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编辑:海棠云影 识别码:24-1129218 15号文库 发布时间: 2024-09-06 21:15:13 来源:网络


Unit 1 a great many

A great many students love playing games.Come along

Take any opportunity that comes along.dwell on

Don't dwell on your past mistakes.hand in hand

Dirt and disease go hand in hand.have something at heart He has the welfare of the poor at heart.in contrast

In contrast to her brother,she often cares about others.of one's choice

She married the man of her choice.set aside

I will set a piece of cake aside for you.be apt to

He is apt to lose his temper sometimes.be prone to

Some plants are prone to a particular disease.cheer up

I cheered up at the good news.In a … light

Try to see the problem in new light.In the grip of

The country is in the grip of severe winter storms.In the meantime

The doctor will be here soon.In the meantime try to relax.run for

He did not want to run for President in that year.hold something back

Don’t let others’opinions hold you back.In a…mood

The boss is in a bad mood today.In part

He should be responsible for the accident in part.Keep track of

He kept track of his business by telephone every day.Reach out for

We urge women to reach out for that help.Take credit

Her boss took all the credit instead.Unit 2 At the(very)thought

My throat hurts again at the very thought!Choose to

I chose to ignore his advice.Escape someone’s notice Nothing important escapes her notice.Jump to one’s feet

He suddenly jumped to his feet and left.Now and again

Now and again he would join us to play games.Rest assured

You can rest assured that I will never tell anyone.Set off

We set off early the next morning.Slowly but surely

Slowly but surely we made our way down the hillside.Be consumed with/by

He was consumed with guilt after the accident.Cast a spell on/over

A witch will cast a spell on you if she sees you in the woods!In place of

I want a red one in place of the blue one.Put an end to something

Winning the competition put an end to his financial problems.Adept at

She is adept at making people feel at their ease.At will

As an actor,he has to be able to cry at will.Be greeted with/by

The news was greeted by cheering.Behave oneself

Did Peter behave himself while I was away? Condemn someone to death The prisoner was condemned to death.Conform to

We should conform to school rules.Hand over

He bowed and handed over the letter.Of one’s own accord

They gave generously of their own accord.Take revenge on someone

She takes revenge on the man by cheating him.With certainty

She knew with certainty that he’d say no.UNIT3 After all

It’s not your faults after all.All too often

All too often he is too busy to have lunch.Cope with

She is too young to cope with this problem.Doze off

I was just dozing off when the phone rang.In case of

In case of fire, break the glass.In the long run

In the long run, I think you’re better off without him.Look(up)on…as…

I look on him as a good friend.On a daily basis

Take … into consideration

Work out

Come on

Let go of

All at once

Catch sight of

Hang on to

In place

In the presence of

Kill time

Rip off

Trip up


At stake

earth.Every so often

In case

Resort to

Seize on

Take inventory of

Take stock of

Wishful thinking

Meet with

On the spot

Weigh … against…

Come into being

Figure out

In nature

Straighten out

Try out

Work on

UNIT 5 At the first opportunity

Give birth to

All rooms are cleaned on a daily basis.The candidate’s experience must be taken into consideration.I can’t work out this math problem.Oh, come on, don’t lie to me.She wouldn’t let go of the rope.I feel sleepy all at once.She suddenly caught sight of the look on her mother’s face.Hang on to the rail or you’ll fail.Have you got all the lights in place yet?

The talk took place in the presence of the whole class.I like killing time by reading books.Somebody’s ripped off my bike.He tripped the thief up.Many animals will be at stake if we continue to pollute the Every so often he would join us to play.Bring a map in case you get lost.He resorted to his sister for help.A reporter should seize on every news.It’s important to take inventory of ourselves.It was time to take stock of the situation.It’s just wishful thinking to buy a new car for him.I’ll meet with all of them on Monday.The thief was caught on the spot.We should weigh the costs against the benefits.The idea came into being long long ago.Have you figured out what’s wrong with your car.The experiment was theoretical in nature.Can you straighten out this problem with my bill?

John hopes to try out his new running shoes this weekend.He’s working on a new novel.They will contact us at the first opportunity.The film gave birth to a TV show of the same name.In time

You’ll learn how to do it in time.Live over

Parents often live over the first word of their children.Long to do something

He longed for the winter to be over.Prey on

The accident has been preying on my mind all week.Shut someone in

We always shut the hens in at night.Sweep away

When she saw her husband return all her tears were swept away The close of

At the close of the nineteenth century Britain was a rich country.To and fro

The smoke drifted to and fro among us.Get in the way of

She had a job which never got in the way of her hobbies.Offend one’s ears

Metallic rock music offends my ears.Sort..into

Let’s sort all the clothes into piles.Sort out

We need to sort out our camping gear before we go away.Take… for…

He is often taken for a foreigner.There is no point doing something There is no point talking to him anymore.Amount to

One plus to one amount to two.Compete for

Several men were competing for her attention.In honour of

They build a statue in honour of the hero.In the course of

In the course of our conversation we found a secret.Leave… behind

She was leaving the other runners well behind.UNIT 6 As it is

I thought things would get better, but as it is they are getting worse.Care for

Who will care for the children when she is in the hospital.Find expression

Her concern has now found expression in her new novel.In itself

The talk was right in itself but it went on too long.Turn to

One can always turn to music for comfort.Warn off

Some animals mark their territory to warn off rivals.Armed with

The suspect is armed with a shotgun.Stand by

I stand by what I said earlier.Take… to court

She’s threatening to take me to court for not paying the bill on time.Adapt to

The young man adapted well to life in the big city.Based on

The figures are based on average market prices.Head up

David was asked to head up the technical team.In response to

He didn’t do anything in response to heraggression.Lend a(helping)hand

I’d be glad to lend a helping hand.On the job

Today’s my first day on the job.Seek out

He want to seek some information ut on computers.Sniff out

A police dog can sniff out explosives.Speaking of

Well, speaking of vegetables, do you want more carrots? Take… in

He is always taking in stray animals.Track down

I’m trying to track down one of my old classmates form college.UNIT 7 Appeal to

The program appeals especially to young children.Back down

I will never back down.Experiment with

The school is experimenting with new teaching methods.Get away from

I’ll get away from work as soom as I can.In spite of

In spite of his injury, Richard will play in Sunday’s match.Participate in

They expected him to participate in the opening ceremony.With all one’s heart

I love my family with all my heart.Bring on

The crisis brought on a full-scale war.Fix up

They take old furniture and fix it up.Go out of business

I’m afraid your brother’s company has gone out of business.On schedule

On the move

Once in a while

Pull into

Be descended from

Set foot

Stretch out

We expect the building work to be completed on schedule.I’ve been on the move all day.It would be nice if you write to me once in a while.We waved as the train pulled into the station.The people here are descended from the Vikings.He refuses to set foot in an art gallery.I’m just going to stretch out on the couch for ten minutes.


1.What is addiction? What are the things people can easily get addicted to? An addiction is the condition of being dependent on a drug, or the crave 渴望,乞求

to do something because one cannot stop doing it.One can be addicted to cigarette smoking, drugs and the Internet.2.Why do you think some people, especially young people, take drugs? Some people take drugs to feel good.Others take drugs to temporarily forget their problems.And still some others take drugs to reduce stress.Young people may try drugs out of curiosity, or may be tempted to take drugs because of peer pressure.3.Why is drug abuse such a threat to our society?What can we do to prevent or reduce drug abuse? Drug abuse harms not just the abusers, but also their loved ones, their family and society at large.A drug addict will resort to crime and violence or any means to get money to buy drugs.The behavior will be a threat to our society.Punishment alone is not an effective way to help drug users quit drugs or stop drug users from committing crimes.In order to prevent drug abuse, we can launch drug education programs to teach young people about the risks involved, toughen laws to prevent drug offenses, and make greater efforts to crack down on drug trafficking 交通来往.毒品交易

1.What do you think are the causes of war? War breaks out because of religious conflicts,economic disputes.Throughout the history, most wars have been waged to protect the economic interests of superpower.2.Consequences(结果,推论)of War/What damage does war do to mankind? War is a human tragedy.Millions of people die and families fall apart as a result of war.For example, in peace-time sons bury fathers, but war violates the order of nature and fathers bury sons.On the other hand, war is costly in money, resources and human lives.What is worse, disputes often persist after wars.3.What is your favorite book or movie about war?How dose it affect you and your attitude toward war? My favorite movie about war is赤壁,from the movie I know that if a country is attacked,it has the right to fight.What’s more,to prepare for war is one of the best ways to preserve peace.1.What does aging mean?How old are people considered elderly? Aging is the natural process of growing old.It refers to a decline in all areas of a person’s mental and physical abilities.People over 65 years old are generally considered elderly or senior citizens.2.How should we treat old people? Old people are an asset of society.They are more experienced and responsible.But Old age is often accompanied by various kinds of illnesses such as heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, etc.A typical sign of aging is forgetful-ness.So We should treat old people with respect, affection, patience, and kindness , take good care of them, especially when they are sick.3.What problems may people have as they grow old? Many elderly people suffer from varying degrees of memory loss.A typical sign of aging is forgetfulness, decline in vision and hearing and weakening of muscle strength.1.Why do some young people pick up smoking? Some young people may have picked up smoking out of curiosity.And some young people may have picked up smoking because they thought it was cool.2.How harmful is smoking to smokers? Smoking is harmful to one’s health.For example,smoking is known as a fatal cause of lung cancer.Smoking is also found to be related to other types of cancer.3.In what places has smoking already been banned? Are you in favor of this policy or not? Why? I think all public places should at least partially ban smoking.Besides,all public places should create a smoke-free area for non-smokers.4.What troubles can a smoker have if he works in a non-smoking environment? Once you become addicted to smoking, it will be hard to quit the habit.Whether a smoker can give up smoking or not depends on his will, his determination and the support of his friends and family.5.Is smoking also harmful to nonsmokers? In what way? Smoking is dangerous not only to the smokers themselves but also to the nonsmokers around them.Passive smoking can also cause lung cancer.1.What is the general attitude toward wealth in our society? Modern life is built around money.Money, whatever form it takes, is essential for buying goods and services.In a commercialized society, money ranks very high in people's value system.2.Do you think money can bring happiness? Why or why not? Money does not necessarily bring us happiness.It brings you medicine, but not health.Happiness does not depend on the amount of money you have.A happy man is one who is content, whether he is rich or poor.3.How is life different for the rich as compared with the not-so-rich? For the rich,good education,travel,luxury and security are all readily available.While the poor attain these with great difficulty,if at all.4.Do you think wealth is a source of happiness or a source of problem.For me,wealth is a source of happuness.As is known to all,modern life is built around money.Whatever form it takes, is essential for buying goods and services.1.What is memory? Memory can be defined as the capacity to keep information available for later use.2.What techniques do you use to help you remember things? Whether you can remember things well or not depends on the way you try to remember them.Don't try to memorize all the facts, but focus your attention on what you consider more important.It is impossible to concentrate if you are tense or nervous.Try to relax and you'll remember things.3.How can we improve our memory?

Memory is like a muscle---the more it is used, the better it gets.So if we want to improve our memory,try to use our memory to the utmost.Learning new skills could stimulate our brain.1.What is the purpose of an oral presentation?

Our performance in oral presentations will form an important part of the overall assessment of our work.We are often expected to give oral presentations to our classmates and teachers.2.How can we make our presentations more effective?

In giving an oral presentation, we should not only organize information and ideas coherently but also deliver the speech in a clear and vivid way.Using charts, photos and computer graphics can help us to get our message across.3.What is OHP and what are its functions?

The OHP is a device which projects enlarged images from transparencies onto a screen or a white wall.Using an overhead projector enables the audience to see the charts, diagrams and photos clearly.Using an overhead projector enables the audience to follow a presentation more easily.1)In what sense do you think we can regard the world we live in as One World? The world in which we live gives birth to the human race and nurtures the human race.Besides,Contacts between cultures promote understanding among peoples of the world.What’s more,With the rapid development of transportation means and the information technology the world is getting smaller and smaller.So we can say that........2)Do you think people in the world are largely similar? Why or why not? All human beings have the need to eat, to have shelter, and to work.They also need to love others and be loved.We, people of the world, are one big family, for together we exist, and together we try to make the world better for all.Although people in different countries have different traditions, they all seem to celebrate certain days such as New Year’s Day, Mother’s Day, Children’s Day, etc.3)What are the traditions of birthday celebrations in some Western countries? How do they differ from the Chinese ones? Cakes, lights, and candles are often associated with the celebration of a person’s birthday in many Western countries.In China, special noodles are served for lunch in honor of the birthday person.The noodles are extra long to symbolize longevity or a long life.1.What do cultural differences mean? People from different countries speak different languages, keep different value systems, and have different ways of looking at things.These differences are generally called cultural differences.3.What problems may be caused by our failure to recognize cultural differences? Failure to recognize cultural differences may cause many problems.On the one hand, those who are uninformed about cultural differences may have difficulty communicating with their business associates from other cultures.On the other hand, inability to recognize cultural differences can make mutual understanding difficult.A certain amount of small talk about the weather, family, and personal hobbies is expected before getting down to business with your foreign associates.4.How can we deal with cultural differences? There are many ways to deal with cultural differences.For example,we can avoid unintentionally offending others by learning the basic characteristics of other cultures.For instance, we may ask our foreign friends about their everyday customs or take time to explain certain common customs of our own culture to them.1.What kind of friends do you think are true/good friends? A good friend is a real friend, and a real friend is a friend for life.A friend is, as it were, a second self.First, a friend is one whom you can count on, trust and talk to.Second, a friend is someone who will listen to you when you talk about your problems or before whom you may think aloud.What is more, a friend is a person who will help you if you are in trouble.Just as the saying goes: A friend in need is a friend indeed.2.How do you make friends? We should make friends with those who are kind-hearted, compassionate, caring, honest and thoughtful, because they are sincere and reliable.So don’t try to win a friend with gifts only.The only way to have a friend is to be one.3.What is true friendship? Friendship involves affection and intimacy.Friendship is based on warmth, trust and shared experience.True friendship is a plant of slow growth, the value of which can stand the test of time.True friendship is like health, the value of which is seldom known until it is lost.4.How valuable is friendship in a person’s life? Life without friends is like life on a desert island, and life without friendship is not worth living.Sharing joy and sorrow is the way to show your deep friendship.If you tell your joy to your friend, your joy will double.And if you pour your sorrow to your friend, your sorrow will be reduced by half.5.How can we keep friendship alive? Sharing your joy and sorrow with your friends can nurture friendship and keep friendship alive;keeping your friends informed about yourself can improve friendship, and make friendship permanent;remembering important days in your friends’ lives can promote friendship and keep friendship fresh in our minds.



I think the ideal life should be happy and comfortable, had a full and happy every day, don't have to worry about food and clothing live line, to do what you want to do and do, create their own value of life.例如,可以抽出时间看自己想看的书,见自己相见的人和去自己想去的地方。

For example, you can take time out to see oneself want to see of book, saw that they meet each other and to the places they want to go.工作对于一个人非常重要,因为工作是一个人实现价值和满足基本需求的需要。

Work is important for a person, because the work is a person value and meet the needs of the basic requirements.对于处理工作与休闲的关系,我认为工作时应该认真工作,提高工作效率,休闲时应该尽情享受,体验生活的乐趣。

To deal with the relationship between work and leisure, I think work should work in earnest, improve work efficiency, should enjoy leisure, experience the fun of life.白领应该是受过高等教育,工作能力强,衣食无忧的人,不喜欢,因为白领的生活方式不健康,比如:吃饭很快,不吃早餐,过度饮用咖啡

White-collar workers should be trained in higher education, work ability, desultory person, don't like it, because of the white-collar lifestyle is not healthy, such as: eat quickly, don't eat breakfast, excessive drinking coffee


A、巧玲:hello。Let’talk about the Telephone today.We know The telephone is one of the most welcome and useful inventions.No wonder more

and more families have got to use their own telephones today.电话是目前最受欢迎和最有用的发明之一,怪不得越来越多的人已经使用了自己的电话。

The telephone makes things easy in many ways.Especially, after the mobile telephone

appears, communication becomes easier and rapider.电话在许多方面使事情变得简单,尤


小慧,can you talk something about telephone?

B 小慧:YES,To students and people going out for business far away from their homes,the telephone can shorten the distance between them and their families.Thus they will get

comfort whenever they are homesick or they run into trouble.With the help of the telephone,people can keep in touch with anyone at any time and in any place for urgent help.、After all,there is this constant reminder of how he brought the human family into closer touch.毕竟有了这


B 小慧:But I don’ know the Telephone audio principles 但是我不知道 电话的传声原理

C 美容:Each phone is attached wires, an attached microphone, an earpiece

attached,Our voice into the telephone lines to carry current to the other

side of the handset, he heard our voices ;The other spoke, the sound of the

telephone line into a current spread of our handset,We heard his voice.每个电话都连着两根线,一头连着话筒,一头连着听筒,我们说话的声音变成电流通过电


线传到我们的听筒,我们就听到他的声音。With the development of societyTransistors replaced the old vacuum tubes ,and by the 1960s communications satellites eliminated

the necessity of landlines.Today, bundles of glass fibers carry calls on laser beams of light.随着社会的发展晶体管取代了真空管,到了60年代,通信卫星又消除了对地面线路的需要。


美容问:You all get the你们都明白了吧~?我们集体回答“是yes,ok”

A 巧玲:慧敏,Do you know the history of the telephone?

D 慧敏:Yes ,第一部电话的诞生It's the birth of the first telephone in theJune 2, 1875

telephone was born, Alexander by the Americans.Graham.Bell invented the telephone

1875年6月2日电话诞生,是由美国人亚历山大.格雷厄姆.贝尔发明的电话.The first voice to travel over a wire was even a surprise for its inventor.Alexander Graham

Bell.He was experimenting in his laboratory late one night, and quite by accident he

succeeded in transmitting a message to his assistant in the next room.What Mr.Bell could

not know at the time was that that night in 1875 would mark the start of a revolution in

communications.下面我们看一个视频了解详细的历史吧~please look at theVideo.(放完后

~ B 小慧:下面由来我介绍电话种类型有哪些~ The following types of origin of

introduced me to call what ~

Our study should end here我们的学习就到这里吧~ Thank you谢谢大家



























[1]Larry A Samovar.Communication between Cultures [M].Beijing,China:Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press,202_.
