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编辑:寂夜思潮 识别码:15-791969 6号文库 发布时间: 2023-11-11 11:20:50 来源:网络


Ladies and Gentlemen,Welcome to our “Speech Corner”.Now it’s my turn to give my speech on the end of the world.As the sun has started to expand into a red giant consuming the earth in flames, the earth is doomed to reach the end of its life span.Yes, it is the end of the world.But you don’t need to rush to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau to board the Noah’s ark or rack your brains about the philosophical question that which dies first, your body or your spirit.All you need to do is wait for a ship which will take you to another world in 24 hours and carry one bag with you.Well, as for myself, what shall I do in such a short time and what shall I take and leave behind? Firstly, I will carry a camera with me to keep minutes of what I have done in the 24 hours.Then, I will prepare a nutritional breakfast and share with my family in a harmonious atmosphere.After the breakfast, I will do something that I dare not do in the previous years and break the barriers which prevent me from living my life to the fullest.Maybe I will do a “dine and dash”.Finally, I will pay a visit to some special persons in my life.I will visit my best friends to speak out the words I should have told rather than bury them deep in my heart.I will visit those who have misunderstood me to clear up the unpleasurable cloud which has lasted for years.I will visit those who have hurt but taught me how to live a life to show my appreciation.They have marked on my history of life and I will cherish them even when I’m

not on this planet.When the evening closes in, I’ll go back home and pack my bag.I can spare anything but my photos, which are the most priceless treasure in my life.I cannot afford to leave them behind.Besides my photos, I will take the book Jane Eyre into my bag, which teaches me that dignity and love are the value of a person.And I hope that the next generation will have a chance to read this masterpiece.After I pack my bag, I’ll board the ship without any regret, because I do believe that we human beings will create another beautiful world when we are united as a whole.



What 2012 means to you ? A blockbuster? A number?

Doomsdays? Believe it or not, a large quantity of people’s answer would be the last one.why? Do you really believe 2012 will be the end of the world?

After watching the movie 2012, we never failed to forget the

scenes of catastrophes.Maybe wecan comfort ourselves that a film is just a film, but look around, why a serious of earthquakes volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, floods, droughts took place on our planet lately? Just a coincidence? Or omens? Furthermore, the Long Count in the

Mayan calendar predicted that the world will end on Dec.21th, 2012.The Mayans were extremely good at math and astronomy, and their prophecies always turned out to be precise.Do you believe doomsday now? However, there are also many

non-believers who hold the opposite view, Dr Morrison, for axample, an astronomer at the NASA Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, Calif, said,” I get angry at the way people are being manipulated and frightened to make money.There is no ethical right to frighten children to make a buck.” Furthermore, the old folks of Maya claimed that some people have mistaken their prediction, and the truth were that 2012 was the end of the old calendar 5, 125-year cycle and the start of the new calendar, but not the end of civilization.Last but not the least.Both NASA(the National Aeronautics and Space Administration)and CERN(the European Center for Nuclear Research)assure us that everything is fine.Are you confused? Which side of view do you take? On my point of view, it makes nonsense to figure out what is true or what is not ,or worry about the unknown.What really matters is that we cherish the moment and hope for future without giving up forever.No matter what happens, we stay together to be prepared for the future, create miracles, love each other and avoid man-made disaster ,like environmental

pollution, excessive exploitation of resources, terrorist attacks, nuclear war and hatred.Facing the strength of nature, we are so small and

helpless.But if we, people all over the world, Unite as a wall to confront disaster, we will come around-------reborn!Just as

Days to See>,which is written by Helen Keller, said,” sometimes I have thought it would be an excellent rule to live each day as if we should die tomorro





















