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娱乐美联英语 奥斯卡颁奖现场大恶搞,游客乱入全程蒙圈
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第一篇:娱乐美联英语 奥斯卡颁奖现场大恶搞,游客乱入全程蒙圈

小编给你一个美联英语官方免费试听课申请链接: http://m.meten.com/test/waijiao.aspx?tid=16-73675-0

美联英语提供:娱乐英语 奥斯卡颁奖现场大恶搞,游客乱入全程蒙圈

Jimmy Kimmel pulled off one of the coolest stunts in the history of the Oscars on Sunday night.周日晚,吉米·坎摩尔(《吉米鸡毛秀》主持人)成功跻身奥斯卡史上最牛特技演员之一。

‘In a few minutes those people are going to walk through these doors right here,' Kimmel had told the audience, gesturing to doors at the front of the theatre right to the side of the stage.“再过一会儿,游客们就会从那边的几扇门进来。”坎摩尔指着剧院前排、舞台右侧的门对现场观众说。

‘If everybody stays perfectly still, maybe we can make them think they're at the wax museum,' he said.“如果大家都保持不动,说不准他们还以为自己进了蜡像馆呢。”他说。

Tourists taking an open-deck bus tour of Hollywood's sights pulled up outside the Dolby Theatre where the Academy Awards were taking place.一辆满载游客的好莱坞观光旅游巴士,骤然停在了杜比剧院门口。此时的剧院内,奥斯卡金像奖颁奖典礼正按部就班地举行着。

The tour bus group was taken by a circuitous route into the Dolby Theatre on the premise they were going to see an exhibit.该观光旅行团被告知说要去参观一个展览会,却兜兜转转圈圈绕绕地被带到了杜比剧院。

In a bold stunt, tourists taking a tour of Hollywood on Sunday evening got to be a part of the Oscars during the live telecast.如此大胆的表演设局—让游客们周日晚去参观好莱坞,毋庸置疑将成为奥斯卡直播期间一大亮点。

The La La Land star Ryan Gosling shook hands with the bemused couple。


A tourist greeted Nicole Kidman with a kiss on her hand as her husband Keith Urban captured the moment on his cell phone.一位游客以亲吻手背的方式向妮可·基德曼致意,而妮可的老公凯斯·厄本用手机抓拍了这个镜头。

Another lucky tourist got a hug from Kidman.另一位幸运游客与基德曼拥抱。

She then got to shake hands with Meryl Streep》 紧接着,她还去和梅丽尔·斯特里普握手了。

Another tourist got even more close up and personal with Meryl, still with her selfie stick in hand and filming.而另一位游客更加近距离地接触了梅丽尔,那时她的自拍杆还拿在手上,一直在录像。Further on down the line was Mahershala Ali who won the first Oscar of the night for best supporting actor in Moonlight.The gracious star let the lucky tourists hold his gold statuette and posed for selfies with them.接下来,是今晚刚凭《月光》喜获人生首座奥斯卡奖杯的马赫沙拉·阿里。这位仁慈的明星大方允许幸运游客手握自己的金雕奖杯,还和他们一起自拍。

The daring gag made instant stars out of Gary Allen Cole and his fiancee Vicky from Chicago.此次大恶搞更是令加里·艾伦·科尔与其来自芝加哥的未婚妻维姬喜出望外。

The couple were first through the doors and fully embraced their impromptu meet and greet with Hollywood's A-list, shaking hands, hugging and taking pictures and video.这对率先踏入大门的小夫妻,欣然接受了与众多好莱坞一哥一姐的“偶遇”与“造访”:握手拥抱、录像拍照,妥妥的一个环节都没少!

Gary and Vicky told Kimmel that they were engaged and planning to marry in July.加里和维姬告诉坎摩尔,他俩已经订婚,并计划于7月喜结良缘。'Who's your favorite actor?' he asked Vicky.“ 你最喜欢的演员是谁?”他问维姬。

'That man over there,' she replied pointing to Denzel Washington.“那边那位男士。”她指着丹泽尔·华盛顿回答说。

The A-list actor and Oscar nominee jumped to his feet and as they took video,he pronounced them husband and wife.听闻此言,这位被奥斯卡提名的好莱坞一线演员立马起身,还拍摄了宣布两人正式结为夫妻的视频送给二位。

'Kiss the bride!' he instructed Gary.“亲吻新娘吧!”他对加里发令道。

The bus tour group swiftly became an Internet sensation with Twitter users quick to comment.推特用户如潮的评论成功助力该观光旅游团登上网络热门话题。

Folks had fun coming up with suggestions about what Ryan Gosling whispered to Vicky to prompt her facial expression.对于瑞恩·高斯林对维姬说了什么悄悄话,让她面部表情如此这般丰富,网友也是脑洞大开

第二篇:娱乐美联英语 奥斯卡颁奖夜使劲洗白

小编给你一个美联英语官方免费试听课申请链接: http://m.meten.com/test/waijiao.aspx?tid=16-73675-0

美联英语提供:娱乐英语 奥斯卡颁奖夜使劲洗白

Chris Rock Takes Aim and Spotlight Wins Best Picture Tom McCarthy’s “Spotlight,” a newspaper drama about the Catholic Church cover-up of sexual abuse by priests, snatched top honors at the 88th Academy Awards on Sunday, even as Leonardo DiCaprio won the best actor prize, his first Oscar, for “The Revenant” and Alejandro G.Iñárritu was named best director for the same film.洛杉矶――汤姆·麦卡锡(Tom McCarthy)的《聚焦》(Spotlight)是一部新闻情节剧,讲述天主教会掩护许多神父的性侵行为,周日它在第88届奥斯卡奖上获得了诸多最高荣誉,此外莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥(Leonardo DiCaprio)凭借《荒野猎人》(The Revenant)中的表现,首次获得最佳演员奖,该片导演亚历桑德罗·G·伊纳里多(Alejandro G.Iñárritu)获得最佳导演奖。

Michael Sugar, a “Spotlight” producer, said he hoped the win would “resonate all the way to the Vatican.” He added, “Pope Francis, it’s time to protect the children.”

《聚焦》制片迈克尔·舒格(Michael Sugar)说,希望该片获奖可以“引起梵蒂冈的反应”。他又补充,“方济各教皇(Pope Francis),现在是时候保护孩子们了。”

It was one of several causes promoted during the night at a ceremony that became a raucous persity lesson under the guidance of the host, Chris Rock.在主持人克里斯·洛克(Chris Rock)的主导下,当晚的颁奖礼成了关于多样化的喧嚣一课,舒格的发言也是其中的一部分。

Mr.Sugar spoke while accepting an award that to many had seemed pointed toward “The Revenant.”


The split in top prizes capped a chaotic year in which “Spotlight,” seen as a front-runner after its debut in a string of September festivals, watched competitors win key awards from the producers guild, the directors guild and the British film academy.最高奖项的归属为这个喧嚣的年份一锤定音,《聚焦》自从去年九月在一系列电影节上映后就一直领跑,却只能看着竞争对手们获得制片人工会、导演工会和英国电影学院的关键奖项。

But voters from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences embraced the confusion, honoring “Spotlight” as the best picture, while spreading its acting awards among four films.Brie Larson was named best actress for “Room”;Alicia Vikander was named best supporting actress for “The Danish Girl”;and Mark Rylance was best supporting actor for “Bridge of Spies.”

但是电影艺术与科学学院的投票者们也同样感染了这种困惑,它将最佳影片奖授予《聚焦》,同时将最佳表演奖分授四部影片。布丽·拉森(Brie Larson)凭借《房间》(Room)获得最佳女主角奖,艾丽西亚·维坎德(Alicia Vikander)凭借《丹麦女孩》(The Danish Girl)获得最佳女配角奖,马克·里朗斯(Mark Rylance)凭《间谍之桥》(Bridge of Spies)获得最佳男配角奖。

Mr.DiCaprio, who had long been considered a lock for his performance as Hugh Glass, a real-life frontiersman left for dead, in “The Revenant,” seemed to be the main event, however.迪卡普里奥在《荒野猎人》中饰演休·格拉斯(Hugh Glass),这是一个现实生活中存在的拓荒者,长期以来,凭借他的表演,他被视为锁定了这一奖项,他领奖时仿佛是该颁奖礼最重要的环节。

“Making ‘The Revenant’ was about man’s relationship to the natural

world,” Mr.DiCaprio said, adding a political theme that was matched, if not one-upped, by others as the night moved on.“《荒野猎人》讲的是一个男人与自然世界之间的关系,”迪卡普里奥说道,并且还补充了一个就算未能更胜一筹,但却也同当晚其他话题相称的政治观点。

“Climate change is real, it is happening right now,” Mr.DiCaprio said.“全球气候变暖是真实的,它现在正在发生,”迪卡普里奥说。

He also paid tribute to Mr.Iñárritu, who in turn played a persity theme that dominated the night.他还向导演伊纳里多致敬,伊纳里多也是今晚多样化主题的一部分。

What an opportunity, he said, to “make sure for once and forever that the color of the skin become as irrelevant as the length of our hair,” said Mr.Iñárritu, who is from Mexico.伊纳里多在墨西哥发言说,这是一个很好的机会,“从此确保人们的肤色和头发的长度一样无关紧要。”

While Hollywood may have owed Mr.DiCaprio one after four prior acting nominations, including those for “The Aviator” and “The Wolf of Wall Street,” it apparently figured his prize and the directing award for Mr.Iñárritu were enough.此前好莱坞或许已经欠了迪卡普里奥四个最佳表演奖,包括他在影片《飞行家》(The Aviator)与《华尔街之狼》(The Wolf of Wall Street)中的表现,这一次,似乎授予他最佳男主角奖,并授予伊纳里多最佳导演奖已经足够。

A best picture trophy for “The Revenant” would have made Mr.Iñárritu, whose “Birdman” was best picture last year, the first director in Oscar history to direct back-to-back winners.In fact, he was only the third, after John Ford and Joseph L.Mankiewicz, to win consecutive directing awards.去年,伊纳里多的《鸟人》(Birdman)就获得了最佳影片奖,如果《荒野猎人》再次获得最佳电影奖,将会令伊纳里多成为奥斯卡历史上第一个蝉联最佳影片奖的导演。事实上,他是第三个连续获得最佳导演奖的人,前两位是约翰·福特(John Ford)与约瑟夫·L·曼凯维奇(Joseph L.Mankiewicz)。

Ms.Larson, as was widely expected, won the best actress award, her first Oscar, for “Room.” Her performance as a mother kept captive with her young son by a sexual predator was extraordinary, in that much of it was confined to a tiny room.拉森凭借《房间》一片,众望所归地首次获得最佳女主角奖。她在片中饰演一个与年幼的儿子被性侵者绑架的母亲,主要戏份都发生在一个狭小的房间,她的演出非常精彩。

The earlier awards had gone to a scattershot group of films that was dominated by a run of six craft awards for the brutal action fable “Mad Max: Fury Road.”

更早时颁发的奖项被授予多部电影,其中残暴的动作寓言片《疯狂的麦克斯4:狂暴之路》(Mad Max: Fury Road)获得六个技术奖项。

That had left only one early Oscar, for cinematography, to “The Revenant,” a supposed front-runner.Other winners included “The Danish Girl,” “The Big Short,” “Bridge of Spies,” “Ex Machina” and “Inside Out.”

在较早颁发的奖项中,《荒野猎人》只获得一项最佳摄影奖,它被视为该奖项的领跑者。其他获奖影片还包括《丹麦女孩》、《大空头》(The Big Short)、《间谍之桥》、《机械姬》(Ex Machina)和《头脑特工队》(Inside Out)。

Until the surprising finish, it seemed as if little attention would be paid to the movies.The limelight, at least in the early hours, was squarely on Mr.Rock and prickly questions of race in Hollywood.直到令人惊讶的最后结尾,颁奖礼都没有对电影表现出太多重视。至少是在一开始,众人的目光全都集中在洛克身上,以及他对好莱坞的种族问题的辛辣提问上。

“If they nominated hosts, I wouldn’t even get the job,” Mr.Rock snapped as the show opened.“如果他们给主持人也提名,那我就得不到这份工作了,”洛克用这样一句话给颁奖礼开了场。

In a politically contentious year, Mr.Rock, the evening’s host, took the only safe course: He unloaded on everyone.今年是政治上非常有争议的一年,主持人洛克采取了安全的策略,他讽刺每一个人。

“Jada boycotting the Oscars is like me boycotting Rihanna’s panties,” Mr.Rock said, “I wasn’t invited!”


It was a jab at Jada Pinkett Smith, and at those who had called for a boycott, because the Oscar acting nominees, for the second consecutive year, were all white.他讽刺的是贾达·萍克特·史密斯(Jada Pinkett Smith),以及其他呼吁抵制奥斯卡的人,因为本届奥斯卡奖所有表演奖项的提名者和去年一样,都是白人。

In the end, Mr.Rock spent virtually the whole monologue on the subject of persity, mostly spoofing it but occasionally adding more biting commentary, as when he quipped that the annual “In Memoriam” tribute would honor black people who were “shot by the cops on their way to the movies.”


Moving on to the awards, he said, “You want persity? We got persity.Please welcome Emily Blunt and somebody whiter, Charlize Theron,” and the two actresses appeared to present the night’s first award, for best original screenplay.至于奥斯卡奖,他说,“你们想要多样化?我们有多样化。有请艾米丽·布朗特(Emily Blunt)和更白的查理兹·塞隆(Charlize Theron),”两位女演员上台后,颁发了当晚的第一个奖项:最佳原创剧本。

Thirty minutes into the show, Mr.Rock was still hitting the persity theme, hard.He introduced a skit that had Whoopi Goldberg and others trying to edge their way

into acting roles reserved for whites.Ms.Goldberg swished a mop next to Jennifer Lawrence in a scene supposedly from “Joy.” In another spoof, Jeff Daniels declined to spend $2,500 to save a stranded black astronaut, played by Mr.Rock, on Mars, in a takeoff on “The Martian.”

颁奖礼进行到第30分钟,洛克仍然在猛烈抨击缺乏多样性这个问题。他推出一个讽刺小品,让乌比·哥德堡(Whoopi Goldberg)和其他人拼命挤进那些只为白人预留的角色中去。哥德堡站在詹妮弗·劳伦斯(Jennifer Lawrence)旁边,甩着拖把,好像是《奋斗的乔伊》(Joy)里的一幕。在另一个讽刺小品里,杰夫·丹尼尔斯(Jeff Daniels)拒绝付2500美元拯救一个由洛克饰演的滞留火星的黑人宇航员,这一幕是从《火星救援》里来的。

Ms.Goldberg was back later to introduce a video recap of the Governors Awards, which went to Meryl Streep, Debbie Reynolds, and Spike Lee.“It’s easier to be president of the United States as a black person than be head of a studio,” Mr.Lee had said then.Cheryl Boone Isaacs, the academy’s president, immediately followed Ms.Goldberg with a persity lecture.哥德堡后来介绍了一段来自理事会奖(Governors Awards)的剪辑录像,这个奖授予了梅丽尔·斯特里普(Meryl Streep)、黛比·雷诺兹(Debbie Reynolds)和斯派克·李(Spike Lee)。“黑人要当上制片公司老大,比当美国总统还难,”李说。学院主席谢丽尔·布恩·艾萨克斯(Cheryl Boone Isaacs)紧接哥德堡之后,做了一番关于多样化的言说。

“It’s not enough to just listen and agree,” Ms.Isaacs said.“We must take action.”


A question that would not be answered until Monday is whether the “In Memoriam” sequence would keep its traditional spot as a ratings high-point of the evening.Those remembered included Jerry Weintraub, Maureen O’Hara, Omar Sharif, David Bowie, Leonard Nimoy and Wes Craven.有个问题直到星期一都未能揭晓,那就是“纪念”环节是否会和往常一样,成为整晚的高潮。此次纪念的人包括杰瑞·温特劳布(Jerry Weintraub)、玛琳·奥哈拉(Maureen O’Hara)、奥玛·沙里夫(Omar Sharif)、大卫·鲍伊(David Bowie)、伦纳德·尼莫伊(Leonard Nimoy)和韦斯·克雷文(Wes Craven)。

For the most part, they were as white as the evening’s presenters were black.At the same time, they represented the academy’s past, while Ms.Isaacs promised that new processes and rules would create a different, more inclusive future.他们都是白人,而今晚的表演者们大都是黑人。与此同时,他们代表了奥斯卡学院的过去,正如艾萨克斯承诺的,新的流程和规则将会作出改变,带来更加兼容并蓄的未来。

As the evening wore on, the causes began to stack up.Vice President Joseph R.Biden added yet another when he showed to introduce Lady Gaga’s performance of “Til It Happens to You,” from “The Hunting Ground,” a documentary about campus sexual assault.“I really mean this, take the pledge,” Mr.Biden urged, as he begged attention for that issue, as Mr.McCarthy, of “Spotlight,” and Mr.McKay, of “The Big Short,” had urged attention for theirs.当晚随着颁奖的继续进行,话题还在走向严肃。副总统约瑟夫·R·拜登(President Joseph R.Biden)也做出了贡献,他登台介绍Lady Gaga表演关于校园性侵的纪录片《狩猎场》(The Hunting Ground)中的歌曲《直到这在你身上发生》(Til It Happens to You)。“我是认真的,抓住机会,”拜登请人们关注这个话题,此外《聚焦》中的麦卡锡先生与《大空头》中的麦凯(McKay)先生也呼吁人们关注自己的影片中所提出的问题。

The original song Oscar went instead to “Writing’s on the Wall” from “Spectre.” It wasn’t a political award, but Sam Smith, one of the composers, dedicated his Oscar to the L.G.B.T.communities around the world.奥斯卡最佳原创歌曲由《007:幽灵党》(Spectre)中的歌曲《墙上的字迹》(Writing’s on the Wall)获得,这并不是一个政治化的奖项,但这首歌作曲者之一的山姆·史密斯(Sam Smith)把自己的奥斯卡奖献给全世界的L.G.B.T群体。

Ms.Vikander’s win, as best supporting actress for “The Danish Girl,” was the

night’s first acting award.Ms.Vikander, a Swede who lives in London, underscored the international quality of the nominated actors.For only the second time since the 1960s, fully half of the 20 acting nominees were not just white, but from countries that belong to the Commonwealth.维坎德凭《丹麦女孩》中饰演的角色获得了最佳女配角奖,这是当晚颁发的第一个表演类奖项。维坎德是居住在伦敦的瑞典人,这强调了提名演员的国际化特征。奥斯卡奖的最佳表演奖提名中,全部获得提名的20名演员不仅全是白人,而且有整整一半都来自英联邦,自从60年代以来,这还是第二次。

Mr.Rylance won the best supporting actor for “Bridge of Spies.” He, too, hails from London, but played a Soviet spy — that ethnic twist was a tribute to the craft of those Commonwealth players, who spoke more about the challenges of performance than the politics of casting.“It’s a wonderful time to be an actor, thank you,” said Mr.Rylance.里朗斯凭《间谍之桥》中的表演获得了最佳男配角奖。他也从伦敦做了发言,里朗斯在片中饰演一个苏联间谍,擅长民族性格上的扭转是英国演员的特征之一,但他更热衷谈论表演上的挑战,而不是选角政治方面的问题。他说,“这是身为演员的好时代,谢谢。”

The best foreign language film, “Son of Saul,” a Holocaust film from Hungary.The win, widely expected, was another reminder that the movie culture is

international, and the woes it examines are larger, even, than racial concerns in the United States.最佳外语片获得者是反映匈牙利纳粹大屠杀的《索尔之子》(Son of Saul)。它的获奖也是众望所归,提醒人们电影文化属于整个世界,它所表达的哀伤甚至大于美国的种族忧患。

Six early wins for “Mad Max: Fury Road” — for costume design, production design, editing, sound editing, sound mixing and makeup and hairstyling — soon signaled that the evening would be an uphill climb for “The Revenant.” That film had been in the running for those same Oscars.But the string of wins brought tribute after tribute not for Mr.Iñárritu, but for George Miller, the seasoned filmmaker behind the brutal, kinetic “Mad Max” series.在较早时候,《疯狂麦克斯4:狂暴之路》获得服装设计、制作设计、剪辑、声音剪辑、混音和化妆与发型六项大奖,这表明《荒野猎人》在今晚经历了一个先苦后甜的历程,因为《荒野猎人》也同时获得了这些提名。但是这一串荣誉没有属于伊纳里多,而是给了残暴、活跃的《疯狂麦克斯》系列背后的资深电影人乔治·米勒(George Miller)。

In one of the night’s oddest moments, Pixar — through its characters Woody and Buzz Lightyear from the “Toy Story” trilogy — presented itself in a best animated feature Oscar for “Inside Out.” The film, about moody characters in a girl’s brain, was filled with colors — red, blue, yellow, green and purple — but

not black.在整晚最奇怪的一个时刻之一,皮克斯公司――通过《玩具总动员》(Toy Story)三部曲中的伍迪牛仔和巴斯光年在最佳动画片环节为自己公司的《头脑总动员》颁奖。这部影片是以一个女孩头脑中的情绪为主人公,里面充满色彩——红、蓝、黄、绿、紫——但是仍然没有黑色。

In the best documentary feature category, “Amy,” about the singer Amy Winehouse, who died of substance abuse, took the award.It was a rarity among documentaries — a popular film that drew a substantial audience at the box-office for A24, and sold well in home markets.The film had edged aside “What Happened, Miss Simone?” and “Winter on Fire: Ukraine’s Fight for Freedom,” both of which had lavish campaigns from their backer, Netflix.最佳纪录片《艾米》(Amy)是关于因滥用药物去世的歌手艾米·怀恩豪斯(Amy Winehouse)的故事。它在获得最佳纪录片提名的影片中是个异数——它来自A24公司,颇受欢迎,票房不俗,在家庭影院市场也销量颇高。这部影片在同《发生什么了,西蒙妮小姐?》(What Happened, Miss Simone)和《凛冬烈火:乌克兰为自由而战》(Winter on Fire: Ukraine’s Fight for Freedom)的角逐中险胜,后两部影片都由其出品公司Netflix做过大肆宣传。

第三篇:娱乐美联英语 奥斯卡表演奖提名太白遭炮轰

小编给你一个美联英语官方免费试听课申请链接: http://m.meten.com/test/waijiao.aspx?tid=16-73675-0

美联英语提供:娱乐英语 奥斯卡表演奖提名“太白”遭炮轰

Jada Pinkett Smith has announced that she will not be attending or watching the 202_ Academy Awards.贾达·萍克特·史密斯声明拒绝参加或观看202_奥斯卡颁奖礼。

In a video posted to Facebook Monday morning, Martin Luther King Jr.Day, the actress posed some powerful, thoughtful questions.美籍黑人女演员贾达·萍克特·史密斯于当地时间1月18日一早在Facebook发布一则视频。面对镜头,她频频发问,颇有些振聋发聩的味道。巧的是,那天正好是马丁·路德·金纪念日。

“Is it time that people of color recognize how much power, influence, that we have amassed, that we no longer need to ask to be invited anywhere?” she said in the video.“Maybe it's time that we recognize that if we love and respect and acknowledge ourselves in the way in which we are asking others to do, that that is the place of true power.”


Pinkett Smith called for change, saying that “it's our responsibility now” to make the difference.萍克特·史密斯呼吁一种改变,她说做出改变是“我们当前的责任”。

“Begging for acknowledgement, or even asking, diminishes dignity and diminishes power.And we are a dignified people and we are powerful,” she said.“Let's do us, differently.”


Fellow member of Hollywood Spike Lee also addressed the #OscarsSoWhite controversy this morning, saying that he, too, will be skipping the Awards show this year.当天上午,好莱坞黑人导演斯派克·李也在Facebook上就“白人的奥斯卡”发表声明,称不会关注今年的奥斯卡颁奖礼。

In an Instagram post, the director condemned Hollywood execs for not using their power to bring more stories about people of color to the big screen.斯派克·李还发布了一条Instagram谴责好莱坞高层未能善用自己的权力,让更多有色人种的故事走向大银幕。

“The truth is we ain't in those rooms and until minorities are, the Oscar nominees will remain lilly(sic)white,” he wrote.他写道:“事实是,我们还未走进奥斯卡殿堂。而在此之前,奥斯卡提名会一直只选择白人。”「注:李用“洁白的”(lily)一词形容白人,不过拼错了(lilly)。」

Following the backlash of yet another year of #OscarsSoWhite, Jada Pinkett Smith expressed her dismay on the awards' lack of persity.这已是奥斯卡奖第二年遭到“缺乏多样性”的质疑了。而史密斯本人在此前亦表达过不满。

The “Magic Mike XXL” actress, 44, sent out a series of tweets over the weekend.上周末,这位参演了《魔力麦克2》的44岁女演员连着发了好几条推特。

“At the Oscars...people of color are always welcomed to give out awards...even entertain, but we are rarely recognized for our artistic accomplishments,” she wrote, adding, “Should people of color refrain from participating all together?”


She continued, “People can only treat us in the way in which we allow.With much respect in the midst of deep disappointment.”


Pinkett Smith isn't alone in her thinking.Following the nomination announcement last week, Rev.Al Sharpton slammed the Academy for overlooking black actors.这么想的并不只是萍克特·史密斯一人。上周奥斯卡提名公布后,阿尔·夏普顿也谴责奥斯卡忽视了黑人演员。

“Yet again, deserving black actors and directors were ignored by the Academy

--which reinforces the fact that there are few, if any, blacks with real power in Hollywood,” he said in a statement provided by the National Action Network.“Being left out of awards consideration is about more than just recognition for a job well-done;winning an Oscar has long-lasting cultural and economic impacts.”


This year, out of the 20 people nominated in the acting categories at the Oscars none are people of color.None.今年,表演类别奖项提名的20人之中没有一个有色人种,连一个都没有。

Furthermore, in the nominated films that include non-white cast members, only white contributors have been recognized with nominations.One key exception is Alejandro González Iñárritu, who's up for Best Director for “The Revenant”.此外,在有非白人参演的被提名电影中,只有白人演员获得了提名。唯一的例外是亚利桑德罗·冈萨雷斯·伊纳里多,他凭借《还魂者》获得本届奥斯卡最佳导演提名。

第四篇:娱乐美联英语 202_年奥斯卡颁奖典礼闹出乌龙

小编给你一个美联英语官方免费试听课申请链接: http://m.meten.com/test/waijiao.aspx?tid=16-73675-0

美联英语提供:娱乐英语 202_年奥斯卡颁奖典礼闹出乌龙

Moonlight, an evocative coming of age story about a young gay black man, won best picture at the 202_ Oscars but was almost denied its victory in chaotic scenes when the award was mistakenly given to La La Land.一部富有感染力的、描写一名年轻黑人男同性恋成长故事的影片《月光男孩》(Moonlight),获得202_年奥斯卡(Oscar)最佳影片奖。不过,该片险些与此奖项擦肩而过,原因是在混乱的颁奖现场,此奖项曾被误颁给了《爱乐之城》(La La Land)。

At the end of a politically charged ceremony in which Donald Trump was the subject of frequent jokes by host Jimmy Kimmel, Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway announced that La La Land had won.But as the producers and cast of Damien Chazelle’s modern musical were on stage giving emotional thank you speeches, they were told that Moonlight was the real winner.在这场充满政治色彩的颁奖典礼——唐纳德?特朗普(Donald Trump)屡次成为主持人吉米?基梅尔(Jimmy Kimmel)打趣的对象——的末尾,沃伦?比蒂(Warren Beatty)和费?唐纳薇(Faye Dunaway)宣布《爱乐之城》赢得此奖项。然而,就在这部达米安?沙泽勒(Damien Chazelle)编导的现代音乐片的制作人员和演员登上舞台、激动地发表致谢演说时,他们却被告知《月光男孩》才是真正的获奖者。


PwC, the accountancy firm that has been responsible for counting Oscars votes for 80 years and ensuring that the correct envelopes are handed to presenters, swiftly apologised to the films, the presenters and the audience for giving the prize announcement for the wrong category to Beatty and Dunaway.80年来,普华永道(PwC)一直负责奥斯卡奖的计票工作并确保将正确的信封交给颁奖嘉宾。这家会计师事务所很快向两部影片、颁奖嘉宾和观众作出了道歉,因为它交给比蒂和唐纳薇的颁奖通告不是关于这个奖项的。

“We sincerely apologize to Moonlight, La La Land, Warren Beatty, Faye Dunaway, and Oscar viewers for the error that was made during the award announcement for Best Picture.The presenters had mistakenly been given the wrong category envelope and when discovered, was immediately corrected.”


“We are currently investigating how this could have happened, and deeply regret that this occurred,” PwC said.“We appreciate the grace with which the nominees, the Academy, ABC, and Jimmy Kimmel handled the situation.”

普华永道表示:“我们目前正在调查如何能发生这样的事,并对发生此事深感遗憾。被提名人、电影艺术与科学学院(the Academy)、美国广播公司(ABC)、以及吉米?基梅尔


Chazelle’s musical was the hot favourite going into the evening, with a record-tying 14 nominations.Chazelle won the best director award, while Emma Stone won best actress for her performance in the film, which was produced by Lionsgate.There were other La La Land Oscars for score and best original song.沙泽勒编导的音乐片《爱乐之城》是当晚的得奖热门,所获14项提名平了奥斯卡史上的纪录。沙泽勒获得最佳导演奖。而埃玛?斯通(Emma Stone)凭借她在这部由狮门娱乐(Lionsgate)制作的影片中的表演,赢得了最佳女主角奖。此外,《爱乐之城》还获得了最佳配乐和最佳原创歌曲奖。

But Moonlight kept pace with it over the course of a marathon four-hour ceremony.Barry Jenkins and Tarell Alvin McCraney won best adapted screenplay, while Mahershala Ali won best supporting actor — the first Oscar for a Muslim American actor.不过,在长达四小时的马拉松般的颁奖典礼中,《月光男孩》所获奖项一度与《爱乐之城》并驾齐驱。巴里?詹金斯(Barry Jenkins,文首图中)和塔雷尔?阿尔文?麦克拉尼(Tarell Alvin McCraney,文首图右)获得了最佳改编剧本奖。马赫沙拉?阿里(Mahershala Ali)获得最佳男配角奖,这是美国穆斯林男演员首位获得奥斯卡奖。

第五篇:娱乐美联英语 黑人演什么才能获得奥斯卡青睐

小编给你一个美联英语官方免费试听课申请链接: http://m.meten.com/test/waijiao.aspx?tid=16-73675-0

美联英语提供:娱乐英语 黑人演什么才能获得奥斯卡青睐

When the Oscar nominations were announced last month, revealing that not one black actor was in the running, the resulting furor touched on the performances that critics said should have been considered: What about Idris Elba in “Beasts of No Nation”? Michael B.Jordan in “Creed”? Will Smith in “Concussion,” or one of the stars of “Straight Outta Compton”?

上个月,奥斯卡提名公布,没有一位黑人演员获得提名,引发强烈抗议,人们纷纷谈论影评家们认为应该予以考虑的演员:比如《无境之兽》(Beasts of No Nation)中的伊德瑞斯·艾尔巴(Idris Elba);《奎迪》(Creed)中的迈克尔·B·乔丹(Michael B.Jordan);《震荡效应》(Concussion)中的威尔·史密斯(Will Smith);又或者《冲出康普顿》(Straight Outta Compton)中的其中一位明星。

The uproar over #OscarsSoWhite made me curious.What does the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences value in black performance? Black artists have been nominated for best actress or actor on 30 occasions, for work spanning 28 films.Over the last few weeks, I watched all of them.#OscarsSoWhite抗议活动的喧闹让我很好奇:美国电影艺术和科学学会(Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences)是如何评价黑人演员的表演的呢?黑人艺术家凭借28部影片在30个奖项中获得最佳女演员或男演员提名。在过去几周里,我观看了所有这些影片。

These are movies with a lot in common, not least that most were written and directed by white men.Only three were written and directed by black men.None were directed by women.Perhaps these numbers aren’t surprising, given the well-known demographics of the film industry.Other numbers are more eye-opening.这些影片有很多共通之处,相当重要的一点是,这些电影的编剧和导演大多是白人。只有3部的编剧和导演是黑人。没有一部是女性导演的。这些数字可能并不令人意外,因为大家都清楚电影业的人口构成。其他一些发现更令人吃惊。

Consider: In the history of the Oscars, 10 black women have been nominated for best actress, and nine of them played characters who are homeless or might soon become so.(The exception is Viola Davis, for the 202_ drama “The Help.”)

那就是:在奥斯卡历史上,有10名黑人女性获得最佳女演员提名,其中9名饰演的是无家可归或很快就要无家可归的角色(唯一的例外是维奥拉·戴维斯[Viola Davis]在202_年影片《相助》[The Help]中饰演的角色)。

The first was Dorothy Dandridge, for “Carmen Jones”(1954).That musical drama, like the opera from which it derives, is mostly known as the story of a sexually rapacious young woman and her obsessive, ultimately murderous lover.But it’s also the story of a wily, prideful human running out of places to go.Late in the film, Carmen and her fugitive boyfriend hide out in a seedy Chicago apartment.There’s no money for rent, and soon they’ll be evicted.Carmen, who’s spent the movie working hard to seem carefree and fierce, tries her best to summon that look again as she sets out to scare up food and rent money.第一位是多萝西·丹德里奇(Dorothy Dandridge),她出演的影片是《胭脂虎新传》(Carmen Jones, 1954)。这部音乐片改编自歌剧,它主要讲述的是一名在性方面很贪婪的年轻女子和痴迷并最终杀害她的情人之间的故事。但它讲述的也是一个狡猾骄傲、无处可去之人的故事。在影片末尾,卡门和她逃亡的男友藏在芝加哥一个破旧的公寓里。他们没钱交房租,很快将被赶走。在整部影片中,卡门都努力显得无忧无虑而热情,她出去张罗食物和房租时,也努力再次露出那副神情。

Nearly every black best-actress nominee has faced a similar plight, right up through “Beasts of the Southern Wild”(202_), in which Quvenzhané Wallis played a little girl about to lose her home to a flood.No black woman has ever received a best-actress nomination for portraying an executive or even a character with a college degree.(Though Gabourey Sidibe’s character in “Precious,” from 202_,seems likely to get one eventually.)

几乎每位获得最佳女演员提名的黑人女演员在片中都处于类似的窘况,一直到202_年的《南国野兽》(Beasts of the Southern Wild),奎文赞妮·瓦利斯(Quvenzhané Wallis)在片中饰演一个即将因洪水失去家园的小女孩。从没有一位黑人女性因饰演高管或者哪怕是拥有大学学位的角色而获得最佳女演员提名(虽然加布蕾·丝迪贝[Gabourey Sidibe]在202_年影片《珍爱》[Precious]中饰演的角色似乎很可能最终获得学位)。

All 10 performances for which black women have received best-actress nominations involve poor or lower-income characters, and half of those are penniless mothers.Two of the portrayals — Diana Ross’s incarnation of Billie Holiday in “Lady Sings the Blues”(1972)and Angela Bassett’s depiction of Tina Turner in “What’s Love Got to Do With It”(1993)— are of singers who enjoy a measure of wealth at some point.But Holiday begins broke, and viewers know she’ll end up that way, while Tina Turner doesn’t have money of her own until the film’s last five minutes.The remaining characters are maids, sharecroppers, criminal-drifter types, impoverished housewives and destitute girls.获得最佳女演员提名的10位黑人女演员所饰演的都是贫穷或低收入的角色,其中有一半是身无分文的母亲。有两位饰演的是一度拥有巨额财富的歌手——黛安娜·罗斯(Diana Ross)在《难补情天恨》(Lady Sings the Blues, 1972)中饰演的比莉·哈乐黛(Billie Holiday);以及安吉拉·贝塞特(Angela Bassett)在《与爱何干》(What’s Love Got to Do With It,1993)中饰演的蒂娜·特纳(Tina Turner)。但是,哈乐黛一开始一文不名,观众知道她最终也会破产,而蒂娜·特纳直到影片最后五分钟才有了自己的钱。其他角色是女仆、佃农、罪犯游民,以及贫穷的家庭主妇和女孩。

A few more commonalities to note: Seven of the 10 best-actress nominees played characters with absent or incarcerated husbands, boyfriends, or fathers.And six of the characters suffer physical abuse, with five of them being raped.还有其他一些共同之处:这10个角色中有7个没有丈夫、男友或父亲(或者在狱中)。其中6个曾遭受暴力虐待,有5个曾遭强奸。

The academy has tended to honor black men for different sorts of roles, and it has honored them more often.Black men have been up for best actor 20 times, with four nominations going to Denzel Washington, three to Morgan Freeman, and two each to Sidney Poitier and Mr.Smith.奥斯卡似乎更青睐黑人男演员饰演的各种角色,而且更经常给予他们荣誉。黑人男演员共获得20次最佳男演员提名,其中,丹泽尔·华盛顿(Denzel Washington)曾4次获得提名,摩根·弗里曼(Morgan Freeman)3次获得提名,西德尼·波蒂埃(Sidney Poitier)和威尔·史密斯各获2次提名。

Thirteen of the recognized performances involve being arrested or

incarcerated.Picture Chiwetel Ejiofor as the newly kidnapped Solomon Northup in “12 Years a Slave” or Mr.Washington behind bars as Malcolm Little, soon to change his name to Malcolm X.(His other nominated characters all face arrest, even his corrupt detective Alonzo Harris, before he flees in the last few minutes of “Training Day.”)Picture the police bursting through the bedroom doors of Jamie Foxx’s Ray Charles in “Ray”(202_)or James Earl Jones’s Jack Jefferson in “The Great White Hope”(1970).Most of the films deliver these men into bondage with the best of intentions — so we may identify with them, and hate the injustices done them.Nevertheless, the images seem endlessly — and sadistically — repeated.获得提名的角色中有13个曾被捕或遭到监禁。比如,切瓦特·埃加福特(Chiwetel Ejiofor)在《为奴十二载》(12 Years a Slave)中饰演刚被绑架的所罗门·诺瑟普(Solomon Northup);丹泽尔·华盛顿饰演的马尔科姆·利特尔(Malcolm Little)被关进监狱,很快把自己的名字改为马尔科姆·X(Malcolm X)(他获得提名的其他角色都曾被捕,甚至连他在《训练日》中饰演的堕落警探阿朗佐·哈里斯[Alonzo Harris]在最后几分钟逃脱之前也曾被捕)。还有,警察冲开《灵魂歌王》(Ray, 202_)中杰米·福克斯(Jamie Foxx)饰演的雷·查尔斯(Ray Charles)的卧室门,或者《拳王奋斗史》(The Great White Hope, 1970)中詹姆斯·厄尔·琼斯(James Earl Jones)饰演的杰克·杰斐逊(Jack Jefferson)的卧室门。在影片中,这些角色大多是出于善意而被捕,所以我们可能会同情他们,憎恨他们遭遇的不公。但是,这些形象似乎在不断地施虐般地重复。

In 15 of the 20 films, the nominated performances involve violent or criminal behavior.It’s often justified or victimless — or, as with the boxers in “Ali”(202_), “The Hurricane”(1999)and “The Great White Hope,” part of a day at the office.These characters tend to end up in jail anyway.(When the crime is not victimless, as in “Training Day” or “What’s Love Got to Do With It,” the perpetrators often never see the inside of a jail cell.)

在这20部影片中,有15部涉及暴力或犯罪行为。这些行为通常有正当理由或者没有侵害他人,或者像《拳王阿里》(Ali, 202_)、《飓风》(The Hurricane, 1999)和《拳王奋斗史》中的拳击手那样,暴力是他们日常工作的一部分。不过,这些角色最后似乎都进了监狱(如果犯罪行为并不是没有侵害他人,比如在《训练日》或《与爱何干》中,那么犯罪者通常从没进过监狱)。

Ten of the characters have a white buddy or counterpart — or, when it comes to “Lilies of the Field”(1963), a whole convent full of them.In most cases, the white counterpart is the apparent protagonist.Think of Tim Robbins in “The Shawshank Redemption”(1994), Jessica Tandy in “Driving Miss Daisy”(1989)or Ethan Hawke in “Training Day.”

其中有10个角色拥有白人搭档或对手,或者像《野百合》(Lilies of the Field, 1963)那样,黑人主角的搭档是一整座修道院的白人修女。在大部分情况下,那个白人对手是明显的主角。比如《肖申克的救赎》(The Shawshank Redemption, 1994))中的蒂姆·罗宾斯(Tim

Robbins)、《为黛西小姐开车》(Driving Miss Daisy, 1989)中的杰西卡·坦迪(Jessica Tandy),或《训练日》中的伊桑·霍克(Ethan Hawke)。

Seven of the actors’ films feature no major black female characters.Seven of the characters abuse or mistreat women.这些影片中有7部没有主要的黑人女性角色。有7个角色虐待女人。

I shared these numbers with Dr.Todd Boyd, the author and professor of critical studies at the University of Southern California School of Cinematic Arts.He wasn’t impressed, but he also said the focus on the Oscars was misplaced.“The Oscars are a symptom,” he said, and not the illness itself.我把这些发现分享给南加州大学(University of Southern California)电影艺术学院(School of Cinematic Arts)的批评研究教授兼作家托德·博伊德博士(Todd Boyd)。他没有感到震惊,不过他也说把焦点放到奥斯卡身上不合适。他说:“奥斯卡只是症状”,不是疾病本身。

The academy president, Cheryl Boone Isaacs, in announcing changes intended to address #OscarsSoWhite, cited the film industry’s failure to produce movies with perse casts, and Dr.Boyd made a similar point: “You have to backtrack and look at the kinds of movies that African-Americans have been cast in.”

电影艺术和科学学会主席谢丽尔·博恩·伊萨克(Cheryl Boone Isaacs)在宣布针对#OscarsSoWhite做出的改变时,提到电影业没有制作选角多样的电影是根本原因。博伊德也表达了类似的观点:“你必须回溯和研究非裔美国人演的那种电影。”

And what kind is that?


These 28 films are full of enormous characters, men and women of world-historic or pop-cultural significance, people who face seemingly intolerable oppression with nigh-unimaginable resolve, characters who are victimized or who encounter and occasionally inflict cruelty.这28部影片充满各种人物,讲述的是具有世界历史意义或流行文化意义的男女,他们以不可思议的决心面对似乎难以忍受的压迫,他们受到迫害或残酷对待,有时他们也残酷地对待别人。

What they’re not full of is characters who resemble ordinary people.And when such people do make an appearance, the camera tends to linger on the parts of their lives most likely to interest white Americans struggling to reckon with their country’s racist past.We learn all about Miss Daisy — her son, her childhood, her

politics.But we hear only a sentence or two about the family of her driver(Morgan Freeman).Similarly, there’s a lot of information about Billy Bob Thornton’s Hank in “Monster’s Ball.” But watching Halle Berry as the bereft Leticia Musgrove, we see only her wretchedness, and her eventual rescue by a white man.这些影片所缺乏的角色是普通人。当这样的角色确实出现时,摄像机似乎停留在他们最可能引发美国白人反思美国种族主义历史的那部分生活。我们非常了解黛西小姐——她的儿子、童年和政治立场。但我们只听到一两句台词是讲述她司机(摩根·弗里曼饰)的家庭。类似地,《死囚之舞》(Monster’s Ball)中有很多关于比利·鲍勃·桑顿(Billy Bob Thornton)饰演的汉克(Hank)的信息,但是关于哈莉·贝瑞(Halle Berry)饰演的失去亲人的莱蒂西娅·马斯格罗夫(Leticia Musgrove),我们只知道她很不幸,最后得到一个白人男性救赎。

These are largely isolated characters, said Dr.Miriam J.Petty, an assistant professor in the department of radio, television and film at Northwestern University.“And they’re bound to the destinies of the white people with whom they appear in these films.”

西北大学(Northwestern University)的电台、电视和电影系助理教授米利娅姆·J·佩蒂博士(Miriam J.Petty)说,这些角色大多很孤独,“他们与影片中出现的白人的命运紧密联系在一起”。

It is not entirely surprising that so many of these nominees have portrayed the

poor, imprisoned, great or tragic.The history of African-Americans contains many such people, and the academy loves history.Of the 10 most recent best-actor nominees, eight played historical figures.But the academy has never nominated a black leading actor for a role like Woody Grant in “Nebraska”(for which Bruce Dern was nominated in 202_)— an idiosyncratic person who is both fictional and unexceptional.这么多获得提名的演员都是演绎伟大或悲惨的穷人和犯人,这并不完全出人意料。非裔美国人的历史上有很多这样的人物,而奥斯卡很喜欢历史。最近获得最佳男演员提名的10位演员中有8位是饰演历史人物。但是,在奥斯卡提名过的黑人男主角中,没有一位是《内布拉斯加》(Nebraska,202_年,布鲁斯·德恩[Bruce Dern]凭借在此片中的表演获得提名)中伍迪·格兰特(Woody Grant)这样的角色——这个角色很独特,但同时也是一个虚构的普通人。

“If you had a film about an ordinary black guy — well, that might mean that he knows other black people,” Dr.Petty said.“Those black people might need to be in the movie, too.And then it’s a black film.”


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