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编辑:落花人独立 识别码:21-1121075 12号文库 发布时间: 2024-08-29 01:30:30 来源:网络


作 文



目 录

成长的烦恼.............................................................................................4 我的老师.................................................................................................5 自我介绍.................................................................................................7 狗.............................................................................................................9 《我与地坛》读书笔记........................................................................11 观纪录片有感.......................................................................................12 相识瞬间...............................................................................................13 《朝花夕拾》读后感............................................................................14 少年风采...............................................................................................16 老照片的故事.......................................................................................17









有一次我交作业时不小心把老师的水杯弄洒了,老师严肃的走了过来,我心想:完了,我要受批评了,怎么办,会不会罚我啊!老师走了过来,问我:“有没有烫着啊?以后一定要小心啊!”“咱们把水 擦干吧。”我听后十分温暖,我感受到了老师的爱。






没有一个人是完美的,当然我也许多缺点。但其中最“致命”的还是我非常的马虎。这个缺点已经伴随了我六年了,我真得很想改掉它。可是,我怎么努力也无济于事,总是在重要关头出现一些小错误。这 次期末考试就因为马虎丢了许多分。我真的希望我可以改掉这个缺点,我相信,只要凭我的努力,我一定能改掉它的!你们认识我了吗?


狗是人们宠爱的小动物,它温驯,活泼,可爱,能帮助人做事,博得主人的欢心。刚出生的小狗,眼睛闭着,叫声细弱,浑身光秃秃的,好似一个会蠕动的肉团,满月以后,才会长出一身细细的小绒毛,十分可爱,绒毛有许多颜色,但在成年后会慢慢褪掉,换成另外一种颜色的硬毛。刚满月的狗离不开奶,走路也不稳。狗吃的是杂食,最爱骨头和瘦肉,倘若扔一个水果或蔬菜之类的给它,只是嗅了一嗅便走开了,但如果它感觉非常饿,就会什么都吃。狗的脚掌生有肥厚而柔软的肉垫,走路悄然无声,不致惊跑猎物。脚趾末端生有锐利的钩爪,可以随意伸缩,抓到东西就不会放开,除非听到主人的命令。狗有许多种类,像:萨摩耶,哈士奇,金毛这样体型的狗被称作中型犬。而像: 泰迪,雪纳瑞,博美这样的就被称作小型犬。古英国牧羊犬、苏格兰牧羊犬、藏獒等则被称作大型犬。大型犬在城市里是不让养的。不同种类的狗会有不同的性格,藏獒十分凶猛,可以用于捕猎动物。金毛和拉布拉多却十分温顺,被人们训练成了导盲犬,为盲人指引方向,陪伴孤独的盲人。

在夜晚时,狗的眼睛会发出红色的光,这是它独有的视网膜,可以帮助它在夜间看到危险,在夜间捕食猎物,不会有半点马虎。人们 就是了解了这种眼睛,进而发明了夜视镜。


















这本书她甚至不认得是什么名字,却趁回家的时候买了。这使鲁迅对她的不满全都消除了。因为长妈妈这颗质朴的心,使作者忆起她,追念她,鲁迅写了这篇文章,表达出了自己对阿长的感激与怀念。一个小孩子因为一本书就满足了,他的这份童心与天真在现在可能很少见了。现在的小孩子不知为什么变得很成熟,经常与别的小孩 互相攀比。鲁迅的童年不能算美好的,但却是充实的。想想我们现在孩子的童年,不是游戏机,就是那些无聊的动画片,还有重重的学习压力,小孩子的童真都消失了。所以,我们要保留我们的那一份童心,让我们的生活更加美好!








老妈告诉我,我小的时候十分好玩,我有一个奇怪的习惯,那就是每次老妈一带我出门去公园玩,只要那个公园的东西我觉得无聊,我就会倒头大睡,直到睡醒为止,有许多时候我和老妈是走着出门的,回来时是老妈把我“扛”回来的,每次都弄得老爸老妈满头大汗。有一次我甚至在睡觉的时候流了老妈一肩膀口水,而我却浑然不觉。我还有一个奇怪的习惯,那就是只要肚子饿了,我就开始哭,什么话都不说。让老妈、老爸、爷爷、奶奶他们丈二和尚摸不着头脑,以为我身上哪里磕了碰了,因为疼才这样哭的。后来,他们才知道,是因为我肚子饿的缘故。所以,以后我每次出门去公园一哭,老妈就带我去饭店吃饭,让我填饱了肚皮再出发。妈妈说她特别不愿意带我出门,我想就是因为这两点原因吧…… 看了很多我小时候的照片后,我突然觉得:我小的时候是那么的天真可爱!





My grandfather is 68 years old now.When he was a boy, he lived in a small village.He started school at the age of nine.He went to school on foot, because he didn’t have a bike.He listened to the radio.He watched films, he didn’t watched TV, because there weren’t TV then.He liked playing basketball with his friends after school.He was a good student at school.2.作文【二】给你的朋友写一封电子邮件,谈谈你的上一个假期。假设你叫Wang Li, 你的朋友叫Tom.Dear Tom,How are you? On my last holiday, I went to Guangzhou.It’s in the south of China.It’s the capital of Guangdong Province.Tt’s a big city.I went there with my parents.It took us three hours to get there by bus.We spent two days there.The next day, we went for a walk in Zhongshan Park.We bought lots of things.The people there are very friendly.I like Guangzhou, I hope to go there again.2.3.作文【三】请以My primary school life 为题,写一篇作文介绍你的小学生活。My primary school was Red Star Primary School.I started at the age of seven.I went to school on foot.Classes began at 7:00am and finished at 5:00pm.Mr Wang was my first teacher.She was friendly to us.Li Ping was my first friend.He studied hard.He was well-behaved at school.But I was naughty then.My favourite subject was maths.I liked playing basketball after school.4.作文【四】介绍一位英雄人物(或你喜欢的人),包括他的出生时间,地点,工作,说说你喜欢他/她的原因。

Yang Liwei is our national hero.He was born in June 1965.He is 44 years old now.He lives in Beijing now.He has a happy family.In 1987, he became a pilot.In 1998, he became an astronaut.On October 10th, 202_, Yang Liwei went into space with the Shenzhou 5 spacecraft.He is China’s first astronaunt.He is great.I like him very much.5.写一段话,说说你下个周末打算做什么。

I am going to be busy next weekend.On Saturday morning, I am going to stay at home and do some cleaning.In the afternoon, I am going to play football with Daming.In the evening, I am going to listen to a concert.On Sunday morning, I am going to get up early and cook the meal for my friends.In the afternoon, I am going to do my homework.In the evening, I am going to listen to music and go to bed early.6.以Our dream school为题,Our dream school will have big classrooms and large playground.Everyone will have computers.The computers will do many jobs.Students will send their homework to their teachers by email.Students will still use paper, pens and books, but teachers won’t write on the blackboard.They will talk to their students on the Internet.7.写一封电子邮件给的笔友,告诉他/她此刻你在为春节做准备,以及春节通常会做什么。

Dear Tom,Here in China it’s Spring Festival and we’re getting ready.My father is cleaning the window.My brother is sweeping the floor.My mother is making a meal.I am making lanterns.Usually we buy new clothes.We usually have a haircut.We always get presents from our family and friends.And we often eat dumplings.8. Look at the picture.There are some boys in the picture.They are playing basketball.Near them under the tree, two girls are reading a book.Who are working near the house ? Two boys and a girl.Can you see the birds in the tree? I think they are singing.They are having a good time.9. Last summer I went to the beach.My holiday was very good.I went there bybus and my bus trip was relaxing.The beach was very beautiful.It was sunny and cool.The people were friendly and the food was delicious.I enjoyed my holiday very much and I hope to go there again.10.My Hometown

My hometown is Pan’an.It is a small town.It is in the middle of Zhejiang.It has a population of 200.000.It is famous for mushrooms.The people there are friendly.It is hot in summer and cold in winter.It’s my hometown.Do you like it?

11.I’m going to Hainan Island for a holiday.So I _____(go)to a supermarket and _______(buy)some food and drinks.There ___(is)much traffic on the road and I ____(spend)two hours getting to Low Price Market.At the gate I ___(see)the clock over the door and it was 11:00.I _______(want)to buy some bread and ________(return)home quickly.But then I ___(meet)myfriend John.I ______(talk)with him until 1:00 p.m.When I _______(arrive)home, I was veryhungry.



My Learning Plan

I will remember the text of the Chinese and the English words and Phrase in the morning.I should take notes__ write down the important language points the teather tought.In the evening, before go to bed I will review the important points, that is very important, In adition,I will write diary __write down the interesting things and my secret thougnts,that is also benefital to my composition writing.用所学语言简单介绍自己熟知的城市

Nanjing,the capital of Jiangsu Province,lies in the southeast of China.It has a population of about 5 million.The city has a history of more than 2400 years,and was once the capitals of ten dynastis.You can stay in a hotel.The service there is good,you will feel satisfied.There are a lot of resturants,you can choose one and have good meal at there.Nanjing is a beautiful city,it has a lot of places of interest,such as the Xuanwu Lake,the Jiming Temple and the Stone City.You can go any where you want.It also has many modern factories,high buildings and a long bridge.If you want to go there,you can by train or by air.用形容词最高级形式描写自己的假期旅行

An unforgetful trip

I went Chong Qing in July 22.It is a city which was built near mountains.So people call it Mountain City.In Chong Qing,I went to the Red Stone Center, to see the places which the prisoners lived in the past.It is a terrible and awful trip.There are a lot of dogs, and soldiers with guns near the prisons.And most of the prisons are good, they didn't want to tell the bad people where the other people were.They lived in very small houses.No good food to eat, no good water to drink.They had only twenty minutes to stay out side per day but they still said nothing.I think they are the heros in that century.I will follow their spirit.按照时间顺序描述一个人的生活经历

Lei Feng was a model soldier, On December 1 8,1940, he was born in a poor peasant family in a little mountain village of Hunan Province.He didn't go to school till 1950.At the age of 18, he worked as a steel worker.He was often praised for his good job.On January 8, 1960, he joined the army.In the same year, he joined the Communist Party.He loved the Party and the people, and constantly did good for others.As a result, he became a model soldier.After his death, Chairman Mao called on the people to “Learn from Comrade Lei Feng”.The whole nation were moved by his deeds.Lei Feng's spirit will live in our hearts forever.


大众版 1(By, Doris Yang.)

My Friend

My best friend is Zoey.Let me tell you something about her.First of all, she is of medium height and lovely.She likes travelling very much.For example, last week, she went to the farm.She said it was great!She went to the farm and saw a lot of animals.She also milked a cow.And, she took a lot of photos and bought some gifts.She also brought me a very lovely gift.I love it very much.be friend.大众版 2(By, Doris Yang.)

June 27th

Last weekend, I went to a farm with my best friend, Zoey.She’s a beautiful girl.We went camping in a village.The farmer showed us around there.And we picked some apples and ate them.They were delicious.We also went fishing.The air was so clean.day, wasn’tit?

大众版 3(日记)By, Doris Yang.June 27th

I had a busy weekend.On Saturday morning, I cleaned my room.And in the afternoon, I stayed at home and studied for a test.In the evening, I watched the soccer game with my father.Next day, I went to the beach with my friend Zoey.She’s of medium height.And she has long black hair.We also went swimming in the sea.We had a good time!What a busy weekend I had!


A Happy Day

---By Cassiel

I had a happy day.Yesterday I went to the farm with my friend, Jenny.She has long black hair and big eyes.She doesn’t wear glasses.She usually wears school uniform.She is good at playing the violin.So she joins the school music club.I like her because she is really fun and interesting.In her free time, she often tells lots of jokes to me.Yesterday we went there by bus.It only took us half an hour to get there.We went for a walk around the farm and talked with a farmer.I took some photos about the farm.It was very interesting.Then I picked some apples and took them home.about farming.How happy a day this is!

升级版 2

My Friend

---By Yubo

I have a lot of friends, but my best friend is Eric.He and I are in the same class.He is thin.And he is of medium height.He has short black hair and he doesn’twear glasses.He has bright eyes.He has an oval face.He usually wears sports shoes.I like him because he is handsome.He also is warm-hearted.Last weekend, he and I went to the library.We took the bus.When we got on the bus, we found two seats.We sat down.Just at that time, an old woman got on the bus slowly, but there were no seat.When Eric saw it , he stood up and gave his seat to her.Though he had to stand all the way, he said, he was very happy.How fantastic Eric is!

升级版 3

My School Trip

----By Anne

On the weekend, my school went on a school trip to a farm.It was a rainy day.We went there by bus.In the bus, I sat beside my best friend, Shadell.She has long hair and big eyes.She’s of medium height.Well, she is a good girl.The ride was quite long, it’s about 1 hour.At the farm, we saw lots of animals, like pigs, sheep, cows and so on.The donkeys were kind of noisy, they were always going, heehaw, heehaw.We also saw lots ofplants, like grapes, cotton and strawberries.In the afternoon, Shadell and I talked with the farmer.The farmer told us a lot about farming, it was quite interesting.still a fun trip.



my favorite Olympic sports

Different people have different life style.For example, some people usually go shopping on weekends ,some people usually sleep on weekends.But ,today most people usually do some sports on weekends.Because there are a lot of work to do and they always fell much pressure on weekdays.So they hardly ever exercise and they always feel unheathy.I exercise my body every day.And I have a good eating habits.So I am heathy.For me, I like many sports, such as, running , playing soccerball,playing tennis and so on.But my favorite sports is playing basketball.I often play basketball on weekends.First, I think it is very exciting.Second, it make me have many friends in basketball court.third.it's good for my healthy.But I play basketball ran out of my free time.then I don't get good grades.Sometimes beacase of playing basketball, I always got injured.So my parents often worried about me.sometimes my parents stop me from playing basketball, sometimes I afaird that my parents won't buy basketball any more.However, I like playing basketball very much.I've been playing basketball since I was ten.I think it's very important for my life.I' m sure that will make my life colorful and interesting.my favorite Olympic sports

I like table-tennis,chess and football.Football is my favourite sport.I'm good at playing football.I think it's easy for me.I have my favourite football player.He is Shevchenko.He's in AC Milan Club.I want to te a famous football player like Shevchenko.I often play football with my father at weekends.On Sunday I like to watch football matches.My favourite classroom in the future

We will have a beautiful classroom.There will be a satellite TV on the frontwall of our classroom.Each of us will have a computeron the desk.We can study on the Internet.We will not use pens or pencils.Wewill write on theourcomputers.It won’t be hot in summerand won’t de cold in winter.I like our future classroom.I hope that the arrival of this day as soon as possible.in the future

We will have a beautiful classroom.There will be a satellite TV on the frontwall of our classroom.Each of us will have a computeron the desk.We can study on the Internet.We will not use pens or pencils.Wewill write on theourcomputers.It won’t be hot in summerand won’t de cold in winter.I like our future classroom.I hope that the arrival of this day as soon as possible.I love Spring Festival

Spring Festival is the most importantand popular festival in China.Before Spring Festival ,the people usually clean and decorate their houses.And they go to the Flower Fairs to buy some flowers.During Spring Festival ,the adults usually give lucky money to children.People often get together and have a big meal.Some people eat dumpling for dinner.I love Spring Festival.
