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编辑:雨雪飘飘 识别码:15-646721 6号文库 发布时间: 2023-08-20 14:36:06 来源:网络


The second period

Teaching aims

1.To describe location, area, population and public transport of a place

2.To introduce tourist attractions of a place

Important points:

1.Using proper nouns

2.Talking about location, area, population, public transport and tourist attractions of Shanghai

3.Making up a dialogue about introducing a place

Difficult points:

1.A: How big is it?

B: It has an area of…

2.A: What’s the population of …?

B: More than 17 million.3.A: What are the famous tourist attractions in Shanghai?

B: The Bund, the Oriental Pearl Tower, the Jinmao Building, …

4.It’s in the east of …

5.I hope to go sightseeing in Shanghai for my next holiday.6.There’s very convenient public transport.Lesson type: Text and drills



1.Students read the words and phrases after the tape.2.Show the students a tourist’s guide to Shanghai.Ask them to introduce some tourist attractions to each other to be familiar with the names of these places.II.The main part

1.Tell the students that Li Hui enjoyed his trip in London.He chatted with an Australian student about Shanghai during his study trip in London.Ask the questions to lead in the ‘Text’.2.Show the picture of the text(SB P104)to the students and play the cassette for the first time.Then decide whether the following statements are true or false.Check the answer with the students orally.3.Play the cassette for the second time and ask the following questions to get further information about the ‘Text’.4.Students listen, repeat and imitate.(Books open)

5.Ask them to do Comprehension Check(SB P105).Then check the answers orally.6.Students read the text in groups, and then find the useful phrases and sentences.7.Students read the text in roles then act it out.8.Ask students to retell the text.9.Pair work.Students talk about the following cities after the model.Use the map and picture cues.10.Group work.Suppose you want to introduce your city to your foreign friends.Students work in a group of four to complete the passage with the information about your city.



时间:2011.9.11 教学点:六合授课老师:Tim 授课内容:Lesson1&Lesson2

Greeting: T:Hello, everyone.My name is Tim.(利用自然拼音帮助孩子记住我的名字)So, say“Hello” to Tim.Ok?

S:Hello, Tim.T:Good.Hello, beauty.What's your name?

S: I'm....T:Ok.Now everyone say“Good morning” to....S:Hello....T:You should say“Hello, everyone.”

S:Hello, everyone.Rolling call:T:(call students' name)

S: Chant:Hello, hello, how are you.Fine,fine,fine thank you.Presentation: I.Lesson 1中的字母Aa ~ Zz: 1.打开书本,老师带读字母和单词,并辅之以TPR.2.总体做一遍字母的TPR.3.PK:迅速指读字母

II.Lesson 2 1.Introduce 3 characters: Dan



T:Hello,everyone.S:Hello, Tim.T:Nice to meet you.S:Nice to meet you, too.T:Here,“meet”.(把这个单词写在黑板上)Follow me, meet.(加动作)

S: Meet.T:Now, let's meet....T:Today we will meet 3 students.Everyone guess who are they? OK,now ,look.This boy is Dan.Everyone say “Hello” to Dan.S:Hello, Dan.T:Hello, everyone.(用同样的方式教其他几个人名)2.introduce the text:

T: Today i will tell you a story.Firstly, let's meet Dan and Katie.Follow me,meet Dan.S:Meet Dan

T:Meet Dan and Katie.S:Meet Dan and Katie.T:Now,look, Katie is coming.Hello.My name's Katie.(动作和语言的协调)

Look, Dan is coming.Hi.I'm Dan.(动作和语言的协调)Look, Tim is coming.Hi, Katie.Hi, Dan.动作和语言的协调 Hello, Tim.(动作和语言的协调)How are you?(动作和语言的协调)Fine, thanks.(动作和语言的协调)

Come on.Let's go to the park.(动作和语言的协调)(老师要慢慢淡出舞台,先自己演Tim,后来让小朋友来演)3.read the text

T:Ok, now everyone open your books to page 4.Show me your one finger.Let's read the dialogue..Follow me.(领读两、三遍课文,)

S:(跟读)4.retell the text.5.Teach some characters: Mr.Clark


Pete(Mr.is man.Mrs.Is woman)(加强练习)6.sentence pattern:

What's your name? My name's Dan.How are you? Fine, thanks.(1)教孩子用手指指着句子跟我读巨型。

(2)T问S:What's your name?和How are you?然后,让S问身边的S这些问题。

(3)Game:把每个句子打印出来,并而外多打几个句子(I'm 9./ Thank you.)




新世纪高职高专英语教案(第二册)Unit One Patriotism 教学目的(teaching objective):

Master the key words and structures, and learn something about what a true patriot is.The students should not only know what patriotism really means, but learn from the heroic spirit of some famous Chinese patriots.教学内容、课时安排及方法设计

教学进程 教 学 内 容 教学课时 教学方法设计 Study of the Text: Lead in, New words and text, explaining Summary of the text

提问、讲授、板书或课件,师生互动 Focus on and Work out

讲练,板书或课件,师生互动 3 Grammar Tips: Attributive Clause(1)

讲练,板书,师生互动 Reading Skills: How to Identify the Topic Practical Reading: Reading Holiday Schedules

讲练,板书,师生互动 Practical Writing:E-mail

讲练,板书,师生互动 Study Guide

讲练,师生互动 Listening Skills: Asking & Expressing One’s Likes & Dislikes 讲练,板书,师生互动

教学重点(key points): Vocabulary arise




obey resist

risk sacrifice

scenery be bound to do

carry out

hand down

in the hour of

at the mercy of

yield to

hand on

to the last

all the more

obedience to

in spite of Structure In order that

as well as Practical Reading Reading Holiday Schedules Grammar Attributive Clause(1)Listening and

Speaking Dislikes 教学难点(teaching difficulties):

1.Understand every sentence correctly in the text;eg.The answer is that nowhere in such countries have men been found…

Why is it that some other nations disappeared? 2.the usage of some special expressions:in order that „;It is „ that/ who 教学方法(teaching methods):



Asking & Expressing One’s Likes & 教学手段(teaching instruments):

板书和多媒体教学相结合,使用语音设备进行听力训练。教学过程(teaching procedures): Topic: Patriotism The first period: 1.Lead in Directions:(1)

Ask some questions for the students to answer freely: for example: What they think a true patriot would be like before they read the text?(2)

Ask some students to give their opinions on Patriotism 2.Background information Directions: The teacher introduces the background information of the text 1).what is a Patriot? A patriot is a man who loves his country, works for it, and is willing to fight and die for it if need be.2).National Flag, Emblem and Anthem of the People’s Republic of China The national flag of China was adopted at the First Plenary Session of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference held in September 1949, shortly before the founding of the People’s Republic of China.The flag of the People’s Republic of China is red in color and it has five yellow stars.The color red symbolizes the spirit of the revolution and the five stars signify the unity of the people of China under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party.The flag first went up in Tiananmen Square on October 1, 1949, upon the formal proclamation that the People’s Republic of China was founded.The design of the national emblem of the People’s Republic of China published by the Central People’s Government on September 20, 1950, shows Tiananmen under the light of five stars and it is framed with ears of grain and a cogwheel.Tiananmen is the symbol of modern China because the May 4th Movement of 1919, which marks the beginning of the new democratic revolution in China, was launched there.It is also the place where the inauguration of the People’s Republic of China was held.The cogwheel and the ears of grain represent the working class and the peasantry respectively, and the five stars symbolize the solidarity of the various nationalities of China.The emblem clearly indicates that the People’s Republic of China is a socialist state led by the working class and based on the alliance of the workers and the peasants.Tian Han wrote the words for the national anthem, and Nie Er set the music in 1935.Originally known as the March of the Volunteers, it was the theme song of The Sons and Daughters in Times of Turmoil, a film that depicts how Chinese intellectuals marched bravely to the front in the War of Resistance Against Japan.During the Second World War the people of other countries who sympathized with the Chinese people in their anti-Japanese struggles also sang it.In 1949 it was made the national anthem of the People’s Republic of China.3.Study the New words and expressions Directions: 1)Listen to the tape recording or ask the students to read the new words, 2)Correct the pronunciation, ask the students to read after the teacher.3)Explain some usage of words and phrases and the methods of learning new words such as word building.The second and third periods: Study the text in detail : Directions: 1).Listen to the tape recording or ask students to read the text 2).Explain the text paragraph by paragraph.3).Language Points of the text Useful expressions be willing to: ready to help, to do what is needed, asked, etc.e.g.Are you willing to help them? die: stop being alive die for love/ for one’s country

e.g.To die for the people is a glorious death!bound: 1)certain, sure;2)placed under the lawful or moral need to act;3)determined;having a firm intention;4)fastened by or as if by a band;kept close e.g.① In spite of the heavy rain, they are bound to come to this meeting.②I do not feel bound to give you everything you want.③He’s bound to go, and nothing will stop him.④The ball bounded from the wall and hit a little boy.to the last: until the latest moment;till the end e.g.She is an honest girl to the last.conquer: defeat conquer a country/ the enemy/ a bad habit e.g.The company has succeeded in conquering the China market.The little boy conquered his fear and walk alone through the woods at night.Pay attention to the pattern “It is … that/ who …”.This is an emphatic structure often used in written language.e.g.It is because the book is so useful for my work that I bought it.It was Tom who broke the window.disappear: go out of sight suddenly e.g.The sun disappeared behind a cloud.depend upon: e.g.Whether we will go hill-climbing or not depend upon the weather.in order that:(used to introduce an adverbial clause that explains the reason for something)so that;to the end that

①in order to:(used to introduce a phrase to explains the reason for something)as a means to;with the purpose of →so that / so as to e.g.He raised his hand in order that the bus might stop.He stood up in order to see better.Speak more slowly, so that they may understand you.I’ll have everything ready so as not to keep you waiting.compare: examine or judge(one thing)e.g.He compare London with Paris.in spite of: despite e.g.I went to the school in spite of rain.The answer is that nowhere in such countries have men been found… Inversion: Please pay attention to inversion.Inversion means changing the normal word order in a sentence by putting part or all of the verb group in front of the subject.Usually the word order in sentences beginning with a negative word or phrase such as never, hardly, little, only(+adverbial), no sooner…than, nor, scarcely, etc.e.g.Never have I heard such a funny story.Only then did I fully understand what my teacher said.No sooner had I gone out that he came to see me.yield to: allow oneself to be overcome by pressure e.g.The government has not yielded to public opinion.At no time should we yield to the enemy.for a time: 暂时,一度

e.g.For a time we lived together peacefully, soon trouble started.at the mercy of: entirely in the power of 任凭„摆布

e.g.They were lost at sea, and were at the mercy of winds and weather.give in: yield e.g.Don’t give in to him.opportunity: a chance or time to do something e.g.May I take this opportunity to thank you all for your help? come: arrive e.g.Christmas is coming soon.Come + to do: take place;happen;occur e.g.You will come to realize that someday.win back: 赢回;重新获得 e.g.How can I win back her trust? arise: 1)come into being or notice

2)get up e.g.Surprisingly, new problems arise every day.Tom arose early in the morning to deliver milk from door to door.carry out: complete e.g.Nothing could prevent him from carrying out his plan.value: calculate the value, price;consider somebody or something to be of great worth e.g.I was offered $500 for my old car but its value is much higher.I’ve always valued your friendship.as well as: in addition to e.g.I’m learning French as well as German.all the more: to a greater degree;by an added quantity e.g.If you say something openly against his plan, he will stick to it all the more.familiar(with, to): generally known, seen, or experienced;common e.g.Are you familiar with this type of car?.He is familiar with the ancient history of China.put something first: make something the most important thing e.g.Rob seems to put money first, and happiness second in his life.hand down: hand on, give or leave to people who are younger or come later hand on: hand down, give from one person to another(esp.something which can be used by many people one after another)e.g.This ring has been handed down from generation to generation in my family.Please read this note and hand it on to your classmates.add(to): put together with something else so as to increase the number, size, importance, etc.e.g.Learning English will add to our understanding of the world.Paraphrases of Difficult Sentences “Why is it that some nations have disappeared altogether?”

→Why is it that some countries have been conquered and become a part of others? ”„.., when the great test came,….”

→„, when the country faced a severe national crisis,„”

“The answer is that nowhere in such countries have men been found willing to yield to the enemy.’

→ The answer is that the people in all these countries have refused to give in to the enemy.“For a time they may have seemed to be at the mercy of a conqueror, but….”

→ For a period of time, they may have appeared helpless before a conqueror, but„

“„., and getting first-hand knowledge of their scenery,…” → „, and getting intimate knowledge of their scenery,„” ”„, and we put them first.’

→ „, and we should take them as the first things to know.The fourth period: Directions: Review the text by reading and ask some questions according to the text so that the teacher can know whether the students understand the text completely.1.Comprehensive Questions l

What is a patriot according to the text? A patriot is a man who loves his country, works for it, and is willing to fight and die for it if need be.l

What qualities does a true patriot have? A true patriot should learn to obey if he wants to command.He must be a selfless person, and value what he has worked for and helped to make.A true patriot knows his country thoroughly as well as loves his country deeply.l

How can a small nation remain free and independent in the great wars that threatened it? The most important thing for such a nation is that all the people refuse to yield to their enemy.They should be determined to fight to the last and make every effort to drive the enemy out of their country.They can thus win freedom and independence.l

As far as the training of a patriot is concerned, what is the most important thing in knowing the people of his own country? The most important thing is that he should not only know the people who lived before him and handed down to him the result of their own work and sacrifice, he should also know the people who will live after him so that he could hand down to them what he has been given and what he has added to it.2.Summary of the Text Directions: The teacher concludes the text A patriot is a man who loves his country, works for it, and is willing to fight and die for it if need be.History has repeatedly proved that when a nation was caught in war, there would often be a great patriot who, by exercising all his influence, could lead his people to eventually save the nation.3.Homework Directions: Assign the students to do all the exercises.The fifth and sixth period: Exercises: Directions: Ask the students to do the exercises in class.The teacher will correct the mistakes and explain the important and difficult points.1.Focus on: 2.work out: A: Read the text again and complete the statements.B: Fill in the blanks with words and phrases from the Vocabulary Snapshot.C: Complete the sentences with the proper forms of the words given in blanks.D: Rearrange the words into sentences E: Translate the Chinese into English.F: Make sentences according to the models of sentence structure.The seventh period: Grammar: Adverbial Clause of Reason Directions: The teacher explains the definition of the grammar, and then asks the students to practice 1).作直接宾语时,关系代词可以省略。2)关系代词放在介词后作宾语时,不能省略。

3)介词后面的关系代词不能用that或who,只能用which或whom。4)如果先行词是all, anything, nothing等不定代词,关系代词一般只用that, 不用which。

5)在 “it is + 名词 + 定语从句 + 定语从句” 结构中,后一定语从句要用that。

6)如果先行词被形容词最高级以及first, last, any, few等词修饰,关系代词常用that, 不用which, who或whom。


8)有时which用于引导修饰整个主句的定语从句。9)Practice about the grammar above.The eighth period: 1.Reading skills: Directions: The teacher introduce the reading skills and ask the students to read the passages, trying to use the skills to find out the concerning information.(How to Identify the Topic)2.Practical Reading: Reading Holiday Schedules Directions: Use the information to answer the questions: 1)

What day Martin Luther King, Jr.Day in 2003? 2)

How many days will the bank be closed during the Independence Day holidays in 2003? 3)

On what date can the laboratory employees have during the Christmas holiday? 4)

How many free days will the laboratory employees have during the Christmas holiday? 5)

Which holiday do the bank employees have that laboratory workers will not have? The ninth and tenth periods: Practical Writing: E-mail A.The teacher introduces the following contents and simple.1)

To somebody(收件人)2)




B.The students imitate the sample to complete the exercises.The eleventh and twelfth period:(listening and speaking)Directions: 1)Ask the students to read the phonemes and the teacher corrects their pronunciation.2)Listen to the tape and finish doing the followings: Section A: After listening, circle the word the students hear, then repeat them.Section B: Listen and repeat, paying attention to the pronunciation of the words.Section C: Ask the students to circle the words that they hear.Listen in: Dialogues Section A, B, C.3)Ask the students to imitate the speakers while listening.4)Ask the students to make conversations about “How to ask &express one’s likes &dislikes 5)Listen more: Section A, B, C.to practice PET 1.Get the Right Sound [ e ]

[ ei ]

[ ?u ]

[ З: ] 2.Expressions learnt before: Do you like / enjoy …? I don’t like… I’m really fond of … Which do you want, …or …? What do you like doing? What’s your favorite …? Listen In Section A Notes: 1.An automatic: an automatic gear-shifting mechanism 2.a stick: a movable metal rod with which one can control the gears of a vehicle 3.to tell you the truth: used to introduce a personal opinion, to admit something, etc.4.would rather + v.: would prefer to, used to express preference for one thing to another Dialogue 1.„ don’t want to… How about … „ hate going … I like painting … Do you want to go … Dialogue 2.How boring!What kind of books do you like? So do I.Dialogue 3.„ you’ll love … „ I’d prefer … „ if that’s what you’d rather have.„ would you like to test-drive it? Dialogue 4.„ don’t you like … fighting with … What do you have against him? „ dislike his bad temper … Speak Out Notes: 1.keen on:(of a person)having a strong and active interest in something Listen More

Notes : 1.all by oneself: alone 2.Cheer up:(infml)become happier, more cheerful Section A 1.C.patriot 2.B.conquer 3.D.border 4.B.thorough 5.A.hand down Section B 1.People are not likely to fight bravely for something they know little about.A.It’s impossible that people can fight bravely for something they know little about.B.It’s possible that people can fight bravely for something they know little about.2.Not only did I forget my train ticket but I for got my passport.A.Luckily I brought my train ticket and my passport with me.B.I forgot my train ticket as well as my passport.3.She’ll have to work over the summer to finish her papers.A.She’ll finish her papers before summer comes.B.She needs to work on her papers this summer.4.My father stopped smoking cigarettes last week.A.Last week my father quit smoking cigarettes.B.Last week my father smoked too many cigarettes.Section C Dialogue 1 1.C


Dialogue 2 1.D

2.C Dialogue 3 1.C

2.A Section D 1.true





Unit 3


How do yougetto school?

Section A

The first period

一 教学目的:

1.学习Section A 中的生词。

2.学习句型:How do yougetto school?


takethe train

take the bus

take the subway

ride a bike




Step1Learn the new words.train ,take the train.bus

take the bus.subway ,ridebikeride a bike


Ask the students like this:

How do yougetto school?

Then ask some students to answer thisquestion.Step3Practice

Match the wordswith the pictures


2.take the bus(3.take the subway(e)

4.ride a bike(b)



Listen and write the numbers next to the correct students in the picture aboveStep 5Practice

Make a conversation with your partner about how the students get to schoolFor example :How does LiFei get to school?

She takes the subway



Starter Unit2 what’s this in English? 第1课时section1a-2e 【学习目标】语言目标:字母I—R;辨认物品;拼写单词 1.七个表示物体的单词的熟练掌握。(汉语意思写出来)map orange jacket key quilt pen ruler 确认物体的句型(写出意思): 问:What is this in English? 答:It's /a /an/ map/ orange/ jacket/ key/ pen/ ruler/ quilt.3.区分a和an的用法(读书上87页:冠词用法)。【预习指导】自我预习





2.小组合作用英语完成对话。1)熟识朋友见面的问候语和应答。——Hello, Frank!——Hi, Cindy!How are you? ——I'm fine / OK, thanks.2)一天见面打招呼的用语。---Good morning, Helen!---,Bob!---Good , Eric!---Good afternoon, Grace!---Good evening, Helen!---,Dale!:---Hi, Alice!---Hi, Cindy!---Hello, Frank!---Hello, Dale!【课内学习】





2)听1a录音,指出听到的物品。3)用图中物品,双人自由问答并表演。What's this in English? It's a/an…



一、this是指示代词,意为“这;这个”,指近处或距说话人近的人或事物。that意为“那;那个”,指远处或距说话人远的人或事物。例如: This is a ruler.That is a key.二、in English意为“用英语”,其中in是介词,表示“用语言、声音、方式等”。如: in Chinese用汉语in Japanese用日语 What’s this in Chinese?这个用汉语怎么说?


冠词a和an是一种虚词,只用在单数可数名词前,表示“一”的意思。a用在以辅音音素开头的单词之前,an用在以元音音素开头的单词之前。这里的元音音素和辅音音素是指读音,而不是指字母。如: a pen/pen/一支钢笔/p/为辅音音素 an apple/?'?pl/一个苹果/?/为元音音素

四、What’s this in English?这个用英语怎么说?

句型What’s this in English?意为“这个用英语怎么说?”用来询问某物,回答时要用“Itis/It’sa(n)+名词”,其中it用来指代this或that。what’s=what is,意为“是什么”。英语中用来提问的特殊疑问句总是放在句子的开头,这一点与汉语不同,同学们要特别注意英语的语序。例如: —What’s this in English? 这个用英语怎么说? —It’s a jacket.它是一件夹克衫。

—What’s that in English? 那个用英语怎么说? —It’s an egg.那是一只鸡蛋。




冠词a, an两种帽,单数名词常需要; 辅音单数a提前,元音单数an优先。


一、正确朗读字母。(5分)N n R r Ii O o M m P p J j L l K k Q q


2)c d a h j I m g r o l n q e k p b f


________Cc__________,________Jj__________,________Ff_________,________Mm_________________Oo________, ________Hh_________


()1.What'sthisinEnglish?It's__________.A.orange B.an orange C.a orange()2.What'sthis_____________?It'sapen.A.in English B.for English C.English()3.__________this?It'sanapple.A.What 're B.What C.What's()4.What'sthis?___________________.A.This’ s a quilt B.It's a quilt C.I'm a quilt()5.Hello,Eric!_________,Dale!A.Hello B.Sit down C.I'm OK()6.Howareyou,Helen?____________.A.Fine, thank you.B.Good afternoon C.I'm OK.【总结反思】在本节课中你还有什么不明白的问题,还有什么没有掌握的知识,请记录下来,找机会询问同学或老师。

Starter Unit2 what’s this in English? 第2课时section3a—4d 【学习目标】语言目标:字母I—R;辨认物品;拼写单词 1.掌握下列重点单词(查出):spell______ __,please_________ 2.掌握下列重点句子:(写出意思)——What's this in English?——It’s a key.——Spell it, please.——K-E-Y.3.四会大、小写字母A a---R r.【预习指导】自我预习







一、教材处理:自主互助学习1.猜句意Spell it, please.2.学生听并跟读,同时老师板书Spell it, please.K-E-Y.3.学习单词spell, please.4.练习:用所学物品两人一组,练习1a对话。5.表演3c(用老师所示物品问答)。6.听3b,小组检查、核对。


一、Spell it, please.请拼写一下吧。

1.这是一个用来考查别人拼写(读)能力的句式。用于别人提到的单词,自己不知如何拼写。让对方指出这个单词由哪几个字母组成。例如: It’s a jacket.它是一个夹克衫。—Spell it, please.请拼写它。—J-A-C-K-E-T.2.please意为“请”,常用于一些客套的场合,可放在句首,也可以放在句末。放在句末时,常用逗号与前面部分隔开。例如: Please stand up.=Stand up, please.请起立。


一、找出与所给字母含有相同音素的选项。(5分)e A.g B.m C.n f A.r B.q C.pen____ o A.orange B.OK C.dog____ a A.thanks B.Dale C.map I A.hi B.in C.quilt____

二、按字母表顺序默写字母I到R的大小写形式。(10分)A________________________________ a_________________________________

三、整理字母顺序组成单词。(10分)qulit______rulre______eky_____lpsle____ pleesa_____arknF______kcajte______mpa______

四、用is, am, are 填空。(10分)1)I_________Frank.2)This___ ___a pen.3)What________this ?4)How_______you? 5)It___ __a key.五、读句子,连线配对(5分)A Spell it ,please.a Hi!B What 's this? B Good morning!C Hello,Cindy!c It' san orange.D How are you? D I'm OK.E Good morning!e O-R-A-N-G-E

六、选择填空(10分)()1.Thisis_______orangejacket.A.an B.a C./()2.What'sthis_______English.A.in B.for C.on()3.---Spell it, please.---_______ A.map B.MAPC.M-A-P()4.---Alice, what' s this in English?---__________ A.It's pen B.It's a pen C.This is a pen()5.---How are you?---_______ A.hello B.Thanks C.I'm OK 【总结反思】在本节课中你还有什么不明白的问题,还有什么没有掌握的知识,请记录下来,找机会询问同学或老师。
