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Unit 13 where is your pen pal from?(period 1)教材分析

本单元的核心教学项目是"语言",涉及到国家,国籍,所使用的语言等项内容,让学生通过学习和活动, 掌握交流个人基本信息的技能和知识。教学目标

1.话题:Countries, nationalities and languages 2.功能目标:1)学会向别人传递个人的基本信息 2)像别人介绍自己的笔友




老师在课前准备一些带有七大洲特色的照片和图案及特征颜色,贴在教室的不同地方,形成七个区域---即七大洲。上课后,老师站在不同的区域,让学生们猜出是哪个洲(汉语即可),然后教英语。之后学生自己选一个自己喜欢的洲,离开座位。老师在每个洲选两个人,试问:“Where are you from?”重复刚才教的七大洲名。重难点突破 1.一般现在时

该时态用于描述经常性的动作或者状态。谓语动词be有三种形式am,is,are,在使用时要根据主语,选择不同的形式。否定句中,直接在be后添加not,在疑问句中将be直接放在主语之前即可构成疑问形式;其他动词(主要包括行为动词和除be以外的系动词)在一般现在时中也因主语发生变化。当主语为第三人称单数时,谓语动词的词尾要添加“s”,构词法与名词复数构词法基本一样;反之,谓语动词则以动词原形出现;如: They like to eat different kinds of food.They don’t like to eat different kinds of food.Do they like to eat different kinds of food? Yes, they do.No, they don’t.What do they like to eat? Li Shan likes rice a lot.2. come from„

来自于”,但是它们在句中的使用方式是不同的。在否定句中,我们直接将否定词加在助动词do或does后,因此出现该动词的缩写形式don’t或doesn’t。注意助动词do或does在使用时,受到主语人称的限制。在书写特殊疑问句时,在系动词be,助动词do或does前会出现特殊疑问词,句式结构与一般疑问句完全一致。如:Are you from the States? Yes, I am.No, I am not.I am not from the States.Where are you from? Do you come from the States? Yes, I do.No, I don’t.I don’t come from the States.Where do you come from? 活动一:获取对方信息 目 的:进行自然交流 材 料:两种不同的表格

A(for some of the students in the class)NAME AGE





Bob 12 3


Jo Hunt 15


long hair Jim


Jack Wilson


Nancy 13


round face

B(for the other students in the class)NAME AGE






British English

short hair

Jo Hunt

American English

Jim 12

British English

big eyes

Jack Wilson 15 4


thin and tall





(period 2)教材分析

让学生通过学习和活动, 掌握交流个人基本信息的技能和知识。教学目标 1.认知目标:

1)词汇Canada, South Korea, France, Japan, the United States, Brazil, Australia, the United

Kingdom, Mexico, Argentina, English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Japanese, Korean 2)语法项目:一般现在时的陈述句和疑问句形式。3)语言目标:Where is your pen pal from? She’s from Mexico.Where does she live? What language does she speak? She speaks English and Spanish.教学重点


当主语为第三人称单数时,谓语动词的变化形式。重难点突破 1.一般现在时


Li Shan likes rice a lot.Li Shan doesn’t like rice at all.Does Li Shan like rice? Yes, she does.No, she doesn’t.What does Li Shan like? 2.be from„

“来自于”,但是它们在句中的使用方式是不同的。在一般疑问句中,be from中的系动词be可以直接提前构成一般疑问句,在否定句中可在系动词be后直接添加not表示否定;以come from作谓语构成的一般疑问句,由于come是行为动词,它的疑问形式是句首出现助动词do或does, come在句中的位置,形式与陈述句时是一样的,不发生任何变化。They like to eat different kinds of food.They don’t like to eat different kinds of food.Do they like to eat different kinds of food? Yes, they do.No, they don’t.What do they like to eat? Yes, I am.No, I am not.I am not from the States.Where are you from? Do you come from the States? 活动一:介绍笔友

目 的:在情景中运用本单元学过的词汇和句型。材 料:一张表格

语言技能:Speaking and listening 活动形式:group work 操作过程:1.教师提出语言任务:向同伴介绍自己的笔友


3.教师提供表格可能的话,可以包括对人的外貌的描述 NAME:









6.学生以小组的形式制作表格,填写自己笔友的基本情况 7.小组之间进行信息交流

8.教师对学生完成以上任务的情况做出评价 教后一得:

该教案设计灵活,方便实用,利用学生加强语言的交际能力,同时还为她们提供了大量的动手、动笔的能力。(period 3)


1.To talk about where people are from.2.To talk about countries , cities , and languages.3.To get some knowledge about geography in English.4.To get information about different cultures.语言目标:


1.Where is your pen pal from ? 你的笔友来自哪里?

2.She is from Mexico.她来自墨西哥。

3.Where does she live ? 她住在什么地方?

4.She lives in Mexico City.她住在墨西哥城。

5.What language does she speak ? 她讲什么语言?

6.She speaks English and Spanish.她讲英语和西班牙语。

7.Does she speak French ? 她讲法语吗?


Countries :

Brazil , South Korea , Japan , The United States , Canada , Australia ,Mexico , Argentina , China , The United Kingdom , France , Germany , New Zealand

Languages : Chinese , Japanese , German , French , English , Spanish , Portuguese , Korean

Other words : pal , pen pal , south , country , New York , Rio de Janeiro , Tokyo , live , language , easy , step , beginner , advanced , conversational , introduce , written , world , Ottawa , place , physics , enjoy , frequency , nationality , dislike 二.重点、难点:

1.To ask about where people are from.询问人们来自哪里。

a.be from “来自”

(1)Where is your pen pal from ? “你的笔友来自哪里?”(2)Mary and Tony are from the United States.“Mary 和Tony来自美国。”

(3)I’m / I am from China.“我来自中国。”

b.come from “来自”

(1)Where do you come from ? “你来自什么地方?”

(2)Where does your pen pal come from ? “你的笔友来自哪里?”(3)My pen pal comes from Korea.“我的笔友是韩国人。”(4)They come from Russia.“他们来自俄罗斯。”

2.To ask about what languages people speak.询问人们讲什么语言。

(1)What language do you speak ? 你讲什么语言?(2)I speak Chinese.我讲汉语。

(3)What language does your pen pal speak ? 你的笔友讲什么语言?

(4)He speaks Japanese and a little English.他讲日语,也讲一点英语。注意:“说”某种语言,要用“speak”.不能用其他的动词。

3.To ask about where people live.询问人们居住地。

(1)Where do you live ? 你住在哪里?

I live in Beijing.我住在北京。

(2)Where does your pen friend live ? 你的笔友住在什么地方?

She lives in Washington.她住在华盛顿。注意:表示在某个城市,介词用“in”

如:in New York

in Tokyo

in Mexico City

4.I like going to the movies with my friends and playing sports.like“喜欢”,后多跟动词ing形式。如:I like listening to music!

My father likes watching TV.Boys like playing balls.5.Can you write to me soon ? 你可以快些给我写信吗?

write to sb.“给某人写信”

I write to my pen pal twice(两次)a month.我每月给我的笔友写两次信。

Sometimes I write to my parents.6.To get to know some countries , their capitals and languages.CountryCapitalLanguage




MexicoMexico CitySpanish


BrazilRio de JaneiroPortuguese



7.I enjoy physics class at school.enjoy “非常喜欢”,指可以从中得到乐趣。

e.g.I enjoy listening to classical music.听古典音乐是种享受。

He enjoys his meals.他非常满意饭菜。

教学一得:本课设计合理,层次清晰;形式活泼多样,课件运用恰当;开始由chant导入新课,最后在歌声中结束,使整节课首尾呼应、气氛活跃,达到了学生掌握并灵活运用目标语言的教学目的。不足之处:在任务的设计和衔接上还不够精炼和流畅,有待在今后的教学中作进一步研究和探讨。period 4 单元目标:

1.To talk about where people are from.2.To talk about countries , cities , and languages.3.To get some knowledge about geography in English.4.To get information about different cultures.语言目标:


1.Where is your pen pal from ? 你的笔友来自哪里?

2.She is from Mexico.她来自墨西哥。

3.Where does she live ? 她住在什么地方?

4.She lives in Mexico City.她住在墨西哥城。

5.What language does she speak ? 她讲什么语言?

6.She speaks English and Spanish.她讲英语和西班牙语。

7.Does she speak French ? 她讲法语吗?


Countries :

Brazil , South Korea , Japan , The United States , Canada , Australia , Mexico , Argentina , China , The United Kingdom , France , Germany , New Zealand

Languages : Chinese , Japanese , German , French , English , Spanish , Portuguese , Korean

Other words : pal , pen pal , south , country , New York , Rio de Janeiro , Tokyo , live , language , easy , step , beginner , advanced , conversational , introduce , written , world , Ottawa , place , physics , enjoy , frequency , nationality , dislike


1.To ask about where people are from.询问人们来自哪里。

a.be from “来自”

(1)Where is your pen pal from ? “你的笔友来自哪里?”(2)Mary and Tony are from the United States.“Mary 和Tony来自美国。”

(3)I’m / I am from China.“我来自中国。”

b.come from “来自”

(1)Where do you come from ? “你来自什么地方?”

(2)Where does your pen pal come from ? “你的笔友来自哪里?”(3)My pen pal comes from Korea.“我的笔友是韩国人。”(4)They come from Russia.“他们来自俄罗斯。”

2.To ask about what languages people speak.询问人们讲什么语言。

(1)What language do you speak ? 你讲什么语言?(2)I speak Chinese.我讲汉语。

(3)What language does your pen pal speak ? 你的笔友讲什么语言?

(4)He speaks Japanese and a little English.他讲日语,也讲一点英语。注意:“说”某种语言,要用“speak”.不能用其他的动词。

3.To ask about where people live.询问人们居住地。

(1)Where do you live ? 你住在哪里?

I live in Beijing.我住在北京。

(2)Where does your pen friend live ? 你的笔友住在什么地方?

She lives in Washington.她住在华盛顿。注意:表示在某个城市,介词用“in”

如:in New York

in Tokyo

in Mexico City

4.I like going to the movies with my friends and playing sports.like“喜欢”,后多跟动词ing形式。如:I like listening to music!

My father likes watching TV.Boys like playing balls.5.Can you write to me soon ? 你可以快些给我写信吗?

write to sb.“给某人写信”

I write to my pen pal twice(两次)a month.我每月给我的笔友写两次信。

Sometimes I write to my parents.6.To get to know some countries , their capitals and languages.Country













Mexico City





Rio de Janeiro


France Paris





7.I enjoy physics class at school.enjoy “非常喜欢”,指可以从中得到乐趣。

e.g.I enjoy listening to classical music.听古典音乐是种享受。

He enjoys his meals.他非常满意饭菜。



UNIT 9 Do you want to go to a movie?


1.Language Goals: Talk about movie preferences and make plans.New language:-Do you want to go to a movie? Yes,I do。I want to go to an action movie.-What kind of movies do you like? I like comedies and documentaries but I don’t like thrillers.-kinds of movies: thriller, war, documentary, comedy, romance, action movie, mystery, fantasy and adventure-descriptions: scary, boring, great, fun, exciting, sad, funny, awesome, fantastic, wonderful 2.Teaching Aids:

Movie posters

Balloon(for grammar focus)3.Vocabulary Words: film, war movies, action movies, romances or love stories, thrillers, comedies, documentaries, mysteries, fantasies and adventures, exciting, sad, scary, funny, great, fun 4.Teaching Steps:

1.Teacher talks about the movie he/she has seen lately.Make necessary gestures to get the attention of the students(like story telling).2.Ask the students about the movies they have seen recently.Let them write the answers on the board.3.Write the vocabulary words on the board.Explain clearly the meaning of each word with the use of teaching aid(posters).You may use appropriate gestures to make the explanation simple.Examples: Film – is another English word for movie.Comedies – are a kind of movies made to make people laugh and feel happy.Documentaries – are often educational and usually talk about famous historical events and study of a famous people.Action movies – are simple stories of good people against bad people, where most problems are resolved using physical force.Usually action movies have fighting scenes.Thrillers – are scary movies with lots of surprises and usually they make people jump.4.Teacher reads every word with correct pronunciation while students listen.5.Say every word and ask students to repeat after you.6.Group the class into 5 and ask each group to read the vocabulary words correctly.7.Point to the example(1a): Say number1is(a), action movie.Ask them to match the kinds of movies with the posters.Check the answers afterwards.教学一得:次项活动,帮助学生学习语言和运用语言,提高了学生的学习兴趣,提高了他们的参与意识。LESSON 2(LISTENING AND SPEAKING)1.Sing a song(to the tune of LONDON BRIDGE).I’m the first one don’t change me, don’t change me, don’t change me, I’m the first one don’t change me-oh no just let me be.2.Pair work: Ask students practice the given conversation(guided by the teacher).Take time to practice the dialog for mastery.Ex.Do you want to go to a movie / Do you want to see a movie? Yes, I do.I want to see a thriller movie.3.Listening: Ask students to do activities 2a and 2b.Tell them to listen carefully.4.Introduce GRAMMAR FOCUS.Give the rules and explain further by giving more examples.Note: A teacher could give additional examples out of the given content such as city – cities… A.Singular Noun

Plural Noun






comedies action movie

action movies-Read the singular and plural forms of nouns to the students and ask them to repeat.Point out the change from y to ies when the word documentary becomes plural.B.Explain contractions.Blow up a balloon-ask what happened?(It expanded.)Let the air out-ask what happened?(It contracted which means to get smaller.)Ex.do not –

don’t-Point out that present tense questions with want are answered with a form of the verb doI don’t like documentaries because they’re boring.3.Invite pairs of students to say the conversation or dialogue for the rest of the class.4.Ask students to share their friend’s movie preferences(likes and dislikes), what the person thinks about movies.For example: I have a friend.Her name is Ann.She likes comedies very much but she doesn’t like documentaries because they’re boring.5.Encourage every student to speak English and correct every mistake for further understanding.教学一得:新目标英语Go for it 的教材选材非常贴近学生的生活实际。每学完一个单元学生就能用英语进行简单的交流。充分体现了学以致用的教学原则。


Unit Two

1.have a cold

2.a few

3.at the moment

4.have a stomachache

5.have a sore throat

6.have a fever

7.lie down

8.see a dentist

9.have a headache

10.have a toothache

11.hot tea with honey

12.stressed out

13.go to bed early

14.listen to music

15.go to party

16.on the other hand

17.stay healthy

18.have a sore back

19.traditional Chinese doctors

20.a balance of yin and yang

21.too much

22.a balanced diet

23.go out at night

24.feel well

25.conversation practice

26.host family

27.give sb a fever患感冒 有些 此时现在 肚子疼 嗓子疼 发烧 躺下 看牙医 头疼 牙疼 热茶加蜂蜜 紧张 早睡觉 听音乐 参加音乐会 在另一方面 保持健康 背疼 传统中医 阴阳平衡 太多 饮食平衡 在晚上出去 感觉舒服 对话练习房东 导致某人发烧


Unit 4 Where’s my schoolbag?

Section A 1(1a-1c)



1)能掌握下列词汇:where, table, bed, bookcase, sofa, chair, on, under, in 2)能掌握以下句型:

—Where's…? —It's in/on/under… ②

—Where're…? —They're in/on/under…

3)学会运用方位介词in, on, under和where句型表述物品所在的位置。2.情感态度价值观目标:


二、教学重难点 1.教学重点:

1)方位介词 in , on , under , behind的用法;

2)Where引导的特殊疑问句 where is…?Where are …? 2.教学难点:

1)学会正确描述物品所在的位置; 2)学会询问自己或他人物品的具体位置;


1.Warm up and revision


2)T:Is this your pencil?




T:Where is my schoolbag?

Ss:It's on the table

2)present the fornitures

T:Where is my jacket?Is it on the desk?

Ss:No,it isn't.T;oh,it's on the sofa.(Teach the other words table/bed/chair/bookcase in the same way)


1)T:What's this?

2)Match the words with the things in the picture.3)Check the answer.4.Listening

1)T:Where is…?Where are…?

2)Listen and number

3)Check the answer


A:Where is the …?

A:Where are the…?


B:They're …


Find out the differences.7.Summary

We must keep our own things in good order.8.homework

Talk about where things are with your parents.

第五篇:七年级英语上册 第5单元同步验收试题 人教新目标版



1.Jim, ______you have a TV? A.Do B.Is


D.Does 2.---Let’s play soccer, Jill.---That _______ boring.A.sound---Three.A.What B.Where

C.How many

D.Do 4.---Does your brother play ping-pong ball?---Yes, ________.A.he is A.is a A.playing

B.he does

C.he doesn’t

C.has an

D.it does

D.have a

D.play 5.Frank ________ English dictionary.B.have an B.to play 6.Let’s ________ computer games.C.don’t play

7.---Let’s play soccer.---No, it’s _______.I want to watch TV.A.interesting B.relaxing C.boring D.funny 8.---What do you _________?---Tennis rackets.I have four.A.have B.do C.like D.let 9.We ______have a baseball.A.aren’t B.don’t C.doesn’t D.isn’t 10.I have a sister, a brother ________ a cousin.A.or B.for C.for D.and 11.Sonia Hall plays ______ basketball every day.A.a B.an C.the D./ 12.Ed Smith only _______ volleyball games _____ TV.A.watch, in B.looks, on C.watches, on D.sees, in 13.—Li Wei, do you have any pencils? —



15.Lily and Liz _


Look at this girl in the picture, she is 1 good friend.2 name is Lily.She is 3.She is thirteen.This is me.My 4 is Li Ling.I’m a Chinese girl.用心


专心 B.is sound C.sounds

D.sound is 3.---________volleyballs do you have? I am one year younger than Lily.We are ____5___ the same class.Lily likes collecting sports things.She 6 a great sports collection.Look, these are her things.She has 10 tennis rackets, 8 baseballs, 6 basketballs, 12 soccers 7 18 volleyballs.But he 8 sports.He 9 likes collecting sports things.His brother, David, likes soccer.He plays 10 every day with his friends.()1.A.I




D.D.()2.A.She England()4.A.friend name()5.A.in()6.A.is()7.A.and B.at



C.on C.has C.but

D.for D.have D./





D.His()3.A.an English B.English girl C.English

()8.A.like B.likes C.is like D.liking()8.A.don’t B.isn’t C.doesn’t D.am not()9.A.no



D.only()10.A.football B.basketball C.baseball D.ping pong III.阅读理解

(A)Frank is my good friend.We are in the same class.He is fourteen, one year older than I.His parents are both teachers in No.7 Middle School.Frank is a good student.He studies hard.His English and math are very good.He often helps other students with their English and math.Our teachers like him very much.We go to school together by bike in the morning.We have lunch at school.After school in the afternoon, we often play sports.We play soccer and baseball.In the evening, he does his homework at home.Sometimes he watches soccer games on TV.On Sundays, he goes out with his parents in his father’s car.They play in the park and do sports there.Sometimes my father takes me there, too.We play sports together.We have a good time.1.Who is Frank ? He is a ___________.A.teacher

B.soccer play B.thirteen

C.student C.fifteen


D.2.I am _________ years old this year.A.fourteen twelve 3.Frank is good at __________.A.Math and Chinese B.English and Chinese C.math and English D.English and Chinese 4.Frank _________at school.A.has breakfast

B.has supper

C.has lunch




专心 TV 5 When does Frank do his homework? ____________.A.In the evening B.In the morning C.In the afternoon D.At noon(B)The children often play football in the garden and sometimes break(打破)Mr.Black’s windows.One afternoon Mr.Black is at home and reads a book.In a minute he closes his eyes and goes to sleep.At that time a little boy knocks at the door.Mr.Black opens the door and asks, “Do you break my window again(再一次)?”

“Oh , no” says the boy;“Your window is open this time and our football is in your room.May I get it please?” 根据短文内容判断正(R)误(W)。

6.The children often play football in the park.7.Sometimes the children break Mrs.Black’s windows.8.Mr.Black watches TV one afternoon.9.The children’s football is in Mr.Black’s room.10.The children break Mr.Black’s window again.(C)Peter is sixty-six.But he looks young.He has two children-one is a son and the other is a daughter.He has 10 tennis rackets,12 soccer balls,8 baseballs,6 basketballs and 18 volleyballs.But he never plays sports.He only collects sports things.His son, Carl, likes soccer.He is a member of the city soccer club.He plays soccer every day with his friends.And his daughter, Nancy, likes volleyball.But she doesn’t play it.She watches it on TV.根据短文回答问题。

11.Does Peter look old? __________________________________ 12.How many children does Peter have? __________________________________ 13.Who plays soccer every day in Peter’s family? _________________________________ 14.Does Peter do sports every day? _________________________________ 15.Does Nancy play volleyball? _________________________________ IV.短文填空(首字母已给出)

Mr.and Mrs.Green h 1 a big house.Their house h 2 a kitchen(厨房),four bedrooms and three other rooms.There are some trees n 3 to their house.They h 4 two cars.One is for Mr.Green and the other is for Mrs.Green.They h 5 two children.One is a s 6 ,and the other(另一个)is a d 7.The children like s 8 very much.The son has five b 9 ,nine s 10 balls and many baseballs.He likes playing b 11 every day.The daughter has eight v 12 balls,用心


专心 ten ping-pang balls a__13__ seven t 14 balls.She plays 15 ball every day.V.词汇


1.watch(第三人称单数)_______2.have(第三人称单数)_______3.number(缩写形式)_______4.do not(缩写形式)________5.us(物主代词)__________6.know(同音异形词)______ 7.we(宾格形式)_________ 8.do(第三人称单数)__________ B)根据汉语写出单词。

1.She likes ________(体育运动)very much.2.________(让我们)play tennis.3.Sue has two ________(篮球).4.My mother ________(打)ping pong every day.5.I have a computer game.It’s ____________(有趣的).6.My mother _______(想要)a nice book.7.That music ____________(听起来)good.8.Do you want to ____________(加入)the English club? 9.To play soccer is ____________(困难的).10.Welcome to ____________(我的)school.C)根据句意,用适当的词填空

1.---_______you have a basketball?---Yes, I _______.2.---Does Gina _______ a math book?---No, he _______.3.---_______ Chi-Young have a tennis racket?---Yes, _____ does.4.____ play volleyball.5.My brother ______ have a notebook.6.She ______ sports every day.7.That sounds ______.8.My sister _____ five baseballs.9.---Do you have ______ ball?

---No, we_____.10.I don’t like math.It’s ________.VI.按要求转换下列句型。

1.Li Ping has a Soccer ball.(变为一般疑问句)Li Ping a soccer ball? 2.Does she have a CD?(做肯定回答), she.3.He has a baseball bat.(变否定句)He __ ______a baseball bat.4.You have a volleyball.(一般疑问句)______you _______ a volleyball? 5.The boy doesn’t have a TV.(肯定句)The boy______ a TV.用心


专心 6.I have a nice book.(改为否定句)I ________ ________ a nice book.7.He likes his new room.(改为一般疑问句)________ he ________ his new room? 8.Frank has four baseballs.(就划线部分提问)_______ _________ Frank ________? 9.My parents have five good friends.(就划线部分提问)_______ ______ friends do your parents have? 10.Do your father and mother like sport?(做肯定回答)_______, ________ ________.VII.从Ⅱ中找出与Ⅰ相对应的句子。

()1.Let’s play soccer.A.Yes, they do.()2.Do you have 70 tennis at school? B.No, he doesn’t.()3.Do they like watching TV?

C.No, we don’t.()4.Does Eddy like sports?

D.Great!That sounds fun.()5.Do you and your friend play soccer every day? E.No, I have sixty.()6.I’m sorry I can’t play tennis.F.I like both soccer and ping-pong.()7.How many baseballs do you have?.G.It’s in my backpack.()8.Where’s your ping-pong bat, please? H.Yes, it’s interesting.()9.Do you like computer games?.I.Don’t worry, it’s easy, let me teach you.()10.What’s favorite sport? J.Only one.VIII.补全对话


Mike: Hi, Tony, let’s___1_____ baseball.Tony: ____2____sounds good, Mike.That ____3____ fun.Mike: Do you___4____ a baseball or a baseball____5___? Tony: Oh, no.I don’t have a baseball and I don’t have a baseball bat.Mike: ____6___your sister have a ball or a bat? Tony: Yes, ___7___ does.Hi, ____8____!Where____9___ your baseball and bat? Gina: They’re under the bed.Tony: OK!___10____ play.B)填入适当的句子,补全对话。A: _11_____________, OK? B: Sorry, Bob, I don’t have a volleyball.But I have a baseball.A: I don’t want to play baseball.__12______________? Do you know? B: Maybe Eric has one.Let’s go and ask him.A&B: __13____________, Eric? C: Yes,___14______.But it’s at home.A: I’m sorry to hear that.B: Well.Let’s play football, OK?

C: __15___.Let’ go and join them, Bob.用心


专心 A: OK.Let’s go.IX.下列句子中各有一处错误,请找出并改正。

1.Lily and Liz has a cat.They like it very much.A B C D 2.Are you have any ping pong balls? A B C D 3.I like to watch football games at TV.A B C D

4.He don’t play baseballs.A B C D 5.—Do you have a TV? A B

—Yes, we have.C D

6.We have eight watchs.A B C D

7.I am not have a watch A B C D 8.Let’s to go to play football.A B C D X.连词组句(请注意大小写和标点符号)1.she, does, a volleyball, have ___________________________________ 2.don't, they, a soccer ball, have ___________________________________ 3.sports,you,do,like

___________________________________ 4.every day, Sue, sports, plays ___________________________________ 5.computer games, play, let's, sounds, that, interesting ___________________________________ XI.根据汉语完成句子。

1.咱们去踢足球吧。play, soccer

__________________________________________________ 2.你有一个电视机吗?have, TV set

__________________________________________________ 3.我的朋友没有电脑游戏。not, have, computer game

__________________________________________________ 4.你的儿子喜欢体育吗?son, like, sports

__________________________________________________ 5.我收集了很多中国画。Have, a great collection of __________________________________________________ XII.书面表达





____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ B)我的朋友Frank 收集了许多体育用品。他有7个篮球、6个棒球、3个排球、4个足球。他有8个网球拍、2个乒乓球拍。他每天都进行体育运动。他也在电视上看足球赛。请以上述内容为题材写一篇短文。



阅读短文,从文中A、B、C、D中选择一个最合适的位置,将句子My friends buy ping pong balls in the shop加入文中。

Next to my home, there is(有)a big shop.A)It sells many things.From the shop we can buy some soccer balls, baseballs, basket balls and fruit.B)The shop opens very early and it closes very late.C)We can buy things from 7:00~22:00 in the shop.I help my mother and father buy things in the shop.D)The people in the shop are very friendly.Key: D 参考答案

I.1.A 此句中的谓语动词时实义动词,故主动词用do或does。主语是第三人称单数用does,其余的人称用do。2.C 本句的主语是第三人称单数,故谓语动词应用第三人称单数形式。3.C 根据答语可知,此句是对数词提问,故选C。4.B 以does或do开头的一般疑问句,在回答时,还要重复它们。5.C 主语是第三人称单数,要用动词has,又由于English是以元音开头的单词,要用冠词an,所以本题选C。6.D let意为“让”,后接省略to的动词不定式。7.C 根据答语最后一句“我想要看电视”说明他觉得踢足球“无聊”,不想踢了,想要看电视。8.A 根据答语“我有四个羽毛球拍”,可以知道问的是“你有什么”。9.B 此句考查的是否定句,由于主语是we,故助动词用do + not来构成否定句。10.D 此句表示并列,没有转折的意思,故选D。13.D 根据答语I don’t have any可知表示道歉。14.A 根据does his homework 可知主语要选A。15.A 主语是复数,故谓语动词用have。II.1-5.CBCDA 6-10.CACDA III.(A)1-5.CCBCA(B)6-10.www.teniu.ccputer games.That sounds interesting.XI.1.Let’s play soccer.2.Do you have a TV set? 3.My friend doesn’t have a computer game.4.Does your son like sports? 5.I have a great collection of Chinese paintings.XII.A)I like sports and I like collecting sports things.I have a basketball, a football, two ping pong balls and four rackets.Two volleyballs and five baseballs.Look, they are over there.Let’s go and see them.B)略。



专心 8
