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编辑:逝水流年 识别码:23-919950 14号文库 发布时间: 2024-02-22 00:57:59 来源:网络












3.Keep Trying

I only want to say that we should keep trying everyday!Life moves on.Therefore, just be confident, be happy.电影艺术源于生活,又高于生活,正是我热爱的原因。梅比在辗转绝望的时候接到了OFFER,我也接到了莫名其妙的希望。生活总是与你玩耍,我们绝对高不过生活,因此只有继续,只有努力,只有等待,别急,一切都只是因为还未与你在那一刻相遇。3.尽管不大喜欢那个强势的杰西卡,不过她的毕业致辞还是不错的“I stand before you with two ago-old words:carpe diem.When we walk out these doors,i challenge each of us to not only seize the day,but to clutch it with both hands,to squeeze it,with all your strength.And drain every last victorious moment out of it.Like when a Trojan decides to plunges his blade into the beating heart of his enemy.He realizes it's not for his own personal glory.He does it for the better good of the community as a whole.We must remember that our generation is amarter, stronger and better equipped than those that came before us.And now, it is our responsibility to forge ahead and stake our rightful claim at the top.”

在此,我只想送给大家一句悠久的格言:抓住今天。当我们走出学校大门,我希望大家不只是抓住今天,更要用双手紧紧的捏牢它、去紧握它,用你的全力。挤出每一个鲜活胜利的瞬间。就像特洛伊人将他们的刀刃刺入敌人的胸膛,他们不是为了个人的荣誉,而是为了种族的前途。我们必须牢记我们这一代,要比我们上一代更聪明、更强壮、更有能力。现在,我们应当,勇往直前 止于至善。

“it's everything i ever imaged.”


“The bottom line is, what I lack in experience, I make up for in vision.And what I don't know I make up for with passion.I'm driven, full of ideas.I'm upbeat.Most importantly, I am incredibly enthusiastic about the work your company is doing.“



“You gotta think big picture here.You gotta have vision.”

你得有长远目标 你得有远见

Look, you got the hard part figured out.You know what you wanna do.Now you can just spend the rest of your life going after it.|你已经度过了最困难的阶段 你知道自己要做什么。现在你可以用一生的时间去追寻它

It's a curveball.You're gonna get thrown curveballs.Life and work are like baseball.You can't rest at the plate.You gotta keep trying.这个就像转球。你要学会接住转球,生活和工作就是棒球。不能再垒上休息,你要不断去尝试。

but I want you to remember that struggle and strife come before success.Even in the dictionary.但是我希望你能记住挣扎和斗争在成功的前面。即使是在字典里

Weird indicates a creative force.怪异代表了一种创造力

“I may not know exactly what my future looks like but I do know one thing You're not in it even”


i guess i finally realise that what you do with your life is, really just one half of the equation, the other half, the more important half really is, who you are with when you're doing it.the world is a screwy place,it doesn't play by the rules.这个世界很扭曲,并没有什么游戏规则。




电影总有完美结局,可是,它不是生活。幸好,这是一部励志片,而且,它说对了一件事,I know I'll be O.K.无论前途多迷惘,过程多坎坷,我知道我要做什么,那些伤过我、负过我、让我恐惧的人,我知道我的未来没有你们,以后的日子里,明天总好过今天,一天一天成长,我的伤痕也将渐渐褪去。


Something about my future.Last Wednesday I saw a film which it’s name is post grad.The film tells a girl meets problem about career and love when shegraduates from school.As long as I saw this scence I think of something happened to me.Last year I whould graduate from school ,I have two chices :one is to find a job ,the other one is to study advanced at school.I think that studying at school is order to find a job and earn much money.So I went to find jobs.I took part in many interviews in different places,but it failed.I know that I am not beauty , my family is not rich and my social relationship is not good.but I think I wil have a future after my own efforts.But I am wrong I can’t find a good job by myself.I realized that realty and dream have big differeces.when we are at school we have many dreams.we always dreams that i will do something when I graduate from school then I will find a good job …….when we at school if you want to success you only to study hard don’t think of others.but in society success needs not only work hard but also other things,even work hard is not important.I met many problems ,I think I have not the ablity to control it.so ichose to study advanced at school.At present time I think I have made a wrong decision in my life.I am not confident.Since I choose to study I think I will try my best to finish it.At last I want to adress jessica’s sentences to end it: I stand before you with two ago-old words:carpe diem.When we walk out these doors,i challenge each of us to not only seize the day,but to clutch it with both hands,to squeeze it,with all your strength.And drain every last victorious moment out of it.Like when a Trojan decides to plunges his blade into the beating heart of his enemy.He realizes it's not for his own personal glory.He does it for the better good of the community as a whole.We must remember that our generation is amarter, stronger and better equipped than those that came before us.And now, it is our responsibility to forge ahead and stake our rightful claim at the top.”



“The Graduate” is one of the best films I have ever had the pleasure to witness, and I only wish I were alive when it was first released.Dustin Hoffman, in his first major film role, plays Benjamin Braddock: the epitome of the confused and isolated young adult male.He sits in his room and does nothing.He lies around in his parent's pool for hours on end.Ben, who has just graduated from college, is home for the summer.Then, after an awkward sexual encounter with a friend of his parents named Mrs.Robinson, a one night stand turns into a summer romance.But betrayal soon follows as Benjamin falls for Mrs.Robinson's daughter, Elaine.Nichol's directorial genius(he won an Oscar for the film)really shows in the opening party sequence celebrating Ben's arrival home.There is a close-up of Ben's face as he stumbles his way through the event, listening to advice and shaking hands with the faceless(much like his future)masses.The camera moves in such a way that a feeling of claustrophobia comes over the viewer.They are overcome by what is going on around them, much like Benjamin is at this crossroads in his life.Another example is when Ben first arrives at the fateful hotel where he meets Mrs.Robinson for sex.He walks around the lobby, suspicious that the desk clerk is on to him, and then he attempts to walk into a room.Only a large group of the elderly walks out, and Benjamin stands there holding the door for them.Then he proceeds inside, only to be passed by a group of high school students.This image once again reinforces the crossroads that Ben is at in his life.After finally viewing this classic, I realized that many of my favorite directors to emerge from the 90's(mainly Wes Anderson)were greatly influenced by this film.What's more interesting is that “The Graduate” was a landmark film for American cinema and the decade in which it was released, sharing the same themes that Benjamin experiences throughout the film.Most of American cinema was very conventional up until the 60's.Nothing extremely scandalous was shown in a film, and many serious topics were not widely addressed through cinema…yet.“The Graduate” is the perfect mix of old and new.It's the 'bridge' that separates the standard American films from the more experimental ones that would emerge all throughout the 1970's.The same can be said for the decade of the 1960's.America lost its innocence the day Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963.For the next five years, the country went through a spiral of events that led to the sexual revolution of the late 1960's.And “The Graduate” separates the white picket fences of the 50's and early 60's from the Rock and Roll and drugs of the late 1960's and early 70's.It's a crossroads in the middle of the most turbulent time in American history.In one of the films most ironic images, a tired and lonesome Benjamin slumps on a bench on the Berkley campus(an important place for the sexual revolution)under an American flag blowing in the wind.The flag still waves, but Benjamin is beat.He represents the fall and eventual metamorphosis of the American dream.But aside from all its serious themes and deeper meanings, “The Graduate” is a comedy at its heart.It contains one of the funniest and most exciting climaxes in cinema.And the final image is a knockout.It shows Benjamin and Elaine sitting at the end of a bus filled with elders, looking ahead blankly, at the road and at their future.Then the bus drives off in the distance.They do not know where their future is headed, or where the bus is even going.It was the same circumstance for America in 1967.The film closes with the same song it opened with: “The Sounds of Silence”.(ZZ from IMDB)


The review of Hoodwinked

Last week I had watched a cartoon movie through the English learning center.The name of this movie I had told you in the title, but you’ll never guess the story of it which has very big difference between what we watched and read when we were young.I can’t ensure weather it is one of prototypeof the Grimm's Fairy Tales, I’m sure it’s an interesting cartoon movie.I write the essay to introduce some interesting points about the movie, of course included certain sentiment from my heart.Do you remember the hateful timber wolfthat always tends to hurt the little Red and her grandmother? And maybe you will ask me why I ask thisquestion.Now I give you the brief introduction of Hoodwinked.The grizzliesand stork agent bill was ordered to investigate little red riding hood grandmother's house in case Of unrest, many people are police on charges Of criminal suspects, allowing researchers to include karate master little red riding hood, funny and a satirical Wolf, a slightly dementia in the woods Of Paul Bunyan.They were accused of there are a number of charges, including: the damage and the illegal invasion, and undermine social stability, illegal steal to eat, no license to use the axe, etc.However, all accused the suspects have their own story to tell, and this has become complicated and confusing the truth of the case, the only one, who is the real murderer......The film is the first a fully independent investment shooting computer animation feature film.Follow is my thoughts about the movie.From the timber wolf police I know that we can’t judge a person by his or her appearance.The kind person not to grow good looking, but the bad person must be ugly.What’s more, we can’t wrong people before finding the final facts.The clever girl Red is an adventurous people.Little red riding hood will do deliciousdesserts,Will ride a bike, sing fair-sounding songs.If let me say who lay the deepest impression on my brain, the Red’s grandmother, is she.She is healthy, energetic, active, no longer that week old women.I believe the people who always take exercise will be more healthy than who that in the same age.Doesn’t she is the better example of it.The movie was directed by Cory Edward Cory Edwards.毛米兰



Never Stop Running

There is a provoking scene: “a piece of white and light feather is flying under the blue sky, and dropping down gradually to Forrest Gump’s feet who sit on the bench for bus.” Just like the feather is swaying with the wind, so is the human being’s life.Most of time, we are wondering everywhere without specific direction, goal and hope.What is more, we always look on life as tedious and even annoying.However, fate is mastered by our own, just like Forrest Gump devoted all his life to running for his own sky.“Each man is the architect of his own fate”, such is the remark made by one of the great figure.This remark has been confirmed by more and more people.Forrest t Gump is an outstanding example.As the film told us Forrest Gump, born with disable body, he is a good soccer athlete, an hero in Vietnam war , a captain own shrimp ship, a runner crossing the whole America.Asking yourself, who we are? What is the accomplishment that we can show off.Every one creates his or her own reality.We have absolute rights to describe our life.When you learned what you make of life is up to you and begin to live your life, you are able to design it according to your desires.To remember that success lies within you, in my own brain, my own ambition, and my own determination.One of the great figure remarked that unrest of spirit is a mark of life.This is the reflection of Forrest Gump’s life;he born with leg has disability.However, with astonishing speed, Forrest Gump entered the soccer team, then went to university and eventually graduates.Soon, he took part in the Vietnam War.In the Vietnam War, he is still remembered the words of Jeanne, ran his own life, honor and friendship.He just wanted to run;he used a running measure his life.As we all known, an optimistic is not a luxury;it is a necessity.The way you look at life will determine how you feel and how you perform.There is enough good and bad in everyone’s life.Think about Forrest Gump, at every stage of his life, he has only one goal in mind to guide him, and keep positive attitudes towards the world.In our lives ,though barriers may sometimes stand in the way of your dreams, you should remember that your destiny is hiding behind them, to be optimistic and follow your dreams your ultimate goal is attainable so long as you commit are choosing to react positively to their persities, tough times never last, but you should being positive.Life is a journey full of stumbling blocks, dangerous traps and unexpected crises, if you have known clearly what you want to be, it is optimistic, unrest of spirit and perseverance that carry you there.As far as my own experience as a student is concerned, nothing is more important than those merits in achieving success.Please keep running and never give up on yourself.人文与外国语学院 英语0904班 赵子龙 0912010404


2.看了《疯狂原始人》,剧中的一句:no dark,nohide,no cave至今一直围绕在我的脑海中。另我很感动。我在想这样一部动漫作品不但3D效果逼真,还传递了这种勇于打破传统,勇于创新的正能量。不仅如此,片中情义深重。有父女之情,一个爸爸对青春期女儿的那份保护,那份依恋不舍,那种责任十分让人动情。还有爱情,女孩情窦初开对男孩的崇拜和爱慕,处理得很纯洁。还有老人对自己女婿宽容以至最后的认同,都跃然纸上,生动逼真。我今年20岁,这部影片让我既娱乐了身心,也给我很多人生的启迪,也许我现在还没有考虑到这么多,但潜移默化中给了我正确的教育。





2.watch the madness of primitive man, plays in the sentence: no dark,no in hide,No Cave has been around in my head.I was very moved.I thought this an anime not only lifelike 3D effect, also passed such a break with tradition, to be creative and positive energy.Not only that, deep friendship.Father of love, a father of adolescent daughter of that protection, attached shed, that responsibility is very emotional.As well as love, girls love to worship and adore the boy, very pure.Also has his son-in-law tolerance even of identity, are at ease with vivid realism.My child is 10 years old, this film made him the entertainment themselves, also gave him a lot of inspiration in life, maybe he also does not take into account so many now, but imperceptible gave him the right to education.What is life, and is always accompanied by the value of life is what? said on the existential perspective, there is a value in itself.To a large extent, I agree with this view, that is, the value of.Because the discussion value, must be based on the existing leave, is unable to talk about values.We need to acknowledge the existence and then its value.Live in constant pursuit of a belief in the future.Perhaps a little too idealistic, people will not always be optimistic, full of faith, but apart from the metaphysical dimension, to build value, leave the search for life in the faith, it is difficult to find a compelling reason.More abstract to say that life itself is an act of faith.Beliefs tend to material success and life into a successful paradigm beliefs tend to dedication to the community, life transformation paradigm for dedication.Self-faith block, then life becomes narrower;open belief in self, life became open.Life is a series of choices on faith.The film, perhaps the conduction is the belief in an open tomorrow, each different, but tomorrow is optional, must be selected based on effort and reach.
