Good afternoon,honorable judges and my fellow contestants.I’m contestant NO.,XXX.My topic today is “China Red”.Poeple always wonder why we Chinese love red so much.Well,I’m here to give you answer.Red plays a role as Chinese totem element and spirit support.It stands for pleasure and self-confidence.In the video China's National Image Publicity, which were played on Times Square, red had made an impression on the world.Red is also the symbol of zeal in the eyes of our Chinese.In addition,the authority and inviolability of red can be embodied in signet.What I want to emphasize is that red is part of our culture and it has taken root in every Chinese soul.Thank you!
尊敬的老师,亲爱的同学们: 大家好!中国,一个响亮的名字,一个让世界震撼的名字,一个让华夏儿女为之骄傲的名字。新中国60年来发生的巨大变化,令我骄傲,让我自豪。今天,我演讲的题目是《中国,我爱你》。在我人生道路上走过的11个春秋里,我一直认为自己很幸福,我的生活时时充满着欢乐,处处铺满着鲜花。谈起这些,妈妈对我说:“你这么幸福,是你生活在我们伟大的祖国,生活在这个幸福的年代。”老师对我说:“只有祖国的富强,才会使我们幸福的生活之花永放光华”。翻开历史我看到:没有祖国,就没有了家,没有家就没有我们。祖国不强盛,人民就遭殃。是啊,当祖国弱小的时候,她的人民就备受凌辱;当祖国强大富裕的时候,她的人民就昂首挺胸!祖国和她的人民,正如母亲和儿女,荣辱与共、血肉相连!我们的祖国,就是我们最亲最爱的母亲!
昨天是一页翻过的历史;今天是一个崭新的起点;明天是一幅宏伟的蓝图。梁启超曾说过:“少年强,则国强;少年富,则国富;少年屹立于世界,则国屹立于世界!”我们是祖国的骄子,是新时代的宠儿,怎样用钢筋铁骨支撑起共和国的大厦,怎样迈开走向世界的步伐?同学们,祖国在我们心中,和谐家园在我们心中,我们就应该为之付出努力。努力学习吧,把 我们的祖国建设得更加美好,让一个富强、民主、文明的中国,在二十一世纪这个崭新的年代里屹立于世界之林!现在,我还要深情地说一声:“中国,我爱你!”篇二:“中国红”英文演讲稿 good afternoon,honorable judges and my fellow contestants.i’m contestant no.,xxx.my topic today is “china red”.poeple always wonder why we chinese love red so much.well,i’m here to give you answer.red plays a role as chinese totem element and spirit support.it stands for pleasure and self-confidence.in the video chinas national image publicity, which were played on times square, red had made an impression on the world.red is also the symbol of zeal in the eyes of our chinese.in addition,the authority and inviolability of red can be embodied in signet.what i want to emphasize is that red is part of our culture and it has taken root in every chinese soul.thank you!篇三:红色演讲稿
烙印民族精神,铸就红色篇章 一转眼九十年风雨历程,再回首多少载坎坷艰辛。从帝国主义的蹂躏践踏,到国民党的剥削镇压,中华儿女没有被这苦痛折磨压弯腰杆,没有被这屈辱凌虐碾碎脊梁。先辈们在匍匐中寻找站立起来的方法,用一杆共产主义的大旗,撑起了一个世纪以来华夏大地上破碎的天空。带给我们一个焕然一新的时代。共产党,一个多么嘹亮的名字,他像一声怒吼,震慑住肆虐在中华大地上的魑魅魍魉,将中华民族坚强不屈的精神,深深烙印进每个炎黄子孙的血脉;将共产主义绚烂无比的信仰,统统汇聚成革命势不可挡的洪流!
让人读得昏暗读得疲惫 更让人读得心痛读得悲愤
他们的呐喊如同一阵阵惊雷 激荡着这昏睡的土地 他们义无返顾地选择了 用铁锤砸碎黑暗
写下一个崭新的中国 他们要以热血为色
当我的目光穿越历史的峰峦 我依然可以感受到他们的呼吸 我又看见了
今天,一个大写的中国 让人读得光明、读得酣畅 今天,一个腾飞的中国 更让人读得生动、读得自豪 这就是在世界的东方喷薄而出的希望的中国
青春中国!篇四:红色中国演讲稿 thank you ,thank you so much,thank you and does it get any better than this? a great speech was hold in beiguan square,nothing could be better.and i want to tell you if there is anyone out there who still doubts that the training camp of red chinese english is a place where all things are possible;who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time;who still questions the power of our effect, tonight is your answer.its the answer told by lines that pond around step and in numbers this place has never seen;by people who waited three hours and four hours, many for the very first time in their lives, because they believed that this time must be different;that their voice could be that difference.its the answer spoken by young and old, rich and poor,students and teachers , kids and parents who sent a message to the world that we will change my life my family and our country.its the answer that led those who have been told for so long by so many to be cynical, and fearful, and doubtful of what we can achieve to put their hands on the arc of history and bend it once more toward the hope of a better day.i would not be standing here tonight without the unyielding support of my best friend for the last three years, the rock of our red chinese english and the love of my life, the initiate a person of our red chinese english ,steven.i know my english teacher is watching, along with the school that made me who i am.i miss them tonight, and know that my debt to them is beyond measure.i know you didnt do this just to join in the fun and i know you didnt do it for me.you did it because you understand the red chinese english will change your life or your kids life.for even as we bunch(聚集)in this place tonight, we know the challenges that tomorrow will bring are the greatest of our lifetime.even as we stand here tonight, we know there are brave students of china waking up under the examnation.the road ahead will be long.i promise you we as a people will get there.there are many people who wont agree with us like that we know that government cant solve every problem.but i will always be honest challenges we face.i will listen to you, especially when we disagree.and above all, i will ask you join in our work of education with you about the only way its been done in red chinese english for one year block by block, brick by brick, calloused hand by calloused hand..this is our chance to answer that all.this is our moment.this is our time to put our students back to study hard and the parents to open doors of opportunity for your children, we are one;that while we breathe, we hope, and where we are met with cynicism, and doubt, and those who tell us that we cant, we will respond with that timeless creed that sums up the spirit of a people: yes we can.thank you, god bless you, and may god bless china.篇五:红色经典 演讲稿1 风雨九十年,如此多娇
九十年风云变幻,九十年潮涨潮落,中国共产党历久弥新,青春常在,是什么赋予它如此神奇的力量? 历史的尘烟,掩盖不住世纪的风雨,星星之火可以燎原,无数先驱者已将希望的种子洒向人间,展开了一片烂漫的红色。弹指一挥间,上下越千年,黯淡与辉煌,幻灭与再生,永恒的悲怆与不朽的豪情,贯穿于这一清晰的脉络。这,就是中国共产党90年成功的真滴。
Good afternoon!Ladies and gentlemen, today my topic is “China Dream, My Dream”.Dream, is a beacon of your life;dream, is your better vision;dream, is you ideal wings;and having dreams, you will have a future.everybody was discussing the China dream.What is China dream? In 1840, modern history of China has begun.The China dream was reflected in Westernization Movement to save the Qing government.In 1912, the Chinese Republic has been founded since the XinHai Revolution.The China dream has been transformed to pursue the democracy and republic from saving the Qing government.In 1937, the War of Resistance against Japanese broke out.The China dream was changed again.There is an urgent need that the Japanese Imperialists should be banished from China immediately.In 1949, the People's Republic of China was founded.The China dream is wishing the prosperity of our great motherland.Since the 1990 s, as China became more and more stronger, I think, realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, is the greatest dream of the Chinese nation.It is must be pointed that concentrating the power of everyone is necessary to realize China dream.And we are chasing our own dreams.This in itself is made up of keystones of China dream.A nation is not afraid of nothing but without a dream, so does a person.It’s time to tell you a story of mine.It’s a sad story I’ve never like to remind of it.In this new term of postgraduates, it is essential to evaluate national scholarships.I thought maybe I will be the owner of scholarships because my interview results were ranked to the NO.1.I love money, I love the feeling of being the outstanding one.However, things went contrary to my wishes.Only the postgraduates without examinations have the qualification.In the end, I submitted to this unfair thing and the owner is my best friend.What’s more, the saddest thing in the world is he did not invite me to celebrate yet.You know what I mean.It’s not over.One day, I met my professor, he said to me “You are the best student in my heart, I’ve never met a student more excellent than you.But the reality is cruel, you must choose to forgive.” At that moment, there were some tears filled in my eyes.I felt regretful and sorrow first time.Do wrong step, step by step wrong.I asked myself, “Why didn’t you do more efforts than others?” To be honest, I’m not satisfied with my performance of past four years at all.My parents don’t want me to suffer any difficulties.I had no ambition at that time.Moreover, I even did not agree that being a college student could change one’s fortune.I highly despised people who did well in exams.As a result, I have no qualification to be one of the postgraduates that in no need of examinations.What did surprise me was that I missed out the 20 thousand scholarships at last without any sign.Last month, I followed my professor to go to WEISHUI for taking a speech to freshmen, as a loser.When I stood in front of them, I suddenly realized I have been a speaker.Maybe this was another sense of success.I made it.And my professor treats me as his daughter.I have made up my mind to be stronger and more powerful so as not to let him down.That’s why I am so confident to stand here.There is something inside, I call it courage.We are chasing our own dreams.The process of chasing is a high bridge of Chinese dream, regardless of whether it can reach the other shore.To realize China dream, what we can do is to concentrate the power of Chinese people.Use our courage and strong-will to change the world, and never regret anything that has happened in our life, it can’t be changed.Our heart is free.Have the courage to follow.Our dream is free, too.Have the will to pursue it.Yesterday is history.Tomorrow is mystery.But today is a gift, that’s why it is called the present.The Chinese dream is a dream that every one of us.If we all reach the top of mountain on our way to dream, the China dream will be realized in the near future.We have so enough reasons to believe that the future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.Na matter what the future brings to our country and us, I hope we all have a brave heart that nothing can defeat it.God bless china, god bless me in the same way.That’s all of I want to say.Thank you very much!
Made in China:To Win More Competitiveness
When referring to World Cup in South Africa in 2010,what occurs to you for the very first time?As for me,needless to say,it must be Made in China.To the world's astoundment,the appropriative soccers,Vuvuzelas,mascots named Zakumi,various Joy props,thematic scarves and even 50 thousand stadium seats are all made in China without exception.Chinese manufacturing has infiltrated into such worldwide competition and every nook and cranny in the world as well,showing China's impressive industrial productive forces.Nevertheless,nowadays Chinese manufacturing is suffering a crisis of confidence.Made in China is now regarded as low-end,poor quality and copycat which completely subverts the traditional impression foreign people have on it:Cheap and chunky.What makes Chinese manufacturing so cold-shouldered ? In recent years,a series of highly publicized quality sandals in exports from China like toxic toys and Davinci furnitures have severely harmed Chinese brand abroad.And large quantities of counterfeits which plagiarize originality of famous brands have caused legal disputes.What's more,China earns very little profits from Labor-oriented and Non-creative production.It says that one in four computers in the world comes from China but each computer produced only earns what 10 apples are worth.Large quantity but poor quality with no original creation seem to have been the strongest feature of Chinese manufacturing.It damages China's industrial reputation itself a lot and hinders export economy development and knowledge-based-economy to some extent.So how can Chinese manufacturing win more respect from International community? To improve Chinese products' quality,the government should attach great significance to increasing the supervising and managing dynamics of manufacturing.The higher eligibility criteria is urgently needed.For instance,in recent years,most Chinese exported tea have been detected pesticide ingredients and some countries have forbidden their importation.The relevant specialist pointed out that strictly controlling the quality is the only way to expand export steadily.In addition to meeting the strict standard in foreign countries,Chinese products must benefit Chinese people with high quality.To promote competitiveness of Chinese manufacturing,the creativity of “Made in China”brand can never be overlooked.As is known to all,Chinese factories are profoundly adept at making counterfeits of high-end brands.You may find it rather difficult to tell the difference between genuine Channel parcel and a fake one Made in China.As so called Copycat,Chinese companies have involved in lots of legal disputes.To change the actuality,Chinese state council made an announcement Chinese Manufacturing 2025 indicating that there's a plan for 10 years to improve Chinese products' innovation ability.When premier of Chinese State Council met the representatives of nationwide TAFE conference,he emphasized,“We're going to make Made in China upgrade to Excellent Creation on the basis of large quantities of technical people.”Indeed,education is fundamental to the development of a nation.We can increase technical people's creativity through developing them in vocational education to improve our competitiveness.With high quality,advanced technology,higher standard and progressive creativity,Chinese industries are bound to blossom and Chinese brands are going to thriving on the global markets with millions of products tagged “Created in China”.
My Chinese Dream
Good morning / afternoon ladies and gentlemen:
My name is …., a girl from …….It’s a great honor for me to stand here.My topic is “My Chinese Dream”.As is known to the world“where there is a river, there is a city”, but I want to say that where there is a person, there is a dream.Everyone has his or her dream.Some may want better education, some better jobs, some to help more people and so on.It may be something concrete or even a goal for life.Whatever it is, whether it is for inpiduals or society, it indicates the most beautiful thing in everyone’s heart.When I was a little girl, my parents told me that I am Chinese.I am proud of her large area and brilliant history.Whenever the Five-starred Red Flag rises gradually in the sky, my heart will be filled with profound respect and love to her.As I grow up, I know that she was once weak, invaded and have scars.Fortunately, we have the great Communist Party, who leads Chinese people to stand up and have more say on international affairs.So my Chinese Dream is that China can be stronger and Chinese people happier.That’s all, thank you.