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编辑:风起云涌 识别码:15-788433 6号文库 发布时间: 2023-11-08 17:53:07 来源:网络


Honorable judges, guests, ladies and gentlemen,Anyway, The proposed arguments lead us to the obvious conclusion that economic growth should receive the priority in China.Firstly,China is a developing country with a large population,we must attach enough importance to economic development so that we can make sure of people's living conditions.In the primitive society, human ancestor`s environmental protection work is good,should we return to this kind of life according to your meaning?

Secondly,Economy development first does not mean totally ignore the environmental protection,the economic development will definitely pay the price, however,we have the structure of sustainable development,which can make the price to the least.The most important,only when we give priority to the development of economy, can we have the technology, capital and other supports for solving the environmental problems.A very simple data, China spent at least 580 billion yuan on the environmental protection,only the expenditure of the central government.without the fast growth of economy,from which you can get such enormous sum of money ?

In summery,the simple truth is :It is economic growth ,but not environmental protection ,should receive priority in China.


Which teaching and learning style is more beneficial to college students, student-centered or teacher-centered?

For summary, we do believe that student-centered style is more beneficial to our study.As mentioned above, the college learning method is totally different and unique.We have to do all the staff ourselves and think on our own, which means we college students need more freedom.In addition, this very style has a lot of advantages, for example, it brings us creativity, practical mind and curiosity.In conclusion, the student-centered style is what we actually need.Is it a good idea for a young couple to live together with parents after marriage?

For summary, we do believe that it is definitely a good idea for a young couple to live together with their parents.To start with, that is really a wonderful way to care for the parents and share the sweet love with them.Only if we live together can we and our parents help each other.That will do good to the family life.Secondly, as what Confucius told us, we should never be far away from the parents.That is what we call Filial Duty.In addition, any trouble could be solved if we like to.So it is obvious that the advantages are more dominant.Is it a good choice for college graduates to start their own business when it is hard to hunt a satisfactory job?

For summary, we do believe that it is a definitely a wonderful idea for graduates to start their own business instead of hunting job.Because that is an effective way to accelerate the economy and improve our society.Starting own business can give us a chance to dig out our capacity and improve ourselves.Though there is a lot of risk, we still need to fight for that and that will be our direct path to success.And our government encourages graduates to start own business as a power to our development.There are many current policies we can apply.In this way, it is a good shot to start own business.Should the young generation live on the wealth accumulated by parents when they grow up into adults?

For summary, we do believe that young generation is supposed to live on the wealth accumulated by parents when they grow up into adults.Anyway, there are many negative sayings about this phenomenon at current times.They are looked down upon by the mass and called FU ER DAI.Their success and behavior are judged because of their original capital.But what we should neglect is that they have more chances to succeed.And there are many paths to Rome, which means that is possible and normal.In a word ,if you can get your original capital from your parents, take it and try to do something and pay them back.Whether telling the truth is always the best policy in any circumstances or not?

For summary, we do believe that telling the truth is always the best choice in any circumstances.There is no doubt it is wrong and incorrect to tell a lie and we are sure that everyone was ever blamed for telling lies.In this way, we should do the right thing and never tell a lie.Some people talk about white lies, which they say can give a chance to make things better.But we have always been taught to be a person with principle.If you can always do the right thing, you will get respect and be honest and loyal.That is exactly what we should persue.Whether the number of private cars should be restricted in big cities or not?

For summary, we do believe that the number of private cars should be restricted , especially in big cities, where the air condition is in seriously bad condition.As we all know, our government has carried out a lot of policies to limit the private cars.That is because the large number of private cars has resulted in many troubles, such as traffic jams and air pollutions.It is urgent to make some change about the private cars, and the number restriction is a great shot.Though we cannot force people’s consumption behavior, yet every of us has responsibility for our social health.Less cars, greener world.


Which should receive priority in china? Environmental protection or economic growth.:Good morning everyone!We are here now debating about whether environmental protection or

economic growth should take priority in china;we think its economy growth should be chosen.I have three reasons to prove this point.:First, as a developing country, the economy power is far behind the developed countries, so the urgent

affair of china is to develop our economy.:Second, Economy growth doesn’t necessarily conflict with environment protection.We can develop

our economy without environmental pollution.:Third, when our economy strength become strong, we can spend more money and energy on

environment protection, till then it will be a win-win.In a word, considering the current situations, economy growth should take priority in china.:We agree economic growth is needed.But think about the past decades, we followed the old model of

“first pollution, last treatment”, however, how did it come out? The environment problems have become increasingly prominent, and some local regions’ environment has been polluted to a dangerous extent that poses a great threat to our existence.:What’s more, the cost was too high and the effect was not up to much by this means, it placed us in a

completely passive position.At the same time the people started voicing new values: quality of life, urban conservation and the environment.:So, we must get to the bottom of the problem and learn from the past, which is to say, in the course of

development, we should consider the effect of pollution and receive environment protection in first priority.Only in this way can we solve the environmental problems in the future reasonably.:We all know that in many places of china like many poor countries, where the environment is pretty

good, but there are thousands people lack of money for the food or clothes.Even in the city like Dalian, how many people can’t afford of the expensive price of house.Do you think the problems like these can be solved by environmental protection?

:But opponent debaters can’t ignore the fact that most areas of china have solved the problem of food

and clothing at present.Furthermore, the level of economic development in many cities in eastern china is very high.But the pollution is pretty serious accordingly.We have money, but being under the sub health condition.Does it make any sense, opponent debaters?

:Some eastern cities do exist whose economy is quite developed, but you forget that china has 130

million people.The eastern cities can’t stand for the whole china.We know that environment protection need high-technology, high-tech personnel, and science research.They all need a lot of money, and money is created by economy.I want to ask my fellow debater that can we protect our environment well without strong economy strength.:Environmental protection needs money.But we can’t sacrifice the environment for the economic growth.If you drink polluted water, eat the toxic food, can we have a high quality of life? Economic development must be on the premise of environmental protection.:Economic growth is important, environmental protection is also important.And our government has

already realized the importance of the balance between the two parts, and did achieve some

good results.I think in the future there will be on a win-win situation in the economic and

environmental protection.
















