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编辑:雾花翩跹 识别码:24-276426 15号文库 发布时间: 2023-04-01 10:37:48 来源:网络


船长!Captain!你是谁? Who are you?-那是什么?-阁下...Majesty...-我在渔网里找到的-吹吧,就吹吧...He said the stories, which...我们相信是真的...We believe it is...庞塞德 莱昂...Ponce de Leon...他说他找到了庞赛德莱昂的船 He said he found ship Ponce de Leon.-在他航行中找到的-不,我不是告诉你了吗?No, I tell you?-庞德莱昂两百年前就死了-没错,但他是为了找某样东西而死的,不是吗?Yes, but he died looking for something, right? 不老之泉...Fountain of youth...你啥时候能准备好? When you can be ready to go? 随着洋流 Once the tide.加勒比海盗之惊涛怪浪 Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides 编译:John Sir >>>> HORA_DA_PIPOCA <<<< 今天轮到海盗了 Today will be executed pirates!快点,老爸,我们快赶不上了!And hurry up, Dad, otherwise miss hanging!不是的,甜心,这只是仪式 下午才轮到刽子手 There is a hanging, baby it's a process.Carrasco will be in the afternoon.快点!小心脚下 Come on!On your feet.快走,海盗!Moves that piratule!或者最好叫你“肮脏的海盗”!Or, better yet, dirty pirate!快点!快走 Come on!Move it.安静!Quiet!现在你们这些恶名昭著的海盗小贼和恶棍们将被审判 Now you will be judged notorious pirate thief and a bad 杰克-斯派罗船长!Captain Jack Sparrow!我都说了,我是吉布斯 吉布斯,只要你...I said, I called Gibbs Joshamee Gibbs, how many times you...站起来接受审判-本次的审判者是,Take your request to receive it Who will judge this process, 尊敬的史密斯法官!Mr Justice Smith!安静!Quiet!现在...Now...-我们这儿都有什么?-杰克?Jack? 没那个必要啊!There was no need for that!你说什么? What were you saying? 我不叫杰克,我是吉布斯!Do not call me Jack Sparrow but Gibbs Joshamee!真的吗? 这里写的可是杰克 Just right? Here writes Jack Sparrow.那就是杰克-斯派罗,我若清楚的话肯定一眼就认出来了 There's Jack Sparrow, but he identified and without hesitation if it would help my case.除非你想被揍,那才会有点作用 This only helps if you like thi again to be beaten like a dirty rug.囚犯声称作为杰克来说他是无罪的-如何判决? Prisoner support is not guilty Jack Sparrow.His verdict?-我们不是该虫验证据吗?-请您裁决 有罪吗?Please verdict.Guilty? 罪名若成立,他将被处以绞刑 If he is guilty, will be hanged.吊死她!用绳子勒死她!Spanzurati it!Place the neck and lathe!-有罪吗...?-太不公平了!It's not fair!闭嘴!Shut up!吉布斯...你承认谋杀吗 Gibbs Joshamee...You blame Murder 你承认杰克-斯派罗无罪吗 do not blame you Jack Sparrow.你的供词前后不一,Your Sentinta is changed, 你的余生将会在监狱中悲惨的度过 will be for the rest intemnitat your life miserable.-什么?-吊死他!Spanzurati it!准备好了!Pronto!把这个囚犯运到伦敦塔去!Arrange transportation of prisoners Tower of London!非常感谢你 Thank you very much.合作愉快!Climb on!毛蛋,现在咱两人都进去了 Damn, now we both temnita.别担心,我已经卖通了车夫 Do not worry, I bribed the coachman.十分钟之内我们就能离开伦敦,今晚咱就能到海岸 In ten minutes, we will leave London and tonight we'll reach the shore.之后唯一的问题就是如何找艘船了 Then it will remain just a question of finding a boat.-所以说,一切都是计划好了的?-没错Exactly.我们到伦敦只是为了救他 Arrived in London tanc just to save him 吉布斯在绞刑架那接应 Gibbs invited Joshamee by hanging.既然你还活着,那就是说我的计划很给力 Once you're still alive, I plan perfectly.你怎么了,吉布斯? 我以为你在其它哪里被 What happened to you, Gibbs? I thought you are employed elsewhere.是的,但我总是注意关于黑珍珠的传言 Yes, but I always listen carefully Rumors of the Black Pearl.没人知道它停在了港口 Nobody knew was to anchor in the harbor.之后我听到了另一个传言 Then I heard another rumor.杰克-斯派罗已经到了伦敦,他在找一个船员 Jack Sparrow has arrived in London a ship in search of a crew.-扯蛋-我听到的就是这样I am what I heard.事实上,你今晚就是小酒馆里船长的女儿 Actually, you're recruiting night Captain's Daughter in the tavern.-不对!-这似乎有点奇怪,It seemed a little strange 但预言从不会容易 but you were never easy to predict.所以说在某个地方还有另一个杰克在毁我名声? So it's another Jack Sparrow somewhere and ruin my reputation?-一派胡言!-没错It's true.-但是...那骗子有艘船-而且还缺船员And he needs a crew.顺便说下,这正是我需要的 Moreover, exactly what I and I need.但你,杰克?我最后听到你是在找不老之泉 But you, Jack? The last time I heard you, look for the fountain of youth decided.你这进行的怎么样了? How do you get to go? 特殊情况强迫我来思考更好的 Special Circumstances forced me Better think 必要的自主裁决权来实现目标 discretia the necessary achieving the goal.-我是说,你放弃了-不对!Not true!我只是决定开始而已!再果断点 I just decided to get started!Even more decisive.我喜欢这水,因此,吉布斯先生,记住你说的话 I like the water, so Mr.Gibbs remembers to tell you.看来这是个很短的旅行 Seems like it was a short trip.是计划的一部分? Part of the plan, is not it? 那边...There...你真的是杰克-斯派罗,是不是? You're even Jack Sparrow, is not it? 这只是名头而已,而且船长二字就跟在后面 It should be title and The “captain” next to the name somewhere.我听说了...而且你也知道我是谁 I heard that...And you know who I am.你的脸更加熟悉...你曾经被威胁过吗? You have a familiar face...Have you ever threatened? 你现在位于乔治公爵的吕讷堡之中 You're in the presence of George Augustus Duke of Brunswick-Luneburg, 神圣的罗马帝国 High Treasurer and Principe Holy Roman Empire 大不列颠及爱尔兰的国王 还有你的 King of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.And yours.我听起来并不熟悉啊 I do not sound familiar.我听说你到伦敦找一个船员 I was told you came to London Thi to find a crew.一派胡言 Completely false.然后你骗我说你就是杰克-斯派罗 So I have mind when you say you are Jack Sparrow.即便就是杰克把,但我是来找船员的 Even Jack Sparrow is, but I came looking for a crew.谁想要这个? 另一个人 Who wants this Another person.是的...另一个叫杰克-斯派罗的人 Yes...Else named Jack Sparrow.有了的人你就别带给我了 找到他,这假货就算了 I did not bring what he had.Find it and drop by this impostor.等下!Wait a minute!我就是杰克,唯一的杰克-斯派罗 I'm Jack Sparrow only Jack Sparrow.-我在伦敦-寻找一个船员To find a crew.-以便找到那泉水源头...-神马?What? 这些手铐勒死人了!Let's get someone These handcuffs them hell!快点!C'mon!-我们知道那地图-地图束缚了他!Confiscati spanzurati them and you map it!你有地图吗? You have a map?-没有-它在哪里?Where is he? 事实上...我昨天把它弄丢了 The truth is that...I lost yesterday.我得报告下,那西班牙人找到了不老泉 I have a report that I found The Spaniards found the fountain of youth.我是不会要西班牙老的二手货的 I will not accept that a Spanish monarch second hand......独享并获得永生!...Monopolize and achieve immortality!-知道如何去不老泉吗?-当然了!别再盯我看了!Absolutely!Stop looking at me? 你可以找个向导 Could you send a guide.这样的话...你就提供条船...In this case, the height...Will you give me a boat...-和一支队伍?-还有一个船长And a captain.早上好,先生 Good morning, sir.我若能...If I can...这个男的为什么戴手铐?

Why is not this man and incatu? Must be detained immediately.那看起来似乎很危险啊 There seems to be very dangerous.赫克托...真高兴我能看到同伴 Hector...I'm good to see another pirate among us.海盗吗?不是的Pirate? No.Obstruction.正在执行任务 而且有官方的保护 On a mission to serve and under the protection of the Crown.非常好,但首先...Peral选择了什么? Very good, but first...Pearl chose my dear? 我失去了佩拉 还失去了我的腿!Lost Perla the way I lost my leg!-失去了佩拉?-是的Yes.我们顽强抵抗但最后还是沉了 We strongly but finally sank.船是一个宝石 他被迫把它给弄沉了 Ship that was a gem.He would have been forced to pe for it.巴博萨船长,时间紧急啊 Captain Barbossa Every second lost 西班牙人给他们提供了优势 Spanish gives them an advantage.我非常相信你将完成使命,I firmly that will complete the mission-Thi, 因而你会获得 你最想要的高级职务。tigandu-Thi, how much very necessary function of discharge.-我可以为您服务的,殿下-这位先生,你就个呆瓜You, sir, you are a fool.我们的时代已经逝去,缺憾创造了这方土地上的赢家? Our time has passed, the disadvantage creates winners in the field? 而你有机会见到 另有一类人 And you the opportunity to meet and another class of people.我什么都明白了 I understood everything.除了假发 Except wig.-他还是要走吗?-我来处理,阁下I'll deal with that, sir.守卫!Guards!找到它!Find It!在这!Here it is!这就是吗? Is that it? 开火!Fire!肮脏的海盗!Dirty pirate!嘿,小杰!Hi, Jackie!嗨,爸爸 Hi, Dad.我从船员那里听说你了 I hear you to form a team.群众的眼睛是雪亮的 If they all say the same thing, means that it must be true.我知道你要去哪了 是不老泉 I found and where you are indrepti.For good.你在那吗? Were you there? 这个人似乎去过不老泉了啊? Guy looks like he visited Fountain of youth?-这取决于你-儿子,那泉水...Son, Spring...你得为仪式准备点东西 You will need a few things for a ritual.两只碗 Two bowls.-地图是一只圣杯-银质的Two silver.确保你从庞赛德莱昂的船那得到它 Ship Ponce de Leon, make sure you have.-为什么?-为了仪式,小杰,别傻了For the ritual, do not be stupid, Jackie.启航前把所有细节理清 Find all the details to tell you before you board.我很想启航,但首先我更需要条船 I would love to sail, but first I need a boat.那边的人,他们有条船 而且现在正需要船员 The people there, they have a boat.Recruitment of sailors now.还有件事,小杰 And another thing, Jackie.想要找到泉水将要经受考验 记住我说的 Source will be tested remembers him saying.-我听说这里招聘船员啊-没错The so-i.事实上,是杰克在招船员 In fact, you knew Jack Sparrow Q and a search crew.有勇气吗,嗯? 你过来,就穿成那样 Have a little courage, is not it? Come here and use a.-你是个骗子吗?-老兄,你知道我是谁吗?You know who I am, man? 兄弟们,这里有个傻子忘了自己的名字!Guys, here is an idiot you forgot your name!伙计们,我将要和杰克-斯派罗出海 他知道该如何尊敬水手!Personally, I'll sail with Sparrow.He knows how to do homage to a sailor!你偷走了我的名誉,现在我要拿回它 You stole my reputation, I've come to retrieve it.别模仿我 I'm not imitate.是个单身都知道的 A single person in your life movement knows it.我一直都想做这件事...I always wanted I do this...安吉利卡 Angelica.嗨,杰克 Hi, Jack.真是印象深刻,我想我有一两次差不多杀了你了吧 I'm impressed.I think almost I killed once or twice.真是过奖了 Are achieved this sincere flattery.但为什么? But why? 你是法律能给我弄来的唯一的海盗了 You're the only pirate law can give me.这可不是恭维话 Not a compliment.别担心,杰克 我早就原谅你了 Do not worry, Jack.I forgave you long ago.为什么? 因为你离开了吗? Why? Why did you leave? 记住,我会离开的 Thi remind you, I'll have left.绅士使淑女拥有他们虚幻的信念 A gentleman lets a lady to maintain their beliefs and fantasies.小心点,斯派罗 只要我的水手们收钱了 Be careful, Sparrow.Provided as my sailors are being paid, 他们就愿意做任何事 and be willing to endure Particular stranger.但是,我是不会容忍的 However, it is a characteristic I will not tolerate.我承认,我只抄袭了船长 其它可就没了 I will only accept copy me as captain, no less than that.为此,你要艘船,而我似乎就有一艘 For this you need a boat, and it seems I am one.我会开船 I could use a boat.-有传言说你去过不老泉-流言蜚语八可信呐Rumor has more today.-不老之泉-安吉利卡爱它Angelica love, and you do not worry;还有好几年时间 I still have some good years left and i.我可能还是那个被辱的国王 I, as can a king to be insulted, not planned.-你可一点都没变!Insinuating that would take? 是啊!Yes!你背叛了我 你还勾引我 You betrayed me.You seduced me, and I used.我是无辜的 我从没勾过汉子 I was innocent, I had no man.你很会勾引人啊,我都被诱惑了 You have shown great skill, Even if you have seduced me.我准备好发誓了,而你...I was ready to do my oath, and you...-你在西班牙的修道院做什么?-我们在找一个妓院 我的错Looking for a brothel.My mistake.那里!No!-我们不占优势-管好自己吧Discuss with your name.和那个盗我身份的人不一样,Unlike the others, who stole my identity 我真的就是杰克-斯派罗船长 I really am Captain Jack Sparrow.你说的那事...That thing you say So I used this...-你很清楚我什么意思-我知道,但你怎能那样说呢?I know, but how can you say something?-那该怎说?-这是什么?What is it? 不老泉...关于它你都知道些什么? Source...What do you know about this? 或许你有庞赛德莱昂的两只银碗? You have, by chance, two bowls Silver-Ponce de Leon?-没有-好吧,我想多了Yes, for me and I was thinking.-为什么?-我听过那些故事传言...I've heard stories, rumors...当然,你知道的,那是中间的一种仪式,对吗? You know, of course, and is a ritual in the middle, is not it? 是的,我知道 Yes, I know.这是什么? 需要什么? What is this? What do you need? 一个美人鱼,杰克 The Mermaid, Jack.他们犯了个错!将那是终身受困而不是死亡!They made a mistake!It's a life sentence, not death!-巴伯萨!-我想你知道如何打结I think you know how to make a knot.强迫一个男人做这事太残忍了 It is cruel to force a man to do alone and rope knot that will hang.你怎么能边睡觉边写字啊 How Ithi rest and sleep Terni.-你怎么了?-杰克在哪?Where's Jack Sparrow? 他逃了 He escaped.我没有多少时间,吉布斯 他们黎明即将启航 I have little time at his disposal, Gibbs, HMS Providence and I sail at dawn 除非你想被吊在这儿,死的时候满口的苍蝇...If you do not want to hang here, dead mouthful to bite him...现在就说 Contact now.-不管你到哪,把我也带着...-带你到哪,吉布斯?Where do you take, Gibbs? 不老泉吗?是的 杰克就是在那的吗? The Source? Yes That's where Jack is going? 你能回报给我们什么,吉布斯? Can you give me something in return, Gibbs? 回报? It has something to offer? 只要满足我的一个要求,你就能看到明天的太阳 My one request and you will not see the sunrise.把它给我 Give me that.蠢货!Idiot!我有足够的时间来学习这些 I had enough time to study the circles of hell, 所有航线,所有目的地 全部都存储在这里。all routes, all destinations.All are stored here.欢迎回到码头 陛下,吉布斯先生 Welcome back to the Marina His Maiestatii, Mr.Gibbs.-动起来,水手们!-是的,长官!Yes, sir!什么? What?-他犯了个大错-闭嘴,动起来Shut up and move it.-它不该在这儿的-很多人发现自己在海上...Many in the sea 都不知道自己为何在那,而且前一天晚上的事都不记得了 do not know why they are there and in the evening without the prior recall 而那时候他在酒馆里输了所有的钱 and the lost all the money in the taverns.不,不,你不明白的伙计,我就是唯一的杰克斯派罗船长!No, no, do not understand, man.I am Captain Jack Sparrow.The only!这是我的荣幸 往前走 I'm Scrum.The pleasure is all mine.Move it.受宠若惊 Scrum.-那里怎么会有个水晶棺材?-你认为我会懂吗?Thi seems I'm the boss here?-他们在哪?-打扰下,斯派罗船长Excuse me, Captain Sparrow.我忠心地希望你能你喜欢安妮女王号的复仇 I am honored to wish you welcome the ship Queen Anne's Revenge infamous.黑胡子 Blackbeard.这个有点古怪 It's a little strange.-那是羞猫-什么?What? 羞猫,黑胡子的手 所有人都一样的 Mortificat.Blackbeard's hand.Ofiterii are all equal.因此,确保更多的 And to ensure they are submitted and i.而且能够在持续的慌张中 And in a continuous twitter.-快点,擦-好的...Yes...-我们至少要在海上呆五天-没错,你已经了解大海的气息了吧?Yes, you could get the smell of the sea after picture? 在船员闻过之后 After the smell of the crew.这个男的做完了? 为了肯定的知道我为什么远远站着 Because this man? As you surely know to stay away.他?是真的 他总是在谈论万能的上帝 He? It's true.Always talking God Almighty.-在这船上的虔诚信仰?-真是传教士的经典行为Typical story of a missionary.他在一次突袭中被抓获,除了他其他人都挂了 He was captured during an attack, and all were killed except him.第二次则因为他的信仰而得以免除 It was the second crutat because of their faith.为了一个不知名的罪犯而自己冒险 Mate and risked her own safety of an unknown prisoner.-那可真是罕见-拥有“他们”?His “they”?-迈特是个女的?-回去工作!Back to work!目光放长远点 You see his work next.无论忠诚还是慈悲你都是一个没有灵魂的人 You're a mutt with no soul loyalty or mercy.-我说的是我有艘船-不,是黑胡子有一艘船No, Blackbeard has a boat.而现在他正被困在船上 Are trapped on board.我们可以成功的,杰克 不老之泉...正是你一直想要的 We can succeed, Jack.Fountain of youth...The way you get you always wanted.黑胡子...海盗惧怕所有的同党 Blackbeard...Pirate fear that all piratii.不管是谁占用空闲时间 死者复活 People like free and busy the resurrection of the dead.-我会听的-他谁的话都不听He does not listen to anybody.或许他会听他女儿的话 Maybe I'll listen to his daughter.我滴意思是,你女儿? I mean, you're her daughter? 很久前就失散了,最近才相认...Time lost, found recently......而且她很爱她的父亲...And me and my dad loves with all my heart.我相信我做了I made them believe.然后等待不老泉 或者...请等下 Then you wait for the fountain of youth.Or...We're waiting.-无论如何,我不是在这里Anyway, I'm not out here.他会死的He will be killed.绅士点,我倒一杯Be a gentleman and poured me a cup.作为海盗,我们的行为就是这样And as pirates, we behave as such.我们是在正确的,吉布斯?We are on the right side, Gibbs?伸展好你的帆!paintingsCandles Stretch Thi well!真是个阴险的计谋 A rebellion ugly.是的,我混进了船员中,杰克斯派罗不是个骗子。Yes, I was entered in the crew Jack Sparrow, and not an imposter.综上所述他就是个骗子。The above was really an impostor.-事实上我们并没有提及-我现在很惭愧。And now she's embarrassed.-我都拿上了-好样的!Bravo!我们走吧 黑胡子...什么是习惯? Let's go.Blackbeard...What is custom?-长坐在驾驶室。-的确,是在驾驶室非常多。Exactly, it is much in the cabin.-是的,但当他离开那...-那也就没什么了。Not quite there.-必须出出来。-不,我不这么认为...No, I do not think...-你们有和他一起航行吗?-不,绝不No, never.-你们是否见过?-绝对木有。No, definitely not.他坐在驾驶室,没有人与他同行也没有人了解他。It sits in the cab, no one has sailed with him and he saw none.好消息,先生们!那是我们的黑胡子的船。Good news, gentlemen!What Blackbeard's ship.-这可不是安妮女王的复仇。-这当然是的。Yes, it sure is.-你怎么知道?-我注意到船尾的那个名称。I saw your name on the stern.先生们,亲爱的同僚们...Gentlemen, ladies and gentlemen,...你已被以最残酷的方式所欺骗。You have been the most difficult and Elath the chip.-我被欺骗?-没错Yes.同时,为了...And with regard to the fate...死亡是我们通往不老泉的道路。Death can the path to the fountain of youth.-这将是个不幸的结果-是的,当然Yes, certainly.除非我们将船控制 This is only if we control of the ship.然后我们接管船!Then take the ship!来吧,把它拿走。Come, come into contact with the place.杰克...Jack...如果这是个梦 那你可以继续把靴子套在他的脚上 If it's a dream different chargers to say you can be.-如果不是...-这是一个梦!It's a dream!亚麻带,亚麻带!No, no!我想提醒你,将接管该船舶。I thought to warn you, take over the ship.站住!Stay away!天杀的!Damn!你要么跟我们要么与我们为敌!Either you are with us times against us!我不同你们一起也不同你们为敌!I'm not with you and not against you!-他能回答吗?-这是偏执的,我觉得这只是一个要求。It's biased, I think it's a requirement.战死为止,斯派罗!Luptati death, fear!带上他并把他捆好!Take it and legati it well!这船是我们的!The ship is ours!绅士们...Gentlemen...我有点糊涂了。I'm a little confused.我在船舱里,休息下...I was in my cabin, resting me...突然,我听到甲板上不同寻常的声音 And suddenly I heard incredible sound of the deck.没有命令水手们就离开了他们的岗位 Mariners and abandon the position i without being commanded.没有经验的人将接管该船。People without experience want to take the ship.你怎么称呼他,伙计? How is called this, pal? 反叛者,船长!Rebellion, Captain!-你怎么说?-叛军!Rebellion!是的,阴谋诡计 Yes, the rebellion.命运在等着的是造反的人? And what fate is waiting for them those who rebel? 我们已经知道答案了,是不是...You already know the answer, and you do not a...叛乱分子? Razvratitilor? 11月份。>>>> VAMOS_NO_CINEMA <<<< 船长,我想报告一个叛变。Captain, I want to report a rebellion.-我能展示一下名字或竖下中指。-不需要,斯派罗先生。No need, Mr.Sparrow.他们是羊,而你是牧师。They are sheep and you're the pastor.我已经说了你有一个可爱的女儿吗? I said that so far which has a wonderful daughter? 对灵魂的谴责来说这是最后的愉悦景象了 A beautiful image last for a damned soul.对不起,爸爸...但我们需要他。Excuse me, father...But we need it.如果你不杀他你会忘了你到底是谁。If you can not kill a man from time to time, forget who they really are.你是个胆小鬼!On and coward!不要忘记船员看起来像个懦夫,你也是。Remember that the team sees and as you are, 不论你杀了多少人。regardless of how many people you kill.我一天糊涂了两次。I'm confused twice in one day.你没糊涂,你是在害怕。You're not confused, Ithi is fear.不敢做出正确的选择,正确的选择 Do not you dare follow fairly even way.不,先生,道理很简单 我是个坏人 No, sir, the truth is very simple.I'm a bad man.是的 Right.-它同样可以杀了你!-不!No!-你有拉丁血统,就像你的母亲-父亲,我求求你!Father, I beg you!是的,我再次忘了 什么在我们传教士心中 Yes, again, I forgot What is the missionary among us.我的女儿担心什么是我的灵魂离开 My daughter and I worry what's left of my soul.真想 救我,孩子? Really want you to save me, son? 所以的灵魂能够被拯救 Any soul can be saved.-是的,年轻的神父?-是的。Yes.虽然就你来说不太可能。With all that in your case is less likely.然而,我为这艘船的每一个灵魂祈祷 And yet, I pray for all souls Related to this hellish ship.你良心被狗吃了是不是? Would you put out with their faith.你们哪一个人不快乐 哪一个在沉睡中? Which of you is unhappy which has sleep state? 我,我在保持清醒。Me, I stayed awake.-你?-是的。Yes.是的...非常好 Yes...Chief.Perfect.带他去运输船!Take the boat to transport it!过来一个!Come one!-为什么这样做?-叛乱者必须受到惩罚。Rebellion should be punished.一个好的船长有时展现的很可惜 A good captain demonstrates an pity sometimes.我给这个人机会决定他自己的命运 I gave this man to chance and fate decide.我不能给她什么 He would have been able to not give you anything.现在给你机会来展示 珍惜你的祈祷

You look, you now have the chance to Prayers its value.保佑能够平平安安而不是...灾祸连连? Pray to be safe from...Bad? 用尽所有的力量!

With all the power!给他一个机会!你给自己一个机会!Give him a chance!Thiele Thi Take a chance!我知道他们觉得自己是 最接近造物者的人?

You know when I feel like I'm closer to the Creator? 当我看到苦难和痛苦,似乎 我看到他对这个世界的认知 When you see the suffering and agony, it seems Your outline what I see for this world.当我看到它悲惨的和艰难的时刻

I'll see when sometimes tragic and difficult 同情与善良是提供给那些需要的人的 compassion and bunavointa are offered for those who need them.然后,祈祷你不会受伤,对不对? Then pray that you will not get hurt, right?-拜托,还是有希望的...-又一次吗!Again!我对什么不老泉一点兴趣都没有 I'm not interested in any fountain of youth, 所以如果你感到快乐,我可以去如何你想去的地方 The way that you are satisfied, I can stop anywhere you want.监督官,你自由了 Mayor, you're free.曲解你的用意 你隐藏的太深了 Your words surround it and succeed beyond as a mist to hide.而你,伟大的黑胡子? And you, Mareth Blackbeard? 他们说,当你被斩首的时候 They say that although it has been beheaded 你的身体浮了三次还爬到了甲板上 His body swam three times around the vessel and climbed onto the deck.而现在你害怕飞行 And now you're scared, fleeing.Fear?And you?Father!好吧,那么Okay, then.Whitecap Bay.Sirens,船长Sirens, Captain.水!Man in the water!Turn ship Thi!在为国王卖命?-是的Yes.当西班牙人经过我们的时候 我看到了他们眼中的恐惧

I saw fear in the eyes of the Spaniards when they passed us.是的!Yes!是的,没到白帽湾之前都给我去工作 Yes, to turn your work before Whitecap head up the bay.侬好哇 Hello.-来吧,一起喝酒Come, drink together.真的吗?Yes? 有了这个,你可以取另一个人的性命,杰克 With this you can have throughout the life of another person, Jack.-什么?-你知道那意味着什么?You know what that means? 不仅我们可以走了 Not only can go.还有这仪式涉及的受害者 And the ritual involving a victim.怎么闷闷不乐的?

-的确It's true.我对不老泉的渴望刚刚锐减了 My wish for the fountain of youth just dropped sharply.但是有一些东西 为什么你想要的很多 But there is something Why would you want too.还有黑胡子? And Beard? 将不得不快速移动 The maps in the room, We will have to change very quickly.把所有船留着作为一个奖杯 Keep all vessels as a trophy.如果你帮我,我保证会让你选一个 If you help me, I promise I'll let you choose one, 虽然我知道你的选择是什么 although I know Thi, who will be the choice.黑珍珠在一个瓶子里? Black Pearl in a bottle? 为什么黑珍珠在瓶子里? Why is the Black Pearl in a bottle? 这样的话可就更让人头疼了 It's even more annoying in miniature.安吉利卡,你懂的Angelica, you know.你是不会偷走一个无辜的人的生活的 You will not steal the life of an innocent man.怎么样的生活跛脚? What about life and chiopului? 我们需要时间,杰克,不是为了我 We need year-old Jack, not for me.而是为了我的父亲 For my father.的确,黑胡子的女儿 There is, indeed, the daughter of Blackbeard.你为自己的陷阱纠结吗

-不,我的父亲真的是的No, my father really is.你跟他们说的谎是真的 The lies told thi was not lying.是的Yes.真狡猾,我可从来没这样做过 Very clever, I never did that.当然Sure.所以,你会不会放弃这次搜寻了? So you will not leave this research? 我想要个父亲,杰克 我之前有过一个 I want a father, Jack.I had one before.安吉利卡...你的父亲,黑胡子...Angelica...His father, Blackbeard...它是邪恶的,如果有机会它会杀了你的 He is evil and will kill you If you have the opportunity.它不能被保存着 It can not be saved.你凭什么认为你就是可以设限的灵魂拯救者? Why do you think is the only salvation of the soul can set limits? 你偷走了我数十年的生活,杰克 这是你欠我的 You stole years of my life, Jack.I're due.而你正在通往死亡的路上前行 And you're on the road leads to destruction.我并不想冷眼旁观 让你跟着他 I do not want to stay away and let it follow him.每个人都到甲板上!把船放低 All on deck!Lower the boat length.把它们撒匀了别漏了 Intindeti them well, do not be entangled.让他们好好看看 我们的猎物 Make them look good for our prey.我们需要点光 更强的光 We will need light.Lots of light.快!Come on!你闻? E油 这东西烧的可猛了 Smell? And oil.She burns like a pine miracle.你能让它工作吗? You can get it to work? 这是英国人 真我们希望我们做的太多了 It is made by the British.Do not make us wait too long.正适合狩猎泪眼美人鱼 Perfect for hunting tears of a mermaid.我们输了 他们被吸引到人工光源那了 We pierduti.They are attracted by artificial light.鲨鱼!Sharks!老兄,这可比比鲨鱼更糟糕 Worse than the sharks, boy.Siren会在一小时内到我们这 Sirens will be with us within one hour remember what you say.我们是诱饵 We're the bait.我听说美人鱼之吻能保护船员不落水 I hear a siren kiss protects sailors drowning.不要被愚弄了 Do not be fooled.Sirens是女性而且她们看起来很神圣 The mermaids are women and look pine.但是,当她们觅食的时候...But when it comes time to eat...她们就会绑架在船上的船员以达到目的 Kidnapping sailors on ships bridge or boats and serve their purpose.然后,水手们在深水中被淹死并被吃掉 Then work and sailors are in deep inecati and mancati.不过有时他们是先吃然后淹死 Sometimes there first mancati inecati then.-唱歌-什么...?What the...? 他们喜欢听歌 They like songs.大声点!Higher!老天...God...看...那边 Look...There.太好了!Good Riddance!你能说话吗? Can you talk about? 是的 Yes 你是如此美丽 You're beautiful.歌是你唱的?You're the one who sings?上帝,是有点...God, is somehow...现在不要再这么疯狂了End this madness now.先生,为什么我们停在这儿?Why stop here, sir? 我们必须要快点 We must hurry.吉布斯,我需要方向引导 Gibbs, I need a direction where to turn.我已经死了I'm already dead.-从你听到的来说,似乎并不多Do you hear, there's not much it seems.就绪,斯派罗...Ready, Sparrow...我们需要她的眼泪,新鲜的We need your tears, fresh.你说的是仪式吗? How do you tell which is the ritual? 神奇的水,人鱼的泪...Well water, tears of a mermaid...还有两个银碗 一个装泪一个空着 And two silver cups.One of the tears, the other not.因此,在装泪的碗里也都要有水 So it's a tear, and water, but both.很复杂,不是吗? Very complicated, eh? 在水引起的 泪在一个地方 In both water arises.Tear in one place.喝了的人就能毁掉对方的生活 The person who drinks the cup to tear the other's life.真是严峻 Very sad.我已活的还有未活的岁月...All the years I have lived and that I could live...如果将来的命运不错...If fate would have been more favorable...如果你碰巧 我不会笑的...If this happens things I do not smile...我真相记录下这一刻 如果它会带走我所有的不够好的东西的话 I would like to register here and now I'm ready to believe anything,...如今我愿意相信任何事 if instead, it will take me get all good.明白了吗?Understand?你可以否认You can convert.是否水

-他需要空气!He needs air!会试图逃跑的Will try to escape.我同意传教士的话I agree with the missionary.看到了吗? See? 下一个 Next.同我想的一样 不在这里 Just as I thought.Not here.This is the way, is not it? Sure, but would have to go around.我们如果这样做,就不会找到那碗了 If you wait to do we will not reach the cups.Then we have back.你坚持要带一条美人鱼You insist to bring a whistle.Walk like a girl.我的意思是,我们分开?I mean we're finished?我们找到船,并拿到圣杯You will find the ship and bowls.我需要那些碗I need those bowls.不要杀死自己的女儿!You are not logged kill his own daughter!你确定吗?-我当然确定了Of course they are.再次的 Again.我什至不加载!They are not even loaded!再次 Again.既然你那么想死,那为什么不让她跳? If you want to and hard to kill her, why not, and jump? 什么? What? 如果你跳下去死了,她也会跳的 If you jump and die and follow it.再次的? Again? 嘿...如果跳了的话...我会活下来吗? Hey...If the jump...Will I survive? 美人!Ah puppet 是的,我会活下去 Yes, I will survive.一派胡言!我去!This is nonsense s!I will also!Ud 我湿了 Ud.I'm wet.干得好,老爸 Well played, Daddy.你知道这些武器都上膛,是吗? And cut the guns were loaded, is not it? 当然,亲爱的 Of course, my dear.不要让它碰你的皮肤 Do not allow your skin to touch it.什么?每一位上了年纪的人都有自己的激情 是什么阻止了你?前进!What? An old man has his passions.What stopped you? Onward!死了你再睡个够 前进!You'll sleep when you die.Onward!命运仍然是对我们有利 The target continues to be favorable to us.圣地亚哥 Santiago.庞塞德莱昂船长著名的船 The master famous Ponce de Leon.对不起...周围没有人 Sorry...Nobody around.很好!Good!我们决不能停止 We have to stop.你应该去 You need to go.我不能 I can not.要不就跳,要不就死 Jump or die.-你手拿过来-我在寻求帮助I asked for help.但你需要它 But you need it.我们快点吧? Rush, right? 不要落后 Do not get left behind.我们留在这儿一次!Stay here for a period!如此的美女...Such beauty...你定是主创造的奇迹,Surely you are a God's creations, 不是在方舟已发现了的避难的生物的后代 not a descendant of the dark creatures and found refuge in the ark.这样的美女...Such beauty...然而,它是致命的 And yet, it is fatal.Fatal? No.有什么不同?Different?似乎是不老泉?Seems Source?把生物带来,蒙着头。Bring Thi creature, I cover my head.No...You!那个怎么样?-碗...Cups...额,随你便吧Well, what you want.一起Together.石头 Stones.我们把它弄开,伙计We take it, mate.我愿把我的眼睛 在地图...I would like to play my eyes the map...我不知道他们为什么把它丢弃了 I wonder why they left behind it.不要碰骨头!Do not touch the bones!我知道他们走了,但我看不到在哪里扎营 I know and go, but I can not see and where the field Sat 杰克!Jack!吉布斯!Gibbs!我刚来把你救出监狱 I was getting temnita to get you off!你偷了我的地图 You stole my map.很好...我们走吧 Well...Let's go.Sirens...Sirens...小心点 这些水塘很深 Take care, these ponds are deep.看 Look.看!Look!被阳光晒干而死的 Left to die, to dry in the sun.只有一半的水是不够活下来,Only half the water, not enough to live, 但要想彻底死翘翘又很难 but completely death to make them a task.想想吧...Sirens Think you...Sirens, killed exploited to tears.Syren...你不想哭吗? Syren...You do not want to cry? 不久前我听说他们都死了,连你也挂了 We all die, even you.So, I hear.听着...Listen...听!你不能听到尖叫姐妹吗? Listen!Ithi tipand sisters can not hear? 难道你听不见吗? 我们需要一滴眼泪 Can not you hear? We need a single tear.-生物感染-一个一个地收集她的手指!Smulgeti your fingers one by one!用剃刀从她眼中取出泪水!Remove the tears from his eyes with a knife!对于这一切你会如何说? What would you say all this? 或许当太阳升起时他就会改变主意 I can and will change your mind when the sun rises.是的,它会燃烧的 但我不能等待日出 Yes, it will burn but can not be waiting for the sunrise.-或许我会生个火-不!No!不要挑衅我!Do not challenge me!-你不会受折磨的!-我们只需要一滴眼泪!We have just one tear!如果需要的话我会一片一片剥下你的鳞片 I will remove the scales one by one if necessary.如果你不喜欢,就去祈祷吧 If you do not like, go pray.我错了,不是所有的灵魂可以被救赎 你的就无药可救了 I've been fooled, not all souls can be saved.Your can not be saved.先生,你得面对一位前信徒 Gentlemen, you have in front a former believer.正如你叫的,这“卑鄙的家伙”对你来说值一百块呢 vile creature, as it was called, worth 100 to you.你是否重视它 一个愿望 I have attached it.You want.不要否认我双眼清楚看到的东西 问题是...I do not deny what my eyes see clearly.The question is...你想自己来吗? Want it? 神呐,是的,如你所愿 我们是幸运的 God, yes, you want.We are lucky.给我一滴眼泪...否则你会见证他的死亡 Give me a tear...Or you will be witness to his death.锡伦!你能给我一滴眼泪吗? 我会心存感激的 Syren!You can provide a tear.I'll be grateful.不论是不是悲催...然而 Sadness and I do, or not...More.岁月不等人Time and tide wait on anyone.看来Sirens真的很难对付啊 As you see, sirens are really tough.和其他的一样打个结 a bond that others.避开身体 Get rid of the body.Ever Are you sure?你是什么意思...感受? 不,不是真的感觉No, not really feeling, yeah...Well, feelings, dammit.A risk is fairly simple.你在干什么?What are you doing?Syren, sorry.是的Yes.我说,我们现在有机会来凑合I say that you now have the chance to improvise.这种尝试 This attempt.也许我可以腾出一只手 你有刀!非常好 Maybe I can free up a hand.You have the knife!Very good.不止于此 More than that.我想要一把...And I want one...用来报仇 For revenge, sweet and lucid.-复仇?-别这样啊,赫克托Come on, Hector.如果你想要碗,你已经看到有你已经走了 If you want the basins, You've seen it and were not.我们寄期待于黑胡子 You are expected to Blackbeard.拉布为国王乔治...Filibuster George King...Slabut.剧院不值钱的 Theatre worthless and otherwise.-你那晚不在那儿-Pearl是什么时候丢失的?When Pearl was lost? 它被拿走了而不是丢了 It was taken, not lost.当我们受到了攻击的时候我在西班牙海岸附近I was near the coast of Spain when he was attacked.没有谈判也没有警告...No trades or a warning...我用了网抢 I was facuti weapons sieve.然后珍珠号下方的水开始蠕动...And then the water in Pearl began to stir...珍珠号开始猛烈的震颤...Pearl began trosneasca the violent...桅杆,甲板,栏杆,都在颤 Mast, deck, railings, all at the same time.我们自己船开始砸向我们 Bottle with life.Our own ship turned against us.船员拉紧缆绳 放弃了生还的机会 The crew was tight, and ropes gave up and last drop of life.他们的身子和我的腿都被绳子缠着 Strings that have been winding Bad and my leg.但我的手臂可以活动,而且手上还有把剑 But my arms were free and had a sword in his hand.我才是这船的主人,而不是黑胡子 I am the Lord of my boat, No beard.我是自己命运的主人,而不是黑胡子 I am the Lord of my fate, No beard.所以,我做好该做的事 He did so I had to be done.我活了下来 I survived.所以,你别想到不老泉了 So you do not want Fountain.我才不管乔治王 I do not care about the King George 谣言或是小酒馆给予了神奇的愈合的希望 rumors or tavern giving hope of miraculous healing.我愿意付出我的左臂以换取杀死黑胡子的机会 He came out and growth for the chance to kill Blackbeard.为什么不是右膀子呢? Why do not you? 我需要用我的右手拿剑刺向它的心脏 I need my right to drive poisoned sword in his heart.我会确保你有这样的机会的,伙计 I take care to say you are gross this chance, pal.囚犯越狱了 Prisoner escapes.逃!Escape!我想生活!I want him alive!我以为这是信号来着 I thought as that was the sign.-来吧!准备好!-敌人已经逼近!

-Give up!Prepare your departure!You brought the cups, Sparrow?我看见你带了一个朋友I see you brought thi and a friend.Yes, I understand...That's it?你的船在距离这么多,是的At a distance from his ship and the sea, yeah.这就是给人以生命的眼泪吗-是的,快点!Yes, and you hurry!安吉利卡...救救我,我的孩子 Angelica...Save me, my son.不!No!我爱你,爸爸 I love you, Daddy.等一下 Wait a minute.其实...它可能已被包围了 Actually...It may have been the opposite.圣杯,他的眼泪,和其他只有水...Chalice he had tears, and the other had only water...魔鬼是个骗子!Devil is a liar!父亲!Daddy!混蛋!你怎么可以这样? Bastard!How could you do? 你的父亲救了你 或许他的灵魂如今已被救赎 His father saved you.Perhaps your soul is now saved.你受伤了 You're hurt.只是我的肉体受伤了 Only my body is sore.我的灵魂十分安宁 My soul is at peace.我?Me? 是的 Yes 我曾迷失于...I was lost...风,潮汐中...Tides Winds,...你决定了人类的命运 Thi brought the fate of men.但对我来说,你带来了你自己 But for me, You have just brought you.菲利普,你可以被救赎的 尽管问我 Felipe, you can save.Just ask me.-我在寻找一样东西-什么?What? 宽恕 Sorry.如果是我,若并没有被抓到 If you were not and I have not been captured.-问我-对不起Sorry.我恨你!I hate you!我救了你的性命 Thi, I just saved your life.我们在其中抢劫年从我的父亲!Years we've furati my father!我想黑胡子做的是任何父亲都会做的事 I think I did Blackbeard what any father would have done.你真是残酷又无知 You are cruel and ignorant.有一发子弹的枪 A pistol with one bullet.来在被饿死前自杀 How to kill me before dying of hunger? 我不能信任你,甜心 I can not trust you, love.放松,这是一条商业航线,总有人会看到到船的 And calm you, this is a trade route, can draw attention to a ship.或者你想怎么样就怎么样 Or you can do to Ithi way, as you think.而且我会如何逃出? And as I release these connections? 你一个半小时前摆脱了那些东西 Get rid of these links half an hour ago, 并且你等到了正确的时机发动了攻击 and have all the expected right moment to strike.面对现实吧,杰克 我仍然爱着 Acknowledge it, Jack.I still love you.如果你有一个姐姐和一个狗 我会选择狗 If you have a sister and a dog and choose a dog.宝藏!这是一个能够控制风力和潮汐的东西!Treasure!It is a treasure chest of jewels able to control the wind and tide!等下...Wait...我怀孕了...是你的 I'm pregnant...The child is his.你当时喝醉了!You were drunk!事实上,我从来没那么醉过!Actually, I never was so drunk!等下!Wait!我有事想告诉你 I want to say something.自从我们初次相遇我就想对你说了 I wanted to tell you this from the first moment we saw.说吧 Get up.我爱你 I love you.我也爱你 And I you.我会永远爱你珍惜你的 I have always loved.And I'll love you forever.我得走了 I gotta go.杰克!Jack!我和你还没完!I'm not finished with you!杰克!Jack!你错过了!You lose!复仇是我的 Vengeance is mine.先生 Sir.我在桥下找到的 I found her under a bridge.所有人!动起来!Everyone at the station!Move your spurcati bugs!干燥的时期,我得到了更好的,但现在我需要大海和天空!The dry period that I have improved, but now I need the sea and sky!敬托尔图加!To Tortuga!吉布斯 你设法搞定!mizerabilule Gibbs you got it!好的 Yes 我希望我已经成功地盈利了 迪基在我们的企业吗? I hope we can make a profit frumu of our company and it? 眼睛享受吧!Enjoy Thi eyes!罗盘带指向的正是我要去的地方 Compass took me exactly where needed.你是如何获躲过黑胡子船上的守卫的? As you pass by those who keep the Blackbeard's ship? 我用回旋 本人在新几内亚完美了 I used to maneuver I perfectionat in New Guinea.留下整个船队真是个遗憾 It was a shame to leave behind an entire fleet.的确如此 Indeed.我讨厌那只猴子!I hate that monkey!你知不知道我们如何能找到珍珠在那里? Any idea how we could Pearl out there? 我们需要一个弩,一个沙漏,三只山羊,We'll need a beast an hourglass, three goats, 我们三人中的一个要学会吹小号,one of us will to learn the trumpet, 而另一个这样做 while the other is waiting a.我认识一个有山羊的人 I know a man who has goats.很好!我可以这样做!Good!I can do Oh wait!杰克,我必须要问...Jack, I have to ask...你有碗,水,泪...也许你能永生!You had bowls, water, tear...Maybe you can become immortal!不老泉的确很诱人 Source is really tempting 但不到最后时刻最好不要知道 but it is better not to know thi what could be his last moments.你的每一个生物都生活在无限的奥秘之中 Each piece of your creatures entirely to live in the infinite mystery.还有,谁说我不能永生的? And who says he will not live forever? 发现了不老泉 Discovered the fountain of youth.吉布斯,从一个方面来说我别无选择了 我注定了就是海盗 I do not have a choice in regards Gibbs.My life is a pirate's life.John Is it?



2003年,迪斯尼公司推出了魔幻巨制加勒比海盗,在全球掀起了一股海盗热潮。这些曾经在阳光明媚,海水湛蓝,航线密集的加勒比海区纵横的传奇人物再次成为人们的焦点。紧接着迪斯尼公司又推出了3部续集,4部影片如汹涌的海潮一样在全球卷走了几十亿美金的票房。看了加勒比海盗,感觉自己的心脏与血液与波涛一起在体内律动,一种共鸣感深深撞击着灵魂,心底尘封已久的那个关于自由的梦想也被重新激活,灵魂也经过海浪与阳光的洗礼而焕然一新。这部电影情节曲折,引人入胜,剧情紧张,充满激情,演员阵容堪称豪华,加上工业光魔的精湛特效为我们构造了一个奇幻的海盗世界。其中加勒比海盗的配乐是不容忽视而且注定不朽的,影片配乐诠释了了主旨,渲染了情节,烘托了影片气氛,同时也升华了了主题,可以说影片配乐对本片的巨大成功起了不可磨灭的作用。提到加勒比海盗的配乐,我不得不提配乐的作者—Hans Zimmer,一个在好莱坞如雷贯耳的名字,他是一个真正的天才。作为一个德国的后裔,他具有无比开放的想象力和不屈不挠的追求完美的精神,经 Hans Zimmer 操刀的作品有《狮子王》,《勇闯夺命岛》,《亚历山大大帝》,《断箭》,《碟中谍2》,《角斗士》,《珍珠港》等。这些作品都被打上了 “Hans Zimmer”这个标签。在他看来,旋律是一切之源,他的音乐不仅是画面的解释者,更是通往人们内心深处的桥梁。他独特的音乐形式已经蔚为风格,他总能巧妙的用运音符瞬间表现的影响画面的情绪张力,使电影配乐成为电影的灵魂。

作为贯穿全部系列的 《He′s a pirate》是影片当之无愧的线索配乐,也是诠释主题的最好的配乐之一,也是Hans Zimmer个人风格淋漓展现的一个作品,本曲开头以节奏紧凑短促的提琴合奏开场,给人以紧张急促的感觉,随之以交响乐形式出现的主旋律直接将乐曲推向高潮,其间还有节奏的加入了打击乐,是高潮部分更加丰满,富有层次感和张力,使乐曲在雄浑的气势下不失强有力的节奏感,同时之前的提琴前奏还穿插其中,使这个曲子具有连贯性与延续性,使人听起来流畅完美,无衣无缝,整首曲子浑然天成,尤其是高潮部分管弦乐与打击乐的精妙配合,气势磅礴,雄浑大气,让人们的血脉随着音乐一起跳动,乐曲以弦乐收尾,给人以余音绕梁之感,似乎乐曲的高潮并没有完结而是结尾的弦乐中无限延伸,灵魂也在这延伸中不自觉地随之共鸣似乎海盗们的传奇也也永远没有结尾,也只有《He′s a pirate》雄浑磅礴,富有节奏张力充满感情的曲风,勾起了人们对无拘无束的自由生活的向往。“The seas be ours and by the powers where we will we’ll roam.Some men have died and some are alive and others sail on the sea with the keys to the cage and the Devil to pay we lay to Fiddler’s Green!.(我们拥有海洋和力量 ,我们该流浪何方?有些人已安息, 有些人仍活着, 还有些人继续在海上航行。他的钥匙插入箱子里,恶魔将会实现我们航海者的梦!)”这首《Hoist the colours》(扬起旗帜)是《加勒比海盗3》中开篇的乐曲,曲风与原声大碟中《What shall we die for》相同,该乐曲音程跨度大,给人以荡气回肠的感觉,但是管弦乐奏出的曲调相对低沉,仍让人感到些黯淡,因为这是一首海盗的禁歌,一旦被唱响,全世界的海盗将会起义,但在影片最后这首歌被再次唱起时,管弦乐队的有力演奏与打击乐的加入为这首歌注入了一种不屈的反抗精神,此时,这首歌从一首禁歌变成了一首战歌,当海盗旗帜纷纷升起,伊丽莎白喊出 “Fire!”之时,心中有一种莫名的感动,正如歌中所唱,人们为了自由不断向现实与命运提出挑战,随着乐曲进入高潮,低沉浑厚的合唱也加入进来,这种生命的强音拨动着我们的心弦,让我们充满了为梦想而奋斗和与命运斗争的力量。

还有一首曲子值得一提,那就是时长6分46秒的《Wheel of fortune》(命运之轮)。这首曲子没有在电影中出现但是收录在原声大碟之中,这首乐曲先是引入了快板弦乐,紧张急促。紧接着是一段舒缓的弦乐将乐曲逐步带进高潮,而高潮部分正是 《He′s a pirate》只不过这个版本节奏感更加强烈,音程更加宽广,给人以抑扬顿挫的硬朗之感,就像波澜壮阔的大海一样。随着乐曲中弦乐演奏音调不断拔高,乐曲也不断被推向高潮,但紧接着乐曲主题又换为《Jack Sparrow》,调皮的风琴演奏再次出现,船长诙谐的性格表露无遗,一个简单的过渡后,传来音乐盒的声音,进而 《Davy Jones》的主题出现,之后的旋律自然以阴暗的管风琴为主,正当我们感到压抑之时,那段活泼跃动的提琴演奏又将我们拉回船长那个多彩自由的世界。《He′s a pirate》与 《Jack Sparrow》 三拍一顿的小提琴独奏穿插交替出现,之后全是船长的 “show time”。最后整首《Wheel of fortune》以《He′s a pirate》的“改良精简版”结尾。这首乐曲风格多变,但绝对浑然天成。在三部曲中出现的乐曲经Hans Zimmer的精心雕琢和重新组合后,以《He’s pirate》作为贯穿全曲的主线,其中穿插许多主题,将洒脱,诙谐,细腻,磅礴等特点淋漓尽致地展现出来,表现出Hans Zimmer鲜明的个人风格与影片所要表达的主题,使之成为真正的连接影片和观众内心的桥梁。


《Jack Sparrow》无疑是诠释这位英勇,自由,随性,神秘,外表散漫,内心执著的船长的完美之作。想要用音乐诠释这样一个理想单纯,性格复杂的人实属不易,但Hans Zimmer精心打造与船长同名的《Jack Sparrow》却做到了,乐曲开头便是提琴协奏,一张一弛,三拍一顿,节奏舒缓,似乎在不经意之间进行。曲风诙谐风趣,这正是船长给人们的第一印象:自由散漫,玩世不恭。接着提琴与管弦乐交替演奏这段主题,并夹有急促的弦乐,在弦乐的张弛中主题逐渐淡去,跃动性极强的小提琴独奏引出作为高潮的交响乐,该段交响乐节奏感强,气势恢宏,小提琴独奏穿插其间,管乐与打击乐表现出强烈的节奏感,小提琴独奏出现一次就将乐曲进一步推向高潮,紧接着不断变调而上的弦乐正式将乐曲带进高潮部分,激昂大气,磅礴雄伟的主题由此展开,让我们想起了站在桅杆上乘风远望的船长,之后小提琴独奏再次出现,在这不断的回复之中乐曲以有力的管弦乐合奏结尾。这就是船长性格复杂之处的所在,他身上玩世不恭,自由随性,英勇,执着冷静等特点,如乐曲中的小提琴独奏与交响乐合奏一样交替出现的,也只有这样一首感情色彩贯穿其中的乐曲能诠释船长。

“飞翔的荷兰人”船长大卫·琼斯也是极具争议的人物,安静,冷酷同时又痴情,他是海洋中死亡的代名词,而他却爱上一个和大海一样善变的女神Calypso,并且心甘情愿为其效力,承诺十年之内不得上岸来照顾死在大海中的水手的亡灵,但十年之后,Calypso没有出现。极其失望的他愤而将女神封印于肉身之中,并割下自己的心脏作为不死船长背负使命孤单的漂流在大海之上„„而《Davy Jones》正是这位不死船长的注脚,乐曲开头就奏出音乐盒柔和的声音,似乎是琼斯在倾诉自己缠绵的爱意,但是这个声音持续了不长时间后,管风琴演奏的主题出现,这种与吸血鬼紧密相连的乐器音量宏大,气势雄浑,给人带来古老,神秘,腐朽,森然阴郁的感觉。在打击乐沉重有力的声响之后,乐曲又回到开头如泉水般的音乐盒声音上,这种由爱及恨,但内心里仍充满对爱的眷恋的心情被完美诠释。体现了琼斯对Calypso凄美幽怨的爱情,同时也预示了他可以永生但是永世孤独的悲剧命运。记得船长曾在流放孤岛时对伊丽莎白说过:“我会拥有整个海洋,整个世界,我想去哪里就去哪里,这就是一艘船的真正含义,一艘船可不仅仅是有条龙骨,有个船壳,有个甲板,有几张船上所必要的帆。一艘船的真正含义,黑珍珠号的真正含义——是自由。”当他夺回黑珍珠号,重新抚摸船舵时向,他向船员发出命令:“让我们行驶向远方,自由的一方„„”Hans Zimmer通过用自己的才华浇铸的杰作为我们谱写了一首自由之歌。这首歌歌颂的是美丽,永恒与执着。感谢Jhonny Depp,感谢Hans Zimmer,感谢《加勒比海盗》为我们书写了一首壮阔的大海史诗。

第三篇:加勒比海盗 读后感


“永远不要妄图知道自己的末日,生命的奥妙就在于活在当下。我是一个不折不扣的海盗”—— Jack Sparrow




我敢说,看过此片的人对这对的感情不会不为所动.当黑胡子对美人鱼小姐称呼“那个东西”的时候,他愤怒的大喊:”喂!她不是那个东 西,她是有名字的。”于是,他就给了她一个名字:赛琳娜。






我们有时不太肯面对现实,然而现实总是太残酷,虽说可怜天下父母心,但是愚孝不等于尊敬。不管是身为父母保护子女,还是身为子女孝敬父母都该是一种本能。如果连这种本 能也丧失了,也就没有了人性。




















以上就是我对加勒比海盗的观后感,仅表达个人的意见,大家看看过就行,不必深究!Thank you!


[Jack]: Will you be saving her? [Mullroy]: I can't swim.[Jack]: Pride of the King's Navy,you are.Do not lose these.[Murtogg]: What was that?

[MAN]: Make way!

[Murtogg]: I got her!

[Mullroy]: She's not breathing!

[Jack]: Move!

[Mullroy]: I never would've thought of that.[Jack]: Clearly you've never been to Singapore.Where did you get that?

[Norrington]: On your feet.[Swann]: Elizabeth!Are you all right?

[Swann]: Now will you shoot him? [Norrington]: Open fire!On his heels!

[MAN]: Take cover,man!

[Norrington]: Gillette,Mr.Sparrow has a dawn appointment with the gallows.I would hate for him to miss it.[MAN]: Search upstairs!

[MAN#2]: Look lively,men!

[Will]: Right where I left you.Not where I left you.You're the one they're hunting.The pirate.[Jack]: You seem familiar.Have I threatened you before?

[Will]: I make a point of avoiding familiarity with pirates.[Jack]: It would be a shame to put a mark on your record.So if you'll excuse me.Do you think this wise,boy? Crossing blades

with a pirate?

[Will]: You threatened Miss Swann.[Jack]: Only a little.You know what you're doing.I'll give you that.Excellent form.But how's your footwork? If I step

here.Very good.And now I step again.That is a wonderful trick.Except,once again,you are between me and my way out.And

now you have no weapon.Who makes all these?

[Will]: I do.And I practice with them three hours a day.[Jack]: You need to find yourself a girl,mate.Or perhaps the reason you practice three hours a day is that you found one and

are otherwise incapable of wooing said strumpet.You're not a eunuch,are you?

[Will]: I practice three hours a day so when I meet a pirate,I can kill it!You cheated.[Jack]: Pirate.Move away.[Will]: No.[Jack]: Please move.[Will]: No.I cannot just step aside and let you escape.[Jack]: This shot is not meant for you.[MAN]:There he is!Over here!

[Norrington]: Excellent work,Mr.Brown.You've assisted in the capture of a dangers fugitive

[Brown]: Just doing my civic duty,sir.[Norrington]: I trust you will remember this is the day The Captain Jack Sparrow almost escaped.Take him away.[MAN]: Can you smell it? Come here.[Jack]: It's marrowbone.([MAN]: Come here.)Want a nice juicy bone?([MAN]: Come here,boy!Come on.)You can keep doing that

forever.The dog is never going to move.[MAN]: Oh,excuse us if we haven't resigned ourself to the gallows just yet.[WOMAN]: There you go,miss.It was a difficult day for you,I'm sure.[Elizabeth]: I suspected Commodore Norrington would propose.I must admit,I wasn't prepared for it.[WOMAN]: I meant you being threatened by that pirate.Sounds terrifying.[Elizabeth]: Oh.Yes,it was terrifying.[WOMAN]: But the commodore proposed.Fancy that.Now,that's a smatr match,miss,if it's not too bold to say.[Elizabeth]: It is a smatr match.He's a fine man.He's what any woman should dream of marrying.[WOMAN]: Well,that Will Turner.He's a fine man,too.[Elizabeth]: That is too bold.[WOMAN]: Well,begging your pardon,miss.It was not my place.[Swann]: Has my daughter given you an answer yet?

[Norrington]: No,she hasn't.[Swann]: Well,she has had a very trying day.[Swann]: Ghastly weather,don't you think?

[Norrington]: Bleak.Very bleak.[Swann]: What's that?

[Norrington]: Cannon fire!Rerurn fire!

[Jack]: I know those guns.([Norrington]:Men to arms!)It's the Pearl.[MAN]: The Black Pearl? I've heard stories.She's been preying on ships and settlements for neat 10 years.Never leaves any

survivors.[Jack]: No survivors? Then where do the stories come from,I wonder?

[PIRATE]: Coming through!

[Norrington]: Sight the muzzle flash!

[MAN]: Aim for the flashes!

[Norrington]: I need a full strike,fore and aft.Mr.Stephens,more cartridges!Governor,barricade your self in my office.That's an order.[Elizabeth]: Don't!

[Pintel]: Hello,chum.[Ragetti]: Up there.[WOMAN]: Miss Swann, they've come to kidnap you!

[Elizabeth]: What?

[WOMAN]: You're the governor's daughter.[MAN]: In here!

[WOMAN]: Listen.They haven't seen you.The first chance you get,run to the fort.[Ragetti]: Gotcha.No!No!No!It's hot!You burned me!

[Pintel]: Come on!We know you're here,poppet.[Ragetti]: Poppet.[Pintel]: Come out and we promise we won't hurt you.We will find you,poppet.You've got something of ours,and it calls to

us.The gold calls to us.Gold.Hello,poppet.[Elizabeth]: Parley.[Pintel]: What? [Elizabeth]: Parley.I invoke the right of parley.According to the Code of the Brethren set down by the pirates Morgan and

Bartholomew,you have to take me to your captain.[Pintel]: I know the Code.[Elizabeth]: If an adversary demands parley,you can do them no harm until the parley is complete.[Ragetti]: To blazes with the Code.[Pintel]: She wants to be taken to the captain.And she'll go without a fuss.We must honor the Code.[PIRATE]: Say goodbye.[Will]: Goodbye.[Elizabeth]: Will.[Pintel]: Come on!

[Will]: Elizabeth.[PIRATE]: Out of my way,scum!

[MAN]: My sympathies,friend.You've no manner of luck at all.[Jack]: Come on,doggy.It's just you and me now.Come on.That's a boy.Good boy.Come get the bone.That's a good boy.Come

on.A bit closer.A bit closer.That's it.That's it,doggy.Come on,you filthy,slimy,mangy cur.Don't do that.No,no!I

didn't mean it!I didn't.[Twigg]: This ain't the armory.[PIRATE]: Well,well,well.Look what we have here,Twigg.Captain Jack Sparrow.[Twigg]: Last time I saw you,you were all alone on a godforsaken island,shrinking into the distance.His fortunes aren't

improved much.[Jack]: Worry,about your own fortunes,gentlemen.The deepest circle of hell is reserved for betrayers and mutineers.So there

is a curse.That's interesting.[PIRATE]: You know nothing of hell.[Jack]: That's very interesting.[PIRATE]: I didn't know we was taking on captives.[Pintel]: She's invoked the right of parley with Captain Barbossa.[Elizabeth]: I'm here to--

[PIRATE]: You'll speak when spoken to.[Barbossa]: And ye will not lay a hand on those under the protection of parley.[PIRATE]: Aye,sir.[Barbossa]: My apologies,miss.[Elizabeth]: Captain Barbossa,I an here to negotiate the cessation of hostilities against Port Royal.[Barbossa]: There were a lot of long words in there.We're naught but humble pirates.What is it that you want?

[Elizabeth]: I want you to leave and never come back.[Barbossa]: I'm disinclined to acquiesce to your request.Means “no.”

[Elizabeth]: Very well.I'll drop it.[Barbossa]: Me holds are bursting with swag.That bit of shine matters to us?Why?

[Elizabeth]: It's what you've been searching for.I recognize this ship.I saw it eight years ago on the crossing from

England.[Barbossa]: Did you,now? [Elizabeth]: Fine.I suppose if it is worthless,there's no point in me keeping it.[Barbossa]: You have a name,missy?

[Elizabeth]: Elizabeth Turner.I'm a maid in the governor's household.[Barbossa]: Miss Turner.[Pintel]: Bootstrap.[Barbossa]: How does a maid own a trinket such as that?Family heirloom,perhaps?

[Elizabeth]: I didn't steal it,if that's what you mean.[Barbossa]: Very well.Hand it over.We'll put your town to our rudder and ne'er return.[Elizabeth]: Our bargain?

[PIRATE]: Still the guns and stow them.[Elizabeth]: Wait!You have to take me to shore.According to the Code--

[Barbossa]: First,your return to shore was not part of our agreement.So I must do noting.You must be a pirate for the

Pirate's Code to apply,and you're not.Thirdly,the Code is more what you'd call guidelines than actual rules.Welcome aboard the Black Pearl,Miss Turner.[Will]: They've taken her.They've taken Elizabeth.[Norrington]: Mr.Murtogg,remove this man.[Will]: We have to hunt them down.We must save her.[Swann]: And where do you propose we start?If you have any information concerning my daughter,please share it.[Murtogg]: That Jack Sparrow.He talked about the Black Pearl.[Mullroy]: Mentioned it is more what he did.[Will]: Ask him where it is.He could lead us to it.[Norrington]: No.The pirates who invaded this fort left Sparrow locked in his cell,ergo they are not his allies.Governor we

will establish their most likely course.[Will]: That's not good enough!

[Norrington]: Mr.Turner,you are not a military man.You are not a sailor.You are a blacksmith.And this is not the moment

for rash actions.Do not make the mistake of thinking you are the only man here who cares for Elizabeth.[Will]: You.Sparrow.You are familiar with that ship.The Black Pearl.[Jack]: I've heard of it.[Will]: Where does it make berth?

[Jack]: Where does it make berth?Have you not heard the stories?Captain Barbossa and his crew of miscreants sail from the

dreaded lsla de Muerta.It's an island that cannot be found,except by those who already know where it is.[Will]: The ship's real enough.Its anchorage must be a real place.Where is it?

[Jack]: Why ask me?

[Will]: Because you're a pirate.[Jack]: And you want to turn pirate yourself,is that it?

[Will]: Never.They took Miss Swann.[Jack]: Oh,so it is that you found a girl.I see.Well,if you're intending to brave all,hasten to her rescue,and so win fair

lady's heart,you'll have to do it alone,mate.I see no profit in it for me.[Will]: I can get you out of here.[Jack]: How's that?They key's run off.[Will]: I helped build these cell.These are half-pin barrel hinges.With the right leverage and the proper application of

strength.The door will lift free.[Jack]: What's your name?

[Will]: Will Turner.[Jack]: That would be short for William,I imagine.Good,strong name.No doubt named for your father,all right?

[Will]: Yes.[Jack]: Uh-huh.Well,Mr.Turner,I've changed me mind.If you spring me from this cell,I swear on pain of death.I shall take

you to the Black Pearl and your bonny lass.Do we have an accord?

[Will]: Agreed.[Jack]: Agreed.Get me out.[Will]: Hurry.Someone will have heard that.[Jack]: Not without my effects.[Will]: We're going to steal the ship? That ship?

[Jack]: Commandeer.We're going to commandeer that ship.Nautical term.One question about your business boy.There's no use

going.This girl.How far are you willing to go to save her?

[Will]: I'd die for her.[Jack]: Oh,good.No worries,then.[Will]: This is either madness or brilliance.[Jack]: It's remarkable how often those two traits coincide.Everyone stay calm!We are taking over the ship.[Will]: Aye!Avast!

[Gillette]: This ship cannot be crewed by two men.You'll never make it out of the bay.[Jack]: Son,I'm Captain Jack Sparrow.Savvy?

[Elizabeth]: Yes,I'm fine.[Swann]: Shoot him.[Elizabeth]: Father.[Swann]: What?

[Elizabeth]: Commodore,do you really intend to kill my rescuer?

[Norrington]: I believe thanks are in order.Had a brush with the East India Trading Company,did we,pirate?

[Swann]: Hang him.[Norrington]: Keep your guns on him,men.Gillette,fetch some irons.Well,well.Jack Sparrow,isn't it?

[Jack]: Captain Jack Sparrow,if you please,sir.[Norrington]: Well,I don't see your ship,Captain.[Jack]: I'm in the market,as it were.[Murtogg]: He said he'd come to commandeer one.[Mullroy]: Told you he was telling the truth.These are his,sir.[Norrington]: No additional shot nor powder.A compass that doesn't point North.And I half expected it to be made of wood.You are without doubt the worst pirate I've ever heard of.[Jack]: But you have heard of me.[Elizabeth]: Commodore,I really must protest.[Norrington]: Carefully,Lieutenant.[Elizabeth]: Pirate or not,this man saved my life.[Norrington]: One good deed is not enough to redeem a man of a lifetime of wickedness.[Jack]: Though it seems enough to condemn him.[Norrington]: Indeed.[Jack]: Finally.[Swann]: No.No!Don't shoot!

[Jack]: I knew you'd warm up to me.Commodore Norrington,my effects,please.And my hat.Commodore.It is Elizabeth,isn't it?

[Elizabeth]: It's Miss Swann.[Jack]: Miss Swann,if you'd be so kind.Come,come,dear.We don't have all day.Now if you'll be very kind.Easy on the

goods,darling.[Elizabeth]: You're despicable.[Jack]: Sticks and stones,love.I saved your life.You save mine.We're square.Gentlemen,milady,you will always remember

this as the day that you almost caught Captain Jack Sparrow.加勒比海盗3台词
