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编辑:浅唱梦痕 识别码:22-1049200 13号文库 发布时间: 2024-06-25 13:10:19 来源:网络




1.根据预测、宴会预定、团体餐安排及重要宾客的人数来安排工作。According to projections, banquet reservations, group meal arrangements and the number of important guests to arrange work

2.做好销售,宾客投诉、解决办法及相关员工、设备的记录。Making good records of sales, guest complaints, solutions and related staff, equipments

3.给领导提出建议,提高工作效率,促进销售,并达到增源节支的目的。Make recommendations to the leadership, improve efficiency, boost sales and achieve the purpose of increasing income and cutting costs

4.建立收银调节控制程序,在服务前后,要按此程序来工作。Establishing the cash register regulation and control procedures, before and after the service, following these procedures to work

5.参与菜单、酒水单的制定及定价。Participating inthe menu, wine listdraftingand pricing


1.大专及以上学历;至少熟练掌握一门外语。College degree or above;At least one foreign language proficiently

2.3年以上5星级酒店同等工作经验;精通西餐、酒吧的业务知识,熟练掌握本部门的技能技巧。3 years equivalent work experience in 5-star hotel;Proficient in Western food, the bar business knowledge, master skills and techniques in this sector

3.具有较强的社会活动能力、组织领导工作能力和实际工作能力。Strong social skills, organizational skills and leadership ability to practice

4.具有食品原材料加工、西餐成本核算方面的知识。掌握各种产品配方、各种食品原材料出料率标准,控制产品质量和成本消耗。Knowledge of processing row materials of food, costing of Western food.Proficient in a variety of product formulation, the standard feed rate of raw materials of food, control the product quality and cost

5.西餐食品原料学、烹调学、食品营养卫生和西餐管理等方面的专业知识。Expertise in western food materials science, cooking, food nutrition, hygiene and Western management


黄油咖喱鸡丝 Butter Chicken

35元 马沙拉咖喱鸡 Chicken Tikka Masala

35元 特制咖喱鸡 Kadai chicken

35元 浓辣咖喱鸡 Chicken Vindaloo

35元 椰子咖喱鸡 Ceylon Chicken Curry

35元 酸奶咖喱鸡 Chicken Korma

35元 马沙拉洋葱咖喱鸡 Balti Chicken

35元 黑胡椒咖喱鸡 Chicken Madras

35元 干咖喱蔬菜鸡 Chicken Jalpharezi



45元 马沙拉咖喱辣烤鸡块与羊肉碎 PESHWARI MASSALA50元 风味咖喱羊肉



45元 黑胡椒咖喱 羊肉 Mirch Ka Gosht

40元 椰子咖喱羊肉 Kerala Lamb Curry

40元 仔然咖喱羊肉 Bhuna Adrakhi Gosht

40元 浓辣咖喱羊肉 Lamb Vindaloo

40元 咖喱羊肉 Rogan Josh

35元 菠菜咖喱羊肉 Sag Gosth

35元 腰果咖喱羊肉 Shahi Korma

35元 特制咖喱羊肉 Karahai Lamb

35元 印度家乡咖喱羊肉 Achari Gosht

35元 咖喱蔬菜

腰果咖喱印度豆腐 Paneer Elaichi Pasanda

30元 菠菜咖喱印度豆腐 Palak Paneer

30元 特制咖喱印度豆腐 Kadhai Paneer

30元 青豆炒印度豆腐 Paneer capsicum bhaji

30元 马沙拉咖喱黄油印度豆腐 Paneer butter masala30元 咖喱印度豆腐青豆 Matter Paneer

30元 马沙拉咖喱蘑菇甜玉米 Makal Khumb

30元 咖喱黄油蘑菇青豆 Mushroom Mutter Makani30元 夹馅秋葵 Sukhi Bhindi(seasonal)(vegan)

35元 马沙拉鹰嘴豆 Chana Masala(vegan)

25元 咖喱黑红豆 Dal Makhani

25元 咖喱黄油黄豆 Tarka Dal

25元 干咖喱炒什锦蔬菜 Vegetable Jhalfrezie(Vegan)30元 腰果咖喱蔬菜 Navratan Korma

25元 咖喱蔬菜 Vegetable Curry

25元 咖喱土豆菜花 Aloo Gobi(vegan)

25元 咖喱茄子 Baingan Bharta(vegan)

25元 干咖喱炒茄子 Mirchi Baingan Ka Salan(vegan)30元 孟买土豆 Bombay Aloo(vegan)

20元 炒蘑菇菠菜 Saag Mushroom(vegan)


RD=research & development 叫研发部 市场营销部 sales & Marketing Division销售部 Sales Department

公关部 Public Relation Department预订部 Reservation Department

餐饮部 Food & Beverage Department

康乐部 Recreation and Entertainment Department工程部 Engineering Department保安部 Security Department行政部 Rear-Service Department商场部 Shopping Arcade

人力资源开发总监 Director of Human Resources人事部经理 Personnel Manager培训部经理 Training Manager督导部经理 Quality Inspector人事主任 Personnel Officer 培训主任 Training Officer财务总监 Financial Controller 财务部经理 Chief Accountant 成本部经理 Cost Controller

采购部经理 Purchasing Manager采购部主管 Purchasing Officer电脑部经理 EDP Manager总出纳 Chief Cashier

市场营销总监 Director of Sales and Marketing销售部经理 Director of Sales公关经理 P.R.Manager

宴会销售经理 Banquet Sales Manager销售经理 Sales Manager

宴会销售主任 Banquet Sales Officer销售主任 Sales Officer

高级销售代表 Senior Sales Executive

销售代表 公关代表 Sales Executive P.R.Representative客务部 Room Division

前厅部 Front Office Department

管家部 Housekeeping Department Executive Office总行政办公室 宾客关系主任 Guest Relation Officer公关部经理 Public Relation Manager公关部主任 Public Relation Supervisor客户经理 Account Manager

高级客户经理 Senior Account Manager资深美工 Senior Artist美工 Artist

销售部联络主任 Sales Coordinator

资深销售中心预订员 Sales Center Senior Reservation Clerk 销售中心主任 Sales Center Supervisor礼宾部经理 Chief Concierge行李员 Bellboy女礼宾员 Door Girl礼宾司 Door Man财务部Accounting

营销部Sales & Marketing Dept.总经理General Manager

人力资源及培训部Human Resource & Training Dept.常务副总经理Deputy General Manager房务部Room Division

餐饮部Food & Beverage Dept.采购部Purchasing Dept.电脑部Electronic Data Processing Dept.保安部Security Dept.工程部 Engineer Dept.客房总监 Director of Housekeeping前厅部经理 Front Office Manager

前厅部副经理 Asst.Front Office Manager大堂副理 Assistant Manager礼宾主管 Chief Concierger

客务主任 Guest Relation Officer接待主管 Chief Concierge接待员 Receptionist车队主管 Chief Driver

出租车订车员 Taxi Service Clerk行政管家 Executive Housekeeper

行政副管家 Assistant Executive Housekeeper办公室文员 Order Taker

客房高级主任 Senior Supervisor楼层主管 Floor supervisor楼层领班 Floor Captain

客房服务员 Room Attendant洗衣房经理 Laundry Manager餐饮总监 F&B Director餐饮部经理 F&B Manager

西餐厅经理 Western Restaurant Manager中餐厅经理 Chinese Restaurant Manager咖啡厅经理 Coffee Shop Manager餐饮部秘书 F&B Secretary领班 Captain迎宾员 Hostess

服务员 Waiter ,waitress传菜 Bus Boy, Bus Girl行政总厨 Executive chef

中厨师长 Sous Chef(Chinese Kitchen)西厨师长 Sous Chef(Western Kitchen)西饼主管 Chief Baker工程总监 Chief Engineer

工程部经理 Engineering Manager值班工程师 Duty Engineer保安部经理 Security Manager

保安部副经理 Asst.Security Manager保安部主任 Security Manager保安员 Security Manager商场部经理 Shop Manager商场营业员 Shop Assistant


--> 操作部经理 Manager, Operations [上海市]

--> Financial Planning & Analysis Coordinator [上海市]

--> Ramp Agent [上海市]

--> Properties & Real Estate Specialist 产业主任 [上海市]

--> Corporate Communication Specialist 企业传讯专员 [上海市]

--> Associate Accountant/Accountant 助理会计/会计 [上海市]

--> Courier 快递员 [杭州市]

--> Technology Support Specialist 技术专员 [上海市]

--> 关务顾问 Regulatory Advisor [北京市]

--> 客户主任 Account Executive [天津市]

--> 客户清关代表 Customs Clearance Agent [青岛市]

--> Engineer, P&E [青岛市]

--> 业务拓展专员 Account Executive [昆明市]

--> 业务拓展专员 Account Executive [广西]

--> 业务拓展专员 Account Executive [泉州市]

--> 业务拓展专员 Account Executive [福州市]

--> 业务拓展专员 Account Executive [东莞市]

--> 业务拓展专员 Account Executive [广东省]

--> 操作部助理 Operations Assistant [珠海市]

--> 递送员 Courier Ref:Crr-东莞 [东莞市]

--> Operations Agent II [广州市]

--> 递送员 Courier Ref:Crr-广州 [广州市]

--> 操作部助理 Operations Assistant [广州市]

--> 客户服务代表 Customer Representative [广州市]

--> 市场部专员 Marketing Specialist [广州市]

--> 工程项目管理专员 Properties and Real Estate Specialist Ref: RES-广州 [广州市]--> 高级/人力资源专员 Senior/Human Resources Specialist [广州市]

--> Engineer/Planning and Engineering [东莞市]

--> 操作部经理 Operations Manager [东莞市]

--> 业务拓展专员 Account Executive [广东省]

--> Engineer, P&E [北京市]

--> 助理会计/会计/高级会计 Associate Accountant/Accountant/Sr Accountant [北京市]--> 会计助理、高级会计助理 Accounting Assistance/Sr.Accounting Assistance [北京市]

--> 地产部助理(Temp)[北京市]

--> 地产部专员 Properties & Real Estate Specialist [北京市]--> 客户清关代表 Customs Clearance Agent [北京市]






早餐咸肉 BACON




煎鸡蛋,一面煎整的EGGS, OVER EASY



意大利粉 PASTA


烧烤 BBQ

salad ,soup, main couse,desert



Roasted Pork Lion烤猪柳 Cannelloni意大利肉卷 Pork Lion with Apple苹果猪排

B.B.Q Pork Spare Ribs金沙骨 Pork Chop猪排

Pork Trotters德式咸猪手 Bacon and Onion Pie洋葱烟肉批 Roasted Ham with Honey蜜汁烤火腿 Grilled Pork Chops烟肉肠仔串 Evans Pork Chops伊文斯猪肉 Preserved Meat with Celery西芹腊肉

Stew B.B.Q with Winter Melon冬瓜焖烧味 Smoked Pork Lion烟熏猪柳 Grilled Pork with Lemongrass香茅猪排 Suckling Pig烤乳猪

Bean Wrapped in Bacon四季豆烟肉卷 Meat Loaf瑞士肉包

Grilled Pork Chop with Mustar芥茉猪排 Roasted Spare Ribs烤特肋 Smoked Ham熏火腿 Stewed Pork Ribs醇香排骨 Grilled Pork Chop Cajun Style凯郡猪排

Braised Pork with Preserved Vegetable in Soya Sauce梅菜扣肉


Winter Melon with Salted Pork咸肉冬瓜

Braised Pork Trotter with Soya Sauce红烧猪蹄 Picatta Pork比加达猪柳

Spare Rib in Local Wine香醇猪排

Steamed Meat Cake with Egg Yolk肉饼蒸蛋 Beef

Braised Beef Tongue in Red Wine Sauce红酒烩牛舌 Beef Fillet Steak尖椒牛肉条

Mini Hamburger迷你汉堡

Sirloin Steak西冷

Beef in Japanese Style日式牛肉

Beef Skewer牛肉串

Ham&Veal Sausage火腿牛仔肠

Sirloin Steak with Green Pepper Corn Sauce西冷配青椒汁 Beef Balls in Curry Sauce咖哩牛肉丸

Beef Medallions with Bacon牛柳烟肉卷 Beef Fillet Migons with Pepper Sauce黑椒牛肉卷 Chilli Con Carne墨西哥牛肉

Sauteed Diced Beef in Black Pepper Sauce黑椒牛柳粒 Beef Wellington威灵顿牛柳

Swiss Beef Steak瑞士牛排

Smoked Beef Ribs牛肋骨

Tom-Yum Soup with Ox’s Tail冬阴功牛尾 Beef Roulade牛肉卷

Beef Slice with Green Pepper牛柳烟肉卷 Pan-fried Steak铁板牛扒

Char-grilled Steak with Pepper Sauce黑椒牛排 Roasted Rib Eye肉眼排

Roasted Veal烤乳牛


Steamed Bass Fish蒸鲈鱼

Grilled Sea Bass扒鲈鱼

Braised Fish Head Singapore Style新加坡鱼头 Lamb Curry咖哩羊肉

Salmon in Salt&Pepper椒盐三文鱼

Deep-fried Pork Schnitzels and Sole炸猪排和胧俐鱼 Fish Cake Thai Style泰式鱼饼

Local Fish in Pandon Leaf露兜叶包鱼

New Zealand Lamb Cutlets新西兰羊排

Pan-fried Pomfret in Banana Leaves香蕉叶包鲳鱼 Roasted Eel烤鳗

Pan-fried Sea Bass with Lemon & Chive Sauce鲈鱼排

Sole Filled with Roasted Almond Slice胧俐鱼配烤杏仁片 Pan-fried Salmon Steak香煎三文鱼扒 Pan-fried Mackerel香煎马鲛鱼

Sauteed Cuttlefish宫保花枝片

Irish Lamb爱尔兰羊肉

Roasted Salmon Japanese Style日式烤三文鱼 Baked Cod with Cheese芝士局鳕鱼

Stewed Sea Bass in White Sauce白汁鲈鱼 Smoked Trout烟熏鳟鱼

Venetian Cod with Raisins and Pine Nuts威尼斯煎鳕鱼 Smoked Pomfret烟熏鲳鱼

Boiled Snapper’s Head煮鳟鱼头

Braised Hair Tail in Soya Sauce红烧带鱼

Salmon in Salt Crust with Herbs盐局三文鱼 Mackerel Fish马鲛鱼

Roasted Mackerel Japanese Style日式烤鱼 Cod Fish in Salt椒盐鳕鱼

Grilled Salmon Cajun Style凯郡三文鱼 Stewed Fish Cantonese Style广式蒸鱼

Deep Fried Yellow Croaker煎小黄鱼
