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《实用商务口译》听力原文及参考译文 Unit1
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第一篇:《实用商务口译》听力原文及参考译文 Unit1

实用商务口译(白丽芳)附录一:听力原文及部分参考译文 Tape Script & Version for Reference Unit One Meting and Seeing-off 迎来送往 第一部分:技能训练


Text 1

(1)spend a lot of money(2)which we wish we had to do(3)8.3million people(4)only two decades(5)Asian and American leaders of today and tomorrow(6)we eventually outgrow it(7)overcharged us

Text 2



Why do we have eyebrows? Those tiny little hairs above our eyes that many women pluck or paint play a very important role in keeping moisture out of our eyes.Just like an umbrella keeps our bodies dry from rain, our hairy eyebrows keep our eyes dry from rain or sweat.When it’s pouring with rain outside or when sweat runs down our foreheads, our eyebrows pert the flow of water or sweat away from our eyes.Our arch-shaped eyebrows angle the rain or sweat around to the sides of our faces, leaving our eyes fairly dry.By catching the water or sweat, our eyebrows not only allow us to see more clearly but also keep the salt in the sweat from burning or irritating our eyes.Eyebrows have other roles also.As one of our most expressive facial features, eyebrows help us determine how people are feeling without having to ask them.If a person’s eyebrows are drawn in a frown, the chances are that they are angry or upset.What is more, over the years, eyebrows have been having an increasing impact on our concepts of beauty or fashion.Big, thick, and hairy eyebrows tend to be considered unattractive, while thin, plucked eyebrows are said to be more attractive.三、耳听笔译

A.Sentence Translation Sentence No.1 There was a heavy fog in New York and we were delayed there.Sentence No.2 During our stay in China, we hope to find out if we can open a new branch here.Sentence No.3 I hope I can meet you sometime next week;would Monday morning suit you? Sentence No.4 The salary will be a little bit more if you have the right qualifications and experience.Sentence No.5 Soon after he started working, he discovered that it was far harder work than he’d expected.B.Passage Translations “Package holidays” are becoming more and more popular.The travel agency will arrange for the holiday-makers the transportation and the hotel accommodation and even order the food.That is why it is called a package holiday.Such holidays are usually very cheap.That is probably why they are so popular among wage-owners and pensioners.第三部分:实战演练

Text 1

Good Morning, ladies and gentlemen!Time passes quickly.The weeklong technology exchange is ending today.During the past seven days, we shared information about technology and enhanced our friendship.I believe we all feel this week has been an unforgettable one.You are leaving tomorrow morning.If there is anything that we can assist with before you leave, please tell us and we will try our best to help.We have learned that you still need to shop for souvenirs to take to your friends and relatives.We have arranged a coach and driver to take you to go shopping.I would also like to wish you “bon voyage” for tomorrow!Do come to Hainan again if you have an opportunity!You are most welcome.Text 2 女士们,先生们,早上好!



Text 3








Text 4 Your Excellencies, Heads of State and Government, Speakers of Parliament, Heads of International Organizations, Ministers, Members of the Board of Directors of the Boao Forum for Asia, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Friends, In this balmy season with clear sky and warm, coconut-scented breeze, I am so glad to meet all of you at the Annual Conference 202_ of the Boao Forum for Asia here in Hainan, a picturesque island embraced by the vast ocean.Let me begin by extending, on behalf of the Chinese government and people and also in my own name, a heartfelt welcome to you and warm congratulations on the opening of the Annual Conference of the Boao Forum.In the past 12 years since its birth, the Boao Forum for Asia has become an important forum with growing global influence.In the Chinese culture, 12 years form a zodiac cycle.In this sense, the Boao Forum has reached a new starting point and I hope it will scale an even greater height.The theme of the current annual conference, namely, “Asia Seeking Development for All: Restructuring, Responsibility and Cooperation”, is a highly relevant one.I hope you will engage in an in-depth discussion on promoting development in Asia and beyond and thus contributing, with your vision and commitment, to peace, stability and prosperity in Asia and the world at large.The world today is experiencing profound and complex changes.Countries have become increasingly inter-connected and inter-dependent.Several billion people in a large number of developing countries are embracing modernization.The trend of the times, namely, peace, development, cooperation and mutual benefit, is gaining momentum.On the other hand, our world is far from peaceful.Development remains a major challenge;the global economy has entered a period of profound readjustment, and its recovery remains elusive.The international financial sector is fraught with risks, protectionism of various forms is on the rise, countries still face many difficulties in adjusting economic structure, and the global governance mechanisms call for improvement.Achieving common development for all countries remains an uphill battle.



In the space of a single generation, relations between the United Kingdom and the People’s Republic of China have been transformed.Government-to-government and business-to-business links are closer and more varied than ever before.//

But the most exciting changes have been in the links between the British and Chinese peoples.Chinese communities have long existed as a respected and cherished presence in British cities.//

But today, more and more British people are visiting China to see for themselves the new dynamism of great cites like Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou.We are re-discovering China’s incomparably rich cultural heritage, as well as its immense economic potential.//

The Chinese are re-discovering Britain, too.We are

delighted to welcome more Chinese visitors to our country each year.Many more Chinese are finding out about Britain through modern media like television and the Internet.//

Indeed, there are more Chinese people learning the English language than there are native speakers of English in the world today.This growing relationship is measurable, too, in financial terms.British firms now have a huge presence in China, a sign of their confidence in the country and its future.//

The UK is the largest European investor, and a British company, BP, is investing more capital in China than any other foreign firm.The largest foreign manufacturing investment in Western China is also British.//

The UK is China’s second largest European trading partner.British exports to China last year, at £3.72 billion were up 17% on the year 202_.China’s exports to Britain are at an all-time high.Many Chinese enterprises now regard Britain’s flexible and open economy has an ideal launching pad into the wider European market.//

All this is a far cry from 1972, when the UK and the PRC– 1 在短短一代人的时间内,英国和中华人民共和国之间的关系已经发生了彻底的变化。政府之间、商界之间的关系从未像如今这样紧密、多样。// 但是,最令人兴奋的变化当属英中两国人民之间的联系。华人社区在英国城市中长久以来都受到尊重和珍视。// 但是今天,越来越多的英国人访问中国,亲眼目睹像北京、上海、广州这样的大城市的新活力。我们正在重新发现中国无与伦比、丰富多彩的文化遗产以及她巨大的经济潜力。// 中国人也正在重新发现英国。我们每年都很高兴地欢迎越来越多的中国客人来访。通过电视和因特网这样的现代媒体了解英国的中国人大大增加。// 毫不夸张地说,当今世界上学习英语的中国人已经超过了以英语为母语的人了。这种关系的发展也可以从经济角度来衡量。英国公司现在在中国有很大的规模。这表明他们对中国及其未来的信心。// 英国是欧洲在华的最大投资国。英国的BP公司在中国的投资超过了其他任何一家外国公司。中国西部最大的外国制造业投资也来自英国。// 英国是中国在欧洲的第二大贸易伙伴。去年英国对华出口额达37.2亿英镑,比前年增长17%。中国对英国的出口达创纪录水平。许多中国企业现在把英国灵活、开放的经济看作进军更大的欧洲市场的理想跳板。// 这一切与1972年英中两国首次互换大使时的情景大不相同。当时,英国

first exchanged ambassadors.Then, there were virtually no Chinese students in Britain.Today, there are over 20,000 – one of the largest overseas communities at our universities.//



Then, there were no direct air services between Beijing 航。而今年,将有25万多名英国游and London.This year, more than a quarter of a million 客前往中国。1972年,在位英国首相British tourists will travel to China.Then, no serving British 或外交大臣中没有人访问中国。而去Prime Minister or Foreign Secretary had ever visited China.Last year, there were visits from 11 British


The changing nature of international relations requires governments to work ever more closely together for their mutual benefit.In the globalized world economy, the security and prosperity of inpidual countries often

depends on events beyond our borders.//

We are interdependent as well as independent.Challenges such as fighting environmental damage, ensuring global human rights are properly observed, removing barriers to trade and investment, and reducing

poverty, have become truly global issues.//

They loom larger on the agendas of multilateral organizations like the UN, the WTO and ASEM.In the 21st century, bilateral relations between countries will depend on progress on issues like these.//

As two of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council, our governments work together on a daily basis on problems affecting every corner of the world.Another change in the relationship between Britain and China has been developments in Hong Kong.I am delighted that Hong Kong has prospered since 1997, and that “One Country, Two Systems” is proving such an effective approach.//

As a signatory of the Joint Declaration, the UK has an abiding interest in the continued well-being of the Special Administrative Region.But this is only a part of our wider commitment to China.We are increasing the resources we allocate through our Department for International Development to poverty reduction in China from £25 million this year to £60 million by 202_.年,英国有11位大臣到访中国。// 国际事务性质的变化,要求政府之间出于相互利益而更加紧密地合作。在全球化的经济中,每个国家的安全和繁荣经常受制于国界之外发生的事件。// 我们既相互独立,又相互依赖。对付环境破坏,确保全球人权得到应有的尊重,撤除贸易和投资障碍,减少贫困,这些挑战都已经成为名副其实的全球问题。// 在联合国、世界贸易组织和亚欧会议这样的多边组织的日程上面,这些问

题显得越来越严重。在21世纪,国家之间的双边关系将取决于在这些问题上取得的进展。// 作为联合国安理会五大常任理事国

中的两国,我们双方政府每天都在相互合作,处理影响到世界各地的问题。英中两国关系的另一变化是香港问题的发展。令我感到高兴的是,香港自1997年回归以来,继续保持繁荣,这证明了“一国两制”是非常有效的办法。// 作为《联合声明》的签约国,英国对



主席先生:今年,对于中国来说,Mr.President, For China, this has been a special year.We 是不平凡的一年。我们经历了两件大事:第一件事是汶川特大地震灾害造成了巨大的生命财产损失。中国人民在灾难面前表现了坚强、勇敢、团结和不屈不挠的精神。目前,受灾群众得到了妥善安置,恢复重建工作正在有条不紊地展开。//



世界都在关注北京奥运会后中国政治经济走向。我可以明确地告诉大家,中国将继续坚定不移地走和平发展道路,继续坚持改革开放不动摇,继续贯彻独立自主的和平外交政策。这符合中国人民的根本利益,也符合世界人民的根本利益,顺应世界潮流。// 这次北京奥运会是在中国这样一个最大的发展中国家举行的。国际社会对中国政府和人民为此做出的努力给予了高度评价。奥运会的成功举办,使中国人民受到了极大的鼓舞,增强了实现现代化的信心和力量。//

同时,我们清醒地看到,中国有13亿人口,虽然经济总量已经位experienced two major events.One was the devastating earthquake in Wenchuan, which caused grave losses of life and property.In the face of the disaster, the Chinese people showed great strength, courage, solidarity and resilience.By now, the people affected by the earthquake have been properly relocated and recovery and reconstruction work is well underway.//

The other was the successful hosting of the Beijing Olympic Games.This grand sporting event provided a good

opportunity for athletes from around the world to show true sportsmanship.It also enabled the world to learn more about China and China more about the world.//

In our fight against the earthquake disaster and our efforts to host the Games, we received understanding, support and assistance from the international community.I wish to take this opportunity to express sincere gratitude on behalf of the Chinese Government and people.//

Now the whole world wants to know in what direction China is heading, both politically and economically, after the Beijing Olympic Games.Let me tell you in unequivocal terms that China will remain committed to the path of peaceful

development, unswervingly pursuer reform and opening-up, and continue to adhere to an independent foreign policy of peace.This is in the fundamental interests of the Chinese people and the people of all other countries.It is also in keeping with the trend of the world.//

The just concluded Olympic Games was held in China, the largest developing country in the world.The international community has highly commended the efforts made by the Chinese Government and people for the Games.And its success has greatly inspired the Chinese people and given them even more confidence and strength to achieve modernization of the country.//

At the same time, however, we are soberly aware that China is

a country with 1.3 billion people.Though its total GDP is one of the highest in the world, it trails behind more than 100


中国仍然是一个发展中国家,生产力不发达的状况没有根本改变,进一步发展还受到资源、能源、环境等瓶颈的制约。中国的社会主义市场经济体制还不完善,民主法制还不健全,一些社会问题还比较突出。// 中国实现现代化的任务还很繁重,道路还很漫长。摆在我们面前的机遇和挑战都是空前的。抓住机遇,迎接挑战,聚精会神搞建设,一心一意谋发展,这就是中国政府和中国人民的理念和行动。//



countries in terms of per capita income.Development between urban and rural areas and among different regions in China is unbalanced.The rural areas, particularly those in western China, are underdeveloped.Tens of millions of Chinese lack adequate food and clothing.//

China is still a developing country, where productivity remains low and further development is constrained by the shortage of resources and energy and environmental consequences.Our socialist market economic system, democracy and the rule of law need to be further improved, and certain outstanding social issues are yet to be resolved.//

To achieve China’s modernization is a daunting task and we still have a long way to go.Both the opportunities and

challenges that we face are unprecedented.We will seize the opportunities, rise up to challenges, dedicate ourselves to nation-building and focus on development.This is what the Chinese Government and people have been thinking and doing.//

People may ask: How does China achieve its development? The answer is through reform and opening-up.This year

marks the 30th anniversary of China’s reform and opening-up policy.The Chinese people have learned from 30 years of reform and opening-up that only continued opening-up in an all-round way can lead the country to greater national strength and prosperity.This is the conclusion we have drawn both from our practice and exploration and from historical experiences.// Mr.President, The world needs peace, for only with peace can

there be development.China earnestly hopes to have a peaceful international environment in order to achieve its

development goals.The Chinese Government is committed to an independent foreign policy of peace and stands ready to work with other countries to advance the noble cause of peace and progress of mankind.

第三篇:上外中级口译第三版听力教程原文及讲解--Unit 1

中级口译听力教程第三版1A An intermediate course of English listening Third edition Unit one.Part one.Shopping over the internet.3.Exercises.1.Listen to a passage about a new mode of shopping, and then choose the correct answer to each question you hear.In 202_ consumers could purchase virtually anything over the internet, books, compact discs, and even stocks were available from World Wide Web sites that seem to spring up almost daily.A few years earlier some people had predicted that consumers accustomed to shopping in stores would be reluctant to buy things that they could not see or touch in person.For growing number of time starved consumers however, shopping from their home computer was proving to be a convenient alternative to driving to the store.A research estimated that in 202_ US consumers would purchase 7.3 billion dollars of goods over the internet, double the 202_ total.Finding a bargain was getting easier owing to the rise of online auctions, and websites that did comparison shopping on the internet for the best deal.For all the consumer interest, retailing in cyber space was still a largely unprofitable business however.Internet pioneer Amazon.com which began selling books in 1995 and later branched into recorded music and videos posted revenue of 153.7 million dollars, in the third quarter of this year, up from 37.9 million dollars in the same period of 202_.Overall however, the company’s loss widened to 45.2 million dollars from 9.6 million dollars.An analyst did not expect the company to turn a profit until 202_.Despite the great loss, Amason.com has a stock market value of many billions, reflecting investors’ optimism of other future industry.Internet retailing appeal to investors because it provided an efficient means of reaching millions of consumers without having the cost of operating conventional stores with their armies of sales people.Selling online carries its own risks however.With so many companies competing for consumers’ attention price competition was intense and profit margins thin or non-existent.One video retailer sold the hit movie Titanic for 9 dollars and 99 cents.Under cutting the 19 dollars and 99 cents suggest it retail price and losing about 6 dollars on each copy sold.With internet retailing still in its initial stage companies seem willing to absorb such losses in an attempt to establish a dominate market position.Questions.1).The passage gives examples to show that almost anything could be purchased on the internet.Which of the following is not one of those examples?

2).What had some people predicted a few years earlier customers would like to do? 3).How much worth of goods would US consumers buy in 202_ according to a research estimate?

4).Which of the following statements is true about retailing in cyberspace? 5).Which of the following factors explains the risks of selling online?

2.Listen again and then supply the missing information in the following passage.Part 2.Statements.2.Exercises.Listen and then choose the answer which is the closest in meaning to each statement you hear.1.Mr.Blown and Mr.White are old friends.Actually they started to know each other when they were in primary school in Scotland.2.After teaching English and linguistics at Apoly technique for 2 semesters, Ralph remained in Hong Kong for the summer.3.I am told that you have already got a job but a well-known trading company downtown and start to work next month.But I am still waiting to hear.4.Are you saying you like to apply for the part time job? Fine, just fill out this form.Someone will be with you in a moment.5.There seems always to be a difficult time in the kitchen before a meal.Jenney refuses to eat vegetables unless her mother also prepares bacon.6.After a hectic day in the office with her mind turning like a machine Martha watch TV for 2 hours with a cup of coffee in front.7.Affected by two successive hurricanes hitting the east coast the rain flooded most areas of south Florida leaving almost all the highways impossible.8.You don’t like the sound of that car engine.It’s nothing to worry about.I just had it serviced a few days ago.9.You needn’t notify the housing office about the fixing of the faucet in the bathroom.I’ll get Allan to take care of it.He is really handy.10.Imagine what traffic is like every Monday morning during the rush hour.Although we caught the early bus we were late for class.11.We have a heavy load of work today.And let’s leave for the office right now.The earlier we get here the more working time we will have.12.Gary insists on buying the food for the picnic to be held this coming weekend.But shouldn’t we at least offer to share the expense?

13.The issue of women’s rights has been part of the American scene since the end of the 19th century and it’s still is today.14.It’s a real scorching day today, and the forecasters are saying that there is no end in sight.It seems we’d better stay indoors for the next few days.15.Although it has got such a great review, the movie is awful.It’s hardly worth the price of admission.No one would like to see it again.16.Alice has dreamed of visiting London and Paris for so many years.If she were single she would travel in Europe this summer.17.Sandy was really angry during the meeting this morning.I am not going to approach her until she cools off.18.Edward hurried home from Los Angles to see his mother over the weekend.He was driving so fast that he could have had an accident.19.You seem to be quite optimistic about what this country is faced with.As far as you explain the financial situation it doesn’t sound too bad.20.Compared with the other countries we have visited on this trip, Italy is really a charming country to tourists.I wish George had come to Italy with us.Part 3.3.Exercises.1.In a store.Listen to the conversation which takes place in a store and then choose the correct answer to each question you hear.M: May I help you?

W: Yes.I want to buy some shoes to replace the ones I am wearing.M: What’s wrong with them? W: They are too old and shabby.M: I can see they have simply been worn out.Would you like the same color more or less?

W: Yes, and something a little less casual.M: How about this light brown pair.They are similar to what you have, but a little bit dressier.W: Yes, I was thinking of something along that line.I will try them on.M: They certainly look charming.W: The trouble is they feel uncomfortable.M: Then try on this other pair in a similar style but by a different manufacturer.W: These are much better.Do you have them in red? M: Yes.Would you like both pairs? W: Yes, if they won’t cost too much.M: Oh, no, they won’t.The second pair is of half price.Shall I put them both in a box for you?

W: Just the red and the old ones.I will wear the new brown pair home.Questions: 1).What was the woman shopping for?

2).Why did the woman’s shoes look shabby?

3).What was wrong with the first pair of shoes the woman tried on? 4).How many pairs of shoes did the woman buy? 5).Which shoes did the woman wear home? 2.The design of shopping malls.Listen to the following passage about the shopping malls.And then supply the missing information in the spaces provided.The shopping mall has designed for only one thing, encouraging people to buy, buy, buy.How do they do this? Well, it is something of an art, an art that has been brought to perfection in the 50 years since malls first started appearing in America.Every aspect of mall design is carefully calculated to appeal to the customers’ psychological needs.This starts with the over all environment.Tests have shown that people feel most relaxed and comfortable at a temperature of 24 to 26 degrees.So this is the air temperature of most malls.If it is any hotter, people may become too lazy to walk, any cooler, they may rush around and leave before they have spent enough money.The choice of color is also very important.Dark colors like orange or purple can make people feel irritable or unhappy.With such feelings they are not likely to do much shopping.Therefore very dark colors are almost never used in malls.Instead walls are usually painted in light colors which make customers feel relaxed and give the mall a spacious feeling.The arrangement of space in the mall is also done with great care.Research shows that most people are unwilling to walk more than 200 meters to shop.In one of the new giant malls this could be a problem.There are 2 ways to deal with the problem.The walk ways in malls can be made curved or angled to hide their true length, or they can be broken up by fountains, up displace, or any of those other things that you thought were just there to entertain you.The arrangement of the stores in the mall is relatively easy.The big department stores are the major attractions that encourage people to come to the mall.These should be kept well apart.Stores selling the same items should also be kept far apart, so that anyone who is comparing prices has to go passed as many other stores as possible.After all up to 60 percent of all items bought in malls are purchased on impulse.3.SOHO, small offices, home offices.Listen to the following passage about SOHO.And then supply the missing information in the passage.Today researchers and marketers have identified a segment that is now labeled SOHO.It means small offices home offices, whether they are high-tech startups or women selling Marry Cay.But they drive America’s economic growth and have created most of the new jobs in the last 20 years.Three percent of companies accounted for 6 million of the 7.7 million jobs that were added to the economy between 202_ and 202_.Small businesses represent over 90 percent of all businesses in the US, within economic output greater than Germany or France or the UK.Reportedly home based workers earn more money.The 46 million home based workers in the United States including a large number of women working at home in an attempt to better balance work in family earn 28 percent more than the average office worker, and spend less time making their pay.Of course this could be due in part to the fact that more experienced and aggressive workers tend to start their own businesses.Remember going into business on your own or from a home office may mean making due with less.But it can also mean achieving more, more independence, more challenges, more results.In the long run, it may mean more money for you and your family.In a word doing it on your own means freedom to grow, experiment, and learn.If you are successful you won’t have to go ask for raise or accept what you are given, or worry about being turned out to passed year when a younger version of yourself comes along.You will have the freedom to enjoy the profits of your own work and the continuing growth in profit which comes from owning your business.Part 4.Listening and translation.3.Exercises.1.Sentences translation.Listen and translate each sentence you have heard into Chinese.Then write it in the space given below.1)May I introduce myself? I am John Smith from the United States.I am a sales manager of the Johnson company.I am responsible for the European pision.2)There was a heavy fog in London the whole morning, and we were delayed there.We stayed in the airport for 3 full hours.3)Soon after he started working as a sales representative he discovered that it was far hard of work than he had expected.4)The Shanghai EXPO will draw 70 million visitors and average of 400,000 a day.It will be the first time for the 157 year old event to be held in a developing country.5)The Louvre Museum opened the department of Islamic art in 202_.But the existing gallery can display only a fifth of the Louvre’s 10,000 pieces of art from the Muslim world.2.Passage translation.Listen and translate each passage you have heard into Chinese.Then write it in the space given below.You may take notes while you are listening.1)The market is a concept.If you are growing tomatoes in your backyard for sale you are producing for the market.You might sell some to your neighbor and some to the manager of the local supermarket.But in either case you are producing for the market.Your efforts are being directed by the market.If people stop buying tomatoes you will stop producing them.2)The world EXPO is a large scale, global, noncommercial EXPO.The hosting of the world EXPO must be applied for by a country and approved by the bureau of International Exhibitions.EXPO aims to promote the exchange of ideas and development of the world economy, culture, science, and technology, to allow exhibitors to publicize and display their achievements, and improve international relationships.Accordingly the world EXPO with its 157 year history is regarded as the Olympic Games of the economy, science and technology.Unit One Part 1 shopping over the internet Virtually

adv.在各重要方面;事实上;实际上;几乎 To spring up 迅速地或突然地出现﹑ 发展﹑ 生 长 Time-starved 时间不够 Auction 拍卖

Cyberspace 网络交流的地方 To post Revenue 除税的收入;(尤指)岁入

To undercut 以低於(竞争者)的价码出售货物或提供服务 Profit margin 净利润 revenue 减去 costs 的部分 World Wide Web Amazon.com


Dominate v.支配, 统治, 控制, 影响(人﹑ 事等)Conventional 依照惯例的;约定俗成的;因循守旧的 Convenient方便的;省心的 Comparison shopping

Part Two Polytechnic尤指英国的)理工学院

Bacon腌猪肉, 燻猪肉(猪的背部或肋部的肉 Hectic忙乱的;忙碌的 Hurricane

Impassable adj.指道路﹑ 路线等)不能通行的, 不能超越的

To notify ~ sb(of sth);~ sth to sb 通知某人(某事);将某事报告某人 Faucet ˈfɔːsɪt;ˋfɔsɪt/ n(任何)龙头, 旋塞.Handy adj.指小器具等)便於拿取的, 便於使用的


adj very hot 极热的/ skɔːtʃ;skɔrtʃ/ admission 入场券 cool off 冷静

Part three Mary Kay Shabby(指东西)因使用过久或照管不善而破旧的 Dressy

指衣物)漂亮的, 穿的讲究的, 特殊场合穿的 Spacious 宽敞的;宽广的 On impulse / ɪmpʌls;ˋɪmpʌls一时冲动


分出的或标出的一部分;想像中可分出的一部分 To turn out to pasture 变成牧场;牧地;草原

Part four Concept ˈkɔnsept;ˋkɑnsɛpt idea underlying sth;general notion 观念;概念 Convention某一职业﹑ 政党等之人士召开的)大会 Johnson Company 强生公司 European Division 欧洲部 Louvre Museum 卢浮宫/luːvə(r)/ Islamic art 伊斯兰艺术 Muslim world 穆斯林展厅 In either case 无论那种情况 Your effort Non-commercial Expo 非商业性

Bureau of International Expositions(BIE)国际展览局 To allow exhibitor to publicize and display。。参展者宣传和展示 Accordingly 因此

Olympic Game of ….奥运盛会

第四篇:上外中级口译第三版听力教程原文及讲解--Unit 9

Unit nine.Part one.About single sex education.3.Exercises.1.This is a talk given by an educator about single sex education.Listen and supply missing words you hear from the talk.I am going to be discussing the benefits of single sex education.As a teacher and advisor in an all girl school, I am often asked to defend single sex education.Specifically all girls education as if girl schools were on trial.I personally strongly recommend single sex education for girls.But the arguments against this form of education can be quite powerful.So I would like to begin by pointing out 3 of the main arguments against all girl schools.First of all, critics of all girl schools argue that the separation of the sexes seems old fashioned.It goes against the aims and the goal of feminism educators which is to provide fairness.To make sure boys and girls have the same educational opportunities and are treated in the same ways.Secondly, the critics say that in single sex schools boys and girls can’t develop the ability to interact with one another.They point out that in single sex schools boys and girls can’t learn how to be comfortable with each other and also how to compete with each other.The third criticism is that single sex schools don’t provide children with the smooth transition into the adult world where men and women live together.In single sex schools, these critics say, boys and girls cannot become prepared for a world in which they will work, play and live together as adults.But although these are serious arguments I believe that single sex education is beneficial for girls.In the second part of this lecture I will focus on two strong advantages of single sex education.It values girls’ unique qualities and it helps girls develop self confidence.2.The following part is a continuation to the above talk.Listen and then provide the missing information in the spaces given below.The real benefit of all girls education is that it values girls’ unique qualities, the qualities that make them different from boys.What are these unique qualities? Well, I am going to list a few.First of all, girls can often concentrate on higher level abstract thinking at an earlier age than boys can.Secondly, they can often work for longer periods of time.Girls also enjoy collaborative learning activities and so they work well in groups.Finally, as girls mature, they are often kind of co-operative rather than competitive.These four qualities are valued in all girls schools.The second benefit of single sex education is that it helps girls develop self-confidence.I strongly believe that girls become more self-confident without the distraction and different learning styles of boys.In a single sex environment girls enjoy being leaders.They offer help to others and they also ask for help when they need it.For example, if they don’t understand a math or science concept they will ask for clarification.But when girls are in the same classroom as boys they often lose their self esteem.Boys are sometimes a louder, and may jump up out of their seats and wave their arms at people’s faces, if they know the answer to a teacher’s question.If this happens girls typically sink back in their chairs and wait for the boys to quiet down.But if there are no boys around girls can feel free and be themselves.Now it’s true that all girl schools do separate girls from the real world while they are growing up.But in the real adult world boys are the ones who set the rules of the game.And these rules don’t necessarily reflect the needs or talents of girls.In an all girl school girls can become confident enough to challenge the rules.And then perhaps they can change the real world into a place designed to accommodate both men and women.Part two.Statements.2.Exercises.Listen and then choose the answer that is closest in meaning to each statement you hear.1)This project is urgent.I have to type all these reports by Monday morning.So there goes my sleep this weekend.2)We are thinking of asking professor Brown if he can give the exam during the final week of classes.But we are told that there isn’t much chance of that.3)Professor White Head hadn’t planned to invite her to the Monday meeting.But he changed his mind at the last minute.4)Since it’s going to cut your fortune to get your car fix why don’t you just trade it for a new one?

5)It is essential to stay healthy when you are faced with important examinations.Studying all night will be good for neither your grades nor your health.6)The committee finally reached a decision.And I couldn’t have hoped for a better outcome.Everybody says they haven’t seen like this for weeks.7)I had a hard time getting through this novel.Who can remember the names of all those 45 characters in it?

8)Michael has put all his time and mind into his studies.Though he has only studied English for two years he speaks it very well.9)We’ve undercharged them.The invoice doesn’t include the legal fees or our agency commission.We need to inform them of this immediately.10)We have little choice about when to send the application.Yesterday was too soon to send it and tomorrow will be too late.11)It took 2 weeks longer than usual to get your package because the postal workers were on strike.12)The price of the car was so low that it made Brad suspicious of the value.He hesitated for 10 days and still made no decision.13)When he met us on Thursday professor Baker said that he tried to reschedule the class at a time convenient to the majority.14)If it takes Mike two hours to do the East Asian history assignment it will take the rest of the class double the time.15)Why bother to call Smith and tell him about the meeting this afternoon.We will see him at lunch.16)The snack bar is not always this deserted.It’s the end of the semester.Everyone is in the library studying.17)We’d expected the repairs to cost us about 15 dollars, but they charged us 3 times as much.18)Ms.Plate came to meet us at the reception.I thought that she was the secretary, but she turned out to be the president of the company.19)After studying mathematics for two years at a German university in Berlin, she has changed to an architecture program in an American university in Washington.20)Even though the doctor has advised him to quit, Bob still smokes a pack of cigarettes a day.中级口译听力教程第三版4B Part 3.3.Exercises.1.It’s cool for everyone to be successful.Listen to the short conversation and then choose the best answer to each question you hear.M: Mary, do you think you have ever been discriminated against because you are a woman? W: Well, let’s see.I have two answers for that.The first answer is yes.That’s my gut feeling.But sometimes I think no.I am not being discriminated against.I just need to try harder.I guess I am saying yes and no.Look, we are in a society where discrimination is definitely going on in the business world.I see women getting paid less than men do for the same position.And often women get jobs as assistance but they are the ones who do all the work.Also there is thus old boys club, the support network that men have.Men do help each other, and they could help women too.But they don’t.M: So then you are saying that men do have an easier time of it.W: Yeah, it is easier for men.But I have mixed feelings.Sometimes I think that I am just making excuses for myself.What I ask myself is, “Am I good enough?” “Am I as good as the men?” Perhaps I am not.But I really believe that if I do the work necessary in the business world, I will be able to be as successful as any men.I think that there is much more of level playing field than there was before.There is much more opportunities now for women than when I was younger.M: And do you think successful women help other women?

W: Yes, I do.Women tend to think of helping themselves and helping other people too.And I hope that I can help to increase the opportunities for many young girls as well as boys.M: You want to help boys also?

W: Of course.It’s cool for everyone to be successful.And I do see progress in the future.I really do.Questions:

1)What is this conversation mainly about?

2)Mary mentions several things that point to discrimination against women.Which of the following is not one of these things?

3)Which of the following statements is true according to the conversation? 4)In which of the following fields does Mary probably work?

2.Do you think there is rarely quality now? This is a short conversation about the changing gender roles.Listen and choose the best answer to each question you hear.W: Michael, I’d like to ask your opinion about how gender roles are changing.Do you think there is rarely quality now?

M: That’s absolutely not true.The first thing is that there is still a paid disparity.Women make only about 70 percent of the dollar that men earn.There have been changes in the last 20 years or so, but that have been relatively modest.And there is still that glass ceiling where women hit this invisible barrier as they try to move up.W: Could you give me an example of the glass ceiling?

M: Well, look at this.I am a social worker.90 percent of my colleagues are women.But both the CEO and his boss are men.So the top executives are men, and you know, the lower paid levels, most of them are women.I think that men are much more likely to be raised with the sense of entitlement than women.W: And what about quality at home?

M: I don’t think there is a quality there, either.You see I think that gender differences often operate on unconscious levels.It almost never occurs to men that they can do house work just as well as women or take care of children.Even if they have porced and have custody of a child.But women have been parenting children alone for ever.And women just assume that they can do it.W: How has it affected you in your own life?

M: Well, with both of my children from 2 different marriages, I was always the person who got up at night and gave the baby a bottle.I was always very actively involved with caring for my children cooking for them.And I joined a play group with my son 25 years ago.Incidentally I was the only male involved.And I loved it.W: Good for you!

M: That was very very different from my father’s generation.My father had almost nothing to do with us until we were 8 or 10.He held us and gave us some smiles and so on.But he wasn’t really an active parent.But I was determined to be a part of the joy of it all.W: So what you are saying is that the situation has changed but there is still inequality.M: Oh, yes, I think that’s true absolutely.Questions:

1)What’s Michael’s opinion about how gender roles are changing?

2)About what percentage of men’s pay to women make for the same type of job? 3)Which of the following statements is true about the quality at home? 4)Which of the following statements best describes Michael?

3.Gender and language.This is a part of a lecture about gender and language.Listen carefully and then supply the missing parts of the answers to the following questions.Good morning.Please take notes on today’s lecture.Everyone should pick up his pen or rather everyone should pick up her pen, or everyone should pick up his/her pen, or her/his pen.Wait let me start again.Everyone should pick up their pens.Is that correct? You get my point, right? The title of this lecture is Gender and Language.What I am going to discuss more specifically is the topic of sexism and language and how to avoid it.First then, is it true that language can be sexist? The answer is yes, it can.Take the example of this word, Mister.What word has the same meaning for women? There is none.There is Misses which means I am married.There is Miss which means it’s none of your business whether I am married or not.Well, not exactly, but you get my point.Let’s turn to the question of gender’s specific terms.Many terms like mailman or policeman are gender specific.They all refer to man.If there are women who do these jobs, so what do we do? Well a safe option is to use what we call gender neutral terms such as mail-carrier or police-officer.Why should we use gender neutral language? Well, first of all, because it describes the world the way really is.If children grow up hearing the word chairman then the internalized idea that all leaders are men which isn’t true.Secondly it’s a question of equality.For example when people say mankind it sounds as if they are only talking about man.But when you say human beings or people then you include both men and women.But vocabulary isn’t the only problem.Grammar is a problem too.Do you remember the example I gave at the beginning, everyone should pick up pen.Well, I wasn’t really making a joke.The fact is I have to choose a broad noun, and I don’t want to give the impression that everyone in the room is male or female either.So I am facing a dilemma.What’s the solution? Well, personally, I prefer to say, everyone should pick up their pen(s).I realize this is not grammatically correct.But it does avoid sexism.And you will find that most university professors and writers would probably make the same choice that I do.Look at the newspaper, or look around you on the bus or on the subway.You will see plural pro-nouns in places you might not expect.Part 4.Listening and translation.3.Exercises.1.Sentence translation.Listen and translate each sentence you have heard into Chinese.Then write it in the space given below.1)Nine out of ten trade visitors interviewed were generally very satisfied with the fare.And 92 percent of the visitors spontaneously declare to intend to visit the fare again in 202_.2)Some nations have worked to meet the shortage of clean fresh water.They are trying to keep their rivers from being polluted.3)I read that according to recent statistics 67 percent of Americans favor the death penalty in cases of murder.That’s 2/3 of the population.4)A gold watch and a necklace were stolen from a home on Broad Street.The criminals entered the house through a bathroom window.5)A man was arrested at midnight on Harper Street, because he was carrying a handgun without license.He was taken to the police station for questioning.2.Passage translation.Listen and translate each passage you have heard into Chinese.Then write it in the space given below.You may take notes while you are listening.1)Doctors think that most people cannot live beyond a hundred years.But a growing number of scientists believe that the aging process can be controlled.There are more than 12,000 Americans over 100 years old who receive social security benefits, and their numbers are increasing each year.Some scientists claim that theoretically and under ideal conditions animals including men can live 5 times longer than their normal period of growth.A person’s period of growth last approximately 25 years.If this theory is accurate future generations can expect a life-span of 150 years.2)Well, the neighbor-hood watch program has been running for more than 5 months, and has been incredibly successful.We used to have a lot of minor problems on our block, but now it’s very quiet.Everyone knows that our neighborhood is off limits for trouble makers.Just last week we won a special award from the mayor’s office.All of us were invited to a big award ceremony.We had dinner, heard some guests speakers, and then accepted our award for out-standing community service.Unit Nine Part one About single-sex education Feminist n.女权主义者

adj.主张男女平等的, 女权主义的

Liberal宽容忍耐的;心胸宽?的;无偏见的/慷慨的;大方的/(指教育)扩展心智的, 德育的(不单纯作职业或技术的训练)/自由党人/不严格的;自由的;不讲究准确性的

To interact(with)相互作用;相互影响/指人)一起活动或互相合作(尤指为互相联系 Beneficial有益的;有用的;有好处的: Collaborative adj.协作的, 合作的 Clarification n.澄清, 阐明

Self-esteem自尊;自负: high/low self-esteem 很强的[弱的]自尊心/ injure sb's self-esteem 伤某人的自尊心 To accommodate

Feminists Part two To undercharge(某人)少收(某物的)价款 Invoice发票;发货清单;服务费用清单: Agent’s commission 代理商佣金 En route on the way 在路上;在中途

Part three Gender生理上的)性别分类, 性

Disparity n.不同,不等。年龄﹑ 级别﹑ 收入﹑ 地位等方面的差距 Entitlement n.权利

Custody监管﹑ 监护(的权利或责任leave one's valuables in safe custody, eg in a bank 将贵重物品妥善保管(如於银行中)When his parents died, he was placed in the custody of his aunt.他的父母去世以後, 他就交由姑妈照管.Sexism性别偏见或歧视(尤指对女性

Internalize vt.使内在化If you internalize something such as a belief or a set of values, you make it become part of your attitude or way of thinking.(FORMAL)Over time she internalized her parents' attitudes.Dilemma进退两难的窘境

Glass ceiling玻璃顶棚(通常指女性在工作晋升时遇到的一种无形的障碍)

Part four Off-limits adj.受限制 不允许,Social Security SS社会保障, 社会保险

1.nine of ten trade visitor interviewed 接受访问的90%业内参观者 spontaneously 主动的,自发的 declared to intend to visit……

2.work to meet the shortage of clean fresh water 采取行动应对洁净水的短缺问题 3.favor the death of penalty in case of murder 支持判谋杀犯死刑 4.on Broad Street 布罗德的大街

a bathroom window

5.carry a handgun without a license 无许可证而持有枪

On Harper Street 哈柏街道 1.the aging process 衰老的过程 Social Security benefits 社会保障津贴 under an ideal condition 在理想化的条件下 period of growth 生长期

2.the Neighborhood Watch program 街区守护活动 run for five month 持续了5个月

have a lot of minor problems on our block 在我们的街区存在一些小问题 our neighborhood is “off-limits” for troublemakers 不欢迎惹是生非者

win a special award 特别奖励

a big awards ceremony 大型颁奖典礼 hear some guest speakers 嘉宾演讲

accept our award for outstanding community service 接受杰出社区服务奖

第五篇:商务现场口译答案Unit 3

Unit 3

Phrase Interpreting A 1.business luncheon 2.soft drink 4.gourmet 5.preservative-free 7.to propose a toast 8.continental breakfast 10.French fries 1.工作午餐 2.软饮料 3.冷餐招待会 4.美食家 5.不含防腐剂 6.备受青睐 7.致祝酒词 8.欧式早餐 9.垃圾食品 10.炸薯条 B. 1.款待 2.美味佳肴 3.忌讳 4.招牌菜 5.晚宴 6.菜系 7.用筷子 8.用餐举止

9.酸辣汤 10.酸奶 1.entertain 2.delicacies, 4.specialty 5.banquet

7.to handle chopsticks 8.table manners 10.yogurt 3.buffet reception

6.to gain popularity 9.junk food 3.taboo 6.major cuisines 9.hot& sour soup Sentence Interpreting A 1.Sichuan food is famous for its numerous varieties of delicacies and strong flavors, and is best known for being spicy-hot.2.Cantonese cuisine emphasizes light cooking with seemingly limitless range of ingredients.3.The careful coordination of such a series of delicate activities as selecting ingredients, mixing flavors, timing the cooking, controlling the heat and finally, laying out the food on the plate for the table are the typical characteristics of Chinese food.4.Nearly endless variety of natural ingredients and methods of preparation are employed in Chinese cuisine/cooking.5.May I propose a toast to the health of His Excellency the Ambassador and Mme.Smith? 1.川菜最大的特点是品种多、口味重,以麻辣著称。’ 2.粤菜强调清炒浅煮,选料似乎不受限制。3.选料、调料、适时烹调、把握火候、装盘上桌这些微妙步骤的细心协调是中餐的 典型特征。4.中餐烹调所用的天然配料品种繁多,几无穷尽。烹调方法也层出不穷,不可悉数。5.为史密斯大使阁下和夫人的健康干杯。B.Chinese into English 1.谢谢史密斯先生热情洋溢的欢迎词,感谢欧中贸易协会的盛情邀请和热情款待。2.我非常高兴有机会出席这次欧中贸易协会举办的午餐报告会。3.中餐先上冷盘,而西餐则先上汤。4.请允许我邀请各位与我一起举杯,为我们双方的友谊和合作干杯。5.请尝尝我的拿手菜。

1.I'd like to thank Mr.Smith for his very warm welcoming remarks.Many thanks also go to the Euro-China Business Association for the gracious invitation and warm hospitality.2.I'm very delighted to have the opportunity to be at this reception hosted by the Euro-China Business Association.3.A Chinese dinner begins with cold dishes whereas a Western dinner starts with a soup.4.May I ask you to join me in a toast to the friendship and cooperation between our two companies.5.Would you like to try my special recipe? Text A President Gao, Distinguished Guests, Our Chinese Friends, Ladies and Gentlemen, It is a special honor for me to have a chance to speak on behalf of all the members of ourdelegation.I would like to express our sincere thanks to President Gao for inviting us, and for all the hard work and thought you have given to the arrangements for our visit.We are also grateful for such a marvelous dinner tonight.I hope that we shall all enjoy the business exchanges and friendly contact in the following days.Every member of our delegations hopes that the rate of trade between the two countries will increase in the future through our mutual efforts.And I think that only by free flow of visitors can1

trade develop satisfactorily.I'm very impressed by the hospitality and warmth with which you have received us.You must have had a very busy time making all the preparations, which deserves our sincere appreciation.We are especially thankful to you for arranging the meeting and everything that you have done on our account.I hope that Mr.Gao and other Chinese friends will be able to visit our country in the future, so that we will have the chance to return some of your kindness as a host.Apart from business contracts, these meetings will surely help enhance the understanding and friendship between us.Well begun is half done, as we said.I hope this will pave the way for further business relations between our two countries.In closing, I would like to invite you to join me in a toast.To the trade and friendship between us!To the health of our Chinese friends!Cheers!尊敬的高董事长,尊敬的来宾,中国朋友们,女士们,先生们: 今天我特别荣幸能代表我们代表团成员对高总的热情邀请以及为精心安排我们这次访 问所付出的努力表达诚挚的谢意,同时我们也为今晚丰盛的宴会表示衷心的感谢。我希望我们在今后的日子里能互通贸易友好往来。我们代表团的每一个成员都希望通过 我们双方的共同努力,我们两国未来的贸易额会有所提高。我认为只有通过自由互访才会使 贸易发展令人满意。贵国的热情款待给我留下了深刻的印象。我们对你们的精心准备深表谢意。我们特别感 谢你们安排的此次会晤以及为我们所做的一切。我希望高总和其他中国朋友,将来能访问我 国,以使我们有机会能表达我们的谢意。除了签订生意合同,这次会议一定会增进我们彼此的了解和友谊,正如我们所说的“良 好的开端是成功的一半”。我希望这将为我们今后的友谊奠定一个良好的基础。最后,请和我一起为我们之间的贸易和友谊,为我们中国朋友的健康,干杯!Coordinating –Field Interpreting Huang:想吃中餐还是西餐? Interpreter: What would you like, Chinese food, or Western food? Hampton: Chinese food, please.Interpreter:中餐吧。Huang:好的,你们想用筷子吗? Interpreter: All right.Would you like to use chopsticks? Hampton: Yes, of course.As the saying goes, “When in Rome, do as the Romans do”.Although I can't get along with them, I'd like to learn to handle them.Interpreter:当然了。俗话说,“人乡随俗。”尽管我不会用筷子,但我想学着用它们。Hang:因为这是你们第一次来中国,我想给你们介绍一些真正的中国菜。真正 的中国菜强调色、香、味、形。Interpreter: Since this is the first time for you to come to China, I'd like to recommend some real Chinese dishes for you.Real Chinese cuisine places stress on color, smell, taste, and shape.waiter:请问点什么菜? Interpreter: May I take your order now? Hang:糖醋鱼、麻婆豆腐、红烧牛肉以及上汤锔龙虾。Interpreter: Yes, sweet-and-sour fish, bean curd with minced pork in chili sauce, braised beef in brown sauce and special style lobster.(After the dishes are served.)Huang:请随便吃菜。Interpreter: Please help yourselves.Hampton: Oh!That's splendid.No wonder people say the Chinese are hospitable.Interpreter:啊,太丰盛了,难怪都说中国人热情好客呢。Hang:想喝点什么?白兰地还是红酒? Interpreter: Which do you prefer, brandy or wine? Hampton: Brandy is too strong for me, just a glass of red wine, please.Interpreter:白兰

地太刺激了,要杯红葡萄酒吧。Huang:好的,我来给您倒酒。Interpreter: Sure, let me top up your glass.Hamilton: Thank you.Interpter:谢谢。Huang:大家开始吧。大家请坐,首先我提议我们一起举杯为我们在座的各位朋 友的健康和友谊干杯!Interpreter: Dig in.Now everybody, please be seated.First of all, I'd like you to raise your glasses and join me in a toast to the health of all our friends here as well as our everlasting friendship.Cheers!All:干杯!Interpreter: Cheers.Huang:汉普敦先生,请让我给您倒酒,不要拘束,请随便。Interpreter: Mr.Hampton, let me top up your glass.Don't stand on ceremony.Help yourself to anything you like.Hampton: The dishes look fabulous.How colorful and fragrant, and I bet they are delicious, and so beautifully presented.Interpreter:这些菜真是太吸引人了,它们真是色、香、味、形俱全。(after the dinner)Hang:汉普敦先生,您觉得今天的菜可口吗? Interpreter: Did you enjoy the meal, Mr.Hampton? Hampton: Yes, these dishes are all delicious, especially the special style lobster.Interpreter:是的,很美味,尤其是上汤煽龙虾。Hang:我很高兴你喜欢中国菜。还要点什么吗? Interpreter: I am glad you like the Chinese food.Still want some more? Hampton: No, thanks.I am positively full.At this point, I should like to propose a toast to our friends.Mr.Hang, I wish your company a great success.To our friendship and cooperation, bottoms up.Interpreter:不,谢谢。我真的吃饱了。现在我建议为我们的中国朋友干杯,祝你们 生意兴隆。同时为我们的友谊和合作,干杯!女士们,先生们: Ladies and Gentlemen, 我代表本公司向应邀前来访问的美国 Star 公司代表团表示热烈的欢迎。据我所知,有关人士正在为代表团安排一个全面的参观计划。对此,我无需赘述。It gives me much pleasure on behalf of our company to extend a warm welcome to the members of the American delegation from Star Corporation, who have been invited to this country by our company.I understand that arrangements are being made for a comprehensive visiting program and I need not talk about this now.我刚刚听到我们两家公司已达成建立合资公司的协议。这使我们两家公司的合作 大大向前迈进了一步。我相信,我们正在加拿大访问的董事长一定希望我能代表本公 司向在座的各位表达一下我们得知这个好消息时的兴奋心情。I have, however, just heard that an agreement has been reached between our two companies to establish a joint venture.This is a great step forward and I am sure that our chairman, who is now visiting Canada, would like me to express on behalf of the company to all businessmen present here how pleased we are at the news.除了贸易以外,你们的来访肯定会加强我们彼此之间的友谊和合作。俗话说: “良 好的开端是成功的一半。”我相信,你们的这次访问将会带来更多的交流和合作。Apart from business contracts, your visit will surely help enhance the cooperation and friendship between us.“Well begun is half done”, as we said.I am sure that this visit will lead to many more in the future.最后请各位举杯,为我们的合作和友谊、为在座的各位健康干杯!In closing, I would like to invite you to join me in a toast.To the cooperation and friendship between us!To the health of all the ladies and gentlemen present here!Sentence Interpreting l。你们一起买单,还

是各自付账? 2.我吃西餐喜欢用刀叉,这叫“入乡随俗”嘛。3.茅台是我国最负盛名的烈酒,上口但不上头。4.我不喝酒,我太太也滴酒不沾。5.我国悠久的历史、广袤的国土孕育了中餐烹饪的独特艺术。1.How would you like to pay, one bill or separate bills? 2.I like to enjoy a dinner of Western style food with forks and knives, because I believe in “Do in Rome as the Romans do”.3.Maotai is China's best-known liquor.It is delicious and yet doesn't go to the head.4.I don't touch anything alcoholic, neither does my wife.5.China's long history and vast territory have given birth to the distinctive Chinese culinary art.B.Text Interpreting Text D Many changes are taking place in American food styles.The United States is traditionally famous for its very solid and unchanging diet of meat and potatoes, Now, in addition to the traditional home-cooked meal, we have many different alternatives to choose from: such as nutrition-balanced health food, convenient and delicious fast food and so on.Health food gained popularity when people began to think more seriously about their physical health.Health food includes natural food with minimal processing.Most health food enthusiasts are vegetarians.They eat no meat and prefer to get their essential proteins from other sources, such as beans, cheese, and eggs.Fast food can be seen all over the country.Speed is a very important factor in the life of an American.People usually have a short lunch break or they just do not want to waste their time eating.Because fast-food restaurants are places which take care of hundreds of people in a short time, there is usually very little waiting.And the food is always cheap.美国人的饮食习惯正在发生变化。美国人多年来那种丰盛的、一成不变的肉制品加土豆 的传统餐,早已为世人所熟知。而今,我们美国人可以有多种不同的选择,除了传统的家常 菜外,我们可以享受到各种各样的营养均衡的保健餐,方便可口的快餐等等。保健食品因人们开始重视自身健康而倍受青睐。保健食品包括那些尽可能不加工的天然 食品。大多数热衷于保健食品的人士属素食主义者。他们不吃肉类食物,更愿意从豆类、奶 酪和鸡蛋等食物中获取人体所需要的蛋白质。全国各地到处可见快餐店。速度是美国人生活中一个非常重要的因素。通常人们的午餐 休息时间很短,或者人们不愿意在用餐上花费过多的时间。由于快餐店可以在很短的时间里 向数以百计的客人供餐,人们通常不用等太久。而且,快餐还很便宜。

《实用商务口译》听力原文及参考译文 Unit1