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新东方 考研 写作精讲
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第一篇:新东方 考研 写作精讲

考研基础班网络课堂写作讲义 北京新东方学校 王江涛

第一节 考研写作总论









二、评卷实例:202_年真题 Directions: Among all the worthy feelings of mankind, love is

probably the noblest, but everyone had his/her own

understanding of it.There has been a discussion recently on the issue

in a newspaper.Write an essay to the newspaper to 1)show your understanding of the symbolic meaning

of the picture below, 2)give a specific example, and 3)give your suggestion as to the best way to show


Among all the worthy feelings of mankind, love is

probably the noblest.It is of the utmost

importance to the human beings.Everybody not only

needs love, but also should give love.As is described in the picture, “love is a lamp which is brighter in darker places.” This is

indeed true.People in darker places need more

light than ordinary people.Maybe even a dim light

can give them much hope for a better life and

progress.Maybe even a dim light can give them

much hope for a better life and progress.Maybe

just a thread of light will call forth their

strength and courage to step out of their

difficulties.For instance when someone is starving to death,just a little food and water from you may save his

life.Or when a little girl in a poor rural area

drops out of school because of poverty, just a

small sum of money from you may support her to

finish her schooling and change her life, you have

given love which is like a lamp in a dark place

where light is most needed.So to sum up, we should offer our help to all who

are in need.We expect to get love from others and

we also give love to others so when you see

someone in difficulty or in distress and in need

of help, don’t hesitate to give your love to him.I believe then the relationship between people will be harmonious and our society will be a

better place for us to live in.2、18分范文

It is generally believed that love is a hot topic

which is most talked about.This is true not only

in China but also in other countries.We live in

different countries, speak different languages,but love is something common to us all.But how to

show love may be different with different people

in different countries.This is something we

should give more thought to.As is shown in the picture, love is like a lamp

which shines brightest in dark places.This tells

us a simple truth: Love is like a lamp.It is most

valuable when it is most needed.For example, once

I saw a foreign lady get lost in the street.She

could not speak Chinese and nobody seemed to be

able to help her.Though my English is not very

good and I am a shy person, I thought she needed

help very much.I asked her what she wanted.She

told me she lost her way, so I showed her the way

to her hotel.It was a small thing but she thanked

me very much because my help was needed very much.My help was like a lamp in dark places.I think we all should be like a lamp in a dark

place, showing our love, giving our help to

others, even to strangers.In this way, we can

make this world a harmonious and peaceful world.三、复习计划:







1)14:00-14:15 写作A节

2)14:15-14:50 写作B节

3)14:50-16:00 阅读A节

4)16:00-16:20 完型填空

5)16:20-16:40 阅读B节

6)16:40-17:00 阅读C节

第二节 应用文



1、十遍精读: 1)精彩词汇 2)精彩词组 3)精彩句型


5)段落结构:总分总,主题句+论证(+小结)6)关联词:小作文3-5个,大作文5-7个 7)同义替换:词汇+句型 8)代词替换:it, that, they 9)精彩观点: 10)原因建议:










明或议论性的文章。短文写作时,考生应能: 1)做到语法、拼写、标点正确,用词恰当; 2)遵循文章的特定文体格式;

3)合理组织文章结构,使其内容统一、连贯; 4)根据写作目的和特定读者,恰当使用语域。
































1)不认识负责人:Dear Sir or Madam, Dear

Sir/Madam, To whom it may concern, 2)认识负责人:Dear Mr./Ms.President/Professor/Manager/Editor, Dear President(Michael)Wang,2、写给个人

1)关系不亲密:Dear Mr./Ms.President/Professor/Manager/Editor, Dear President(Michael)Wang, 2)关系亲密:Dear Michael,(二)正文:3段、7句、100-120词、3-5关联词、3-5 从句

1、第一段:2句 1)自我介绍

(1)I am a staff member from your

company/corporation.(2)I am a


duate from the Department of Chinese Language and

Literature of Beijing University.2)写作目的:I am writing the letter in

purpose of ordering some books/resigning from my

current post/position.2、第二段:3句






(1)My appreciation to you for your generous

help is beyond words.(2)Words fail me when I want to express my

sincere gratitude to you.(3)I take this opportunity to show my

heartfelt appreciation for the kind assistance you

rendered me.2)期待回信

(1)I am looking forward to your reply/hearing

from you soon.(2)I look forward to a favorable reply at your

earliest convenience.(3)Your prompt attention to my inquiry would be

highly appreciated.(三)落款 Yours sincerely,Li Ming


1、大纲样题:订购信 Directions: You are preparing for an English test and are in

need of some reference books.Write a letter to

the sales department of a bookstore to ask for: 1)detailed information about the books you

want, 2)methods of payment, 3)time and way of delivery.Dear Sir or Madam, As I am planning to take the National Entrance

Test of English for MA/MS Candidates(NETEM), I

have decided to place an order of some NETEM books

with due consideration of the good reputation of

your bookstore and the high quality of your books.Firstly, please give me particular accounts as

regards names, authors, publishing houses and

prices of these books.Secondly, I also need to

know the terms of payment and after-sell service.Thirdly, I wonder if it is convenient for you to

deliver these books by EMS to the headquarters of

Beijing New Oriental School by September 1, 202_.I have arranged to pay for the service.I would like to express my gratitude for your kind

consideration of my requests.I look forward to

hearing from you soon.Yours sincerely, Li Ming

第三节 段落写作

一、书信类应用文 2、202_真题:辞职信+道歉信

Directions: Two months ago, you got a job as an

editor for the magazine Fashion & Design.But now

you find that the work is not what you expected.You decide to quit.Write a letter to your boss

Mr.Wang, telling him your decision, stating your

reason(s), and making an apology.Dear Mr.Wang, I am writing to inform you about my decision to

resign from my current position.The primary reasons are as follows.First, after

two months, I do feel that it is not easy for me

to get used to the extra work and night shift.Second, the salary has proven to be much lower

than you originally promised, and I have a large

family to support.Last, what I have learned in

the university cannot meet the requirement of

being an editor.I feel terribly sorry for the inconvenience I have

caused.I sincerely hope that you approve of my

resignation.Yours sincerely, Li Ming 3、202_真题:请求信 Directions:

You want to contribute to Project Hope by

offering financial aid to a child in a remote

area, write a letter to the department concerned,asking them to help find a candidate.You should

specify what kind of child you want to help and

how you will carry out your plan.Write your

letter in no less than 100 words.Write it neatly

on ANSWER SHEET 2.Don't sign your own name at the end of the letter,use “Li Ming” instead.Don't write the address.(10 points)

To whom it may concern, As a student who can support myself, I am writing

to request if you can help me find a potential

beneficiary of Project Hope.I wonder whether it is convenient for you if two

things regarding the child are taken into account.First, the child should come from Sichuan Province

because I intend to help a child from my hometown.Second, it will be better if he or she is a

primary school student who was forced to drop

school because of abject poverty.I would like to help the recipient of my

assistance annually until he graduates from

college.Firstly, the money will cover his tuition

fee and other expenses at school.Besides, I will

correspond with him frequently so that he can seek

advice whenever he needs.Your prompt attention to

my inquiry would be highly appreciated.Yours sincerely, Li Ming


Directions: You are the president of a company.Write a memo to Percy Shelley, the vice-president

on the employee’s training on computer, telling

him the need to train the employees, detailed

information, and ask him to write a plan.Date:January 20, 202_ To:Percy Shelley, Vice President From:Li Ming, President Subject:Computer Training of the Staff As we discussed earlier this week, I agree with

you that our firm is faced up with problem of the

high rate of computer illiteracy of the staff.We

need to make up a plan for training our employees

in the new field.I would like you to design our own in-house

computer-training program.We had better classify

the employees and put them through the program in

turn.Write up a brief proposal, describing what you

think the program should cover.Assume the class

runs four hours a week for ten weeks.Also, assume

people have no prior computer knowledge or any

formal course work in computer science.5、摘要:










(二)分类:通告/通知、启事、其他 经典范文:征稿启事


Your journal is planning to publish an issue.Write a contributions wanted which covers the

following information:

1)the purpose of the issue,2)time and methods of delivery,3)other details.You should write about 100 words.Do not sign

your own name at the end of the notice.Contributions Wanted February 3, 202_ To celebrate the 14th anniversary of the Beijing

New Oriental Education and Technology Group, this

journal has decided to publish a special issue on

our great achievements in the teaching and

research activities in the past 14 years.Articles, photos, memoirs and other writings

related to this topic are invited.Faculty members

and students are welcome to send in their

contributions in whatever forms or styles to our

office before the 30th instant.They may also send

their writings and photos electronically to the

following address: xdfyy@staff.neworiental.org

The Editorial Office

New Oriental English Journal

三、真题透视:参见新东方考研写作教材P.12 1、1991: DIRECTIONS: A)Title: WHERE TO LIVE---IN THE CITY OR THE

COUNTRY? B)Time limit: 40 minutes C)Word limit: 120-150 words(not including the given opening sentence)D)Your composition should be based on the

OUTLINE below and should start with the given

opening sentence.E)Your composition must be written clearly

in the ANSWER SHEET.OUTLINE: 1.Conveniences of the city 2.Attractions of the country 3.Disadvantages of both 4.My preference 2、1992: DIRECTIONS: A)Title: FOR A BETTER UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN

PARENT AND CHILD B)Time limit: 40 minutes C)Word limit: 120-150 words(not including

the given opening sentence)D)Your composition should be based on the

OUTLINE below and should start with the given

opening sentence.E)Your composition must be written clearly

in the ANSWER SHEET.OUTLINE: 1.Present situation: Lack of communication

between parent and child 2.Possible reasons: 1)Different likes and dislikes 2)Misunderstanding 3)Others 3.Suggestions: 1)For parents 2)For children 3、1993:


A)Title: ADVERTISEMENT ON TV B)Time limit: 40 minutes C)Word limit: 120-150 words(not including

the given opening sentence)D)Your composition should be based on the

OUTLINE below and should start with the given

opening sentence: “Today more and more

advertisements are seen on the TV screen.” E)Your composition must be written clearly

in the ANSWER SHEET.OUTLINE: 1.Present state 2.Reasons 3.My comments 4、1994:


A)Title: ON MAKING FRIENDS B)Time limit: 40 minutes C)Word limit: 120-150 words(not including

the given opening sentence)D)Your composition should be based on the

OUTLINE below and should start with the given

opening sentence: “As a human being, one can

hardly do without a friend.”

E)Your composition must be written clearly

on the ANSWER SHEET.OUTLINE: 1.The need for friends 2.True friendship 3.My principle in making friends 5、1995:


A)Title: THE “PROJECT HOPE” B)Time limit: 40 minutes C)Word limit: 120-150 words(not including

the given opening sentence)D)Your composition should be based on the

OUTLINE below and should start with the given

opening sentence: “Education plays a very

important role in the modernization of our


E)Your composition must be written neatly on

the ANSWER SHEET.OUTLINE: 1.Present situation 2.Necessity of the project 3.My suggestion 6、1996:


A)Title: GOOD HEALTH B)Time limit: 40 minutes C)Word limit: 120-150 words(not including

the given opening sentence)D)Your composition should be based on the

OUTLINE below and should start with the given

opening sentence: “The desire for good health is


E)Your composition must be written neatly on

the ANSWER SHEET.OUTLINE: 1.Importance of good health 2.Ways to keep fit 3.My own practices 7、1997:

202_年大纲样题 Directions:

Widespread tobacco consumption has led to grave

consequences, yet the tobacco companies still

claim that they make a valuable contribution to

the world economy.There is a discussion in a newspaper on the above

two viewpoints.Write an essay to the newspaper 1)Criticizing their view and 2)Justify your stand.In your essay, make full use of the information

provided in the pictures printed below.You should write about 200 words on ANSWER SHEET

II.8、1998: Directions: A.Study the following set of pictures

carefully and write an essay in no less than 150

words.B.Your essay must be written clearly on the

ANSWER SHEET II.C.Your essay should cover all the

information provided and meet the requirements below: 1.Write out the messages conveyed by the cartoon.2.Give your comments.9、1999: DIRECTIONS: A.Study the following graphs carefully and

write an essay in at least150 words.B.Your essay must be written clearly on the

ANSWER SHEET II.C.Your essay should cover these three

points: 1.effect of the country’s growing human

population on its wildlife 2.possible reason for the effect 3.your suggestion for wildlife protection

10:202_: Directions: Study the following two pictures carefully and

write an essay to

1.Describe the pictures 2.Deduce the purpose of the drawer of the

pictures, and

3.Suggest counter-measures You should write about 200 words neatly on ANSWER

SHEET II 11、202_: Directions: Among all the worthy feelings of mankind, love is

probably the noblest, but everyone had his/her own

understanding of it.There has been a discussion recently on the issue

in a newspaper.Write an essay to the newspaper to 1)show your understanding of the symbolic meaning

of the picture below, 2)give a specific example, and 3)give your suggestion as to the best way to show

love.12、202_: Directions: Study the following picture carefully and write an

essay entitled “Cultures---National and


In the essay you should 1.describe the picture and interpret its

meaning, and 2.give your comments on the phenomenon.You should write about 200 words neatly on ANSWER

SHEET II.An American girl in traditional Chinese costume 13、202_: Directions: Study the following pictures carefully and write

an essay about 200 words based on the following 1.describe the set of drawings and interpret

its meaning 2.point out its implications in our life.14、202_: Directions: Study the following drawing carefully and write an

essay in which you should 1.describe the drawing.2.interpret its meaning, and 3.support your view with examples.You should write about 200 words neatly on ANSWER

SHEET 2.15、202_: Directions:

Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the

following drawing.In your essay ,you should first

describe the drawing the interpret its meaning,and give your comment on it.You should write neatly on ANSWER SHEET2.(20



Directions: Study the following photos carefully

and write an essay in which you should 1)describe the photos briefly;

2)interpret the social phenomenon reflected

by them,3)give your point of view.You should write 160-200 words neatly on ANSWER

SHEET 2.(20 points)




注:Beckham(贝克汉姆):英国足球明星。17、202_: Directions: Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the

following drawing.In your essay, you should 1)describe the drawing briefly, 2)explain its intended meaning, and then

3)support your view with an example/examples.You should write neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.(20




第四节 两图写作






















1、First(ly), In the first place, First and

foremost, Above all, On the one hand, For one

thing,2、Second(ly), In the second place, Besides,In addition, What is more, Furthermore, Moreover,On the other hand, For another

3、Third(ly),(The)Last but not(the)least,More importantly, Even worse,(三)转:观点转折、反面论证

Conversely, Nevertheless, Unfortunately, Whereas,Yet, Instead, In/By comparison/contrast, On the


(四)合:文章结尾、合并归纳 As a result/consequence, Consequently,Accordingly, Thus, Hence, Generally/Briefly



The set of drawings above vividly depicts the

destiny of a flower in different circumstances.As

is shown in the first cartoon, the flower is

placed in a comfortable greenhouse which shelters

it from the threatening lightening and storm.With

proper temperature, moisture and fertilizer, the

flower is growing in full bloom.On the contrary,when removed from the greenhouse and exposed to

the driving rain, the flower soon fades and withers, with the petals cast about on the

grounds.To begin with, the purpose of the drawings is to

show us that the flower growing in the green house

cannot withstand the test of the storm, yet the

symbolic meanings subtly conveyed should be taken

more seriously.The delicate flower is naturally

associated with young people, to be specific, the

only children in our current society;the

greenhouse epitomizes parents’ doting care and

abundant material supplies that can shield the

children from the storms, or the harsh reality.Once the young people begin to seek independence

and accept challenges from the real world, they

are found too spoiled to be strong enough in the

face of difficulties.Accordingly, it is vital for us to derive positive

implications from these thought-provoking

drawings.On the one hand, we can frequently use

them to enlighten the youth to be more independent

in life.On the other hand, parents should be

sensible enough to give their children more

freedom to deal with troubles and problems.Only by undergoing more challenges and toils in

adversity can young people cultivate strong

personality and ability, and only in this way can

they become winners in this competitive world.(二)202_高分作文: 1、18分作文样例一

The photos vividly depict that nowadays many

people, especially, young fellows are tracing such

fashion.The first one signed the name of Beckham

on his left face, while the second one asked the

hairdresser to copy the hair style of Beckham with

about 300 yuan.Both of them are typical fans of

the well-known British football player-Beckham.This kind of social phenomenon is not entirely a

coincidence.There are reasons accounting for this

fashion.Firstly, with the rapid development of

society, some people feel dull and desperate about

the reality, so they desire to find some famous

people as their idols.In the way, they feel

satisfied with their life and have a goal to

achieve.Secondly, just opposite to the above,others are just fashion tracers.They barely want

to show that they are keeping step with the

fashion.Thirdly, some people even don’t have any special purpose but to do it as others.In their

deep heart, they don’t treat it as fashion but as

fun.Frankly speaking, this social phenomenon is very

dangerous to the whole society.Some young men

spend most of their time decorating themselves as

their idols.As a result, they don’t have enough

time to study or work, then they are always left

behind.Moreover, it is harmful to the

establishment of a harmonious society.To draw a conclusion, we don’t deny that people

should have their idols to admire, but in a

sensible way.They can learn from what they have

achieved and try to behave that way.And also

parents should give proper advice to their

children to form a proper outlook of the world.第五节 一图写作


(二)202_高分作文: 2、18分作文样例二

More and more young people are increasingly

influenced by foreign culture.As can be clearly

seen from the above picture, a young gentleman

puts “Beckham” on his face.Another decently

dressed young gentleman is willing to pay 300 yuan

to have his hair made in his favorite style.It is

clear that the picture implies a common phenomenon

in our society today: more and more people,especially the young, are endlessly chasing

popular things, disregarding the cost that they

must pay.There are at least three good reasons for this

phenomenon.In the first place, the spreading of

foreign culture in our country in recent years may

be the main reason.Secondly, many young people in

our modern society have an open mind.Consequently, they are willing to accept new

things.Last but not least, a lot of people have

become richer and richer.As a result, they can

pay for the expense to do that kind of things.There may be other reasons, but it is generally

believed that the above mentioned reasons are

commonly acceptable.As far as I am concerned, the spreading of foreign

culture in our society is not a bad thing.But as

a popular saying goes, every thing has two sides.This phenomenon is without exception.My

suggestion as to the best way to cope with the

problem is as follows.On the one hand, people

should take a proper attitude toward this

phenomenon.On the other hand, our society is

expected to appeal to the general public to resist

its bad effect.I am sure that my opinion is both

sound and well-grounded.二、英语全攻略:






1)女生:Romeo and Juliet, Jean Eyre,Love Story

2)男生:Bible, Ancient Greek and Roman

Mythology, The Old Man and the Sea





4、写作:中译英 三、一图写作

(一)1998高分作文: 1、14分作文样例一:

The past several years have witnessed a phenomenon

that a variety of promises have been arising from

all walks of life.Regretably, quite a lot of

promises are sheer nonsense, just as the hen in

the given cartoon commits herself to lay eggs

which are round without any angles and corners and have shells, egg whites and yolks.Odds and funny as they sound, such false

promises can be seen and heard everywhere in our

country.Administration departments assure to

perform their tasks effectively and fairly without

taking any bribes;manufacturing units guarantee

to turn out products of good quality;commercial

enterprises swear to provide genuine commodities

and polite and enthusiastic services.Can you find

anything new and substantial other than their

obligations, duties and jobs in these so called

promises? I guess your answer will be negative.As

a matter of fact, their intention to make such

commitments is nothing but to put on civilized

outer clothing to please or deceive the public.I dare say that your society is suffering

corruption and cheat which are causing damage to

society both materially and morally.But the hen

and her like should know that by dishonest words

no one can survive the intense competition under

market economy system.They should remember the

old saying, “Honesty is the best policy”.2、14分作文样例二:

Here is an interesting cartoon: With her head held high, maybe singing, a hen stands

proudly in the center of the picture with a notice

in hand.It says: “Firstly, I promise that the

eggs I lay are absolutely round without any square

corners.Secondly, they all have shells and cores.” It’s so ridiculous that we can’t help

laughing.But after that there must be something

left.Recently, many promises have come up in

many walks of life, especially the service

departments.They promise you that they will

provide you with warm smile service and good

products.AT first you are moved nearly to thank

them.But if you think twice, you may wonder if

those should be their duties.It goes without

saying that factories should produce goods of

quality, department stores should serve customers

politely, buses should arrive on time, and so

forth, because all of these are their

responsibilities.But why should they promise what

are their due jobs? One reason may be that they

want to correct their past mistakes under the

planned economic system.Another is that they

intend to improve their images and please the

customers.In my opinion, trying to be better is

worth welcoming, but making empty and false

promises is unacceptable.If factories, companies,stores and administrations do their jobs wee

rather than talk nonsense, our society will be

more prosperous.(二)202_高分作文: 1、20分作文样例:参见考研写作教材P.53(1)(1)This is a very interesting picture of a

lovely American girl dressed in traditional

Chinese costume with a sweet smile on her face.She wears a pearl necklace, colorful ribbon, ear

rings, and other decorating things that are

characteristic of the clothes of a Chinese

minority nationality.It is obvious that as a

result of our open-door policy, more and more

foreigners visit China and become interested in

our national culture, which is making it go

international.There is no reason to make a fuss about

this phenomenon.With the rapid development of

technology and economy, the world is becoming

smaller and smaller, and international cultural

exchanges have become more and more frequent,which is inevitably improving our mutual

understanding and friendship with other countries.As Chinese citizens, we should respect our

own national culture and learn useful things from

the cultures of different nations, which will

enable us to make great progress in many ways.I

believe a happy and bright future is awaiting us

if we make every effort to promote cultural

development both nationally and internationally.2、18分作文样例:参见考研写作教材P.53(2)(2)Nowadays, “national culture or

international culture” has become a matter of

great concern for the general public in our

society, especially for those who are confronted

with this problem.Now let’s take a look at the

American girl in traditional Chinese costume.She

looks very beautiful with a nice smile on her

face.It seems that the girl is very fond of the

Chinese costume.Obviously, the picture indicates that a

culture of one nation may become international,which is beneficial to all the human beings.Since

China has opened its door widely to the outside

world, many people from different countries want

to visit China.They will accept and love the

Chinese culture as a whole.In addition, Chinese

culture should be well shared with foreign people

who have shown their great interest in it.Meanwhile, the Chinese people are also exposed to

foreign cultures when more foreign people come to

China.In this way people from various nations in

the world will be able to acquire better

understanding of each other and live peacefully in

this world.My opinion about this cultural phenomenon

is that a national culture should become

international.This is because the culture of any

nation is a kind of precious heritage, and belongs

to the whole mankind.(三)202_高分作文: 2、18分作文样例:

As is shown in the picture, on arriving at the

finishing line of a race on the playground, the

lovely young man has to continue his new journey

in no time instead of stopping to take a rest.He

has successfully settled the puzzle of “stopping

or going on” which might have confused many

others.With the increasing pace of modern life, perhaps

no change has characterized the past decase more

dramatically than that of people’s view on their

own life.It is generally agreed upon that people

have to adjust themselves to this new change.On

the one hand, no doubt, people will gain a lot by

setting new goals in their daily life.take the

famous scientist Thomas Edison for example.He had

done very well in his early life, but continued to

pursue something more difficult all through his

life.On the other hand, if one is obsessed with

the success he has achieved, he would lose the

chance to pursue new success.What is more, he may

become the slave of his success.There are many

cases showing that people lose their courage to

better themselves after becoming successful.To sum up, one’s view on his success determines

his future.In my opinion, it is necessary to

carry out a nation-wide campaign publicizing

people who have a burning desire for more and ever

greater achievement when they are already well-

known.So that people in the society will develop

a forward-looking attitude and make their life

worth living and the world more beautiful as well.第六节 图表作文一、一图写作:

(三)202_高分作文: 2、16分作文样例:参见考研写作教材P.65(1)(1)The cartoon depicts a vivid picture in

which an athlete, dripping sweat, is rushing to

the end.Obviously, he wins the match, but this is

not the key message conveyed by the picture.The

most striking feature of the drawing is that the

same line is marked as both “the start” and

“the end”, which indicates that although the

athlete came to the finish, a new race is waiting

for him.The idea conveyed by the cartoon is

apparent: the end is a new start.It is widely

accepted that we should not be satisfied with the

present achievement, for nowadays new challenges

and competition never stop.The market economy and

competitive society drives many people studying

hard for higher academic degrees, some of them

even seeking the opportunities to study abroad.We

should spare no efforts improving ourselves,master high technology and professional skills.The we can make use of it to devote ourselves to

society.Take my father as an example.He was

denied higher education for historical reasons.But by self-study he became a technician in a

factory.Many people thought he was content.But

he never stopped studying.He took courses of law

in his spare time.Later he became a lawyer.“The

finishing point is just a new starting point”, he

said to me.二、钻石句型: 第一段


1.When asked about…, most people believe

that…, but other people consider it differently.2.When it comes to…, people’s opinions differ.Some hold the opinion that…, while others claim

that….3.There is no consensus of opinions among

people as to the role of ….Some people claim that…, while others believe that….4.There is a general discussion today about

the issue of ….Those who criticize … argue that

„.They believe that ….But people who advocate

„, on the other hand, argue that….5.Most are of the opinion that….But I

personally believe that….6.Now people in growing numbers are beginning

to realize that….7.Now, it is generally acknowledged that…,but I doubt whether….(二)图表描述

1.In 1990, it increased/decreased from … to

„.2.By comparison with 1998, it

increased/decreased by …

3.The figure has nearly doubled, compared

with that of last year.4.It has increased/decreased almost three

times, compared with ….5.The number is twice as much as that of

1990.6.It accounts for … percent of the total.7.The number was …, less/more than a

half/third/quarter of the 1990 total.第二段


1.The phenomenon/change in … mainly

results/arises from the fact that … 2.One may regard the phenomenon as a sign

of/ response to …

3.There are many causes/reasons for the

dramatic growth/decrease.Firstly, … Secondly, …

Finally, …

4.A number of factors can account for the

change in …

5.Another contributory factor of … is … 6.Why are/do/did …? For one thing, … For

another, … Perhaps the primary reason is … 7.… is also responsible for the

rise/decrease in …


1.The advantages of A outweigh any benefit

we gain from B.2.Good as A is, it has its own

disadvantages.For one thing, it …;for another,it …

3.Although A has

enormous/substantial/considerable advantage over

B, it cannot compete with B in …

4.A’s advantage sounds ridiculous/means

nothing when B’s advantage are considered.(三)利弊说明

1.Although a lot of people believe that …,I doubt/wonder whether the argument bears much

analysis/close examination.2.As opposed to widely held ideas, I argue

that …

3.Although the popular belief/idea is that

„, a current study/survey indicates that …

4.They may be right about …, but they seem

to neglect/fail to mention the fact that …

5.Although it widely accepted that …, it is

unlikely to be true that …

6.It is true that …, but this is not to say

that …

7.There is absolutely no reason for us to

accept/resist that …

8.What these people fail to

understand/consider/mention is that …

9.You may say that … It probably will.But

10.It is one thing to believe that …, but it

is quite another to say that …


1.Numerous examples can be given, but

this/these will suffice.2.I can think of no better illustration than

the following one(s).3.This case effectively clarify the fact

that …

4.This story tells that …



1.From what has been discussed above, we may

safely draw the conclusion that … 2.All the evidence supports an unshakable

conclusion that …

3.It is high time that we placed great

emphasis on …

4.It is high time that we put an end to the

undesirable phenomenon of …

5.There is no denying that further attention

must be paid to the problem of …


1.It is necessary that effective actions

should be taken to prevent the situation.2.Hence, it is imperative for us to take

drastic measures/steps.3.We should appeal to the authorities to

make strict laws to control this problem.4.We should enhance/cultivate the awareness

of people that this issue is vital for us.5.Only in this way can we solve the problem.6.I believe we humans can overcome this

difficulty and we will have a brighter future.三、图表作文






3.From the

given in the ,we can



of … ,of last year.5.The

, compared with…



of 1990.7.The

was X percent,of the 1998 total.8.By comparison with 1990, it


9.It has

10.It accounts for 15 percent of the total.11.By 1998,12.A has


13.A has

the same



14.… there


.15.The number of…


March,17.that is the

rate in history.18.The




20.The figure

percent, the highest

level ever recorded since 1960

(二)经典范文: 1、202_大纲样题: Directions:

Wide spread tobacco consumption has led to grave

consequences, yet the tobacco companies are still

claiming that they make a valuable contribution to

the world economy.There is a discussion in the newspaper on the

above two viewpoints.Write an essay to the newspaper 1)Criticizing the view of the tobacco

company and 2)Justifying your stand.In your essay, make full use of the information

provided in the pictures printed below.The majority of people would agree that cigarette

smoking has cause serious problems.Yet the

tobacco corporations insist that they contribute

greatly to the world economy by paying taxes to

the government and employing hundreds of workers.Personally, I assume that cigarette production and

consumption threatens to do more harm than good.To begin with, smoking is responsible for many

fatal diseases such as lung cancer, heart attacks,to name only a few.According to the recent

survey, tobacco consumers account for about 20% of

the world population, and among them, three million people die from smoking-related illnesses

every year.The fact that the output of tobacco

production is reduced from 14.364 billion pounds

in 1994 to 14.2 billion pounds in 1995 also

indicates that people have come to realize the

negative effects of smoking.In addition, tobacco

consumption is extremely wasteful of money.As is

indicated in the pictures, 200 billion US dollars

is due to smoking every year.Obviously, the total

loss of money around the globe substantially

exceeds the gain in industry.In conclusion, as the economic development aims at

making our life better, we cannot sacrifice our

health for short-term financial benefits.If we

have to spend more and ore money providing medical

services for those who suffer from smoking-related

illnesses, the notion of promoting economy via

tobacco production is not justifiable.It is high

time that we fought for the total tobacco ban.2、表格图:

Directions: For this part you are allowed 30

minutes to write a composition on the topic

Statistics in People’s Daily Expenses in Xi’an.You should write at least 120 words and base your

composition on the outline below:

1、Describe the changes indicated in the

table.2、The reasons for the change.3、Make predictions about the future


1996 1997 1998 1999(%)Food

Clothing Recreation 4 Others

Total 100


What is shown in the table above indicates that

dramatic changes have taken place in the daily

expenses in Xi’an from 1995 to 1999.The expenses

on food have declined by 30% while those on

clothing and recreation have increased

respectively by 9% and 7%.The statistics of rise

and fall seem to exist in isolation but closely

related to each other.There are two factors accounting for these

changes.Development in economy is an essential

one in five years.The increased income resulting

from economic growth plays a vital role in the less expense on food.Hence, a small percentage of

total income is enough to cover food expenses.Another one is the changes in life style.When

food presents no worry to the average, people

begin to focus more of their interest on handsome

appearance and happy leisure time.As a result of

such a shift, spending on clothing and recreation

increases year by year.From the analyses made above, we may come to the

conclusion that people’s living standards in Xi’

an have been constantly improved between 1995 and

1999.With the further growth in economy and more

changes in life style, the tendency indicated in

the table will continue in the better direction.(三)高分作文: 1、1997:

1)14分作文样例一:参见考研写作教材P.27(1)(1)We meet smokers everywhere: in the

streets, on college campuses and in shops.There

are 5.8 billion people in the world, and the

smokers are about 1.1 billion, which makes up 20

percent of the world’s total population.Smoking is very harmful.I think there are two main aspects to the damage.First, smoking

consumes a great deal of money.As is shown in the

pictorial graph, smoking wastes 200 billion

dollars, and it is the main cause of lung cancer.About 3 million people die because of the relevant

diseases derived from smoking every year.Because more and more people are aware of the

great harm of smoking to humans, the amount of

tobacco consumption is on the decrease.Form the

following figures we can clearly see the tendency.The total amount of world tobacco production added

up to 14.364 billion pounds in 1994, but it

dropped to 14.2 billion pounds in 1995.At the

same time, many countries call on people to give

up smoking.So it is certain that the number of

smokers is to decrease.2)14分作文样例一:参见考研写作教材P.28(2)(2)From the above set of pictures, we can see

that there were a total of 14.364 billion pounds

of tobacco produced in 1994 and 14.2 billion

pounds in 1995.Because the amount of tobacco production is falling yearly, it can be predicted

that the tendency of tobacco consumption would

also be falling yearly.There are many reasons.Firstly, smoking wastes money.Every year there

are two hundred billion dollars “burnt” in the

cigarette “fire”, secondly, smoking would hardly

do people any good and it can even cause caner.Every year there are three million people “buried

” in the cigarette “tomb.”

Although tobacco consumption is falling,there are too many people who smoke.The

population in the world is 5.8 billion, but about

twenty percent of the population, that is to say

1.1 billion people smoke.So the situation is

serious and the movement against smoking is still

a difficult task.2、1999:14分作文样例:参见考研写作教材P.34(15-13 分)

From these graphs, we can draw a conclusion that,with the growth of human population, the number of

species has decreased rapidly in America, and some

species have even vanished from our planet.Why does this phenomenon appear? I think

there are several possible reasons for this.First, with a rapid growth of population, more and

more people came to live where some wild species

have been living.Then these species have to move

to other places.Some of them probably cannot

adapt to the new environment and die.Second,although many people look on the wildlife as their

friends, some people may not think so.They catch

a lot of wild animals and sell them in order to

get more money.Third, with the development of the

industry, the natural balance and the ecologic

environment are destroyed.The deforestation has

become more and more serious.So some of the

wildlives become homeless and extinct.In order to protect the wildlife, I have

some suggestions.First, the governments should

make laws to prevent them from being caught and

killed.Second, the governments should educate

people to love the nature and protect it.Third,as for ourselves, we should take practical actions

to protect our living environment.四、课后复习:





天风摇我兮冷雨寒,壮观四海兮入涯渊; 不到长城非好汉,瞬间屹此两千年。心胸洞闪,独立峰巅;

恍若漓江之清叠影,洁雾缥缈兮寂寞何方仙? 问尔嬴家小儿何所有?只识捏泥弄瓦群丘间!


昔时侠士弹节击剑易水寒,子昂驱马怆然涕下于幽燕。况乃太虚幻境居梦阮,青莲傲彼蜀道难!英雄美人今在安?何时梦想成真幻? 单枪匹马兮红尘巅,吾欲起兮飙浩瀚!



Chapter 1










10-20篇,考前1个月,必须30写完一篇,小作文:05年辞职信,06年请求信 大作文(8):99年图表,00-06年图画




1)14:00-14:15写作A节 2)14:15-14:50写作B节 3)14:50-16:00阅读A节 4)16:00-16:20完形填空



























(滚瓜烂熟 脱口而出 多多益善)






5、写作,模仿 总结框架三种方法:


二、考研作文三段内容分别来自不同范文 三、三段的每一句话都来自不同范文

Chapter 3




1)私人、公务信函(重点)business letter 2)备忘录 memo memorandum 3)摘要 summary thesis abstract 摘要作文注意事项: 1)不要评论,不要照抄

2)不超过原文三分之一,可少不可多 4)报告 report :


2、工作总结 考研英语写作重点准备信函(公务60%)告示类:


1)描写文:图画描述、图表描述。以空间顺序展开(一般不会单独出现97-06年七年图画,2年图表)2)记叙文:以时间顺序展开(一般不会单考01,04,举例论证)3)说明文:表达或说明自己的观点 4)议论文:论证或驳斥他人观点 考研:4种文体一起考


包括 1)正式语言(为主)



A. 缩写:(避免)I’m,It’s,They’re,e.g(for exmple),i.e(that is),etc.(and so on)B. 省略:(公务信函避免,私人可用)(I am)Looking forward to your reply.(2)口语表达:by the way,as your know,well,hi,!(考研作文不要喊口号)




1)正式文体:大作文、公务信函、报告、摘要、公共告示 2)半正式文体:私人信函、私人告示、备忘录



1、印象原则 书写公正、卷面整洁、字迹清晰(4级3秒6级5秒,考研2分钟)三眼:(1)第一眼:是否把答题纸写满,或接近写满,是否三段?两头小,中间大



2、字数原则 小作文100-120(一行10个字,10到12行)大作文160-200(16到20行)


长短结合,以短句为主 简洁就是美,不在于难词,适当



Chapter 4 语言第一位,结构第二位,内容第三位



广泛的知识Extensive knowledge 猛烈的竞争fierce competition


例:“我认为” I hold the opinion that 其次词组:I cling to the opinion that In my view,find out 再次词汇



assert 1)英文表达首选句型 “重要”:due(足够的,充分的)attention has to be paid 考研英语要大量使用被动语态 Importance should be attached to 2)词组

Be of utmost importance 3)词汇



crucial “越来越多的人”:people in mountain numbers 越来越Increasing student



逻辑分段&情感分段:英文写作是逻辑分段 作者交代&读者领会:英文写作是作者交代 迂回模式&直线模式:英文写作是直线模式 《天涯~明月~刀》古龙 天涯远不远? 不远



是蓝的,就像海一样蓝,一样深,一样忧郁 明月在哪里? 就在他的心里 刀呢?

刀就在他的手里 那是柄什么样的刀?

他的刀如天涯般辽阔寂寞,如明月般皎洁忧郁,有时一刀挥出,又放佛是空的 英文:逻辑分段,作者交代,直来直去 考研作文:举例论证







First and foremost , to begin with In addition

furthermore 2)因果


in that Since

as For 注:in 3)举例

For instance A case in point that 一个恰当的例子是










“因此 ”Hence


in conclusion





作者:新东方写作主讲教师 汪海涛

Cultures--National and International


1)describe the picture and interpret its meaning

2)give your comment on the phenomenon







This picture vividly depicts a lovely American girl dressed in traditional Chinese costume with a sweet smile on her face.She wears ribbons, earrings,necklaces and other accessories that are characteristic of the clothes of a certain Chinese minority group;Undoubtedly, the costume has added oriental glamour to her beautiful features.这幅画生动地描绘了一个可爱的美国女孩穿着传统中国服装,面带微笑。她佩带着发带、耳环、项链和其它的服装配饰,这些配饰具有中国某少数民族服装的特点。毫无疑问,这种服装为她的美貌增添了东方魅力。

What the picture conveys goes far beyond merely a new fashion trend.Instead, it carries cultural implications as well.The fact that people from other nations are attracted to the mysterious Chinese culture indicates that to some extent a culture can be accepted, respected, appreciated and shared internationally.In other words, one nation's distinctive culture can become international through world-wide economic and cultural exchanges.Since the trend of globalization seems irresistible, the increasing cultural exchanges will effectively improve mutual understanding and friendship.这幅画所传达的信息远远不止于时尚新潮流,而是附带着文化方面的潜在含义。来自与其它国家的人正在被神秘的中国文化所吸引,这样一个事实表明某种程度上一种文化可以被接受、尊重、欣赏并在全世界范围内分享。换句话说,一个国家的独特文化可以通过世界范围内的经济文化交流走向世界。由于全球化的趋势不可阻挡,越来越多的文化交流将有效地促进共同的理解与友谊。

In my opinion, national culture, as a priceless spiritual treasure, should be preserved and cherished.Meanwhile there are good reasons to advocate international culture, for those ideas from other cultures, controversial or even absurd at first sight, can provide a different perspective for us to observe the world.However, when we are confronted with a different culture, we should be sensible enough to absorb its essence and resist its dark side.Only in this way can we promote cultural development positively and make our world dimensional, colorful and vigorous.(223WORDS)










Dear Sir/Madam,We happened to find rich information about 202_ IBM new products from your company's web page, and we developed great interest in these new wonders of technology.我们偶然在贵公司网页上发现了IBM2003版新产品的丰富信息,并且对这些新的技术奇迹产生了浓厚的兴趣。

As we are planning to start a training program about web technology, computers need to be installed in our newly established lab.For this reason we have decided to place ansgroupsof these new series with due consideration of the high reputation of your company and the high quality of your products.The firstsgroupswill be 100 computers.If necessary, we'll make a largersgroupsnext year.由于我们正打算启动一个新的网络技术培训项目,需要在新改建的实验室中安装一批电脑。考虑到贵公司的声誉良好、产品优质,我们决定订购这些新一代的计算机。第一次想订购100台。如果可能的话,我们明年将增加订量。

Please give us detailed accounts concerning functions of these new products and after-sale service.It will be better if a handbook is provided on maintenance and compatibility of the computer as soon as possible.请给我们提供关于产品性能和售后服务的详细记录。如果能够尽快提供电脑维修和兼容性的手册就更好了。

We also need to know the price of each style and the terms of payment.Please takesintosconsideration a proper discount because it is a wholesale deal and we desire a long-term cooperation.我们还需要知道每款电脑的价格以及付款方式。请考虑给予适当的优惠,因为我们是单位批发,并且我们盼望能够长期合作。

We wonder if it is convenient for you to deliver the goods to the headquarters of Beijing New Oriental School on May 31, 202_.We would like to express our gratitude for your kind consideration of the request.We look forward to your reply as soon as possible.不知是否方便在202_年5月31日把货物发给北京新东方学校总部。非常感谢能考虑到此要求。我们期待尽快收到你们的回信。

Yours sincerely

Tony Wang

(212 words)


Section III Writing

Part A 小作文部分



Write a letter to your university library, making suggestions for improving its service.You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2.Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter.Use “Li Ming” instead.Do not write the address.(10 points)


202_年小作文延续了05和06年的考试要求,继续考查事务信函。由于其它应用文模式太过灵活,不便统一命题或评分,书信始终成为各类考试考 官最偏爱的题型。在考查过辞职信和申请信后,本次改换成了信函主题的另一种类型:建议信。建议信的写法往往和大作文的第三段——建议措施段类似,即向某个 特定单位提出业务或服务改进的建议。但给考生一定灵活度,可以自由发挥建议的内容。



信函仍然可以通过三部分展开,在第一段中,直接点明主题,开门见山说出意图,可以笼统地提出图书馆服务质量不尽人意,有待改善提高。第二段则要 发挥想象力,从2-3个方面点出可以改进的地方。当然,简单的思路可以立即展开,问题可以多种多样,如没有保安、办证繁琐、不提供开水、工作人员态度冷 漠、空调失灵、卫生条件差、取书速度慢、卡片编号混乱等,针对这些问题提出建议即可。当然,也可以稍微具体和深入一点,联想到流通中心缺乏咨询台、学生借 不到最新的外文期刊、某些读者在阅览室吸烟和聊天没有人维持秩序等。当然,大多数考生会围绕着最容易想到的工作人员服务态度差展开论述,考官相对容易感到 审美疲劳,我们不妨找一些具体一些的建议展开。最后一段应当以套用经典句型来结束,由于提出建议的目的是让对方高度重视和解决,不能批评过度或语气太生 硬,我们往往用感谢、希望和期待来结束。


Dear sir or madam,(To whom it may concern,)

I am writing this letter for the purpose of making some suggestions for improving the service of our university library.Although our library functions effectively in providing academic materials and enriching our campus life, its service goes far from being desired.In my eyes the following measures need to be taken as soon as possible.Firstly, why not arrange an inquiry desk at the circulation hall? With the help of a professional librarian, students can go through the

procedures more efficiently.In addition, students should have access to the latest issues of foreign magazines.It’s inadequate to provide merely back issues to the students at the periodical room.Lastly, you’d better maintain strict order at the reading room.I frequently found myself disturbed by certain students chatting and smoking there.I sincerely hope that you will take my advice into consideration,and I look forward to your reply at your earliest convenience.Sincerely yours,Li Ming

(157 words)




首先,为什么不在借阅大厅安排一个咨询台呢?如果有专业图书管理员的指导,学生们可以更加高效地办理各种手续。此外,学生们应当能够借阅最新外 文期刊。在期刊阅览室中只提供过刊是不够的。最后一点,您们最好严格维持阅览室的秩序,本人就有数次在那里被聊天和吸烟的学生干扰。

我真诚地希望您能仔细考虑我的建议, 并且期望尽快收到您的回信。



从本次考试的命题来看,考研对信函格式的要求很低,专门提示不用写具体姓名和地址,而信函格式最讲究的就是地址的写法。其实,我们只要把握最基 本的开头和结束语就可以了。由于收信人姓名不详,开头可以参照常用写法:Dear sir or madam, / To whom it may concern,而结束语可以用Sincerely yours / Yours sincerely等等。

范文中构架清晰,框架语言包括开头的“I am writing this letter for the purpose of”, 建议措施段中的 “firstly”, “ in addition”和

“lastly”。信函在项目排序上讲究语言简洁明了,让收信人直接看到要点,因此不用考虑太复杂的词组。结尾的语言“I sincerely hope that you will take my advice into consideration,and I look forward to your reply at your earliest convenience.”属于黄金表达,用起来专业自然。此外,本文在另外两个语域中进行尝试,一为图书馆术语,包括 “inquiry desk”, “circulation hall”, “professional librarian”, “latest issues”, “back issues”, “periodical room”, “reading room”;第二个层面是议论文词组,包括 “for the purpose of”, “goes far from being desired”, “ In my eyes”, “take measures”, “go through the procedures”, “ have access to”, “maintain strict order”, “take into consideration”, “look forward to”。句型表达上,“I frequently found myself disturbed by certain students chatting and smoking”一句中同时设置过去分词和现在分词,在语法上增加了难度和特色。

Part B 大作文部分



Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing.In your essay, you should

1)describe the drawing briefly,2)explain its intended meaning, and then

3)support your view with an example/examples.You should write neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.(20 points)


不出所料,202_年大作文继续考查难度颇大的图画作文,通过一个足球赛的关键场面来说明自信的重要性。考前我在网站上发表的一篇“考研写作命 题的五大浅规则”中,论述了“和谐社会”命题公式中的三个层次,其中第一个层次是个人和谐发展,推荐的五个参考题目中第一个就是“自信的重要性”,那么

这 次的考题不幸被我推理言中了。只不过没想到命题专家居然在05和06年后第三次利用了跟足球有关的画面,前两年考过了养老和偶像崇拜,这次通过球赛来说明 自信的重要。


命题中提供的信息比往年有所减少,比如题目(title)的缺失,对题目说明的文字也没有提供,而图画下面的说明语也没有。除了一个简单提纲框架就剩下图画了,因此考生的现场推理能力和对命题惯性思路的把握能力非常重要。图画作文往往有两种表现形式,讽刺漫画需要给出解决措施和建议,而歌颂性漫画需要表现一个道理,让考生推理并举例论证。这次命题似乎在把两种模 式相融合。漫画中表现出球员缺乏自信的问题,反面说明了树立自信在生存和竞争中的重要性。那么就不需要提出建议了,直接举例说明自信极为重要就可以。根据提纲要点,作文可分为三段。首段仍然是描述图画信息,先说明是场足球赛,之后进入射门球员和守门员的细节描述。射门球员在关键时刻把对手想 象得过于高大,以至于自己很难把球射中;而守门员把仔细想象得太渺小,球门到处都是漏洞,似乎自己守门成功无望。显然,两个人都因紧张而失去了自信。第二 段可以从足球赛引申到我们的生活,生活节奏加快、竞争加剧、考试残酷而就业艰难,种种挑战都需要我们树立强大的自信,如果总是高估问题和对手而看轻自己的 实力,我们就会犹豫怀疑而无法成功。按照提纲要求,第三段举一个和多个例子都可以。在自信方面刘翔是中国人都知道的例子,他因自信而百战百胜,创造了世界 记录。考生也能自然想到自己的奋斗,没有自信考研无法成功。也可以举反面的例子,某某如何缺乏自信而导致失败,当然作文的惯例是在结尾走向正面总结,强调 自信确实非常重要。


This cartoon humorously presents a scene of a football game with the two rivals facing each other.The striker on one team is preparing to make a decisive shoot while the goal-keeper on the opposite team is posing for defence.However, under overwhelming pressure both of them are losing their confidence.The striker magnifies the goal-keeper in his mind so that chances of shooting in are slim.Likewise, the goal-keeper minimizes his own image as if he couldn’t defend the goal successfully.这幅漫画幽默地呈现了足球赛的一个场面,两个对手正在面对面较量。其中一个队的射门球员正准备做出决定性的射门动作,而对手球队守门员也摆出了 防御的姿势。然而,在巨大的压力之下,两个人的信心都在丧失。射门球员头脑中放大了守门员的形象,以至于射中的可能性几乎不可能。同样,守门员把自己想得 很小,似乎他无法成功地守住球门。

Apparently, the purpose of the picture is to emphasize the importance of self-confidence in our daily life.On account of the quickening pace

of life, competition goes increasingly fierce in all walks of life, imposing tremendous pressure on all inpiduals.The past few years have witnessed dramatic increase in the difficulty of examinations and

employment.We must maintain powerful self-confidence and optimism in the face of challenges so as to survive and succeed.Suppose we are inclined to overestimate our rivals or problems and neglect our ability, we will become hesitating and doubtful of ourselves, unable to fulfill even a simple task.Therefore, it is necessary to embrace the strong faith that we are indomitable and invincible.图画的目的明显是要强调自信在日常生活中的重要性。由于生活节奏加快,各行各业的竞争变得日益激烈,给所有人都造成了强大的压力。过去几年中,考试和就业的难度都在剧烈增加。我们面对挑战,必须怀有强大的自信和乐观才能生存和成功。假如我们习惯于高估我们的竞争对手和问题,并且忽视我们自己的能 力,我们就会变得犹豫不决、怀疑自己,甚至简单的事情也办不成。因此,我们有必要坚信我们能够百折不挠并且不可战胜。

A case in point is the world famous star hurdler, Liu Xiang.He invariably imagines positively that he can win in every hurdle race, never shrinking in front of other experienced players.That’s why he works wonders again and again.As for me, I am participating in the college admission examination for graduates with thousands of competitors.Having prepared sufficiently for one year, I have powerful self-assurance that I can cruise to my dream university.As the saying goes, our only enemy is ourselves.Only by building strong self-confidence can we demonstrate grace under pressure and turn our dreams into reality.一个恰当的例子是世界著名的跨栏赛跑明星刘翔。他总是积极地想象自己每场比赛都能胜出,面对其他经验丰富的选手时从不退缩,因此他一次又一次地 创造了奇迹。对于我本人来说,我正在和成千上万的竞争者一起参加研究生入学考试。在充分复习了一年以后,我深信我能成功地考上梦想中的学校。正如谚语说 过,我们唯一的敌人是我们自己。只有树立强大的自信,我们才能在压力之下毫无惧色并且把梦想变成现实。




从结构上看,第一段由表面到细节,分别描述两个球员的攻防状态和丧失自信的心理变化,描述部分进行了细节对比和语言均衡分配,达到了充分描述的 目的。第二段采取了起承转合的构造法,即点明寓意——原因现状说明——反面论证——正面总结的结构,使得意义得到透彻的说明,语言饱满。第三段举了两个例 子,各用两三句概括。通过他人和自己的正面体验,表达自信的重要,最后再次总结全文,烘托主题。

从用词上看,首先是描述段表现足球赛的用词,分别提到了对手(rival)、射门球员(striker)、射门(shoot)、守门员(goal-keeper)、对方球队(opposite team)、防守姿态(pose for defence)、球门(goal)、守门(defend the goal)等专门术语和表达。其次,作文中使用的特色表达如放大(magnify)、缩小(minimize)、百折不挠(indomitable)、不 可战胜(invincible)、总是

(invariably)等, 把语言增大了难度。用词在广度上也进行了拓展,在强调“自信”主题时,先后分别使用了“self-confidence”、“optimism”、“embrace strong faith”、“self-assurance”等表达;而巨大的压力和强大的自信,则分别使用了形容词“overwhelming”、“tremendous”、“dramatic”、“strong”、“powerful”;“竞争者”则用 “rivals”和 “competitors”。文中的几个词组各具特色,“slim chances”、“maintain

self-confidence”、“work wonders”、“cruise to”在不同段落中点缀,加强了语言的亮度。

从句型上看,有三类句型别具特色。首先是结构性句型,三段的段首句有效架起了文章构架,再加上“however”、“on account of”、“therefore”、“as for me”等短语,起到了承上启下的作用。第二类是语法难句,包括虚拟句——“as if he couldn’t„”(第一段)和倒装句——“The past few years have witnessed dramatic increase„”(第二段);“Only by building strong self-confidence can we„”(第三段)。第三类是起到画龙点睛作用的谚语和名言,在文章结尾,首先借用了一句家喻户晓的谚语来烘托主题 “As the saying goes, our only enemy is ourselves”,最后提到了著名强者作家海明威的名言——“show grace under pressure”,成功总结了自信带来的巨大作用。


202_年新东方考研英语网络课堂应用文写作手记 二 应用性短文的写作方法: 应用性短文包括:信件(Letter)、便笺(Note)、备忘录(Memo)信件:应用最广,范围较宽,可长可短、可正式可非正式、可写给熟人亦可写给组织团体 便笺:A note is just a short informal letter.便笺通常写给认识的熟人或朋友,一般与信件类似,但格式更加非正式化——简言之,即“短小的非正式信件”。3 备忘录:A memo is a short official note written to another person in the same company or organization.——简言之,即“短小的正式信件”。因此,最关键是要掌握对于“信件”的写作方法!三 大纲对信件的评分标准: 信息点的覆盖和内容的组织——即不可以遗漏任何题目所要求的内容,必须要做到全面; 语言的准确性——针对五类错误:语法错误、用词错误、句子结构混乱、标点错误以及拼写错误; 格式和语域的恰当——根据写作针对的不同对象,可分为三个语域:正式语域、一般语域与非正式语域。特别指出:对于语法结构和词汇的多样性的要求将根据具体试题做调整(与议论文写作相比较,其要求较低),并且允许考生使用提示语中出现过的关键词,但不允许出现提示语中的词组或整句。

四 书信作文的格式(the format of a letter): 1 称呼(salutation)①正式称呼:

a.当写信的对象为某团体、组织、机构或不知对方姓名的时候,一般是这种写法:Dear Sir or(/)Madam, b.当写信的对象为某领导、上司、老板或校长等上级的时候,一般是以下这种写法:

Dear Mr.***(***代表姓)

Dear Ms.*** Dear Mrs.***(针对已婚妇女)②非正式称呼:

当写信的对象是朋友或熟人的时候,一般是这种写法:Dear ***(***代表名字,即Given Name)2 主体(body)

要根据信件内容要求来进行细致划分——但都讲求开门见山、不绕弯子,大约写7-8句话即可。一般题目会要求写三个信息点,所以针对每个信息点可写两句话,最后写两句礼貌用语,即可完成整个信件写作。3 落款(complimentary close)

根据写信的对象不同,也划分为两大类: ①正式称呼:

a.当写信的对象为某团体、组织、机构或不知对方姓名的时候,一般是这种写法:Yours faithfully, b.当写信的对象为某领导、上司、老板或校长等上级的时候,一般是这种写法:Yours sincerely, 注意:在美国英语中习惯写为:Sincerely yours, 但考研英语对此不做如此细致的区分,即写上述三种任一即可。

②非正式称呼:当写信的对象是朋友或熟人的时候,一般是以下这种写法: Kind regards, Best wishes, 当然还可以有更多的写法,如:With best wishes, 或All the best, 但常用的为以上两种。签名(signature)

根据考研英语样题,一律要求写Li Ming 五 语域要求(register): 根据写作对象确定语域,即决定是采用正式还是非正式的语域。一般地说,正式书信倾向于采用正式的表达法,而口语信则倾向于非正式表达法。

例如:非正式的表达法:Let me know if you can come for the meeting next Wednesday.正式的表达法:Please kindly inform us of your availability for the meeting to be held next Wednesday.再如:非正式的表达法:How about coming down to stay with us for weekend?

正式的表达法:We would like to invite you for a weekend.或 We would appreciate it if you could come for the weekend.2 区分正式与非正式表达法的标志之一是看是否有省略(非正式表达法多用省略,而正式表达法反之)。例如:正式的表达法:I would like you to come to my office to pick up the ticket.(一般是指写给上级领导、合作伙伴等)

非正式的表达法:Come to my office for a ticket.(一般是指写给非常亲密的朋友)区分正式与非正式表达法的另一标志是看是否有缩略(非正式表达法多用缩略,而正式表达法反之)。

例如:正式的表达法:I would like to...非正式的表达法:I’d like to...六 书信内容的完整:


七 以样题为例,详解书信作文的写法: Directions: You are preparing for an English test and are in need of some reference books.Write a letter to the sales department of a bookstore to ask for: 1)detailed information about the books you want, 2)methods of payment, 3)time and way of delivery.You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2.Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter.Use “Li Ming”instead.You do not need to write the address.(10 points)第一步:寻找关键词。(见题干标注)第二步:思考写作的架构。

一般而言,完成整个信件的写作需要约15分钟左右时间,可以先用2分钟进行审题。用11-12分钟行文,用1-2分钟检查。即写每一句话约用1分钟时间。称呼:由于写作对象是书店的销售部门,因此可以写为:Dear Sir or Madam, 语域:正式语体。尽量避免使用缩略语或省略句。主体: 开头有两种写法:

第一种可以开门见山,直接说出自己的目的。如:I am writing this letter to ask for...第二种可以先交待一下背景,然后说出自己的目的。如:I will take CET-6 next December and quality test preparation materials are essential to success in the test.2 接着交待自己写信的意图和目的,可以有如下写法:

I want to know.../ I wonder if.../ I would like to know.../ Would it be possible for you to...对于该样题,可以这样接上文:

I wonder if you have the following books: 或I would like to know if you have the following books: 或 Would it be possible for you to tell me about the availability of the following books: 3 由于要交待书的详细信息,所以至少要写清楚书名,如果可能,尽量写一下出版社。对于该样题,可以这样接上文: I wonder if you have the following books: a vocabulary book covering the 5,800 words for the CET-6 test as well as past test papers with keys and model essays and a Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, which I can turn to for help./in which I can look up for new words.4 继续写题目要求的关于付款方式的内容。对于该样题,可以有两种表达接上文: 其一:Besides how do I pay for these books? 或 How should I pay for these books?——By cash or by other means? 必须要注意:英文写作非常强调连贯性,因此可以用一些代词或连接词使得句意连贯。如这句话中的Besides和these都是发挥了联系上下文的作用。另外还有许多表示补充、附加的关联词,如:in addition / additionally / moreover / furthermore / 其二:I would also like to know if you accept payment by credit card.If it is inconvenient, I will pay by cash.5 继续写题目要求的关于寄递时间和方式的内容。对于该样题,可以这样接上文: Finally, if I order these books now, when can I get them? How will these books be delivered to my house?

或Finally, if I order(定购)these books now, when is the earliest time I can get them? How will these books be mailed/delivered to my house?

或Finally, if I order these books now, when is the earliest time I can get them and how will these books be sent to my house? 6 按照英语信件的惯例,在信件最后要有一个礼貌的结尾(a polite ending)。可以有如下写法: I would appreciate it if you could give me a reply as soon as possible.或 I should be grateful if you could give me an early reply.落款和签名:Sincerely yours, Li Ming 完整的样题格式及内容如下: Dear Sir or Madam, I will take CET-6 next December and quality test preparation materials are essential to success in the test.I wonder if you have the following books: a vocabulary book covering the 5,800 words for the CET-6 test as well as past test papers with keys and model essays and a Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, which I can turn to for help.Besides how do I pay for these books? ——By cash or by other means? Finally, if I order these books now, when can I get them? How will these books be delivered to my house? I would appreciate it if you could give me a reply as soon as possible.Sincerely yours, Li Ming 九 对于其他类型信件写作的准备: 1 投诉信(a letter of complaint):

可以这样开头:I am writing this letter to complain about...或I am writing this letter to bring...into your attention.或I am writing concerning...如I am writing concerning the food quality and service of the students’cafeteria.注意要把投诉内容用陈述句方式表达出来(摆事实,讲道理)。2请求信(a letter of request): 与询问信的区别在于:询问信着重询问一些客观的事实,而请求信则涉及要麻烦到对方。

比如:给出以下场景,写出一封请求信:你在学校图书馆借了三本书,现在还书的规定时间已经到了。但由于你生病没有办法按时还送。所以需要写一封请求信,请求图书馆允许你晚几天还书并且不要罚款。(晚还书overdue 罚款fine)可以这样开头:

I am writing concerning the three books due today.Unfortunately, I caught a flu/ I caught a cold...I should be grateful if you could allow me to return the books several days later than the appointed time.3 求职信(a letter of application): 比如去应聘秘书,可以这样开头:

I am writing concerning the position of secretary in your company.或I am writing to apply for the post of secretary advertised in China Daily yesterday.讲明自己如何胜任(qualify for)这个职位:包括自身性格特点以及以前的工作经验等。


I am looking forward to your reply.I would appreciate it if you could give me an interview.或I am waiting to meet you in person.十一 备忘录和便条的写法: 便条与书信没有任何本质差异,唯一的区别在于:便条更加非正式一点(一般都是写给亲密朋友的)。

可以直接称呼名字。如:dear Jone, 或Jone, 礼貌的结尾以及落款都可以省略掉,直接写签名即可。2 备忘录的本质也是书信,是一般写给同事的一种正式简短的信,常常是有关工作事宜等。其格式如下: To: 李四 From: 张三

Date: September 15, 202_ Subject: Request / Inquiry / Congratulations 以下与书信的主体部分完全一样,省略掉礼貌的结尾、落款和签名。

第三部分 事务信函(三篇)8.咨询信

A letter of Inquiry You wish to study at a certain foreign university.Write a letter inquiring about the situation there as regards accommodation, fees and qualifications.Dear Sir I am a Chinese citizen who wishes to study at your university.My plan is to start my course next term, and I would be grateful if you would be kind enough to provide me with certain essential information.First, what qualifications do I need to follow a course of study at your university? I already have a master’s degree from a university here in China, but I wonder if there are any further academic requirements.Second, how much are the tuition fees? Although I intend to be self – supporting, I would be interested to hear if there are any scholarships available for international students.Third, what is the situation as regards accommodation? I would prefer a single room, which is more conducive to studying, but if single rooms are expensive, I would be willing to share.I look forward to your reply, and to attending your esteemed institution.Yours sincerely, Li Ming


A Letter of Request You find that your study load is too heavy.Write a letter to your college teacher explaining why you need to withdraw from two courses.Ask if it is possible to obtain a refund.Dear Prof.James,I am writing to formally request to withdraw from two courses: Introduction to Elementary Education(EDU 602)and Teaching Methods(EDU 619).The main reason for reducing my course load is that I am finding it extremely difficult to manage six courses.In the beginning of the term, I was perhaps overly optimistic about juggling both my full – time studies and my part – time job(20 hours/week).Because I really must work part time, I have no other choice but to decrease my course load.I am planning on taking the two courses during the summer semester, if they are available, so that I will be able to complete all the courses for the degree program by the following year.I would also like to request a tuition refund, and hope I am not too late to receive the full reimbursement.I am sorry for any inconveniences I have caused by this change in plans.This decision was not taken lightly, and I do appreciate the king consideration you have shown to me.Thank you for your attention to these requests.If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 277-9144.I look forward to hearing from you soon.Sincerely yours, Jane Carter


A Letter of Advice/Suggestion You have a friend who is about to enter university, and he wants you to advise him on which subject to specialize in – history, in which he is very interested, or computer science, which offers better job prospects.Dear John, You have asked me for my advice concerning whether you should study history or computer science at university, and I will try to make some useful suggestions.You must keep in mind that, above all, your university training is a preparation for your future career.Therefore, your first consideration should be to study a subject which will best equip you to earn a living.There is no doubt that the field of computers offers far job opportunities than history.Besides, we are now in the age of the highliterate, it will also be necessary for them to be equipped with computer skills merely to earn a living!History, I'm afraid, however fascinating it may be, offers few career prospects.Of course, you don't have to devote all your time at university to studying computers and nothing else.On the contrary, I would recommend that you keep up your reading of history in your spare time.That way, you will find that your leisure hours are enriched while you prepare yourself for a worthwhile career in computers.Yours sincerely, James

新东方 考研 写作精讲