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英语培训教材 Get Smart 优势介绍(最终定稿)
编辑:寂夜思潮 识别码:24-988147 15号文库 发布时间: 2024-05-05 23:31:56 来源:网络

第一篇:英语培训教材 Get Smart 优势介绍


Get Smart 是套全新的六个级别的美式教材;它紧密契合欧洲共同语言参考标准,使用英语模块教学法设计课程内容。基本特征有:














































问候和欢迎 Greetings and Welcoming Conversations 1.A: Welcome to Beijing!


B: Thank you.谢谢你。

2.A: Nice to meet you.很高兴见到你。

B: Nice to meet you, too.很高兴见到你。3.A: Where are you from?


B: I'm from America.我来自美国。

4.A: I've heard so much about you.久仰大名。

B: Thanks.I'm flattered.谢谢,您过奖了。5.A: How was your trip?


B: It was wonderful.非常棒。

6.A: I hope you will enjoy your stay here.希望你在这儿过得愉快。

B: Thank you, I'm sure I will.谢谢你,我相信我会的。7.A: Please have a seat.请坐。

B: OK, thank you.好的,谢谢。

8.A: Is this your first trip to Beijing?


B: No, I've been here twice.不,我已经来过两次了。

9.A: Have you been to other parts of China?


B: I have been to Xi'an and Shanghai.我去过西安和上海。

10.A: What's your impression of Beijing so far?


B: Beijing is a very beautiful city!

北京是一个非常美丽的城市!11.A: How long do you plan to stay?


B: I'm not sure yet.我还不知道。/还没定。

12.A: Please make yourself at home.别客气。/请随便。

B: Thank you!



再见和告别 Goodbye and Taking Leave 1.A: I really should be going.我真的要走了。

B: OK, have a safe trip.好,祝你一路平安。

2.A: Take care!See you later.保重!再见。

B: Have a nice day!


3.A:Please look me up whenever you're in Beijing.到了北京就来找我。

B: Thank you, I sure will.谢谢,我一定会的。4.A: Nice talking to you!


B: Same here!


5.A: Please say hello to your family.请代我向你家人问好。

B: Send my best wishes to your wife.替我为你妻子送去最好的祝愿。6.A: Goodbye and good luck!


B: Keep in touch!


7.A: This is a small gift.I hope you like it.这是我的一点小心意,希望你喜欢。

B: I love it!


8.A: Let's take a picture together.一起合张影吧。

B: That's a good idea!


9.A: Let's get together again soon.有空再来聚一聚

B: I'm looking forward to that.我在盼望着那一天。

10.A: I hope to see you again.我希望再次见到你。

B: Me too.我也是。


介绍/谈论自己 Introductions/Talking about Yourself 1.A: Hello!What's your name?


B: My name is Stone Lee.我叫李斯通。

2.A: Here is my business card.这是我的名片

B: Thank you.Here is mine.谢谢,这是我的。

3.A: What should I call you?


B: Please just call me Stone.叫我斯通好了。

4.A: I'd like you to meet my colleague.我想让你认识一下我的同事。

B: I'd love to.我很乐意。

5.A: Here's a picture of my family.这是一张我们家的全家福。

B: They are lovely!


6.A: I work in the travel and tourism business.我从事旅游业。

B: How interesting!


7.A: I was born and raised in Beijing.我生在北京,长在北京。

B: Really?


8.A: This is my hometown.这是我的故乡。

B: Oh, it's beautiful!


9.A: I have been living in Beijing for 20 years.我已经在北京生活了二十年了。

B: You're really lucky!



谈论工作 Talking about Work 1.A: What do you do for a living? 你是干哪一行的?

B: I'm a teacher.我是一名老师。

2.A: Do you enjoy your work? 你喜欢你的工作吗?

B: Yes, it's interesting and challenging.I meet a lot of different people.是的,很有趣,也很有挑战性。我经常跟不同的人打交道。


谈论语言 Talking about Language 1.A: I wish I could speak English better.我希望我的英语能说得更好。

B: I think you speak very well.我觉得你说得很好。

2.A: I'm working on my English.我正在努力学英语。

B: Good for you!


3.A: Please excuse my English.请原谅,我英语说得不好。

B: Don't worry about it.别担心。

4.A: I'm sorry.Could you speak slowly?


B: Sure, no problem.当然了,没问题。

5.A: Do you speak any Chinese?


B: Sorry, just a little.抱歉,只能说一点。

6.A: English is so important in China now.今天英语在中国十分重要。

B: I think so too.我也这样认为。

7.A: Practice makes perfect.熟能生巧。

B: You're exactly right.你说得对极了。


提供和请求帮助 Offering/Asking for Help 1.A: Do you need any help?


B: No, thank you.I'm fine.不,谢谢了。我还行。2.A: Here, let me help you!


B: Oh, thanks a lot!


3.A: Is there anything I can do for you?


B: Yes, could you help me get a train ticket?


4.A: Do you have any questions about Beijing?


B: Yes, a lot.有许多。

5.A: Could you do me a favor?


B: Sure, I'd be glad to.当然,我很乐意。


同意和不同意 Agreement and Disagreement 1.A: Do you agree with me?


B: Absolutely, I agree with you.当然,我同意你。

2.A: China is developing so quickly.中国现在发展非常迅速。

B: Exactly.千真万确。

3.A: Chinese food is so good.中国菜真不错。

B: I feel the same way.我有同感。

4.A:Chinese culture is very different from western culture.中西方文化有很大的差异。

B: You're so right.你说得太对了。

5.A: Chinese is so difficult.中文很难。

B: You can say that again.的确是这样。

6.A: I feel like taking a break.我想休息一下。

B: That's a good idea.那是个好主意。

7.A: China has a lot of problems.中国存在很多问题。

B: I don't think so.我不这样认为。

8.A: Japan is our biggest competition.日本是我们最强的竞争对手。

B: I'm afraid I disagree.我恐怕不赞同。


谈论食物 Talking about Food 1.A: I'd like to invite you to dinner.我想邀您一起共进晚餐。

B: Thank you, I'd love to come.谢谢,我很乐意。

2.A: Do you like Chinese food?


B: Sure, I'm crazy about it!


3.A: Would you mind if I order?


B: No, go ahead.I trust you!

不介意,点吧。我相信你!4.A: What would you like to drink?


B: Tea is fine.喝茶好了。

5.A: What would you like to eat? Have you tried any special foods in Beijing?


B: No, I haven't.What do you suggest?

没有。你有什么可以推荐的? 6.A: What's Beijing famous for?


B: Beijing is known for its Roast Duck!

数北京烤鸭最出名。7.A: Do you like it?


B: Yes!It tastes great!

爱吃!味道好极了!8.A: I hope you like the food.希望你喜欢这些食物。

B: It is delicious!

非常好吃!9.A: Please try this.请尝尝这道菜。

B: Thank you.Just a little, please.谢谢,一点儿就行。10.A: Help yourself.别客气。

B: OK, thanks.好的,谢谢。

11.A: Let's have a toast to our guests.Cheers!


B: Cheers!



赞美 Compliments 1.A: You look great!


B: Thank you.I'm flattered.谢谢你,过奖了。

2.A: What a beautiful place!


B: It sure is.确实如此。

3.A: Your Chinese is really surprising.你的中文令人惊讶。

B: Really? Do you think so?

真的吗?你真的这样认为吗? 4.A: You have a good sense of humor.你真幽默。

B: Thank you.谢谢。

5.A: You're doing a good job.干得好。

B: Thanks!I'm trying my best.谢谢!我会尽力的。

6.A:You use chopsticks so well.Where did

you learn?


B: My wife is Chinese.我妻子是中国人。第十节

感谢 Gratitude 1.A: Thank you very much!


B: You're welcome.It's my pleasure.不用客气,我感到非常荣幸。2.A: Thank you for coming.感谢光临。

B: Thank you for inviting me.谢谢你的邀请。

3.A: Thank you for your time.谢谢你抽出时间来。

B: Anytime!


4.A: Thank you for a great evening.感谢今晚的盛情款待。

B: It was my pleasure.这是我的荣幸。5.A: I'm sorry.对不起。

B: It doesn't matter./ That's OK./ That's all right.没关系。

6.A: Sorry to keep you waiting.很抱歉让你久等。

B: No problem.没关系。

7.A: Sorry, I didn't hear what you said.对不起,我没听见你说什么。

B: I said, “Do you want me to help you?”



爱好和休闲 Hobbies and Leisure 1.A: What do you do to relax?


B: I love traveling.我喜欢旅游。

2.A: Do you like sports?


B: Yes, very much.是的,非常喜欢。3.A: What are your hobbies?


B: I play golf.打高尔夫球。

4.A: What are you interested in?


B: I'm very interested in speaking English.我对说英语特别感兴趣。

5.A: Would you like to buy anything to take

home with you?


B: Sure.What do you recommend?



天气 Weather 1.A: Beautiful day, isn't it?


B: Absolutely.确实如此。

2.A: What do you think of the weather here?


B: It's wonderful, but a little too hot for me.非常好,就是有点太热了。

3.A: Beijing is a great place to visit in fall!


B: It sure is.的确如此。


北京专用句 Beijing Special Sentences 1.A: How do you like Beijing?


B:I think Beijing is very beautiful and the people are friendly.我认为北京非常美丽,北京人很友善。2.A: There are changes in Beijing everyday.北京每天都在变化。

B: It's amazing!


3.A: I hope you'll come to Beijing often.我希望你能经常来北京。

B: I plan to.我是这样打算的。

4.A: There are many investment opportunities in Beijing now.现在北京有很多投资机会。

B: Please tell me more about them.请给我细讲一下。

5.A: Where would you like to visit most?


B: I want to see The Palace Museum.我想去看看故宫博物馆。

6.A: There are many interesting things to see in Beijing.北京有很多有意思的地方可看。

B: I hope I have time to see them all.但愿我有时间一饱眼福。

7.A: Beijing is one of the most important cities in Asia.北京是亚洲最重要的城市之一。

B: You can say that again!


第十四节受伤与生病 Injuries and Sickness 1.What's bothering you?

你有什么不舒服的? 2.What's the trouble?

有什么不舒服的? 3.What hurts you?


4.How long have you been feeling like this?

你有这种感觉多久了? 5.About a week now.到现在大约一星期了。6.When did the pain start?


7.I don't feel like eating anything.我什么都不想吃。

8.I feel like I'm burning up.我感觉很烫很热。9.I have a headache.我头疼。

10.I seem to have pain all over.我感觉全身都疼。

11.My whole body feels weak.我全身都觉得很虚弱。12.You'll be all right soon.你不久就会康复的。13.It's nothing serious.不严重。

14.There's nothing to be alarmed about.没必要惊慌。

15.Don't over do things.不要过度疲劳。

16.Go home and rest for at least three or four days.回家休息至少三四天。17.Ankle Injury脚踝受伤

A: Doctor!


B: What is the matter?


A: I sprained my ankle.It's killing me!


B: Where exactly does it hurt?


A: Right here.It's badly bruised and swollen.就在这里,青肿得很厉害。

B: Take it easy.Let me have a look.Oh, It's nothing serious.别紧张,让我看看。哦,伤得不重。

A: Do you think I can go on with the game?


B: Yes.I'll give you an analgesic spray, and it should relieve the pain.Do you feel better now?


A: Yes.Thank you, doctor.好点儿了。谢谢你,医生。18.Leg Injury腿部受伤

A: What's wrong with you?


B: My leg hurts and I cannot stand.I think my leg is broken.我的腿痛,站不起来。我的腿好像骨折了。

A: Please don't move.I'll get you a stretcher right away.Does it hurt here?


B: Yes, a lot.疼,疼得厉害。

A: I think you need an X-ray.We'll send you to the hospital at once.Don't worry, you'll be all right.我想你需要拍X光片,我们马上送你去医院。别担心,你会好的。

B: I'd like my team doctor to go with me.Is it OK?


A: Sure.当然可以。

19.Seeing a Doctor看医生

A: What seems to be the trouble?


B: I don't feel well.I've got a sore throat and I've been coughing for two days.我感觉不舒服,我嗓子痛,已经咳嗽两天了。

A: Let me take your temperature, first.You are running a fever.Now, let me check your chest.Breathe in.Hold your breath.Breathe out.That's it.I think you've got the flu.我先量一下你的体温。你发烧了。现在检查一下你的胸部,吸气,屏息,呼气,很好。我想你得了流感。

B: Are you going to give me a shot?


A: No, it's nothing serious.I'll prescribe you some medicine and a cough syrup.Do you have any drug allergies?


B: No, I don't think so.不,没有。

A: Okay.Take one pill three times a day after meals.You can take the cough syrup as needed.Drink plenty of fluids and get some rest.You should feel better soon.好的。这药一天服三次,一次一片,饭后服。止咳糖浆需要时喝一点。多补充液体,好好休息。你会很快好转的。

B: Thank you, doctor.谢谢你,医生。

二、文化交流与礼仪部分 北京专辑 Beijing Special 1.W: Does Beijing have a special nickname?


C: No, but most people say Beijing is the heart of China.没有,但是人们把北京称作中国的心脏。2.W: Tell me something about Beijing.告诉我一些关于北京的事情。

C: Beijing is China's vibrant capital city.It is a combination of ancient and modern China.北京是中国充满活力的首都,她是古代文明与现代文明的结合体。3.W: Is Beijing a popular tourist destination?


C: Sure, Beijing attracts millions of tourists every year.当然是,北京每年吸引着数百万的游客。4.W: What's the best attraction in Beijing?


C1: Without doubt one of the world's greatest tourist attractions is the Great Wall.毫无疑问,长城是世界上最具吸引力的旅游胜地之一。

C2: The Forbidden City and Tian'anmen Square are also very impressive.紫禁城和天安门广场也很吸引人。5.W: Why is Beijing such a special city?


C1: Beijing is a city with a long history and a melting pot of Chinese ethnic cultures.北京是一个具有悠久历史,融合各民族文化的城市。

C2: There is a unique feeling about shopping in Beijing that cannot be found anywhere else.在北京购物的独特感受是在其它任何地方都体会不到的。

C3:There are thousands of eating places in Beijing, serving more than half a dozen different Chinese cuisines.There are also restaurants with food from many other countries.You can eat around the world without leaving Beijing!


6.W: What is Beijing's most famous food?


C1: Beijing Duck is the most delicious food Beijing has to offer.北京烤鸭是北京最美味的食品。

C2: Jiaozi is a favorite of many western visitors.饺子是很多西方游客的最爱。

7.W: How do you like living in Beijing?


C1: I think it's a nice place.People here are very friendly and intelligent.我觉得这个地方不错,人很友好也很有智慧。

C2: I love it.I would never want to live any place else.我喜欢这里的生活,别的地方哪也不想去。

8.W: Where is the Silk Street?


C: It's over there, I'd be glad to show you the way.在那边,我很乐意带你去。

9.W: How fast is Beijing developing?


C1: There are changes in Beijing everyday.北京每天都在发生变化。

C2: I'm a Beijing native.I sometimes get lost because Beijing is changing so fast.我是北京人,但有时也会找不着北,因为北京变化太大了。


中国联合网络通信集团有限公司 集团介绍




中国联通正在加快移动通信网络建设步伐,加大固定宽带网络建设力度,积极推进固定和移动网络的宽带化,为广大用户提供全方位、高品质的宽带通信和信息服务。面向未来,中国联通将坚持以市场为导向、以客户为中心,以宽带移动互联网业务为重点,进一步加大发展力度、拓宽发展领域、提升服务水平,全面增强综合竞争力和可持续发展能力,努力建设成为国际领先的宽带通信和信息服务提供商。发展战略 中国联通以全业务经营为主线,以宽带移动互联网业务为重点,发挥融合优势,加快企业发展,加速统一运营,加强改革创新,致力于将公司建设成为国际领先的宽带通信和信息服务提供商。










固定移动融合(FMC)1.FMC FMC,指固定网络与移动网络融合,基于固定和无线技术相结合的方式提供通信业务。FMC有网络层面的融合,也有业务层面的融合,还有终端层面的融合。FMC关注融合的网络能力和支撑标准。这些标准可以支持一系列连续的服务,而这些服务可以通过固定、移动、公共或私有的网络提供。




IMS(IP Multimedia Subsystem)是IP多媒体系统,是一种全新的多媒体业务形式,它能够满足现在的终端客户更新颖、更多样化多媒体业务的需求。目前,IMS被认为是下一代网络的核心技术,也是解决移动与固网融合,引入语音、数据、视频三重融合等差异化业务的重要方式。





UMA(Unlicensed Mobile Access),即非授权无线接入技术。UMA无线移动频谱提供的是短距离频谱,范围在几米至几百米之内,从而无须国家授权批准,即无须国家牌照。其最早、最广泛的应用范围为家用无绳电话、家用对讲机和无线上网时Wi-Fi使用的频谱。作为3GPP标准的接入技术,UMA支持移动语音与数据从蜂窝网络到无线局域网的无缝转换(WLAN/Wi-Fi)。UMA标准确立了移动运营商将家庭、办公室与公共WLAN无缝扩展至其蜂窝网络的方法。借助UMA,运营商可以通过Wi-Fi接入网络为用户提供语音和数据服务,显著提高移动服务的使用率,同时降低网络部署成本。这一技术带来的新应用,正在被更多的专业厂商拓展,应用到企业办公中。服务

中国联通秉承“以客户为中心,用服务促发展”的服务理念,以为用户提供优质通信服务及促进社会和谐为己任,倾力做到“ 消费请客户放心,服务让社会满意”。


十佳小学生 老师、同学们好,我叫许彤,我的外表嘛,说不上是美丽,但也不算丑。圆圆的脸蛋上,有这像那泉水般的眼睛,配上那乌黑发亮的睫毛,眨动之间透出一股聪明伶俐劲儿。一对小巧而帯粉红色的耳朵,像贝壳似的。平时发髻喜欢梳马尾辫,我每天都是一张笑呵呵脸,即使有烦恼我也不会说出来,妈妈说我性格内向随爸爸。今年11岁在北京市朝阳区针织路小学六年级一班学习,在班里担任班长,我的座右铭是自信、乐观、勇于迎接一切挑战。我的身高1.5米在全班算是中等个,我最常穿的是运动类服装,因为在学校上操或体育课活动非常自如。拼搏是我的天性,努力是我的责任,我坚信成功定会成为必然。我的爱好是舞蹈、朗诵、表演,我在古诗文朗诵中荣获朝阳区三等奖,儿童外语大赛重唱类《雪绒花》歌曲得了优秀奖,利用业余时间学习舞蹈已经通过五级,还在学校获得艺术星称号,在四至五年级学习期间获得三好生称号。我是一个热爱科学、热爱大自然,乐于探索,乐于助人,有责任心,自已能做的事就自已做的小学生,这次能参加十佳小学生评选活动,我从心里感谢大家,下面介绍一下我学习与生活几方面。










第一节 问候和欢迎 Greetings and Welcoming Conversations

1.A: Welcome to Beijing!


B: Thank you.谢谢你。

2.A: Nice to meet you.很高兴见到你。

B: Nice to meet you, too.很高兴见到你。

3.A: Where are you from?


B: I'm from America.我来自美国。

4.A: I've heard so much about you.久仰大名。

B: Thanks.I'm flattered.谢谢,您过奖了。

5.A: How was your trip?


B: It was wonderful.非常棒。

6.A: I hope you will enjoy your stay here.希望你在这儿过得愉快。

B: Thank you, I'm sure I will.谢谢你,我相信我会的。

7.A: Please have a seat.请坐。

B: OK, thank you.好的,谢谢。

8.A: Is this your first trip to Beijing?


B: No, I've been here twice.不,我已经来过两次了。

9.A: Have you been to other parts of China?


B: I have been to Xi'an and Shanghai.我去过西安和上海。

10.A: What's your impression of Beijing so far?


B: Beijing is a very beautiful city!


11.A: How long do you plan to stay?


B: I'm not sure yet.我还不知道。/还没定。

12.A: Please make yourself at home.别客气。/请随便。

B: Thank you!


第二节 再见和告别 Goodbye and Taking Leave

1.A: I really should be going.我真的要走了。

B: OK, have a safe trip.好,祝你一路平安。

2.A: Take care!See you later.保重!再见。

B: Have a nice day!


3.A:Please look me up whenever you're in Beijing.到了北京就来找我。

B: Thank you, I sure will.谢谢,我一定会的。

4.A: Nice talking to you!


B: Same here!


5.A: Please say hello to your family.请代我向你家人问好。

B: Send my best wishes to your wife.替我为你妻子送去最好的祝愿。

6.A: Goodbye and good luck!


B: Keep in touch!


7.A: This is a small gift.I hope you like it.这是我的一点小心意,希望你喜欢。

B: I love it!


8.A: Let's take a picture together.一起合张影吧。

B: That's a good idea!


9.A: Let's get together again soon.有空再来聚一聚

B: I'm looking forward to that.我在盼望着那一天。

10.A: I hope to see you again.我希望再次见到你。

B: Me too.我也是。

第三节 介绍/谈论自己 Introductions/Talking about Yourself

1.A: Hello!What's your name?


B: My name is Stone Lee.我叫李斯通。

2.A: Here is my business card.这是我的名片

B: Thank you.Here is mine.谢谢,这是我的。

3.A: What should I call you?


B: Please just call me Stone.叫我斯通好了。

4.A: I'd like you to meet my colleague.我想让你认识一下我的同事。

B: I'd love to.我很乐意。

5.A: Here's a picture of my family.这是一张我们家的全家福。

B: They are lovely!


6.A: I work in the travel and tourism business.我从事旅游业。

B: How interesting!


7.A: I was born and raised in Beijing.我生在北京,长在北京。

B: Really?


8.A: This is my hometown.这是我的故乡。

B: Oh, it's beautiful!


9.A: I have been living in Beijing for 20 years.我已经在北京生活了二十年了。

B: You're really lucky!

你真幸运!第四节 谈论工作 Talking about Work

1.A: What do you do for a living? 你是干哪一行的?

B: I'm a teacher.我是一名老师。

2.A: Do you enjoy your work? 你喜欢你的工作吗?

B: Yes, it's interesting and challenging.I meet a lot of different people.是的,很有趣,也很有挑战性。我经常跟不同的人打交道。

第五节 谈论语言 Talking about Language

1.A: I wish I could speak English better.我希望我的英语能说得更好。

B: I think you speak very well.我觉得你说得很好。

2.A: I'm working on my English.我正在努力学英语。

B: Good for you!


3.A: Please excuse my English.请原谅,我英语说得不好。

B: Don't worry about it.别担心。

4.A: I'm sorry.Could you speak slowly?


B: Sure, no problem.当然了,没问题。

5.A: Do you speak any Chinese?


B: Sorry, just a little.抱歉,只能说一点。

6.A: English is so important in China now.今天英语在中国十分重要。

B: I think so too.我也这样认为。

7.A: Practice makes perfect.熟能生巧。

B: You're exactly right.你说得对极了。

第六节 提供和请求帮助 Offering/Asking for Help

1.A: Do you need any help?


B: No, thank you.I'm fine.不,谢谢了。我还行。

2.A: Here, let me help you!


B: Oh, thanks a lot!


3.A: Is there anything I can do for you?


B: Yes, could you help me get a train ticket?


4.A: Do you have any questions about Beijing?


B: Yes, a lot.有许多。

5.A: Could you do me a favor?


B: Sure, I'd be glad to.当然,我很乐意。

第七节 同意和不同意 Agreement and Disagreement

1.A: Do you agree with me?


B: Absolutely, I agree with you.当然,我同意你。

2.A: China is developing so quickly.中国现在发展非常迅速。

B: Exactly.千真万确。

3.A: Chinese food is so good.中国菜真不错。

B: I feel the same way.我有同感。

4.A:Chinese culture is very different from western culture.中西方文化有很大的差异。

B: You're so right.你说得太对了。

5.A: Chinese is so difficult.中文很难。

B: You can say that again.的确是这样。

6.A: I feel like taking a break.我想休息一下。

B: That's a good idea.那是个好主意。

7.A: China has a lot of problems.中国存在很多问题。

B: I don't think so.我不这样认为。

8.A: Japan is our biggest competition.日本是我们最强的竞争对手。

B: I'm afraid I disagree.我恐怕不赞同。

第八节 谈论食物 Talking about Food

1.A: I'd like to invite you to dinner.我想邀您一起共进晚餐。

B: Thank you, I'd love to come.谢谢,我很乐意。

2.A: Do you like Chinese food?


B: Sure, I'm crazy about it!


3.A: Would you mind if I order?


B: No, go ahead.I trust you!


4.A: What would you like to drink?


B: Tea is fine.喝茶好了。

5.A: What would you like to eat? Have you tried any special foods in Beijing?


B: No, I haven't.What do you suggest?


6.A: What's Beijing famous for?


B: Beijing is known for its Roast Duck!


7.A: Do you like it?


B: Yes!It tastes great!


8.A: I hope you like the food.希望你喜欢这些食物。

B: It is delicious!


9.A: Please try this.请尝尝这道菜。

B: Thank you.Just a little, please.谢谢,一点儿就行。

10.A: Help yourself.别客气。

B: OK, thanks.好的,谢谢。

11.A: Let's have a toast to our guests.Cheers!


B: Cheers!


第九节 赞美 Compliments

1.A: You look great!


B: Thank you.I'm flattered.谢谢你,过奖了。

2.A: What a beautiful place!


B: It sure is.确实如此。

3.A: Your Chinese is really surprising.你的中文令人惊讶。

B: Really? Do you think so?


4.A: You have a good sense of humor.你真幽默。

B: Thank you.谢谢。

5.A: You're doing a good job.干得好。

B: Thanks!I'm trying my best.谢谢!我会尽力的。

6.A:You use chopsticks so well.Where did

you learn?


B: My wife is Chinese.我妻子是中国人。

第十节 感谢 Gratitude

1.A: Thank you very much!


B: You're welcome.It's my pleasure.不用客气,我感到非常荣幸。

2.A: Thank you for coming.感谢光临。

B: Thank you for inviting me.谢谢你的邀请。

3.A: Thank you for your time.谢谢你抽出时间来。

B: Anytime!


4.A: Thank you for a great evening.感谢今晚的盛情款待。

B: It was my pleasure.这是我的荣幸。

5.A: I'm sorry.对不起。

B: It doesn't matter./ That's OK./ That's all right.没关系。

6.A: Sorry to keep you waiting.很抱歉让你久等。

B: No problem.没关系。

7.A: Sorry, I didn't hear what you said.对不起,我没听见你说什么。

B: I said, “Do you want me to help you?”


第十一节 爱好和休闲 Hobbies and Leisure

1.A: What do you do to relax?


B: I love traveling.我喜欢旅游。

2.A: Do you like sports?


B: Yes, very much.是的,非常喜欢。

3.A: What are your hobbies?


B: I play golf.打高尔夫球。

4.A: What are you interested in?


B: I'm very interested in speaking English.我对说英语特别感兴趣。

5.A: Would you like to buy anything to take

home with you?


B: Sure.What do you recommend?

当然,有什么可推荐的吗? 第十二节 天气 Weather

1.A: Beautiful day, isn't it?


B: Absolutely.确实如此。

2.A: What do you think of the weather here?


B: It's wonderful, but a little too hot for me.非常好,就是有点太热了。

3.A: Beijing is a great place to visit in fall!


B: It sure is.的确如此。

第十三节 北京专用句 Beijing Special Sentences

1.A: How do you like Beijing?


B:I think Beijing is very beautiful and the people are friendly.我认为北京非常美丽,北京人很友善。

2.A: There are changes in Beijing everyday.北京每天都在变化。

B: It's amazing!


3.A: I hope you'll come to Beijing often.我希望你能经常来北京。

B: I plan to.我是这样打算的。

4.A: There are many investment opportunities in Beijing now.现在北京有很多投资机会。

B: Please tell me more about them.请给我细讲一下。

5.A: Where would you like to visit most?


B: I want to see The Palace Museum.我想去看看故宫博物馆。

6.A: There are many interesting things to see in Beijing.北京有很多有意思的地方可看。

B: I hope I have time to see them all.但愿我有时间一饱眼福。

7.A: Beijing is one of the most important cities in Asia.北京是亚洲最重要的城市之一。

B: You can say that again!

你说的没错。第十四节 祝贺 Congratulations

1.A: We signed the contract.我们已经签了合同。

B: Congratulations!祝贺你们!

2.A: We got the job done!我们已经完成任务了!

B: Let's celebrate!让我们庆祝一下!

第十五节 紧急事件 Emergency

1.When You Lost Your Passport


2.I lost my passport.我的护照丢了。

3.I'd like to have it reissued.我想重新申请一个。

4.Please fill out this form.请填写这张表格。

5.When will it be ready?


6.You can pick it up next month.你可以下个月来取。

第十六节 交通事故 Car accident

1.I'd like to report a car accident.我要报告一起交通事故。

2.We've had a car accident.我们遇到一起车祸。

3.I've been involved in a head-on collision.我的车迎面撞上了。

4.My friend fell unconscious.我的朋友昏过去了。

5.There's an injured person here.有人受伤了。

6.My friend was hit by a car.He's bleeding from the head.我的朋友被车撞了,他的头在流血。

7.We were victims of a hit and run driver.我们被车撞了,肇事司机逃逸。

8.Tell me the situation, please.请告诉我当时的情况。

9.Around what time did it happen?


10.Do you remember the plate number of the

hit and run car?


11.It wasn't my fault.那不是我的错。

12.Could you call an ambulance for me?


13.Would you please call a doctor for me?


14.The doctor will examine you in a minute.医生马上给你检查。

15.Please take me to the hospital.请送我到医院。

第十七节 看病 Seeing a Doctor

1.What's bothering you?


2.What's the trouble?


3.What hurts you?


4.How long have you been feeling like this?


5.About a week now.到现在大约一星期了。

6.When did the pain start?


7.I don't feel like eating anything.我什么都不想吃。

8.I feel like I'm burning up.我感觉很烫很热。

9.I have a headache.我头疼。

10.I seem to have pain all over.我感觉全身都疼。

11.My whole body feels weak.我全身都觉得很虚弱。

12.You'll be all right soon.你不久就会康复的。

13.It's nothing serious.不严重。

14.There's nothing to be alarmed about.没必要惊慌。

15.Don't over do things.不要过度疲劳。

16.Go home and rest for at least three or four days.回家休息至少三四天。

二、文化交流与礼仪部分 第一节 关于他们国家的人民 about the People in Other Country

【C=Chinese, W=Westerner】

1.C: Do most people in your country value their family or career more?


W1: Personally, I value my career more.But I think most people give family and career equal value.就我个人来说,我更重视事业。但是我觉得大部分人都是事业与家庭并重。

W2: It's hard to say.Everyone is different.很难说。每个人都不一样。

2.C: What do the people my age love to do the most in your country?


W1: They love to have fun.They love to have parties and spend time with their friends.他们爱玩,喜欢各种聚会,跟朋友们在一起。

W2: They are crazy about sports.They love to practice them and they love to watch them.他们热爱体育运动,喜欢观看也喜欢参与其中。

3.C:How are the people in your country different from the people in China?


W:The people here care about their families more than people in my country do.中国人比我们国家的人更顾家。

4.C: What's the population of your city?


W1: I really don't know.我真的不知道。

W2:About four million.It seems small compared to Beijing.大约有四百万吧。跟北京的人口比起来恐怕要少。

第二节 关于不同的国家 About Different Countries

1.C: Who is the most important person in your country now?


W1:I have to say George Bush is the most important person right now.当前的风云人物非乔治•布什莫属。

W2: The most important people in my country are definitely professional athletes.我们国家的风云人物当然是职业运动员了。

2.C: Who are the most popular actor and actress in your country?


W: I think Brad Pitt is the most popular actor and Angelina Jolie is the most popular actress.我觉得布拉德•皮特和安吉莉娜•茱莉分别是当红的男女影星。

3.C: Who is the best singer?


W1:That depends on what kind of music you like.这要看你喜欢什么样的音乐了。

W2:I love Ricky Martin.I think he's the best singer.我喜欢瑞奇•马丁,我觉得他是最好的歌手。

4.C: What is your country famous for?


W1: My country is famous for its champagne.You can enjoy first-class champagne in France.我们国家以香槟著称,在法国你可以品尝到一流的香槟。

W2: The U.S.A.is famous for its big companies.They are known all over the world.美国以林立的大公司而闻名于世。

W3: My country is famous for its natural beauty.There aren't many people in my country but there is a lot of beautiful scenery.我的国家以美丽的自然景观而出名,人口不多,但是风光旖旎。

5.C: What is the best/worst city in your country? Why?


W1: Miami is the best city.It has beautiful beaches and warm weather all year round.Los Angeles is the worst city.There are too many cars and the air is terrible.迈阿密是最好的城市,那里有美丽的海滩和终年宜人的气候。洛杉矶是最差的城市,那里的车太多,空气质量很糟。

W2:New York is the best city.It's the most international city in the world.But some people think it is also the worst city because it is crowded and dangerous.纽约最好,它是世界上最国际化的都市。但是有些人认为它是最差的城市,因为那里人多又不安全。

6.C: What are the most interesting tourist sights for visitors to your country?


W: Most people like to visit Disney World.Las Vegas, New York and San Francisco are also very exciting and popular.大多数人喜欢去迪斯尼乐园,拉斯维加斯、纽约和旧金山也是备受青睐的地方。

7.C: What are the most popular vacation places for people in your country?


W:People in my country like to travel everywhere.They love seeing new places.我们国家的人喜欢到各处旅游。他们喜欢游览新的地方。

8.C: What is the most popular sport in your country?


W: Americans are crazy about football.But, it's very different from soccer.美国人痴迷于橄榄球,但是它跟足球有很大 区别。

9.C: What is the most famous newspaper in your country?


W1: There are many famous newspapers.A lot of people like the USA Today and the Wall Street Journal.有很多有名的报纸。很多人喜欢看《今日美国》和这《华尔街日报》。

W2: The New York Times is definitely the most famous newspaper.最出名的报纸当属《纽约时报》。

10.C: What is the most popular food in your country?


W1: There are lots of popular foods, but almost everyone loves pizza and fried chicken.有很多受欢迎的食品,但是几乎每个人都爱吃比萨饼和炸鸡。

W2: A lot of people are crazy about Chinese food.很多人喜欢吃中国菜。

11.C: Tell me something about your country.给我讲讲你的国家。

W1: The U.S.A.is a big and exciting country.You should come and see it for yourself someday.美国是一个让人兴奋的大国。有时间你应该来亲自来看一看。

W2: France is famous for its fashion, art and wine.Paris is extremely romantic.法国以她的时尚、艺术和美酒著称。巴黎是个充满了浪漫情调的城市。

W3: England has a long and interesting history.London is one of the most exciting cities in the world.英国有着悠久灿烂的历史。伦敦是世界上最令人兴奋的城市之一。

12.C: What is your hometown known/famous for?


W1: My hometown is well-known for oranges.我的家乡盛产橙子。

W2: My hometown hosted the Olympics last year.我的家乡去年主办了奥运会。

W3: My hometown is the center of car manufacturing.我的家乡是汽车制造业的中心。

13.C: What do people think of China in your country?


W1: George Bush thinks that China is our competitor;Bill Clinton thinks that China is our strategic partner.Most Americans agree with Mr.Clinton.乔治•布什认为中国是美国的竞争对手,比尔•克林顿把中国当作战略伙伴。大多数美国人赞成克林顿的观点。

W2: People think China is a mysterious place.很多人认为中国是个神秘的国度。

W3: Lots of people are interested in China, but they don't know much about it.很多人对中国很感兴趣,但他们对中国却知之甚少。

14.W: What do you think of the U.S.A.?


C1: The U.S.A.is leading the world in almost every field.It attracts talents from all over the world.Actually, I'm planning to go there soon.美国几乎在每一个领域都处于世界领先地位,它吸引了来自世界各地的精英。事实上,我正打算不久之后去美国呢。

C2: Americans have too much freedom.Sometimes it makes the country hard to manage.美国人拥有太多的自由,有时这给管理国家造成了不便。

C3: The U.S.A.has so much to be discovered and so much to be learned.美国有太多的东西需要发掘和学习。

15.C: How do you like your hometown?


W1: I live in Los Angeles, California.We have sunshine all year round.I love it.我住在加利福尼亚的洛杉矶。我们那儿全年阳光明媚。我热爱我的家乡。

W2: My hometown is too small.It has no future.I want to get out.我的家乡太小了,没什么发展前途。我想走出家乡。

16.C: How do you like your hometown?


C1: My hometown is very famous.Many important Chinese leaders are from my hometown.我的家乡闻名遐迩,很多中国著名的领袖都出自我的家乡。

C2: Although my hometown is very poor, I love

it.I miss it very much.I'm the only student who has ever gone to college.尽管我的家乡很穷,但我热爱它。我十分想念它。我是家乡惟一的一个大学生。

第三节 关于中国,中国文化和中国人 About China, Chinese Culture, and the Chinese

1.C: What do you think of China?


W1: China is a fascinating country.It has a lot to offer the world.中国是个迷人的国家,她对世界的贡献是巨大的。

W2: I don't know a lot about China yet, but I'm eager to learn.我对中国还不太了解,但我很想知道。

2.C: What do you think of the Chinese?


W1:Chinese are very hospitable and kind-hearted.中国人民热情好客,亲切友好。

W2: Chinese value family and education more than Americans.中国人比美国人更看重家庭和教育。

3.C: What are your feelings about life in China?


W1: Life in China is so different from life in my country.中国的生活跟我们国家的截然不同。

W2: Life here seems more stable than life in my country.这里的生活似乎比我们国家的更稳定些。

C: How do you like the Great Wall?


W1: It's the most amazing thing I've ever seen!


W2: It's really awesome!Words can't describe it!



Words can't describe...无法用言语表达

1)Words can't describe how thankful I am.我对你的感激之情溢于言表。

2)Words can't describe how lucky you are.你的运气真是无法用言语来表达。

3)Words can't describe the way I feel.我的感觉难以言表。

4.C: What do you think of the Forbidden City?


W1: I feel like I am walking through history.走进故宫,就像徜徉在历史的长河中。

W2: It's really proof of the China's greatness and wisdom.那可真是中国人民伟大和智慧的见证。

5.C: What do you want to know about China?


W1: I want to know more about traditional Chinese medicine.我想知道更多有关传统中医的事。

W2: I want to know about opportunities for my business.我想了解一些商机。

W3: I really want to know more about the English education in China.我非常想对中国的英语教育状况多一些了解。

6.C: What attracts you the most about China?


W1: The ancient culture, the friendly people and the terrific food.中国的古代文化,友好的人民和美味的食品。

W2: The exciting atmosphere of change and development.那令人振奋的巨变和发展氛围。

7.C: What was your first impression of China?


W1: I was so amazed by the large population.There are so many people everywhere.中国庞大的人口让我吃惊。到处都是人。

W2: China was much more modern than I expected.The cities are filled with skyscrapers.中国比我想象中的要更现代化。城市里到处是摩天大楼。

W3: It's very different from what I expected.It's not at all like what I thought.跟我想象中的大不一样,根本不像我想的那样。

8.C: What do you like best about China?


W1: The hospitality of the Chinese.中国人的热情好客。

W2: The history and unique features of its

different cities.不同城市的历史和特色。

W3: I never have to pay for anything.Everywhere I go, I can stay and eat for free.You know why, because they want to learn English!


9.C: What do you dislike most about China?


W1: The pollution.污染。

W2: I hate the way people spit and litter.It really turns me off.我讨厌人们随地吐痰、乱丢垃圾,这令我很反感。

10.C: What do you find interesting about life in China?


W1: There are so many people and so many differences from western culture.人很多,而且中西文化有很大差异。

W2: Ancient culture and modern development exist side by side.传统文化和现代化发展共存。

W3: There are so many different cities and so many different customs.Every city has a unique personality.众多不同的城市,众多不同的风俗。每个城市都有它独特的一面。

11.C: What cities have you been to?/ Where have you been?


W1: I've been to Beijing and Shanghai.They are very impressive.我去过北京和上海,我对这两个城市印象很深。

W2: I've been to a lot of cities in China.I love them all.我过去中国的很多城市,这些城市我都喜欢。

12.C: Where would you like to go?


W: I'd like to go to Xi'an and Guilin.I want to see the Terra Cotta Warriors and the mountains of Yangshuo.我想去西安和桂林。我想去看看兵马俑和阳朔的山。

13.C: What is your favorite place in China?


W1: Absolutely Beijing!There is no city like the Capital.You can never get tired of Beijing.There is so much history and culture.当然是北京了!没有一个城市比得上首都。你对北京永远也不会厌倦,她拥有悠久的历史和灿烂的文化。

W2: I have two favorite places in China, Sanya and Shanghai.Sanya in Hainan has the most beautiful beaches I have ever seen.Shanghai is a very energetic and exciting city.中国有两个地方是我最喜欢的,三亚和上海。海南的三亚有我见过的最美丽的海滩。上海是一个充满活力和激情的城市。

14.C: What would you like to buy and take back from China?


W1: China is so famous for its silk.I'd like to buy some for my mother.中国的丝绸闻名遐迩。我要买一些给我母亲。

15.C: Do you think the Chinese are less sensitive than the people in your country?


W1: Yes, the Chinese are very tolerant.是的。中国人很懂得容忍。

W2: No, Chinese worry about losing face a lot more than people in my country.不,中国人比我们国家的人更爱面子。

16.C: What makes you feel embarrassed in China?


W1: I don't like being stared at.It makes me uncomfortable.我不喜欢人们盯着我看,这让我觉得很不自在。

W2: I don't like being asked personal questions, especially about how much things cost.我不喜欢被问到私人问题,尤其是我买什么东西花了多少钱。

17.C: What are your suggestions regarding the development of China?


W1: Learn some ideas from western countries and protect the environment.学习西方国家的做法,保护环境。

W2: Don't destroy historical sites just to put up more modern buildings.不要为了建更多的现代建筑而毁坏历史古迹。

第四节 关于语言 About Language

1.C: Are you interested in learning Chinese?


W1: Sure, but it's too difficult.当然了,但是太难了。

W2: No, not really.I'm only here for a short time.不太感兴趣。我在这里不会待多久。

W3: I'm too busy with my work.Maybe my son is interested.我工作太忙了。也许我儿子对中文感兴趣。

2.C: Why do you want to learn Chinese?


W1: Just for fun.学着玩。

W2: I want to have a career in Asia.我想在亚洲开拓我的事业。

W3: I want to date Chinese girls.我想找中国女朋友。

3.C: Can you speak any other languages?


W1: I speak French and German.我会说法语和德语。

W2: No, I only speak English.不会,我只讲英语。

4.C: Do you want to know how to say “I love you” in Chinese?

你想知道用汉语怎么说“I love you”吗?

W: Yes.Can you teach me?


5.C: Do you think it is difficult to learn a foreign language?


W1: Yes, I think it takes a lot of hard work.难,我觉得学外语要花很多工夫。

W2: No, I think learning a foreign language is a piece of cake.I've learned a lot of Chinese in a very short time.不难,我觉得学一门外语是小菜一碟。我在短期内已经学了不少中文。

第五节 关于学习外语的经验 About Foreign Language Learning Experience

1.C: What do you think are the most important elements in learning to speak a foreign language?


W: Practice, patience and perseverance.And you have to enjoy losing face.练习、耐心和恒心。而且你要热爱丢脸。

2.C: “Learn one more language, live one more life.”Don't you agree?


W: Absolutely!I couldn't agree more.我完全赞同!

3.C: The only way to really know another culture is to learn the language, because language is the carrier of culture.What's your opinion?


W1: I agree with you completely.我完全赞成你。

W2: Language really does teach you a lot about other cultures.Especially the Chinese language,because each character has a long history.语言的确教你很多关于其他文化的东西,尤其是中文,因为每一个汉字都有悠久的历史。

第六节 关于202_年奥运会 About the 202_ Olympics

1.C: What do you think about Beijing hosting the Olympic Games?


W: I think it's a great chance for the world to know more about China.我觉得这是一个让世界更加了解中国的大好机会。

2.C: Do you think the Olympics will be successful in Beijing?


W: I'm sure the games will be a great success.我坚信这次盛会将会非常圆满。

3.C: What do people in your country think about the Olympic Games being held in China?


W: They think it was a good decision by the International Olympic Committee.They are very curious about China.他们认为这是国际奥委会的英明决定。他们对中国感到很好奇。

4.C: What do you think Beijing needs to do to prepare for the Olympics?


W: I think the people of Beijing must study English well.I also think Beijing needs to continue improving the environment as well.我认为北京人必须学好英语,北京的环境也需要进一步改善。

5.C: What do you think of the slogan “New Beijing,Great Olympics”?


W: I think that Beijing really is a new city.It combines modern technology with ancient history.It's a world-class city for sure.在我看来北京的确是一个崭新的城市。她将现代科技与历史文明完美结合。她绝对是一个世界级的都市。



I firmly believe that with the support of the Chinese Government and the entire Chinese people, Beijing will exert an extraordinary effort to make the Games an excellent sporting event.We welcome you to visit China at a convenient time.我深信北京市在中国政府和全国人民的支持下,将作出非凡的努力,一定能办成一届高水平的奥运会。


第七节 筷子的故事 The Story of Chopsticks

[1] Chopsticks are used every day in China.[2] Now I'd like to take this opportunity to share their interesting history with you.[3] I think you'll agree that even an ordinary item used in daily life can have a fascinating story.[4] Although chopsticks originated in China, they are widely used in many Asian countries.[5] The first chopsticks were made from bone and jade.[6] In the Spring and Autumn period, copper and iron chopsticks came into being.[7] In ancient times, the rich used jade or gold chopsticks to display their wealth.[8] Many kings and emperors used silver chopsticks to see if their food had been poisoned.[9] Chopsticks are traditionally placed in brides' dowries,because “chopsticks” in Chinese is pronounced “kuaizi”, which sounds like “get a son soon.”

[10] Many foreign friends try to use chopsticks when they visit China.[11] Even the former president of the United States Richard Nixon, used chopsticks at the welcoming banquet held in his honor.[12] As soon as he left his table, a foreign diplomat grabbed his chopsticks as a historical souvenir.[13] Remember to tell this interesting story the next time you eat with foreign friends and show off your knowledge.[1] 中国人每天都在使用筷子。

[2] 现在我想借这个机会和大家一起聊一些有关于筷子历史的有趣故事。

[3] 我想你会赞同即使是日常生活中一件小物品也会有其引人入胜的故事。

[4] 虽然筷子起源于中国,但现在很多的亚洲国家都在使用。

[5] 最早的筷子是用骨头和玉制成的。

[6] 在春秋时代又出现了铜制和铁制的筷子。

[7] 在古代,富人家用玉筷子或金筷子以显示其家庭的富有。

[8] 许多帝王用银制的筷子以检查他们的食物中是否被人投了毒。

[9] 筷子在传统上是被当作新娘的嫁妆的,因为“筷子”在汉语中读作“kuaizi”,听起来很像“快得儿子”。

[10] 许多外国朋友在访问中国的时候都使用筷子。

[11] 甚至是美国前总统尼克松在为其到来而举办的欢迎宴会上也使用了筷子。

[12] 他刚一离开桌子,一名国外的外交人员就抓起了他的筷子,把它作为了具有历史意义的纪念品。

[13] 下次与外国朋友吃饭时不要忘记把这个有趣的故事告诉他们,卖弄一下你的知识。

第八节 文化差异与冲突 Cultural Differences and Impacts

1.Chewing with Your Mouth Open张开嘴咀嚼食物

This is the opposite of western culture.The Chinese appreciate that you make noise while eating.Westerners feel this is disgusting and shows a complete lack of manners.Chew with your mouth shut!


2.Speaking with Your Mouth Full


This is considered quite rude when at the dinner table.Western children are taught from a very early age never to do this.在餐桌上,这被认为是非常粗鲁的行为。西方人从小就受教导不这样做。

3.Picking/Sucking Teeth 剔牙/吮牙

It is considered rude to pick between your teeth where others can see you.Western restaurants usually do not supply toothpicks, so it is sometimes hard to decide when to remove food stuck between the teeth.It is usually best to excuse yourself and go to the bathroom.当着他人的面剔牙是很不礼貌的。西餐厅通常不提供牙签,所以有时候很难决定什么时候该剔牙。当确实需要清理牙缝间的食物时,最好是上洗手间。

4.Elbows on the Table手肘支在桌上

While eating you should be sitting up straight.Do not put your elbows on the table.Putting your elbows on the table will make you look like a farmer.用餐时应该身体坐直,手肘不要支在餐桌上。把手肘放在桌子上会让你看起来像个农民。

5.Spitting Food(Bones, Skin, etc.)Out of Your Mouth直接从嘴里吐出食物(骨头、壳等)

This is not done in Western restaurants.If you do need to take something out of your mouth, bring your napkin up to your mouth and place the item in it.在西方的餐厅里你是见不到这一幕的。真要吐出食物的话,应该把纸巾拿到嘴边,吐在纸巾上。

6.Picking Up Your Plate or Bowl端起碗碟

They think that only children do this.Don't lean over and slurp from the plate on the table either.Food must be transported from the dish to your mouth with a fork or a spoon.If you're nervous about using a knife and fork, buy a set and practice at home until you feel comfortable.西方人觉得这是小孩子才会有的举动。也不要把嘴放在碗边直接吸取食物。要用勺子或叉子把食物送进嘴里。如果你不习惯用刀叉,那就买一套放在家里练习如何使用,直到运用自如。

7.Speaking Loudly大声讲话

All Westerners try to keep the conversation to their own table.If the whole restaurant can hear you, you are speaking too loudly and it will be considered rude.In fact, some westerners find it difficult to do business in Chinese restaurants because the noise level is just too high.用餐时,西方人会把音量控制在饭桌以内。如果整个餐厅都能听到你说话,那你的声音就太大了,这是很失礼的。实际上,一些西方人认为在中国的餐馆里谈生意是件很困难的事,因为噪音太大了。

8.Passing Gas/Belching/Burping放屁和打嗝

This is considered rude in any situation.If you do need to pass gas, excuse yourself and go to the bathroom.Of course sometimes this is out of your control.If you accidentally pass gas loudly in front of others, you need to say, “excuse me” and quickly start talking about something to distract the people around you.DO NOT discuss any details about your gas, or any bodily function at the table!


9.Cleaning Ears with Fingernails用指甲挖耳孔

This is not done in public.It shouldn't be done in private either!It's dangerous.Use a cotton swab!



While others are still eating or even when everyone has finished eating, it is polite to ask their permission to smoke at the table.In many western restaurants, you will be asked if you prefer to be seated in the smoking or non-smoking section.If your host chooses the non-smoking section, you will have to excuse yourself from the table to smoke.当其他的人还没有吃完,或者就算所有的人都用完餐了,如果要吸烟的话,要礼貌地征得大家的许可。在很多西餐厅里你会被问到是愿意在吸烟区还是非吸烟区就餐。如果主人选择了非吸烟区,那你想吸烟时就要征得同桌人的同意到外面去。

11.Advice to Foreigners in China


W: Man, I can't get used to this way of shopping.I'm never sure if I'm getting the best price, and most of the time I get all tongue-tied when I start haggling.天哪,我可受不了这样买东西。我总也不知道是不是买到了好价钱,大部分时间都是刚一开口侃价舌头就不听使唤了。

C: You've got to shop this way though.If you pay the first price you hear, you're likely to get ripped off.你必须得这样买东西。如果对方开价多少你就给多少,那肯定挨宰。

W: I know.I've noticed that you always seem to knock off some of the price.是呀。我看你总是能砍掉一些。

C: Don't worry.As soon as you pick up more of the language, there'll be no problem for you either.别担心,你的语言一过关,买东西就不成问题了。

第九节 北京专辑 Beijing Special

1.W: Does Beijing have a special nickname?


C: No, but most people say Beijing is the heart of China.没有,但是人们把北京称作中国的心脏。

2.W: Tell me something about Beijing.告诉我一些关于北京的事情。

C: Beijing is China's vibrant capital city.It is a combination of ancient and modern China.北京是中国充满活力的首都,她是古代文明与现代文明的结合体。

3.W: Is Beijing a popular tourist destination?


C: Sure, Beijing attracts millions of tourists every year.当然是,北京每年吸引着数百万的游客。

4.W: What's the best attraction in Beijing?


C1: Without doubt one of the world's greatest tourist attractions is the Great Wall.毫无疑问,长城是世界上最具吸引力的旅游胜地之一。

C2: The Forbidden City and Tian'anmen Square are also very impressive.紫禁城和天安门广场也很吸引人。

5.W: Why is Beijing such a special city?


C1: Beijing is a city with a long history and a melting pot of Chinese ethnic cultures.北京是一个具有悠久历史,融合各民族文化的城市。

C2: There is a unique feeling about shopping in Beijing that cannot be found anywhere else.在北京购物的独特感受是在其它任何地方都体会不到的。

C3:There are thousands of eating places in Beijing, serving more than half a dozen different Chinese cuisines.There are also restaurants with food from many other countries.You can eat around the world without leaving Beijing!


6.W: What is Beijing's most famous food?


C1: Beijing Duck is the most delicious food Beijing has to offer.北京烤鸭是北京最美味的食品。

C2: Jiaozi is a favorite of many western visitors.饺子是很多西方游客的最爱。

7.W: How do you like living in Beijing?


C1: I think it's a nice place.People here are very friendly and intelligent.我觉得这个地方不错,人很友好也很有智慧。

C2: I love it.I would never want to live any place else.我喜欢这里的生活,别的地方哪也不想去。

8.W: Where is the Silk Street?


C: It's over there, I'd be glad to show you the way.在那边,我很乐意带你去。

英语培训教材 Get Smart 优势介绍(最终定稿)