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剑桥雅思10听力真题解析 [干货推荐 新东方独家]
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第一篇:剑桥雅思10听力真题解析 [干货推荐 新东方独家]

剑桥雅思10听力真题解析 [干货推荐 新东方独家]



总体来看,如Chart 1和Chart 2所示,除去Test 1填空题比例远超于选择题,整体来说填空题和选择题比例相当,这和202_年开考至今的真实考试题型比例是基本吻合的。这就意味着同学们在备考时,不要有题型上的偏颇,填空题和选择题的练习要同等重视。另外,值得一提的是,剑10未收录地图题这一题型。但从202_年亚太区目前实际考试情况来看,基本保持每个月考一至两次地图的概率,所以同学们还是要重视地图题的练习,特别是选择式的地图题。

Chart 1 剑10听力题型比例图1

Chart 2 剑10听力题型比例图2

进一步就具体题型而论,提纲填空题一如既往的以主流题型的姿态占据Section 4,这和当下考试基本吻合,且主要以填写单个单词为主。同时,填空题的另外一大题型-信息题(姓名,地址,日期,数字等)也不出意外的仍然是Section1主要题型。

另外此次剑10中表格题和句子填空的比例比之前的剑7-9有所上升。单选和配对题集中大量出现在剑10的Section 2和Section 3中,值得指出的是多选题也在这两个部分频繁亮相,且在Test 2和Test 4中以连续两道多选(5选2)的形式出现。4月11号Section 2和4月30号Section 3都考了连续多选,同学们要不能放松多选的练习。

Chart 3 剑10听力题型比例图3

Chart 4剑10听力题型比例图4



需要注意的是,对于背景知识的要求变得更高,有交叉复杂的多场景出现,比如Test 1 Section 3在学业场景中还融汇了环保场景。这也要求考生有更丰富的背景知识和有更广阔的知识面以及更大的词库。剑10场景的选材透露出雅思听力考试更加注重学生的综合能力的考察,对于学生的知识面有了更高层次的要求。

建议同学们以202_-202_年雅思听力机经为范本,整理积累相关场景背景知识。多听听或看看TED演讲、National Geography、Discovery这类的节目,注重多场景融汇的听力内容的练习,如生物知识和环保知识的融合、休闲活动和咨询知识的交叉等。


1、Section1的10道填空题,对于无论是想考高分8分以上的同学或者是6分单科保底线的同学来说,是一定不能有失误的。这10道题至多会有4题是涉及个人信息的采集,即name, address, date, number。这些属于考察基本功的题目,简单但易掉以轻心丢分,比如走上来第一题就是记录一个长串的电话号码。可能还进入状态或者考场紧张种种原因,就错失这一题了,然后特别影响自己的做题情绪以做题节奏,导致恶性的连环失误。避免这种情况的发生,我们建议同学们在备考阶段一定要集中不间断的听数字日期,保持耳朵的敏感度。

2、Section4 因为内容上涉及动植物,科学研究,未来科技等学术场景,且答案单词不如Section1那么容易定位及辨识。请同学们务必累计好Section 4场景词汇,有一定量的输入才能有质的输出。先去背过这些单词才会更容易去听到它。“高能高分”理论指导下不愿意看到同学们准备听力词汇时默默的就把它当做背单词来操作了,导致虽然背会很多单词,默写及中文意思都没有问题,但是就是听不到。这一点就是忽略了我们的“音”。


3、Section 2和Section 3的选择题的核心是同义替换。正确答案通常是通过同义替换说出来的。同义替换也分为三个不同的层次。最简单的同义替换就是词性上的变化,可能听到的是名词satisfaction,正确选项写的是形容词satisfied;再往上升级的同义替换是同义词,比如听到strategy但是选项写成tactics;最高难度的同义替换为paraphrase改写,用完全不一样的单词和句法来表达同样的意思。掌握住这个核心,以及听的当下跟上说话者的思路,另外再注意选择题的note-taking能力,那么相信同学们不会再惧怕选择题。



Questions 21—24 Q5.mp3

Choose the correct letter, A, B, or C.Self-Access Centre Students want to keep the Self-Access Centre because

   [A] they enjoy the variety of equipment.[B] they like being able to work on their own.[C] It is an important part of their studies.选择答案: A B C 2 Some teachers would prefer to

   [A] close the Self-Access Centre.[B] move the Self-Access Centre elsewhere.[C] restrict access to the Self-Access Centre.选择答案: A B C 3 The students’ main concern about using the library would be

   [A] the size of the library.[B] difficulty in getting help.[C] the lack of materials.选择答案: A B C 4 The Director of Studies is concerned about

   [A] the cost of upgrading the centre.[B] the lack of space in the centre.[C] the difficulty in supervising the centre.选择答案: A B C


Questions 21—24

Choose the correct letter, A, B, or C.Self-Access Centre 听力原文:

PAM: Hi Jun.As you know, I've asked you here today to discuss the future of

our Self-Access Centre.We have to decide what we want to do about this

very important resource for our English language students.So, can you

tell me what the students think about this?

JUN;Well, from the students' point of view, we would like to keep it.The

majority of students say that they enjoy using it because it provides

a variation on the classroom routine and they see it as a pretty major Q21

component of their course, but we would like to see some improvements

to the equipment, particularly the computers;there aren't enough for one each at the moment and we always have to share.PAM: Well yes, the teachers agree that it is a very valuable resource but one

thing we have noticed is that a lot of the students are using it to check

their personal emails.We don't want to stop you students using it, but we

think the computers should be used as a learning resource, not for emails.Some of us also think that we could benefit a lot more by relocating the Q22

Self-Access Centre to the main University library building.How do you

think the students would feel about that, Jun?

JUN: Well, the library is big enough to incorporate the Self-Access Centre, but it

wouldn't be like a class activity anymore.Our main worry would be not being Q23 able to go to a teacher for advice.I'm sure there would be plenty of things to

do but we really need teachers to help us choose the best activities.PAM: Well, there would still be a teacher present and he or she would guide the

activities of the students, we wouldn't just leave them to get on with it.JUN: Yes, but I think the students would be much happier keeping the existing

set-up;they really like going to the Self-Access Centre with their teacher

and staying together as a group to do activities.If we could just improve

the resources and facilities, I think it would be fine.Is the cost going to be a problem? PAM: It's not so much the expense that I'm worried about, and we've certainly

got room to do it, but it's the problem of timetabling a teacher to be in Q24

there outside class hours.If we're going to spend a lot of money on

equipment and resources, we really need to make sure that everything

is looked after properly.Anyway, let's make some notes to see just what

needs doing to improve the Centre.Students want to keep the Self-Access Centre because

   [A] they enjoy the variety of equipment.[B] they like being able to work on their own.[C] It is an important part of their studies.选择答案: A B C

正确答案:C Some teachers would prefer to

   [A] close the Self-Access Centre.[B] move the Self-Access Centre elsewhere.[C] restrict access to the Self-Access Centre.选择答案: A B C

正确答案:B The students’ main concern about using the library would be

   [A] the size of the library.[B] difficulty in getting help.[C] the lack of materials.选择答案: A B C

正确答案:B The Director of Studies is concerned about

   [A] the cost of upgrading the centre.[B] the lack of space in the centre.[C] the difficulty in supervising the centre.选择答案: A B C



PAM: Hi Jun.As you know, I've asked you here today to discuss the future of

our Self-Access Centre.We have to decide what we want to do about this

very important resource for our English language students.So, can you

tell me what the students think about this? JUN;Well, from the students' point of view, we would like to keep it.The

majority of students say that they enjoy using it because it provides

a variation on the classroom routine and they see it as a pretty major Q21

component of their course, but we would like to see some improvements

to the equipment, particularly the computers;there aren't enough for one

each at the moment and we always have to share.PAM: Well yes, the teachers agree that it is a very valuable resource but one

thing we have noticed is that a lot of the students are using it to check

their personal emails.We don't want to stop you students using it, but we think the computers should be used as a learning resource, not for emails.Some of us also think that we could benefit a lot more by relocating the Q22

Self-Access Centre to the main University library building.How do you

think the students would feel about that, Jun?

JUN: Well, the library is big enough to incorporate the Self-Access Centre, but it

wouldn't be like a class activity anymore.Our main worry would be not being Q23

able to go to a teacher for advice.I'm sure there would be plenty of things to

do but we really need teachers to help us choose the best activities.PAM: Well, there would still be a teacher present and he or she would guide the activities of the students, we wouldn't just leave them to get on with it.JUN: Yes, but I think the students would be much happier keeping the existing

set-up;they really like going to the Self-Access Centre with their teacher

and staying together as a group to do activities.If we could just improve

the resources and facilities, I think it would be fine.Is the cost going to be a problem?

PAM: It's not so much the expense that I'm worried about, and we've certainly

got room to do it, but it's the problem of timetabling a teacher to be in Q24

there outside class hours.If we're going to spend a lot of money on equipment and resources, we really need to make sure that everything

is looked after properly.Anyway, let's make some notes to see just what

needs doing to improve the Centre.




1.住址:【14 Hill(s)Road】

2.时间:【After 7 pm / Before 9:30 am / after 9.30】 不确定


4-5.homestay的要求(两个空)real 【garden】;only one 【guest】


7.对食物的要求:【vegetarian / vegetable only】

8.最高租房费用Max Rent:【100 pounds per week】开始说60~80后来补充说up to 100

9.注册日期:【23rd March】



2一次为慈善募捐所作的徒步旅行(charity walking holiday)。6个选择题,4个填空题。


2.有个PIE CHART 图表是问题捐款占总比例,平均选【过一半的那个,有55%-65%吧】 前面有干扰

3.募捐的用途选【A,for student】

4.参加者的要求【VERY FIT】(原文是 extremely fit)

5.可以带自己的装备吗? 因为原文说可以靠LOCAL 单位,所以选【B,是只要带some of the own things】


填每天的安排,第三天valley,第五或六天是visit a ancient temple,第八天是swim in a water fall,第九天是。。没记忆,但不难填,传统产品等。

7.spend one day on a 【forest】

8.visit ancient 【temple】

9.swimming in 【park lake / waterfall】

10.visit a weaving 【blanket】


3一个学生和老师的谈话,关于topic,supervisor/department decide,的各个方面的问题的先是6个选择题;

1.选何种research topic?(选C)







4.又是PIE CHART,所有大学的drop-out rate 选【C、60%】;『比50%略多那个。45%只是这个大学的drop-out 率,后面再讲平均的,不可能是45%,但A、75%又太高了』

5.有个获取资料的方法:选【B、上网查】/【talk to a person】{上网查绝对不对,那个教授先就否掉了,然后说可以打




http://m.meten.com/test/quwen.aspx?tid=16-73675-0 看看剑桥雅思英语听力都有什么可以给我们看的。下面是学习啦小编给大家整理的剑桥雅思英语听力的相关知识,供大家参阅!


Hi, Joanna, good to meet you.你好,Joanna,很高兴见到你。

Now, before we discuss your new research project,在我们讨论你的新研究项目之前,I'd like to hear something about the psychology study you did last year for your Master'sdegree.我想听一听你去年读硕士的时候做过的心理学研究。

So how did you choose your subjects for that?


Well, I had six subjects, all professional musicians, and all female.我有六个研究对象,全都是专业的音乐家,而且都是女性。

Three were violinists and there was also a cello player and a pianist and a flute player.其中三位是小提琴家,还有一位大提琴演奏家,一位钢琴家和一位长笛演奏家。

They were all very highly regarded in the music world and they'd done quite

extensive tours indifferent continents,她们在音乐界声望都很高,而且在不同大洲还做过大量的巡回演出,and quite a few had won prizes and competitions as well.她们中不少还赢过一些奖项和比赛。

And they were quite young, weren't they?


Yes, between 25 and 29 — the mean was 27.8.是的,都在25-29岁之间,平均年龄是27.8。

I wasn't specifically looking for artists who'd produced recordings

我本来并没有一定要找出过专辑的艺术家,but this is something that's just taken for granted these days and they all had.但是最近这件事直接被当成理所当然的了,而且她们全都出过专辑。

Right.Now you collected your data through telephone interviews, didn't you?


Yes.I realised if I was going to interview leading musicians it'd only be possible over the phonebecause they're so busy.是的,我知道如果要采访这些重要的音乐家的话,就只能通过电话才有可能了,因为她们都特别忙。

I recorded them using a telephone recording adaptor.我用一个电话录音转接器把跟她们的谈话内容录了下来。

I'd been worried about the quality, but it worked out all right.我之前一直担心录音的音质,不过结果发现还不错。

I managed at least a 30-minute interview with each subject, sometimes longer.我设法和每位研究对象进行了一段至少30分钟的采访,有的时间更长。

Did doing it on the phone make it more stressful?


I'd thought it might...it was all quite informal though and in fact they seemed very keen totalk.我本来以为会这样没错......但是这些采访都没有那么正式,而且她们事实上似乎都很愿意谈话。

And I don't think using the phone meant I got less rich data rather the opposite in fact.我觉得用电话采访并不意味着我收集到的资料就没有那么多,实际上正好相反。

Interesting.And you were looking at how performers dress for concert performances?


That's right.My research investigated the way players see their role as a musician

没错,我研究调查了演奏者将她们自己定位成音乐家的方式,and how this is linked to the type of clothing they decide to wear.以及这和她们决定穿哪种服装有什么联系。

But that focus didn't emerge immediately.但我并不是马上就想到了这一点。

When I started I was more interested in trying to investigate the impact of what

was worn onthose listening,在研究最开始的时候,我对试着调查听众对她们穿的衣服的效果更加感兴趣,and also whether someone like a violinist might adopt a different style of clothing from saysomeone playing the flute or the trumpet.以及比如一位小提琴家是否会穿得跟长笛或者喇叭演奏者不同。

It's interesting that the choice of dress is up to the inpidual, isn't it?


Yes, you'd expect there to be rules about it in orchestras, but that's quite rare.是的,我们原本以为管弦乐队对服装会有规定,但是这一现象非常少。




《官方指南》由雅思考试权威专家:宝琳.卡伦,凡妮莎.吉克曼和阿曼达.弗兰茨编写。为了更好地撰写《官方指南》,编者充分利用了剑桥学习者语料库,分析了数以千计的真实雅思考生的试卷。《官方指南》结合了多位考试专家的经验和对考生常见错误的分析,从而帮助考生规避雅思考试中常犯的错误。这部《官方指南》囊括了100 多项必备的考试和学习技巧,为考生提供了有效的应试策略,以帮助考生在考试中发挥最佳水平。此外,《官方指南》中包含17 段真实场景中的雅思考官口语考试视频,从而帮助学生从容准备雅思考试中最难预测的部分。最后,《官方指南》还提供了8 套剑桥雅思官方试题,并为第1 套试题设置导读,从而帮助学生完善考试技巧。


注:雅思考试由英国文化协会、澳大利亚IDP 教育集团和剑桥大学外语考试部共同管理。雪伦.哈维


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剑桥雅思10听力真题解析 [干货推荐 新东方独家]