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unit 9 作业
编辑:心旷神怡 识别码:23-1035013 14号文库 发布时间: 2024-06-14 12:45:54 来源:网络

第一篇:unit 9 作业


























第二篇:限时作业1(Book 1 Unit 1)

限时作业1(必修1 Unit 1)Ⅰ.完成句子


Everybody could see that he cheated me


Our holiday was completely spoiled by

wet days.3.他们一见钟情。


with each other at first sight.4.我们到达时他们已经开始收拾行李了。

We arrived just as they

their luggage.5.她听腻了他们的印度之行。


hearing about their trip to India.Ⅱ.语法和词汇知识

1.I think it’s high time that we effective measures to prevent the accidents.A.take

B.took C.have taken D.are taking 2.It was in Beihai Park where they made a date that the old couple told us their love story.A.the first time B.for the first time C.first time D.on the first time 3.(202_·浙江杭师大附中月考)— Do you still believe in love? — Absolutely.It is not time, money, power or whatever but love can cure our pain.A.who B.which C.that D.what 4.Faced with the threat of terrorism, they have agreed to their differences in politics and unite to defend national security.A.set aside B.set about C.set off D.set up 5.All those about the poor children should be.A.concerned;thanked B.are concerned;thanked C.who are concerned;thanked for D.are concerned;thanked for 6.—

matters to do the job well—what you are or where you come from? —Neither.It depends on whether you put your heart into it.A.Which is it that C.Which it is that B.What it is that D.What is it which 7.The travellers started early reach Yuntai Mountain before 10 o’clock.A.in order to B.so that C.in order that D.because of 8.It 1920 regular radio broadcasts began.A.was until;when B.was until;that C.wasn’t until;when D.wasn’t until;that 9.I used to quarrel a lot with my parents, but now we well.A.look out C.carry on B.stay up D.get along 10.is known to us all, good friends happiness and value to life.A.It;add B.As;add C.It;add to D.As;add up 11.We were surprised by what the little girl when she was cheated and sold to the mountain village.A.got through B.went through C.live up to D.go against 12.Space exploration has been made with the development of modern science and technology.A.it possible B.it was possible C.that possible D.possible 13.—You are always.Can you tell me the secret? —Taking plenty of exercise every day.A.powerful B.weak C.forceful D.energetic 14.—David, it’s Frank.Could you spare me a few minutes?I need to see you.—

.But I hope “a few minutes” won’t turn into an hour.A.I’m afraid not B.It doesn’t matter C.I don’t think so D.I guess so 15.—The boy’s vocabulary is limited, isn’t it? —

.He has an extensive vocabulary.A.You’re right B.That’s OK C.It doesn’t matter D.I guess not Ⅲ.完形填空

1.Taking frequent short breaks is better for you than one long holiday, psychologists have found.1 believe that people who use their holiday allowance in bursts 2 all in one go are happier.They claimed that people who 3 so-called mini-breaks have more 4 memories than those who spend their holidays for an extended period of time.Dan Ariely, a famous behavioural economist who 5 The Upside of Irrationality, suggested that holidaymakers 6 extended time away by doing some work in the middle of their break 7 this would make them more appreciative of their time away from the 8.The explanation is that people’s enjoyment wanes(减弱)as they become 9 to their holiday lifestyle.Professor Ariely, who 10 at Duke University in North Carolina, said, “On a long 11 , day seven is not as good as day one 12 it is not as exciting.That’s why 13 , going away four times a year provides more 14 than you would expect, and going away for one 15 is not as good as you would expect.”

, other experts disagree.Tim Harford, the author of Dear Undercover Economist, said that taking an increased 17 of trips would only increase the 18 associated with travelling to and from a holiday destination.He said, “If you 19 three times as many

holidays into the same amount of leave, you can expect three times as much 20.It’s obvious to me that it’s not worth it.” 1.A.Teachers B.Economists C.Researchers D.Tourists 2.A.rather than B.in spite of C.other than D.in case of 3.A.damage B.take 4.A.clear 5.A.shared C.break up C.denying 8.A.office C.attached C.teaches 11.A.road C.journey C.prefer D.want B.long C.happy D.powerful B.read C.collected D.wrote D.put off B.describing D.saying B.family C.school D.market D.accustomed D.stays B.vacation D.term 6.A.break in B.put away 7.A.predicting 9.A.addicted B.attentive 10.A.surveys B.rests 12.A.because B.so C.if D.although 13.A.in all B.by chance C.in general D.by contrast 14.A.aid B.benefit C.interest D.pressure B.However

D.number 15.A.day B.year C.season D.week 16.A.Therefore 17.A.price C.pleasure 19.A.wash C.Otherwise D.Still B.risk C.quality B.stress D.effect B.fetch C.pack D.operate 18.A.happiness 20.A.trouble B.time C.information D.money Ⅳ.七选五阅读理解

1.根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Imagine that you are swimming in the middle of an ocean.You look down and see a wonderful underwater land of colours and fish of all shapes and sizes.This is the huge and colourful land of coral and the home of millions of different fish.1 Therefore, most coral reefs started developing over 10,000 years ago.Coral reefs are living structures built up over thousands of years by tiny animals called polyps(珊瑚虫), which usually live together in groups.Each polyp makes a stony skeleton(骨骼)around its body, and the skeletons of all the polyps in a group are joined together.When

the polyps die, their bodies decay.Their hard skeletons remain behind.2 Gradually, over long periods of time, reefs of coral skeletons are built up in the ocean, with living coral on the surface.3 It stretches for more than 1300 miles along the Northern Eastern coast of Australia.The Great Barrier Reef has more than 2600 kinds of coral altogether.It is the largest group of coral in the world.All together, it covers an area about half the size of Texas.The Great Barrier Reef does a lot of things for a lot of people, not just fish.It gives the fishermen plenty of fish, gives the tourists something to look at, and gives the scientists something to study.4 This happens by pollution and throwing anchors on the Great Barrier Reef.Worldwide, there are more than 4000 kinds of reef fish.The Great Barrier Reef supports about 1500 different species of fish.Some of the fish that live in it are crabs, sea turtles, sea sponges, and colourful marine worms.5 Those are only some of the species out of the thousand, and still we find more species every year.However, if we don’t start protecting the reef the fish will be in danger or eventually die.A.Coral only grows a few inches each year.B.New polyps grow on the top of the ones that died.C.You realize it is the home of millions of different fish.D.Here are some facts about coral that are really interesting.E.The Great Barrier Reef is one of the earth’s natural wonders.F.However, many people kill parts of it, and it is in danger of extinction.G.Also, you would probably see a big blue starfish, snails with beautiful shells and sharks.Ⅴ.短文改错

1.One evening, Helen was preparing her examination in the basement of the house.Her parents had gone out shopping.Suddenly, he heard footsteps on the floor below.Known that she was the only person at home, she was frightened.Obviously, a thief has come in through the window that had been left opened for fresh air.Picking up her courage, Helen took a toy gun from the cupboard and went to upstairs.On her way, she shouted, “George, take the dog out.” To frightened the thief, she turned off some lights.The thief must have heard all the noises but rushed out through the window where he came in.Now, Helen felt somewhat relieved.## 答案:

限时作业1(必修1 Unit 1)Ⅰ.完成句子

1.on purpose 2.a series of 3.fell in love 4.were packing up 5.was tired of Ⅱ.语法和词汇知识

1.B 在It’s high time that...句型中, 从句通常用虚拟语气, 谓语动词用一般过去式。句意:我认为的确到我们采取有效措施阻止事故发生的时候了。故B项正确。

2.B 这是一个强调句, 被强调的部分是in Beihai Park, 其后跟有where引导的定语从句。句意:这对老夫妇就是在他们第一次约会的北海公园里给我们讲了他们的爱情故事。for the first time作状语修饰made a date, 故B项正确。

3.C 句意:——你还相信爱吗?——非常相信。不是时间、金钱、权力而是爱能治愈我们的痛苦。这是一个强调句, 被强调部分用not...but连接。

4.A 句意:面对恐怖主义的威胁, 他们同意将政治上的分歧放在一边, 团结起来保卫国家的安全。set aside “把„„放在一边”;set about “开始着手(做„„)”;set off “出发, 引爆”;set up “建立”。根据句意选A项。

5.A 考查非谓语动词及被动语态。concerned...此处为过去分词短语作后置定语, 修饰all those;后一个空应用过去分词构成被动语态。句意:所有那些关心贫困儿童的人都应该受到感谢。6.A 考查强调句型的特殊疑问句。由or可以判断, 此句中疑问词用which, which后用疑问语序, 而which 又是强调句中被强调的部分, 因此强调句中用that, 故选A项。

7.A “in order to + 动词原形”引导目的状语;so that 和in order that引导从句;because of 引导原因状语, 后面接名词或动词-ing形式。句意为:游客们为了在十点以前到达云台山, 很早就出发了。

8.D not...until的强调句型为:It is/was + not until...+ that/who...。

9.D 句意:我以前经常跟父母吵架, 但现在我们相处得很好。look out “当心, 小心”;stay up “熬夜, 挺住”;carry on “继续, 进行”;get along “相处”, get along well “相处得好”。从前面的quarrel a lot和but可知, 这里指 “相处得好”。

10.B 句意:我们大家都知道, 好朋友会让生活更幸福、更有意义。as引导非限制性定语从句, 用逗号和主句分开了。add...to...“把„„增加到„„, 为„„增添„„”;add to “增加, 增添”;add up “加起来”。

11.B 句意:我们都被这个受骗后被卖到山村的小女孩的经历震惊了。go through “经受, 经历”;get through “通过, 用完, 完成”;live up to “达到, 符合, 不辜负(别人的期望)”;go against “反对, 不利”。根据句意选B项。

12.D make + 宾语 + 宾语补足语(多由名词、形容词、动词原形或过去分词来充当)意思是 “使„„”。题干中make用作了被动语态, 形容词possible作主语补足语。句意:现代科学技术的发展已经使得太空探索成为可能。

13.D You are always energetic意为 “你总是充满活力”。powerful “强大的, 有力的”;weak “虚弱的, 薄弱的”;forceful “强有力的, 坚强的, 有说服力的”;energetic “精力充沛的”。故D项正确。

14.D 句意:——大卫, 我是弗兰克。你有几分钟时间吗?我想见你。——我想我有时间, 但我希望几分钟别变成一小时。I’m afraid not “恐怕不行”;It doesn’t matter “没关系”;I don’t think so “我想我没空”。根据句意, 选D项。

15.D I guess not意为 “我不那么认为”。根据所提供的情景, 可判断说话人不同意对方的观点。句意:——这个男孩的词汇量有限, 是吗?——我不那么认为。他的词汇量很大。Ⅲ.完形填空

1.C 本文叙述了一项关于长假与短假带给人们的不同心理感受的研究成果, 所以这里指研究人员。2.A 前后的成分对比, 用rather than, 表示“而不是”。心理学家发现, 人们度短假比度长假更开心。

3.B 根据前句中who use their holiday allowance in bursts可知, 这里指度短假的人, 故用take。4.C 根据第一段中is better for you可知, 度短假的人有更快乐的回忆。5.D 丹·艾瑞里 “写” 了这本书。

6.C 根据句中doing some work in the middle of their break可得出答案。break up“分开, 打破”。

7.D 后半句内容为丹·艾瑞里发表的言论, 故用saying。8.A 这里指人们离开办公室去度假, 故用office。

9.D 根据语境可知, 当人们适应了假期的生活方式后, 他们的乐趣就会减弱。be accustomed to表示 “适应”。

10.C 根据艾瑞里的称谓professor判断, 他应在杜克大学教书。11.B 根据句中day seven和day one可知, 这里指在休一次长假的时候。12.A 从前后句意看是因果关系。

13.C 根据句中four times a year可知, 每年外出度假四次是从总体上来说的。14.B 根据句中is not as good as对比可知, 这里是度假带来的益处。

15.D 根据语境和前文day seven is not as good as day one可推断, 这里指外出一周。16.B 根据句中other experts disagree可知, 这里用however表示转折。17.D 根据语境可知蒂姆·哈福德认为, 这里指增加旅行的次数。18.B 根据后句内容可知, 这里指往返于目的地带来的压力。

19.C 根据句中the same amount of leave可推断, 这里指如果把长假分三次来休。20.A 根据句中it’s not worth it可推断, 出行的麻烦就变为原来的三倍。Ⅳ.七选五阅读理解 1.A 2.B 3.E 4.F 5.G Ⅴ.短文改错

1.One evening, Helen was preparing her examination in the basement of the house.Her parents had gone out shopping.Suddenly, heard footsteps on the floor.that she was the only person at home, she was frightened.Obviously, a thief has come in through the window that had been left for fresh air.Picking up her courage, Helen took a toy gun from the cupboard and went to upstairs.On her way, she shouted, “George, take the dog out.” To the thief, she turned

some lights.The thief must have heard all the noises rushed out through the window where he came in.Now, Helen felt somewhat relieved.

第三篇:Unit 1 Man and Nature 英语单元作业

Unit 1 Man and Nature


Task 1 Directions: Classify the following natural resources as Renewable or non-renewable resources.Coal, Sunlight, Wind, Petroleum, Food, Fossil fuels, Water, Minerals

Renewable Resources

Non-Renewable Resources

Task 2 Directions: Decide what type of impact the following instances refer to.Word Bank

overfishing, overconsumption, coal mining, soil erosion

overfishing;overconsumption;coal mining, soil erosion

1.We want to build highways across the Serengeti to get more rare earth minerals for our cellphones.2.We grab all the fish from the sea, wrecking the coral reefs.3.Six million hectares of agricultural land per year had been lost to soil degradation since the mid-1940s.4.The inhabitants of the developed nations of the world consume resources like oil and metals at a rate almost 32 times greater than those of the developing world, who make up the majority of the human population.5.In 202_, coal particulates pollution are estimated to shorten approximately 1,000,000 lives annually worldwide.Task 3 Directions: The following passage explains why Lake Urmia in Iran dries up in 30 years.Fill in the missing words which first letter is provided.The lake is drying out because of a c(综合)of factors.Over the past decades, agricultural area has t(增至三倍).This resulted in a high irrigation water d(需求), surface flow persions and groundwater

e(提取).E(有效的)water management s

b(处于落后).During the same period, a s(显著的)decrease in precipitation and an I(渐增的)trend in average m(最高)temperature took place.Task 4 Directions: Revise the unbalanced part so that it matches the other item or items in the sentence.1.In many ways, starting college at forty is harder than to start at eighteen.2.Langston Hughes(1902-1967)wrote plays, poetry, and he was an essayist.3.Melissa likes reading mystery novels, to listen to bluegrass, and playing golf.4.Studying a little every day is more effective than to cram.5.Janine is very talented: she is a gourmet cook, a published poet, and she takes great photographs.Task 5 Directions: Decide which of the following statements refer to the Man-Nature relation that is man lives in the realm of nature.1.Nomadic hunter-gatherer tribes used to roam the lands, following the ebb and flow of the seasons.2.Humans are an integral part of nature.3.Man is set apart from nature and called to dominate it.4.Nature inspires fear in man who has had to fight it in order to survive.5.From the smallest microorganisms to the largest animals, all life on Earth has a common ancestor.6.With technological advancements, nature became something we were no longer apart of and entirely subject to, but something that we could control and profit off of.Task 6 Directions: Decide which statements are about recommendation for solutions to the crisis of ecological situation(Recommendation)or prediction about future consequences of the man-nature imbalance(Prediction).1.Man could destroy himself and the Earth if we don’t restore and sustain global resources and raise awareness about our actions.2.Through a universal education curriculum, it is possible to encourage people everywhere to consider themselves as part of a larger picture.3.If we continue to encourage expansion and development it is very likely that we will see major effects in climate and ecology.4.In order to bring about necessary change it is critical that people take action.5.In order for the Earth to retain its balance, it is important that we not overstep our bounds as a species.6.Man’s materialistic progress will find a dire consequence in the destruction of the environment.Task 7 Directions: The connotations of words vary in different contexts.Decide if the words Aggressive and So-called has Neutral, Positive or Negative connotation in each of the following sentences.1.The government has made aggressive efforts to deal with the spread of HIV/AIDS.2.He is a very good but not aggressive basketball player.3.A successful businessman has to be aggressive.4.The government does not accept the result of the so-called “referendum” in the East Ukraine.5.The government is reviewing various options available for mitigating the health threats posed by so-called “mad cow disease.”

6.The so-called experts couldn’t tell us what was wrong.Task 8 Directions: Match the meaning of nature with the appropriate sentence with it.

A.the essential qualities or characteristics by which something is recognized

B.the complex of emotional and intellectual attributes that determine a persons characteristic actions and reactions

C.the natural physical world including plants and animals and landscapes etc.

1.Scientists investigate the nature.2.The need to be loved inheres in human nature.3.I think I misunderstood the nature of this event.4.Many poets and artists have drawn their inspiration from nature.5.If so, this could hint at the nature of dark matter.Task 9 Directions: Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of Transfer.1.The dog has its affection to its new master.2.On the energy front, we must tackle difficult issues like technology , investment, and climate finance.3.The license is non-exclusive, non-and time limited.4.He intends to the property to his daughter.5.XML becomes the mainstream technology for and manipulating data.Task 10 Directions: Fill in the table the appropriate negative prefixes to be attached to the words.






















Task 1

Coal, Sunlight, Wind, Petroleum, Food, Fossil fuels, Water, Minerals

Renewable Resources

Non-Renewable Resources






Fossil fuels



Task 2

1.overconsumption 2.overfishing 3.soil erosion 4.overconsumption

5.coal mining

Task 3

The lake is drying out because of a combination(综合)of factors.Over the past decades, agricultural area has tripled(增至三倍).This resulted in a high irrigation water demand(需求), surface flow persions and groundwater extraction(提取).Efficient(有效的)water management stayed behind(处于落后).During the same period, a significant(显著的)decrease in precipitation and an increasing(渐增的)trend in average maximum(最高)temperature took place.Task 4

1.In many ways, starting college at forty is harder than to start(starting)at eighteen.2.Langston Hughes(1902-1967)wrote plays, poetry, and he was an essayist(essays).3.Melissa likes reading mystery novels, to listen(listening)to bluegrass, and playing golf.4.Studying a little every day is more effective than to cram(cramming).5.Janine is very talented: she is a gourmet cook, a published poet, and she takes great photographs(a great photographer).Task 5 1, 2, 5

Task 6

Recommendation: 2;4;5

Prediction: 1;3;6

Task 7

1.Positive 2.Positive 3.Positive 4.Negative 5.Neutral 6.Negative

Task 8

1.C 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.A

Task 9

1.transferred 2.transfer 3.transferable 4.transfer 5.transferring

Task 10


























第四篇:八年级英语第一学期Unit 5优化作业




2、---What do you think of …?

---I love / like / don’t mind/ don’t like/ can’t stand… 三单:---What does she think of …?---She loves / likes / doesn’t mind/ doesn’t like/ can’t stand…


1.计划做某事 _______________

2.希望做某事 _______________ 3.某人发生某事 _______________

4.期待做某事 _______________ 5.出版,上映 _______________ 7.在1993年 _______________




9.尽某人最大的努力去做某事 _______________ 10.乔装打扮 _______________ 12.向„学习_______________

11.代替某人做某事 _______________ 13.查明 _______________ 14.认为,回想,想起 _______________

15.有两个大耳朵的黑老鼠_________ 16.关于„进行讨论 _______________ 句子: I hope to find out what’s going on around the world? Today’s cartoon are not so simple as little Mickey Mouse.Mickey Mouse was like a common man.People went to the cinema to see the “little man” win.Most of them wanted to be like Mickey.【检测达标】


()1.We should always be willing and able to ________ those around us.A.make up

B.bring out

C.learn from

D.take up

()2.My son knows ________ with all our neighbors before I do.A.what’s going on B.what’s

C.what’s go on

D.what on

()3.________ do you ________ sitcoms?

A.What;think of B.What;think


D.How;think of

()4.When bad things ________, what should we do? A.are happen




()5.She said she ________ her article tonight.A.planned write

B.planned to write C.plans write

D.plans writing()6.Joan’s ________ study law at Harvard.We hope she ________ succeed.A.hoping;to


C.hoping to;will


()7.I had to find someone to ________.A.take place of Tom’s

C.take Tom’s place

B.take the places of Tom’s

D.take Tom’s places

()8.I ________ everything ________ weight with no success.A.try;lose

B.tried;to lose


D.tried;lose()9.It’s a small informal party.You don’t have to _________.A.dress

B.dress up

C.get dressed

D.wake up

()10.---Did you ________ in persuading him to change his mind?---Sorry, I was not ________.A.succeed;successful


B.succeed;success D.success;successful

()11.Do you want to ________ Mickey? A.like


C.be like

D.is like()12.I hope you don’t ________ my pointing out your mistakes.A.like




()13.I think soap operas are ________, so I never spend any time watching them.A.enjoyable B.meaningless

C.educational()14.When do your new book ________? A.come out B.come in

C.come over

D.come on


()15.The police are trying to ________ what caused the big fire? A.find out

B.look for

C.make sure

D.search for

()16.What can you ________ to learn from the news? A.except




()17.In ________, she made 87 cars.A.1970s

B.the 1970


D.the 1970s

()18.________ boring news in the newspaper!



C.What a

D.How a

()19.---What do you think of soap operas?---________.I never watch them.A.They’re great.B.I can’t stand them

D.I love watching them C.I don’t mind them

()20.This bed is not ________ his own.A.comfortable

B.as comfortable than

D.more comfortable as

C.so comfortable as


班级将举行一场主题为“What can TV brings us students and how should we deal with it?”的英语演讲比赛。请根据下面的信息,用英语写一篇80词左右的演讲稿。优点:使我们快乐、放松;有助于获取最新的信息,了解世界,学到更多的知识。缺点:看电视对眼睛有害;看太多电视就没有足够的时间学习;有些节目无意义,甚至对青少年有不良影响。(还可以加上自己的观点)

What can TV brings us students and how should we deal with it? Hello,everyone!I think TV has both advantages and disadvantages.________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ That’s all, thank you!

第五篇:浙江大学远程教育第二学期英语作业Unit 3 主观题

Unit Three


1.The more you read the text, the easier you will find it to understand it.你越读课文,你会发现越容易理解它。

2.The students are encouraged to take part in the national English speaking contest.鼓励学生参加全国英语演讲比赛。

3.There is a large amount of energy wasted due to friction.大量的能量因为摩擦而损耗。

4.This is indeed a most pressing problem.这是一个非常棘手的问题。

5.Though this question is very difficult, if you keep on trying, you will find the right answer.尽管这个问题很难,但是如果你继续努力,你会找到正确的答案。

6.When we praise the Chinese leadership and the people, we are not merely being polite.当我们赞扬中国领导人和人民,不仅仅是出于礼貌。

7.These people moved from place to place.这些人从一个地方移动到的地方。

8.These two students from our school have been admitted to Beijing University.这些学生从我们学校考上了北京大学。

9.Many young people want to be volunteers for Beijing Olympic Games.许多年轻人想成为北京奥运会的志愿者。

10.This custom has a long tradition.这个习俗有着悠久传统。



The Way to Success




Success is the longing for everyone, regardless of being, or doing things.However, not everyone can succeed.A person's success, objective opportunity is a factor, but more important is the inpidual psychological quality, choice and strain capacity.Can you in the ordinary rise? You can not back in the competition? Can you in adversity under pressure, confident? Can you keep a clear mind in complex environment, make a wise decision? Can you take a healthy body and mind to meet the work and occupation challenge? When the opportunity came, you can 't just miss the person or opportunity?

These are the road to success must know something, only to clarify these issues, I believe, not far away from success.

unit 9 作业