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编辑:情深意重 识别码:23-470266 14号文库 发布时间: 2023-05-16 15:46:50 来源:网络



美国驻中国大使Jon Huntsman发表了电视致辞,表达了对世博和中美两国明天的期待,顺便也宣传了一下美国馆的展览,届时将有160讲中文的美国大学生在场与观众交流。

I'm pleased to congratulate China on the opening of the Shanghai Expo, a major event of the world this year and one that will allow Americans and Chinese to continue to get to know each other on the deeper and broader bases.我高兴地就上海世博会的开幕向中国表示祝贺:这是一个今年世界上的重要事件,它将允许美国人和中国人在一个更深入和更广泛的基础上继续相互了解。America has hosted and participated in many World Expos since 19th century and we're excited to see this tradition carry on at the Shanghai Expo.Our participation demonstrates America's commitment to a forward-looking, positive relationship with China.美国自19世纪以来,已经举办和参加了许多世博会,我们很兴奋地看到这一传统在上海世博会上得以延续。我们的参与表明美国对一个与中国前瞻性和积极关系的承诺。

I invite you to visit American pavilion to learn about America's approach to creating “a better city and a better life”.We have prepared a special theatre presentation that we hope will entertain visitors of all ages and inspire them to be part of efforts to improve their own communities.我邀请您访问美国馆,了解美国创建一个“城市让生活更美好”的方法。我们已经准备了特别的戏剧表演,我们希望以此招待各年龄段的游客,并激励他们成为改善他们自己社区努力的一部分。

The USA pavilion will also featuer an array of American cultural performers--from Blue Grass to Hiphop, to Jazz to classical music.One of the Grammy Award winning artists scheduled to perform is American Jazz legend Herbie Hancock.美国馆还将以大量的美国文化表演者为特色——从蓝草、嘻哈、爵士到古典音乐。计划演奏的格莱美得奖艺术家之一的是美国爵士乐的传奇赫比·汉考克。I'm also particularly proud of our “Student Ambassador” program.Visitors to American pavilion will be greeted by American college students from schools across America.They have many different life experiences they will share with you.And all 160 student ambassadors speak Chinese, which demonstrates the importance American younger generation is placing on learning about China.我还为我们的“学生大使”项目而感到特别自豪。美国馆的参观者将受到来自全美各地学校大学生的欢迎。他们将有许多不同的生活经历与大家分享。并且,所有160名学生大使都说中文,这表明美国年轻一代对学习了解中国的重视。While the Expo is an opportunity to present some of the best of America to visitors, it is also an opportunity to learn from China and many of countries will be exhibiting about how they are working to improve their communities.I personally look forward to visiting other national pavilions to see the many exciting things they will have to offer.世博会是一个向游客展示美国最好方面的机会,也是个向中国和其他许多即将参展的国家学习他们如何努力改善他们社区的机会。我本人期待着参观其他国家的展馆,看他们即将提供的许多令人兴奋的东西。

I congratulate China on what I'm sure will be a spectacular world's fair.Come and see at the US pavilion.我确信这将是一个非常壮观的世界博览会,我就此向中国表示祝贺。到美国馆来看我们吧!



I'm pleased to congratulate China on the opening of the Shanghai Expo, a major event of the world this year and one that will allow Americans and Chinese to continue to get to know each other on the deeper and broader bases.我高兴地就上海世博会的开幕向中国表示祝贺:这是一个今年世界上的重要事件,它将允许美国人和中国人在一个更深入和更广泛的基础上继续相互了解。

America has hosted and participated in many World Expos since 19th century and we're excited to see this tradition carry on at the Shanghai Expo.Our participation demonstrates America's commitment to a forward-looking, positive relationship with China.美国自19世纪以来,已经举办和参加了许多世博会,我们很兴奋地看到这一传统在上海世博会上得以延续。我们的参与表明美国对一个与中国前瞻性和积极关系的承诺。I invite you to visit American pavilion to learn about America's approach to creating “a better city and a better life”.We have prepared a special theatre presentation that we hope will entertain visitors of all ages and inspire them to be part of efforts to improve their own communities.我邀请您访问美国馆,了解美国创建一个“城市让生活更美好”的方法。我们已经准备了特别的戏剧表演,我们希望以此招待各年龄段的游客,并激励他们成为改善他们自己社区努力的一部分。

The USA pavilion will also featuer an array of American cultural performers--from Blue Grass to Hiphop, to Jazz to classical music.One of the Grammy Award winning artists scheduled to perform is American Jazz legend Herbie Hancock.美国馆还将以大量的美国文化表演者为特色——从蓝草、嘻哈、爵士到古典音乐。计划演奏的格莱美得奖艺术家之一的是美国爵士乐的传奇赫比·汉考克。

I'm also particularly proud of our “Student Ambassador” program.Visitors to American pavilion will be greeted by American college students from schools across America.They have many different life experiences they will share with you.And all 160 student ambassadors speak Chinese, which demonstrates the importance American younger generation is placing on learning about China.我还为我们的“学生大使”项目而感到特别自豪。美国馆的参观者将受到来自全美各地学校大学生的欢迎。他们将有许多不同的生活经历与大家分享。并且,所有160名学生大使都说中文,这表明美国年轻一代对学习了解中国的重视。

While the Expo is an opportunity to present some of the best of America to visitors, it is also an opportunity to learn from China and many of countries will be exhibiting about how they are working to improve their communities.I personally look forward to visiting other national pavilions to see the many exciting things they will have to offer.世博会是一个向游客展示美国最好方面的机会,也是个向中国和其他许多即将参展的国家学习他们如何努力改善他们社区的机会。我本人期待着参观其他国家的展馆,看他们即将提供的许多令人兴奋的东西。

I congratulate China on what I'm sure will be a spectacular world's fair.Come and see at the US pavilion.我确信这将是一个非常壮观的世界博览会,我就此向中国表示祝贺。到美国馆来看我们吧!

第三篇:中英文 美国驻中国大使上海世博会致辞

美国驻中国大使Jon Huntsman近日发表电视致辞,表达了对世博和中美两国明天的期待,顺便也宣传了一下美国馆的展览。以下是致辞全文。

I'm pleased to congratulate China on the opening of the Shanghai Expo, a major event of the world this year and one that will allow Americans and Chinese to continue to get to know each other on the deeper and broader bases.我高兴地就上海世博会的开幕向中国表示祝贺:这是一个今年世界上的重要事件,它将允许美国人和中国人在一个更深入和更广泛的基础上继续相互了解。

America has hosted and participated in many World Expos since 19th century and we're excited to see this tradition carry on at the Shanghai Expo.Our participation demonstrates America's commitment to a forward-looking, positive relationship with China.美国自19世纪以来,已经举办和参加了许多世博会,我们很兴奋地看到这一传统在上海世博会上得以延续。我们的参与表明美国对一个与中国前瞻性和积极关系的承诺。

I invite you to visit American pavilion to learn about America's approach to creating “a better city and a better life”.We have prepared a special theatre presentation that we hope will entertain visitors of all ages and inspire them to be part of efforts to improve their own communities.我邀请您访问美国馆,了解美国创建一个 “城市让生活更美好”的方法。我们已经准备了特别的戏剧表演,我们希望以此招待各年龄段的游客,并激励他们成为改善他们自己社区努力的一部分。

The USA pavilion will also featuer an array of American cultural performers--from Blue Grass to Hiphop, to Jazz to classical music.One of the Grammy Award winning artists scheduled to perform is American Jazz legend Herbie Hancock.美国馆还将以大量的美国文化表演者为特色——从蓝草、嘻哈、爵士到古典音乐。计划演奏的格莱美得奖艺术家之一的是美国爵士乐的传奇赫比·汉考克。

I'm also particularly proud of our “Student Ambassador” program.Visitors to American pavilion will be greeted by American college students from schools across America.They have many different life experiences they will share with you.And all 160 student ambassadors speak Chinese, which demonstrates the importance American younger generation is placing on learning about China.我还为我们的“学生大使”项目而感到特别自豪。美国馆的参观者将受到来自全美各地学校大学生的欢迎。他们将有许多不同的生活经历与大家分享。并且,所有160名学生大使都说中文,这表明美国年轻一代对学习了解中国的重视。While the Expo is an opportunity to present some of the best of America to visitors, it is also an opportunity to learn from China and many of countries will be exhibiting about how they are working to improve their communities.I personally look forward to visiting other national pavilions to see the many exciting things they will have to offer。


I congratulate China on what I'm sure will be a spectacular world's fair.Come and see at the US pavilion。








促进举办地的产业升级举办世博会能在特定时期、特定地区集中各种生产要素,实现经济资源的优化配置,能加速推动一个地区的长远发展,这是迄今为止大多数世博会的举办动机。“世博经济”现象由三个部分组成:一是直接为举办世博会而产生的经济活动。二是围绕开发世博会资源进行的经济活动。三是主办城市借世博会契机,改善区域经济发展环境,促进经(来源:好范文 http://www.teniu.cc/)济建设的各种相关活动。世博经济有五个特点:一是多元性。从参与世博经济对象看,不仅是参展城市、参展国本身,甚至世界各国和相关国际组织都有不同程度的参与;从参与世博经济的要素看,不仅有劳动力、资本、土地等有形要素,而且涉及到管理、技术、信息等无形要素,具有多要素流动与配置的特点。二是阶段性。在筹备阶段,经济影响主要表现为大规模的投资活动;在举办阶段,主要表现为迅速增长的旅游、会展和消费对经济的推动;在会后阶段,主要表现为场馆设施的后续利用对经济的影响。三是带动性。世博经济作为一个开放的系统,其影响涉及周边地区乃至全国,对经济发展起一定的刺激作用,为此促进举办城市与周边地区形成紧密联系的经济带,提升整个区域的发展水平和竞争力。四是非均衡性。世博会对旅游、交通等第三产业影响和推动力最大,对工业和建筑业影响和推动为次,对农业等的影响和推动相对较小。五是长效性。世博经济的推动和影响作用通常会在世博会闭幕后延续多年。








Nihao, Congratulations Shanghai for hosting World Expo 2010.The Expo is on track to be the largest to date, showcasing China to the world.你好,祝贺上海主办2010年上海世博会。上海世博会是迄今为止规模最大的一届,在世界面前,它将充 分展示中国。

New Zealand is proud to be part of that.We're expecting over 40,000 visitors a day to the New Zealand pavilion, and we're keen to show them the very best of our country.新西兰为参与本届世博会感到骄傲。我们预计世博会期间,每天将有40,000多人参观新西兰馆,我们 将把新西兰最佳的一面展现给参观者。

The theme of Expo 2010 is “Better City: Better Life”, and focuses on the new thinking and technologies needed for sustainable city living.New Zealand has plenty to bring to this theme.2010年世博会主题为“城市:让生活更美好”,将集中体现可持续城市生活方式的新思维和新技术。新 西兰将用丰富的内容诠释这一主题。

We have just 4.3 million people, but 86 per cent of New Zealanders live in cities.We are a dynamic, innovative, and multi-cultural Asia Pacific nation with a real love of the environment and the outdoors.我国仅有430万人口,但86%的人生活在城市。新西兰是亚太地区充满活力、极富创新精神的多元文化 国际。我们无比珍爱环境,热爱户外运动。

Every year, many Chinese students study in New Zealand, and over 100,000 Chinese tourists come to our shores and enjoy a 100% Pure New Zealand experience-seeing our beautiful scenery, sampling our unique culture, and tasting our fantastic wine and food.每年,大量中国学生到新西兰留学,有100,000多么中国游客前来我国旅游,近期享受百分百纯净的 新西兰 —— 游览美丽的景点、体验我们独特的文化、品尝美酒佳肴。

China is a vital partner for New Zealand.Today, one in 25 New Zealanders has Chinese heritage, and the links between our people continue to grow.The New Zealand China Free Trade Agreement is a world first and is bringing big rewards for trade and business in both countries.We look forward to building on our relationship in the years ahead.中国是新西兰重要的伙伴。目前,每25名新西兰人中,就有一位华裔,新中两国人民之间的交往日益加 深。新中自由贸易协定是全球第一个发达国家与中国签署的自贸协定,极大地促进了两国的商贸往来。我们希望今后能进一步巩固两国的关系。

In the meantime, I'd like to invite our friends from China and around the world to visit our pavilion.It's designed to reflect New Zealand's stunning beauty, introduce our friendly people, and showcase the innovation, creativity, and talent we have to offer.We're looking forward to showing you all around our pavilion.在此,我衷心邀请中国以及来自世界各地的朋友在世博会期间参观新西兰馆,领略新西兰优美的风景,了解 热情好客的新西兰人以及我们的创新、创意成果和杰出人才。我们期待着您的光临。
