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编辑:梦回唐朝 识别码:21-775952 12号文库 发布时间: 2023-10-30 13:09:37 来源:网络




1.computer ____________ 2.apple ____________

3.city ______________ 4.house _____________

5.sheep _____________ 6.watch ______________ 7.tomato _____________8.child _____________

9.tooth ________ 10.foot ______________

11.wife _____________12.potato ____________ 13.play _____________

14.day ____________

15.glass ______________ 16.radio ______________ 17.zoo ______________

18.life ______________ 19.story _____________ 20.leaf _____________

21.baby _____________ 22.dress _____________ 23.butterfly _____________24.deer _____________ 25.class _____________ 26.brush _____________ 27.key _____________ 28.English ____________29.mouse ____________30.man _____________


1.Tom的足球 _________________ 2.老师们的自行车_________________ 3.学生们的课桌 _________________

4.哥哥的文具盒_________________ 5.姑姑的卡片 _________________

6.猴子们的香蕉_________________ 7.蚂蚁们的早餐 _________________

8.妈妈的包_________________ 9.姐姐的连衣裙_________________



1.这些 是Peter 的篮球吗? ________________________________________ 2.这个是老师的钢笔吗? ___________________________________________ 3.有一些书在Sam的课桌上。________________________________________ 4.有一些孩子们在教室里。___________________________________________


1.There are some butterflys on the table.________________________ 2.This is Alice dress.______________________ 3.I like tomato very much.__________________

五、将下列句子变成复数形式。1.This dog is brown.___________________________________________________ 2.There is a book and a pen on the table.___________________________________________________ 3.That woman is a teacher.___________________________________________________名词所有格专项练习1.Today is September 10th.It's ________ Day.A.Teacher B.Teacher's C.Teachers' D.Teacher' 2.It's June 1st, it's ________ Day.A.Childrens B.Children's C.Childrens' D.Childrens's 3.This year, ________ is on May 9th.A.My mother's brithday B.My mothers' brithday C.My mothers brithday D.My mothers's brithday 4.Lin Tao is ill, so he has to go to the ________.A.doctor B.doctor's C.doctors' D.doctor'

5.—Where is Mr.Zhang? —He is in the ________.A.teacher's reading room B.teachers' reading room C.teacher reading room D.teachers reading room 6.This is ________ ball.It's not ________.A.the boy's, girl's B.the boy's, the girl's C.the boy, the girl D.boys', girls 7.This year, the most popular ________ hat is that kind.A.woman's B.womens' C.women's D.womans' 8.Look at the book, it's not mine, and it's not yours, so it must be ________.A.somebody else's

B.somebody else' C.somebody's else D.somebody' else 9.These are ________.A.newspaper of today

B.today's newspaper

C.today's newspapers' D.today newspaper's 10.It's about ________ from my home to our school.A.twenty minutes' walk

B.walk of twenty minutes' C.walk of twenty minutes' D.twenty minute's walk 11.________ is very small and white.A.The hat of your brother's B.The hat of your brother C.Your brother's hat

D.Your brother hat 12.This is ________.A.Mike and Jim's bike B.Mike's and Jim bike C.Mike's and Jim's bike D.Mike and Jim bike 13.He is ________.A.one student of my father B.one of my father's student C.my father's students

D.one student of my father's 14.Ken is also ________.A.one cousin of mine B.one cousin of my C.one cousin of me D.one cousin of I 15.________ has travelled to Beijing.A.A friend of her B.A friend of hers C.A her friend D.Her's one friend 16.These are ________ books.Li Lin bought some at the Sun Bookstore and Jill bought some at the Blue Sky Bookstore.A.Li Lin's and Jill B.Li Lin and Jill's C.Li Lin's and Jill D.Li Lin's and Jill's 17.Billy and I are good friends, I have ________.Look at this one, how sweet he is smiling!A.some pictures of Billy' B.some pictures of Billy's C.some Billy's pictures D.some pictures of Billy 18.This is ________ , and I borrowed it two days ago.A.a picture of Mr.Cox B.a picture of Mr.Cox's C.a Mr.Cox' picture D.Mr.Cox's picture 19.Can you imagine what life will be like in ________ time?(2008 河北省)A.20 years’ B.20 year’s C.20-years’ D.20-years 20.This is a ________ bike.________ is over there.(2008 青海省)A.visitor’s;My B.visitor’s;Mine C.visitor;My 21.Wang Tao is ill, so he has to go to the ________.A.doctor B.doctors’ C.doctor’s


22.This is ________ , and I borrowed it two days ago.A.a picture of Mr.Cox B.a picture of Mr.Cox’s

C.a Mr.Cox’ picture

D.Mr.Cox’s pictures 23.These are ________ books.Li Ming bought some at this bookstore and Brain bought some at that bookstore.A.Li Ming’s and Brain B.Li Ming and Brain’s

C.Li Ming’s and Brain D.Li Ming’s and Brain’s 24.He is ________.A.one student of my mother B.one of my mother’s student C.my mother’s students D.one student of my mother’s

25.It’s about ________ from my home to our school.A.thirty minutes’ walk B.walk of thirty minutes’ C.walk of thirty minutes’ D.thirty minute’s walk 26.This year, the most popular ________ hat is that kind.A.woman’s B.womens’ C.women’s D.womans’ 适当形式填空:

1.How many________(sheep)are there on the hill?

2.There is some________(food)in the basket.3.The baby has only two________(tooth)now.4.There is a lot of________(water)in the bottle.5.There are five________(people)in his family.6.Let‘s take________(photo),OK?

7.I have lots of________(tomato)here.8.The________(leaf)on the tree turn-yellow.9.The________(child)are playing games on the playground now.10.Their________(dictionary)look new.11.I see you have a few white________(hair).12.They are________(woman)doctors.13.Can you give me some bottles of ____(orange),please?

14.There are many________(fox)in the picture.15.I would like some apple________(juice).I am very thirsty.参考答案:

1.sheep 2.food 3.teeth 4.water 5.people 6.photos 7.tomatoes 8.leaves 9.children 10.dictionaries 11.hair,hairs 12.women 13.orange 14.foxes 15.juice 参考答案:










10.表示时间的名词,可直接在词尾加's变成相应的所有格,twenty minutes是以s结尾的复数形式,直接在词尾加',选A。

11.有生命的名词,一般使用's 名词所有格结构,选C。






17.我有比利的照片,应是画面内容是有关比利的,不是所有权归比利,故应用D。18.对照片所有权归考克斯先生,照片没有生命,故用of所有格形式, 故选B。19-26 A




a.在一般情况下,词尾后面加 s b.以s,x,sh,ch结尾的词,词尾加﹣es,读[iz] buses boxes

dishes watches c.以 f 或 fe 结尾的词,先将f 或fe 变成v,再加es,读[vz] half → halves 注意:有时,以f 或fe 结尾的词变复数时,不需将f或fe变成v,再加﹣es.而只需在结尾直接加﹣s即可。roof →roofs belief → beliefs safe → safes chief → chiefs 例外:还有一种特殊情况,即:个别以f或fe结尾的词会有两种复数形式。handkerchief → handkerchiefs → handkerchieves手帕,方巾

d.以o结尾的词,词尾加﹣es 或﹣s,都读[z] hero → heroes Negro → Negroes potato → potatoes tomato → tomatoes zoo → zoos piano → pianos photo → photos radio → radios bamboo ﹣ bamboos e.以辅音字母加y结尾的词,先将y改为i再加﹣es 读[iz] city → cityes 注意:以元音字母﹢y结尾的名词单数变复数时,直接加﹣s,如:boys f.以th 结尾的词,在词尾加﹣s mouth → mouths path → paths B.名词复数的不规则变化


man men woman women foot feet tooth teeth

mouse mice goose geese b.词尾发生变化

child children c.单、复数形式不变

fish sheep deer Chinese Japanese中日不变英法变 这些词是可数名词,且单复数形式相同,例:There are plenty of fish in the pool.另外,fish 作为“鱼肉”讲时是不可数的。There is much fish on the plate.d.有些名词只有复数形式

clothes trousers pants glasses scissors 说明:如果要表示一条裤子,一副眼镜等,需用词组。I want to buy two pairs of trousers.重要:可数名词表示复数时,可以和few, a few, many, a large number of, a lot of, lots of, plenty of等连用。

注意:还有些名词虽然是以s结尾,但是它不是名词的复数,而是单词本身词尾为s。各学科的名称中许多属于此类名词,应把它们作为名词单数来看。例如:maths physics politics means Wales

Physics is very difficult for me.C.合成名词变为复数时

⑴ 把第一个或最后一个词变成复数

passerby passersby

son﹣in﹣law sons﹣in﹣law

girl﹣friend girl﹣friends ⑵ 把构成合成名词的两个词都要变为复数

man doctor-men doctors

woman teacher women-teachers

man servant-men servants 说明:这一类的合成名词多为由man, woman构成的合成词。注意:fish 作“鱼”讲时,单复数一样,是可数名词。chicken


2.不可数名词(表示不能计算数目的人或物,称为不可数名词,它们前面不能用不定冠词a/ an,没有复数形式。物质名词和抽象名词属于不可数名词。—— I like music.There is no water or air on the moon.A.用容器来表示不可数名词的量

a cup of coffee a jar of jam a piece of news a piece of wood

a tube of toothpaste a piece/ sheet of paper a piece/ slice of bread a glass/ bottle of water a piece/ bit of advice 注意:如要表示“两片面包”,“六杯茶”这类概念时,要用复数表示,如: Two pounds of cheese There are two pieces of information we need.B.用much, a lot of, a little, little, lots of, plenty of, some等表示多少

There is only a little butter left.Mr.Zhu has a lot of money.Do you have much money to travel? 另外,一些可数名词也可用容器表示量,如:

a box of matches four pounds of tomatoes

a bowl of beans 重要:可数名词表示复数时,可以用以下词语修饰:many few a few some plenty of lots of/ a lot of 3.名词的所有格

有些名词可以加’s来表示其所有关系,带这种词尾的名词形式称为该名词的所有格。例如:a teacher’s book。1.表示有生命物的名词的所有格


a.单数名词词尾加’s,复数名词词尾如没有s,也要加’s。Tom’s cap

Mary’s nose

children’s room

women’s books b.名词已有复数词尾s,词尾只加’即可。

students’bags the workers’struggle

the teachers’reading–room C.表示某人的家、店铺等的所有格,一般可以省略它后面所修饰的名词。例如:

My father and I will have dinner at the Johnson's(home).⑴ 表示几个人共有一样东西时,只需在最后一个人的名字后加’s,如表示各自所有,则需要在每个名字后加’s。

This is Tom and Jason’s room.These are Tom’s and Jason’s rooms.LiMing and WangHua’s marriage.LiMing’s and Wanghua’s marriages.⑵ 某些句子里,为避免重复,名词所有格修饰的词可以省略。Our room is bigger than Mike’s(room).注意:在有些句子中,名词所有格修饰的词,通常可以省略。John’s bike is better than Mike’s.重要:名词所有格词尾’s的读音与名词复数词尾–s的读音相同。2.表示无生命的名词所有格


the title of the song

the picture of the family

the legs of a table ⑴ 有些表示时间、距离、国家、城市等无生命的东西的名词,也可以加’s来构成所有格。one month’s vacation

ten minutes’walk

today’s newspaper

⑵ 有时’s结构可以转换成of结构以示强调。the girl’s skirt= the skirt of the girl’s 注意:请注意下列词组之间的区别: the kid’s bike = one kid, one bike.the kids’bike =two(or more)kids sharing the same bike.the kids’bikes = two(or more)kids with different bikes.()1.____ team in No.4 Middle School used to help ____ with their training.A.Boys’;girl’s B.Boy’s;the girl C.The boys’;the girls’()2.—How long does it take to get to the station? —It’s ____ walk.A.six minute’s B.six-minutes C.six minutes’()3.—My prize is different from ____.—But ____ is the same as mine.A.Dick;yours B.Dick’s;yours C.Dick’s;your

()4.This is ____ bedroom.The twin sisters like it very much.A.Ann and Jane B.Ann’s and Jane’s

C.Ann and Jane’s()5.We don’t have many pens, but I can lend you ____.A.two of mine B.two of me C.my two


第一章 名词




名词的数指名词的单数和复数形式。可数名词表示“一个”时用单数,“两个以上”时用复数;不可数名词表示量时,通常用“数词+单位+of+物质名词”的形式,如 a piece of bread(一片面包),变为复数时,只须将单位名词变为复数,如:two pieces of bread(两片面包)。


1.一般情况下在词尾加 s.词尾读音

shop---shops(商店)在清辅音后读 [ s ] bag---bags(书包)在浊辅音后读 [ z ] window---windows(窗户)在元音后读 [ z ] 2.以 s, x, sh, ch 结尾的单词在词尾加es。

class---classes(班级)词尾读音[ iz ] box---boxes(盒子)match---matches(比赛)brush---brushes(刷子)3.以“辅音字母 +y” 结尾的词,变y为 i 加es.story---stories(故事)词尾读音[ iz ] 4.以“元音字母 +y” 结尾的词,在词尾直接加 s key---keys 词尾读音[ z ] monkey---monkeys 5.以 “o” 结尾的名词,复数一般在词尾加“s”, 但个别加 “es” tomato---tomatoes(西红柿)词尾读音[ z ] potato---potatoes(土豆)zoo---zoos(动物园)photo---photos(照片)*(以 “o”结尾,复数加 “es”)

6.以 f或 fe 结尾的词,多数变f或 fe 为 ves.leaf---leaves(树叶)词尾读音[ vz ] knife---knives(小刀)7.不规则名词复数的变化


sheep---sheep(绵羊)deer---deer(鹿)English---English(英国人)Chinese---Chinese(中国人)*(不规则名词变复数)口诀: 男人,女人a变e;

鹅,足,牙齿oo变ee; 其实老鼠也好记ous变ic;



1.主要是在词尾加’ s 构成。如: This is Tom’s desk.这是汤姆的书桌。That is Mike’s book.那是迈克的书。

2.如果原名词已经有复数词尾s ,则仅加一个’.如: the teachers’ reading room 教师阅览室

the pupils’ pencil-boxes 学生们的文具盒

3.如果原词是复数形式,但不是以s 结尾,变为所有格形式需在后面加上’ s。如:

the children’s palace 少年宫 men’s room 男厕所 *名词所有格口诀:




computer ____________ apple _________ house _____________ sheep_____________watch _____________ tomato _____________ child _____________tooth________ foot ______________ wife _____________potato ____________day ____________ glass______________radio ______________zoo______________ life ______________ story_____________leaf _____________ baby_____________dress _____________ deer_____________ class____________ key_____________English____________ mouse____________man _____________country _____ tooth ____ mouse __ boy____________ tree horse ______ bus______________ fox _____ baby family _______ photo _____ piano _____ woman____book____________dress____________ sheep__________ tea__________box________strawberry_________ peach_________sandwich__________ paper_________ juice__________ water____________ milk___________ rice__________

people __ fish___________


1.I have two____________(knife)2.There are many ___________ here.(box)3.There are many ___________ on the road.(bus)4.A few ___________ are drawing on the wall.(boy)5.The ______________ are playing football now.(child)6.Please take two _______________ for me.(photo)7.I like the red ________________.(tomato)8.Would you please clean your _____________ now?(tooth)9.Do you want some _________?(milk)10.There are ten __________ _________in our school.(woman teacher)

三、将下列句子变成复数形式。1.This dog is brown.___________________________________________________ 2.There is a book and a pen on the table.___________________________________________________ 3.That woman is a teacher.1.This sheep is white.___________________________________________________ 2.There is a desk and a chair in the room.___________________________________________________ 3.That man is a doctor.三、选择填空

()1.There are two ______ in the room.A.Chineses B.Englishman()2.The old man will have ___________ out.A.two tooths B.two teeth()3.____________ are sold in this bookstore.A.Children’s books B.Children books()4.Some friends of _________ will come here.A.John’s B.John()5.Can you give me ______________? A.some papers B.a piece of paper()6.There are ______________ on the floor.A.some box B.some boxes()7.The __ in our yard are very beautiful.A.cloth



()8.Tom is one of the Chinese _____ in our school.A.boy


C.boies()9.A cat has four ____ , doesn't it?



C.feets()10.There are three ____ and five _____ in the room.A.American, Japanese B Americans, Japanese C.American, Japanese()11.Can you see nine ____ in the picture?



C.horse()12.The _____ has two______.A.boy;watch B.boy;watches

C.boys;watch()13.The _____ are flying back to their country.A.Germany


C.Germans()14.The girl brushes her _____ every day before she goes to bed.A.tooths


C.teeths()15.I saw many _____ in the street.A.peoples B.people C.people’s()16.The green sweater is his _________.A.brother B.brothers C.brother’s()17.They come from different ______ A.country B.countries C.a country D.countrys()18.How many ______ do you see in the picture? A.tomatos B.tomatoes C.tomato D.the tomato()19.They are______.A.woman teachers B.women teachers C.women teacher D.woman teacher()20.Would you like _______ ,please? A.two glass of water B.two glasses of water C.two glass of waters D.two glasses of waters()21.Most of ______ live in _______.A.Germans, German B.German, Germen C.Germen, Germany D.Germans, Germany()22.There are some ______ in these _______.A.knifes pencil-boxes B.knives pencils-box C.knives


D.knives pencils-boxes()23.______ like ______ by air.A.Greens, travelling B.The Green, traveling C.The Greens, travel D.The Greens, traveling()24.I wonder why ______ are interested in action films(武打片).A.the people B.people C.peoples D.the peoples()25.There is no ______ in the plate.A.apples B.oranges C.rice D.eggs()26.My uncle has three _______.A.child


C.children D.childrens

四、判断正误,并改正错句,正确的打“ √ ”

1.The house is my brother.________________________ 2.He has visited many country.______________________ 3.They are Englishs.______________________________ 4.This is Tom red bike.____________________________


1.Tom的足球 _________________ 2.老师们的自行车_________________ 3.学生们的课桌 _________________ 4.哥哥的文具盒_________________ 5.姑姑的卡片 _________________ 6.猴子们的香蕉_________________ 7.蚂蚁们的早餐 _________________ 8.妈妈的包_________________ 9.姐姐的连衣裙_________________ 10女孩们的苹果_________________

六、把下列句子翻译成英文 1.这些 是Peter 的篮球吗?

________________________________________ 2.这个是老师的钢笔吗?

___________________________________________ 3.有一些书在Sam的课桌上。________________________________________ 4.有一些孩子们在教室里。___________________________________________ 6





一般来说,个体名词和集体名词多为可数名词,物质名词和抽象名词多为不可数名词。可数名词有单数、复数之分,表示“一个”时用单数,表示“多个”时用复数。如:a bird,a teacher,an apple,two birds,five teachers,eight apples等。






5、以f或fe结尾的单数名词变复数,将f或fe改成v,cheap nike air max,然后再加-es。如:leaf-leaves,life-lives,knife-knives等。

6、名词单数变复数,除了有规则可循的变化之外,还有一部分的变化是不规则的,我们将这部分名词的变化叫做不规则变化。这些词有:goose-geese,foot-feet,tooth-teech,man-men,woman-women,mouse-mice,sheep-sheep,deer-deer,fish-fish,child-children,ox-oxen等,ugg shoes。


不可数名词没有单数、复数之分,但我们在生活中有时候又必需给这些词计量,我们于是采用这种方法:a+表示这些东西的单位+of+不可数名词,如:a cup of tea,a uggs of rice,a box of milk,a piece of paper等。如果为了表示多个的概念,我们就将表示这些东西的单位变成复数即可。如:a cup of tea---3 cups of tea---a uggs of rice---5 uggss of rice,a box of milk---12 boxes of milk,A piece of paper---100 pieces of paper 当堂训练、一)写出下例名词的复数形式

1、monkey _____

2、boy _____

3、duck _____


5、bus _____


7、sheep _____

8、deer _____


10、foot _____


12、ox _____


14、window _____

15、ugg boots _____

16、dish _____

17、film _______

18、day _____

19、plane _______ 20、month _________

21、inch ________

22、village ___________

23、city ____________


25、knife _______

26、people ___________

27、man ___________

28、thief ___________

29、chinese ___________ 30、glass ___________ 二)

11、一滴水 ____________________

12、两杯茶 ___________________________________

13、三瓶啤酒 __________________

14、四双袜子 ___________________________________

15、五块肥皂 _________________

16、六名警察 ___________________________________

17、七朵花 ____________

18、八把椅子 ___________________________________

19、九只青蛙 _______________20、十双uggs ___________________________________ 三)、完成下例句子。

1、LanLan and I________(是学生).2、There are _________(许多尺子)on the dask.3、There are__________(二十八天)in February this year.4、Give me _________(两瓶兰墨水),please.5、There are________(五个动物园)in ShangHai.6、I have ________(三个新铅笔盒).7、He has __________(许多老照片).8、Have you_______(两张绿纸)?


表示人或物所属关系时,我们就需要使用名词所有格。如:“奶奶的房子”表示为“grandma's house”。名词所有格的构成有以下规则:

1、一般情况下,在名词的末尾加“'s”构成。如:Mike's bike迈克的自行车,Tom's books汤姆的书.2、以s结尾的复数名词的所有格,只在其末尾加“’”如:my parents' car我父母的车,our teachers' books我们老师的书。

3、表示几个人共同拥有的东西时,只在最后一个名字上加所有格。如:Jenny and Joan's bedroom詹妮和琼共同拥有的卧室;但如果是分别拥有的东西就要在每个名字上加所有格.如:Tim's and Jack's toy cars提姆和杰的玩具车。

4、名词所有格后面有指地点等的名词时,有的习惯上可以省去不用。如:The doctor's(office)医生诊所;my

uncle's(house)我叔叔的家;The barber's(shop)理发店。

5、没有生命的东西的所有格,我们通常用“of+名词”的方式来表示。如:The window of the classroom教室的窗户;the capital

of China中国的首都;The weather of ShangHai上海的天气.实战练习


1、Kate的妈妈 ___________________________________

2、Jack的朋友 ___________________________________

3、美国的首都 ___________________________________

4、孩子们的书包 ___________________________________

5、老师们的书 ___________________________________

6、笔的颜色 ___________________________________

7、我父母的卧室 ___________________________________

8、我的朋友的朋友 ___________________________________

9、Tom和Kate的爸爸 ___________________________________

10、Gogo的姐姐和Jenny的姐姐 ___________________________________ 二)、把下例各句改成复数形式。

1、This is a zoo._______________________

2、I am a good child.____________________

3、It is a greedy wolf.___________________

4、He is drawing a mouse.________________

5、There is a baby on the floor.__________ 三)、用正确的名词形式填空

1、Lily and Lucy are my_______(classmate).2、There are seven_______(sheep).3、My uncle has two_______(child).4、How many _______(subway)are there in ShenZhen?

5、Can you give me two bottles of_____(water).6、I brush my_______(tooth)three times a day.7、I have two_____(cup)of coffee for breakfast.8、The____(leaf)turn green in spring.9、There are some_____(policeman)in the police station.10、The green sweater is his_______(brother).


三 名词的所有格

英语中名词有三个格,作主语的主格,作宾语的宾格和表示所有关系的所有格。只有所有格有形式变化。名词的所有格有两种形式:一种是在名词后加 ’s表示“„的”,另一种是用 “名词+of+名词”构成。

3-1 有生命的名词的所有格


the boy's bag 男孩的书包my father’s car 我父亲的车

2.以-s 结尾的复数名词的所有格只在名词后加“’”。例如:

the workers' struggle 工人的斗争Teachers’Day 教师节


men's suit 男士西装the Children’s Palace 少年宫,3.复合名词或名词词组的所有格是在最后一个词的词尾加 ’s。例如:

her sister-in-law’s photo 他嫂子的照片

a month or two’s work 一两个月的工作


Dickens’novel 或 Dickens’s novel 狄更斯的小说

Burns’ poems 或 Burns’s poems 彭斯的诗

5.如果一个人或物是两人或多人共有时,只在最后一个名词的词尾加’s, 即 “A and B’s”; 如果表示两人或多人分别拥有的,要在每个名词的词尾都加’s, 即“A’s and B’s”。

例如:John's and Mary's rooms(两间)John and Mary's room(一间)

6.有些表示时间、地点、距离、国家、城镇、机构的无生命的名词后也可加’s表示所有格。例如:ten minutes’walk 十分钟的路程

today’s newspaper 今天的报纸

the world’s population 世界人口

China’s industry 中国的工业



Her memory is like an elephant’s.她的记忆力真好。

My skirt is longer than my sister’s.我的裙子比我姐姐的长。


the butcher’s 肉店the baber’s 理发店

the gorcer’s 杂货店St.Paul’s 圣保罗大教堂


1.表示无生命的名词一般与of 构成词组,用来表示所有关系。例如:

the cover of the book 书的封皮the legs of the chair 椅子的腿

the door of the house 房间的门the name of the book 书名


the car of the man we met 我们遇到的那个人的车

the story of Martin Luther King, Jr.马丁·路德·金的故事


两种所有格形式结合起来使用,即“名词+of+名词’s”或“of+名词性物主代词(如mine)”。就构成了双重所有格,其中of 前的名词前有不定冠词a或an, 不定代词any 或some 等,数词或指示代词this,that等修饰。例如:

a friend of my father’s 我父亲的一个朋友

a play of Shakespeare’s 莎士比亚的一部剧

*注意:of+名词(of 属格)与双重所有格所表示的意思是不同的。例如:

This is a photo of my father.这是一张我父亲本人的照片。(强调照片上的人是我父亲本人)

This is a photo of my father’s.这是一张我父亲的照片。(强调照片归我父亲所有,但照片上也许是他本人,也许是别人或其他事物。)

四 名词在句中的作用

名词在句中可以担任除谓语外的任何成分,名词在句中可以作主语、宾语、表语、定语、同位语、状语和宾语补足语。例如: Knowledgy is strength.知识就是力量

主语表语 Have you invited the Browns?你邀请了布朗一家了吗?

宾语 We will have a new school library.我们将有一个新的图书馆。


*注意:名词作定语时,一般用单数形式。例如:school education 学校教育。但也有例外,有的名词作定语要用复数形式。例如:clothes schop 服装店,sports shoes 运动鞋。The school sports were postponed till next Saturday.状语

学校运动会延至下星期六。This is Miss.Smith, our English teacher.同位语


五 典型正误辨析

1.【误】His mathematics is poor.【正】His mathematics are poor.他的数学水平很差。

【辨析】有些以-s结尾名词如学科名称、游戏名称等通常用作单数,谓语动词也用单数。如,Mathematics is very difficult.但如果该名词前有其他限定词修饰时,则谓语动词用复数。

2.【误】Bill, are you a good friend of his?Yes, I’m good friend with him.【正】Bill, are you a good friend of his?Yes, I’m good friends with him.比尔你是他的好朋友吗?是的,我是他的好朋友。


I’m a good friend of hers.我是她的一位好朋友。

He’s a good friend of mine.他是我的一位好朋友。

大家不理解第二句为什么用 good friends。因为此句主语明显是单数, 而后面的表语又怎么能用复数呢?按照英美人的看法:两个人交朋友, 关系是彼此的, 即你是我的朋友, 那我就是你的朋友, 所以他们在这类表达中用复数名词。又如:

Do you want to make friends with him? 你想跟他交朋友吗?

类似地, 以下各表达中, 也要用复数:

He stood up and shook hands with us.他站起来与我们握手。

You have to change trains at Wuhan.你必须在武汉转车。

The teacher didn’t let the two boys change seats.老师没有让这两个小男孩换座位。

3.【误】--Can I help you?Two cups of teas,please.【正】--Can I help you?Two teas/Two cups of tea,please.你要点什么? 请来两杯茶。

【辨析】茶是物质名词,不可数。但在口语中可以表示“一杯茶”, 是可数名词: Would you like a cup of tea? 要喝杯茶吗?

--What can I do for you? 你要吃点什么?

--Two teas, please.请来两杯茶。

但是值得注意的是, 虽然以上两种用法都可以, 但千万不要将这两种用法混杂在一起。如可以说 two teas, 也可以说two cups of tea, 但是不能说two cups of teas。具有类似用法还有 coffee(咖啡):

--Can I help you? 你要点什么?

--Two coffees, please.请来两杯咖啡。

4.【误】This is the success’ price.【正】This is the price of success.这就是成功的代价。

【辨析】当表示“东西的一部分”,“抽象的概念”或of短语中的名词被另一个短语或从句修饰时,只能用of属格,不能用名词+’s的形式。例如:the standard of living 生活标准,the cover of the book 书的封皮。

5.【误】It is really beautiful.It is a work of nature.【正】It is really beautiful.It is a Nature's work.它真美。这是大自然的杰作。

【辨析】无生命名词的所有格应用of结构。但是's形式的所有格可用于以下无生命的名词:表示时间的词:today's newspaper今天的报纸, 表示长度的词: twentymiles' journey 二十英里的旅程,表示重量和价格名词:two dollars'worth价值两美元,拟人化的名词: nature'slesson大自然的教训,及国家、机关、团体、城市等机构性名词:the university's library学校的图书馆。

6.【误】There is a new car.It is Jone's and Mary's.【正】There is a new car.It is Jone and Mary's.这有辆新车,它是琼和玛丽的车。

【辩析】有生命名词的所有格,如果是单数名词则加's如:Mary's car玛丽的车。如果是以s结尾的复数名词则只在s后面加’。要注意的是当两个名词并列时,如表示归两人共同所有,则在最后一个名词后面加's,如果表示分别所有则在两个名词后分别加's,如:This is Mary and Jone's home。即Mary与Jone是一家人,这是他们共同的家。而These are Mary's and Jone's homes.则应译为这里是Mary的家与Jone 的家。

7.【误】I’d like a summer’s dress.【正】I’d like a summer dress.我想要一件夏装。

【辩析】名词除了在句中作主语、宾语、表语外,还可以作定语用来修饰另一个名词,表示材料、物质、用途和目的的名词都可用作形容词。例如:a cotton dress 一件棉布衣服,a gold watch 金表.8.【误】Please make a room for the lady in the school bus.【正】Please make room for the lady in the school bus.请给老妇人在校车上留个地方。

【辩析】英语中更多的名词是含有多种用法和多种含意的,如: room为可数名词时为“房间”,而room为抽象名词时为空间。这样的词还有:glass 玻璃,glasses 眼镜;;time 时间,times 次数;wood 木头,woods 树林;sand沙子,而sands是沙滩。

9.【误】We are dining at the Green’s now.【正】We are dining at the Greens’ now.我们正在格林家吃饭。

【辩析】the Greens 表示格林一家人或格林家。表示店铺或某人家以及教堂、学校、公司等公共场所时,所有格所修饰的名词常被省略。

10.【误】He is the friend of your.【正】He is a friend of yours.他是你的一个朋友。

【辩析】本结构为双重所有格,如:a friend of my father’s。

