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中美防长强硬对撞 中方警告美方警惕日本行为
编辑:梦醉花间 识别码:23-1058268 14号文库 发布时间: 2024-07-02 13:07:06 来源:网络

第一篇:中美防长强硬对撞 中方警告美方警惕日本行为

中美防长强硬对撞 中方警告美方警惕日本行为









China and around the island dispute between China and Japan, the east China sea yesterday long tough encounter problems such as air defense identification area, high officials so public differences between the two countries is very rare.U.S.defense hagel 7 to visit liaoning ship, become “the first foreigners on China's first aircraft carrier”, many people think that it is Chinese show kindness to the United States military transparency and, although he arrived in Beijing before www.teniu.cc berate China in Tokyo, but few people think 8 defense of China and the United States will “debate” in a joint press conference.A 10-day hagel Asia tour on April 22, is considered to US President barack Obama's visit to Asia “warming up”, Mr Obama will visit Japan, South Korea, the Philippines and Malaysia.Zurich, Switzerland, the newspaper said on the 8th, “the shadow of the Crimean is east Asia”, some U.S.Allies doubt more and more heavy, once worried about conflicts with other countries will be abandoned by us.Academy of military sciences research center researcher for defense relations between China and the United States Zhao Xiaozhuo 8, told the global times, hagel at public differences between the two countries, is to give the Allies to a certainty.The most popular in the Chinese Internet, 8 report is “the long press conference in Beijing 'face-to-face encounter.” According to the report, hagel says that China has no right to unilaterally announced in the case of without consultation delimited on the east China sea air defense area.In Japan, he said, a www.teniu.cc dispute, the United States will protect Japan.Chinese defense minister, “said chang wanquan, concerning with neighboring islands sovereignty dispute issues, Beijing will not” harm “in the first place.But, he says, in order to protect China's territorial sovereignty, when necessary, Beijing will also be prepared to force.Chang wanquan warning hagel said the United States must be ”vigilant“ to the behavior of the Japanese, ”don't encourage and support the“ Tokyo's some behavior.The Wall Street journal, said the two defense long standing side by side, and around area in the two countries all have had a heated verbal clash.In an hour, chang wanquan attacked Japan, the Philippines, Taiwan and the United States of various measures, he said these actions detrimental to stability.In addition, he also dismissed Suggestions the United States to the asia-pacific region have more military resources plan.Chang wanquan told reporters at a news conference held in defense, China can never be curbed.Chang wanquan during speech hagel stood beside him.Press conference lasted an hour.8 PM, the central military commission vice chairman Fan Changlong in bayi building to meet with hagel.Fan Changlong says hagel recently in the United States and asean defense ministers informal meetings and during his visit to Japan, some of the comments, the Chinese people are not satisfied.On the diaoyu islands issue, hagel public welcomed the ban on collective self-defence, backed by cheer for Japan, on the south China sea issue, hagel protect the Philippines, accused China of.Hagel reiterated that the United States is not a position on the sovereignty dispute issue, and hope relevant parties through diplomatic means a peaceful solution to the dispute, he himself didn't thin backing for days.”The United States and China is in the east China sea air defense recognition area and the east China sea, the south China sea territorial disputes position, obviously has had the positive conflict, and G2 around www.teniu.cc compete for hegemony in the asia-pacific region, the foreseeable future will be even more acute.“ South Korea 8, according to the report, ”Asia's economic“ hagel and chang wanquan launched ”no concessions war of words“.For hagel criticism of China on the territorial disputes, chang wanquan Olympic trials, said China's desire to guard their territory and not afraid of war.Japan's sankei site 8 quickly reported China long ”sparks“ message.According to the report, hagel around the diaoyu islands to China that the United States position-will follow the japan-us security treaty to perform its obligations to defend Japan.Chang wanquan said over territorial sovereignty will not compromise.In response to reporters' questions of the United States, said chang wanquan, we don't mess around, not afraid.In the face of threats and China's people's liberation army(PLA)ready, can come at the drop of a hat, can from the war, the victory of war.Austria's news that the U.S.commitment to help Japan means that the risk of war.The daily mail said, ”hagel and poking about Chinese people,“ he territorial disputes ”teach Chinese“.In 7, the security and military agreement with Japan, and Australia ”Japan today“, said the Australian prime minister abbott told reporters he on China's territorial disputes with other countries don't choose sides, develop relationship with Tokyo in Canberra, for no one.The voice of America thinks, hagel 10-day trip to Asia Pacific is intended to reassure Allies, the United States will protect them.The United States ”the Omaha world herald quoted the centre for strategic and international studies scholar sach as saying that the region now pay close attention to hagel how to set the stage for barack Obama's visit.Commentary said South Korea's YTN 8, the two defense the long over territorial disputes in a “war”, and territorial disputes can be regard as the most sensitive topic.Because of the central military commission President xi jinping met hagel sooner or later, the atmosphere of the tension between China and the United States will continue.

中美防长强硬对撞 中方警告美方警惕日本行为