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4、一般将来时的疑问句、否定句形式以及回答 教学重难点:

一般现在及一般将来时的句型变换 教学步骤;









be动词的否定式 :

be + not


don’t/doesn’t + 动词原型三、一般将来时




(1)will + V(动词原形)(2)

be going to + V(动词原形)






通 案

驿马初中 初三备课组



1.What do you usually do on weekends? 2.--How often does he watch TV?--He watches TV twice a month.3.How many hours do you sleep every night? 4.--What’s the matter(with…)? / What’s wrong(with…)? / What’s the trouble(with…)?--I have a headache/sore throat/fever/toothache/stomachache.--You should lie down and rest.5.What are you doing for vacation? What’s he/she doing for vacation? 词汇:

Once or twice a week, two or three times a week, as for, be good/bad for, come home from school/work, get good grades, look after , keep in good health, hot tea with honey, keep/stay healthy.stressed out, go camping, send sb sth ,=send sth to sb, show sb sht=show sth to sb, take a long vacation, think about doing, leave for 重点、难点(知识、技能两个方面)

重点: What do you usually do on weekends?--How often does he watch TV?--He watches TV twice a month.How many hours do you sleep every night?--What’s the matter(with…)?/What’s wrong(with…)?/What’s the trouble(with…)?--I have a headache/sore throat/fever/toothache/stomachache.You should lie down and rest.He shouldn’t eat anything.What are you doing for vacation? What’s he/she doing for vacation? Once or twice a week, two or three times a week, as for, be good/bad for, come home from school/work, get good grades, look after , keep in good health, hot tea with honey, keep/stay healthy.stressed out, go camping, send sb sth ,=send sth to sb, show sb sht=show sth to sb, take a long vacation, think about doing, leave for.难点:能在交际中准确地运用上述句型。


知识与技能目标(分层): 1-30号学生能听懂对话并能脱离课本流利的对话,能听懂并准确的对话,30-40号学生能看着材料对话。最好写出一篇“对话”作文。(对话内容包括上述语言知识内容 过程与方法目标:




(2)通过让学生编自己的对话,培养学生运用语言知识的能力,提高学生的听说水平。(3)通过大量的情景对话,造句来练习。备教学方法与媒体: 教法或学法:教师通过幻灯片展示S、Pt.让小组交流、展示、PK、评价使学生进行流利、准确或基本三个层次的练习,教师积极评价。

教师引起学生兴趣的切入点:通过交流朋友的长相以及穿着使学生引起学生的兴趣。学生乐于交流参与。通过模仿对话,同桌交流或小组交流来学会如何学习英语,让学生进行大量的听说练习。各单元目标语言: Unit1 1.讨论做事的频率 2.频度副词 3.调查报告的写法 Unit2 1.谈论身体病症。2.给出建议

3.描述自己的生活习惯 Unit3

1.进行时表将来的用法 2.安排计划


Again , please!教学目标:


1、能够听、说、读、写本单元词汇breakfast lunch supper chicken dumplings fish fruit juice meat noodles rice soup vegetables drink eat 数词11-15








一、Greating.(1)Free talk.How are you ? How old are you ? What’s this ? Do you like ____ ? How many ____ ? What’s for breakfast/lunch/supper?

(2)Sing an English song you have learned.或唱你改编的歌曲It’s time for lunch.二、Review 1.Review numbers 教师出示幻灯片,复习数字,并强调名词复数在后面加上“s”.练习:“How many boys are there in my classroom? There are __boys.”

2、Review food Guessing game “What’s this?”

教师将所学过的表示食物的卡片背面展示给学生,请他们猜测What’s this?(本单元要求掌握的单词:chicken dumplings fish fruit juice meat noodles rice soup vegetables)当学生回答正确后,教师接着练习“Would you like____”这个句型,学生回答“Yes,please”时,教师把食物卡片作为奖励赠送给学生。


将所学的单词分类,如:1—三餐(breakfast lunch supper),2—时间(morning afternoon evening),3—食品(chicken dumplings fish fruit juice meat noodles rice soup vegetables),4---状态(hungry thirsty), 5---动作(eat ,drink)各组选择一个,重组新句。I eat 三餐 in the 时间.I like 食品 for _三餐.I like食品.I don’t like食品.I’m _状态.I want to _动作_.3.复习水果单词

Apple pear orange banana watermelon 让学生练习句子:I like______或者I don’t like____.4.复习喝的饮料

Juice milk tea water 练习句子:I’d like______.Ask and answer in pairs 5.Talk about “My day.”学生自由发言

use the words and sentences we have learn.如:I get up in the morning.In the morning ,I eat breakfast.What’s for breakfast?I like ___ for breakfast.Then I go to school.In the afternoon,I eat lunch.Now, it’s Lunch-time!Let’ eat lunch!What’s for lunch? I like ____.I don’t like ____.I like ____ for dessert.What about you?


三、Class closing 《活动手册》

Let’s sing a song:It’s time for lunch.八、Homework Write “My day”on your practice book.板书:

Lesson 8 Again , please!breakfast lunch supper chicken dumplings fish fruit meat noodles rice vegetables juice soup drink eat hungry thirsty morning afternoon evening 数词11-15



a Enjoy a poem.“ Seasons”

T: Well, boys and girls, just now we enjoyed a poem about seasons.How many seasons are there in one year? And what are they? S:(together)There are four seasons: spring, summer, autumn, and winter.(CAI: show four seasons)T: which season do you like best?

S: I likebest.T: Why? S: Because it’s----T: Good.But May Day has gone!Which festival is coming? S: Dragon Boat Festival/ Children’s Day.T: Yes.So What are you going to do on Children’s Day, and what are you going to do at Dragon Boat Festival? You may chat with each other freely.S: T: Well, boys and girls , how times flies!You will finish primary school soon.There is a long long holiday waiting for us : summer holiday!Will you please make some plans for your summer holiday? You may ask and answer in pairs.S1: What are you going to do this summer holiday?

S2: I’m going to

T: You have so many good ideas.Last weekend Mike called Lucy, they talked about their activities on May Day, they also talked about their plans for this summer holiday.Let’s listen to it and do some exercises.(listen and answer questions)

Summary:(the simple past tense and the simple future tense)

过去时和将来时chant 一般过去时,可以这样记:be 动词要变化:am is 变was, are 却变成were, 行为动词也变化,常在词尾加ed.特殊变化也很多,定要牢记脑海中,过去时说过去事,过去的时间真不少!last--,last Monday.Yesterday, just now, a moment ago!Be going to 放人称后,表示打算做某事,打算的事情在将来,所以说它将来时,变疑问,be 提前,否定be 后添not.另外一种表达式:人称之后加will, will 之后添动词。将来的时间也不少:this--,this Saturday, next--,next Sunday, soon, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow.不久将要发生事,记住要用将来时!

Play a game

C Watch a short flash.T: Ok, who runs faster, Mr.Rabbit or Mr.Tortoise?

S: Mr.Rabbit.T: Just now we knew three friends: Mike, Lucy and Lily.Let’s know more about their

information and do some exercises.Height(m)Weight(kg)Age High jump

(cm)50-metre race(’’)

Lucy 158 35 13 1.00 14 Lily 155 32 11 0.70 16 Mike 160 42 13 1.50 11 Mike is as __________ as Lucy.2 Lily jumps _________ than Mike.3 Mike is _____________ than Lucy.4 Lucy runs ___________ than Lily.5 Lucy jumps __________ than Lily.6 Lily is ____________ than Lucy.









五、教学过程: Step 1: Warm-up

1、Greetings Good afternoon, boys and girls.Good afternoon, teacher

2、Daily talk(t-s)(大概)Eg:What did you /he /she do „? What did you /he /she do …? Did you go to …

What are you going to do … What is he/ she going to do … Are you going to…


3、Sing a song: What are you going to do?

(设计意图:利用歌曲复习将来时,为下面的课堂教学做好铺垫,活跃课堂气氛并激发学生学习兴趣。)Step2: Presentation/Practice

1、Brain storm(PPT出示动词图片、词组,学生快速朗读一次)A、过去式的复习Da Xiong’s Last Week

Da Xiong:(crying)I failed the English test.Ding Dang: I am sorry to hear that.What did you do last week? Da Xiong: Oh!I was busy last week.I went to a park by bus last Monday.I took many pictures with my friends last Tuesday.I played football last Wednesday.I walked to grandma’s home last Thursday.I watched TV last Friday…Ha,ha, I was so happy.Ding Dang: Oh!You always play.That’s why you failed the English test.(设计意图:利用学生熟悉的动画引入过去时,能很好地激发学生的学习兴趣,并给学生提供了很好的听力和笔试练习,使本来枯燥的练习课变得生动。)

1、回答问题:What did Da Xiong do last Friday?(He watched TV last Friday.)并板书:He watched TV last Friday.2、看图(PPT)提问、回答并完成下题


Da Xiong

to a park by bus last Monday.He

many pictures with his friends last Tuesday.He

football last Wednesday.He

to grandma’s home last Thursday.He

TV last Friday.He was happy.1、写出动词的过去式

T: Da Xiong failed the exam.Why? Is it very difficult? Let’s help him.呈现大雄的试题:

写出下列动词的过去式,并在横线上写出你知道的更多的动词及过去式: clean()climb()wash()watch()dance()study()


I can write more:

Check the answers.检查谁写的动词过去式多(教师检查及学生小组内检查)小结动词过去式的四种情况(PPT)






2、Let’s chant Is, was, are, were.Ready? Go, went, went to a park See, saw, saw elephants Eat, ate, ate good food Read, read, read a book Take, took, took pictures Swim, swam, swam in the sea What did you do last weekend? I ate, ate, ate good food.(设计意图: 通过chant 的形式进一步巩固过去时及短语搭配。欢快的节奏活跃课堂气氛、调整孩子们疲劳的脑神经,也为知识的巩固降低了难度。)B、将来时的复习

T:If you are Da Xiong, what are you going to do next week? S1:I am going to…

S2:I am going to…

T:OK, let’s see what is Da Xiong going to do next week? Da Xiong’s Next Week

Ding Dang: Da Xiong, there is another test 1 week later.What are you going to do next week? Da Xiong: What shall I do? Oh, I see.I will study hard next week.I’m going to read English with my sister next Monday.I’m going to read a book next Tuesday.I’m

going to do my homework next Wednesday.I’m going to Mike’s home by bike next Thursday afternoon.I’m going to watch TV Friday evening… Ding Dang: That’s right.1、1st listen: answer the question: What is Da Xiong going to do next week?并板书:(He is going to study hard next week.)am/is/are going to = will


1、Da Xiong will read Chinese next Monday.()

2、He is going to watch TV next Tuesday.()

3、He is going to Mike’s home last Thursday.()

4、He is going to watching TV next Friday evening.()(设计意图:判断对错的练习再次检查了学生对叮当和大雄之间的对话的理解程度,更重要的是练习里面渗透了动词时态与时间状语的搭配一致性问题。)


T:Read the dialogue and try to ask some questions.在规定的时间内阅读对话“Da Xiong’s Next Week”,并准备好自己的问题,然后学生分两组进行问答擂台赛。


1、Changing partners(练习下列句型)A、用过去式造陈述句 I ate good food.B、用将来时造陈述句 I am going to„

C、用Where , What, How„ 造过去式或将来时的问句


2、Make a postcard to Da Xiong.T: Design your postcard in your group, and then write sth about your “last weekend” and “next weekend”.(设计意图:通过让学生通过小组合作的形式,给大雄设计一份post card,写出自己上周和下周的活动,从而在笔头上综合检查学生对过去式和将来时的掌握情况,而且在这个活动中培养学生的合作精神。)Step4 : Summary



Step 5: Homework Make a book : My Weekends(含过去与将来)教师先展示自己的书(Say goodbye to Da Xiong and Di Dang)


Review the Tense(Ⅱ)

He watched TV last Friday.He is going to study hard next week.am/is/are going to = will












1、Greetings Question: What do you often do after school?

What does he often do after school? Answer :I often sweep the floor.He often reads a book.2、Let’s chant: What do you do? What do you do ? I often, I often sweep the floor What do you do? What do you do? I often, I often read a book.What does he do ? What does he do ? He often, he often washes the clothes.What does she do ? What does she do ? She often, she often does the dishes.(二)、Presentation Litter teacher:I visit my grandparents last weekend.(引出过去时)Ask:What did you do last weekend ?(group work)自编chant What did you do ? What did you do? I took, took pictures.What did she do ? What did she do ? She climbed, climbed a mountain.What did he do? What did he do? He learned, learned Chinese.What did they do ? What did they do? They sang, sang and danced.Task

1、请给所做的事情找出合适的时间,连线 I went to school

last Sunday.We went shopping

yesterday morning.I was born(出生)

yesterday evening.I ate good food

in 1996.小结:英语中要表示过去做的事情或存在的状态要用过去式,常和表示过去的时间状语连用.










小结:动词过去式有规则和不规则变化两种,a、一般在动词尾加ed,b、结尾是e的动词尾加d,c、以辅音字母加y结尾的,先变y为i,再加ed,d、特殊变化需牢记. Task3、按要求填写表格 原形




Watch eat do sing swim go




Task4.采访活动 活动内容:

Where did you go ? How did you go there? What did you do ?








五、教学过程描述 Step 1 Free talk: T: What day is it today? S1: It’s …

T: What’s the date? S1: It’s …

T: What’s the weather like today? S1: It’s …

T: What lessons do you have this morning? S2: I have …

T: What subject do you like?S2: I like … T: Do you study … well? S2: Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.T: Oh, you are so great!I think you should study harder.Try your best, ok? T: I like PE, because I like sports.Do you like sports? I like playing table tennis.What sport do you like?

Do you … every day? Step 2 Review the phases 1T: Good, we should do some exercise to keep healthy.There are many kinds of sports.Can you say them quickly? S: …

2T: After school, we can do these sports, and what else can you do? I usually read books and watch TV after school.What do you usually do after school? S: …

T: Now let’s play a game.课件呈现photos,教师作示范造词组take photos Step 3 复习一般现在时,主语是第一、二人称时的用法 1 T: I think, all of you study English well.You know, I have a new friend;he studies English well, too.Do you want to know him?

Now you can ask him some questions.S: 人机对话,问Billy

如下问题What’s your name? How old are you?等

T: Let’s read Billy’s self introduction.T: Now please fill in your information card.Step 5 总结一般现在时的用法


Let me tell you!首先,看看我的本领吧。我被大家用来表示经常性的动作或存在的状态。

下面请看我的面目—我的构成: 我常常与often, usually, Sometimes ,on Sundays等词连用,动词用原形。不过当主语是第三人称单数时,要在动词后加s或es。例:

I often read books at home.She plays the violin every day.如果是疑问句,还要用助动词do(主语是第三人称单数用does)构成,动词用原形。例:

Do you usually play football after school ? What does he do on Sundays? 下次见到我时,千万不要忘记我是“一般现在时”啊!See you!2我们知道一般现在时,主语是第三人称单数时动词会有变化。我们一起来总结一下,有哪些变化呢?

顺口溜:肯定句中,他、她、它,动词后面加尾巴。一般动词直接加s,有些加es 以辅音字母加结尾的,变y为i加es 3 读一读变化后的动词。Step 6 Let’s do some exercise.Finish the exercise with proper words.a.Sometimes, I ________ basketball after school.My father usually ________ newspapers in the evening.________ your mother _________ shopping every Friday afternoon? What ________ Helen usually ________ on Saturdays? e.I like Chinese, but my friend, Ben _________ PE.2 Listening exercise.T: I wrote an e-mail to you.Please help me finish it.S: Listen and fill in the blanks.Step 7 Homework 向我介绍你的好朋友们。

This is my friend.Her name is ….she’s ….She lives in ….she likes…
