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Speech by Ambassador Liu Xiaoming At Creative Cities CollectionFine Arts Exhibition London 2012.On behalf of the Chinese Embassy in the UK, I wish to extend my warm congratulations to this event.此次美术大会在奥运会期间来到伦敦举办具有特殊意义。The opening of this exhibition here in London has special significance in three aspects.首先,这是一次奥林匹克的艺术盛典。现代奥林匹克之父顾拜旦曾经说:“奥运会是运动与艺术结合的典礼。”他认为,艺术永远是奥运会的重要内容。作为伦敦2012文化奥运的一部分,此次美术大会既是一场为奥运喝彩、弘扬奥林匹克文化的盛大典礼,也是艺术与运动的最好结合。

Firstly, it is a wonderful artistic contribution to the Thirtieth Olympiad.The founder of the modern Olympic movement, Pierre de Coubertin, always believed that Olympics should be a marriage of sports and arts.In the mind of Pierre de Coubertin, art and culture are always to be an integral part of Olympic programme.As one of the highlights of the Cultural Olympiad London 2012, this Exhibition has special characteristics.Creative Cities CollectionFine Arts Exhibition London 2012 a great success!



驻英国大使刘晓明在中国银行伦敦分行暨中国银行(英国)有限公司迁址仪式上的致辞 2010年9月17日

Speech by H.E.Ambassador Liu Xiaoming at the Launching Ceremony of the New Office of Bank of China London Branch and Bank of China(UK)Ltd 17 September, 2010

尊敬的中国银行副行长岳毅先生,中国银行伦敦分行总经理、中国银行(英国)公司执行总裁葛奇先生,英格兰银行市场执行理事保罗·费舍尔(PAUL FISHER)先生,女士们、先生们:

Vice President Yue Yi, Mr Kenneth Ge, Mr Paul Fisher, Executive Director for Markets of Bank of England, Distinguished guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,首先,我祝贺中国银行伦敦分行暨中国银行(英国)有限公司乔迁之喜。

May I warmly congratulate Bank of China London Branch and Bank of China(UK)Limited on the launch of their new office.这是我到任半年以来第二次出席中资机构的乔迁仪式。这既表明中国企业在英国不断发展,也预示着将有更多的中国企业来英投资兴业。据英国贸易投资署最新发表的报告,去年中国对英投资有74项,居各国对英投资排名的第六位;同时,据伦敦投资局的统计,去年中国有24家公司在伦敦新投资或扩资,居各国第二位。

This is the second such event I attended during my six months in London.The last one was the relocation of the CCPIT London Office early July.In fact, there has been quite some good news about Chinese businesses in the UK recently.A latest UKTI report ranks China as the 6th largest investor in the UK last year with investments in 74 projects.According to Think London, China was the second largest new investor in London, with 24 companies opened or expanded in London last year.By the end of last year, FDI from China in the UK reached 620 million US dollars.就金融企业而言,目前,中国在英国有三家分行(中国银行、建设银行和中国工商银行)、一家子行和多家代表处。我听说,中国农业银行也正在积极筹备将伦敦代表处升格为分行。这些表明,中国机构和企业重视英国市场和伦敦金融中心的地位,看中英国优良的投资发展环境。我期待着今后收到更多中资企业成立、迁址仪式的邀请,也非常乐意到场祝贺。

In the financial sector, Chinese banks have set up three branches(Bank of China, Construction Bank of China and Industrial & Commercial Bank of China), one subsidiary and quite a few offices in the UK.I heard that the Agricultural Bank of China are also planning to upgrade its London Office to a branch.This shows that Chinese businesses are increasingly taking the UK market as a big priority and are seeking to leverage London's status as a financial centre to expand their UK and European business.I'm sure there will be more occasions like today and I will be happy to attend.中国银行伦敦分行于1929年设立,是中国银行业在海外设立的第一家分支机构。历经八十余载风雨,今天的中国银行伦敦分行依旧焕发着青春、充满着朝气:

The Bank of China London Branch, which was set up in 1929, was the first overseas branch of a Chinese bank.81 years on, this branch is brimming with vigor and vitality.一是规模不断扩大。分行先后在伦敦金融城以及伦敦唐人街、曼彻斯特、格拉斯哥和伯明翰等地设立了营业部门,2007年又成功建立中国银行(英国)有限公司。

First, it has set up offices in the City, London China Town, and in Manchester, Glasgow and Birmingham.Its UK subsidiary-Bank of China(UK)Limited, in particular, has won it access to the EU market.二是客户日益多元。分行积极支持中国企业来英国投资发展,并为英国企业到中国投资提供融资和贷款。

Secondly, it has built a perse customers' base.The London Branch has cultivated the custom of local Chinese communities and businesses by actively supporting them in their UK ventures with financial facilities.三是员工日益本土化和国际化。分行包容的企业文化和良好的发展前景吸引了许多英国当地人才。目前员工数量超过200名,其中当地人占90%,且许多从事中高层管理工作。

Thirdly, its work force is increasingly local and international.Local professional have been attracted by its inclusive culture and good prospects.90% of the over 200 employees are British, of whom many are mid-level or senior managers.四是业绩持续上升。当国际金融危机来袭时,中国银行伦敦分行凭借稳健的经营策略、几乎为零的不良资产率和充足的流动性,逆市上扬,既扩大了资本金,实现了收购兼并,又获得了良好业绩。

Fourthly, it enjoys expanding business.With a solid business strategy, a nearly zero non-performing loans ratio and abundant liquidity, it survived the financial crisis well with more equity and a successful acquisition.今天中国银行伦敦分行迁址,这是它发展进程中的一个新里程碑。希望分行不断提高管理水平,提升服务质量,扩大客户范围,吸纳优秀人才,创造更多佳绩。

Today marks a new milestone in the history of the Bank of China London Branch, as it moves into its spacious, well-furnished new office in the centre of the City.I hope that along with this improvement in hardware will come even better services, higher quality management, more customers, a larger talent pool and higher profits.最后,我祝中国银行伦敦分行暨中国银行(英国)有限公司兴旺发达,在促进中英两国经贸、金融合作方面发挥更大作用。

To conclude, I wish the Bank of China London Branch and Bank of China(UK)Limited greater success and a bigger role in China-UK trade and financial cooperation.谢谢!

Thank you.






Mutual Benefit Through Collaboration – China & the World--Keynote Speech by H.E.Ambassador Liu Xiaoming at the LSE China Development Forum 2011 January 2011, LSE, London 尊敬的戴维斯院长,女士们,先生们: Sir Howard Davies, Ladies and Gentlemen,首先,感谢戴维斯院长的盛情邀请,使我有机会来到伦敦政治经济学院(LSE)发表演讲。

May I begin by thanking Sir Howard for this honour of speaking at the London School of Economics and Political Science.其实,我与LSE还很有缘分。这是我第二次访问LSE。上一次是我刚上任不久来LSE出席“汉语桥”英国赛区的预赛。那是我来英国后的第一场公共活动,也是第一次演讲。由于预赛在LSE举行,又逢虎年,英国选手个个虎虎生威,一路过关斩将,最后伦敦大学亚非学院的蒋思哲(Stewart Johnson)获特等奖,开了英国选手在世界大学生“汉语桥”中文比赛总决赛中夺冠之先河。他们应感谢LSE给他们带来的好运。

In fact, this is my second visit to the LSE.I made my first public appearance and first speech as the Chinese Ambassador to the UK at the LSE.That was when I attended the Ninth Chinese Proficiency Competition here.As the competition was held in the LSE, and it was shortly after the start of the Year of Tiger, the British contestants put on a vigorous and truly outstanding performance.I'm glad to say that Stewart Johnson, an undergraduate at SOAS won the competition in the UK and went on to win the top prize in Beijing, becoming the first ever British student to win this prize.Maybe he should thank the LSE for this good luck.当然,真正让LSE闻名于世的还是它深厚的学术底蕴,使它成为社会科学教学与研究领域的知名学府。LSE也是国际化程度最高的学府之一,培养了140多个国家和地区的精英。值得一提的是,LSE与中国颇有渊源,中国一些杰出的外交官都曾在LSE深造,其中有中国现任外长杨洁篪先生。近年来到LSE求学的中国学生日益增加,目前已超过500人。

The LSE has a well-deserved reputation for academic excellence.It prides itself on its persity of students from over 140 countries.Many of them then returned home to become leaders in their respective fields.Among them are some distinguished Chinese diplomats, including the current Chinese Foreign Minister Mr Yang Jiechi.I am delighted to learn that the LSE is now home to over 500 Chinese students.此次LSE中国发展学会在2011年岁初举办主题为“中国的国际融合:前景与挑战”的“中国发展论坛”,我认为恰逢其时:一是中西方关系近年来发展较快;二是中国去年刚刚超过日本成为世界第二大经济体。中国的发展越来越引起外界的关注,人们也越来越关心中国与世界的融合问题,实际上就是中国与世界的关系问题。

The LSE China Development Forum comes at an interesting time, with the interesting theme of “Prospects and Challenges–China's global integration”.This is a time of fast development of China's relations with the West.This is also a time when China again comes under the spotlight, after overtaking Japan to become the second largest economy.China's development is attracting growing international attention.People are wondering about how this would impact the international system and where China's relations with the world are headed.关于这个问题,这几年外界观点很多,大致有这么几种:

People in the West tend to look at China from many different perspectives:

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Some see China as a threat.They look at the modern history of Western nations and conclude that “Rising powers are bound to seek hegemony”.They see the shifting balance in the international political landscape with a zero-sum mentality.They believe China is “hiding its capabilities and biding its time” before pressing forward to dominate the region and ultimately the world.They point to recent acts by China to safeguard its sovereignty in the East and South China Seas as evidence of China's assertiveness.Let me quote from Secretary Hilary Clinton, who spoke about this just last week–“Some in the region and some here at home see China's growth as a threat that will lead either to Cold-War-style conflict or American decline.…We reject those views.” I believe upholding principles and being assertive are two different things.What really matters is whether a country is on the right side.You can only make a strong case with good reasons.For China, safeguarding its interests in sovereignty, security and development is the right thing to do.This is a major principle in China's foreign policy, and is also a principle in international relations.二是“责任论”,说是责任论,实际上是说中国“不负责任”。他们认为中国作为国际体系的一份子,享受了现行体系的好处,如经济全球化和贸易自由化,但没有做到也不愿去尽一个大国的责任,权利与责任不平衡,实力与作用不匹配,中国只是在“搭便车”。持这种观点的人眼里就盯着气候变化、朝核、世界经济失衡等几个问题,其实就拿这几个问题来指责中国“不负责任”也显得苍白无力。比如,朝鲜半岛局势最近出现缓和,大家公认中国再次发挥了积极作用。更何况,中国积极参与国际经济金融体系改革和治理,积极参加联合国维和行动和打击海盗,积极推动气候变化、国际发展等全球性问题的解决。

Some believe China should take up more international responsibilities.These people complain that China has not fully honoured its obligations.They believe that China free-rides the current international system.It benefits significantly from globalisation and trade liberalisation, but is reluctant to assume the responsibilities of a major power.They criticize China for lack of responsibility in climate change, the Korean nuclear issue and global economic imbalances, etc.Nothing could be further from the truth.China has played an active role recently in easing tensions on the Korean Peninsula.China is taking an active part in the reform of the international economic and financial structures, in UN peacekeeping missions and in the fight against piracy.It is committed to working with other countries for solutions to global issues from climate change to international development.三是,我称为“跛脚论”。认为中国经济发展赶上了世界的步伐,但政治、意识形态和价值观上中国仍是“异类”,两只脚不是一般长,走得不是一样快。这样的观点,我认为实际上是将自己的价值标准套用到别人的头上,是一种“自我中心论”,同时也是罔顾事实。中国改革开放的三十多年,难道只有经济上的快速发展,没有同步的政治与社会的进步和飞跃?两者的脱离理论上不成立,实践中也难以想象。事实上,与30多年前相比,中国不仅是经济发生了天翻地覆的变化,中国的政治生态、社会结构都取得了大发展,中国政治制度正朝着稳定、民主和效率的方向协调和均衡前进,中国社会既开放,又多元;中国人民不仅生活得更加富裕,而且更加幸福。

Others see China as “a laggard” in certain aspects.They believe that despite China's economic strength, it has not kept pace in the areas of politics, ideology and values.This reflects a self-centred attempt to impose Western values and standards onto China.It defies common sense and logic to believe three decades of reform and opening-up have only brought China economic growth, but not political and social progress.Such logic is flawed in theory and in practice, as China has come a long way in its political and social development.Its political system

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is making balanced and coordinated progress towards stability, democracy and efficiency.And Chinese society has become more open and perse, resulting in people not only becoming wealthier, but also happier.四是“不定论”。对中国的走向既怀希望,又有疑虑。持这种观点的人,在西方恐怕不在少数。这种观点看似很中立,其实同样有害,因为它可能导致西方迷茫甚至误判,丧失的不仅是合作的机会,而且是自身发展的机遇。

Lastly, some believe China's future is uncertain.They are torn between hope and fear for China's development, but unsure which way China will turn.This view of China has a large following in the West.It may sound neutral, but it can easily lead to confusion and even miscalculation.That could result in lost opportunities for cooperation and damage to their own development.那么,中国自己到底怎么看与世界的关系和融合问题。我认为,中国在三年前就将这个问题看得很清楚、说得很透彻。胡锦涛总书记在2007年向中共十七大作报告时指出:中国与世界的关系发生了历史性变化;中国发展进步离不开世界,世界繁荣稳定也离不开中国;中国的前途命运日益紧密地同世界的前途命运联系在一起。经过国际金融危机的洗礼后,我们对这个看法更加坚定和明确。那就是中国追求和谐发展,中国与世界的关系是一种良性互动。这种关系的特点有三:

So, how does China see its role and relationship with the world? China made this very clear three years ago.In his report to the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party in 2007, President Hu Jintao commented that “China's relations with the world have gone through historic changes.China cannot develop in isolation from the world, and the world's prosperity and stability requires China's contribution.China's future and destiny are increasingly linked to the rest of the world.” The international financial crisis has only reaffirmed China's commitment to harmonious development and a positive relationship with the world.To achieve the goals of successful development:


Firstly, China's development is peaceful.China is still a developing country and development remains our top priority.China needs a peaceful international environment to develop, and is ready to contribute more to world peace as it develops.China's development of defence capabilities are for self-defence.Hegemony or expansion is neither a tradition nor an option for China.We stand for non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries and call for negotiated solutions to international disputes.二是开放包容。中国的发展是开放的发展。不久前,中国制定了“十二五”规划,强调要必须实行更加积极主动的开放战略,拓展新的开放领域和空间,积极参与全球经济治理和区域合作,不断提高对外开放水平。我们将以更加开放的姿态面向世界,以更加虚心的态度借鉴人类文明优秀成果和吸收各国发展有益经验,以更加务实的行动加强国际交流合作。

Secondly, China's development is open and inclusive.Development can never be achieved behind closed doors.China recently formulated its “12th Five-Year Plan”, which called for greater openness in more areas, and a more active role in global economic governance and regional cooperation.To achieve this, we will engage with the world with an open mind.We will borrow from the fine cultural traditions and useful experiences of other countries, and strengthen international exchanges and cooperation.三是互利共赢。中国古人说:“君子爱财,取之有道。”中国要发展,但我们不动别人的奶酪,相反,我们愿和别人一起来把合作的蛋糕做大,共同分享。中国支持欧盟采取的金融稳定措施,这就是互利。欧元垮了,中国经济难免受损。这就是全球化时代的特点:相互依赖、利益共生。

Thirdly, China's development is a win-win.As an old Chinese saying goes, “A noble man acquires wealth by honourable means”.China's development will not be achieved through a beggar-thy-neighbour approach.On the contrary, we will work with others to make the world economy bigger and share the benefits with others.China supports the EU's financial stabilisation measures, as they are in China's interests.The Chinese economy would

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not escape should the euro collapse.We are all together in a world of interdependence and interconnected interests between countries as a result of globalisation.女士们、先生们,Ladies and Gentlemen,中国的发展是一个进行时,这既是自我超越,也是与世界不断融合的过程。在这一过程中,中国正在主动适应自身地位发生的一些变化,克服“成长的烦恼”,向外部世界有效宣示自己的意图和政策。700年前,意大利诗人但丁在其长篇史诗《神曲》中曾经写道:“走自己的路,让别人说去吧。”但今天,我们要做的是:“走自己的路,让别人理解。”我们真诚希望世界看到中国的发展带来的机遇,并且善于抓住这个机遇,加强互惠合作,造福各自人民。

China's development is an on-going process.It requires efforts by itself.It also calls for closer interaction with the world.China is adapting to its new position in the world and trying to overcome its “growing pains”.More than 700 years ago, the Italian poet Dante wrote in his epic poem the Divine Comedy, “Go your own way;let others talk!” What we are doing today is to: “Go our own way;but let others understand!” We hope the world will appreciate and take the opportunities created by China's development, and work closely with China to bring real benefits to the people.就在昨天,胡锦涛主席结束了对美国的国事访问,访问意义重大,成果丰硕,开启了中美关系的新篇章。中美两国都强调,致力于从战略高度和长远角度出发,加强对话、交流和合作,发展求同存异、平等互信的政治关系,深化全面合作、互利共赢的经济关系,开展共同应对挑战的全球伙伴合作,推进人民广泛参与的中美友好事业,并建立深入沟通、坦诚对话的高层交往模式。如果中美这两个政治社会制度、历史文化背景和经济发展阶段迥异的大国,能在新时期发展相互尊重、互利共赢的合作伙伴关系,那么我们还有什么理由怀疑中国与世界关系的前景?

Yesterday President Hu Jintao just concluded his state visit to the United States.This was an important and fruitful visit that opens a new chapter in China-US relations.China and the United States stress the importance to approach China-US relationship from a strategic and long-term perspective by stepping up dialogue, exchanges and cooperation.We are committed to a political relationship of equality and mutual trust, focusing on areas of agreement rather than differences;We are equally committed to an economic relationship of cooperation and mutual benefit;We are also committed to a global partnership to meet global challenges.We will encourage closer interaction and friendship between our two peoples, and foster a good relationship of deep-going discussions and candid dialogue at the top level.If China and the United States, two major countries with very different social systems, cultural traditions and stages of development, are committed to working together to build a cooperative partnership based on mutual respect and mutual benefit, why should we doubt the future of China's relations with the world?!


To conclude, I wish the forum a great success.谢谢。

Thank you.4 / 4




Speech by H.E.Ambassador Liu Xiaoming at the Launching Ceremony of the New Office of Bank of China London Branch and Bank of China(UK)LtdSeptember, 2010

尊敬的中国银行副行长岳毅先生,中国银行伦敦分行总经理、中国银行(英国)公司执行总裁葛奇先生,英格兰银行市场执行理事保罗·费舍尔(PAUL FISHER)先生,女士们、先生们:

Vice President Yue Yi,Mr Kenneth Ge,Mr Paul Fisher, Executive Director for Markets of Bank of England,Distinguished guests,Ladies and Gentlemen,首先,我祝贺中国银行伦敦分行暨中国银行(英国)有限公司乔迁之喜。

May I warmly congratulate Bank of China London Branch and Bank of China(UK)Limited on the launch of their new office.这是我到任半年以来第二次出席中资机构的乔迁仪式。这既表明中国企业在英国不断发展,也预示着将有更多的中国企业来英投资兴业。据英国贸易投资署最新发表的报告,去年中国对英投资有74项,居各国对英投资排名的第六位;同时,据伦敦投资局的统计,去年中国有24家公司在伦敦新投资或扩资,居各国第二位。

This is the second such event I attended during my six months in London.The last one was the relocation of the CCPIT London Office early July.In fact, there has been quite some good news about Chinese businesses in the UK recently.A latest UKTI report ranks China as the 6th largest investor in the UK last year with investments in 74 projects.According to Think London, China was the second largest new investor in London, with 24 companies opened or expanded in London last year.By the end of last year, FDI from China in the UK reached 620 million US dollars.就金融企业而言,目前,中国在英国有三家分行(中国银行、建设银行和中国工商银行)、一家子行和多家代表处。我听说,中国农业银行也正在积极筹备将伦敦代表处升格为分行。这些表明,中国机构和企业重视英国市场和伦敦金融中心的地位,看中英国优良的投资发展环境。我期待着今后收到更多中资企业成立、迁址仪式的邀请,也非常乐意到场祝贺。

In the financial sector, Chinese banks have set up three branches(Bank of China, Construction Bank of China and Industrial & Commercial Bank of China), one subsidiary and quite a few offices in the UK.I heard that the Agricultural Bank of China are also planning to upgrade its London Office to a branch.This shows that Chinese businesses are increasingly taking the UK market as a big priority

and are seeking to leverage London's status as a financial centre to expand their UK and European business.I'm sure there will be more occasions like today and I will be happy to attend.中国银行伦敦分行于1929年设立,是中国银行业在海外设立的第一家分支机构。历经八十余载风雨,今天的中国银行伦敦分行依旧焕发着青春、充满着朝气:

The Bank of China London Branch, which was set up in 1929, was the first overseas branch of a Chinese bank.81 years on, this branch is brimming with vigor and vitality.一是规模不断扩大。分行先后在伦敦金融城以及伦敦唐人街、曼彻斯特、格拉斯哥和伯明翰等地设立了营业部门,2007年又成功建立中国银行(英国)有限公司。

First, it has set up offices in the City, London China Town, and in Manchester, Glasgow and Birmingham.Its UK subsidiary-Bank of China(UK)Limited, in particular, has won it access to the EU market.二是客户日益多元。分行积极支持中国企业来英国投资发展,并为英国企业到中国投资提供融资和贷款。

Secondly, it has built a perse customers' base.The London Branch has cultivated the custom of local Chinese communities and businesses by actively supporting them in their UK ventures with financial facilities.三是员工日益本土化和国际化。分行包容的企业文化和良好的发展前景吸引了许多英国当地人才。目前员工数量超过200名,其中当地人占90%,且许多从事中高层管理工作。

Thirdly, its work force is increasingly local and international.Local professional have been attracted by its inclusive culture and good prospects.90% of the over 200 employees are British, of whom many are mid-level or senior managers.四是业绩持续上升。当国际金融危机来袭时,中国银行伦敦分行凭借稳健的经营策略、几乎为零的不良资产率和充足的流动性,逆市上扬,既扩大了资本金,实现了收购兼并,又获得了良好业绩。

Fourthly, it enjoys expanding business.With a solid business strategy, a nearly zero non-performing loans ratio and abundant liquidity, it survived the financial crisis well with more equity and a successful acquisition.今天中国银行伦敦分行迁址,这是它发展进程中的一个新里程碑。希望分行不断提高管理水平,提升服务质量,扩大客户范围,吸纳优秀人才,创造更多佳绩。

Today marks a new milestone in the history of the Bank of China London Branch, as it moves into its spacious, well-furnished new office in the centre of the City.I hope that along with this improvement in hardware will come even better services, higher quality management, more customers, a larger talent pool and higher profits.最后,我祝中国银行伦敦分行暨中国银行(英国)有限公司兴旺发达,在促进中英两国经贸、金融合作方面发挥更大作用。

To conclude, I wish the Bank of China London Branch and Bank of China(UK)Limited greater success and a bigger role in China-UK trade and financial cooperation.谢谢!

Thank you.


Distinguished guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, 尊敬的深圳市服装协会会长沈永芳女士,各位来宾,女士们、先生们:

It's a great pleasure for me to join you tonight.The history of London stretches back over 2000 years.By contrast, Shenzhen is a young city whose history started a mere 32 years ago.Today, London and Shenzhen are coming together.What makes this possible is a shared big business interest.This is the fashion industry.伦敦是一座古老的城市,约有2千年的历史;深圳是一座年轻的城市,只有32年历史。今天,古老和年轻的两座城市再度相会,是由于一个令人,尤其是女士们心动的元素:时尚。

London is known worldwide as the fashion capital.Also London Fashion Week ranks as one of the “Big Four” fashion weeks worldwide.In creativity and fashion London never fails to impress people with its vitality and creativity.Shenzhen is home to the most advanced sectors of the fashion industry in China.Shenzhen is where there is the biggest concentration of Chinese fashion brands and manufacturers.Shenzhen is leading the way in China for research, development and design in the fashion sector.If you visit Shenzhen—as I hope many of you will—you will find these strengths: • Over 3,000 garment manufacturers.• More than 800 local brands.• There are around 350,000 people employed in the industry.• And last year, Shenzhen sold 8.9 billion US dollars worth of garment products.I can give you one measure of the strength of Shenzhen's fashion industry inside China.For every 10 clothing items on sale in high street department stores in Chinese major cities, 5 to 6 are made in Shenzhen.伦敦是世界知名时尚之都,每年两次的伦敦时装周是世界四大时装展示会之一,以充满活力和创意而著称。深圳是中国时装业特别是品牌服装最发达的城市之一,时装的总体研发、创意设计在中国居领先地位。现在,深圳有服装企业3000多家,自有品牌800多个,从业人员35万多,去年出口89亿美元。据说,在中国一线城市大商场销售的10件服装中,约有5至6件来自深圳。

Shenzhen is well-positioned to be China's “fashion and creative capital”.Let me explain why: First, Shenzhen is a young city.Just 32 years ago Shenzhen was a tiny fishing village.The transformation into an advanced modern metropolis is a most telling example of how China has been transformed by the reform and opening-up strategy.The phenomenal growth of Shenzhen has been driven by the strength, energy and spirit of a young population.In turn from that youth a creative zest has flourished and thus creativity is always the defining character of Shenzhen.This has produced a powerful foundation for fashion to evolve.The result is a fast developing global centre in Shenzhen of new exciting brands and design.深圳成为中国的“时尚创意之都”,我想: 一是年轻。深圳不仅是城市年轻,随着中国的改革开放才从一个“小渔村”奇迹般地发展成为一座现代化大都市,更因为它的人口构成年轻、文化氛围年轻、思想意识年轻,因而创新、创意总是这座城市的主色调,时装产业走得也是品牌和设计之路。

Second, Shenzhen is a tireless pioneer.Here was the first city of China to open to the outside world over 30 years ago.So, Shenzhen has always been a trail blazer for China.The result of that pioneering means Shenzhen is at the forefront of China's economic reform.In China this leadership is recognized as “Shenzhen Speed”!This speed of development and incredible growth are the trademark of the city.It is in Shenzhen that the Chinese people were first exposed to the fashions and dressing styles in the West.In turn Shenzhen absorbed these trends and spread these global fashion influences across China.二是开拓。深圳作为中国首批对外开放的城市之一,30多年来,始终“敢为天下先”,引领中国经济改革,创造了举世闻名的“深圳速度”,打造了全国领先的“效益深圳”,同时深圳也是最早在中国引进、传播和开创流行时尚。

Third, Shenzhen is advancing as a highly cosmopolitan city.Shenzhen is now an international city of migrants.Its people come from all over China and many parts of the world.Here, eastern and western cultures and ideas blend and inspire each other.It is now a melting point of creativity that has formed a perse and unique Shenzhen culture.三是包容。深圳是一座“国际化的移民城市”。深圳人,不仅来自中国的五湖四海,也来自世界的五大洲。各种文化、思想在这里兼收并蓄、交汇融合,深圳的时装也是中西合璧、多彩缤纷。Shenzhen is a window into today's China.My country has reinvented herself through more than 30 years of reform and opening-up.China's social and economic development has been remarkable and the changes to her relations with the world truly historic.China is committed to continued national development and rejuvenation at home and helping create a more peaceful, prosperous and harmonious world.今天的深圳其实就是当代中国的一个缩影。改革开放30多年,古老的中国不断焕发青春,经济社会取得了前所未有的发展,与世界的关系发生了历史性的改变,中华民族正在实现伟大复兴,同时为构建一个和平、繁荣、和谐的世界贡献自己的力量。

This is the 4th time “Fashion Shenzhe” has been held in this world fashion city.I have confidence that this event will continue to be a showcase for Shenzhen's fashion industry.In turn it is a great opportunity for Shenzhen designers and manufacturers to be exposed to the influences of international markets and world fashion trends.I expect this event to show China's rich, inclusive cultural heritage.It will boost China-UK commercial relations.It is also a way to strengthen the understanding and friendship between our two nations.现在,“时尚深圳”第四次走进“时尚伦敦”。我相信,它将继续充分展现深圳时装产业的实力和水平,获取国际市场信息,领略世界时尚风潮;同时,传播璀璨的中国文化并显示其开放包容,促进中英两国经贸关系发展,增进两国人民的理解和友谊。

I wish “Fashion Shenzhen” a great success!祝此次“时尚深圳”活动取得圆满成功!

Thank you.谢谢。
