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202_年暑假 新概念二册Lesson1-20 阶段测试

一、根据括号内所给的汉语提示写出相应的英语单词,并注意运用其正确形式。(每空1分,共20分)1.Last night I went to the _____________(剧院)with a good friend.2.Can you _____________(重复)it? I didn’t hear you clearly just now.3.He made a big _____________(决定)on that day.4.He says he has been _____________(在国外)before.5.A _____________(鸽子)is a type of bird that can send messages.6.There is always a _____________(乞丐)in front of my house.7.The boy _____________(偷)a wallet but later her was caught by the policeman.8.The old man bought a _____________(木头的)bed in that shop.9.He wanted to help me with my work, but I _____________(拒绝).10.These old windows were _____________(损坏)by the heavy rain.11.To my _____________(惊奇), he gave up the English competition.12.We have a new _____________(邻居)whose name is Robert.13.This problem is very _____________(困难的)for me.14.On way home yesterday, a man gave me a _____________(搭便车).15.He works at a bank and gets a good _____________(工资).16.You’d better_____________(服从)the boss of your company.17.She is fond of _____________(鲜艳的)colors, such as red, orange and yellow.18.Do you pay the _____________(店主)extra money for the water? 19.He _____________(匆忙)to the station so as to catch the early bus.20.Playing computer games is a _____________(浪费)of time.二、单项选择题。(每题1分,共20分)

1.The young man couldn’t __________ the bad treatment(待遇)any longer.A.bear



D.wait 2.I didn’t finish my homework __________my brother came back home.A.since



D.after 3.Would you please __________some money __________me? I want to buy a new bag.A.borrow;to



D.lend;from 4.Our school is in the__________ of the city.A.centre



D.outside 5.What do you usually do in your __________ time? A.rest



D.spare 6.The clock__________ six when I opened the door.A.knocks


C.was knocking

D.was beating 7.I have been expecting __________ a letter from my friend Tom these days.A.for



D.with 8.Are you going to __________ the maths competition next week? A.be entered

B.enter into

C.enter for

D.entering 9.He will leave for Beijing __________April 4th and come back __________ June.A.in;on



D.on;in 10.This instrument has been __________ in the room for a long time.A.put



D.held 11.How much did you __________ the shopkeeper __________ all these things? A.ask;for



D.pay;for 12.– I failed in the exam.---I’m sorry to hear that.But good__________ next time.A.matter



D.luck 13.He is ill today, but he goes to work as early__________.A.as usual


C.as usually

D.usual 14.__________the father nor the son is interested in the film A.Neither



D.None 15.There is a __________ voice from the next room.I can’t hear clearly.A.loud



D.cold 16.If it __________tomorrow, I __________ to the zoo with my friends.A.won’t rain;will go

B.doesn’t rain;go;

C.won’t rain;go

D.doesn’t rain;will go 17.__________ I know, she is now working __________a secretary in a big firm.A.For;as



D.For;for 18.After I __________my breakfast, I went outside to play with my friends.A.had

B.have had


D.had had 19.You are not in good condition, so you__________as well take care of your health.A.can



D.need 20.I am only__________in__________on the beautiful and quiet beach.A.interesting;walking




三、用括号中所给动词的正确形式填空。(每题2分,共20分)1.I usually _______________(get)up very early every day.2.I ______________(send)a postcard to my friend yesterday.3.I _______________(buy)a present for my mother last month.4.Tom is watching TV while Jane________________(do)her homework.5.My mother and I___________________(clean)our garden tomorrow.6.What ___________ you____________(do)this time yesterday? 7.We _______________(paint)the house before we moved in.8.You_______________(pass)the exam if you _____________(work)hard.9.Tom said he ________________(read)the book twice.10.She ________________(help)her mother with some house work at the moment.四、英汉互译(每题2分,共计40分)

1.不关你的事。_____________________________________________________ 2.I’m coming to see you.______________________________________________________ 3.On the last day, I made a big decision.____________________ __________________________________ 4.托尼去年在一家律师事务所工作,但现在他在一家银行工作。_______________________________________________ 5.In this way, has began his own private telephone service.______________________________________________________ 6.作为回报,乞丐头顶地倒立起来,唱歌。______________________________________________________ 7.When the plane arrived, some of the detectives were waiting inside the main building while others were waiting on the airfield.______________________________________________________ 8.At that moment, everybody began to laugh and sing.______________________________________________________ 9.它是1681年德国制造的。______________________________________________________ 10.It’s being repaired by a friend of my father’s.______________________________________________________ 11.当他吃饭的时候,我向他借20英镑。______________________________________________________ 12.He will take part in an important competition next month.___________________________________________________ 13.They will be trying to keep order.______________________________________________________ 14.除了个别几个单词外,我根本不会法语。______________________________________________________ 15.If you receive a request like this, you can not fail to obey it.__________________________________________________ 16.他至少有40岁了。______________________________________________________ 17.他常干这种事。______________________________________________________ 18.真可惜!______________________________________________________ 19.Instead of catching fish, they catch old boots and rubbish.___________________________________________________ 20.这是在浪费时间。______________________________________________________


Lesson 64

The Channel Tunnel Teaching Aims and Demands:

1.Grasp the following words: tunnel,port,ventilate,chimney,sea level,double,ventilation,fear,invasion,officially,connect,European,continent

2.Learn a kind of sentence structure---第3类条件句

3.Grasp some special difficulties---some phrases of the verb draw

4.Practice oral English with some exercise

5.Do some exercise to grasp what's have learned in this lesson

Teaching Content: Vocabulary;Text;Exercise

Teaching Key Points and Difficult Points:

1.a kind of sentence structure---第3类条件句

2.special difficulties---some phrases of the verb draw

Teaching Periods: 4 periods

Teaching Procedures: Period1-2:

Ⅰ.Introduction to the text by giving an idiom.Something attempted, something done.有所尝试就有所作为。

Ⅱ.New words and eapressions.★tunnel n 隧道;地道

channel 海峡 / The Channel : 英吉利海峡

Light at the end of the tunnel.历尽艰辛之后的成功,苦尽甘来 ★port n 港口;港;港口城市:enter/leave a port After port:自由港


【谚语】Any port in a storm.慌不择路 ★ventilate v 通风

air: air the room, please给房间通通风

well/poorly ventalated 通风很好/不好

Ventilator n.通风设备,通风口

Air v.通风

Air the room,please!给房间通通风

Airing n.通风,晾干 ★chimney n 烟囱

Smoke like a chimney.烟抽得多,不停地抽烟 ★sea level 海平面

★double adj双的 v.使加倍 DINK: double income, no kid.字母W 的读音就是: “double u”

意为两个u 构成 w.A double room 双人间;a double chin 双下巴;double negative 双重否定;double Dutch 莫名其妙的话,晦涩的文字;to double one's income 使收入增加一倍

固搭:put the double on sb.【俚】耍诡计欺骗某人

see double 将一物看成两物,眼睛发花(醉酒时)couple/pair两个 a couple of weeks a pair of shoes/socks/glasses 一副眼镜 ★ventilation n 通风

Forced Ventilation强制排风系统

force [fC:s] n.力量, 武力, 精力, 魄力, 势力, 暴力, [复]军队, 影响力 vt.强制, 强加,(用武力)夺取, 促使, 推动, 施加压力

forced [fC:st] adj.被迫的, 强迫的, 动用武力的 ★fear v 害怕

fright / frighten / frightening / frightened / frightful be afraid of / fear是习惯性的/人做主语

frighten / scare是因某件突然的事情才让你产生了害怕的情绪/句子后边的部分是人 sb fear sth: I feared darkness./ I fear dogs.be afraid of : I am afraid of dogs.be afraid that : can you help me? I am afraid I can't(恐怕)/ I am afraid not.等同于 I am sorry.sth frighten sb./ sth scare sb : you frightened/scared me.The doy frightened me./ the film scared me.horrify v.使恐怖, 使极度厌恶, 惊骇

horrified adj.惊悸的, 带有恐怖感的, 惊骇的 ★invasion n 入侵, 侵略

invade [in5veid] vt.侵略, 侵袭, 拥挤 invade – invasion / decide – decision ★officially adv 正式地

official(官方的正式)/ formally(一般的正式)office – official ★connect v 连接 connect sth with/to connect A with B(A和B平等)/ connect A to B(A连到B上去)She is a well-connected woman.她出身名门

Connection n.联系

The connection between drinking and liver cancer is well know.酗酒和肝癌的内在联系是众所周知的。

★European adj 欧洲的 ★continent n 大陆

European Continent: 欧洲大陆

III.Ask students to go through the text.Then ask some students to translate the text to get the main idea of the text.参考译文:


IV.Explain the text in details.1,In 1858, a French engineer, Aime Thome de Gamond, arrived in England with a plan for a twenty-one-mile tunnel under the English Channel.Plan for+ noun./动名词


Twenty-one-mile 加连字符,用单数,作定语

for a ```Channel是介词短语,作定语,修饰名词plan。

2.This platform would serve as a port and a railway station.serve as ```=serve for```


eg.It will serve as a swimming pool.This sofa can serve as/for(a)bed.serve ```with


eg.The waiter served us with wine.3.In 1860, a better plan was put forward by an Englishman, William Low.put forward(plan/suggestion)


eg.You know they wouldn’t accept your plan.Why did you put it forward?

4.He suggested that a double railway-tunnel should be built.suggest

① vt.暗示,用法与其他的词相同

(问某人)建议某事、做某事 suggest sth.(to sb.)/suggest doing sth.② vt.建议,用虚拟语气,后接动词是要用-ing形式,后接that从句采用一种固定的用法“should+动词原形”(should可省略)

类似的动词还有:demand, recommend, order, insist 表建议,请求,命令 eg.I suggested(that)he(should)go home.(that, should都可省略)He suggest that I should go with him.他建议我一定要跟他去。insist 作“坚持”讲时用法同suggest eg.He insisted that I should stay to lunch.他坚持要留下来吃晚饭。

5.This would solve the problem of ventilation, for if a train entered this tunnel, it would draw in fresh air behind it.draw in

吸进,如用bring没有draw in 形象、贴切 draw in

靠到路边,跌向路旁 draw back 退回 draw off

走了 draw up


6.If, at the time, the Britiish had not feared invasion, it would have been completed.虚拟语气(非真实条件句)包括A与现在事实相反和B与过去事实相反 其从句的使用

A、与现在事实相反, 用一般过去时

B、与过去事实相反, 用过去完成时, 此时主句格式为would have done(would/could/should 都可以)

must have done对过去的推测 can't have done对过去的推测

情态动词加have done 表示对过去的推测

7.The world had to wait almost another 100 years for the Channel Tunnel.wait(for)some times

I have waited five minutes.(for 可不要)

I have waited for you(for)five minutes.I have waited five years for you.8.It was officially opened on March 7,1994,finally connecting Britain to the European continent.现在分词 connecting 引导的短语相当于一个并列分句。connect表示“连接”、“连结”,可与to或with连用:

This road connects the willage with/to London.这条公路连接着这个村子与伦敦。

The lake and the canal are connected by a river.这个湖与运河之间由一条小河相连。

Period 3-4 V.Do some oral practice.1.Answer this questions in not more than 85 words.A.Who planned to build a tunnel under the English Channel in 1858? How would it be ventilated?(The tunnel,which```)

B.Who suggested a better plan two years later?

C.How would passing trains solve the problem of ventilation in his proposed double railway-tunnel?(because they would)

D.Did work begin forty-two years later or not? Why was it stopped?(Though...because)

E.When was the Channel Tunnel officially opened?(However)

A.The tunnel will(would)be ventilated, a French engineer planned to build in 1858.The tunnel which a French engineer planned to build in 1858 would be ventilated if tall chimmeys were built above sea level.先行词, which : 非限定性定语从句

The tunnel, which a French engineer planned to build in 1858, would be ventilated if tall chimmeys were built above sea level.D.though...because...because the British had feared invasion.It was stopped because the British had feared invasion.Though it was begun(work begin forty-two years later), it was stopped because...E.However 起了副词的作用,后面可以直接加一个句子

2.Rewrite the following sentences using the joining words in parentheses:

A.The English Channel separates Britain from Europe.The country has not been invaded since1066.(Thanks to...which)

B.Modern warfare is far more complex.Such fears no longer exist.(However, now that...)

C.Britain benefits enormously from a Channel Tunnel.Europe benefits enormously from a Channel Tunnel.(Both...and)

A.Thanks to : 幸亏(to是介词)/ because of : 由于

Thanks to the English Channel which separates British from Europe, the...B.now that : 即使(既然)

Howwever, now that moden warfare is far more complex ,such fears no longer exist.即使现代战争越来越复杂了,然而这样的害怕都已经不存在了

C.Both...and...Both Britain and Europe benefit...(注意benefit不能加s)

benefit [5benifit] n.利益, 好处 vt.有益于, 有助于 vi.受益

VI.Introducd the key structures to the students

1.虚拟语气 与过去事实相反


E.g.if it is fine tomorrow, I will go to visit my grandpa.非真实条件句所表达的假设则不可能或不大可能发生或实现的,与事实相反的情况。

If I were a bird, I would fly to America.虚拟语气在非真实条件句中:


If I won the lottery, I would buy an expensive car.b.与过去事实相反

If he had driven more carefully, he would not have had the car accident yesterday.c.与过去事实可能相反或发生实现几率较小。

If you got/were to/should get a full mark next time.I would hold a party for you

特殊结构 : suggest/insist, 后接that从句(should+动词原形)条件句有真实条件句和非真实条件句两种。

Suggest, demand, order, propose, insist command ,request, desire后的宾语从句中:(should)+动词原形。

I suggest that we(should)set off at once.I demanded that he(should)answer me immediately.Do some exercise in class and check the answer.Explain the key points.Give the correct form of the verbs in parentheses.1.If you had told me about it earlier, I________(be able)to help you.2.If you_______(can/come)with us, we would have been pleased.3.You_________(not make)such a mistake if you had been more careful.4.If father_______(be)alive, he would be horrified.5.If it_______(be)fine tomorrow, we shall go for a swim.Answers 1 would have been able would have done 跟过去事实相反,从句会使用had done

could have done, 情态动词后面一旦加了have done 表示跟过去有关 3 would not have made were : 虚拟语气与现在事实相反,从句使用一般过去时,与一般现在时相反的be 动词,用were代替 if I were you 5 is 真实条件句

【Multiple choice questions】

1.It would be possible to build a platform.A platform _______.(a)could build(b)would be built(c)could be built

(d)would build possible

could : 可能 / would : 表示将来要做 answer : c 2.It finally connects Britain and Europe.Britain and Europe are finally _______.(a)mixed(b)joined together(c)rejoined(d)combined mix : 混合

join : 连接(加入), 强调使成为其中一员 rejoin : 再次加入 combine : 合并

combine [kEm5bain] v.(使)联合,(使)结合 n.联合企业, 联合收割机 n.联合收割机 connect : 强调连接 answer : b 3.A plan was put forward by William Low.He _______it.(a)suggested(b)intended(c)aimed at(d)planned put forword : 提出 intend to do aim at : 目标是什么 plan : 计划 suggest : 建议

suggest + doing/that, suggest + 名词或代词

第3类条件句是在if从句里设想纯粹想像的事情,在主句里讲述想像的结果,谈的是没有或永远不可能有的结果,指的是过去没有过的事情。第3类条件句的基本结构是if从句用过去完成时,主句用would have/ should have +过去分词:

If it had rained, we would have stayed at home.在if从句中可用could have +过去分词代替had been able to +动词原形: I’d have read that book if I could have bought it.VI.【Special difficulties】


draw in


The smell of flowers in the shop drew us in.draw back


You must finish the work by yourselves now.They have drawn back their people.draw up


I was waiting for Jill in front of a shop when a taxi drew up beside me.离开

The villagers had to draw off because of the flood.Exercise Choose the correct words in the following sentences.1 We shall have to draw(in)(up)a new plan.2 When I recognized who he was I drew(back)(up)in horror.3 The car drew(back)(up)outside the cinema.draw up签署

draw back倒退 draw up=stop :停止,停下来

draw off 撤走,


Lesson 25 Do the English speak English? Background of Cockney(伦敦腔)English

London is both the capital and the largest city in England.It’s also the country’s “linguistic(语言的)center.” Cockney represents the London accent(口音)and can be considered a form of London local accent.While many Londoners may speak what is referred to as “popular London” They do not speak Cockney.The popular Londoner accent is different from Cockney in a number of ways, and can also be found outside of the capital.Cockney has its own special vocabulary and usage, and traditionally develops its own slang(俚语).It is still a part of the true Cockney culture.Sometimes it’s difficult for foreigners to understand Cockney.The people who have learnt English for many years can’t understand what they say.New words and expressions ★railway n.铁路(PET)railroad: 铁路

railway/railroad station: 火车站 ★porter n.搬运工(PET)


几个(PET)some:一些,即可以修饰可数,又可以修饰不可数 several:只能修饰可数=a number of(一些)a great number of:大量的

some time:一段时间 some time age sometime: 某时

e.g.I will defeat you sometime.sometimes:有时,偶尔

some times:不存在这种说法 several times:许多次

★foreigner n.外国人(PET)

★wonder v.感到奇怪(PET)wonder n.奇观 seven wonders wonderful 极好的 e.g.It's a wonder.wonder at sth.对...事情感奇怪

NCE2·LESSON25 e.g.I wonder at this.wonder: want to know想要知道

Grammar 1.not only… but …as well不仅…而且…为并列连词,连接状语,相当于not only…but also.e.g.He can not only speak Chinese ,but write as well.e.g.Not only my mother was unhappy, but Mary as well.2.neither…nor… 既不…也不…

连接并列状语 e.g.She could neither speak the language nor write it.e.g.He can neither sing nor dance.3.either… or… 或是…或是…

连接并列状语 e.g.He plays either soccer or rugby.e.g.Either you or I must tell him.4.wonder :want to know v.想知道

间接引语的疑问句:一般疑问句用if引导,特殊疑问句用特殊疑问词引导 Wonder + if:是否 wonder+特殊疑问词

e.g.I wonder if you have any spare time.e.g.I wonder what time it is 所有的从句都用陈述句的句序,陈述句句序:主语在动词前面 e.g.I wonder why you are late.e.g.I wondered where you were going.wonder n.奇观

wonderful adj.极好的 wonder v.感到奇怪

Exercises Join the sentences with the joining words 1.I can speak Chinese.I can speak English.(not only …but …as well)_____________________________________________________________ 2.He is at home.He is at work.(either…or…)_____________________________________________________________ 3.I have no money to lend you.He has no money to lend you.(Neither…nor…)_____________________________________________________________ 4.I spoke English very carefully.I spoke English very clearly.(not only…but…as well)_____________________________________________________________ NCE2·LESSON25 5.She must be mad.She must be very wise.(either…or…)_____________________________________________________________ 6.He went on holiday.I went on holiday.(Both…and…)_____________________________________________________________ PET 真题

Read the text below and choose the correct word for each space.For each question, mark the correct letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet.Example:(A)0.A.largest B.huge C.big

D.greater The Country’s Biggest Art Gallery Tendale Stadium is about to become the country’s(0)____ art gallery.Local youngsters are invited to join special(1)____ workshops which will be run(2)_____ a group of(3)____ famous artists.Each of(4)____ will produce an autographed piece of art, which will be(5)____ on the stadium walls for everyone to see.The project is expected to last until the(6)____ of the year, and participants will get to fill the stadium walls with huge pictures of their(7)____ sporting, acting, and singing heroes.Tuition, paints and equipment will be provided free(8)____ charge, so participants don’t need to bring(9)____-except, of course,(10)_____!()1.A.painting













B.appeared C.decorated










D.from()9.A.somebody B.nothing






答案:1A 2C 3B 4B 5A 6A 7D 8C 9C 10D NCE2·LESSON25


Lesson72A car called Bluebird“蓝鸟”汽车The great racing driver, Sir Malcolm Campbell, was the first man to drive at over 300 miles per hour.He set up a new world record in September 1935 at Bonneville Salt Flats, Utah.Bluebird, the car he was driving, had been specially built for him.It was over 30 feet in length and had a 2,500-horsepower engine.Although Campbell reached a speed of over 304 miles per hour, he had great difficulty in controlling the car because a tyre burst during the first run.After his attempt, Campbell was disappointed to learn that his average speed had been 299 miles per hour.However, a few days later, he was told that a mistake had been made.His average speed had been 301 miles per hour.Since that time, racing drivers have reached speeds over 600 miles an hour.Following in his father's footsteps many years later, Sir Malcolm's son, Donald, also set up a world record.Like his father, he was driving a car called Bluebird.



上 课 9: 00-11: 30 时间 有 深 入 浅、逐 步 讲 解 语 法 要 点,轻 松 掌 握 枯 燥 的 语 法 ; 通 过 对 句 课 程 型 想 方 设 法 的 分 析 及 对 词 汇、短 语 的 讲 解,能 够 在 听、说、读 中 特点 真正运用地道的句型。招 生 新概念一册水平对象 学费 ¥ 1880 13: 00-15: 30


班次 开课日期 课时 1班 2班 3班 07-29 08-26 09-02 4周 20*3课时 4周 20*3课时 4周 20*3课时

课程安排 07月29日~08月23日(周一至周五)08月26日~09月20日(周一至周五)09月02日~09月27日(周一至周五)

网上优惠 9.5折 9.5折 9.5折



4周 20*3课时





4周 20*3课时


