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一 船舶证书............................................................................................................................1 01.1 各类证书的内容、展期与更新.......................................................................................1 01.2 各类报表(海事、海关、检疫、边防等)....................................................................8

二 航海图书资料..................................................................................................................15 02.1 航路指南.........................................................................................................................15 02.2 进港指南.........................................................................................................................22 02.3 航海出版物(灯标表、天文历、海员手册、大洋航路等)......................................29 02.4 海图及海图作业.............................................................................................................36 02.5 航海通告与警告.............................................................................................................43 三 航海英文函电..................................................................................................................51 03.1 航海日志的填写.............................................................................................................51 03.2 各种英文申请书.............................................................................................................58 03.3 各种业务通知书.............................................................................................................66 03.4 各种英文业务电报、电传、传真、电子邮件等..........................................................73 03.5 常规海事声明与延伸海事声明.....................................................................................80 03.6 海上事故报告.................................................................................................................88 03.7 人身伤亡报告.................................................................................................................95 03.8 货物检验报告...............................................................................................................110 四 船舶管理........................................................................................................................118 04.1 船舶安全管理(ISM)................................................................................................118 04.2 港口国检查文件及报告(PSC)................................................................................125 04.3 船长业务基本知识.......................................................................................................132 04.4 船员职务基本知识.......................................................................................................140 五 海事法规........................................................................................................................147 05.1 海商法...........................................................................................................................147 05.2 承运人的责任与海牙规则...........................................................................................155 05.3 共同海损与汉保规则...................................................................................................163 05.4 提单...............................................................................................................................171 05.5 航次租船合同...............................................................................................................179 05.6 定期租船合同...............................................................................................................187 05.7 光船租船合同...............................................................................................................195 05.8 船舶买卖.......................................................................................................................203 05.9 船舶运输业务...............................................................................................................211 05.10 劳务出租合同.............................................................................................................219 05.11 船舶保险合同与业务.................................................................................................227 05.12 货物保险合同与业务.................................................................................................234 05.13 海洋法基本知识.........................................................................................................242 05.14 海事案例.....................................................................................................................250 六 国际公约........................................................................................................................258 06.1 STCW公约的有关内容................................................................................................258 06.2 SOLAS公约的有关内容..............................................................................................265 06.3 MARPOL公约的有关内容..........................................................................................272 06.4 救助合同与救助公约...................................................................................................280 七 国际航海技术规则........................................................................................................288 07.1 包装危险品与IMDG规则..........................................................................................288 07.2 固体散装危险品与BC规则........................................................................................295 07.3 液体散装危险品与IBC规则.......................................................................................303 07.4 液化气体与IGC规则..................................................................................................310 07.5 货物单元系固与CSC规则..........................................................................................317 八 船舶操纵........................................................................................................................325 08.1 船舶操纵基本知识.......................................................................................................325 08.2 锚泊与靠离泊作业.......................................................................................................332 08.3 沿海与大洋航行...........................................................................................................339 08.4 狭水道、冰区与运河航行...........................................................................................347 08.5 大风浪中航行...............................................................................................................354 08.6 车、舵、锚、缆令.......................................................................................................362 九 船舶避碰........................................................................................................................369 09.1 海上避碰规则...............................................................................................................369 09.2 航行值班与海上避碰...................................................................................................376 09.3 分道通航制...................................................................................................................383 09.4 号灯与号型...................................................................................................................391 十 航海学............................................................................................................................398 10.1 航海学基本知识...........................................................................................................398 10.2 地文航海.......................................................................................................................405 10.3 天文航海.......................................................................................................................412 10.4 潮汐与涌浪...................................................................................................................419 十一 船舶货运技术................................................................................................................426 11.1 船舶货运基本知识.......................................................................................................426 11.2 杂货运输及有关规则...................................................................................................434 11.3 集装箱运输及有关规则...............................................................................................441 11.4 固体散货运输及有关规则...........................................................................................441 11.5 液体散货运及有关规则...............................................................................................449 11.6 特种货物运输及有关规则...........................................................................................456 11.7 货物装卸货作业...........................................................................................................464 11.8 理货与计量作业...........................................................................................................471 11.9 大副批注.......................................................................................................................478 十二 航海气象........................................................................................................................485 12.1 航海气象基本知识.......................................................................................................485 12.2 海上气象报告与气象导航...........................................................................................492 12.3 海上天气现象...............................................................................................................500 12.4 海洋学基本知识...........................................................................................................507 十三 船舶及其结构................................................................................................................514 13.1 船舶结构基本知识.......................................................................................................514 13.2 船体设备.......................................................................................................................521 13.3 船舶动力装置...............................................................................................................528 13.4 船舶辅机.......................................................................................................................535 13.5 船舶浮性.......................................................................................................................543 13.6 船舶稳性.......................................................................................................................550 13.7 船舶强度.......................................................................................................................557 十四 航海仪器........................................................................................................................565 14.1 航海仪器使用说明书...................................................................................................565 14.2 雷达及ARPA的使用..................................................................................................572 14.3 磁罗经与陀螺罗经的使用...........................................................................................579 14.4 GPS、DF及LC的使用...............................................................................................586 十五 海上通信........................................................................................................................594 15.1 海上通信基本知识.......................................................................................................594 15.2 GMDSS..........................................................................................................................601 15.3 SMCP.............................................................................................................................609 15.4 VHF通信.......................................................................................................................616 15.5 遇险通信.......................................................................................................................623 15.6 紧急通信.......................................................................................................................630 15.7 安全通信.......................................................................................................................638 十六 船舶修理与保养............................................................................................................645 16.1 船舶修理业务...............................................................................................................645 16.2 甲板与船体保养...........................................................................................................653 16.3 船舶索具及保养...........................................................................................................660 16.4 船舶物料及管理...........................................................................................................667 16.5 水手工艺.......................................................................................................................674 十七 海上搜救........................................................................................................................681 17.1 海上搜索.......................................................................................................................681 17.2 海上救助.......................................................................................................................689 十八 海上消防........................................................................................................................696 18.1 燃烧与爆炸...................................................................................................................696 18.2 探火与消防设备...........................................................................................................703 18.3 消防演习与作业...........................................................................................................710 十九 海上应急措施................................................................................................................717 19.1 救生设备.......................................................................................................................717 19.2 应急部署.......................................................................................................................724 19.3 应急预案与EMS..........................................................................................................732 19.4 海上医务与MFAG......................................................................................................739 19.5 救生作业.......................................................................................................................746 19.6 海上求生.......................................................................................................................753 二十 沿海航海技术................................................................................................................761 20.1 船舶规范.......................................................................................................................761 20.2 船舶舱室名称...............................................................................................................768 20.3 船舶设备名称...............................................................................................................775 20.4 船舶索具名称...............................................................................................................782 20.5 船舶救生设备名称.......................................................................................................789 20.6 船员职务名称...............................................................................................................796 20.7 船舶强度资料...............................................................................................................803 20.8 船舶稳性资料...............................................................................................................810 20.9 船舶浮性资料...............................................................................................................818 20.10 船舶结构与布置.........................................................................................................825 二一 海上应急用语................................................................................................................832 21.1 遇险用语.......................................................................................................................832 21.2 安全用语.......................................................................................................................840 21.3 紧急用语.......................................................................................................................847 21.4 消防用语.......................................................................................................................854 21.5 求生用语.......................................................................................................................861 21.6 救生用语.......................................................................................................................868 21.7 搜索用语.......................................................................................................................875 21.8 救助作业用语...............................................................................................................882 4

一 船舶证书

01.1 各类证书的内容、展期与更新

[1]This Certificate will remain in force until May 1,202_.This Sentence refers to ______ of the Certificate.A.the validity B.the time C.the date D.the issue KEY: A [2]The International Loadline Certificate is a document indicating ______ of the various loadlines of the vessel.

A.functions B.importances C.actions D.positions KEY: D [3]The certificate will remain in force ______ July lst,202_.

A.in B.on C.till D.to KEY: C [4]The certificate shall have effect ______ all Chinese ports.

A.to B.for C.in D.on KEY: C

[5]The certificate of nationality ______ serves as evidence of the nationality of the ship ______ shows the port of registry.


B.not only,but also C.not,but

D.not only and but KEY: B

[7]My Deratization Exemption Certificate will become ______ on the 16th of September.

A.due B.expire C.lawful D.non-effective KEY: A [8]If there are any Certificates expired or nearing expiry the master of a ship must shall apply for their ______ at any port.

A.inspection or issuance B.requirements or renewal C.renewal or extension D.extension or expiring KEY: C [9]______ of this Deratting Exemption Certificate is hereby extended until 4th Oct.202_ as the vessel is laden with cargo.

A.Validity B.Valid


D.The coming into force KEY: A [10]Vessel shall possess International Cargo Gear Certificates ______ duration of Charter Party showing winches and derricks in order.

A.validity in B.valid for C.effective at

D.effectiveness for KEY: B

[11]______ the vessel have no safety radiotelegraphy certificate at the time of her delivery,she ______ be held to be unseaworthy.

A.If/may B.Will/shall

C.Should/would D.Would/should KEY: C [12]The Tonnage Certificate indicates ______.A.deadweight tons B.displacement tons

C.net tons and gross tons D.volume tons KEY: C [13]Which certificate is always issued by the China Classification Society? ______.A.Loadline certificate

B.Safety equipment certificate C.Safety construction certificate D.Safety cargo gear certificate KEY: D [14]A vessel used for international service shall possess ______ valid for duration of charter party showing winches and derricks in order.

A.International Cargo Gear Certificate B.International Loadline Certificate

C.International Safety Construction Certificate D.International Seaman Identification KEY: A [15]The vessel's Loadline Certificate is always issued by ______.A.The Register of Shipping B.Customs House

C.Cargo Survey Bureau

D.Maritime Safety Administration KEY: A [16]The certificate of pratique certifies that ______.A.the ship has no rats or mice on board

B.no quarantinable disease has been found on the vessel

C.no person has died during the voyage the ship has just completed D.all the crew members have no health problem KEY: B [17]Official proof of a Chinese vessel's nationality is contained in the ______.A.Certificate of Inspection B.Official Log

C.Certificate of Documentation D.Shipping Articles KEY: C [18]A vessel's Derat Certificate is always issued by ______.A.Classification Society.

B.Cargo Survey Bureau.

C.Environmental Protection Agency.

D.Public Health KEY: D [19]A vessel's Classification Certificate is issued by the ______.A.Bureau of Shipping B.National Cargo Bureau C.Port Authorities D.The Customs KEY: A [20]This certificate is valid until Jan 1 202_ subject,where appropriate,______ periodical inspection in accordance with Article 14(1)(c)of the Convention A.to B.for C.in D.of KEY: A [21]This certificate is issued under the authority of the said Government,and it will remain in ______ until Jan 1 202_.A.strength B.power C.force D.stress KEY: C [22]The validity of this certificate is,in accordance with article 19(4)(a)of the Convention,______ until Jan 1 202_.A.stretched B.expanded C.enlarged D.extended KEY: D [23]The official identification of a vessel is found in the ______.A.Certificate of Inspection B.Classification Certificate C.Loadline Certificate

D.Certificate of Documentation KEY: D [24]The maximum draft to which a vessel can legally be submerged is indicated by the ______.A.Loadline mark

B.Certificate of Inspection C.Station Bill D.Tonnage mark KEY: A [25]The loadline certificate of a Chinese ship is issued by ______.A.CCS

B.the National Cargo Bureau C.MSA

D.PRC Customs KEY: A [26]The Certificate of Freeboard is the ______.A.Loadline Certificate B.Certificate of Inspection C.Admeasurer's Certificate D.Forecastle Card KEY: A [27]The agency which assigns loadlines and issues Loadline Certificates in US is the ______.A.American Bureau of Shipping B.Secretary of Commerce C.US Customs D.USCG KEY: A [28]That SHE WAS ENTERED IN THE REGISTER BOOK OF THIS SOCIETY,WITH THE CHARACTER +100A1 SUBJECT TO PERIODICAL SURVEYS AS REQUIRED BY THE RULES is likely to appear in ______.A.INTERNATIONAL OIL POLLUTION PREVENTION CERTIFICATE B.FUMIGATION AND GAS FREE CERTIFICATE C.CERTIFICATE OF CLEANLINESS OF NATIONAL CARGO BUREAU,INC.D.CERTIFICATE OF CLASS KEY: D [29]Allowance for fresh water for all freeboards other than timber 25mm.This wording is likely to appear in ______.A.INTERNATIONAL LOADLINE CERTIFICATE B.PASSENGER SHIP SAFETY CERTIFICATE

C.CARGO SHIP SAFETY CONSTRUCTION CERTIFICATE D.GENERAL DECLARATION KEY: A [30]______ is issued under the provision of International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships,1973,as modified by the Protocol of 1978 relating thereto.A.INTERNATIONAL OIL POLLUTION PREVENTION CERTIFICATE B.CARGO SHIP SAFETY CONSTRUCTION CERTIFICATE C.CARGO SHIP SAFETY EQUIPMENT CERTIFICATE

D.CARGO SHIP SAFETY RADIOTELEPHONY CERTIFICATE KEY: A [32]A vessel has sustained damage in a collision with another vessel.It is necessary to have a Seaworthy Certificate before the vessel sails.Who will issue this certificate? A.American Consul B.Classification Society C.Captain of the Port

D.Officer in Charge,Marine Inspection KEY: B [33]A vessel's Certificate of Documentation ______.A.may be retained by the owner at the home port OR kept on the vessel B.must be posted under transparent material in the pilothouse C.must be carried on board

D.must be kept on file at the corporate offices of the owner or operator KEY: C [34]A vessel's Classification Certificate is issued by the ______.A.American Bureau of Shipping B.National Cargo Bureau C.United States Coast Guard D.United States Customs KEY: A [35]An International Tonnage Certificate will be issued to a vessel when it meets several requirements,one of which is that the vessel must ______.A.admeasure over 100 GT B.be 79 or more feet in length

C.engage in intercoastal or international trade D.be issued a Certificate of Inspection KEY: B [37]If your passenger vessel has been issued a stability letter,it must be ______.A.filed in the ship's office B.posted in a passenger area

C.posted adjacent to the Certificate of Inspection D.posted in the pilothouse KEY: D [38]If your vessel is equipped with a radiotelephone,what must also be aboard? A.Certificate of Inspection B.List of ship stations

C.Copy of ship to shore channels D.Radio station license KEY: D [39]My Deratization Exemption Certificate will ______ by the end of this month.

A.become due B.become valid C.become lawful D.become effective KEY: A [40]Said cargo spaces having been cleaned in accordance with the Regulations of the United States Coast Guard and the Code of Federal Regulations so far as applicable,and in accordance with the recommendations of the National Cargo Bureau,Inc.This wording is likely to appear in ______.A.CERTIFICATE OF CLEANLINESS


D.INTERNATIONAL OIL POLLUTION PREVENTION CERTIFICATE KEY: A [41]That she was entered in the REGISTER BOOK of this Society,with the Character +100A1 subject to Periodical Surveys as required by the Rules is likely to appear in ______.A.INTERNATIONAL OIL POLLUTION PREVENTION CERTIFICATE B.FUMIGATION AND GAS FREE CERTIFICATE

C.CERTIFICATE OF CLEANLINESS OF NATIONAL CARGO BUREAU,INC.D.CERTIFICATE OF CLASS KEY: D [42]The agency which assigns load lines and issues Load Line Certificates is the ______.A.the Bureau of Shipping B.Secretary of Commerce C.the Customs

D.MSA or Coast Guard KEY: A [43]The Certificate of Inspection for a containership ______.A.is issued by the Coast Guard and is usually valid for 2 years

B.must be posted under transparent material near the officers' licenses C.lists all of the stability limitations and conditions imposed on the vessel D.shows the due date of the quadrennial test of the cargo gear KEY: A [44]The certificate of inspection of a vessel will specify the ______.A.number of licensed personnel required on board B.maximum load line draft

C.maximum water depth for drilling D.next date for an inclining experiment KEY: A [45]The International Load Line Certificate is a document indicating ______ of the various load lines of the vessel.

A.decks B.cabins C.holds D.positions KEY: D [46]The undersigned ______ that he is duly authorized by the said Government to issue this certificate.A.claims B.declares C.complains D.says KEY: B [47]This certificate is issued under the authority of the said Government,and it will remain in ______ until Jan 1 202_.A.strength B.power C.force D.stress KEY: C [48]This Certificate will remain in force until May 1,202_. ______.A.This Sentence refers to the validity of the Certificate.

B.This Sentence refers to the time of the Certificate.

C.This Sentence refers to the date of the Certificate.

D.This Sentence refers to the issue of the Certificate KEY: A [49]Tonnage tax is officially based upon the figures obtained from the ______.A.Admeasurement Certificate B.deadweight scale C.displacement scale D.Load Line Certificate KEY: A [50]Vessels must be ______ valid certificate of nationality or certificate of registry or license.


B.with possession of C.required for D.in possession of KEY:

01.2 各类报表(海事、海关、检疫、边防等)

[51]The Quarantine officer told the master that the Certificate of Pratique shall become {null and void} if the ship calls at other foreign ports.

A.no disposal B.ineffective C.no result D.no event KEY: B [52]The government of PR China ______ that the above-mentioned ship complies with the provisions of the regulations annexed to the Convention referred to above as regards radiotelegraphy and radar.

A.certifies B.confirms C.contains D.construes KEY: A [53]The Certificate of pratique shall only have effect in ______.A.all ports of the issuing country B.all ports of the world

C.all ports other than a issuing country D.all ports of ship's arrival KEY: A [54]I shall apply ______ the extension of my Deratization Certificate.

A.to B.for C.of D.on KEY: B [55]Masters of ocean-going ships must keep in mind that ______ should be hoisted immediately if any quarantinable diseases be found.

A.the national flag B.the quarantine signal

C.the Certificate of Pratique D.the navigational light KEY: B [56]Maritime Declaration of Health is to be rendered to ______ by the master of ship arriving from port outside the territory.

A.Immigration Officer B.Customs Officer C.Quarantine Officer D.Ship's Agent KEY: C [57]In the event of any quarantinable disease breaking out during its currency,the certificate of 8 pratique generally ______.A.becomes null and void B.remains effective C.is to be extended D.is to renewed KEY: A [58]Before passing the Suez Canal the master has to fill out ______ given by the pilot.

A.the Pilotage list B.the Pilotage form C.the Pilotage chart

D.the Pilotage certificate KEY: B [59]Any vessel that does not have the necessary certificates on board will ______ the Panama Canal.

A.be heavily fined by

B.be ordered to depart from C.not be permitted to transit D.not be required to leave KEY: C [60]According to the Maritime Safety Traffic Law of the People's Republic of China,which administrative organ in China is in charge of issuing the Certificate of Vessel's Nationality? ______.A.Customs Office

B.Harbor Operation Office C.MSA

D.Register of Shipping KEY: C [61]When clearing customs for a foreign voyage,which of the following is processed at the custom's house and returned to the vessel? ______.A.Shipping Articles

B.Traveling Curio Manifest C.Official Logbook D.Cargo Gear Register KEY: A [62]______ of this Deratting Exemption Certificate is hereby extended until 4th Oct.202_ as the vessel is laden with cargo.

A.Validity B.Valid


D.The coming into force KEY: A [63]______ should be presented to the Customs officers.

A.Bonded Store List

B.Deratization Certificate C.Load line Certificate D.Radio Safety Certificate KEY: A [64]______ signifies that vessel has passed quarantine inspection and may enter port.

A.Freeboard B.Freight C.Pratique D.Patent KEY: C [65]______ such circumstances I usually put the remarks IN DISPUTE.

A.At B.On C.Under D.Below KEY: C [66]______ the vessel have no safety radiotelegraphy certificate at the time of her delivery,she ______ be held to be unseaworthy.

A.If/may B.Will/shall

C.Should/would D.Would/should KEY: C [67]A change of a Chinese vessel's name can only be made by the ______.A.CCS

B.the Customs C.MOC D.MSA KEY: D [68]A crew list is a piece of paper which shows ______.A.all names of crew members on board B.all crew member's lists on board C.all paper of crew members on board D.all names of lists for the crew on board KEY: A [69]A document which has a list of names,birthplaces,and residences of persons employed on a merchant vessel bound from a PRC port on a foreign voyage and is required at every port is called the ______.A.Certified Crew List B.Crew Manifest C.Shipping Articles D.Station Bill KEY: A [70]A Permit to Proceed is issued by the ______.A.CCS B.CCIC

C.MSA OF CHINA D.Department of Labor KEY: C [71]A vessel operating in class has met all the requirements of the ______.A.CCS or similar society B.insurance company C.MSA

D.the Customs KEY: A [72]A vessel's Derat Certificate is always issued by ______.A.China Classification Society.

B.Cargo Survey Bureau.

C.Environmental Protection Agency.

D.Public Health KEY: D [73]According to the customs of this port,the work of opening and closing hatch covers is done by ______.A.the ship's officers

B.the foreman from the shore C.the ship's hands D.the tally man KEY: C [74]At any rate ______ is liable for delay in obtaining the necessary Customs House papers for discharging,when the delay arises from the fact that special papers are required for the particular cargo carried.

A.the Charterer B.the Shipowner C.the Shipper D.the Receiver KEY: A [75]Before sailing for a foreign port,what document must you get? ______.A.The Policy of insurance B.The Report of Entrance C.The Clearance D.The Pratique KEY: C [76]Brief particulars of voyage should be declared in ______.A.CREW LIST


D.GENERAL DECLARATION KEY: D [77]Customs,upon boarding a vessel desiring entry into PRC port,would inspect which document? ______.A.Cargo Manifest B.Certified Crew List C.Stores List

D.All of the above KEY: D [78]Effects which are dutiable or subject to prohibitions or restrictions should be declared in ______.A.CREW LIST


D.GENERAL DECLARATION KEY: B [79]Free pratique means that ______.A.clearance requirements for all regulatory bodies have been met

B.health requirements have been met and no further quarantine formalities are required C.shipment will be made at no cost

D.tonnage taxes are not required to be paid KEY: B [80]Free Radio Pratique will be granted by the Port Health Office in the following case ______ .

A.Vessel with a case or suspected case of infectious disease on board.

B.Vessel with a dead body on board.

C.Vessel which has visited plague-infected ports during the current voyage.

D.Cargo vessel which hasn't called at any plague infected ports during the current voyage and on which there is not any case of infectious disease,or any dead body KEY: D [81]If an alien stowaway is discovered aboard your vessel,his name must be placed on the ______.A.Alien Crew List B.Crew List

C.Passenger List

D.separate Passenger List marked stowaways KEY: D [82]It is not necessary to declare ______ in MARITIME HEALTH DECLARATION.A.fever accompanied by prostration or persisting for several days B.fever attended with glandular swelling C.acute skin rash D.glycosuria KEY: D [83]My vessel is healthy and I request free pratique.What does the sentence My vessel is healthy mean?It means: ______.A.My ship has been maintained.

B.My ship has been painted.

C.All my crew members have been vaccinated.

D.All my crew members have no quarantinable diseases KEY: D [84]Once vessel has been cleared by Port Health or Immigration ______ must proceed to appropriate berth or anchorage.

A.It B.she C.he

D.the vessel KEY: B [85]Permission is kindly ______ about 1000 tons of clean sea water ballast,as and when required for trimming purposes.

A.requested to pump out B.requested pumping out C.requesting to pump out D.requesting pumping out KEY: A [86]Permission is requested to pump out about 200 tons of clean sea ballast water for ______ purposes.

A.safe manning B.trimming

C.avoiding collision D.preventing pollution KEY: B [87]Please collect all the shore-passes and hand them back ______ me.

A.for B.with C.to D.of KEY: C [88]Said cargo spaces having been cleaned in accordance with the Regulations and the recommendations of the(US)National Cargo Bureau,Inc.This wording is likely to appear in ______.A.CERTIFICATE OF CLEANLINESS


D.INTERNATIONAL OIL POLLUTION PREVENTION CERTIFICATE KEY: A [89]The agency most concerned with a stowaway is ______.A.Customs B.Immigration C.Public Health D.MSA KEY: B [90]The citizenship of a crew member of a vessel is determined solely by the ______.A.Customs Officer B.Immigration Officer C.Coast Guard D.Union Official KEY: B [91]The granting of radio pratique ______ the vessel only as far as the Port Officer of Health is concerned.

A.clear B.clears C.clearing D.is cleared KEY: B [92]The Immigration and Naturalization Service is concerned with which document on a vessel making preliminary entry into a U.S.port from a foreign port? ______.A.Cargo Manifest B.Certified Crew List C.Curio List

D.Shipping Articles KEY: B [93]The load line certificate is issued by ______.A.CCS

B.the National Cargo Bureau C.MSA

D.PRC Customs KEY: A [94]The master got permission to pump out 500 tons of clean sea water for ______.A.the purpose of trimming B.the approval for ballast C.the purpose of voyage D.the approval for operation KEY: A [95]The master of any vessel entering Singapore may ______ radio pratique to the Port Health Officer through his local agent.

A.apply to B.apply for C.apply with D.apply in KEY: B [96]The provisional pratique by radio ______ a vessel to proceed directly to berths or working anchorages and begin normal business activities without the inspection of the Port Health Officer.

A.permit B.permitting C.is permitted D.permits KEY: D [97]The Shipping Articles shall be signed by each seaman and the ______.A.Master of the vessel B.Shipping Commissioner C.Coast Guard D.Customs Service KEY: A [98]The term used in levying customs duties when such are fixed at rates proportioned to estimated value of goods concerned is ______.A.ad valorem B.infinite C.secure D.specific KEY: A [99]The vessel's Load Line Certificate is always issued by ______.A.The Register of Shipping B.Customs House

C.Cargo Survey Bureau

D.Maritime Safety Administration KEY: A [100]What form should the master hand over to the Customs Officer at the port of arrival? ______.A.Last Port Clearance

B.Declaration of Crew's Baggages C.Maritime Declaration of Health D.List of Bonded Stores KEY: D 二 航海图书资料

02.1 航路指南

[101]While steaming slowly in the harbor,no ship is ______ to exceed the speed limited.

A.assumed B.appreciated C.promised


KEY: D [102]Place names used on board ships should be those ______.A.specified by international authorities B.specified by national authorities C.on standard map

D.on the chart or Sailing Directions in use KEY: D [103]Sailing directions are kept up to date by ______.A.publications

B.notices to mariners C.supplements

D.Annual Summary of Admiralty Notices to Mariners KEY: C [104]In Admiralty Sailing Directions,STRIPES is the word used to indicate ______ marking.A.horizontal B.vertical C.diagonal

D.vertical or diagonal

KEY: D [105]Every new supplement to the Sailing Directions ______ the previous one.

A.enforces B.cancels C.corrects D.replenishes KEY: B [106]Admiralty Sailing Directions are Kept up to date by ______.A.corrections B.publications C.supplements D.alterations KEY: C [107]______ amplify charted detail and contain information needed for safe navigation.

A.Admiralty Sailing Directions B.Admiralty List of Lights C.Admiralty List of Signals

D.Admiralty Notices to Mariners KEY: A [108]You will find information about the duration of slack water in the ______.A.Tidal Current Tables B.Tide Tables

C.American Practical Navigator D.Sailing Directions KEY: A [109]The Sailing Directions contain information on ______.A.required navigation lights

B.lifesaving equipment standards C.casualty reporting procedures D.currents in various locations KEY: D [110]A head on situation shall be deemed to exist at night when a power-driven vessel sees another power-driven vessel ahead and ______.A.one sidelight and the masthead light are visible B.the vessels will pass closer than half a mile C.both vessels sound one prolonged blast

D.both sidelights and masthead light(s)are visible KEY: D [111]A line of position derived by radar range from an identified point on a coast will be a(n)______.A.straight line B.arc


D.line parallel to the coast KEY: B [112]A navigator fixing a vessel's position by radar ______.A.should never use radar bearings

B.should only use radar bearings when the range exceeds the distance to the horizon C.can use radar information from one object to fix the position D.must use information from targets forward of the beam KEY: C [113]A pilot vessel may continue to sound an identity signal if she is ______.A.underway,but not making way B.aground C.being towed

D.not engaged in pilotage duty KEY: A [114]A pilot vessel on pilotage duty at night will show sidelights and a sternlight ______.A.when at anchor

B.only when making way

C.at any time when underway

D.only when the identifying lights are not being shown KEY: C [115]A pilot vessel on pilotage duty shall show identity lights ______.A.at any time while underway B.while at anchor

C.while alongside a vessel D.All of the above KEY: D [116]A tug is to assist in docking an oceangoing vessel on a hawser.The greatest danger to the tug is ______.A.from the ship's propeller when making up aft B.from being overrun if making up forward

C.hull damage while alongside passing a hawser D.getting in a tripping position KEY: D [117]A vessel is entering port A for the first time and has a Pilot conning the vessel.The Master is unsure that the Pilot is taking sufficient action to prevent a collision.What should the Master do? ______.A.Nothing; The Pilot is required by law and is solely responsible for the safety of the vessel.B.State his concerns to the Pilot but do not interfere with the handling of the vessel.C.Direct the Pilot to stop the vessel and anchor if necessary until the situation clears.D.Recommend an alternative action and if not followed relieve the Pilot.KEY: D [118]A vessel not to impede the passage of another vessel is not relieved ______ taking collision-avoiding action.

A.on B.of C.in D.for.

KEY: B [119]Above-normal tides near the center of a hurricane maybe caused by the ______.A.high barometric pressure B.jet stream C.storm surge D.torrential rains KEY: C [120]AFTER DROPPING THE PILOT means ______.A.After boarding the pilot

B.After the pilot leaving the ship C.After the pilot going on board D.After taking the pilot KEY: B [121]An occulting light is one in which ______.A.the period of darkness exceeds the period of light B.there is only a partial eclipse of the light C.the periods of light and darkness are equal

D.the period of light exceeds the period of darkness KEY: D [122]Areas enclosed by a long and short dashed magenta line indicate ______.A.cable areas

B.dumping grounds C.fish trap areas

D.precautionary areas KEY: C [123]As these features are not all charted,special caution should be exercised ______ vessels navigating in the vicinity.

A.by B.with C.on D.in KEY: A [124]At last,the palm trees that fringe the natural harbor of Port Aloahoa come into view on the horizon lit by the setting sun.The meaning of this sentence is that ______.A.a vessel arrives at a port in a evening B.a vessel leaves a port in a evening C.a vessel arrives at a port in a morning D.a vessel leaves a port in a morning KEY: A [125]Attention is called to the fact that in many cases charted depths may be decreased by up to ______.A.one nautical mile B.two kilometers C.5 cables only D.one fathom KEY: D [126]Attention is called to the fact that in many cases pipelines are not ______ and charted depths may be decreased by up to 2 meters.

A.concealed B.buried C.existed D.built KEY: B [127]Clearance gauges at bridges indicate ______.A.the height of the tide

B.depth of water under the bridge

C.charted vertical clearance at mean low water

D.distance from the water to low steel of the bridge KEY: D [128]Clearances of bridges and overhead cables below Bonneville Dam refer to heights in feet above mean ______.A.lower low water B.high water C.low water D.sea level KEY: A [129]Conditions for crossing a rough bar are usually best at ______.A.low water slack B.high water slack C.high water ebb D.high water flood KEY: B [130]Depths of {Wk.} are to be inserted in the chart.

A.work B.wreck C.wake D.weak KEY: B [131]Due to lapse of time the risk in these areas to surface navigation is now considered ______ than the ordinary risks of navigation,but a very real risk still exists with regard to anchoring,fishing or any form of submarine or seabed activity.A.more serious B.not less serious C.more dangerous D.no more dangerous KEY: D [132]During a period of whiteout,you should expect which of the following? ______.A.Snowfall or blowing snow

B.Lack of ability to estimate distance

C.Harsh contrast between sun-illuminated snow cover and the background D.Hazy horizons with extensive mirage effects KEY: B [133]During daylight savings time the meridian used for determining the time is located farther ______.A.west in west longitude and east in east longitude B.east in west longitude and west in east longitude C.west D.east KEY: D [134]For full information regarding the current circulation of the Indian Ocean,______ Sailing Direction,Current Atlas,etc.

A.watch B.look for C.see D.regard KEY: C [135]In Admiralty Sailing Directions,bands is the word used to indicate ______ marking.

A.horizontal B.vertical C.diagonal

D.vertical or diagonal KEY: A [136]Information on the operating times and characteristics of foreign radiobeacons can be found in which publication? A.List of Lights B.Coast Pilot

C.Sailing Directions D.List of Radiobeacons KEY: A [137]Lateral movement of the vessel to leeward of its course defines ______.A.Leeway B.Leeside C.Leeward D.Lee moving KEY: C [138]On a voyage from Capetown to London,the favorable ocean current off the coast of Africa is the ______.A.Canary Current B.Benguela Current C.Agulhas Current

D.South Atlantic Current KEY: B [139]On a voyage from Halifax,N.S.,to Dakar,West Africa,the Canary Current will ______.A.set the vessel to the left B.set the vessel to the right

C.offer resistance in the form of a head current D.furnish additional thrust in the form of a fair or following current KEY: B [140]The distance between any two meridians measured along a parallel of latitude ______.A.increases in north latitude and decreases in south latitude B.decreases as DLO increases

C.increases with increased latitude D.decreases with increased latitude KEY: D [141]The distance between any two meridians measured along a parallel of latitude and expressed in miles is the ______.A.difference in longitude B.mid-longitude C.departure

D.meridian angle KEY: C [142]The distance between the surface of the water and the tidal datum is the ______.A.range of tide B.height of tide C.charted depth

D.actual water depth KEY: B [143]The distance from the still water level(corrected for tides and storm surge)to the bottom of the hull of a ship is the ______.A.air gap B.freeboard C.penetration D.water depth KEY: A [144]The Earth has the shape of a(n)______.A.sphere

B.oblate spheroid

C.spheroid of revolution D.oblate eggoid KEY: B [145]The Earth's irregular heating is caused by ______.A.the time of day B.the seasons C.geography

D.All of the above KEY: D [146]The height of a light is measured from which reference plane? A.Mean low water B.Mean high water C.Average water level D.Geographical sea level KEY: B [147]The height of eye correction is smaller than geometrical dip because of ______.A.the angle between the horizontal and the line of sight to the visible horizon B.index error C.parallax

D.terrestrial refraction KEY: D [148]The height of tide is the ______.A.depth of water at a specific time due to tidal effect

B.difference between the depth of the water and the area's tidal datum C.difference between the depth of the water and the high water tidal level

D.difference between the depth of the water at high tide and the depth of the water at low tide KEY: B [149]The meaning of ebb tide is that ______.A.tide is falling from high water to low water B.tide is rising from low water to high water C.tide is reaching to a highest level D.tide is reaching to a lowest level KEY: A [150]The period at high or low tide during which there is no change in the height of the water is called the ______.A.range of the tide B.plane of the tide C.stand of the tide D.reversing of the tide KEY: C 02.2 进港指南


C.Boarding arrangements D.Fittings KEY: C [152]An anchored vessel on pilotage duty must show which light(s)at night? A.A sternlight only B.Anchor lights only

C.A white light over a red light only

D.A white light over a red light and anchor lights KEY: D [153]An embarked Pilot ______.A.is a specialist hired for his local navigational knowledge B.is solely responsible for the safe navigation of the vessel C.relieves the Master of his duties D.relieves the officer of the watch KEY: A [154]Before a Master relieves a Pilot of the conn,the ______.A.Master should foresee any danger to the vessel on the present course B.vessel must be in extremis

C.Master should agree to sign a release of liability form

D.Master must first request the Pilot to take corrective action KEY: A [155]Coral atolls,or a chain of islands at right angles to the radar beam,may show as a long line rather than as inpidual targets due to ______.A.the effects of beam width

B.limitations on range resolution C.the pulse length of the radar

D.the multiple-target resolution factor KEY: A [156]Data relating to the direction and velocity of rotary tidal currents can be found in the ______.A.Mariner's Guide B.Tidal Current Tables C.Nautical Almanac D.Tide Tables KEY: B [157]ETA/PILOT REVERTING means ______ .

A.ETA pilot station has been given.

B.ETA pilot station will be given afterwards.

C.ETA pilot station was not given.

D.ETA pilot station is given KEY: B [158]For full information regarding the current circulation of the Indian Ocean,______ Sailing Direction,Current Atlas,etc.

A.watch B.look for C.see D.regard KEY: C [159]From ______ the mariner can know the data of tide.

A.the Sea Pilot B.the Cargo Plan C.the Tide Table D.the Port List KEY: C [160]From ______ the mariner can understand the data of tide.

A.cargo plan B.tide table C.port list D.sea pilot KEY: B [161]Gangway ______ with pilot ladder on my starboard side.

A.being rigged combined B.is rigged combining C.rigs combining D.is rigged combined KEY: B [162]If the officer on watch is in any doubt as to the pilot's actions,or intentions,he should ______.A.notify the Captain as soon as possible B.seek clarification from the pilot C.take action by his own judgment D.cease the duty of pilot's at once KEY: B [163]Information on the operating times and characteristics of foreign radiobeacons can be found in which publication? A.List of Lights B.Coast Pilot

C.Sailing Directions D.List of Radiobeacons KEY: A [164]Insufficient space between the hull and bottom in shallow water will prevent normal screw currents resulting in ______.A.waste of power

B.sudden sheering to either side C.sluggish rudder response D.All of the above KEY: D [165]Is the pilot boat ______ station?

A.in B.at C.with D.on KEY: D [166]Is the pilot ladder all right at this ______ ?

A.high B.highly C.heigh D.height KEY: D [167]It's all right to rig the pilot ladder on lee side ______.A.to allow port Authorities to board B.allowing port Authorities to board C.to allow port Authorities boarding

D.allowing port Authorities to be boarded KEY: A [168]Keep ______ to that point,said the pilot.

A.straight B.direct C.forward D.on KEY: A [169]Monsoons are characterized by ______.A.light,variable winds with little or no humidity

B.strong,gusty winds that blow from the same general direction all year C.steady winds that reverse direction semiannually

D.strong,cyclonic winds that change direction to conform to the passage of an extreme low pressure system KEY: C [170]My ship {needs} a pilot.

A.requires B.has C.takes D.gets KEY: A [171]On no account ______ proceed without pilot in this water area.

A.the vessel

B.shall not vessel C.the vessel should D.should vessel KEY: D [172]Passage through the Suez Canal is operated on a ______ system.

A.convey B.convoy C.escort D.conform KEY: B [173]Pilot ladder is ______ on port side.

A.equipped B.rigged C.put on D.put off KEY: B [174]Place names used should be those ______.A.specified by international authorities B.specified by national authorities C.on standard map

D.on the chart or Sailing Directions in use KEY: D [175]Please wireless to let me know ______ I am to anchor or to meet pilot. A.which B.where C.what D.who KEY: B [176]Temperature and moisture characteristics are modified in a warm or cold air mass due to ______.A.pressure changes in the air mass B.movement of the air mass

C.the heterogeneous nature of the air mass D.upper level atmospheric changes KEY: B [177]The characteristic of a lighted cardinal mark may be ______.A.very quick flashing B.flashing C.fixed D.occulting KEY: A [178]The first indications a mariner will have of the approach of a warm front will be ______.A.large cumulonimbus(thunderclouds)building up

B.high cirrus clouds gradually changing to cirrostratus and then to altostratus C.fog caused by the warm air passing over the cooler water D.low dark clouds accompanied by intermittent rain KEY: B [179]The iron mike is a(n)______.A.pilot B.speaker

C.standby wheel D.automatic pilot KEY: D [180]The pilot {embarked} the ship at 1830 hours.

A.boarded B.left C.piloted D.loaded KEY: A [181]The pilot is on board,______ ?

A.is it B.isn't it C.is he D.isn't he KEY: D [182]The pilot motor launches are ______ blue,with the PILOT in white.

A.furnished B.painted C.prepared D.written KEY: B [183]The pilot said he ______ our vessel directly to the berth.

A.will take B.took C.is taking D.would take KEY: D [184]The pilot station ______ close west of the end of the breakwater.

A.is stayed B.is situated C.is placed D.is located KEY: B [185]The pilot station is {situated close} W of the breakwater.

A.to B.near C.distant D.on KEY: B [186]The radiotelephone required by the Vessel Bridge-to-Bridge Radiotelephone Act is for the exclusive use of ______.A.the Master or person in charge of the vessel B.a person designated by the Master C.a person on board to pilot the vessel D.All of the above KEY: D [187]The single letter G,sent by an icebreaker to an assisted vessel,means ______.A.I require a pilot B.Longitude follows

C.I am going ahead;follow me D.Do not follow me KEY: C [188]THE SPEED OF A VESSEL ADJUSTED TO THAT OF A PILOT BOAT AT WHICH THE PILOT CAN SAFELY EMBARK is ______.A.Ground speed B.Boarding speed C.Relative speed D.Speed of the vessel KEY: B [189]The step of a pilot ladder which prevents the ladder from twisting is the ______.A.Proof bar B.Shifting bar C.Long bar D.Spreader KEY: D [190]The transfer procedures for oil products are required to be posted ______.A.in the pilothouse B.in the officer's lounge

C.in the upper pumproom flat

D.where they can be easily seen or readily available KEY: D [191]There shall be two principal ______ through the harbor for the passage of vessels of over 60 tons burden.

A.straits B.channels C.canals

D.roadsteads KEY: B [192]Vessels must ______ pilot at waiting anchorage.

A.wait B.wait for C.be waited D.be waited for KEY: B [193]When a pilot is on board to pilot the vessel the Letter ______ must be hoisted.

A.G B.H C.B D.N KEY: B [194]When a tug is pulling on a hawser at right angles to the ship,and the pilot wants to come ahead or astern on the ship's engine,care must be taken that the pilot ______.A.does not break the towline

B.does not get too much way on the vessel

C.keeps a steady course so the towline will remain tight D.turns the ship toward the direction of pull KEY: B [195]When the movement of engine is no longer required the pilot usually gives the order like this ______.A.Stop engine B.Nothing to port C.Finish engines

D.Finished with engines KEY: D [196]When the Pilot is embarked he or she ______.A.relieves the Master of his duties

B.is solely responsible for the safe navigation of the vessel

C.is a specialist hired for his or her local navigational knowledge D.relieves the officer of the watch KEY: C [197]Where a one-berth cabin is provided solely for the accommodation of a pilot,the existence of such a room,although not itself eligible for deduction,shall not cause the disallowance of the officers’ mess-room,bathroom,W.C.,etc.,as would be the case if the rooms were intended for the use of a passenger.This sentence indicates that ______.A.a one-berth cabin for a pilot is deductible

B.the officers’ mess-room,bathroom,W.C.,etc.,which are also used by a passenger,is deductible.

C.the officers’mess-room,bathroom,W.C.,etc.,which are also used by a pilot,is deductible.

D.a one-berth cabin for a passenger is deductible KEY: C [198]Which is a weekly publication advising mariners of important matters affecting navigational safety?

A.Light List

B.Notice to Mariners C.Coast Pilot

D.Sailing Directions KEY: B [199]Which publication should you check for complete information on Puget Sound weather conditions?

A.Sailing Directions B.Light List C.Coast Pilot

D.Chart of the area KEY: C [200]Which vessel may show three lights in a vertical line,the top and bottom being red and the middle being white?

A.A vessel engaged in ping operations B.A pilot vessel C.A vessel trawling D.All of the above KEY: A 02.3 航海出版物(灯标表、天文历、海员手册、大洋航路等)

[201]The Mariner's Handbook ______ general information affecting navigation and is complementary to the Sailing Directions.

A.giving B.give C.gives D.given KEY: C [202]Information on the operating times and characteristics of foreign radiobeacons can be found in which publication? ______.A.List of Lights B.Coast Pilot

C.Sailing Directions D.List of Radiobeacons KEY: A [203]A lashing used to secure two barges side by side,lashed in an “X” fashion,is called a ______.A.scissor wire B.towing wire C.breast wire D.cross wire KEY: A [204]A lashing used to secure two barges side by side,lashed in an “X” fashion,is called a ______.A.quarter line B.back line C.peg line D.jockey line KEY: D [205]A latitude line will be obtained by observing a body ______.A.on the prime vertical B.on the celestial horizon C.at lower transit

D.on the Greenwich meridian KEY: C [206]A life float on a fishing vessel must be equipped with ______.A.a painter

B.red smoke flares C.a jackknife D.a signal mirror KEY: A [207]A life preserver or buoyant work vest is required to be worn on a ship when a person is ______.A.working on the rig floor B.working over water

C.working on the pipe racks

D.operating line throwing equipment KEY: B [208]A lifeline must be connected to the liferaft ______.A.at the bow B.at the stern C.in the middle D.all around KEY: D [209]A liferaft which has inflated bottom-up on the water ______.A.should be righted by standing on the carbon dioxide cylinder,holding the righting straps and leaning backwards

B.should be righted by standing on the life line,holding the righting straps leaning backwards C.will right itself when the canopy tube inflates

D.must be cleared of the buoyant equipment before it will right itself KEY: A [210]A light signal consisting of three flashes means ______.A.I am in doubt as to your actions B.My engines are full speed astern C.I desire to overtake you

D.I am operating astern propulsion KEY: D [211]A light used to signal passing intentions must be an ______.A.all-round yellow light only B.all-round white light only C.all-round blue light only

D.alternating red and yellow light KEY: B [212]A line of position derived from a loran reading is a section of a(n)______.A.straight line B.arc

C.parabola D.hyperbola KEY: D [213]A line of position from a celestial observation is a segment of a ______.A.circle of equal altitude B.parallel of declination C.parallel of altitude D.vertical circle KEY: A [214]A list man would expect to see any of the following light signals EXCEPT ______.A.two red lights B.one green light C.one white light D.one amber light KEY: D [215]A list signal of one white light indicates that the vessel is ______.A.on an even keel

B.listing about 1° to the side the light is displayed on C.listing over 5°With the light displayed on the high side

D.listing,and the chutes should be directed to the side where the light is displayed KEY: B [216]A low HDOP(Horizontal Dilution of Precision)number such as 2 indicates a ______.A.poor fix B.good fix

C.poor signal quality D.good signal quality KEY: B

[217]A low pressure annular preventer which is used to direct flow of kick fluids away from the rig floor is called a ______.A.dump valve B.deflector C.separator D.perter KEY: D [218]A major health hazard of the product tert-butylamine is that it ______.A.can be absorbed through the skin

B.causes irreversible damage to eye tissue C.is a very unstable product D.All of the above KEY: B [219]A marine chemist issues gas free certificates and is certified by which organization? A.Mine Safety Appliance Association B.American Chemical Society C.Marine Chemists Association

D.National Fire Protection Association KEY: D [220]A mean sun is used as the reference for solar time for three reasons.Which reason is NOT a cause for use of a mean sun?

A.The motion of the apparent sun is along the ecliptic.B.Measurement of time is along the celestial equator.C.The speed of the Earth's revolution is not constant.D.There are variations in the Earth's rotational speed.KEY: B [221]A message by flashing light consists of the call,the identity,the text,and the ______.A.destination B.answer C.time D.ending KEY: D [222]A mobile offshore drilling unit must display obstruction lights when it is on the waters over the Outer Continental Shelf and is ______.A.under tow

B.fixed to the seabed C.underway

D.All of the above KEY: B [223]A mobile offshore drilling unit under tow is approaching a fog bank.When should fog signals be started?

A.When the towing vessel enters the fog B.When the drilling rig enters the fog

C.When the towing vessel can no longer be seen from the rig D.Immediately

KEY: D [224]A mobile offshore drilling unit will show the day-shape in DIAGRAM 10 to indicate that it is ______.A.at anchor B.being towed C.aground D.drilling KEY: B [225]A monkey fist is found on a ______.A.heaving line B.lead line C.manrope D.mooring line KEY: A [226]A mooring line leading 45° to the keel,used to check forward or astern movement of a vessel,is called a ______.A.spring line B.warp line C.bow line D.breast line KEY: A [227]A mooring line leading at nearly right angles to the keel is a ______.A.spring line B.bow line C.stern line D.breast line KEY: D [228]A natural fiber rope can be ruined by dampness because it may ______.A.rot B.shrink C.stretch D.unlay KEY: A [229]A navigator fixing a vessel's position by radar ______.A.can use radar information from one object to fix the position B.should never use radar bearings

C.should only use radar bearings when the range exceeds the distance to the horizon D.must use information from targets forward of the beam KEY: A [230]A negative metacentric height ______.A.should always be immediately corrected B.will always cause a vessel to capsize C.always results from off-center weights D.All of the above are correct KEY: A

[231]A petroleum liquid has a flash point of 85°F.This is a grade ______.A.B flammable liquid B.C flammable liquid C.D combustible liquid D.E combustible liquid KEY: C [232]A pilot chart does NOT contain information about ______.A.average wind conditions B.tidal currents

C.magnetic variation

D.average limits of field ice KEY: B [233]A pilot vessel may continue to sound an identity signal if she is ______.A.aground B.at anchor

C.not under command D.being towed KEY: B [234]A pilot vessel on pilotage duty at night will show sidelights and a stern light ______.A.when at anchor

B.only when making way

C.at any time when underway

D.only when the identifying lights are not being shown KEY: C [235]A polyconic projection is based on a ______.A.plane tangent at one point

B.cylinder tangent at one parallel C.cone tangent at one parallel

D.series of cones tangent at selected parallels KEY: D [236]A position obtained by applying ONLY your vessel's course and speed to a known position is a ______.A.fix

B.dead-reckoning position C.running fix

D.probable position KEY: B [237]A position obtained by crossing lines of position taken at different times and advanced to a common time is a(n)______.A.dead-reckoning position B.running fix

C.estimated position D.fix KEY: B [238]A position that is obtained by applying estimated current and wind to your vessel's course and

speed is a(n)______.A.estimated position

B.dead reckoning position C.fix

D.None of the above KEY: A [239]A position that is obtained by using two or more intersecting lines of position taken at nearly the same time,is a(n)______.A.fix

B.running fix

C.estimated position

D.dead-reckoning position KEY: A [240]A precaution you should take before bunkering is to ______ A.plug the vents

B.plug the sounding pipes C.plug the scuppers

D.close the lids on the vents KEY: C [241]A predictable result of a vessel nearing a bank or edge of a channel is that the ______.A.stern is drawn to the bank as the bow sheers off B.bow sheers toward the bank

C.vessel continues in a straight line,but with greatly reduced maneuverability D.vessel will be drawn bodily into the bank unless the engines are stopped KEY: A [242]A psychrometer has two thermometers that provide dry bulb and wet bulb temperatures.By comparing these two temperature readings with a set of tables you can determine the ______.A.atmospheric pressure B.wind speed

C.relative humidity and dew point D.wind chill factor KEY: C [243]A pumproom is suspected of accumulating gases after a ventilation machinery breakdown.Where should the combustible gas indicator case be placed when testing the pumproom atmosphere for combustible gases?

A.In the lower level of the pumproom B.In the middle level of the pumproom C.In the upper level of the pumproom D.On the deck outside the pumproom KEY: D [244]A quick and rapid motion of a ship in a seaway is an indication of a(n)______.A.large GM

B.high center of gravity C.excessive free surface D.small GZ

KEY: A [245]A radar range to a small,charted object such as a light will provide a line of position in which form?

A.Straight line B.Arc

C.Parabola D.Hyperbola KEY: B [246]A rapid rise or fall of the barometer indicates ______.A.heavy rain within six hours B.a decrease in wind velocity

C.a change in the present weather conditions D.that fog will soon set in KEY: C [247]A red triangular daymark marks ______.A.the centerline of a navigable channel B.the starboard side of a channel

C.a prominent object of navigational interest that has no lateral significance D.an area of a channel where passing another vessel is permitted KEY: B [248]A report of casualty to a mobile offshore drilling unit must be made in writing to which office? A.Commandant of the Coast Guard B.Owner of the unit

C.Nearest Coast Guard Marine Safety Office D.Captain of the nearest port KEY: C [249]A report of casualty to a mobile offshore drilling unit must include ______.A.the estimated cost of damage to the unit B.an evaluation of who was at fault C.the amount of ballast on board

D.the name of the owner or agent of the unit KEY: D [250]A rigid replica of the International Code flag “A” may be shown by a vessel ______.A.pulling a submarine cable B.engaged in ping operations

C.engaged in underway replenishment D.transferring explosives KEY: B 02.4 海图及海图作业

[251]To agree with larger scale chart,latitudes taken from this chart should be increased ______ about 8 seconds.

A.with B.in

C.by D.to KEY: C [252]On this chart only the principle ______ to navigation are shown.

A.equipment's B.tools

C.apparatus D.aids KEY: D [253]Many of the soundings shown on the chart are derived from ______.Undue reliance should not be placed upon them.

A.complete and often very poor surveys B.correct and often very good surveys C.inadequate and often very old surveys D.adequate and present surveys KEY: C [254]Lines on a chart which connect points of equal magnetic variation are called ______.A.magnetic latitudes B.magnetic declinations C.dip

D.isogonic lines KEY: D [255]Isogonic lines are lines on a chart indicating ______.A.points of equal variation B.points of zero variation C.the magnetic latitude D.magnetic dip KEY: A [256]In which source could you find the number of a chart for a certain geographic area? ______.A.Chart No.1

B.Catalog of Charts

C.IMO Practical Navigator D.IMO Light List KEY: B [257]How is the annual rate of change for magnetic variation shown on a pilot chart? ______.A.Gray lines on the uppermost inset chart B.Red lines on the main body of the chart

C.In parenthesis on the lines of equal magnetic variation D.Annual rate of change is not shown.KEY: A [258]Charted depth is the ______.A.vertical distance from the chart sounding datum to the ocean bottom,plus the height of tide B.vertical distance from the chart sounding datum to the ocean bottom C.average height of water over a specified period of time D.average height of all low waters at a place

KEY: B [259]Chart correction information is NOT disseminated through the ______.A.Summary of Corrections B.Local Notice to Mariners C.Daily Memorandum D.Chart Correction Card KEY: D [260]All straight lines represent great circle tracks on a chart based on a(n)______.A.Mercator projection B.polyconic projection C.orthographic projection D.gnomonic projection KEY: D [261]A revised print of a chart is made ______.A.after every major hydrographic survey of the area covered by the chart

B.when there are numerous corrections to be made or the corrections are extensive C.when a low-stock situation occurs and minor corrections are made D.every two years to update the magnetic variation information KEY: C [262]A Mercator chart is a ______.A.cylindrical projection B.simple conic projection C.polyconic projection D.rectangular projection KEY: A [263]______ chart 3994,positions read from this chart should be shifted 0.03 minutes Northward.

A.To consider B.To check C.To examine D.To agree with KEY: D [264]The changes in the channel's sands and buoys on this coast are ______ this chart can not be considered as a safe guide of the channel.

A.frequent B.so frequent C.frequent that D.so frequent that KEY: D [265]______ is a term denoting the determination of a ship's position by observations of Celestial or terrestrial objects,or by a combination of both.

A.Course-planning B.Position-fixing C.Radar-plotting

D.Stowage-plan making KEY: B

[266]A chart position enclosed by a semi-circle is a(n)______.A.fix

B.estimated position

C.dead reckoning position D.running fix KEY: C [267]A true bearing of a charted object,when plotted on a chart,will establish a ______.A.fix

B.line of position C.relative bearing D.range KEY: B [268]Admiralty Charts are published in ______.A.U.S.A B.China C.U.K D.Japan KEY: C [269]Attention is ______ the advice on the use of charts in The Mariner's Handbook Chapter 3,Section 1.

A.fixed to B.needed for C.pushed to D.drawn to KEY: D [270]Distance along a track line is measured on a Mercator chart by using the ______.A.latitude scale near the middle of the track line B.longitude scale near the middle of the track line C.latitude scale at the midlatitude of the chart

D.latitude or longitude scale at the middle of the scale KEY: A [271]Entering from sea,a daymark on the port side of the channel would be indicated on a chart by a ______.A.red triangle with the letter R

B.white triangle with the letters RG C.green square with the letter G D.white square with the letters GR KEY: C [272]Magnetic information on a chart may be ______.A.found in the center(s)of the compass rose(s)B.indicated by isogonic lines C.found in a note on the chart D.All of the above KEY: D [273]My position has been obtained ______ astronomical observation.

A.with B.from C.on D.by KEY: D [274]Navigational charts are ______ frequent changes,the important one of which are promulgated by Admiralty Notices to Mariners.

A.published with B.combined with C.in connection with D.subject to KEY: D [275]On the south and the east coasts of Block Island are circles with a dot in the center and labeled CUP.This is a ______.A.conspicuous object

B.steep depression in the surrounding hills that resembles a cup C.domed structure useful for navigation D.calling-up-point used for traffic control KEY: C [276]Solid green arrows on the main body of a pilot chart indicate ______.A.prevailing wind directions

B.prevailing ocean current directions C.probable surface current flow D.shortest great circle routes KEY: B [277]The agonic line on an isomagnetic chart indicates the ______.A.magnetic equator

B.magnetic longitude reference line C.points where there is no variation

D.points where there is no annual change in variation KEY: C [278]The buoy symbol printed on your chart is leaning to the northeast.This indicates ______.A.you should stay to the north or east of the buoy B.you should stay to the west or south of the buoy C.the buoy is a major lighted buoy

D.nothing special for navigational purposes KEY: D [279]The chart of a beach area shows a very flat slope to the underwater beach bottom.What type of breakers can be expected when trying to land a boat on this beach? A.Surging B.Spilling C.Plunging D.Converging KEY: B [280]The chart symbol indicating that the bottom is coral is ______.40 A.C B.Cl C.Co D.c KEY: C [281]The charts sold are of ______.A.newly edition with up to date correction and in reasonable prices.

B.the current edition and incorporate the last Notices to Mariners correction

C.the current edition and incorporate the latest Notices to Mariners correction at the time of sale.

D.brand-new one with up to date correction and clean writing KEY: C [282]The compass rose on a nautical chart indicates both variation and ______.A.deviation

B.annual rate of variation change C.precession D.compass error KEY: B [283]The description Racon beside an illustration on a chart would mean a ______.A.radar conspicuous beacon B.circular radiobeacon

C.radar transponder beacon D.radar calibration beacon KEY: C [284]The maximum difference between mean time and apparent time is ______.A.equal to the longitude expressed in time units B.about 16 minutes

C.the difference between the GHA of mean sun and the first point of Aries

D.15°of arc KEY: B [285]The numeral in the center of a wind rose circle on a pilot chart indicates the ______.A.total number of observations

B.average wind force on the Beaufort scale C.average wind force in knots D.percentage of calms KEY: D [286]The only cylindrical chart projection widely used for navigation is the ______.A.Lambert conformal B.Mercator C.azimuthal D.gnomonic KEY: B [287]The path that a vessel is expected to follow,represented on a chart by a line drawn from the point of departure to the point of arrival,is the ______.A.DR plot B.track line


D.estimated course KEY: B [288]The revision date of a chart is printed on which area of the chart? A.Top center

B.Lower-left corner C.Part of the chart title

D.Any clear area around the neat line KEY: B [289]The soundings on the chart are based on the depth of water available at ______.A.mean low water

B.mean lower low water C.mean high water

D.mean high water springs KEY: B [290]The survey information upon which a chart is based is found ______.A.at the top center of the next line B.near the chart title

C.at the lower left corner D.at any convenient location KEY: B [291]The symbol which appears beside a light on a chart reads Gp Fl R(2)10 sec 160 ft 19M.Which characteristic describes the light? A.It is visible 10 miles.B.Its distinguishing number is 19M.C.It has a radar reflector.D.None of the above KEY: D [292]What defines a great circle?

A.A curved line drawn on a Mercator Chart

B.A course line that inscribes a loxodromic curve

C.The shortest distance between any two points on the earth D.The smallest circle that can be drawn on the face of a sphere KEY: C [293]What information is found in the chart title? A.Date of the first edition

B.Date of the edition and,if applicable,the revision C.Information on the sounding datum

D.Information on which IALA buoyage system applies KEY: C [294]What information is NOT found in the chart title? A.Survey information B.Scale

C.Date of first edition D.Projection

KEY: C [295]What is NOT an advantage of the rhumb line track over a great circle track? A.Easily plotted on a Mercator chart

B.Negligible increase in distance on east-west courses near the equator C.Does not require constant course changes

D.Plots as a straight line on Lambert conformal charts KEY: D [296]What is the major advantage of a rhumb line track?

A.The vessel can steam on a constant heading(disregarding wind,current,etc.).B.The rhumb line is the shortest distance between the arrival and departure points.C.It is easily plotted on a gnomonic chart for comparison with a great circle course.D.It approximates a great circle on east-west courses in high latitudes.KEY:

[297]When a buoy is in position only during a certain period of the year,where may the dates when the buoy is in position be found? A.Light List

B.Notice to Mariners C.On the chart D.Coast Pilot KEY: A [298]When navigating in high latitudes and using a chart based on a Lambert conformal projection,______.A.a straight line drawn on the chart approximates a great circle B.the chart should not be used outside of the standard parallels

C.the course angle is measured at the mid-longitude of the track line D.distance cannot be measured directly from the chart KEY: A [299]When using a Lambert conformal chart in high latitudes,angles such as bearings are measured in reference to ______.A.the meridian through the object of the bearing B.the meridian through the ship's position

C.the meridian midway between the ship and the object D.any meridian KEY: B [300]Which aid is NOT marked on a chart with a magenta circle? A.Aero light B.Radar station

C.Radar transponder beacon D.Radiobeacon KEY: A 02.5 航海通告与警告

[301]To ______ Admiralty Charts 438,latitudes taken from this chart should be increased by about 5 seconds.

A.convert to B.come to C.look at D.agree with KEY: D [302]The chart you supplied was anything ______ up to date.

A.but B.except C.beside D.apart from KEY: A [303]The Admiralty Notices to Mariners can be obtained ______ by Masters of vessels from any Admiralty Chart Agent.

A.free of charge

B.with no responsibility

C.without limitations of distribution D.with little charges KEY: A [304]Positions read from this chart should,to agree with chart 3949,be ______ 0.03 minutes Northwards and 0.22 minutes Westwards.

A.shifted B.removed C.changed D.altered KEY: A [305]Positions read from this chart should be moved 0.08 minutes Southward and 0.13 minutes Eastward so as ______ adjoining chart 344,.

A.to agree upon

B.in accordance with C.to be same as D.to agree with KEY: D [306]Owing to old data of the survey the positions and number of the beacons shown on this chart are not to be ______.A.considered B.insured C.relied upon D.suspected KEY: C [307]No navigational aids are shown and the chart is not kept corrected for alterations in depths inside the pecked lines. For more detailed information,the larger scale charts must be ______.A.referred to B.appreciated C.met with D.concerned

KEY: A [308]Navigational charts are subject to frequent changes,the important ones of which are promulgated by ______.A.Admiralty Notices to Mariners B.Mariner's Handbook C.Catalogue

D.Sailing Directions KEY: A [309]Contour elevations on this chart refer to heights in feet above mean ______.A.lower low water B.high water C.low water D.sea level KEY: D [310]Charts are subject to frequent correction according to ______.A.Notices to Mariners B.Mariner's handbook C.Sailing Directions D.Guide to Port Entry KEY: A [311]A chart has extensive corrections to be made to it.When these are made and the chart is again printed,the chart issue is a ______.A.first edition B.new edition C.revised edition D.reprint KEY: B [312]______ are published for the correction of Admiralty Charts.

A.Admiralty Sailing Directions B.Admiralty List of Signals C.Mariner's Handbook

D.Admiralty Notices to Mariners KEY: D [313]______ is not contained in the NM Weekly.A.Amendments to Admiralty Sailing Directions

B.Amendments to Admiralty List of Lights and Fog Signals C.Amendments to Admiralty List of Radio Signals D.Supplement to Guide to Port Entry KEY: D [314]The heights and soundings of Admiralty chart are expressed ______ in Fathoms ______ in Meters.

A.either,or B.neither,nor C.another,nor D.other,or

KEY: A [315]______ day,pilot flag should be displayed from main mast.

A.From B.By C.on D.With KEY: B [316]______ objects are those which stand out clearly from the background or other objects and are easily identifiable from a few miles offshore in normal visibility.

A.Conspicuous B.Permanent C.Preliminary D.Temporary KEY: A [317]A marker pole,with a horseshoe buoy and a sea anchor attached,should be used to ______.A.mark the position of a lost mooring

B.determine your vessel's sideslip underway C.determine your speed through the water D.indicate location of a man overboard KEY: D [318]A stand-on vessel in a crossing situation is allowed to take action when ______.A.on a collision course

B.the vessels will pass within one mile

C.it becomes apparent to her that the give-way vessel is not taking appropriate action D.the relative speed of the vessels indicates collision in less than six minutes KEY: C [319]A steep barometric gradient indicates ______.A.calms

B.light winds C.strong winds D.precipitation KEY: C [320]A storm is forecast for the area where your vessel is moored.For its safety you should put ______.A.more slack in the mooring lines B.a strain on the mooring lines

C.chafing gear on the mooring lines D.grease on the mooring lines KEY: C [321]Admiralty Notices to Mariners are published ______.A.every day B.every week C.every month D.every year KEY: B


一 船舶证书

01.1 各类证书的内容、展期与更新

[1]This Certificate will remain in force until May 1,202_.This Sentence refers to ______ of the Certificate.A.the validity B.the time C.the date D.the issue KEY: A [2]The International Loadline Certificate is a document indicating ______ of the various loadlines of the vessel.

A.functions B.importances C.actions D.positions KEY: D [3]The certificate will remain in force ______ July lst,202_.

A.in B.on C.till D.to KEY: C [4]The certificate shall have effect ______ all Chinese ports.

A.to B.for C.in D.on KEY: C

[5]The certificate of nationality ______ serves as evidence of the nationality of the ship ______ shows the port of registry.


B.not only,but also C.not,but

D.not only and but KEY: B

[7]My Deratization Exemption Certificate will become ______ on the 16th of September.

A.due B.expire C.lawful

D.non-effective KEY: A [8]If there are any Certificates expired or nearing expiry the master of a ship must shall apply for their ______ at any port.

A.inspection or issuance B.requirements or renewal C.renewal or extension D.extension or expiring KEY: C [9]______ of this Deratting Exemption Certificate is hereby extended until 4th Oct.202_ as the vessel is laden with cargo.

A.Validity B.Valid


D.The coming into force KEY: A [10]Vessel shall possess International Cargo Gear Certificates ______ duration of Charter Party showing winches and derricks in order.

A.validity in B.valid for C.effective at

D.effectiveness for KEY: B

[11]______ the vessel have no safety radiotelegraphy certificate at the time of her delivery,she ______ be held to be unseaworthy.

A.If/may B.Will/shall

C.Should/would D.Would/should KEY: C [12]The Tonnage Certificate indicates ______.A.deadweight tons B.displacement tons

C.net tons and gross tons D.volume tons KEY: C [13]Which certificate is always issued by the China Classification Society? ______.A.Loadline certificate

B.Safety equipment certificate C.Safety construction certificate D.Safety cargo gear certificate KEY: D [14]A vessel used for international service shall possess ______ valid for duration of charter party showing winches and derricks in order.

A.International Cargo Gear Certificate B.International Loadline Certificate

C.International Safety Construction Certificate D.International Seaman Identification KEY: A [15]The vessel's Loadline Certificate is always issued by ______.A.The Register of Shipping B.Customs House

C.Cargo Survey Bureau

D.Maritime Safety Administration KEY: A [16]The certificate of pratique certifies that ______.A.the ship has no rats or mice on board

B.no quarantinable disease has been found on the vessel

C.no person has died during the voyage the ship has just completed D.all the crew members have no health problem KEY: B [17]Official proof of a Chinese vessel's nationality is contained in the ______.A.Certificate of Inspection B.Official Log

C.Certificate of Documentation D.Shipping Articles KEY: C [18]A vessel's Derat Certificate is always issued by ______.A.Classification Society.

B.Cargo Survey Bureau.

C.Environmental Protection Agency.

D.Public Health KEY: D [19]A vessel's Classification Certificate is issued by the ______.A.Bureau of Shipping B.National Cargo Bureau C.Port Authorities D.The Customs KEY: A [20]This certificate is valid until Jan 1 202_ subject,where appropriate,______ periodical inspection in accordance with Article 14(1)(c)of the Convention A.to B.for C.in D.of KEY: A [21]This certificate is issued under the authority of the said Government,and it will remain in ______ until Jan 1 202_.A.strength B.power C.force D.stress KEY: C [22]The validity of this certificate is,in accordance with article 19(4)(a)of the Convention,______ until Jan 1 202_.A.stretched B.expanded C.enlarged D.extended KEY: D [23]The official identification of a vessel is found in the ______.A.Certificate of Inspection B.Classification Certificate C.Loadline Certificate

D.Certificate of Documentation KEY: D [24]The maximum draft to which a vessel can legally be submerged is indicated by the ______.A.Loadline mark

B.Certificate of Inspection C.Station Bill D.Tonnage mark KEY: A [25]The loadline certificate of a Chinese ship is issued by ______.A.CCS

B.the National Cargo Bureau C.MSA

D.PRC Customs KEY: A [26]The Certificate of Freeboard is the ______.A.Loadline Certificate B.Certificate of Inspection C.Admeasurer's Certificate D.Forecastle Card KEY: A [27]The agency which assigns loadlines and issues Loadline Certificates in US is the ______.A.American Bureau of Shipping B.Secretary of Commerce C.US Customs D.USCG KEY: A [28]That SHE WAS ENTERED IN THE REGISTER BOOK OF THIS SOCIETY,WITH THE CHARACTER +100A1 SUBJECT TO PERIODICAL SURVEYS AS REQUIRED BY THE RULES is likely to appear in ______.A.INTERNATIONAL OIL POLLUTION PREVENTION CERTIFICATE B.FUMIGATION AND GAS FREE CERTIFICATE


C.CARGO SHIP SAFETY CONSTRUCTION CERTIFICATE D.GENERAL DECLARATION KEY: A [30]______ is issued under the provision of International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships,1973,as modified by the Protocol of 1978 relating thereto.A.INTERNATIONAL OIL POLLUTION PREVENTION CERTIFICATE B.CARGO SHIP SAFETY CONSTRUCTION CERTIFICATE C.CARGO SHIP SAFETY EQUIPMENT CERTIFICATE

D.CARGO SHIP SAFETY RADIOTELEPHONY CERTIFICATE KEY: A [32]A vessel has sustained damage in a collision with another vessel.It is necessary to have a Seaworthy Certificate before the vessel sails.Who will issue this certificate? A.American Consul B.Classification Society C.Captain of the Port

D.Officer in Charge,Marine Inspection KEY: B [33]A vessel's Certificate of Documentation ______.A.may be retained by the owner at the home port OR kept on the vessel B.must be posted under transparent material in the pilothouse C.must be carried on board

D.must be kept on file at the corporate offices of the owner or operator KEY: C [34]A vessel's Classification Certificate is issued by the ______.A.American Bureau of Shipping B.National Cargo Bureau C.United States Coast Guard D.United States Customs KEY: A [35]An International Tonnage Certificate will be issued to a vessel when it meets several requirements,one of which is that the vessel must ______.A.admeasure over 100 GT B.be 79 or more feet in length

C.engage in intercoastal or international trade D.be issued a Certificate of Inspection KEY: B [37]If your passenger vessel has been issued a stability letter,it must be ______.A.filed in the ship's office B.posted in a passenger area

C.posted adjacent to the Certificate of Inspection D.posted in the pilothouse KEY: D [38]If your vessel is equipped with a radiotelephone,what must also be aboard? A.Certificate of Inspection B.List of ship stations

C.Copy of ship to shore channels D.Radio station license KEY: D [39]My Deratization Exemption Certificate will ______ by the end of this month.

A.become due B.become valid C.become lawful D.become effective KEY: A [40]Said cargo spaces having been cleaned in accordance with the Regulations of the United States Coast Guard and the Code of Federal Regulations so far as applicable,and in accordance with the recommendations of the National Cargo Bureau,Inc.This wording is likely to appear in ______.A.CERTIFICATE OF CLEANLINESS


D.INTERNATIONAL OIL POLLUTION PREVENTION CERTIFICATE KEY: A [41]That she was entered in the REGISTER BOOK of this Society,with the Character +100A1 subject to Periodical Surveys as required by the Rules is likely to appear in ______.A.INTERNATIONAL OIL POLLUTION PREVENTION CERTIFICATE B.FUMIGATION AND GAS FREE CERTIFICATE

C.CERTIFICATE OF CLEANLINESS OF NATIONAL CARGO BUREAU,INC.D.CERTIFICATE OF CLASS KEY: D [42]The agency which assigns load lines and issues Load Line Certificates is the ______.A.the Bureau of Shipping B.Secretary of Commerce C.the Customs

D.MSA or Coast Guard KEY: A [43]The Certificate of Inspection for a containership ______.A.is issued by the Coast Guard and is usually valid for 2 years

B.must be posted under transparent material near the officers' licenses C.lists all of the stability limitations and conditions imposed on the vessel D.shows the due date of the quadrennial test of the cargo gear KEY: A [44]The certificate of inspection of a vessel will specify the ______.A.number of licensed personnel required on board B.maximum load line draft

C.maximum water depth for drilling D.next date for an inclining experiment KEY: A [45]The International Load Line Certificate is a document indicating ______ of the various load lines of the vessel.

A.decks B.cabins C.holds D.positions KEY: D [46]The undersigned ______ that he is duly authorized by the said Government to issue this certificate.A.claims B.declares C.complains D.says KEY: B [47]This certificate is issued under the authority of the said Government,and it will remain in ______ until Jan 1 202_.A.strength B.power C.force D.stress KEY: C [48]This Certificate will remain in force until May 1,202_. ______.A.This Sentence refers to the validity of the Certificate.

B.This Sentence refers to the time of the Certificate.

C.This Sentence refers to the date of the Certificate.

D.This Sentence refers to the issue of the Certificate KEY: A [49]Tonnage tax is officially based upon the figures obtained from the ______.A.Admeasurement Certificate B.deadweight scale C.displacement scale D.Load Line Certificate KEY: A [50]Vessels must be ______ valid certificate of nationality or certificate of registry or license.


B.with possession of C.required for D.in possession of KEY:

01.2 各类报表(海事、海关、检疫、边防等)

[51]The Quarantine officer told the master that the Certificate of Pratique shall become {null and void} if the ship calls at other foreign ports.

A.no disposal B.ineffective C.no result D.no event KEY: B [52]The government of PR China ______ that the above-mentioned ship complies with the provisions of the regulations annexed to the Convention referred to above as regards radiotelegraphy and radar.

A.certifies B.confirms C.contains D.construes KEY: A [53]The Certificate of pratique shall only have effect in ______.A.all ports of the issuing country B.all ports of the world

C.all ports other than a issuing country D.all ports of ship's arrival KEY: A [54]I shall apply ______ the extension of my Deratization Certificate.

A.to B.for C.of D.on KEY: B [55]Masters of ocean-going ships must keep in mind that ______ should be hoisted immediately if any quarantinable diseases be found.

A.the national flag B.the quarantine signal

C.the Certificate of Pratique D.the navigational light KEY: B [56]Maritime Declaration of Health is to be rendered to ______ by the master of ship arriving from port outside the territory.

A.Immigration Officer B.Customs Officer C.Quarantine Officer D.Ship's Agent KEY: C [57]In the event of any quarantinable disease breaking out during its currency,the certificate of pratique generally ______.A.becomes null and void B.remains effective C.is to be extended D.is to renewed KEY: A [58]Before passing the Suez Canal the master has to fill out ______ given by the pilot.

A.the Pilotage list B.the Pilotage form C.the Pilotage chart

D.the Pilotage certificate KEY: B [59]Any vessel that does not have the necessary certificates on board will ______ the Panama Canal.

A.be heavily fined by

B.be ordered to depart from C.not be permitted to transit D.not be required to leave KEY: C [60]According to the Maritime Safety Traffic Law of the People's Republic of China,which administrative organ in China is in charge of issuing the Certificate of Vessel's Nationality? ______.A.Customs Office

B.Harbor Operation Office C.MSA

D.Register of Shipping KEY: C [61]When clearing customs for a foreign voyage,which of the following is processed at the custom's house and returned to the vessel? ______.A.Shipping Articles

B.Traveling Curio Manifest C.Official Logbook D.Cargo Gear Register KEY: A [62]______ of this Deratting Exemption Certificate is hereby extended until 4th Oct.202_ as the vessel is laden with cargo.

A.Validity B.Valid


D.The coming into force KEY: A [63]______ should be presented to the Customs officers.

A.Bonded Store List

B.Deratization Certificate C.Load line Certificate D.Radio Safety Certificate KEY: A [64]______ signifies that vessel has passed quarantine inspection and may enter port.

A.Freeboard B.Freight C.Pratique D.Patent KEY: C [65]______ such circumstances I usually put the remarks IN DISPUTE.

A.At B.On C.Under D.Below KEY: C [66]______ the vessel have no safety radiotelegraphy certificate at the time of her delivery,she ______ be held to be unseaworthy.

A.If/may B.Will/shall

C.Should/would D.Would/should KEY: C [67]A change of a Chinese vessel's name can only be made by the ______.A.CCS

B.the Customs C.MOC D.MSA KEY: D [68]A crew list is a piece of paper which shows ______.A.all names of crew members on board B.all crew member's lists on board C.all paper of crew members on board D.all names of lists for the crew on board KEY: A [69]A document which has a list of names,birthplaces,and residences of persons employed on a merchant vessel bound from a PRC port on a foreign voyage and is required at every port is called the ______.A.Certified Crew List B.Crew Manifest C.Shipping Articles D.Station Bill KEY: A [70]A Permit to Proceed is issued by the ______.A.CCS B.CCIC

C.MSA OF CHINA D.Department of Labor KEY: C [71]A vessel operating in class has met all the requirements of the ______.A.CCS or similar society B.insurance company C.MSA

D.the Customs KEY: A [72]A vessel's Derat Certificate is always issued by ______.A.China Classification Society.

B.Cargo Survey Bureau.

C.Environmental Protection Agency.

D.Public Health KEY: D [73]According to the customs of this port,the work of opening and closing hatch covers is done by ______.A.the ship's officers

B.the foreman from the shore C.the ship's hands D.the tally man KEY: C [74]At any rate ______ is liable for delay in obtaining the necessary Customs House papers for discharging,when the delay arises from the fact that special papers are required for the particular cargo carried.

A.the Charterer B.the Shipowner C.the Shipper D.the Receiver KEY: A [75]Before sailing for a foreign port,what document must you get? ______.A.The Policy of insurance B.The Report of Entrance C.The Clearance D.The Pratique KEY: C [76]Brief particulars of voyage should be declared in ______.A.CREW LIST


D.GENERAL DECLARATION KEY: D [77]Customs,upon boarding a vessel desiring entry into PRC port,would inspect which document? ______.A.Cargo Manifest B.Certified Crew List C.Stores List

D.All of the above KEY: D [78]Effects which are dutiable or subject to prohibitions or restrictions should be declared in ______.A.CREW LIST


D.GENERAL DECLARATION KEY: B [79]Free pratique means that ______.A.clearance requirements for all regulatory bodies have been met

B.health requirements have been met and no further quarantine formalities are required C.shipment will be made at no cost

D.tonnage taxes are not required to be paid KEY: B [80]Free Radio Pratique will be granted by the Port Health Office in the following case ______ .

A.Vessel with a case or suspected case of infectious disease on board.

B.Vessel with a dead body on board.

C.Vessel which has visited plague-infected ports during the current voyage.

D.Cargo vessel which hasn't called at any plague infected ports during the current voyage and on which there is not any case of infectious disease,or any dead body KEY: D [81]If an alien stowaway is discovered aboard your vessel,his name must be placed on the ______.A.Alien Crew List B.Crew List

C.Passenger List

D.separate Passenger List marked stowaways KEY: D [82]It is not necessary to declare ______ in MARITIME HEALTH DECLARATION.A.fever accompanied by prostration or persisting for several days B.fever attended with glandular swelling C.acute skin rash D.glycosuria KEY: D [83]My vessel is healthy and I request free pratique.What does the sentence My vessel is healthy mean?It means: ______.A.My ship has been maintained.

B.My ship has been painted.

C.All my crew members have been vaccinated.

D.All my crew members have no quarantinable diseases KEY: D [84]Once vessel has been cleared by Port Health or Immigration ______ must proceed to appropriate berth or anchorage.

A.It B.she C.he

D.the vessel KEY: B [85]Permission is kindly ______ about 1000 tons of clean sea water ballast,as and when required for trimming purposes.

A.requested to pump out B.requested pumping out C.requesting to pump out D.requesting pumping out KEY: A [86]Permission is requested to pump out about 200 tons of clean sea ballast water for ______ purposes.

A.safe manning B.trimming

C.avoiding collision D.preventing pollution KEY: B [87]Please collect all the shore-passes and hand them back ______ me.

A.for B.with C.to D.of KEY: C [88]Said cargo spaces having been cleaned in accordance with the Regulations and the recommendations of the(US)National Cargo Bureau,Inc.This wording is likely to appear in ______.A.CERTIFICATE OF CLEANLINESS


D.INTERNATIONAL OIL POLLUTION PREVENTION CERTIFICATE KEY: A [89]The agency most concerned with a stowaway is ______.A.Customs B.Immigration C.Public Health D.MSA KEY: B [90]The citizenship of a crew member of a vessel is determined solely by the ______.A.Customs Officer B.Immigration Officer C.Coast Guard D.Union Official KEY: B [91]The granting of radio pratique ______ the vessel only as far as the Port Officer of Health is concerned.

A.clear B.clears C.clearing D.is cleared KEY: B [92]The Immigration and Naturalization Service is concerned with which document on a vessel making preliminary entry into a U.S.port from a foreign port? ______.A.Cargo Manifest B.Certified Crew List C.Curio List

D.Shipping Articles KEY: B [93]The load line certificate is issued by ______.A.CCS

B.the National Cargo Bureau C.MSA

D.PRC Customs KEY: A [94]The master got permission to pump out 500 tons of clean sea water for ______.A.the purpose of trimming B.the approval for ballast C.the purpose of voyage D.the approval for operation KEY: A [95]The master of any vessel entering Singapore may ______ radio pratique to the Port Health Officer through his local agent.

A.apply to B.apply for C.apply with D.apply in KEY: B [96]The provisional pratique by radio ______ a vessel to proceed directly to berths or working anchorages and begin normal business activities without the inspection of the Port Health Officer.

A.permit B.permitting C.is permitted D.permits KEY: D [97]The Shipping Articles shall be signed by each seaman and the ______.A.Master of the vessel B.Shipping Commissioner C.Coast Guard D.Customs Service KEY: A [98]The term used in levying customs duties when such are fixed at rates proportioned to estimated value of goods concerned is ______.A.ad valorem B.infinite C.secure D.specific KEY: A [99]The vessel's Load Line Certificate is always issued by ______.A.The Register of Shipping B.Customs House C.Cargo Survey Bureau

D.Maritime Safety Administration KEY: A [100]What form should the master hand over to the Customs Officer at the port of arrival? ______.A.Last Port Clearance

B.Declaration of Crew's Baggages C.Maritime Declaration of Health D.List of Bonded Stores KEY: D 二 航海图书资料 02.1 航路指南

[101]While steaming slowly in the harbor,no ship is ______ to exceed the speed limited.

A.assumed B.appreciated C.promised


KEY: D [102]Place names used on board ships should be those ______.A.specified by international authorities B.specified by national authorities C.on standard map

D.on the chart or Sailing Directions in use KEY: D [103]Sailing directions are kept up to date by ______.A.publications

B.notices to mariners C.supplements

D.Annual Summary of Admiralty Notices to Mariners KEY: C [104]In Admiralty Sailing Directions,STRIPES is the word used to indicate ______ marking.A.horizontal B.vertical C.diagonal

D.vertical or diagonal KEY: D [105]Every new supplement to the Sailing Directions ______ the previous one.

A.enforces B.cancels C.corrects D.replenishes KEY: B [106]Admiralty Sailing Directions are Kept up to date by ______.A.corrections B.publications C.supplements D.alterations KEY: C [107]______ amplify charted detail and contain information needed for safe navigation.

A.Admiralty Sailing Directions B.Admiralty List of Lights C.Admiralty List of Signals

D.Admiralty Notices to Mariners KEY: A [108]You will find information about the duration of slack water in the ______.A.Tidal Current Tables B.Tide Tables

C.American Practical Navigator D.Sailing Directions KEY: A [109]The Sailing Directions contain information on ______.A.required navigation lights

B.lifesaving equipment standards C.casualty reporting procedures D.currents in various locations KEY: D [110]A head on situation shall be deemed to exist at night when a power-driven vessel sees another power-driven vessel ahead and ______.A.one sidelight and the masthead light are visible B.the vessels will pass closer than half a mile C.both vessels sound one prolonged blast

D.both sidelights and masthead light(s)are visible KEY: D [111]A line of position derived by radar range from an identified point on a coast will be a(n)______.A.straight line B.arc


D.line parallel to the coast KEY: B [112]A navigator fixing a vessel's position by radar ______.A.should never use radar bearings

B.should only use radar bearings when the range exceeds the distance to the horizon C.can use radar information from one object to fix the position D.must use information from targets forward of the beam KEY: C [113]A pilot vessel may continue to sound an identity signal if she is ______.A.underway,but not making way B.aground C.being towed

D.not engaged in pilotage duty KEY: A [114]A pilot vessel on pilotage duty at night will show sidelights and a sternlight ______.A.when at anchor

B.only when making way

C.at any time when underway

D.only when the identifying lights are not being shown KEY: C [115]A pilot vessel on pilotage duty shall show identity lights ______.A.at any time while underway B.while at anchor

C.while alongside a vessel D.All of the above KEY: D [116]A tug is to assist in docking an oceangoing vessel on a hawser.The greatest danger to the tug is ______.A.from the ship's propeller when making up aft B.from being overrun if making up forward

C.hull damage while alongside passing a hawser D.getting in a tripping position KEY: D [117]A vessel is entering port A for the first time and has a Pilot conning the vessel.The Master is unsure that the Pilot is taking sufficient action to prevent a collision.What should the Master do? ______.A.Nothing; The Pilot is required by law and is solely responsible for the safety of the vessel.B.State his concerns to the Pilot but do not interfere with the handling of the vessel.C.Direct the Pilot to stop the vessel and anchor if necessary until the situation clears.D.Recommend an alternative action and if not followed relieve the Pilot.KEY: D [118]A vessel not to impede the passage of another vessel is not relieved ______ taking collision-avoiding action.

A.on B.of C.in


KEY: B [119]Above-normal tides near the center of a hurricane maybe caused by the ______.A.high barometric pressure B.jet stream C.storm surge D.torrential rains KEY: C [120]AFTER DROPPING THE PILOT means ______.A.After boarding the pilot B.After the pilot leaving the ship C.After the pilot going on board D.After taking the pilot KEY: B [121]An occulting light is one in which ______.A.the period of darkness exceeds the period of light B.there is only a partial eclipse of the light C.the periods of light and darkness are equal

D.the period of light exceeds the period of darkness KEY: D [122]Areas enclosed by a long and short dashed magenta line indicate ______.A.cable areas

B.dumping grounds C.fish trap areas

D.precautionary areas KEY: C [123]As these features are not all charted,special caution should be exercised ______ vessels navigating in the vicinity.

A.by B.with C.on D.in KEY: A [124]At last,the palm trees that fringe the natural harbor of Port Aloahoa come into view on the horizon lit by the setting sun.The meaning of this sentence is that ______.A.a vessel arrives at a port in a evening B.a vessel leaves a port in a evening C.a vessel arrives at a port in a morning D.a vessel leaves a port in a morning KEY: A [125]Attention is called to the fact that in many cases charted depths may be decreased by up to ______.A.one nautical mile B.two kilometers C.5 cables only D.one fathom KEY: D [126]Attention is called to the fact that in many cases pipelines are not ______ and charted depths may be decreased by up to 2 meters.

A.concealed B.buried C.existed D.built KEY: B [127]Clearance gauges at bridges indicate ______.A.the height of the tide

B.depth of water under the bridge

C.charted vertical clearance at mean low water

D.distance from the water to low steel of the bridge KEY: D [128]Clearances of bridges and overhead cables below Bonneville Dam refer to heights in feet above mean ______.A.lower low water B.high water C.low water D.sea level KEY: A [129]Conditions for crossing a rough bar are usually best at ______.A.low water slack B.high water slack C.high water ebb D.high water flood KEY: B [130]Depths of {Wk.} are to be inserted in the chart.

A.work B.wreck C.wake D.weak KEY: B [131]Due to lapse of time the risk in these areas to surface navigation is now considered ______ than the ordinary risks of navigation,but a very real risk still exists with regard to anchoring,fishing or any form of submarine or seabed activity.A.more serious B.not less serious C.more dangerous D.no more dangerous KEY: D [132]During a period of whiteout,you should expect which of the following? ______.A.Snowfall or blowing snow

B.Lack of ability to estimate distance

C.Harsh contrast between sun-illuminated snow cover and the background D.Hazy horizons with extensive mirage effects KEY: B [133]During daylight savings time the meridian used for determining the time is located farther ______.A.west in west longitude and east in east longitude B.east in west longitude and west in east longitude C.west D.east KEY: D [134]For full information regarding the current circulation of the Indian Ocean,______ Sailing Direction,Current Atlas,etc.

A.watch B.look for C.see D.regard KEY: C [135]In Admiralty Sailing Directions,bands is the word used to indicate ______ marking.

A.horizontal B.vertical C.diagonal

D.vertical or diagonal KEY: A [136]Information on the operating times and characteristics of foreign radiobeacons can be found in which publication? A.List of Lights B.Coast Pilot

C.Sailing Directions D.List of Radiobeacons KEY: A [137]Lateral movement of the vessel to leeward of its course defines ______.A.Leeway B.Leeside C.Leeward D.Lee moving KEY: C [138]On a voyage from Capetown to London,the favorable ocean current off the coast of Africa is the ______.A.Canary Current B.Benguela Current C.Agulhas Current

D.South Atlantic Current KEY: B [139]On a voyage from Halifax,N.S.,to Dakar,West Africa,the Canary Current will ______.A.set the vessel to the left B.set the vessel to the right

C.offer resistance in the form of a head current

D.furnish additional thrust in the form of a fair or following current KEY: B [140]The distance between any two meridians measured along a parallel of latitude ______.A.increases in north latitude and decreases in south latitude B.decreases as DLO increases

C.increases with increased latitude D.decreases with increased latitude KEY: D [141]The distance between any two meridians measured along a parallel of latitude and expressed in miles is the ______.A.difference in longitude B.mid-longitude C.departure

D.meridian angle KEY: C [142]The distance between the surface of the water and the tidal datum is the ______.A.range of tide B.height of tide C.charted depth

D.actual water depth KEY: B [143]The distance from the still water level(corrected for tides and storm surge)to the bottom of the hull of a ship is the ______.A.air gap B.freeboard C.penetration D.water depth KEY: A [144]The Earth has the shape of a(n)______.A.sphere

B.oblate spheroid

C.spheroid of revolution D.oblate eggoid KEY: B [145]The Earth's irregular heating is caused by ______.A.the time of day B.the seasons C.geography

D.All of the above KEY: D [146]The height of a light is measured from which reference plane? A.Mean low water B.Mean high water C.Average water level D.Geographical sea level KEY: B [147]The height of eye correction is smaller than geometrical dip because of ______.A.the angle between the horizontal and the line of sight to the visible horizon B.index error C.parallax

D.terrestrial refraction KEY: D [148]The height of tide is the ______.A.depth of water at a specific time due to tidal effect

B.difference between the depth of the water and the area's tidal datum C.difference between the depth of the water and the high water tidal level

D.difference between the depth of the water at high tide and the depth of the water at low tide KEY: B [149]The meaning of ebb tide is that ______.A.tide is falling from high water to low water B.tide is rising from low water to high water C.tide is reaching to a highest level D.tide is reaching to a lowest level KEY: A [150]The period at high or low tide during which there is no change in the height of the water is called the ______.A.range of the tide B.plane of the tide C.stand of the tide D.reversing of the tide KEY: C 02.2 进港指南


C.Boarding arrangements D.Fittings KEY: C [152]An anchored vessel on pilotage duty must show which light(s)at night? A.A sternlight only B.Anchor lights only

C.A white light over a red light only

D.A white light over a red light and anchor lights KEY: D [153]An embarked Pilot ______.A.is a specialist hired for his local navigational knowledge B.is solely responsible for the safe navigation of the vessel C.relieves the Master of his duties D.relieves the officer of the watch KEY: A [154]Before a Master relieves a Pilot of the conn,the ______.A.Master should foresee any danger to the vessel on the present course B.vessel must be in extremis

C.Master should agree to sign a release of liability form

D.Master must first request the Pilot to take corrective action KEY: A [155]Coral atolls,or a chain of islands at right angles to the radar beam,may show as a long line rather than as inpidual targets due to ______.A.the effects of beam width

B.limitations on range resolution C.the pulse length of the radar

D.the multiple-target resolution factor KEY: A [156]Data relating to the direction and velocity of rotary tidal currents can be found in the ______.A.Mariner's Guide B.Tidal Current Tables C.Nautical Almanac D.Tide Tables KEY: B [157]ETA/PILOT REVERTING means ______ .

A.ETA pilot station has been given.

B.ETA pilot station will be given afterwards.

C.ETA pilot station was not given.

D.ETA pilot station is given KEY: B [158]For full information regarding the current circulation of the Indian Ocean,______ Sailing Direction,Current Atlas,etc.

A.watch B.look for C.see D.regard KEY: C [159]From ______ the mariner can know the data of tide.

A.the Sea Pilot B.the Cargo Plan C.the Tide Table D.the Port List KEY: C [160]From ______ the mariner can understand the data of tide.

A.cargo plan B.tide table C.port list D.sea pilot KEY: B [161]Gangway ______ with pilot ladder on my starboard side.

A.being rigged combined B.is rigged combining C.rigs combining D.is rigged combined KEY: B [162]If the officer on watch is in any doubt as to the pilot's actions,or intentions,he should ______.A.notify the Captain as soon as possible B.seek clarification from the pilot C.take action by his own judgment D.cease the duty of pilot's at once KEY: B [163]Information on the operating times and characteristics of foreign radiobeacons can be found in which publication? A.List of Lights B.Coast Pilot

C.Sailing Directions D.List of Radiobeacons KEY: A [164]Insufficient space between the hull and bottom in shallow water will prevent normal screw currents resulting in ______.A.waste of power

B.sudden sheering to either side C.sluggish rudder response D.All of the above KEY: D [165]Is the pilot boat ______ station?

A.in B.at C.with D.on KEY: D [166]Is the pilot ladder all right at this ______ ?

A.high B.highly C.heigh D.height KEY: D [167]It's all right to rig the pilot ladder on lee side ______.A.to allow port Authorities to board B.allowing port Authorities to board C.to allow port Authorities boarding

D.allowing port Authorities to be boarded KEY: A [168]Keep ______ to that point,said the pilot.

A.straight B.direct C.forward D.on KEY: A [169]Monsoons are characterized by ______.A.light,variable winds with little or no humidity B.strong,gusty winds that blow from the same general direction all year C.steady winds that reverse direction semiannually

D.strong,cyclonic winds that change direction to conform to the passage of an extreme low pressure system KEY: C [170]My ship {needs} a pilot.

A.requires B.has C.takes D.gets KEY: A [171]On no account ______ proceed without pilot in this water area.

A.the vessel

B.shall not vessel C.the vessel should D.should vessel KEY: D [172]Passage through the Suez Canal is operated on a ______ system.

A.convey B.convoy C.escort D.conform KEY: B [173]Pilot ladder is ______ on port side.

A.equipped B.rigged C.put on D.put off KEY: B [174]Place names used should be those ______.A.specified by international authorities B.specified by national authorities C.on standard map

D.on the chart or Sailing Directions in use KEY: D [175]Please wireless to let me know ______ I am to anchor or to meet pilot.

A.which B.where C.what D.who KEY: B [176]Temperature and moisture characteristics are modified in a warm or cold air mass due to ______.A.pressure changes in the air mass B.movement of the air mass C.the heterogeneous nature of the air mass D.upper level atmospheric changes KEY: B [177]The characteristic of a lighted cardinal mark may be ______.A.very quick flashing B.flashing C.fixed D.occulting KEY: A [178]The first indications a mariner will have of the approach of a warm front will be ______.A.large cumulonimbus(thunderclouds)building up

B.high cirrus clouds gradually changing to cirrostratus and then to altostratus C.fog caused by the warm air passing over the cooler water D.low dark clouds accompanied by intermittent rain KEY: B [179]The iron mike is a(n)______.A.pilot B.speaker

C.standby wheel D.automatic pilot KEY: D [180]The pilot {embarked} the ship at 1830 hours.

A.boarded B.left C.piloted D.loaded KEY: A [181]The pilot is on board,______ ?

A.is it B.isn't it C.is he D.isn't he KEY: D [182]The pilot motor launches are ______ blue,with the PILOT in white.

A.furnished B.painted C.prepared D.written KEY: B [183]The pilot said he ______ our vessel directly to the berth.

A.will take B.took C.is taking D.would take KEY: D [184]The pilot station ______ close west of the end of the breakwater.

A.is stayed B.is situated C.is placed D.is located KEY: B [185]The pilot station is {situated close} W of the breakwater.

A.to B.near C.distant D.on KEY: B [186]The radiotelephone required by the Vessel Bridge-to-Bridge Radiotelephone Act is for the exclusive use of ______.A.the Master or person in charge of the vessel B.a person designated by the Master C.a person on board to pilot the vessel D.All of the above KEY: D [187]The single letter G,sent by an icebreaker to an assisted vessel,means ______.A.I require a pilot B.Longitude follows

C.I am going ahead;follow me D.Do not follow me KEY: C [188]THE SPEED OF A VESSEL ADJUSTED TO THAT OF A PILOT BOAT AT WHICH THE PILOT CAN SAFELY EMBARK is ______.A.Ground speed B.Boarding speed C.Relative speed D.Speed of the vessel KEY: B [189]The step of a pilot ladder which prevents the ladder from twisting is the ______.A.Proof bar B.Shifting bar C.Long bar D.Spreader KEY: D [190]The transfer procedures for oil products are required to be posted ______.A.in the pilothouse B.in the officer's lounge

C.in the upper pumproom flat

D.where they can be easily seen or readily available KEY: D [191]There shall be two principal ______ through the harbor for the passage of vessels of over 60 tons burden.

A.straits B.channels C.canals

D.roadsteads KEY: B [192]Vessels must ______ pilot at waiting anchorage.

A.wait B.wait for C.be waited D.be waited for KEY: B [193]When a pilot is on board to pilot the vessel the Letter ______ must be hoisted.

A.G B.H C.B D.N KEY: B [194]When a tug is pulling on a hawser at right angles to the ship,and the pilot wants to come ahead or astern on the ship's engine,care must be taken that the pilot ______.A.does not break the towline

B.does not get too much way on the vessel

C.keeps a steady course so the towline will remain tight D.turns the ship toward the direction of pull KEY: B [195]When the movement of engine is no longer required the pilot usually gives the order like this ______.A.Stop engine B.Nothing to port C.Finish engines

D.Finished with engines KEY: D [196]When the Pilot is embarked he or she ______.A.relieves the Master of his duties

B.is solely responsible for the safe navigation of the vessel

C.is a specialist hired for his or her local navigational knowledge D.relieves the officer of the watch KEY: C [197]Where a one-berth cabin is provided solely for the accommodation of a pilot,the existence of such a room,although not itself eligible for deduction,shall not cause the disallowance of the officers’ mess-room,bathroom,W.C.,etc.,as would be the case if the rooms were intended for the use of a passenger.This sentence indicates that ______.A.a one-berth cabin for a pilot is deductible

B.the officers’ mess-room,bathroom,W.C.,etc.,which are also used by a passenger,is deductible. C.the officers’mess-room,bathroom,W.C.,etc.,which are also used by a pilot,is deductible.

D.a one-berth cabin for a passenger is deductible KEY: C [198]Which is a weekly publication advising mariners of important matters affecting navigational safety?

A.Light List

B.Notice to Mariners C.Coast Pilot

D.Sailing Directions KEY: B [199]Which publication should you check for complete information on Puget Sound weather conditions?

A.Sailing Directions B.Light List C.Coast Pilot

D.Chart of the area KEY: C [200]Which vessel may show three lights in a vertical line,the top and bottom being red and the middle being white?

A.A vessel engaged in ping operations B.A pilot vessel C.A vessel trawling D.All of the above KEY: A 02.3 航海出版物(灯标表、天文历、海员手册、大洋航路等)

[201]The Mariner's Handbook ______ general information affecting navigation and is complementary to the Sailing Directions.

A.giving B.give C.gives D.given KEY: C [202]Information on the operating times and characteristics of foreign radiobeacons can be found in which publication? ______.A.List of Lights B.Coast Pilot

C.Sailing Directions D.List of Radiobeacons KEY: A [203]A lashing used to secure two barges side by side,lashed in an “X” fashion,is called a ______.A.scissor wire B.towing wire C.breast wire D.cross wire KEY: A [204]A lashing used to secure two barges side by side,lashed in an “X” fashion,is called a ______.A.quarter line B.back line C.peg line D.jockey line KEY: D [205]A latitude line will be obtained by observing a body ______.A.on the prime vertical B.on the celestial horizon C.at lower transit

D.on the Greenwich meridian KEY: C [206]A life float on a fishing vessel must be equipped with ______.A.a painter

B.red smoke flares C.a jackknife D.a signal mirror KEY: A [207]A life preserver or buoyant work vest is required to be worn on a ship when a person is ______.A.working on the rig floor B.working over water

C.working on the pipe racks

D.operating line throwing equipment KEY: B [208]A lifeline must be connected to the liferaft ______.A.at the bow B.at the stern C.in the middle D.all around KEY: D [209]A liferaft which has inflated bottom-up on the water ______.A.should be righted by standing on the carbon dioxide cylinder,holding the righting straps and leaning backwards

B.should be righted by standing on the life line,holding the righting straps leaning backwards C.will right itself when the canopy tube inflates

D.must be cleared of the buoyant equipment before it will right itself KEY: A [210]A light signal consisting of three flashes means ______.A.I am in doubt as to your actions B.My engines are full speed astern C.I desire to overtake you

D.I am operating astern propulsion KEY: D [211]A light used to signal passing intentions must be an ______.A.all-round yellow light only B.all-round white light only C.all-round blue light only

D.alternating red and yellow light KEY: B [212]A line of position derived from a loran reading is a section of a(n)______.A.straight line B.arc

C.parabola D.hyperbola KEY: D [213]A line of position from a celestial observation is a segment of a ______.A.circle of equal altitude B.parallel of declination C.parallel of altitude D.vertical circle KEY: A [214]A list man would expect to see any of the following light signals EXCEPT ______.A.two red lights B.one green light C.one white light D.one amber light KEY: D [215]A list signal of one white light indicates that the vessel is ______.A.on an even keel

B.listing about 1° to the side the light is displayed on C.listing over 5°With the light displayed on the high side

D.listing,and the chutes should be directed to the side where the light is displayed KEY: B [216]A low HDOP(Horizontal Dilution of Precision)number such as 2 indicates a ______.A.poor fix B.good fix

C.poor signal quality D.good signal quality KEY: B [217]A low pressure annular preventer which is used to direct flow of kick fluids away from the rig floor is called a ______.A.dump valve B.deflector C.separator D.perter KEY: D [218]A major health hazard of the product tert-butylamine is that it ______.A.can be absorbed through the skin

B.causes irreversible damage to eye tissue

C.is a very unstable product D.All of the above KEY: B [219]A marine chemist issues gas free certificates and is certified by which organization? A.Mine Safety Appliance Association B.American Chemical Society C.Marine Chemists Association

D.National Fire Protection Association KEY: D [220]A mean sun is used as the reference for solar time for three reasons.Which reason is NOT a cause for use of a mean sun?

A.The motion of the apparent sun is along the ecliptic.B.Measurement of time is along the celestial equator.C.The speed of the Earth's revolution is not constant.D.There are variations in the Earth's rotational speed.KEY: B [221]A message by flashing light consists of the call,the identity,the text,and the ______.A.destination B.answer C.time D.ending KEY: D [222]A mobile offshore drilling unit must display obstruction lights when it is on the waters over the Outer Continental Shelf and is ______.A.under tow

B.fixed to the seabed C.underway

D.All of the above KEY: B [223]A mobile offshore drilling unit under tow is approaching a fog bank.When should fog signals be started?

A.When the towing vessel enters the fog B.When the drilling rig enters the fog

C.When the towing vessel can no longer be seen from the rig D.Immediately KEY: D [224]A mobile offshore drilling unit will show the day-shape in DIAGRAM 10 to indicate that it is ______.A.at anchor B.being towed C.aground D.drilling KEY: B [225]A monkey fist is found on a ______.A.heaving line

B.lead line C.manrope D.mooring line KEY: A [226]A mooring line leading 45° to the keel,used to check forward or astern movement of a vessel,is called a ______.A.spring line B.warp line C.bow line D.breast line KEY: A [227]A mooring line leading at nearly right angles to the keel is a ______.A.spring line B.bow line C.stern line D.breast line KEY: D [228]A natural fiber rope can be ruined by dampness because it may ______.A.rot B.shrink C.stretch D.unlay KEY: A [229]A navigator fixing a vessel's position by radar ______.A.can use radar information from one object to fix the position B.should never use radar bearings

C.should only use radar bearings when the range exceeds the distance to the horizon D.must use information from targets forward of the beam KEY: A [230]A negative metacentric height ______.A.should always be immediately corrected B.will always cause a vessel to capsize C.always results from off-center weights D.All of the above are correct KEY: A [231]A petroleum liquid has a flash point of 85°F.This is a grade ______.A.B flammable liquid B.C flammable liquid C.D combustible liquid D.E combustible liquid KEY: C [232]A pilot chart does NOT contain information about ______.A.average wind conditions B.tidal currents

C.magnetic variation

D.average limits of field ice KEY: B [233]A pilot vessel may continue to sound an identity signal if she is ______.A.aground B.at anchor

C.not under command D.being towed KEY: B [234]A pilot vessel on pilotage duty at night will show sidelights and a stern light ______.A.when at anchor

B.only when making way

C.at any time when underway

D.only when the identifying lights are not being shown KEY: C [235]A polyconic projection is based on a ______.A.plane tangent at one point

B.cylinder tangent at one parallel C.cone tangent at one parallel

D.series of cones tangent at selected parallels KEY: D [236]A position obtained by applying ONLY your vessel's course and speed to a known position is a ______.A.fix

B.dead-reckoning position C.running fix

D.probable position KEY: B [237]A position obtained by crossing lines of position taken at different times and advanced to a common time is a(n)______.A.dead-reckoning position B.running fix

C.estimated position D.fix KEY: B [238]A position that is obtained by applying estimated current and wind to your vessel's course and speed is a(n)______.A.estimated position

B.dead reckoning position C.fix

D.None of the above KEY: A [239]A position that is obtained by using two or more intersecting lines of position taken at nearly the same time,is a(n)______.A.fix

B.running fix

C.estimated position

D.dead-reckoning position KEY: A [240]A precaution you should take before bunkering is to ______ A.plug the vents

B.plug the sounding pipes C.plug the scuppers

D.close the lids on the vents KEY: C [241]A predictable result of a vessel nearing a bank or edge of a channel is that the ______.A.stern is drawn to the bank as the bow sheers off B.bow sheers toward the bank

C.vessel continues in a straight line,but with greatly reduced maneuverability D.vessel will be drawn bodily into the bank unless the engines are stopped KEY: A [242]A psychrometer has two thermometers that provide dry bulb and wet bulb temperatures.By comparing these two temperature readings with a set of tables you can determine the ______.A.atmospheric pressure B.wind speed

C.relative humidity and dew point D.wind chill factor KEY: C [243]A pumproom is suspected of accumulating gases after a ventilation machinery breakdown.Where should the combustible gas indicator case be placed when testing the pumproom atmosphere for combustible gases?

A.In the lower level of the pumproom B.In the middle level of the pumproom C.In the upper level of the pumproom D.On the deck outside the pumproom KEY: D [244]A quick and rapid motion of a ship in a seaway is an indication of a(n)______.A.large GM

B.high center of gravity C.excessive free surface D.small GZ KEY: A [245]A radar range to a small,charted object such as a light will provide a line of position in which form?

A.Straight line B.Arc

C.Parabola D.Hyperbola KEY: B [246]A rapid rise or fall of the barometer indicates ______.A.heavy rain within six hours

B.a decrease in wind velocity

C.a change in the present weather conditions D.that fog will soon set in KEY: C [247]A red triangular daymark marks ______.A.the centerline of a navigable channel B.the starboard side of a channel

C.a prominent object of navigational interest that has no lateral significance D.an area of a channel where passing another vessel is permitted KEY: B [248]A report of casualty to a mobile offshore drilling unit must be made in writing to which office? A.Commandant of the Coast Guard B.Owner of the unit

C.Nearest Coast Guard Marine Safety Office D.Captain of the nearest port KEY: C [249]A report of casualty to a mobile offshore drilling unit must include ______.A.the estimated cost of damage to the unit B.an evaluation of who was at fault C.the amount of ballast on board

D.the name of the owner or agent of the unit KEY: D [250]A rigid replica of the International Code flag “A” may be shown by a vessel ______.A.pulling a submarine cable B.engaged in ping operations

C.engaged in underway replenishment D.transferring explosives KEY: B 02.4 海图及海图作业

[251]To agree with larger scale chart,latitudes taken from this chart should be increased ______ about 8 seconds.

A.with B.in C.by D.to KEY: C [252]On this chart only the principle ______ to navigation are shown.

A.equipment's B.tools

C.apparatus D.aids KEY: D [253]Many of the soundings shown on the chart are derived from ______.Undue reliance should not be placed upon them.

A.complete and often very poor surveys B.correct and often very good surveys C.inadequate and often very old surveys D.adequate and present surveys KEY: C [254]Lines on a chart which connect points of equal magnetic variation are called ______.A.magnetic latitudes B.magnetic declinations C.dip

D.isogonic lines KEY: D [255]Isogonic lines are lines on a chart indicating ______.A.points of equal variation B.points of zero variation C.the magnetic latitude D.magnetic dip KEY: A [256]In which source could you find the number of a chart for a certain geographic area? ______.A.Chart No.1

B.Catalog of Charts

C.IMO Practical Navigator D.IMO Light List KEY: B [257]How is the annual rate of change for magnetic variation shown on a pilot chart? ______.A.Gray lines on the uppermost inset chart B.Red lines on the main body of the chart

C.In parenthesis on the lines of equal magnetic variation D.Annual rate of change is not shown.KEY: A [258]Charted depth is the ______.A.vertical distance from the chart sounding datum to the ocean bottom,plus the height of tide B.vertical distance from the chart sounding datum to the ocean bottom C.average height of water over a specified period of time D.average height of all low waters at a place KEY: B [259]Chart correction information is NOT disseminated through the ______.A.Summary of Corrections B.Local Notice to Mariners C.Daily Memorandum D.Chart Correction Card KEY: D [260]All straight lines represent great circle tracks on a chart based on a(n)______.A.Mercator projection B.polyconic projection C.orthographic projection

D.gnomonic projection KEY: D [261]A revised print of a chart is made ______.A.after every major hydrographic survey of the area covered by the chart

B.when there are numerous corrections to be made or the corrections are extensive C.when a low-stock situation occurs and minor corrections are made D.every two years to update the magnetic variation information KEY: C [262]A Mercator chart is a ______.A.cylindrical projection B.simple conic projection C.polyconic projection D.rectangular projection KEY: A [263]______ chart 3994,positions read from this chart should be shifted 0.03 minutes Northward.

A.To consider B.To check C.To examine D.To agree with KEY: D [264]The changes in the channel's sands and buoys on this coast are ______ this chart can not be considered as a safe guide of the channel.

A.frequent B.so frequent C.frequent that D.so frequent that KEY: D [265]______ is a term denoting the determination of a ship's position by observations of Celestial or terrestrial objects,or by a combination of both.

A.Course-planning B.Position-fixing C.Radar-plotting

D.Stowage-plan making KEY: B [266]A chart position enclosed by a semi-circle is a(n)______.A.fix

B.estimated position

C.dead reckoning position D.running fix KEY: C [267]A true bearing of a charted object,when plotted on a chart,will establish a ______.A.fix

B.line of position C.relative bearing D.range

KEY: B [268]Admiralty Charts are published in ______.A.U.S.A B.China C.U.K D.Japan KEY: C [269]Attention is ______ the advice on the use of charts in The Mariner's Handbook Chapter 3,Section 1.

A.fixed to B.needed for C.pushed to D.drawn to KEY: D [270]Distance along a track line is measured on a Mercator chart by using the ______.A.latitude scale near the middle of the track line B.longitude scale near the middle of the track line C.latitude scale at the midlatitude of the chart

D.latitude or longitude scale at the middle of the scale KEY: A [271]Entering from sea,a daymark on the port side of the channel would be indicated on a chart by a ______.A.red triangle with the letter R

B.white triangle with the letters RG C.green square with the letter G D.white square with the letters GR KEY: C [272]Magnetic information on a chart may be ______.A.found in the center(s)of the compass rose(s)B.indicated by isogonic lines C.found in a note on the chart D.All of the above KEY: D [273]My position has been obtained ______ astronomical observation.

A.with B.from C.on D.by KEY: D [274]Navigational charts are ______ frequent changes,the important one of which are promulgated by Admiralty Notices to Mariners.

A.published with B.combined with C.in connection with D.subject to

KEY: D [275]On the south and the east coasts of Block Island are circles with a dot in the center and labeled CUP.This is a ______.A.conspicuous object

B.steep depression in the surrounding hills that resembles a cup C.domed structure useful for navigation D.calling-up-point used for traffic control KEY: C [276]Solid green arrows on the main body of a pilot chart indicate ______.A.prevailing wind directions

B.prevailing ocean current directions C.probable surface current flow D.shortest great circle routes KEY: B [277]The agonic line on an isomagnetic chart indicates the ______.A.magnetic equator

B.magnetic longitude reference line C.points where there is no variation

D.points where there is no annual change in variation KEY: C [278]The buoy symbol printed on your chart is leaning to the northeast.This indicates ______.A.you should stay to the north or east of the buoy B.you should stay to the west or south of the buoy C.the buoy is a major lighted buoy

D.nothing special for navigational purposes KEY: D [279]The chart of a beach area shows a very flat slope to the underwater beach bottom.What type of breakers can be expected when trying to land a boat on this beach? A.Surging B.Spilling C.Plunging D.Converging KEY: B [280]The chart symbol indicating that the bottom is coral is ______.A.C B.Cl C.Co D.c KEY: C [281]The charts sold are of ______.A.newly edition with up to date correction and in reasonable prices.

B.the current edition and incorporate the last Notices to Mariners correction

C.the current edition and incorporate the latest Notices to Mariners correction at the time of sale.

D.brand-new one with up to date correction and clean writing KEY: C

[282]The compass rose on a nautical chart indicates both variation and ______.A.deviation

B.annual rate of variation change C.precession D.compass error KEY: B [283]The description Racon beside an illustration on a chart would mean a ______.A.radar conspicuous beacon B.circular radiobeacon

C.radar transponder beacon D.radar calibration beacon KEY: C [284]The maximum difference between mean time and apparent time is ______.A.equal to the longitude expressed in time units B.about 16 minutes

C.the difference between the GHA of mean sun and the first point of Aries

D.15°of arc KEY: B [285]The numeral in the center of a wind rose circle on a pilot chart indicates the ______.A.total number of observations

B.average wind force on the Beaufort scale C.average wind force in knots D.percentage of calms KEY: D [286]The only cylindrical chart projection widely used for navigation is the ______.A.Lambert conformal B.Mercator C.azimuthal D.gnomonic KEY: B [287]The path that a vessel is expected to follow,represented on a chart by a line drawn from the point of departure to the point of arrival,is the ______.A.DR plot B.track line C.heading

D.estimated course KEY: B [288]The revision date of a chart is printed on which area of the chart? A.Top center

B.Lower-left corner C.Part of the chart title

D.Any clear area around the neat line KEY: B [289]The soundings on the chart are based on the depth of water available at ______.A.mean low water

B.mean lower low water C.mean high water

D.mean high water springs KEY: B [290]The survey information upon which a chart is based is found ______.A.at the top center of the next line B.near the chart title

C.at the lower left corner D.at any convenient location KEY: B [291]The symbol which appears beside a light on a chart reads Gp Fl R(2)10 sec 160 ft 19M.Which characteristic describes the light? A.It is visible 10 miles.B.Its distinguishing number is 19M.C.It has a radar reflector.D.None of the above KEY: D [292]What defines a great circle?

A.A curved line drawn on a Mercator Chart

B.A course line that inscribes a loxodromic curve

C.The shortest distance between any two points on the earth D.The smallest circle that can be drawn on the face of a sphere KEY: C [293]What information is found in the chart title? A.Date of the first edition

B.Date of the edition and,if applicable,the revision C.Information on the sounding datum

D.Information on which IALA buoyage system applies KEY: C [294]What information is NOT found in the chart title? A.Survey information B.Scale

C.Date of first edition D.Projection KEY: C [295]What is NOT an advantage of the rhumb line track over a great circle track? A.Easily plotted on a Mercator chart

B.Negligible increase in distance on east-west courses near the equator C.Does not require constant course changes

D.Plots as a straight line on Lambert conformal charts KEY: D [296]What is the major advantage of a rhumb line track?

A.The vessel can steam on a constant heading(disregarding wind,current,etc.).B.The rhumb line is the shortest distance between the arrival and departure points.C.It is easily plotted on a gnomonic chart for comparison with a great circle course.42 D.It approximates a great circle on east-west courses in high latitudes.KEY:

[297]When a buoy is in position only during a certain period of the year,where may the dates when the buoy is in position be found? A.Light List

B.Notice to Mariners C.On the chart D.Coast Pilot KEY: A [298]When navigating in high latitudes and using a chart based on a Lambert conformal projection,______.A.a straight line drawn on the chart approximates a great circle B.the chart should not be used outside of the standard parallels

C.the course angle is measured at the mid-longitude of the track line D.distance cannot be measured directly from the chart KEY: A [299]When using a Lambert conformal chart in high latitudes,angles such as bearings are measured in reference to ______.A.the meridian through the object of the bearing B.the meridian through the ship's position

C.the meridian midway between the ship and the object D.any meridian KEY: B [300]Which aid is NOT marked on a chart with a magenta circle? A.Aero light B.Radar station

C.Radar transponder beacon D.Radiobeacon KEY: A 02.5 航海通告与警告

[301]To ______ Admiralty Charts 438,latitudes taken from this chart should be increased by about 5 seconds.

A.convert to B.come to C.look at D.agree with KEY: D [302]The chart you supplied was anything ______ up to date.

A.but B.except C.beside D.apart from KEY: A [303]The Admiralty Notices to Mariners can be obtained ______ by Masters of vessels from any

Admiralty Chart Agent.

A.free of charge

B.with no responsibility

C.without limitations of distribution D.with little charges KEY: A [304]Positions read from this chart should,to agree with chart 3949,be ______ 0.03 minutes Northwards and 0.22 minutes Westwards.

A.shifted B.removed C.changed D.altered KEY: A [305]Positions read from this chart should be moved 0.08 minutes Southward and 0.13 minutes Eastward so as ______ adjoining chart 344,.

A.to agree upon

B.in accordance with C.to be same as D.to agree with KEY: D [306]Owing to old data of the survey the positions and number of the beacons shown on this chart are not to be ______.A.considered B.insured C.relied upon D.suspected KEY: C [307]No navigational aids are shown and the chart is not kept corrected for alterations in depths inside the pecked lines. For more detailed information,the larger scale charts must be ______.A.referred to B.appreciated C.met with D.concerned KEY: A [308]Navigational charts are subject to frequent changes,the important ones of which are promulgated by ______.A.Admiralty Notices to Mariners B.Mariner's Handbook C.Catalogue

D.Sailing Directions KEY: A [309]Contour elevations on this chart refer to heights in feet above mean ______.A.lower low water B.high water C.low water

D.sea level KEY: D [310]Charts are subject to frequent correction according to ______.A.Notices to Mariners B.Mariner's handbook C.Sailing Directions D.Guide to Port Entry KEY: A [311]A chart has extensive corrections to be made to it.When these are made and the chart is again printed,the chart issue is a ______.A.first edition B.new edition C.revised edition D.reprint KEY: B [312]______ are published for the correction of Admiralty Charts.

A.Admiralty Sailing Directions B.Admiralty List of Signals C.Mariner's Handbook

D.Admiralty Notices to Mariners KEY: D [313]______ is not contained in the NM Weekly.A.Amendments to Admiralty Sailing Directions

B.Amendments to Admiralty List of Lights and Fog Signals C.Amendments to Admiralty List of Radio Signals D.Supplement to Guide to Port Entry KEY: D [314]The heights and soundings of Admiralty chart are expressed ______ in Fathoms ______ in Meters.

A.either,or B.neither,nor C.another,nor D.other,or KEY: A [315]______ day,pilot flag should be displayed from main mast.

A.From B.By C.on D.With KEY: B [316]______ objects are those which stand out clearly from the background or other objects and are easily identifiable from a few miles offshore in normal visibility.

A.Conspicuous B.Permanent C.Preliminary

D.Temporary KEY: A [317]A marker pole,with a horseshoe buoy and a sea anchor attached,should be used to ______.A.mark the position of a lost mooring

B.determine your vessel's sideslip underway C.determine your speed through the water D.indicate location of a man overboard KEY: D [318]A stand-on vessel in a crossing situation is allowed to take action when ______.A.on a collision course

B.the vessels will pass within one mile

C.it becomes apparent to her that the give-way vessel is not taking appropriate action D.the relative speed of the vessels indicates collision in less than six minutes KEY: C [319]A steep barometric gradient indicates ______.A.calms

B.light winds C.strong winds D.precipitation KEY: C [320]A storm is forecast for the area where your vessel is moored.For its safety you should put ______.A.more slack in the mooring lines B.a strain on the mooring lines

C.chafing gear on the mooring lines D.grease on the mooring lines KEY: C [321]Admiralty Notices to Mariners are published ______.A.every day B.every week C.every month D.every year KEY: B [322]Admiralty Notices to Mariners,containing important information for the mariners and enabling them to keep their charts and books corrected for the latest information,are issued daily and published in ______.A.Weekly Editions B.Quarterly Editions C.Annual Editions D.Monthly Editions KEY: A [323]Advise ______ your fishing gear.

A.you recovery B.you recover C.you recovering

D.you recovered KEY: B [324]Advise you ______ engines.

A.stop B.to stop C.stopping D.stopped KEY: A [325]After the passage of a cold front the visibility ______.A.does not change B.improves rapidly

C.improves only slightly D.becomes poor KEY: B [326]Chart legends printed in capital letters show that the associated landmark is ______.A.conspicuous B.inconspicuous

C.a government facility or station D.a radio transmitter KEY: A [327]Chart legends which indicate a conspicuous landmark are printed in ______.A.capital letters B.italics

C.boldface print D.underlined letters KEY: A [328]Charted depth is the ______.A.vertical distance from the tidal datum to the ocean bottom plus the height of the tide.B.vertical distance from the tidal datum to the ocean bottom C.average height of water over a specified period of time D.average height of all low waters at a place KEY: B [329]Charted depths ______ by 2 meters due to state of the winds.

A.is decreased B.decreased C.decreases D.are decreased KEY: D [330]Charted depths are decreased ______ 2 meters.

A.in B.on C.with D.by KEY: D [331]Fog is most commonly associated with a(n)______.47

A.warm front at night B.low pressure area C.anticyclone

D.lack of frontal activity KEY: A [332]For what purpose would using a Lambert conformal chart be more convenient than using a Mercator?

A.Plotting radio bearings over a long distance B.Determining latitude and longitude of a fix C.Measuring rhumb line distances D.Measuring rhumb line directions KEY: A [333]Generally,______ are used as the track charts on the high sea,______ are used for harbors,inland waters and coastal areas.

A.Mercator charts/Loran charts B.Admiralty charts/Routeing charts C.large scale charts/small scale charts D.small scale charts/large scale charts KEY: D [334]In revised editions of Admiralty charts the ______ are corrected first.

A.smaller scales B.larger scales

C.smaller scales and larger scales D.moderate scales KEY: B [335]Information for updating nautical charts is primarily found in the ______.A.Notice to Mariners B.Coast Pilots

C.nautical chart catalogs D.Sailing Directions KEY: A [336]LOW ABOUT 300 MILES SOUTHWEST OF LISBON 1004 MOVING SLWLY SOUTHEAST COMMA FILLING 1006 BY MIDNIGHT.This phrase is likely to be under the heading of ______.A.GALE WARNING B.24 HOURS FORECAST C.GENERAL SITUATION

D.TROPICAL CYCLONE WARNING KEY: C [337]LOW AT 34N 135E ESLY SLWLY INTST NC.This description is most likely to be under the heading of ______.A.GL WNG B.GEN SYN C.STM WNG D.T Y WNG KEY: B

[338]Many navigational warnings are of a temporary nature,but others remain in force for several months or may be succeeded by ______.A.Notices to Mariners B.Sailing Directions

C.List of Lights and Signals D.Guide to Port Entries KEY: A [339]Navigational warnings are published according to ______.A.the designed area B.the designated area C.the indicated area

D.all area over the world KEY: B [340]On a nautical chart,the inner ring of a compass rose indicates ______.A.true directions B.compass error C.deviation

D.magnetic directions KEY: D [341]On the approach of a warm front the barometric pressure usually ______.A.falls B.rises C.is steady D.is unreliable KEY: A [342]On the high seas,a fog signal consisting of one prolonged blast followed by four short blasts would indicate the presence of a ______.A.vessel being towed.

B.fishing vessel engaged in trawling.

C.vessel at anchor warning you of her location.

D.power-driven pilot vessel on station underway.

KEY: D [343]Periodic publications notifying changes in,or additions to,previously published navigational data are ______.A.Supplements B.Annual Summary

C.Navigational Warnings D.Notices to Mariners KEY: D [344]RYUKYU S TO SE 6 BEC 4-5.ISOL SHWRS.SEA 3 M BEC 2 M.SWELL SE 3-4M.This description is likely to be under the heading of ______.A.FORECAST



KEY: A [345]Steam smoke will occur when ______.A.extremely cold air from shore passes over warmer water B.warm dry air from shore passes over cooler water C.cold ocean water evaporates into warm air D.cool rain passes through a warm air mass KEY: A [346]The best estimate of the wind direction at sea level can be obtained from observing the direction of the ______.A.cloud movement B.vessel heading C.waves D.swells KEY: C [347]The broken magenta line which runs parallel to the shorebetween Roanoke Point and Mattituck Inlet marks a ______.A.fish trap area B.pipeline

C.demarcation line D.cable area KEY: A [348]The charts show two dashed lines crossing the river justsouth of St.Catherine Bar Light.What does this indicate?

A.Overhead power lines

B.Louisiana-Mississippi ferry crossings C.Two railroad trestles

D.Two submerged oil pipelines KEY: D [349]The Daily Memorandum contains information on ______.A.active weather disturbances such as hurricanes or tropical storms B.the latest navigational warnings

C.scheduled vessel arrivals and departures for a 24-hour period D.water levels at river ports where run-off affects tidal heights KEY: B [350]The fog most commonly encountered at sea is called ______.A.conduction fog B.radiation fog C.frontal fog D.advection fog KEY: D 50



1.Nice to meet you!(很高兴见到你)

It’s very nice to meet you!(非常高兴见到你)

Glad to meet you!

2.What’s your name?(你叫什么名字)Could you tell me what your name is?(能告诉我你叫什么名子吗?)

答:I am XXX.或 My name is XXX.Where are you from?(你是那里人?)

11.How old are you?(你多大?)

答:I am 27 years old.(我27岁)

3.When were you born?(你什么时候出生?)

答:I was born in nineteen seventy-three.(我1973年出生。)

答:I am from lianyungang.(我是连云港人)

4.Are you married?(你结婚了吗?)

答:Yes, I am.5.How many people are there in your family?(你家里有几口人?)

答:There are three people in my family.My wife, son and I.(有三口人,我的妻子、儿子和我)

6.How long have you ever worked on board?(你曾经在船上工作过多长时间)答:I have ever worked on board for ten years.(我曾经在船工作10年)

7.Which company did you serve?(你在那家公司服务过?)

Which company did you work for?

答:I have served for Lianyungang shipping corp.(我在连云港船务公司服务过)

8.Are those ships you worked all Chinese ones?(你工作过的那些船是不是都是中国船)?

答:No, I worked on Chinese ships about 3 years, and 1 year on board under the Liberian flag.(不我在中国船上工作了三年,在利比里亚的船上工作了一年)

9.What is the name of the Liberian ship and what’s her tonnage?(利比里亚船是哪一类船,吨位是多少?)

答:She is a bulk carrier, her gross tonnage is over 30 thousand tonnage.(是一艘散货船,总吨3万多)

10.Were the crew all Chinese?(船员都是中国人?)

答:No, they weren’t, including me;there were only 4 Chinese in the deck department.We joined the ship at the same time.While the others came from different countries.(不,只有在甲板部有四位中国人,包括我在内。我们是同时上这艘船的,其余的人都是来自不同的国家。)

11.Which country did the captain come from?(船长是哪个国家的人?)答:The captain came from Poland.12.Which certificate do you have now?(你有什么证书?)

Which certificate do you hold now?(你持有什么证书?)

答:I have AB certificate.13.What kinds of ship have you worked on?(你在什么类型的船上工作过?)答:I have worked on many ships.Like container ship, bulk ship.(我在很多船上工作过,如集装箱船、散货船)

14.How many countries have you ever been to?(你去过那些国家?)

答:I have been to many other countries.For example, Japan, Koran.(我去过很多国家,如日本、韩国)

15.How many harbors have you ever been to?(你去过那些港口?)

答:Many harbors.Shanghai,16.How many departments are there on board?(船上有几个部门?)答:Three departments: Deck Department, Engine Department, Service Department.(有三个部门,甲板部,轮机部,事务部)

17.How many important canals are there all over the world?(世界上有多少重要的运河?)

答:Two biggest canals: Panama canal, Suez canal.(两大运河,巴拿马,苏伊士)

18.The sailing route of our company’s ships is very long.Aren’t you afraid of the hardships?(我们公司船舶的航行航线很长,你不怕苦吗?)

答:No, I’m not afraid at all, since I am a seaman.I should not be afraid of any hardships and difficulties.(是的,我不怕,既然来当船员,就应不怕苦,不怕难。)

19.Can you tell me what is the most important thing for a sailor?(你能告诉我对于一名水手来说,什么事情是最重要?)

答:It’s safety, Safety first.Safety.Safety includes the safety for the ship, for oneself and for all the crew.(是安全。安全第一,安全为船舶,安全为全体船员。)

20.You are willing to work in our company, aren’t you?(你愿意到我公司的船上工作吗?)

答:I’m willing to be a sailor of you company.My experience and ability make me confident that I can be a qualified sailor in you company.If you do employ me, then I promise that Iwill definitely follow the company’s instructions and faithfully stitch to my post.I sincerely hope I can draw you attention, and I am ready to offer my efforts for the prosperity ofyou company.(我愿意应聘贵司的水手一职。我相信,我的能力天经验完全能胜任。如果你能聘我担任此职务,我向你承诺,绝对服从工作安排,恪尽职守。我希望,我能得到你的重视,愿为贵公司的兴旺发达出力。


我是xxx。my name is __________./ i’m ________.我今年x 岁。i’m ___ years old.我来自xxx。i come from ________./ i’m hangzhounese.我毕业于xxx 学校。i graduated from ________________________.我的专业是xxx。i major in ______________________________

我曾在xxx 公司,从事 xxx 工作。i’ve worked in _____________________ as a(an)_____________ for _____________.我在 xxx 方面拥有不错的技能。i have good skills in ________________.我的爱好是xxx。i like ________________________________.·i’m very glad(happy)to have the chance for the interview.我很高兴能够有机会参加面试。

·well, it is really my honor to have this opportunity for a interview.我十分荣幸有这个机会参加面试。

·i like my occupation very much.我十分喜爱我的工作。

·i got my _____ degree after my graduation in the year of ____.毕业后,我于 xxx 年,取得xxx 学历。

·i spend most of my time o?n study, i have passed ______./

i have got _____ qualification.我把多数时间都花在学习上,通过了 xxx 考试

(取得了 xxx 资格)。

·i have acquired wide knowledge of my major from my work.我从工作中获得了广泛的专业知识。

·(i think)im a good team player.(我认为)我是一个很好的团队伙伴。

·i’m honest./ im a person of great honesty to others.我很诚实。

·i am able to work under great pressure.我能够在很大的压力之下工作。

·that’s all.大致就是这样

·thank you(for giving me the chance.)


英文面试礼仪 ①开始:进门-(敲门)may i come in?我可以进来么?

come in ,please.请进。

招呼-good morning/afternoon/evening, sir/madam


how do you do ?您好。

入座- have a seat./ sit down, please.请坐。

thank you.谢谢。




can you say it again?

can you repeat it please?

③结束: thank you.谢谢。

it’s my pleasure.不用谢。

nice meeting you./nice to meet you很高兴见你。

me too.我也一样。



问:what’s your job/work/occupation/specialty?你的工作/职业是什么? what do you do(for a living)?你的工作是什么?

have you ever been employed﹖你曾工作过么?

抓词:job工作 , work工作, current job现在的工作, employ雇佣, occupation职业 答:i’m a/an _____at______ for _______.我在xxx公司作为xx,工作过x年。i work as a/an ____ at ______ for _______.(上同)

i have had one-year experience working in_____ as a/an_____.(上同)


问:would/could you describe your job? 你能描述一下你的工作么? describe your daily work and process.请描述你每天的工作和程序。

what work were you responsible for in your previous(last)work?

在你的上一份工作中你主要负责什么?could you explain your job in detail?你能详细解释一下你的工作么?

tell me something about your daily work.告诉我你每天的工作内容。

抓词: describe描述, explain解释, detail细节/详细的,work, job



问:is there any foreigner in your restraunt/hotel?

are there accommodate in the hotel you worked in?

抓词:foreign customer外国顾客,foreigners外国人, lien外国人,outlander外国人 答: yes, we have many foreign(alien)customers.是的,我们饭店/酒店有许多外国顾客。

and i’ve got good skill to communicate(talk)with them.我很好的掌握了与他们交流的技巧。


问:are you willing to work on the ship(passenger liner)?

would you like to work on board?

抓词:ship船, passenger liner邮轮

答:yes, i’d like to.是的,我愿意。


问:will you work hard?

will you try your best to work?

do you excert yourself in work?

抓词:hard努力的, effort努力,endeavour努力,答:certainly, i will.当然,我会的。

i’m hard-working, and i always make great efforts in my work.我是个勤奋的人,并且我在工作中总是十分努力。


问:can you name two kinds of red wine?

can you tell me the name of two kinds of red wine?

抓词:red wine vin rouge/claret/cabernet

答:there are ______ and _______.有xxx和xxx。

________ and ________ are both famous red wine.xxx和xxx都是著名的红酒。希农(chinon), 布尔格伊(bourgueil), 桑塞尔(sancerre),都兰(touraine), 密斯卡得(muscadet)安茹桃红(roséd’anjou),武弗雷(vouvray)


问:would you tell me two kinds of drink and western-style food?

抓词:belly-wash饮料,drink饮料, beverage饮料, western food西餐,western-style food西餐

答: appetizer 餐前酒, cocktail鸡尾酒, beer啤酒, red wine红酒, white wine白葡萄酒, whisky威士忌, brandy白兰地, mineral water矿泉水.borsch罗宋汤,steak牛排/鱼排,spaghetti意大利细面,pasta意大利通心粉,fish and chips炸鱼加炸土豆片, baked mushroom烤蘑菇,bacon培根,sausage香肠



...is a very important festival in China.……是中国非常重要的一个节日。

The Spring Festival is the most important festival in China.春节是中国最重要的节日。

...is coming.……就要到了。

Everyone has his or her plan for this festival.每个人对于这个节日都有自己的计划。

I have a plan, too.我也有个计划。

It is as follows...这个计划如下:……

First(ly),...Second(ly),...Third(ly),...Fourth(ly),...Finally,...I want to have/take a good rest during the holiday, as I’m always busy with my work.我想在假期的时候好好休息一下,因为我工作一直很忙。

I want to/will stay with my parents.I’m not usually together with them.我想陪我的父母。我并不总是经常与他们在一起。

I will meet some of my relatives and friends, because we don’t see each other often.我会见一些亲戚和朋友,因为我们彼此不常见面。

I want to give my room a good cleaning.我想把房间好好的打扫一遍。

I want to study English for the coming exam.我想为即将到来的考试学习英语。

This is my plan for…


范文:My Plan for the National Day Holiday


The National Day Holiday is coming.国庆假期要到了。It is a very important festival in China.这是中国一个非常重要的节日。Everybody has his or her plan for the National Day Holiday.每个人对于国庆节都有自己的计划。I have a plan, too.我也有一个计划。My plan is as follows.我的计划如下:

First, I’ll take a good rest, as I’m always busy with my work.首先,我要好好休息一下,因为我平时工作很忙。Second, I want to stay with my parents.I’m not usually together with them.第二,我想陪陪父母。我并不是经常与他们在一起。Third, I want to meet some of my friends and relatives, as these days we don’t see each other often.第三,我想见见一些朋友和亲戚,因为我们现在不怎么有机会见面。Fourth, I want to give my room a good cleaning.第四,我想好好打扫下房间。Finally, I will study English for the coming examination.最后,我想为即将到来的考试学习下英语。

This is my plan for the coming National Day Holiday.这就是我对即将到来的国庆假期的计划。


English is an international/useful/important/difficult language.英语是一种国际性/有用/重要/难学的语言。

I like English very much, but I have many difficulties in my English studies.我很喜爱英语,但是在英语学习中也有很多困难。

My English study plan is as follows.我的英语学习计划如下。

I learn English in the following ways.我是这样来学习英语的。

I overcome the difficulties in my English studies in the following ways.我是这样克服英语学习中的困难的。

First(ly),...Second(ly),...Third(ly),...Fourth(ly),...Finally,...I memorize 30 English words every day.我每天记忆30个英语单词。

I also listen to English radio programs or watch English TV programs every day.我每天都听英语广播,看英语电视节目。

I read articles in English newspapers and I read simple novels.我阅读英文报纸和一些简单的英文小说。

I write an English composition every week and ask my teacher to revise it to help me improve my writing.我每周写一篇英语作文,让老师帮我检查,助我提高。

When I am free, I listen to English music and watch English movies.在我闲暇时,我听英文歌曲,看英文电影。

This is how I study English.我就是这样学习英语的。

This is the plan for my English study.这就是我的英语学习计划。

In this way, I overcome the difficulties in my English studies.我就是这样解决英语学习中的困难的。

Practice makes perfect.熟能生巧。

If you keep practicing, your English will be improved.如果你坚持练习,你的英语会进步的。

范文:How I Study English

我是如何学习英语的English is an international language.英语是一种国际性的语言。It is very useful.它非常有用。I like English very much.我非常喜欢英语。And this is how I study English.我就是这样学习英语的。

First, I memorize 30 English words every day.首先,我每天背30个英文单词。Second, I go over the grammar points regularly.第二,我定期复习语法要点。Third, I read articles in English newspapers and I read simple novels in English.第三,我阅读英文报纸的文章以及简单的英文小说。Fourth, I listen to English radio programs and watch English TV programs.第四,我听英语的广播节目,看英语的电视节目。Finally, I listen to English music and watch English movies.最后,我听英文音乐,看英文电影。

This is how I study English.我就是这样来学习英语的。As a result, I’m more and more interested in English and my English has improved greatly.结果,我现在对英语更感兴趣了,英语也有了很大的进步。Practice makes perfect.熟能生巧。If I keep practicing, I believe that my English will be better and better.如果我继续不断练习的话,我相信我的英语将会变得越来越棒。


范文:My Teacher


My English teacher is Miss Wang.我的英语老师是王老师。She is a beautiful lady.她很漂亮。She has a round face and bright eyes.她长着一张圆脸和一双明亮的眼睛。She is always smiling.她总是在微笑着。

Miss Wang is a good teacher.王老师是一位好老师。She works very hard.她工作非常努力。Every day she comes to the school early and is always the last one to leave.每天她都很早到学校,总是最后一个离开。She speaks very good English and she teaches well.她英语说得很棒,教得也很好。She also tells us what are the right things to do.而且她还告诉我们如何明辨是非。She is a motherly teacher.她是慈母般的老师。She treats us as her own children and takes good care of us.她把我们当作自己孩子看待,细心照顾我们。She is so kind that everyone loves her.她人很好,大家都喜欢她。

This is Miss Wang, my favorite teacher.这就是王老师,我最喜爱的老师。I feel so lucky to have her as my teacher.我为有她这样的老师而感到幸运。I hope that someday I can be a teacher just like her.我希望有朝一日我也能成为像她这样的老师。


范文一:My Dream


My dream is to become a good English speaker.我的梦想是成为一个英语说得很好的人。If I am a good English speaker, I can communicate with foreign friends easily and I can help them understand the Chinese culture better.如果我英语说得很好的话,就可以很轻松地与外国朋友交流,也可以帮助他们更好地了解中国文化。I can also help other English learners to speak good English.我也可以帮助其他的英语学习者把英语说好。

To realize my dream, I decide to do the following.为了实现我的梦想,我决定做以下的事情: First, I will memorize 30 English words every day.首先,我将会每天背30个英文单词。Second, I will go over the grammar points regularly.第二,我将会定期复习语法要点。Third, I will read articles in English newspapers and I will read simple novels in English.第三,我将会阅读英文报纸的文章以及简单的英文小说。Fourth, I will listen to English radio programs and watch English TV programs.第四,我将会听英语的广播节目,看英语的电视节目。Finally, I will listen to English music and watch English movies.最后,我将会听英文音乐,看英文电影。

I believe in this way I’ll finally realize my dream.我相信,用这种办法我将最终成就我的梦想。But Rome was not built in a day.但是冰冻三尺非一日之寒。I need to keep working very hard before my dream can be fulfilled.在我的梦想实现之前,我要不断地努力奋斗。

范文二:My Hobbies我的兴趣爱好

I have many hobbies, such as sports, singing, playing the piano and reading.我有许多兴趣爱好,比如运动、唱歌、弹琴和读书。

I like sports very much.我很喜欢运动。I go running at five o’clock in the morning.我早上五点去跑步。At the weekend, I play tennis with my friends.周末的时候我跟朋友打网球。In summer, I swim a lot.在夏天的时候我经常游泳。These sports keep me healthy.这些运动使我保持健康。

At home, I like to sing and play the piano.I practice singing and playing the piano every day.I feel very happy when I sing or play the piano.在家中,我喜欢唱歌和弹钢琴。我每天都练习唱歌和弹琴。当我唱歌或者弹琴的时候,感觉非常开心。

Of all my hobbies I like reading books best.在我所有的爱好中,我最喜欢读书。I have hundreds of books in my room and I spend a lot of time reading every day.我房间里有上百本书,我每天都花很多时间来读书。I read novels, history books, magazines and other books.我读小说、历史书、杂志以及其他书籍。All these books enrich my knowledge.所有这些书都丰富了我的知识。

These are some of my hobbies.这就是我的一些兴趣爱好。I would like to make friends with anyone who has the same hobby.我愿意跟与我具有相同爱好的人做朋友。


范文一:How to Keep Healthy


Today more and more people are talking about keeping healthy, but how? 现如今越来越多的人都在谈论保持健康的问题,但是如何做到呢?

First, it is necessary to do some exercise every day.首先,每一天进行些锻炼是必要的。Research shows that getting plenty of exercise makes the heart beat faster and the lungs work harder.调查研究表明,充分的锻炼可以使心脏搏动得更快,使肺部更有力量。Second, make your diet more balanced.第二,让你的饮食更加均衡。Eat more fruits, vegetables and less meat.多吃水果和蔬菜,少吃肉食。Third, getting rid of bad habits like smoking and drinking is also an important way to keep healthy.第三,戒除一些不良习惯,如抽烟、饮酒,也是保持健康的重要方式。Smoking and drinking harm one’s health a great deal, and should be given up.抽烟和饮酒对健康伤害很大,应该被戒除。

If people follow these three ways, they will greatly improve their health.如果人们能按照这三种方法去做,他们的健康将会得到很大改善。

范文二:My Favorite TV Programs


My favorite TV programs have always been the ones that tell people how to keep healthy.我最喜爱的电视节目一直都是那些告诉人们该如何保持健康的节目。I like them because I’m more and more concerned about my health and I can learn a lot from them.我喜欢这些节目,因为我现在越来越关注自己的健康。我可以从这些节目中学到很多东西。

The programs have told me that there are three ways to keep healthy.节目已经告诉我有三种方法可以保持健康。First, it is necessary to do some exercise every day.首先,每天都必须要做一些运动。Second, make your diet more balanced.第二,让你的饮食更加均衡。Third, getting rid of bad habits like smoking and drinking is also an important way to keep healthy.第三,戒除坏习惯,比如抽烟、饮酒,也是保持健康的重要方式。

I followed these three ways and now I’m much healthier.我按照这三种方法去做,现在我更加健康了。Thanks to these programs, I live a better life now.多亏了这些节目,我现在生活得更好了。They will always be my favorite.它们将永远是我最喜爱的电视节目。


范文:On Computer


Today, computers are becoming increasingly advanced and popular.现如今,计算机正变得越来越先进,越来越普及。

Computers can help us in many ways.计算机可以在很多方面为我们提供帮助。First, computers provide us with useful information.首先,计算机为我们提供有用的信息。For example, we can get the most up-to-date news.例如,我们可以获得最新的信息。Second, computers give us a new way of communication.其次,计算机给了我们一种新的交流方式。We can now reach each other using computers connected to the Internet.现在我们可以使用连接在互联网上的计算机而彼此找到对方。Third, computers help us to pass the boring time.第三,计算机帮助我们消磨无聊的时光。They make us happy all the time, with them, we do not have to be worried that we have nothing to do.计算机让我们一直很开心,有了计算机,我们就不用担心无事可做了。

On the other hand, computers can have negative effects, too.另一方面,计算机也有一些负面的影响。We depend so much on computers that we become lazier and lazier.我们是如此依赖于计算机,以至于我们变得越来越懒。We play so much on computers that too much valuable time is wasted.我们在计算机上玩得很多,以至于浪费了大量的宝贵时间。

Every coin has two sides.事物都是一分为二的。We should make good use of computers and avoid the negative effects.我们应该好好利用计算机,避免其不利影响。




August 8, 202_

August 8th, 202_

Aug.8, 202_

Aug.8th, 202_


Dear Tom,Dear All,Dear Sir,Dear Mr.Smith,正文


I have received your letter.来信已收到。

Haven’t seen/heard from you for a long time/ for ages.很久没有见到你或很久没有收


Long time no see.好久不见。

How are you? 安好?

How have you been?近来可好?

How have you been doing?近来可好?

I’ve been doing well.我很好。

Everything’s fine with me.一切尚好。

Things are going well here.这里一切都好。

Congratulations on...祝贺……

Thank you for...感谢……


I’m writing to...我写这封信是为了……

I’d like to tell you...我想告诉你……

I’ve got some problems.我遇到了问题。

Could you please...请问你可以……吗?

Would you like to...请你……好吗?

Do you mind...你介意做……?

May I...我可以……吗?

Could I...我……可以吗?


Looking forward to hearing from you soon.期待早日收到回信。

I’d be very glad to hear from you soon.如你能尽快回信,我将非常高兴。



Best wishes.致以最好的祝愿。


Yours, 此致(注意位臵,靠近右侧位臵)






May 1st, 202_


Dear Tom, 亲爱的汤姆:

Haven’t heard from you for some time!很久没收到你的来信了。How are you doing? 你还好么?Everything is fine with me except that the final examination is getting nearer and nearer and I’m busy preparing for it.我一切都挺好,只是期末考试越来越近了,我现在忙着准备复习迎考。

I’ve got some problems in my English study, especially in grammar.我英语学习有些问题,尤其是语法方面。My teacher recommended me a grammar book.我的老师向我推荐了一本语法书。The book is called Advanced English Grammar.这本书叫做《高级英语语法》。But it is not sold here in my town.但我这里没有卖的。Since you are in Beijing, could I trouble you to buy one for me? 既然你在北京,不知我能不能麻烦你帮我购买一本呢?I’d be very grateful if you could help me.如果你能帮我这个忙的话,我将不胜感激。

We haven’t seen each other since last time we met.自从上次相逢,我们再也未曾相见。I hope that you will visit my hometown again sometime if possible.希望你如果有可能的话找个时间再来我家乡看看。So much has changed that you could barely recognize it!它的变化很大,你几乎都认不出来了!And it would be great to be together with you once again.而且,如果能与你再次相聚,真是太好了。

Looking forward to hearing from you soon.盼复。

Best wishes!祝好!

Yours, 此致







a)用近两次考试的真题,以正式考试的标准严格要求自己进行模拟测试 b)计算出每个题型的得分和得分比例


2.知彼:了解考试形式、考试内容、试卷结构,选择大家公认的辅导资料 a)考试形式:网上考试(进入网上模拟考试系统熟悉考试路径)






这次考试的准备时间不是很充分,需要在相对短的时间内采取一些特殊的方法和技巧来达到相对满意的学习效果。我总结出几点供大家参考: 1.方法






















北理:卢 倩 倩

