女王在出国访问时所穿的外交场合正式服饰所传达的潜在信息也经过了充分的考虑。其所穿的每套服饰通过刺绣的图案、标志或所用的色彩来展现外交含义,其设计的目的是向接待国表示恭敬。在一次出访澳大利亚的过程中,女王穿了一件刺有澳大利亚国花金合欢的裙子;在1957年访问新斯科舍时穿着一件镶有五月花图案的连衣裙;1983年出访美国西海岸的时候,她的衣服上装饰着加利福尼亚罂粟花;在20世纪60年代末期的年度巴尔莫勒尔 “ghillies ball”舞会上,女王穿着配有肩带的带有牡蛎图案的连衣裙。礼仪也是穿衣中需要考虑的因素――女王曾七次拜访了梵蒂冈的教皇,每一次都是身着黑色的服饰,并戴着面纱,这是王室每一位女性成员都必须遵守的服饰礼仪。
当情况需要的时候――比如晚宴或者高规格的场面――女王总是会以王室的风光形象出现在众人面前。她那饰以珍珠的晚礼服、雪白的狐皮披肩、配以耀眼珠宝的冕状头饰是一种宏大的标志性结合。事实上,这一形象是今年的流行风格,alexander mcqueen、saint laurent、gucci 和 valentino 都将这种王室的元素纳入了它们今年的春夏款服装。这明,英国王室高龄90岁的女王仍在发挥着其独有的时尚魔力。
This is a woman we all know.Elizabeth II, the queen of England.And today our group is going to introduce the queens in British history.In 1953, a coronation fit for a king.But it's a young queen who is about to be crowned.The fact that she's a woman attracts no comment and she will go on to reign over the British people for six decades.But England's queens haven't always been greeted with such adoration.800 years earlier, another female heir to the throne came to Westminster for her coronation.She wasn't met by cheering crowds.Instead, she was chased away from the capital by an angry mob.Her name was Matilda, the first woman to make a claim to the English crown in her own right.But 800 years ago, power belonged to male.Yet despite everything that stood in their way, a handful of extraordinary women did attempt to rule medieval and Tudor England.Our topic is about the queens who challenged male power and the fierce reactions they provoked.When they pursued power like kings, these royal women were criticized.They had been vilified as She-Wolves.There are 6 queens of England in history.Due to the limited time we can only introduce 4.They are …….(人名)
Let me introduce the first queen in England.--Matilda.Matilda was the daughter of Henry I and granddaughter of William the Conqueror, but you won't find her on the role-call of English monarchs.This faint manuscript image is the only contemporary picture of her that survives.Matilda called as a she-wolf simply because she dared to challenge the assumption that only a man could wear the English crown.And her bid for the throne began with a tragedy.The death of the male heir, her brother William.He died in an accident when he crossed the channel in Normandy.All Henry's hopes for his country's future had been swallowed by the sea, along with his drowned son.Now there was no successor.No boys, just a daughter called Matilda.There had never been a female heir to the English throne.But then again, there was nothing explicitly to say that a woman couldn't inherit the crown.But in these times, it wasn't enough to have a right to the throne.To wear the crown, you had to fight for it.Henry Ⅰ had fought his older brother for the rule of England and Normandy, and once he'd become King, he had to keep on fighting to impose his authority on his nobles.the Anglo Saxon word for “queen” didn't mean a female King, it meant the wife of a King and as a King's wife, a Queen could advise her husband, or even represent him, but her authority always depended on his.And it was this limited kind of queenship, as royal wife to a royal husband, for which Matilda had been prepared since birth.At the age of eight, she’d left England to marry Henry the Fifth, the King of Germany and Holy Roman Emperor.But when she was 23, her husband died suddenly and Matilda came home to England.She was Henry's only heir and he chose this moment to ensure the future of his dynasty.It was at a ceremony in Westminster hall that Henry promised Matilda a startling new future.He was suggesting that for the first time a woman could rule in her own right as a female King.No one tried to argue that a woman couldn't rule.But the likelihood is that the nobles thought would never happen.And Henry had an alternative plan.Matilda was still young.If she could give him a grandson, England might yet be ruled by a King of his bloodline.He sent her away to be married.Henry chose as Matilda's bridegroom Geoffrey of Anjou, whose lands to the south of Normandy could protect Henry's borders.In the spring of 1133, Matilda gave birth to her first child, a boy called Henry after his proud grandfather.A year later, she had a second son.So, Henry had his male heirs.But he was in his 60s, and it would be years before they grew up.Henry, was taken ill on a hunting trip in November 1135.Knowing that his grandsons were not yet old enough to succeed him, as Henry lay dying he insisted that the nobles abide by the agreement they'd made eight years earlier to allow Matilda to rule.And as soon as the news of her father's death reached her, Matilda made her first move in becoming Queen.She rode north to seize control of Argentan, an important fortress that was crucial to the rule of Normandy.But then she went no further.She discovered she was pregnant.While Matilda hesitated, it was her cousin Stephen who seized the moment.He rode to Winchester, where his brother was Bishop, and had himself crowned King.For Matilda this was a shocking betrayal.Stephen had been among the nobles who had sworn allegiance to her when her father was alive.Male might, it seemed, still overcame female right.Stephen's masterstroke杀手锏 was his speedily arranged coronation.Once God had made him King, no man could undo it.Stephen's kingship had taken effect in the moment he was anointed with holy oil.But it lay the seeds of civil war.Stephen couldn't rule without the support of the powerful nobles.One by one they rallied to his cause and his triumph seemed complete when he won the support of Robert, one of the most powerful noblemen in the country.Hundreds of miles away in France, Matilda's cause seemed lost.But it was Normandy that came to her rescue.To make his throne secure Stephen needed to control the Anglo Norman realm on both sides of the channel.But while he established his rule in England, it took him more than a year to cross the channel to France.By then Normandy had collapsed into chaos and so did Stephen's army.(内部混乱)Most significantly of all, the alliance between Stephen and Robert began to fall apart.And in June 1138, in a dramatic about turn, Robert became a support of Matilda.Cracks were beginning to appear in Stephen’s regime.In 1139, Matilda set foot on English soil for the first time in eight years.In February 1141, troops loyal to Matilda defeated Stephens' army and took the king prisoner.It had been five years since her father's death but now the throne was within her reach for the first time.Now Matilda knew she needed the church and the people to recognize her as Queen.She couldn't undo Stephen's coronation but she could try to supersede it with one of her own.And she found an unlikely ally in the man who had orchestrated Stephen's coronation, his own brother, Bishop Henry of Winchester.Matilda cleverly promised Bishop Henry first place among her advisors.And in return he helped her.He explained to the council that when King Henry died, he had left his crown to his daughter.“But,” he said, “because it seemed tedious to wait for the lady who made delays in coming to England since her residence was in Normandy, thought was taken for the peace of the country and my brother allowed to reign.” Stephen, he declared, hadn't brought peace and justice to England, and he was now a prisoner.“We choose as Lady of England and Normandy the daughter of a king who was a peacemaker, a glorious king, a wealthy king, a good king, without peer in our time, and we promise her faith and support.” This was a victory that Matilda had fought for six long years to achieve.Matilda was going to become England's first female king, but as she began to act like England's new ruler it became clear that she still had a battle to fight.When the great men of the kingdom began to be confronted with the reality of female rule, they didn't like what they saw.As the discontent grew louder and louder, medieval spin doctors went to work.中世纪幕僚 Stephen was still a prisoner, but troops loyal to his cause began to ravage the land south of the Thames just across the river from the City of London.Matilda was so close to her moment of triumph but at the last moment everything began to unravel.As Matilda prepared to enjoy her feast at Westminster, thousands of armed Londoners came to drive her away from the capital.All Matilda's hopes of being crowned Queen were destroyed.Also Bishop Henry had swapped sides once again and declared his support of his brother Stephen.Matilda pursued the Bishop to Winchester but was caught.She escaped but her greatest supporter, Robert, was captured in battle.Without him, she knew she could never hope to win so she had to release her most valuable prisoner, her rival Stephen for Robert’s freedom.Still she fought on and in September 1142, Matilda decided to risk everything in one last effort to escape.Matilda was now free, but nothing had changed.England remained in military deadlock.Matilda came to the realization that the battle she now faced was to win the crown for her son, not to wear it herself.If the she-wolf couldn't wear the crown, then her cub would.While Matilda had been fighting in England, her son Henry had grown up in France.As a strong and energetic warrior he had all the promise of a future King and Matilda decided that the time had come for him to fight for his grandfather's kingdom.And so, in the face of dwindling support, Stephen was forced to agree a compromise.He would remain as King but at a ceremony, in Winchester, Stephen recognized Henry as his successor.Matilda had won.But the cost of her victory was her own political eclipse.She wasn't even mentioned by name in the treaty that brought an end to the conflict that had dominated her life.Matilda had shown how hard it was for a woman to rule in her own right.She had lost the battle but she had won the war.
英国君主(英语:Monarchy of the United Kingdom)是英国及英国海外领地的国家元首,现在的男性君主称为国王(King),女性君主称为女王(Queen)。现今的英国君主可追源溯本至盎格鲁-萨克逊人时期,但论及古代血统,则以古苏格兰君主为准。由于多个英格兰王国在第一次维京时期中渐渐消亡,威塞克斯于公元九世纪成功统领了英格兰其他王国。公元十世纪,英格兰正式统一成为单一王国。
英国女王即英国女性君主。英国君主是英国及英国海外领地的国家元首,现在的男性君主称为国王(King),女性君主称为女王(Queen)。现任的君主是1952年6月2日登基的伊丽莎白二世女王。港英时期的香港,因为其宗主国的关系,加上广府话的“王”与“皇”同音,在一般场合会称呼“英王”作“英皇”和“英女王”作“英女皇”,但正式的翻译应为国王(King)和女王(Queen),而非皇帝(Emperor)和女皇(Empress)。不过鉴于使用习惯,仍然可以“英女皇”称之.在英国,伊丽莎白二世的王位是根据1701年的《王位继承法》(Act of Settlement 1701)继承的,她是圣公会教徒。尽管英国的王位一般是血缘继承,但是英国的国会自1688年光荣革命以后就一直有权决定谁来继承王位。(见英国王位继承)
在认可伊丽莎白二世为国家元首的15个英联邦国家中,她作为国家元首的地位是受到宪法承认的。原先这些国家都曾是英国的殖民地或自治领地。之前的《威斯敏斯特法令》(Statute of Westminster)用来区分英国的殖民地和英帝国的自治领,根据该法令,“任何可能改变王位继承和王室头衔的法律都必须在获得英国议会和所有自治领议会的同意后才可实施。”而这15个在独立后继续承认女王(或国王)为其国家元首的国家事实上取得了近似于这种自治领的地位,虽然根据《威斯敏斯特法令》这些国家并非自治领,也无权单独决定改变继承方法。当伊丽莎白二世去世后,她的后人将根据这些国家的宪法成为其国家元首,而非根据继承原则。
女王在行政上也具有其代表性。英国政府被称为“女王陛下的政府”(Her Majesty's Government),程序上是由女王负责任命大臣。但事实上依英国的民主宪政惯例,女王不任意选择大臣、官员而是听从首相的建议。女王在首相要求下亦可执行解散议会的权力,以便进行大选。而在大选中取得胜利的政党领袖,则须待女王邀请其成为新一任首相。首相一职一般由下议院多数党领袖担任,然后由首相“建议”女王任命其他内阁成员。而英国政府并非向女王负责,它向下议院负责,即间接地向英国选民负责。女王也参与到国家的司法体制中,法庭以她的名义行事,政府亦以女王的名义提起公诉。
包包里不能少的 10 种化妆品 皮肤,在经过正常的细心的保养之后,就可以正式“粉墨登场”了.下面介绍 10 种必备的化妆品及其使用的程式 与正确方法.化妆品的种类虽多,但不管浓妆或淡抹,都不外这 10 种,对这 10 种特性了解得更多,用起来更称 心,效果也愈好.1.清洁霜洗脸或卸妆时使用,但须以化妆纸拭净.2.营养面霜洗脸后按摩时或上妆时,补充皮肤的营养.3.乳液用于滋润皮肤,干性皮肤于打底前使用也兼有保护皮肤不受化妆品中矿物质侵袭的功效.4.化妆水分弱碱性化妆水和弱酸性化妆水两种,前者使皮肤柔软,缓和表皮呼吸,亦可做卸妆用.后者可供 油性皮肤于化妆前使用,有防止化妆脱落之效.5.蜜粉分粉底及粉两种.粉底有粉条可改变肤色,修正脸型.6.眼影分油质和粉质两种,油质效果较彰,粉质有使眼部生动灵活之效.7.眼线液可加强眼睛的轮廓,使眼睛增大.8.眉笔以暗灰或咖啡色为佳,以笔芯软硬适中的为最好.9.腮红有粉质修容饼和油质胭脂膏两种,使用起来,效果不甚相同,前者用于化妆完成后修容用,后者打粉 底时即可揉入.10.唇膏除美化唇部色泽功效外,尚有修正唇形的作用, 可于打粉底时顺便将唇部外廓遮住,然后以唇笔沾 唇膏绘出一个适当大小的唇形,最后才涂满双唇,要诀是薄而匀,才能生动而自然.●MM 需记住的几个化妆技巧 遮瑕霜: 使用遮瑕霜这个步骤包括掩饰脸上所有发暗的区域和黑眼圈,但并不意味着遮盖就是最终目的.事实上,越 想遮盖就越会突出你的缺陷.关于颜色,你需要选择干净的浅色而非使用深色.使用时,正确的遮瑕应选择轻轻的触摸:用指尖轻揉皮肤.应遮瑕的部分有眼圈处,眉根,鼻侧和唇下部.对于那些不使用粉底而又想遮瑕而不留白色痕迹的人,秘诀是:将与你脸色相近的一种或两种粉底与遮瑕霜 混合,然后将其轻轻涂于深色区域.粉底: 用手指还是用海绵擦粉底只是一个习惯或喜好问题.但最好是从脸颊部开始然后均匀涂于整个脸部,并不要 忘记颈部和耳后;如果穿低领衫,不要忘记胸部.应避免眼周围涂得过厚,这样反而会加强眼部缺陷.实际上,一旦使用上遮瑕霜就无须再在眼部擦粉底,否 则会将遮瑕霜除掉.正确的选择粉底的颜色:使用粉底的目的是增强你肤色的亮度并使脸色与众不同,因此不要选择颜色很深的 粉底.正确的颜色应与你皮肤的颜色相配.选择的最佳方法是:试用时,不要将粉底涂在手上(手与脸的皮肤是 不同的),而直接将其擦在脸上.如果颜色合适,你将不会觉察粉底的存在,否则就不合适.粉: 你可以选择瓶粉或碎粉,关键的是选择透明粉并寻找与你的粉底最相配的.擦薄粉时应使用粉扑或粉刷,虽然这只是一个喜好问题,但