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UN Secretary-General's Message on World Water Day

New York, 22 March 202_

Water is the source of life and the link that binds all living beings on this planet.It is connected directly to all our United Nations goals: improved maternal and child health and life expectancy, women's empowerment, food security, sustainable development and climate change adaptation and mitigation.Recognition of these links led to the declaration of 202_-202_ as the International Decade for Action “Water for Life”.水是生命之源,也是维系地球上所有生命的纽带。水直接关系到我们联合国的各项目标:改善孕产妇和儿童健康和提高预期寿命、增强妇女力量、粮食安全、可持续发展以及适应和减缓气候变化。正是因为认识到这些联系才宣布202_-202_年为“生命之水”国际行动十年。

Our indispensable water resources have proven themselves to be greatly resilient, but they are increasingly vulnerable and threatened.Our growing population's need for water for food, raw materials and energy is increasingly competing with nature's own demands for water to sustain already imperiled ecosystems and the services on which we depend.Day after day, we pour millions of tons of untreated sewage and industrial and agricultural wastes into the world's water systems.Clean water has become scarce and will become even scarcer with the onset of climate change.And the poor continue to suffer first and most from pollution, water shortages and the lack of adequate sanitation.我们不可缺少的水资源确实具有巨大的复原力,但它们越来越脆弱也日趋受到威胁。不断增长的人口对食物、原材料和能源用水的需求与大自然本身对维持濒危生态系统和继续提供我们赖以生存的服务的水量需求之间竞争日趋激烈。人类每天都向世界各水系中倾倒千百万吨未经处理的污水以及工业和农业废物。清洁饮水已经成为稀缺资源,而且随着气候变化的到来将变得更加稀缺。穷人将首当其冲地受到污染、缺水和缺乏适当卫生条件的影响。

The theme of this year's World Water Day, “Clean Water for a Healthy World”, emphasizes that both the quality and the quantity of water resources are at risk.More people die from unsafe water than from all forms of violence, including war.These deaths are an affront to our common humanity, and undermine the efforts of many countries to achieve their development potential.今年世界水日的主题是“保障清洁水源,创造健康世界”,强调水资源质量和数量都面临威胁。因饮用不卫生的水而死亡的人数超过了包括战争在内等一切形式暴力的死亡人数。这些死亡是对我们共同人性的侮辱,也破坏了许多国家充分发挥发展潜力的努力。

The world has the know-how to solve these challenges and become better stewards of our water resources.Water is central to all our development goals.As we mark the mid-point of the International Decade for Action, and look forward to this year's MDG Summit, let us protect and sustainably manage our waters for the poor, the vulnerable and for all life on Earth.世界已掌握解决这些难题的专门技能,能够更好地管理水资源。水对于我们的所有发展目标都至关重要。现在,该国际行动十年已为期过半,我们期待今年举行千年发展目标首脑会议,让我们保护水资源并对之进行可持续的管理,以增进穷人和弱势群体的利益,保护地球上的所有生命。


Water is the source of life and the link that binds all living beings on this planet.It is connected directly to all our United Nations goals: improved maternal and child health and life expectancy, women's empowerment, food security, sustainable development and climate change adaptation and mitigation.Recognition of these links led to the declaration of 202_-202_ as the International Decade for Action “Water for Life”.水是生命之源,也是维系地球上所有生命的纽带。水直接关系到我们联合国的各项目标:改善孕产妇和儿童健康和提高预期寿命、增强妇女力量、粮食安全、可持续发展以及适应和减缓气候变化。正是因为认识到这些联系才宣布202_-202_年为“生命之水”国际行动十年。



1.Link 后为定语,定语前置

Linke 译为纽带。

2.Living beings 生命

3.It 代替water,被动变主动

4.Goal 后面同位语,解释目标,分译

5.Maternal: 孕产妇

6.Empowerment 力量


7.Mitigation 减缓

Adaption mitigation 转换词性。名词——动词

8.The declaration of 抽象名词变动词

9.Recognition of these links led to the


Our indispensable water resources have proven themselves to be greatly resilient, but they are increasingly vulnerable and threatened.Our growing population's need for water for food, raw materials and energy is increasingly competing with nature's own demands for water to sustain already imperiled ecosystems and the services on which we depend.Day after day, we pour millions of tons of untreated sewage and industrial and agricultural wastes into the world's water systems.Clean water has become scarce and will become even scarcer with the onset of climate change.And the poor continue to suffer first and most from pollution, water shortages and the lack of adequate sanitation.我们不可缺少的水资源确实具有巨大的复原力,但它们越来越脆弱也日趋受到威胁。不断增长的人口对食物、原材料和能源用水的需求与大自然本身对维持濒危生态系统和继续提供我们赖以生存的服务的水量需求之间竞争日趋激烈。人类每天都向世界各水系中倾倒千百万吨未经处理的污水以及工业和农业废物。清洁饮水已经成为稀缺资源,而且随着气候变化的到来将变得更加稀缺。穷人将首当其冲地受到污染、缺水和缺乏适当卫生条件的影响。



1.Resilient 复原力

2.Indispensable 不可缺少的3.Have proven themselves to be greatly resilient 确实具有巨大的复原力(减译?prove themselves都省略了?)

4.need for water for „„对„..水的需求(一开始看错了,以为水和后面是并列的呢。)

5.A compete B A 与B之间的竞争 increasingly竞争日益激烈

6.and the services on which we depend 这里省略了water?

7.Onset 1.开始,开端,发生,肇始(尤指不快的事件)2.攻击,袭击3.【医】发病

8.First and most 首当其冲

9.Suffer 根据句子上下文来译,这里是影响。

The theme of this year's World Water Day, “Clean Water for a Healthy World”, emphasizes that both the quality and the quantity of water resources are at risk.More people die from unsafe water than from all forms of violence, including war.These deaths are an affront to our common humanity, and undermine the efforts of many countries to achieve their development potential.今年世界水日的主题是“保障清洁水源,创造健康世界”,强调水资源质量和数量都面临威胁。因饮用不卫生的水而死亡的人数超过了包括战争在内等一切形式暴力的死亡人数。这些死亡是对我们共同人性的侮辱,也破坏了许多国家充分发挥发展潜力的努力。


1.Clean Water for a Healthy World:保障清洁水源,创造健康世界(我永远想不出来这么翻译)

2.at risk 有危险,面临威胁

3.die from死于 柯林斯显示后跟of和from是一样的。


When someone dies as a result of a disease or injury, you can say that they die of the disease or injury or die from it.An old woman dying of cancer was taken into hospital.His first wife died from cancer in 1971.He died of a heart attack....a man who died from a suspected heart attack.Many of the injured sailors died of their wounds.Simon Martin died from brain injuries caused by blows to the head.You do not use any preposition except `of' or `from' after die in sentences like these.See also entry at dead.(c)HarperCollins Publishers.4.affrontn冒犯,侮辱affront to

5.humanity 人性

The world has the know-how to solve these challenges and become better stewards of our water resources.Water is central to all our development goals.As we mark the mid-point of the International Decade for Action, and look forward to this year's MDG Summit, let us protect and sustainably manage our waters for the poor, the vulnerable and for all life on Earth.世界已掌握解决这些难题的专门技能,能够更好地管理水资源。水对于我们的所有发展目标都至关重要。现在,该国际行动十年已为期过半,我们期待今年举行千年发展目标首脑会议,让我们保护水资源并对之进行可持续的管理,以增进穷人和弱势群体的利益,保护地球上的所有生命。


1.know-how 1.<口>技术2.实际知识;技能;本事;窍门

knowledge, practical ability, or skill to do something:

those who have the know-how to exploit the technology to the fullest

the know-how needed by today's practising lawyer

No other company had thetechnical know-howto deal with the disaster.2.steward 这个词应该是指人,但是这里他翻译成掌握

3.central 至关重要

4.mid-point 中点

5.mark 省略了?

6.MDG Summit 千年发展目标首脑会议

7.for the poor, the vulnerable and for all life on Earth.以增进穷人和弱势群体的利益,保护地球上的所有生命。(注意翻译增词)



UN Secretary-General's Message on the International Day of Older Persons New York, 1 October 202_



This Day marks the twentieth anniversary of the International Day of Older Persons.Older persons play an invaluable role in all societies--as leaders, caregivers and volunteers – yet are also vulnerable to discrimination, abuse, neglect and violence.今天是国际老年人日二十周年纪念日。作为领袖、照顾者和志愿人员,老年人在所有社会中发挥宝贵的作用。然而,他们也很容易遭受歧视、虐待、冷落和暴力行为。

The United Nations has long fought for the rights and well-being of older persons, and to make their voices heard.On this year's observance, we celebrate hard-won achievements, especially those related to the Millennium Development Goals.In many countries older persons have benefited from reduced rates of poverty and hunger, improved access to medicines and health services, and greater education and work opportunities.联合国一直为争取老年人的权利和幸福而长期奋斗,并使他们呼声得到倾听。在今年纪念活动中,我们庆祝得来不易的成就,特别是与千年发展目标有关的成就。很多国家的老年人因贫穷和饥饿率降低、更易获得医药和保健服务和有更多的教育工作机会而受益。

Yet, progress has been uneven, as it has been for the MDGs overall in all countries and regions.For example, in those countries hardest hit by the AIDS pandemic, it is often grandparents who are left to care for AIDS orphans.In sub-Saharan Africa, 20 per cent of rural women aged 60 and older are the sole supporters for their grandchildren.These caregivers, who take on added and often unexpected responsibilities, typically with little or none of the necessary resources, desperately need social services, especially social pensions, so that they and their families have a chance for life beyond mere survival.然而,就像所有国家和区域的整体千年发展目标方面的进展不均匀那样,这方面的进展也一直不均匀。例如在受到艾滋病大流行病打击最严重的国家,到头来照


The number and proportion of older persons is growing rapidly.In the past three decades their numbers have doubled.By 202_, the global population of older persons will total two billion– a significant shift in the world's demographic profile, with implications for us all.老年人人数和比例正在迅速增加。在过去30年中,他们的人数翻了一番。到202_年,全球老年人人口总数将达20亿,大大改变了世界人口面貌,对我们大家都产生影响。

On this International Day, I call on governments to do more to address the needs of older persons.The key interventions are well-known: granting universal access to social services;increasing the number and worth of pension plans;and creating laws and policies that prevent age and gender discrimination in the workplace.With five years left before the 202_ MDG deadline, it is time for governments everywhere to institute the financial, legal and social protections that will lift millions of older persons out of poverty and ensure their rights to dignified, productive and healthy lives.值此国际日之际,我吁请各国政府进一步努力解决老年人的需要。大家熟悉的重要措施是:普及提供社会服务;增加养恤金计划的数目和价值;制定防止工作场所实行年龄歧视和性别歧视的法律和政策。在离202_年千年发展目标截止日期尚余五年的期间内,世界各国政府必须把握时机,采取财政、法律和社会保护措施,使数以百万计的老年人摆脱贫穷,并确保他们享有尊严的、老有所为和健康的生活的权利。


UN Secretary-General's message on World Habitat Day New York, 4 October 202_

联合国秘书长潘基文202_年世界人居日致辞 202_年10月4日

As our world grows predominantly urban, World Habitat Day provides an annual opportunity to reflect on how we can make our towns and cities better places for all.With the theme “Better City, Better Life”, this year's observance highlights the actions and policies that can improve well-being for the billion people who live in slums and other sub-standard housing around the world.随着我们的世界日益以城市为主导,一年一度的世界人居日使我们有机会思考如何为我们大家改善我们的城镇城市,今年的纪念活动以“城市,让生活更美好”为主题,突出强调了可以改善世界各地生活在贫民窟和其他不合标准房屋中十亿人福祉的行动和政策。

Typically living in developing countries, and largely powerless, disenfranchised and under the age of 25, the urban poor are too often condemned to a life without basic rights, hope of an education or decent work.Lacking adequate provision of fresh water, electricity, sanitation or health care, they suffer privations that all too often provide the tinder for the fires of social unrest.Vulnerable to exploitation and corruption, they need and deserve better cities and a better life.城市贫民通常生活在发展中国家,一般都缺乏力量,无权无势,年龄在25岁以下。他们往往注定要过上一种没有基本权利、受教育的希望或体面工作的生活。他们无法获得足够的淡水、电力、卫生和保健,他们所受的困苦常常成为社会**的火种。他们很容易遭受剥削和腐败之害,他们需要而且应当在更好的城市中过上更好的生活。

The challenges of urban poverty – from pollution to criminal gang culture – are not insurmountable.Many cities are finding successful solutions.Smart cities recognize the importance of good governance, basic urban services for all, and streets and public spaces where women and children feel safe.They also recognize that better cities can help to mitigate global challenges, such as climate change, by promoting energy conservation and environmental sustainability.从污染到犯罪团伙文化,城市贫困的问题并非无法解决。许多城市正在找到成功的解决方案。精明的城市认识到必须建立良政,必须为所有人提供基本的城市服务,必须有让妇女儿童感到安全的街道及公共空间。这些城市还认识到,城市的改善可以帮助缓解全球性的问题,例如通过促进节能和环境可持续性应对气候变化。

Creating better cities demands the combined efforts of national and local governments, civil society and the private sector, supported by the best efforts of the United Nations system.On World Habitat Day, let us pledge to join hands to make better cities for a better future for all.创造更好的城市需要国家及地方政府、民间社会和私营部门齐心协力以及联合国系统最努力的支持。在世界人居日到来之际,让我们保证携起手来,为所有人更美的好未来建设更美好的城市。


Secretary-General's Message on World Tourism DaySeptember 202_



I am delighted that the UN World Tourism Organization is celebrating this year's World Tourism Day under the theme “Tourism and Biopersity”.Despite repeated global pledges to protect the planet's species and habitats – and the goods and services they provide – the variety of life on Earth continues to decline at an unprecedented rate.Human activities are the cause.This year – the International Year of Biopersity – provides a timely opportunity to focus on the urgency of safeguarding biopersity for the wealth, health and well-being of people in all regions of the world.我高兴地看到,联合国世界旅游组织在“旅游与生物多样性”的主题下纪念今年的世界旅游日。尽管一再做出全球承诺,要保护地球上的物种和生境及其提供的货物和服务,但生物种类继续以史无前例的速度减少。其根源在于人类的活动。今年是国际生物多样性年,提供了一个适时的机会来集中注意为世界各地人民的财富、健康和福祉保护生物多样性的紧迫性。

Tourism and biopersity are closely intertwined.Millions of people travel each year to experience nature's splendor.The income generated by sustainable tourism can provide important support for nature conservation, as well as for economic development.Furthermore, sustainable tourism can help to raise awareness among tourists and local communities of the importance of biopersity to our everyday lives.旅游与生物多样性密切相连。每年有千百万人为领略壮丽的自然风光而旅游。可持续旅游业产生的收入可以为保护自然和发展经济提供重要的支持。此外,可持续旅游业还有助于游客和地方社区更多地认识到生物多样性在日常生活中的重要作用。

Through initiatives such as its “Sustainable Tourism – Eliminating Poverty” project, and its collaboration with the UN family, national tourism authorities and the private sector, the World Tourism Organization is helping to highlight the links between tourism, poverty alleviation and biopersity.The tourism community is becoming increasingly aware of its responsibility.And indeed there is much the sector can contribute to protecting biopersity, including by integrating simple measures such as managing tour groups to minimize disturbance to wildlife or buying supplies only from sustainable sources.世界旅游组织通过诸如“可持续旅游业——消除贫穷”项目这样的举措以及同联合国系统、各国旅游主管部门和私人部门的合作,正在帮助突出宣传旅游、扶贫和生物多样性之间的联系。旅游界正日益意识到自己的责任。这个行业确实可以为保护生物多样性做出很大贡献,包括为此实行一些简单的措施,例如通过

对旅游团的管理来尽量减少对野生物的干扰,或仅从可持续来源购买用品。On this World Tourism Day, I commend the tourism community for its growing recognition of the importance of conserving the persity of life on Earth, and I urge all partners to strengthen their commitment to sustainability.值此世界旅游日之际,我赞赏旅游界日益认识到保护地球生物多样性的重要意义,并促请所有合作伙伴加强对可持续性的承诺。
