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英文作文 - 谁应改为“责任”下定义
编辑:空山幽谷 识别码:15-816785 6号文库 发布时间: 2023-11-29 17:44:38 来源:网络

第一篇:英文作文 - 谁应改为“责任”下定义

Who should define what is “responsible”(or “good”)is?

I advocate the idea that an external party outside of the organization should define responsibility.Only in this way can responsibility be defined and measured in the most impartial manner.Responsibility defined by a man himself or by the collective tends to be biased and often centered upon his/their private motives.A man or a collective defined responsibility based on his/their own values and principles and hence failed to take into account what the society expected of him/them.In other words, a man or a collective often consider only his/their own interest when attempting to define responsibility on his/their own and this frequently lead to undesirable impacts on the society.For example, in the past when many countries were under the monarchy rule, responsibility was defined solely by the ruler himself.He was free to use his powers to control the nation’s wealth and the life and death of his subjects.And throughout history, we saw many incompetent and irresponsible rulers, such as the last emperor of Tang dynasty in china, who used his power on womanizing and maintaining his luxury life instead of taking care of his people, leading to the fall of Tang dynasty.On the other hand, when responsibility is defined by an external party, it ensures the reliable interpretation and use of power.Detached from the collective physically and emotionally, a third party is more likely to define responsibility fairly and stringently, matching moral values and ethics uphold by the society.A guideline measured against expectation of society is usually present to ensure responsible use of power.An illustrative example to explain this point will be the recent corruption scandal of former Taiwanese president Chen Shui Bian.Based on his own moral standard, he may not feel guilty for his actions since he is merely acting on his basic instinct to keep what he deserved.Under social standard, however, the Taiwanese interpreted his action as corruption of national wealth and is morally wrong and unacceptable.Because he has illegally manipulated wealth belonging to the society, Chen has failed to use his powers responsibility.Hence, the presence of an external party will ensure and guide the responsible use of power and therefore responsibility should be defined by and subjected to the scrutiny of an external third party.






针对上述情况,请贵刊帮忙对保修期已满房屋漏雨维修的费用应该由何处列支,物业管理公司该不该承担损坏物品的赔偿责任,这两个问题予以解答。廊坊市华夏物业管理有限公司 居律师解答:







上述答案完全出自于法律的设计。现实中,由于税收和会计方面对物业管理企业的监管无力,要求物业管理 企业按照法律的设计列支维修费用所获得的非法利益远远大于其违法行为面临的风险和付出的成本,选择法律设计的相反方向列支维修费用对于物业管理企业来说可能更为“正确”。由于物业管理企业与开发商之间的特殊关系,按照法律的设计在物业管理企业和开发商之间进行责任的划分对于物业管理企业和开发商来说可能都没有实际意义,或许,物业管理企业将业主的矛头引向自己而不是引向开发商,更符合物业管理企业和开发商的共同利益和长远利益。

答疑律师:北京市天为律师事务所资深律师 居永和

第三篇:英文作文 --- 权利和责任

Power and responsibility

An example of a situation of irresponsible use of power is illustrated by the misuse of earthquake relief funds by corrupted government in Sichuan, China.Instead of using it to rebuild the home of the civilians who are affected by the earthquake, local government misused these funds.For

example, nearly 10 million was spent on reconstructing a luxurious, resort-like town house, which the Chinese netizens described as “too extravagant for a town house”.The source of power, in this case, is position power exercise by the authority.The Sichuan local government, been the leader and representation of its district, were given complete control of the relief funds as to where and how it is spent.Despite being entrusted with the responsibility to make good use of the relief funds to improve the lives of the victims of the earthquake, the government had failed to meet the

expectation and trust of the donors and victims.Thus, power is been abused and used irresponsibly.Conversely, responsible use of power is credited when power is put into good use.I am particularly impressed at the way the captain of my touch rugby team in my JC days used her authority as a captain to motivate the team members.Her source of power is a combination of position and personal power.As the captain of the team, she is trusted and dependent on by her teammates.Using her influence to encourage everyone when the team moral is low, this represents a situation in which power is been used approvingly.Thus, in conclusion, irresponsible use of power happens when power exercised brought

disappointment to the supporters of the source of the power.But when the use of power brings benefits and meets the expectation of its supporters, power is been exercised responsibly.














Hello, everyone.I’m just so glad that all could join us today, and I’m very happy to share my opinions about responsibility.On September 8th 2009, that is the first day of school.The president of the United States, Barack Obama made a public speech named “we are what we learn” on Wakefield high school in Arlington, Virginia.Students from all across America from kindergarten through 12th grade were watching the live broadcast.Obama told all the students “Parents responsibility is to make their children stay on track and get their homework done not spend every working hour in front of TV or with the Xbox.The government’s responsibility is to set high standard and support teacher and principals and turn around schools that aren’t working.However, the students’ responsibility to itself is to discover what his/her talent is, what he/she can be through hard work”.So be responsible for yourself, in other words, it means responsible for your country.Then what is responsibility? in my opinion, it means we do things that we have to do faithfully.When I was 12 years old, I have to work hard to live up to my parents expectations of me.When I was 18 years old, I wanted to the harbor for my family to draw away sorrow and give them happiness.Now, with the increase in age, people play multiple roles.As a member of family, we should repay our parents’ selfless upbringing.As a member of society, we should obey the rules and commit to social justice.As a intelligence in the planet, we should care for the environmental protection and live in harmony with animals.There is a famous saying that locks in my mind: “everyone is a star in the vast universe to play its invaluable role through its unique function”.Don’t shift your responsibility onto some people in high place.It has nothing to do with how much money you have or what the level of your authority.It is the vast majority of ordinary people that account the big part of our human beings.If everyone shoulders the responsibility consciously, the world will become more beautiful, crime rate will be greatly reduced, clean and fresh air will be reproduced, relationships will be more harmonious.Everyone can and should be a responsible one.

英文作文 - 谁应改为“责任”下定义