of ______due to ______.8.然而,正如任何事物都有好坏两个方面一样,……也有它的不利的一面,象……。

However, just like everything has both its good and bad sides, ______also has its own disadvantages, such as______.9.尽管如此,我相信……更有利。

Nonetheless, I believe that ______is more advantageous




1、With the development of technology and science,随着科学技术的发展(后面一定要接句子,不能单独使用)

With the growth progress of technology and science= Coincident with the advancement of science and technology.2、Considering the worsening situation in China, attention must be poured into protecting the environment.(考虑到中国越来越坏的情况,环境保护需要引起更多的重视。)

3、The first five years of the new century witnessed the increasing development of China.(本世纪的头五年见证了中国的快速发展。)As the global economy grows at a fever pitch,……

4、Coincident with the fast growing national economy, there exists an unfavorable and prevalent phenomenon in China.5、There are growing concern for ……

6、In recent years, it is common to seehear that ……

7、There is a general tendency that……(有一种趋势)


结构in the first place/ secondly/ on top of that


1.改变句子的开头方式,不要一味地都是主语开头,接着是谓语、宾语,最后再加一个状语。可以把状语置于句首,或用分词做状语等。〔原文〕We met at the school gate and went there together early in the morning.〔修正〕Early in the morning we met at the school gate and went there together.〔原文〕The young man couldn’t help crying when he heard the bad news.〔修正〕Hearing the bad news,the young man couldn’t help crying.2.在整篇文章中,避免只使用一两个句式,要灵活运用诸如倒装句、强调句、主从复合句、分词状语等。


〔原文〕I met him in the street yesterday.〔修正〕It was in the street that I met him yesterday.It was yesterday that I met him in the street.②由with或without引导的短语。如:

He sat in a chair with a newspaper in the hand.③分词短语。如:

Satisfied with the result,He decided to go on with a new experiment.④倒装句。如:

Only in this way can we achieve our goal.Never before have I seen such a wonderful film.Not only should we study in the college, but also learn how to be a decent person.⑤省略句。如:

If so,victory will be ours.You can make some changes wherever necessary.3.通过分句和合句,增强句子的连贯性和表现力。

〔原文〕He stopped us half an hour ago.He made us catch the next offender.〔修正〕He stopped us half an hour ago and made us catch the next offender.〔原文〕We had a short rest.Then we began to play happily.We sang and danced.Some told stories.Some played chess.〔修正〕After a short rest,we had great fun singing and dancing,telling jokes and playing chess.注意使用不同长度的句子,要结合使用,不能只用短句或只用长句。


①递进: then(然后),besides(还有),furthermore(而且),moreover(此外)等。

②转折: however(然而),but(但是),on the contrary(相反),after all(毕竟)等。

③总结: finally(最后),at last(最后),in brief(总之),in conclusion(最后)等。

④强调: indeed(确实),certainly(一定),surely(确定),above all(尤其)等。

⑤对比: in the same way(同样地),just as(正如),on the one hand…on the other hand(一方面……另一方面……)等。

相似的比较: similarly, in the same manner 相反的比较: on the other hand, conversely, whereas, while, instead, nevertheless, in contrast, on the contrary, compared with …,5.注意使用词组、习语来代替一些单词,以增加文采。如:

〔原文〕A new railway is being built in my hometown.〔修正〕A new railway is under construction in my hometown.6.避免重复使用某一单词或短语。如:

〔原文〕I like reading while my brother likes watching television.〔修正〕I like reading while my brother enjoys watching television.I like reading while watching television appeals to my brother.三、结尾

1、All in all, what really matters is, in fact, that……(比如说到和谐社会 All in all, what really matters is, in fact, that we should build our society a harmonious society.)

2、Therefore, it’s not difficult to draw a conclusion that……

3、As a result , we should take effective measures to do sth.(我们必须采取一些有效的措施来做些什么)

4、From what has been discussed above , we may conclude that ……

5、Obviously(此为过渡短语), we can draw the conclusion that good manners arise from politeness and respect for others.四、一些用法


It is alleged that(据说)

In my view, both sides are partly right(两方面都部分的正确)

As far as I am concerned(就我而言)

As regards to me

My own point of view is that……

Personally, I believe that……

My experience tells me that……

The invention of the handset, I dare to say, turns out to be a tremendous hit.The application of web sites, I dare to say, turns out to be a greatly hit.It comes as no surprise that Chinese economy becomes increasingly hot.2、陈述别人的观点

Other inpiduals, however, take the attitude that……

(错误的观点)sb is under the false belief that……


The table showsindicates reveals that ……(表明、暗示、揭示)

According to the statistics showing in that graph, we can easliy seefound……(根据表中的数据,我们可以看见,发现)

As seen from the chart/ As is portrayed in the picture

Sales went into a slight decline=sales declined slightly(小幅下降)

Sales declined dramatically/sharply/greatly/hugely(大幅下降)

A brief glimpse at our campus(the picture/cartoon/caricature)vividly shows that mobile phone, becoming more and more prevalent.五、好的替代

the machinethe device 代替 computerhandset代替 cell phoneintenselycrucially important代替 very important(it is crucially important that the benefits of collective be on our priority.)

approaches代替 wayscurrent(currently)代替 nowgrowing inpiduals代替 more and more people

inpiduals/ characters/ folks 代替 people, persons

positive, favorable, rosy(美好的), promising(有希望的), perfect, pleasurable, excellent, outstanding, 代替 good unfavorable, poor, adverse, ill 代替 bad

unfavorable, poor, adverse, ill 代替 badan army of, an ocean of, a multitude of 代替 many, a lot of

take the attitude that, hold the view that, it is widely shared that, it is universally acknowledged that 代替 think

affair, business, matter 代替 thingbeneficial, rewarding 代替 helpfulenjoy, possess代替 have

for my part, from my own perspective 代替 in my opinionbear in mind that代替remember

exceedingly, extremely, intensely 代替 verypour attention into代替 pay attention to

to name only a few/ as an example代替for example/ instance


老年人the oldelderly aged elderly population senior citizens中年人middle adults

年轻人youthyoungster young adults adolescent农村rural 郊区suburban 城里urban坏的影响ill effects

网吧cyber café网虫mouse potato电视迷couch potato在当代社会in contemporary society

优秀的学生outstanding/superior/rare/top students双赢a win-win situation 双输 a lose-lose situation

建设有中国特色的社会主义build socialism with Chinese characteristics ,form a economic system with Chinese characteristics


I would appreciate it very much If you ……

I am thrilled to receive your mail.Looking forward to a prompt response.八、好的短语

1、have growing respect for 越来越重视

Coincident with the fast growing economy, China has growing respect for protecting the environment and controlling population.随着经济的迅速发展,中国也越来越重视环境保护和控制人口了。

2、enable sb to do sth(使某人可以做某事)

It enable us to build a harmonious society.3、另外 In addition/ Additionally/ on top of that

Additionally, there is another reason for the appearance of this phenomenon.(现象)


The real power resides in the people.(真正的权力属于人民)

We must fight against the bureaucracy in order to improve governmental work.(为了提高政府部门的工作效率,我们必须与官僚作风作斗争。)

Litter by little, our knowledge will be enriched, and our horizons will be greatly broadened.(慢慢的,我们的知识会充实,我们的视野会开阔。)

As a classic proverb goes that no garden has no weeds.(常言道,任何事物都有两面的。)也可以用 every sword has two edges.Everything has both dark sides and bright sides.Taiwan is an integral part of China.(台湾是中国不可分割的一部分。)阅读理解中


选不出来就填转折,关注第一句话,定语从句,which 后面的信息很重要,用副词开头,后面是专家或作者的观点(情态动词也一样)


Doesn’t ring a bell(毫无印象)

The rest is up to you 剩下的就只能靠你了

Be in touch 保持联络

You play nice 你得乖点

Don’t insult me不要侮辱我I have cause 我是有苦衷的(原因)

Now We are even现在我们扯平了

Soft money makes the world go round 有钱能使鬼推磨

Be my guest 请便

Several times,we were close,很多次,我们擦肩而过

My cellphone is a goner 我的手机找不回来了

You have ears of bat 你的耳朵真灵敏啊

I’m broke=I’m not made of money 我没有那么多钱

Take care of them 搞定他们

Kiss my ass 去死吧(亲我的屁股噻)(ass混蛋I’m a real ass我是十足的混蛋 I’ll back you up 我会来只支援你

You ruined my life

If memory serves 如果没有记错的话

I’m going to take a leak我想撒尿

Everything can go back to the way it was以前都会回到从前

You‘re in a tough spot你现在身处绝境

Check,please 埋单

You mark my words你记住我的话

Salvation 救星


I’d turn myself in 我会自首的I will try to reach him 我会设法联络他

She’s been tailed 她被跟踪了

I don’t think you want any part of this我想你不会想趟这趟浑水

Keep your voice down 小声点

If you want to take the ride,you got to buy the ticket想搭顺风车,就得付出点代价 Don’t screw it up 别搞砸了

I’ll figure it out我会想办法的Don’t take it out on me 不要把怨气发在我身上

Hardcore 无条件的,绝对的热衷的I’m a hardcore roller skater fans我是个十足的轮滑爱好者

I will come for you 我会来找你的That’s your secret 这就是你的诡计

You always push anything too far into a corner你总是刨根问底

But all I do is bringing you down但是我一直都让你伤心.You’re running out of time你没时间了

You need to work double time你们的加倍努力才行

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