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Oral Test for 202_-3(Jan.,202_.18th week)口语考试形式: 每场考试由任课老师、四名学生参加,时间约为10分钟。考试由两部分组成。

第一部分: 由每位考生做一个简短的介绍,帮助学生进入良好的考试状态。


第二部分: 每组考生抽签获得一份考题,就规定的话题进行小组讨论,各抒己见。主要考核学生用英语进行连贯的口头表达能力,以及传达信息、发表意见、参与讨论的交际能力。



1.You may notice that some college students spend money like water.What is your comment on it? How do you arrange your monthly money given by your family?

2.What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of shopping online?

3.Good health has come to mean more than simply the absence of illness.What do you think is important for good health?

4.Are you shy? How to overcome shyness?

5.Discuss with your partners about the disadvantages of pessimism.6.What sort of social problems do you think exist in modern society? Try to figure out some causes of the social problem about which you are concerned most.7.The phenomenon of latchkey children is widespread in our society, which has exerted a negative emotional impact on the children.What advisable solutions would you offer to deal with the problem?

8.Many young students are now taking up smoking.What is your comment on this phenomenon?

9.Littering(the dropping of rubbish like plastic bags, waste paper, peelings in streets, parks, and other public places)is very common.Contribute as many ways as possible to stop it.10.Discuss the reasons why people are in favor of or against piracy.Who do you think should be more responsible for the problem, inpiduals or government? Give your reasons.11.What’s your desirable future career? Do you think career planning is necessary ? What does career planning mean to you at present as a sophomore?

12.What factors will influence you in choosing a job?

13.Have you ever done any part-time job(s)? If so, for what purpose(s)? For money? For experience? Or for fun? Please explain.14.Have you heard about Hellen Keller before? We've learned the story about her(her disability, the difficulties and her special way in learning a language, her achievements).Introduce her life experience to your friends, and esp.How it inspires you to learn English well.15.Do you agree that human beings are more aggressive than animals? Explain your reasons.16.Do you think that competitions like the Olympic Games are a good means of reducing aggression between nations? Explain your reasons.17.Should animals be trained to help humans? Why/why not?

18.For this coming-on spring festival, you are free to go to Haerbin or the island of Hainan for holiday.Which place would you like to go to? Why?

19.Which place is your ideal travel destination? Why do you like that place? And what benefits can you get from traveling?

20.Different people have different reasons for travel.Discuss with your partners the reasons why people like traveling?

21.Where is your hometown? Would you please introduce your hometown to your partners?

22.Which means of transportation do you like best(bike, bus,ship, train, plane,etc.)?


23.Do you always remember your parents, birthdays? What do you usually do for them on their birthdays and why?

24.Does courage involve risk-taking? What qualities do courageous people have?

25.What do you think is crucial for a happy marriage?

26.What qualities do you value most in a young person?

27.Everyone is faced with stress nowadays.As a student, what makes you feel stressed.What should we do to deal with stress?

28.Business meetings at management level are held regularly.What is the meeting like? What is the role of the chairman of the meeting?


Situation 1 A:Hey,Tom,do you like pop music? B:No,no at all,it make my stomach turn.I like classical music for it is graceful and pure.A:Classical music?It’s not for me.Most of the them are out-of-date.B;So you like pop songs,right? A:Yes,especially Rock songs.It is passionative.Im crazy about it.B:But it’s too noisy,I don’t like it very much.A:Sometimes it sounds loudly,but not noise.It’s an active attitude towards life.B:Maybe you’re right,but I really can’t stand that noise.Situation 2 A:Tom,what do you think about the movie? B:I think the plot of the movie is superb.A:Why do you think so? B:the movie made you think,not like other commrcial films.A:I can’t agree more.The actors are excellent,and the casting is very strong.B:You’re right,But the special effects were not so good.A:Well,after all,the cost of the movie is very low.B:Yes,above all,it is an affective movie.Situation 3 A:Look,here’s a magazine-a free magazine.B:It’s a magazine of ads.It’s not free.A:I don’t understand you.B:Well,the products include the advertisingcosts.So it’s not free.A:But I think advertising is useful,it tells me about mew products.B:A lot of companies spend more money on advertising than on making quality products.A:But some commercials are really fascinating.B: you’er right.Situation 4

A-Albert B-Ann A: Albert, if you become a millionaire, what would you do with your money?

B:Oh, if that comes true, I would be as happy as a king , I’d be able to get everything I wanted.A:Well,many rich people are unhappy, what do you say to that? B:But if I were a millionaire, there would be nothing I couldn’t buy.A:Can you buy true love? Can you buy happiness? B:May be not, but I can buy a house with a lot of modern conveniences.A:So many people think like you do, but look at all the porces, suicides and murders among wealthy people, how do you explain that? B:maybe there’s something in what you said.Situation 5

Willian-W Tracy-T W:You look so pale, what’s the matter? T:My house was broken into last night.W:Was anything missing? T:Yes, my jewelery’s, and my computer too.And they wrote dirty words all over my walls.W:How did they get in? T:They forced the back door.W:That’s too bad, I think it’s high time that the government take tough measures against burglary.T:So it is.Situation 6

Lisa-L Brown-B L:Brown, what happen to you? You look a mess.B:And I feel even worse than I look, I was daydreaming on my bike and fell off when a per suddenly honked.L:What’s the reaction of the driver? B:He was panicked too.L:You should be more careful in the future.B:Sure, you are right.The car almost hit me when I fell down.L:My god!That’s too dangerous, you were so lucky at that time!B:So Idid


1)What will you do to get well prepared for an earthquake?

I will regularly check and reinforce my home, place heavy objects in low positions, attach cupboards and cabinets to walls, and fasten doors so that we will not open accidentally during an earthquake.I will have supplies of water and food at home and at work.I will also prepare some survival supplies including a radio receiver, a torch, extra batteries, a tent, some rope, and warm clothing.I will have a fire extinguisher handy.Plus, I will work out an earthquake emergency plan.Last, I will have all of my family members call to check in with a friend or relative who lives more than a hundred miles away 2)How do you see one’s academic performance at school in relation to their future achievement?

Personally, I think one’s academic performance at school doesn’t affect his future achievement too much.One’s academic performance at school does reflect his hard-working and leaning ability to some extent.But in the society, we need more abilities like management, ability to cooperate, creative thinking and so on.So one’s academic performance at school just reflects his potential to be successful, not determine his future achievement.3)Do you believe so-called “the tall, the handsome, and the rich”(高帅富)and “the white, the rich, and the beautiful”(白富美)are the universal pursuit of Mr.Right and Miss.Right for all young people? From my point of view, I don’t believe so-called “the tall, the handsome, and the rich”(高帅富)and “the white, the rich, and the beautiful”(白富美)are the universal pursuit of Mr.Right and Miss.Right for all young people.And as I know, many people around me don’t believe it as well.Regardless of “the tall,the handsome,and the rich”or “the white,the rich,and the beautiful”,those people are not common in our daily life and they have the same title “the rich”.So some people like them maybe just because they have lots of money.As the saying goes,beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.I think if someone fall in love with you sincerely ,he will love you no matter who you are.4)do you prefer as signments that need teamwork or that can be done inpidually?Why? Each of them has its own benefits as well as disadvantages.I prefer working alone on my assignments, because it provides me with privacy.To sum up, working inpidually helps me prepare for the future, to learn to make my own choices as well as to improve my methods of studying.I wouldn't need to rely on anyone else, but myself to get my work done.But i do understand the advantages of working in a group, and having the help of others, who can provide the team with new knowledge and ideas.5)Do you want to be a boss who is starting a company or an employee with a high salary? Actually, I want to be an employee with a high salary.It seems that the answer will reflect that I’m short-sighted and out of ambition.But actually I know it is more suitable for me.First, a boss needs the quality of management, ability to cooperate, creative thinking and so on, while I’m not equipped of them.Second, I want to have a long term development of my own major.Third, I think being a boss will be very busy, tired and worried all the time, and I’m bored of that.Last, I just want to make enough money instead of being a millionaire, so I don’t need to undertake such a large burden like a company

A: I just read an article about parent-child relationship, I am absorbed in it.B: Really.I am also interested in it.Let’s talk about this topic.A: OK!I think the relationship of parent and child is very complicated.There are many different parent-child relationships.B: I heard some relationships of parents and children are called “specialist and fool”.A: It sounds interesting.But I really don’t understand this kind of relationship.Can you tell me what it is in detail? B: Of course.When this relationship happens in a family, parents always tell children to do what they think is right.So, children cant help but accept their parents’ views.A: I don’t like this kind of parent-child relationship.I think if parents always tell children their own views, children may lose themselves and have no minds of their own.B: Of course.There’s another parent-child relationship called “a relationship between brothers”.Under this relationship, parents give children advice and respect them.If children don’t want to accept parents’ advice, parents never force them.A: I think this parent-child relationship is quite good.Under this relationship, children can feel happy.B: Yes.I hope more and more family can have this relationship.It can bring harmony to a family.A:I think communication conflict seems to be the biggest problem between children and parents.Do you think so? B:Yes.Parents worry about their children no matter how old they are.Children tend to strive for more independence as they age.These two competing feelings can cause conflict.A:If parents or children can realize the importance of communication and take some actions to improve it,they can have

’a better relationship.B:What do you think parents and children can do ? A: Regular and consistent communication, even about little things such as current events or even the weather can help parents and children practice communication and prevent communication conflicts.B Active listening, meaning responding to and absorbing what children have to say also can create a positive environment for family communication.A:Yes,you are right.I am very happy to talk with you.B:So am I.


Campus love

A:Well, have you ever seen that movie

B: Certainly , it’s a so romantic movie ,and every time after seeing this movie ,I just want to have a lover in campus!A:really?you desire for campus love? B:yes!nothing is more wonderful than love!A:Um …but I think that campus love is a bitter fruit which may cause pains and make people hurt.B:But we are college student now!since we are college students, we should learn to take total responsibility and it is time for us to experience various kinds of “growing pains”, including love.A:oh…may be you are right!But as you can see ,some student around us who were fell in love would have less time in their studies and they are also be absent-minded sometimes!It’s awful!B:Um ……yes ,it is really a big problem for them.A:I think students should not neglect study!It’s their main task in college!

B:Of course ,you are right!I do not mean that study can be neglected compared with love.Actually, but if you can arrange your time well, or if you find your soulmate ,and he would encourage you to be a better person, Don’t you think it is so excellent to have a try!A :OK …I just wish you can find your soulmate in campus B:Thank you dear!the same wish to you!

Communication problem A;Hello XXX!What‘s wrong with you ?you look so upset „ B:….um….there are really something bother me …

A:Well ,you can just complain to me, it may comfort you after speaking out.B:I just had a quarrel with my boyfriend ,I found he totally couldn’t understand me!A:what happen? Why do you think so? B:you know I did badly in the exam ,I just so sad ,and I really want him to comfort me ? A:um?Have he done? B:„„He said: “It’s not a big deal。”!!so ridiculous!!I am his girl friend!!And the exam

is so important!!he said it’s not a big deal!He doesn’t care me at all, and this is out of his business So he said it’s a trifle!

A:oh ,my dear!just calm down, may be you have misunderstood him.B:umha?I misunderstood him???Are you kidding? A:Yes ,he just want to comfort you,and he hope you can be happy,not just thinking the past exam all the time.just put it down!B:Really? A: In many romantic relationships, men use this blanket phrase instead of being more specific as your boy friend did.B: men and women communicate really differently,I think their from mars A: Use your judgment: If he’s still being affectionate and just feels a bit smothered, give him some breathing room B:yes you are right ,I need to apologize for my fault ,and try to talk with him calmly.A:and you can also try to understand him, don’t complaint to him all the time.Psychology in Our Daily Life A: have you ever heard of placebo? B:um…no ,what’s that ?

A: Briefly is a substance with no effects that a doctor gives to a patient instead of a drug.Placebos are used when testing new drugs or sometimes when a patient has imagined their illness.B:wow.you said it is no effective.so ,what is the function of this? A:it may be a approach to comfort the patient sometimes.B:but ,does it would have side-effect? A:um,may be ,but I don’t know so much about it.B:And what ‘s your opinion of this kind of medicine?

A;I think sometimes it’s proper for doctor to use this kind of medicine.The placebo effect is the measurable, observable.The placebo effect is not mind over matter;it is not mind-body medicine.B:but I hold some different opinion.A:oh?why? B:Using the placebo constantly ,may make you depend so much on it.Taking such kind of medicine may do bad for your health improvement.A: But as effective as the new drugs seem to be in the treatment of various brain disorders, some researchers maintain that there is not adequate evidence from studies to prove that the new drugs are more effective than placebos.B:May be ,you are right ,and I sincerely hope it can relieve the patient.Dreams : A:hey!I have something interesting to tell you.B:what ?you look so happy A:I had an interesting dream last night.B:really? What is your dream about? A:I dreamt that we play a joke on you ,you was so angry and then cry out.But I didn’t apologize to you ,I just laugh at you.At last ,you burst into laughter, but I don’t remember why you laugh? Isn’t it so interesting?

B:Oh ,yes it really be..just because interesting is always so interesting and mysterious, so many scientists study it.A:so ,what is their interpretation to the dreams? B:some experts said that Dream are closely tied up with an inpidual’s mind and analysis is so open to mistakes or errors.Dreams can be relevant to your true life.A:Yes,I just have see a comedy last night ,and the hero in this movie always play jokes on others,I think it is so cool!B:And sometimes dreams may have a simple physiological cause.And the frustrating dream in which you try to run but your legs won’t move may be explained bedding is too tight.A:but I sometime dream for no reason ,just totally nonsense.I think it just the result of the the misfiring of electrical impulses in the brain.B: you know that although countless person study ,there are still a lot of questions haven’t been solved.I hope some they I can know why we dream ,and what can dreams predict.Ordering Food at a Restaurant

A:Welcome to Sunshine Fast-Food Restaurant.What can I do for you? B:Oh,yeah.I’m very hungry and thirsty now.I want to order something to eat and drink.A:Okay.Here is the menu.You can look at it first.B:En.The noodles look pretty good.How about the tomato and beef noodles? A:Tomato and beef noodles?I’m so sorry.It has been sold out.Can you choose another one? B:Okay.How about this potato and mutton noodles? A:OK.What size do you want?Small size is 10 Yuan.Middle size is 15 Yuan and large size is 20 Yuan.B:Middle size is enough.Do you have any advice about drinks?I have no idea now.A:We have tea,milktea,juice and coffee.I think a cup of apple juice is Okay.Do you want one? B:Okay.Just a cup of apple juice.Iwant it made by green apples.A;Okay.No problems.A middle bowl of potato and mutton noodles and a cup of apple juice.That’s your order.Please wait a few minutes.B;OK.Thanks.A;You’re welcome.Have a good lunch time.Food A:Hi,July.Long time no see.I;ve heard you have been to America for a visiting.Are you OK? B:I’m fine.But I have to say Chinese diet and Western diet are really different.I can’t get used to it when I first arrive there.A:Oh,really?Can you give some examples? B:Sure.In China,we use chopsticks to help us to eat.However in US we use knife and fork.I still can’t use them very well.A:En,that’s true.Besides,we often stir vegetables and many kinds of meat in China.In US,I believe you can hardly eat such kind of dishes.Maybe you often eat salad and humbugers.B:Yeah.You can’t imagine how much I missed rice and Chinese dishes in the US.In America,they just like mixing raw vegetables and turkeys.And the sauce is really strange.A:I can understand.There do have many differences between them.How about table manners? B:In China,we ofen put a dish in a plate.Then we eat it from the plate.But in western countries,everybody have their own dishes in their own plate.I think it’s better.A:I agree with you.Oh,it’s time to have lunch now.Let’s go to have some traditional Chinese dishes now.B:OK.Let’go.Registering for a class A:Excuse me? Is this where I register? I’d like to sign up for my courses

for next semester.B:Yes, of course.First,I need your Student ID Card please.A:Here you are.B:Okay, Susan.It says here that you are a business major and you are in

your second year.Is this information correct?

A:Yes.I do want to take some additional credits this year to get a minor

in psychology.B:I see.Do you have the list of courses you want to take this semester?

A:Yeah.Here’s my list.I’m not sure if the class schedule will allow me

to take all of them though.B: What about the subjects for your minor?

A:I need to take Chinese Literature and Computer Languages.B:Well,let me have a check.There is one Computer Languages class open.But there are still two Chinese Literature classes open.A:Can you tell me what days the Chinese Literature classes are on? B:One class is on Tuesday and Friday from 8:00 a.m.-10:00 a.m.The instructor is Professor.Wang.A:How about the other class? B:The other class is on Monday and Wednesday from 3:00p.m-5:00pm.And the instructor is Professor.Li.A:I think the class on Tuesday and Friday will be fine.B:Okay, here you go.You are registered now.You

will have to make your first tuition payment before classes start.A:.I’ll do that as soon as possible.Thank you very much!B:You’re welcome.Topic8: A Busy Life A:The finnal exams are coming and I am very busy.B:Oh,that is true.You know there are so many books to read and lots of exercise to do,I just don’t know what shoud I do for the exams.Can you give me some advice? A:Sure,it is my pleasure.Usually,we can make a study schedule firstly.My schedule is as follows.In the daytime,I attend a lot of classes.At the breaktime,such as lunchtime,sleeping time,I also try to finish my homework if time permits.As for the time between dinner and night, I often go to the classroom to review my notebooks and read books.That is all.B:Sounds a good schedule.On constraction,my timetable is rather bad.I play games and watch TV series all day.Before exams, I have to stay up to go over.A:Terrible!Though different people have different ways to deal with these stuffs,I think nobody shoud sacrifice health for exams.The best way is to make full use of time and take care of our health.A good plannation is also important.B:Yeah,you are totally right!And would you feel tired after having done so many things? A:Sometimes,I feel tired.But,I feel more satisfied than tired when finishing the stuffs..The progress of dealing with so many stuffs may be hard and full of difficulty,but if I try my best to do it ,everything is ok.No matter the result is good or bad ,I am satisfied if I tried my best.B:Wow,I think it is high time that I shoud study hard.A:I hope you can get a high score.B:Thank you very much.Topic 9:Making a Shopping List A:Wow,the birthday party is coming.Anna,let us make a shopping list for the things we shoud buy for the party.B:Yes,the party will be on Tuesday.We can make a list today and go shoping tomorrow.A;The list should include food ,fruit ,drink, meat, dishes and a big cake.B:Aha,I have heard that a brand of cake named Christine is very delicious and many people like it.Maybe,we should try it,how do you think?

A:We can buy it if it is not too expansive since we will not have enough money to buy other things if we spend too much money on a cake.B:No problem,be at ease,it is rather cheap.So,we decide to by Christine.A:OK.Now,for fuit,what kinds shoud we buy? B:Amm,just apples,oranges,lemons,cucumbers,pairs,watermelons.That will be enough.A:Good idea.And then,how many dishes should we buy? B:I think 100 dishes is enough.And do you have any idea on meat? A:We can buy some pork ,beaf,chicken,fish,duck,mutton and so on.Five kilogram for each kind.B:What about drinks、A:Cocktail,juice,cola,champagne are good choices.B:Wait ,we nearly forgot vegetables.We also need some vegetables such as tomatoes,potatoes,green vegetables.A;You are right.Now,let me make out the cash accounts.Emm,the total cost is about 202_ yuan.B;It is ok.So,we will buy these things at Sunshine shopping mall tomorrow at 2 pm,ok? A:I am afraid 2 pm is too late because we must prepare the party tomorrow afternoon.I think 8 am tomorrow is better.B:Ok,see you tomorrow.Topic 10:Experience in Wuhan A:How time flies!We have been in Wuhan for 4 months.B:Yes, and the winter holiday is coming.I am going to visit some places here.Have you ever been to some famous places in Wuhan in the past 4 months? A:Yes,I have been to the Province Museum and the Art Museum.They are both wonderful places to go.B:Well,what have you seen in these museums? A:In the Province museum,the tour guide showed us the things that used by Napoleon,they are old and precious.And in the Art Museum,I saw lots of paintings painted by Picasso.The paintings are really amazing and beautiful.B:Sounds great,I love paintings very much ,I think I would go to the Art Museum.A:In Wuhan,not only the sceneries are beautiful,people here are also good.B:I agree,they are enthusiastic,polite ,friendly and helpful.Once I lost my way to school,a old man helped me find my way out.I was really lucky to meet such a helpful man.A;Yeah,you are right.I have such experience too.You know the weather here is changeable,it is rather hot in summer,and in winter it is really cold.Besides,it often rains suddenly.I have got sick many times for not adapting to the environment here.At this time, my roommates take care of me and help me recover.I appreciate them very much.B:Wow,we are so lucky.And it is time for lunch.Shall we get some food to eat together? A:Of course,it is said that ducks and noodles here are delious.Maybe, we can eat them for lunch.B:So cool,I love ducks and noodles here!Now,we can go to Hubuxiang to have lunch,ok? A:ok,let us go!


2.How to survive an earthquake Y:Good morning teacher,Today We will discuss a new topic,that how to survive an earthquake? As we all know, earthquakes are scary.It is always accompanied by a large number of casualties and huge property losses.So to understand the earthquake-related knowledge is useful, which can effectively reduce our losses.W:Yes.According to a large number of facts show, do some preparatory work in advance, will be good to survive in the earthquake.For advance preparation, how do you see ,yuxiang?

G:Earthquake preparedness includes a number of steps.Getting your family prepared mentally for the possibility of a quake is very important.Quakes are scary Panic is less likely if your family – especially the children are prepared.The commonly accepted strategy ‘drop, cover, hold’, should be practiced till it becomes routine.Z:I agree whith yuxiang,and there are other things we should to now.Earthquake preparedness also includes collecting food and other emergency supplies.A commercial earthquake survival kit is an excellent option.The best of these are carefully prepared to provide food for several days and also include items like water, lighting, a radio, first-aid and sanitation.Such as: Prepare an emergency at home, fresh water, medicines, tools,and put them relatively easy to get a place For use after the earthquake.Y:Yuxiang and zhuoma are correct to say, but we should remember that.Prepare just not enough.what should we do during an earthquake? w:Since earthquakes are unlikely to give advance warning, your pre-planning will give you the ‘mental tools’ you need to help you survive the quake.Remaining as calm as possible is important.Professional earthquake rescue workers recommends that if you are indoors you stay there.They recommend that you “drop to the ground;take cover by getting under a sturdy table or other piece of furniture;and hold on until the shaking stops.If there isn’t a table or desk near you, cover your face and head with your arms and crouch in an inside corner of the building" G: But when the earthquake some people outdoors, Then how should we do it? Y: Let me help him.If you are outdoors, stay there and move away from buildings.If you get trapped under debris, stay there, don't light a match, try not to stir up dust, and cover your mouth with a handkerchief or clothing.G:That is nice.If we follow your method, Earthquake chance of survival will be greatly improved.Z:There is also an important issue can not be ignored.After the quake passes, be prepared for after-shocks.If you can move safely, do so and check for the safety of the other members of your family.Check for gas leaks, sewer and water line damage.We have to be careful from successive aftershocks ,and of course Do not forget to help other people who need help.Y:Yes, Thing after the earthquake is also very important, Not just because of the earthquake in the past to be taken lightly, Maybe there are more aftershocks.W:yes.I believe, As long as we are ready to work on before the earthquake,protect yourself and your family during an earthquake, After the earthquake aftershocks helping others and doing prevention work, The probability of survival in the earthquake is still high.G:right~no matter how strong the earthquake is, if only we have the belief to defeat it and never give up, we must be able to overcome any difficulties.
