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土木工程专业英语 Lesson 1 Civil Engineering Speciality [,speʃi'æliti]

 n.特性, 特质, 专业, 特殊性  【复数】 specialities

 A distinguishing mark or feature.一个明显的特性或特质  specialities

Special points of consideration;particulars.

specialities 详细说明;细目

 Chiefly British A specialty.【多用于英国】 专业 Irrigation[,iri'geiʃən]

 n.灌溉, 冲洗  irrigation  irrigat[e], 灌溉+-ion名词后缀 Drainage['dreinidʒ]

 n.排水, 排泄, 排水装置, 排水区域, 排出物, 消耗  drainage  drain.agen.(名词)

 The action or a method of draining.排水:排水的行动或方法  A system of drains.排水系统

 Something that is drained off.排走物:被排走的东西

 Medicine The removal of fluid or purulent material from a wound or body cavity.【医学】




 n.块, 大多数, 质量, 群众, 大量  adj.群众的, 大规模的, 集中的  vt.使集合  vi.聚集

 A unified body of matter with no specific shape.团,块,堆:聚成一体的没有具体形状的物质:

 a mass of clay.一堆泥土

 A grouping of inpidual parts or elements that compose a unified body of unspecified size or quantity:  集结,集合:把没有具体形状或数量的整体的各个组成部分看成一个整体:

 “Take mankind in mass, and for the most part, they seem a mob of unnecessary duplicates”(Herman Melville) “整体而论,大部分的人类不过是一群乌合之众”(赫尔曼·梅尔维尔) A large but nonspecific amount or number:  大量:大而不具体的数量:a mass of bruises. 一大片的青肿

 The principal part;the majority:主体,主要部分,大多数:  the mass of the continent.内容的主要部分

 The physical volume or bulk of a solid body.体积:物质体积或一件固体的体积

 Abbr.m Physics The measure of the quantity of matter that a body or an object contains.The mass of the body is not dependent on gravity and therefore is different from but proportional to its weight.缩写 m【物理学】 质量:物体内所包含的物质的量。物体质量不受重力影响,因此与物体的重量不同,但是与其成比例

 An area of unified light, shade, or color in a painting.同色的扩散形状:一幅画上统一的光、影或颜色的一大片

 masses The body of common people or people of low socioeconomic status.Used with the.

masses 大众,庶民:平民或社会经济地位上低下者。常与the 连用

 v.tr.intr.(及物动词和不及物动词) massed, massing, masses

 To gather or be gathered into a mass.(被)聚成团、块或堆

 adj.(形容词)Of, relating to, characteristic of, directed at, or attended by a large number of people:以大众为对象的:大众的,以大众为特征的,指向大众的或大众参与的:  mass education;mass communication.大众教育;大众传播  Done or carried out on a large scale:大规模进行(完成)的:  mass production.大规模生产

 Total;complete:完整的,全部的;完全的:

 The mass result is impressive.最终结果让人印象至深 Concentration [,kɔnsen'treiʃən]

 n.集中, 集合, 专心, 浓缩, 浓度

 The act or process of concentrating, especially the fixing of close, unpided attention.专心:全神贯注的动作或过程,尤指专注的、不分散的注意力的集中  The condition of being concentrated.全神贯注的状态  Something that has been concentrated.经过浓缩的物品

 Chemistry The amount of a specified substance in a unit amount of another substance.【化学】 浓度:在某一单位物质中另一特定物质的含量

Differentiate [,difə'renʃieit]

 To constitute the distinction between:区分:在两事物间区分差别:

 subspecies that are differentiated by the markings on their wings.生物可通过它们翅膀上的标记上区别

 To perceive or show the difference in or between;discriminate.识别:看出或指出事物间的差别;识别

 To make different by alteration or modification.使差异:通过变更或修改从而产生差别  Mathematics To calculate the derivative or differential of(a function).【数学】 求…的微分:计算导数或(函数的)微分  v.intr.(不及物动词)

 To become distinct or specialized;acquire a different character.变异:变得独特、特殊;需要不同的特性

 To make distinctions;discriminate.区分出;辨别出 Predominate [pri'dɔmineit]

 v.intr.(不及物动词)

 To have or gain controlling power or influence;prevail:占优势,支配:拥有或获得支配性权力或影响;占优势:

 Good predominates over evil in many works of literature.在许多文学作品中正义战胜邪恶  To be of or have greater quantity or importance;preponderate:占绝大多数:数量较多或更为重要;数量上超过:

 French-speaking people predominate in Quebec.在魁北克说法语的人较多  v.tr.(及物动词)

 To dominate or prevail over.统治或胜过… Scope [skəup]

 n.(活动)范围, 机会, 余地

 The range of one's perceptions, thoughts, or actions. 眼界,见识:某人的见识、想法或者行动的范围

 Breadth or opportunity to function.See Synonyms at room  机会,余地:发挥能力的余地或机会参见 room  The area covered by a given activity or subject范围,领域:一项规定的活动或者主题所涉及的范围

 The length or sweep of a mooring cable.锚缆长度或范围

 Informal A viewing instrument such as a periscope, microscope, or telescope.【非正式用语】 观看地仪器:观察仪器,比如潜望镜、显微镜或者望远镜  v.tr.(及物动词)

 scoped,scop.ing,scopes 【俚语】

 To examine or study carefully and in detail:仔细研究:认真细致地研究或检查:

 “[He] scopes the big picture of Israeli-Arab relations”(James Wolcott)“[他] 认真地查看关于以色列和阿拉伯关系的大图片”(詹姆斯·沃尔科特)Utility [ju:'tiliti]

 【复数】 u.til.i.ties

 The quality or condition of being useful;usefulness:功用,效用:有效用的特征或状态;有用,实用:

 “I have always doubted the utility of these conferences on disarmament”(Winston S.Churchill)“我一直怀疑这些裁军会议的效用”(温斯顿S.丘吉尔) A useful article or device.有用的物体或器械  Abbr.util.缩写 util. A public utility.公用事业公司

 A commodity or service, such as electricity, water, or public transportation, that is provided by a public utility.公用事业:由公用事业公司提供的商品或服务,如电力,水和公共交通  adj.(形容词)

 Used, serving, or working in several capacities as needed, especially:有多种用途的,尤指

 Prepared to play any of the smaller theatrical roles on short notice:各种工作都会做的:一经通知就准备扮演任何小角色的:  a utility cast member.跑龙套演员

 Capable of playing as a substitute in any of several positions:能在数个位置作替补的:  a utility infielder.能攻善守的内场手

 Designed for various often heavy-duty practical uses:多用途的:为多一个重复荷性的用途设计的:

 a utility knife;a utility vehicle.多用途小刀;多用途车辆 Preliminary [pri'liminəri]

 adj.预备的, 初步的

 Prior to or preparing for the main matter, action, or business;introductory or prefatory.开头的,初步的:先于主要事件、行动或业务的或为其作准备的;预备性的或前面的  n.(名词)【复数】 pre.lim.i.nar.ies

 Something that precedes, prepares for, or introduces the main matter, action, or business.开端,初步:先于、准备或介绍主要事件、行动或业务的事

 An academic test or examination that is preparatory to one that is longer, more complex, or more important.初试:为更长、更复杂或更重要的考试而进行的预备性学术测试或考试

 Often preliminaries Printing The front matter of a book.常作 preliminaries 【印刷术】


 preliminary, introductory, prefatory, preparatory  The central meaning shared by these adjectives is “going before and preparing the way for something else”: 这些形容词共有的中心意思是“在其它事物之前并为其铺路的”:

 a preliminary investigation;事先调查;  introductory remarks;序言;

 an author's prefatory notes;作者的序言注解; 

preparatory steps.预备步骤

Specification [,spesifi'keiʃən]

 n.详述, 规格, 说明书, 规范

 The act of specifying.详述:详细说明的行为

 specifications A detailed, exact statement of particulars, especially a statement prescribing materials, dimensions, and quality of work for something to be built, installed, or manufactured.

specifications 规格:对工程、设备或产品的原料、尺寸或质量进行明确、详细地说明

 A single item or article that has been specified. 指明的事项:已经指明的事项或条款

 An exact written description of an invention by an applicant for a patent. 通过专利申请书的形式对发明所作的确切的书面描述 Supervise ['sju:pəvaiz]

 v.监督, 管理, 指导

 su.per.vised,su.per.vis.ing,su.per.vis.es

 To have the charge and direction of;superintend. 监督,管理;指导

 supervise,boss,overlook,oversee,superintend  The central meaning shared by these verbs is “to have the direction and oversight of the performance of others”:

 这些动词共有的中心意思为“指导或监督别人的工作”:

 supervised a team of investigators;监督一调查组;  bossed a construction crew;建筑队工头;  overlooking farm hands;农夫监工;

 overseeing plumbers and electricians;管道工及电工工头;  superintend a household staff.管理佣人

Coordinate [kəu'ɔ:dinit]

 n.同等者, 同等物, 坐标(用复数) adj.同等的, 并列的  vt.调整, 整理

 Of equal importance, rank, or degree:同等的:在重要性、等级或程度上相同的:  coordinate offices of a business.业务上同等的办事处  Of or involving coordination.协调的或涉及协调的  Of or based on a system of coordinates. 坐标:坐标系的或基于坐标系的v.(动词)coordinated, coordinating,coordinates  v.tr.(及物动词)

 To place in the same order, class, or rank.将…置于同一次序、类别或等级中  To harmonize in a common action or effort:在共同的行动或努力中协调:  coordinating the moving parts of a machine;coordinate the colors of a design. 调整机器的运行部件;调和图案的颜色  v.intr.(不及物动词) To be coordinate:使同等:

 The generators coordinate so that one is always running. 这些发电机是同一类型的以便于保证总有一台在运行  To work together harmoniously:一起协调地工作:

 a nursing staff that coordinates smoothly.协同配合得很好的护理人员  To form a pleasing combination;match:形成赏心悦目的组合;相配:  shoes that coordinate with the rest of the outfit.与其他服装相搭配的鞋 Transmission [trænz'miʃən]

 n.播送, 发射, 传动, 传送, 传输, 转播

 The act or process of transmitting.传送:传送的行为或过程  The fact of being transmitted.传送被转送的状态

 Something, such as a message, that is transmitted.转送:被转送的事物,如一条信息  An automotive assembly of gears and associated parts by which power is transmitted from the engine to a driving axle.Also called gearbox 传动装置:汽车上由齿轮和其它相连部件构成的一个集合体,能量通过它从发动机传到主动轴也作

gearbox  The sending of a signal, picture, or other information from a transmitter.播送:从一发射机发送信号、图像或其它信息

Giant ['dʒaiənt]

 n.(名词)

 A person or thing of great size.巨人,巨物:巨大的人或物

 A person of extraordinary power, significance, or importance:伟人,卓越人物:具有非凡力量、意义或重要性的人:

 a giant in the field of physics;an intellectual giant.物理学界的巨人;智慧出众人物  Greek Mythology One of a race of humanlike beings of enormous strength and stature who were destroyed in battle with the Olympians.【希腊神话】 巨人:一个象人类一样具有巨大力量和身高的人种,在与奥林匹亚人的战斗中被毁灭

 A being in folklore or myth similar to one of these beings.巨人:民间传说或神话中与以上的人种相似的人  adj.(形容词)

 Marked by exceptionally great size, magnitude, or power:巨大的,庞大的:在外形、数量和力量方面特别巨大:

 a giant wave;a giant impact.巨大的波浪;巨大的冲击力 Hurricane ['hʌrikən,-kin]

 n.飓风, 狂风

 n.(名词)A severe tropical cyclone originating in the equatorial regions of the Atlantic Ocean or Caribbean Sea, traveling north, northwest, or northeast from its point of origin, and usually involving heavy rains.飓风:一种猛烈的热带风暴,形成于大西洋或加勒比海赤道地区,从形成地向北、西北或东北移动,通常携有大量雨水

 A wind with a speed greater than 74 miles(119 kilometers)per hour, according to the Beaufort scale.暴风:按照蒲氏风级,时速达74英里(119公里)以上的风

 Something resembling a hurricane in force or speed.猛烈如飓风的事物:在力量或速度上与飓风相似的东西

Aspect ['æspekt]

 n.样子, 外表, 面貌,(问题等的)方面

 n.(名词)A particular look or facial expression;mien:  容貌,表情:一种特别的样子或面貌表情;面貌:

 “He was serious of aspect but wholly undistinguished”(Louis Auchincloss) “他面色严峻,却不过一庸人而已”(路易斯·奥金克洛斯) Appearance to the eye, especially from a specific vantage point. 观点:出现于眼睛里尤指从一具体的有利点

 A way in which something can be viewed by the mind:  视点,角度:某物能通过大脑被看到的方式:

 looked at all aspects of the situation.See Synonyms at phase  从不同角度看情况参见 phase runoff  n.流走之物, 决赛, 决定性竞选

 The overflow of fluid from a container.溢流:从容器中流出液体  Rainfall not absorbed by soil.径流:未被土壤吸收的降雨

 Eliminated waste products from manufacturing processes.废物:从生过程中排除的废产品

 An extra competition held to break a tie.决赛:打平手者之间另加的比赛 Waterfront ['wɔ:təfrʌnt]

 n.(名词)

 Land abutting a body of water.水边地:靠水边的地

 The part of a town or city that abuts water, especially a district of wharves where ships dock.码头区:城镇邻水的部分,尤指船只停靠的码头区  n.attributive.(定语名词)

 Often used to modify another noun:通常用作修饰名词:  waterfront docks;waterfront mills.码头;水边的磨房 Canal [kə'næl]

 An artificial waterway or artificially improved river used for travel, shipping, or irrigation.运河,沟渠:人工水道或人工修缮的河流,用于旅行、航运或灌溉

 Anatomy A tube, duct, or passageway.【解剖学】 导管,道:管子、输送管或通道  Astronomy One of the faint, hazy markings resembling straight lines on early telescopic images of the surface of Mars.【天文学】 火星运河:在早期用望远镜所看到的火星表面图象上的类似于直线的、暗弱的模糊印记  v.tr.(及物动词)

 ca.nalled 或 ca.naled ca.nal.ling 或 ca.nal.ing ca.nals 或 ca.nals

 To dig an artificial waterway through:开运河:挖掘一人工水道:  canal an isthmus.在地峡处开一条沟

 To provide with an artificial waterway or waterways.疏导:提供一条或多条人工水道  A position facing or commanding a given direction;exposure.方位:座向面临或朝向一指定方向的位置;方位

 A side or surface facing in a particular direction:方位,朝向:面对一具体方向的一侧或一表面:

 the ventral aspect of the body.身体的腹面

 The configuration of the stars or planets in relation to one another.星位,行或恒星的相互位置

 This configuration, thought by astrologers to influence human affairs.星象命运:这种相互位置,占星者认为会影响人事祸福

 Grammar A category of the verb designating primarily the relation of the action to the passage of time, especially in reference to completion, duration, or repetition.【语法】(动词的)体:一种动词范畴,主要指动作与时间之间的关系,尤指完成、延续或重复等状态

Hydroelectric ['haidrəi'lektrik]

 adj.水力电气的  adj.(形容词)

 Generating electricity by conversion of the energy of running water.水力发电的:通过转变奔腾的水的能量产生电

 Of, relating to, or using electricity so generated.水力电气:这种方式产生的电的,或与这样产生的电有关的,或使用这样产生的电的

impoundment  n.被坝所围住的水, 扣留  n.(名词)

 The act of impounding or the state of being impounded.收集,被收集:收集的行为或是正在被收集的状态

 A body of water, such as a reservoir, made by impounding.集水区:一块集水域,例如水库,用以集水

Affect [ə'fekt]

 vt.影响, 感动, 侵袭, 假装

 To have an influence on or effect a change in:影响:影响或使发生变化:  Inflation affects the buying power of the dollar.通货膨胀影响美元的购买能力  To act on the emotions of;touch or move.打动:作用于…的感情;打动或感动  To attack or infect, as a disease:侵袭:疾病侵害或感染:  Rheumatic fever can affect the heart.风湿热能感染心脏  n.(名词)Psychology 【心理学】 A feeling or emotion as distinguished from cognition, thought, or action. 感情:有别于认识,思想或行为的感情或情感

 A strong feeling having active consequences.强烈的感情:具有积极后果的强烈的感情  Obsolete A disposition, feeling, or tendency.Settlement ['setlmənt]

 n.沉降, 解决, 结算, 殖民, 殖民地

 The act or process of settling.定居:定居的行为或过程

 Establishment, as of a person in a business or of people in a new region.建立:某人固定于某事业或人们定居于一个新地区  A newly colonized region.新殖民地  A small community.小社区

 An arrangement, adjustment, or other understanding reached, as in financial or business proceedings:协议:安排、调整或合意(如在金融或商业过程中):  a porce settlement.离婚协议  Law 【法律】

 Transfer of property to provide for the future needs of a person.转让:转让财产以提供某人未来所需

 Property thus transferred.转让的财产

 A center providing community services in an underprivileged area.Also called In this sense, also called settlement house 在一个贫困地区提供社区服务的中心也作

在此意义上也可称作 settlement house Evaluate [i'væljueit]

 vt.评价, 估计, 求...的值

 To ascertain or fix the value or worth of.估…的值,定…的价:确定…的数值或价值  To examine and judge carefully;appraise.See Synonyms at estimate 对…评价:仔细地考察和判断、评价;鉴定参见 estimate  Mathematics To calculate the numerical value of;express numerically.【数学】 计算…的值;以数目表示

Fill [fil]

 vt.装满, 注满, 充满, 填充, 弥漫, 供应, 供给, 满足

 To put into as much as can be held:填满:按可容纳量尽可能多的装入:  fill a glass with milk.倒满一玻璃杯的牛奶

 To supply to the fullest extent:充满:按最大限度供给:  fill a concert hall.挤满了音乐厅

 To build up the level of(low-lying land)with material such as earth or gravel.填满:用例如土或砂石等材料加高(低地的)水平

 To stop or plug up(an opening, for example).塞住:停止或阻塞(比如一个开端) To repair a cavity of(a tooth).填补(牙的)洞

 To add a foreign substance to(cloth or wood, for example).填加:给(例如布或木头)增加另外的物质

 To satiate, as with food and drink.吃饱喝足:如用食物和饮料使饱  To satisfy or meet;fulfill:满足,迎合:使满意或使满足;履行:  fill the requirements.See Synonyms at satisfy 满足需求参见 satisfy  To complete(something)by insertion or addition:填入:通过插入或填加的方式完成(某事):

 fill in the blanks.填空

 To supply with material, such as writing, an inscription, or an illustration:补满:提供或补充材料,例如写作、描述或例证:

 filled the blank spaces on the page with notes.在书页空白处写满了注释  To supply as required:充分满足:

 fill a prescription;fill an order.依处方供药;供应订货  To place a person in:任职:将某人安置于某职务:  fill a job vacancy.填补工作的空缺

 To possess and discharge the duties of;hold:担任:负有或执行…的责任;履行:  fill a post.履行工作义务

 To occupy the whole of;pervade:充满,弥漫:全部占满;充满:  Music filled the room.音乐充满了屋子  To spread throughout:传遍:  Fear filled the city.恐惧遍及全城

 To engage or occupy completely;make full:充满:全部吸引或占据;使充满:

 filled the child's mind with strange ideas;a story that filled our hearts with joy.使孩子的头脑中充满了古怪的想法;一则使我们心里充满了喜悦的故事

 To cover the surface of(an inexpensive metal)with a layer of precious metal, such as gold.镀:用贵重金属层例如金等覆盖(非贵金属的)表面  Nautical 【航海】 To cause(a sail)to swell.张满(帆):使(船帆)鼓胀

 To adjust(a yard)so that wind will cause a sail to swell.张帆:调整(帆桁)使风可以充满帆

scrubber  n.(名词)

 One that scrubs, especially:擦洗者,尤指:

 One who cleans floors, for example, by scrubbing.洗刷地板的人:清洁地板的人,例如通过擦拭

 A brush, appliance, or abrasive that is used in cleaning.擦洗用具:用于擦冼的刷子、洗涤器或擦洗物

 An apparatus that is used for removing impurities from a gas.净气器:用于把气体中不干净的东西去掉的仪器


n.烧成灰, 焚化

Toxic ['tɔksik]

 adj.(形容词)

 Of, relating to, or caused by a toxin or other poison:  有毒的:(有关)毒素或其他毒物的,或由此造成的:  a toxic condition;toxic hepatitis.中毒状况,中毒性肝炎

 Capable of causing injury or death, especially by chemical means;poisonous:能够造成伤害或死亡的,尤指通过化学方法;有毒的:

 food preservatives that are toxic in concentrated amounts;a dump for toxic industrial wastes.See Synonyms at poisonous 浓缩后有毒的食物防腐剂;有毒工业废料的临时堆积所参见 poisonous  n.(名词)

 A toxic chemical or other substance.有毒的化学品或其它物质 Hazardous ['hæzədəs]

 adj.(形容词)

 Marked by danger;perilous.带有危险性的;危险的  Depending on chance;risky.靠运气的;冒险的 Sanitary ['sænitəri]

 adj.(有关)卫生的,(保持)清洁的, 清洁卫生的  n.(有关生设备的)公共厕所

 Of or relating to health.健康的:健康的或与之有关的

 Free from elements, such as filth or pathogens, that endanger health;hygienic:清洁的:不受对健康有害的如污物或病原体等因素影响的;卫生的:

 sanitary conditions for the preparation of food.制作食品所要求的卫生条件 Landfill ['lændfil]

 n.垃圾掩埋法, 垃圾

 A method of solid waste disposal in which refuse is buried between layers of dirt so as to fill in or reclaim low-lying ground.废渣埋填法:一种将废物埋于沙土层之间以填高或利用低地的处理固体废物的方法

 A site used for or reclaimed by such disposal.垃圾填筑地:在上面使用这种方法的或用这种方法平整出来的地  v.(动词)

 land.filled,land.fill.ing,land.fills  v.tr.(及物动词)

 To dispose of(waste material)in a landfill.在垃圾填筑地上处理(废料) To fill in or reclaim(land)by this method.用这种方法填充或开垦(土地) v.intr.(不及物动词)

 To dispose of refuse or reclaim land by filling in low-lying ground.用在低地上填筑的办法处理废物或开垦土地

Slurry ['slə:ri]

 n.泥浆, 浆  n.(名词)

 【复数】 slur.ries

 A thin mixture of a liquid, especially water, and any of several finely pided substances, such as cement, plaster of Paris, or clay particles.灰浆:一种液体,尤指水和几种颗粒细致的物质的很稀混合物,如水泥、巴黎灰泥或粘土微粒的混合物

Traverse ['trævə(:)s]

 n.横贯, 横断, 横木, 障碍, 否认, 反驳,(建筑)通廊  vt.横过, 穿过, 经过, 在...来回移动, 反对, 详细研究  vi.横越, 横断, 旋转, 来回移动  adj.横断的, 横的

 To travel or pass across, over, or through.跋涉:通过、越过或穿过

 To move to and fro over;cross and recross.来来去去:在…上来回移动;来回穿行  Sports To go up, down, or across(a slope)diagonally, as in skiing.【体育运动】 滑上滑下:斜向对角地登上、走下或穿过(一个山坡),如在滑雪中  To cause to move laterally on a pivot;swivel:使旋转:使…在一个枢轴上向侧面移动;使旋转:

 traverse an artillery piece.转动炮口  To extend across;cross:横越;横跨:

 a bridge that traverses a river.一座横跨河流的桥

 To look over carefully;examine.检查:仔细地检查;观察  To go counter to;thwart.反对;阻挠  Law 【法律】

 To deny formally(an allegation of fact by the opposing party)in a suit.See Synonyms at deny 否认:在诉讼中正式否认(对方提出的指控事实)参见 deny  To join issue upon(an indictment).争论:(就一项指控)进行辩论  To survey by traverse.观察:通过横向移动观察

 Nautical To brace(a yard)fore and aft.【航海】 使船转向:向首尾拉紧(横桅杆)Hazardous ['hæzədəs]

 adj.危险的, 冒险的, 碰运气的

 Marked by danger;perilous.带有危险性的;危险的  Depending on chance;risky.靠运气的;冒险的 Oversee ['əuvə'si:]

 v.俯瞰, 监视, 检查, 视察

 To watch over and direct;supervise.See Synonyms at supervise 看管,指导;监督参见

supervise  To subject to scrutiny;examine or inspect.易怀疑;监视或检查 Virtually ['və:tjʊəli]

 adv.事实上, 实质上

 In fact or to all purposes;practically:实际上地或实质上地:

 The city was virtually paralyzed by the transit strike.这个城市实际上已陷于交通运输罢工的瘫痪状态

 Almost but not quite;nearly:近乎:几乎但不全是,几乎是:

 “Virtually everyone gets a headache now and then”“每个人几乎都要不时地头疼” Ramp [ræmp]

 n.斜坡, 坡道, 敲诈

 vi.狂跳乱撞, 敲诈, 蔓延  vt.使有斜面, 敲诈  n.(名词)

 An inclined surface or roadway connecting different levels. 斜面,斜坡:倾斜的表面或道路,连接着不同的高度

 A mobile staircase by which passengers board and leave an aircraft. 客机梯子:一种可移动的梯子,乘客可用它登上或离开飞机

 A concave bend of a handrail where a sharp change in level or direction occurs, as at a stair landing. 弯子:栏杆的凹弯,此处有急骤的高度或方向变化,如在楼梯底座处 Excavate ['ekskəveit]

 v.tr.(及物动词)

 To make a hole in;hollow out:开凿:凿洞;挖空: excavate an ore-rich hillside.在富矿山上挖洞穴 To form by hollowing out.挖空:挖空成某种形状

To remove by digging or scooping out.挖出:挖出以运走

To expose or uncover by or as if by digging:挖掘:用挖掘或类似挖掘的办法揭开或移去:

 excavate an archaeological site.挖掘考古现场  v.intr.(不及物动词)

 To engage in digging, hollowing out, or removing.挖掘:忙于挖掘、开凿或运走 Pour [pɔ:, pɔə]

 v.tr.(及物动词)

 To make(a liquid or granular solid)stream or flow, as from a container.倒:使(液体或颗粒状固体)从一容器中流出

 To send forth, produce, express, or utter copiously, as if in a stream or flood:倾泻,倾诉:如水流或洪水般发出、生产出、滔滔不绝地表达或说出:poured money into the project;poured out my inner thoughts.把大笔钱投入项目中;倾吐我内心的想法  v.intr.(不及物动词)

 To stream or flow continuously or profusely.涌流:源源不断地大量地流出  To rain hard or heavily.下倾盆大雨

 To pass or proceed in large numbers or quantity:泛滥,涌出:大量地经过或进行:  Students poured into the auditorium.学生们涌入报告厅

 To serve a beverage, such as tea or coffee, to a gathering:斟,倒:为聚会斟倒饮料,如茶或咖啡:

 We need someone to pour.我们需要人斟茶倒水  n.(名词)

 A pouring or flowing forth, especially a downpour of rain.倾泻:尤指暴雨倾泻或流下 Community [kə'mju:niti]

 n.公社, 团体, 社会,(政治)共同体, 共有, 一致, 共同体,(生物)群落  【复数】 com.mu.ni.ties 缩写 com. A group of people living in the same locality and under the same government.居民:住在相同地区和隶属相同政府下的一群人

 The district or locality in which such a group lives.区域:这样一群人住的区域或位置  A group of people having common interests:有共同利益的一群人:

 the scientific community;the international business community.科学界;国际贸易集团  Similarity or identity:相似或等同:  a community of interests.利害关系一致

 Sharing, participation, and fellowship.分享,参与,团体  Society as a whole;the public.作为整体的社会;大众  Ecology 【生态学】

 A group of plants and animals living and interacting with one another in a specific region under relatively similar environmental conditions.共生动物群:一群植物和动物,在有比较相似的环境条件的特定区域生活和相互影响

 The region occupied by a group of interacting organisms.共生区:由一群相互作用的生物体占据的区域

 n.attributive.(定语名词)Often used to modify another noun:常用作修饰相他名词:      community problems;community facilities.社会问题;公共设施 Recreational [,rekri'eiʃənəl,-kri:-]

 adj.(形容词)

 Of or relating to recreation:消遣的:属于或与娱乐有关的:  recreational swimming.消遣性游泳

 Of or relating to the occasional use, asserted not to be addictive, of narcotics:游戏性吸毒的:属于或与偶然地而不是瘾君子性质地吸毒有关的:

 “You can't accept recreational drug use and expect to control the drug problem”(Lacy Thornburg)“你不可能一方面接受游戏性偶然使用毒品而另一方面期待着控制毒品问题”(拉西·桑伯格)photogrammetry  n.(名词)

 The process of making maps or scale drawings from photographs, especially aerial photographs.摄影制图(法),摄影测绘(法):通过照片绘制地图或比例尺的方法,尤指通过空中照片

 The process of making precise measurements by means of photography.摄影测量术(学):通过照片的方法来制作精确测量的过程

bore  bored,bor.ing,bores  v.tr.(及物动词)

 To make a hole in or through, with or as if with a drill.钻,凿,开洞:用或似用钻打洞或钻孔

 To form(a tunnel, for example)by drilling, digging, or burrowing.用钻、挖或掘的方式打通(如,隧道) v.intr.(不及物动词)

 To make a hole in or through something with or as if with a drill. 钻孔,打洞:用或似用钻打洞或穿孔

 To proceed or advance steadily or laboriously:  艰难前行:稳稳地或费力地前进或上移:  a destroyer boring through heavy seas. 一艘在深海中破浪前进的驱逐舰  n.(名词)

 A hole or passage made by or as if by use of a drill.钻孔,打洞:用或似用钻打孔或通道  A hollow, usually cylindrical chamber or barrel, as of a firearm.枪膛:如枪的中空的,通常是柱状的小室或小筒

 The interior diameter of a hole, tube, or cylinder.内径:洞、管或圆柱体的内径  The caliber of a firearm.枪的口径

 A drilling tool.钻子:一种钻凿用工具 geologic [dʒiə'lɔdʒik]

 adj.地质(学)的,地质(学)上的 municipal [mju(:)'nisipəl]

 adj.(形容词)Of, relating to, or typical of a municipality.自治市的:属于、有关或者象征一个自治市的

 Having local self-government.地方性自治的;Issued on the authority of a local or state government.地方性的:由地方或国家政府行政管理机构颁布的

 Of or relating to the internal affairs of a nation.内政的:和一个国家内部事物相关的  n.(名词)

 A municipal bond:市政公债:地方性公债:

 invested in tax-free municipals.在免税市政公债上投资 municipal [mju(:)'nisipəl]

 adj.(形容词)Of, relating to, or typical of a municipality.自治市的:属于、有关或者象征一个自治市的

 Having local self-government.地方性自治的;Issued on the authority of a local or state government.地方性的:由地方或国家政府行政管理机构颁布的

 Of or relating to the internal affairs of a nation.内政的:和一个国家内部事物相关的  n.(名词)

 A municipal bond:市政公债:地方性公债:

 invested in tax-free municipals.在免税市政公债上投资 Federal ['fedərəl]

 adj.联邦的, 联合的, 联邦制的, 同盟的

 n.(南北战争时期)北部联邦同盟盟员;北京连邦软件产业发展公司,国内主要的正版软件经销商

Federal ['fedərəl]

 adj.联邦的, 联合的, 联邦制的, 同盟的

 n.(南北战争时期)北部联邦同盟盟员;北京连邦软件产业发展公司,国内主要的正版软件经销商

semiautonomous  adj.(形容词)

 Partially self-governing.半自治的:部分地自治的

 Having the powers of self-government within a larger organization or structure.在较大的机构或团体中拥有自治权的

Innovation [,inəu'veiʃən]

 n.(名词)

 The act of introducing something new. 革新:介绍新东西的行为  Something newly introduced. 新方法,新技术:新介绍的东西 Board [bɔ:d]

 n.Abbr.bd.(名词)缩写 bd. A long, flat slab of sawed lumber;a plank.板:锯制的长平板;厚板材

 Games :A flat surface on which a game is played.【游戏】 棋盘,游戏板:玩游戏所用的平面

 The hard cover of a book.封皮纸板:用作书封面的硬纸板  boards :A theater stage.boards 舞台

 A table, especially one set for serving food.饭桌:桌子,尤其餐桌

 Food or meals considered as a whole:伙食,膳食:作为一整体的食物或膳食:  board and lodging.膳宿

 A table at which official meetings are held;a council table.会议桌:用于举行官方会议的桌子;会议桌

 An organized body of administrators or investigators:管理委员会:管理或调查的组织机构:

 a board of trustees;a board of directors.理事会;董事会  An electrical-equipment panel.仪表板,配电板

 Computer Science A circuit board.【计算机科学】 电路板,集成板  Sports 【体育运动】 A scoreboard.计分牌  Basketball: A backboard.【篮球】 篮板

 boards :The wooden structure enclosing an ice hockey rink.boards 护板:冰球场的木质围板

 A ping board.跳板:跳水用板  A surfboard.冲浪板

 Nautical 【航海】 The side of a ship.船舷

 An organized body of administrators or investigators:管理委员会:管理或调查的组织机构:

 a board of trustees;a board of directors.理事会;董事会  An electrical-equipment panel.仪表板,配电板

 Computer Science A circuit board.【计算机科学】 电路板,集成板  Sports 【体育运动】 A scoreboard.计分牌  Basketball: A backboard.【篮球】 篮板

 boards :The wooden structure enclosing an ice hockey rink.boards 护板:冰球场的木质围板

 A ping board.跳板:跳水用板  A surfboard.冲浪板

 Nautical 【航海】 The side of a ship.船舷 commission [kə'miʃən]

 n.(名词)

 The act of granting certain powers or the authority to carry out a particular task or duty.委任;委托:授予某种力量或权力以实现特定任务或责任的行动  The authority so granted.权限,职权:这样授予的权力  The matter or task so authorized:这样授权的事情或任务:

 Investigation of fraud was their commission.调查诈欺舞弊是他们的任务  A document conferring such authorization.授权书:涉及这样授权的文件

 Abbr.Com., com., comm.A group of people officially authorized to perform certain duties or functions:缩写 Com.,com.,comm.考察团,调查团:官方授权承担某项责任或职能的一群人:

 The Federal Trade Commission investigates false advertising.联邦贸易委员会调查不实广告

 The act of committing or perpetrating:犯罪行为:  the commission of a crime.犯罪

 A fee or percentage allowed to a sales representative or an agent for services rendered.拥金:同意给予提供服务的销售代表或代理人的酬金或百分比

 Abbr.Com., com., comm.An official document issued by a government, conferring on the recipient the rank of a commissioned officer in the armed forces. 缩写 Com.,com.,comm.委任状:由政府发布的官方文件,在武装部队内对领受者授予在编官员的军衔

 The rank and powers so conferred.如此授予的军衔和权力 Occasion [ə'keiʒən]

 n.场合, 时机, 机会 convocation [,kɔnvə'keiʃən]

 n.集会, 召集, 教士会议

(一些大学中的)毕业同学会 Correlate ['kɔrileit]

 vt.使相互关联  vi.和...相关 aptitude ['æptitju:d]

 n.恰当, 智能, 聪明, 自然倾向 nevertheless [,nevəðə'les]

 adv.(副词)

 In spite of that;nonetheless;however:  然而:尽管如此;仍然;然而:  a small, nevertheless fatal error. 很小却是致命的错误 Irrelevant [i'relivənt]

 adj.不相关的

 adj.不相关的,不切题的 stiffener ['stifnə]

 n.加劲杆(刚性元件,硬化剂)spectacular [spek'tækjulə]

 adj.公开展示的,惊人的 erect [i'rekt]

 adj.直立的,竖立的,笔直的  v.竖立,使...直立,建筑 modest


 adj.谦虚的;适度的;端庄的 drilling ['driliŋ]

 n.演练,钻孔 rig [rig]

 n.装备,帆具,服装  v.装配,装扮,垄断 job-hopper  跳槽者

Compromise ['kɔmprəmaiz]

 n.妥协,折衷,折衷案  v.妥协处理,危害  v.妥协,让步 ecologist [i'kɔlədʒist]

 n.生态学家 ground [graʊnd]

 n.土地,战场,场地  adj.土地的,地面上的

 v.放在地上,使...搁浅,打基础 conservationist [,kənsə'veiʃənist]

 n.自然资源保护论者 ecologist [i'kɔlədʒist]

 n.生态学家

predecessor ['pri:disesə]

 n.前辈,前任

crucial ['kru:ʃiəl, 'kru:ʃəl]

 adj.关键的,决定性的 distinction [dis'tiŋkʃən]

 n.差别,不同,对比,区分,辨别 Lesson 2

Building and Architecture Shelter ['ʃeltə]  n.(名词)

 Something that provides cover or protection, as from the weather.遮盖物:提供遮盖或保护的东西,如对付天气

 A refuge;a haven.避难所;安全场所

 An establishment that provides temporary housing for homeless people.收容所:为无家可归的人提供暂时栖息场所的机构

 The state of being covered or protected.掩蔽,保护:被包覆或保护的状态  v.(动词)

 shel.tered,shel.ter.ing,shel.ters  v.tr.(及物动词)

 To provide cover or protection for.隐蔽:为…提供外壳或保护  To invest(income)to protect it from taxation.投资(以逃税):将(收入)投资以避免上税

 v.intr.(不及物动词)

 To take cover;find refuge.避难:隐匿;找到避难所 Dweller ['dwelə(r)]

 n.居住者, 居民 encompass  [in'kʌmpəs]

 v.tr.(及物动词)

 en.com.passed,en.com.pass.ing,en.com.pass.es

 To form a circle or ring around;surround.See Synonyms at surround  围绕:组成一圈或成环行;包围参见 surround  To enclose;envelop.包围;包装

 To constitute or include:构成,包括:

 a survey that encompassed a wide range of participants. 一份包括了广泛参与人的评论  To accomplish;achieve.完成;获得 Identical [ai'dentikəl]

 Being the same:同一的:

 Exactly equal and alike.完全相等的或相似的

 Having such a close similarity or resemblance as to be essentially equal or interchangeable.可互换的:十分类似或相象以至于本质上相等的或能互换的

Outgrowth ['autgrəuθ]

 n.(名词)

 The act or process of growing out.长出:长出的动作或过程  A product of growing out;an offshoot:长出物:长出物;分枝:  an outgrowth of new shoots on a branch.枝条上分出的一个新枝  A result or consequence:产物:后果或结果:

 Inflation is an outgrowth of war.通货膨胀是战争带来的后果 Habitable ['hæbitəbl]

 adj.(形容词)

 Suitable to live in or on;inhabitable适于居住或生活;可居住的  habitable land.适于居住的土地 tenancy ['tenənsi]

 n.租佃, 租赁

 Possession or occupancy of lands, buildings, or other property by title, under a lease, or on payment of rent.租赁:通过租或支付租金来在名义上对土地、建筑或其它财产实施占有

 The period of a tenant's occupancy or possession.租期:租赁者所占用或拥有的时限  A habitation held or occupied by a tenant.租屋:被一房客占用或持有的居住场所 prestige  [pres'ti:ʒ,-'ti:dʒ]  n.(名词)

 The level of respect at which one is regarded by others;standing.声望:被他人尊敬的程度;身份,名声

 A person's high standing among others;honor or esteem.威望:在其它人中所具有的崇高名望;尊重或敬佩

 Widely recognized prominence, distinction, or importance:有影响的:得到广泛承认的卓越,非凡,或重要:

 a position of prestige in diplomatic circles.在外交界具有重要的一席之地  n.attributive.(定语名词)

 Often used to modify another noun:通常用来修饰另一名词:

 a prestige address;the prestige groups in society.富有魅力的演说;社会中的名人圈 dictate  [dik'teit]

 v.tr.(及物动词)

 To say or read aloud to be recorded or written by another:  口述:大声说或念,由另一个人记录或书写:  dictate a letter. 读信

 To prescribe with authority;impose:  命令,指示:权威性指示;强制实行:  dictated the rules of the game. 宣读比赛规则

 To control or command:  控制,支配:控制或指挥  v.intr.(不及物动词)

 To say or read aloud material to be recorded or written by another:  口述:大声说或念材料,由另一个人记录或抄写:  dictated for an hour before leaving for the day. 在离开一天之前念一小时  To issue orders or commands. 命令:颁布命令或指令  n.(名词) AHD:[d¹k“t³t”]

 A directive;a command. 指示;命令

 A guiding principle:  指导原则:

 followed the dictates of my conscience. 接受我的良心的支配 parlance  ['pɑ:ləns]  n.(名词)

 A particular manner of speaking;idiom:说法,用语:一种讲话的特定形式;习惯用语:  legal parlance.法律用语

 Speech, especially a conversation or parley.谈判,商谈:尤指讨论或辩论的谈话 edifice  ['edifis]  n.(名词)

 A building, especially one of imposing appearance or size.See Synonyms at building  建筑物:建筑物,尤指大规模且外观宏伟的建筑物参见 building  An elaborate conceptual structure:  大厦:精心建构的理念结构:

 observations that provided the foundation for the edifice of evolutionary theory. 观察为进化论的理论大厦打下了基础 span  [spæn]

 n.跨度, 跨距, 范围  v.横越 tensile ['tensail]

 a.可拉长的,可伸长的 interval ['intəvəl]

 n.间隔, 距离, 幕间休息  n.时间间隔 sturdy ['stə:di]

 adj.(形容词) stur.di.er,stur.di.est

 Having or showing rugged physical strength.强健的:身体健壮的,结实的  Substantially made or built;stout:坚固的,耐用的:  sturdy canvas.坚固的篷车

 Marked by resoluteness or determination;firm:坚决的,坚定的,顽强的:  sturdy resistance.顽强的抵抗 aesthetic [i:s'θetik]  adj.(形容词)

 Relating to the philosophy or theories of aesthetics.美学的:有关美学的哲学或理论的  Of or concerning the appreciation of beauty or good taste:审美的:属于或关于美的欣赏或有良好品味的:

 the aesthetic faculties.审美能力

 Characterized by a heightened sensitivity to beauty.美感的:对美具有高度敏感的  Artistic:艺术的:

 The play was an aesthetic success.这部戏剧是个艺术上的成功 Lintel ['lintl]

 n.[建]楣, 过梁 fibrous ['faibrəs]

 adj.含纤维的, 纤维性的 gridiron ['grid,aiən]

 n.烤架, 格状物 nave [neiv]

 n.中央广场, 车轮的中心部 aisle [ail]

 n.(名词)

 A part of a church pided laterally from the nave by a row of pillars or columns. 侧廊:用一排柱子将教堂的中殿从侧面隔开的部分

 A passageway between rows of seats, as in an auditorium or an airplane. 通道:礼堂或飞机上座席间的通道

 A passageway for inside traffic, as in a department store, warehouse, or supermarket. 内部通道:商店、仓库或超级市场的内部车辆通道 Transept ['trænsept]

 n.教堂的十字型翼部

apse [æps]

 n.教堂东面的半圆形凸出的建筑部分 radiate ['reidieit]

 v.放射,散发,辐射 chapel ['tʃæpəl]

 n.小礼拜堂, 礼拜 Gothic ['gɔθik]

 Of or relating to an architectural style prevalent in western Europe from the 12th through the 15th century and characterized by pointed arches, rib vaulting, and flying buttresses. 哥特式的:流行于西欧的12世纪到15世纪的一种建筑风格的,特征是有尖角的拱门,肋形拱顶和飞拱

cathedral [kə'θi:drəl]

 n.大教堂

module ['mɔdju:l] n.组件

crave [kreiv]

 v.渴望,热望,恳求

balustrade [,bælə'streid] n.栏杆

imperceptibly [,impə'septəbli]

adv.极微小地,逐步地,察觉不到地, 微细地 edifice ['edifis]

 n.大厦,大建筑物 intermediate [,intə'mi:djət]

 adj.中级的,中间的  n.中间体,媒介物 colonnade [,kɔlə'neid] n.柱廊

Versailles [vɛə'sai, və:'seilz]

 n.凡尔赛(宫)[法国] perceive [pə'si:v]

 v.察觉,感觉,认知,理解 inherent [in'hiərənt]

 adj.内在的,固有的identifiable [ai'dentifaiəbl]

 adj.可辨认的aspiration [,æspə'reiʃən]

 n.热望,渴望

 A strong desire for high achievement.建立丰功伟绩的强烈愿望  An object of such desire;an ambition.渴望达到的目标;雄心 incarnation [,inkɑ:'neiʃən]

 n.赋与肉体,具人形,化身

Reading Material(2)

 Pei Ieoh Ming  Canton [„kæntɔn] n.广州 shunt [ʃʌnt]  shunt.ed,shunt.ing,shuntsv.tr.(及物动词)

 To turn or move aside or onto another course:分流,使转向一边:转向或运动到一边或另一条路径:

 shunting traffic around an accident.在事故发生地附近分流交通

 To evade by putting aside or ignoring:避开:把…撇在一边或视而不见:

 urgent problems that society can no longer shunt aside.社会再也无法回避的紧急问题 matriculate[mə'trikjuleit]

 v.tr.intr.(及物动词和不及物动词)

 ma.tric.u.lat.ed,ma.tric.u.lat.ing,ma.tric.u.lates  To admit or be admitted into a group, especially a college or university.被录取入学:允许或被允许进入组织,尤其是学院或大学  n.(名词)

 One who is admitted as a student to a college or university.被录取入学者:允许做为学生进入学院或大学读书的人

 notably ['nəʊtbəli] ad.显著地(著名地,值得注意地,格外,特别是) era [„iərə] n.纪元,时代,年代  mentor [„mentɔ:] n.指导者

 permeate [„pə:mieit] v.弥漫,渗透,普及  tutelage [„tju:tilidʒ] n.监护,指导

 pluck [plʌk] n.勇气,猛拉,动物内脏;v.摘,猛拉,拔  aggressive [ə„gresiv] a.侵犯的,攻击性的,有进取心的  formative [„fɔ:mətiv] a.形成的,造形的,形成的  thrust [θrʌst] n.推力,刺,力推;v.插入,推挤,刺  thrive [θraiv] v.兴旺,繁荣

Lesson 3 Components of A Building exposition [,ekspə'ziʃən]

 n.博览会, 展览会, 说明, 曝露, [戏]展示部分, [音]呈示部

 A setting forth of meaning or intent.说明:对意思或意图的阐述

 A statement or rhetorical discourse intended to give information about or an explanation of difficult material.讲解:为了给…提供信息陈述或比喻性的说明,或对有难点的题材的解释

 The art or technique of composing such discourses.说明性讲话:表现这种演说的行为或方法

 Music 【音乐】 The first part of a composition in sonata form that introduces the themes.呈示部:奏呜曲式音乐作品中表现主旋律的第一部分The opening section of a fugue.赋格曲的开始部分

 The part of a play that provides the background information needed to understand the characters and the action.展示部分:戏剧的一部分,用来展示帮助理解人物和表演的背景信息

 An act or example of exposing.暴露:暴露的行为或事例

 A public exhibition or show, as of artistic or industrial developments.展览会,博览会:一种公共展览会或展览,如表现艺术或工业的发展

summit ['sʌmit]

 The highest point or part;the top.顶点,最高点:最高的点或部分;顶端

 The highest level or degree that can be attained.顶点,极点:能够达到的最高的水平或程度

 The highest level, as of government officials.最高级:最高级别,如政府官员的最高官阶

 A summit conference.最高级会议 hydraulic [hai'drɔ:lik]  adj.(形容词)Of, involving, moved by, or operated by a fluid, especially water, under pressure.水力的,水压的:压力下的液体(尤指的水)的、涉及到液体的、靠液体移动或操作的

 Able to set and harden under water, as Portland cement.在水中变硬的:能在水下定型并变硬的,如波特兰水泥

 Of or relating to hydraulics.水力学的:水力学的或与水力学有关的 cast-iron ['kɑ:st'aiən]

a.铸铁的, 坚固的, 严格的 perimeter [pə'rimitə]

 Mathematics 【数学】

 A closed curve bounding a plane area.周界:围绕一平面域的封闭性边界  The length of such a boundary.周长:此类边界的长度  The outer limits of an area.See Synonyms at circumference  一区域的外限参见 circumference  A fortified strip or boundary usually protecting a military position.周界:筑有防御工事的地带或边界,常用以保护一军事地点

transparent [træns'pєərənt]

 Capable of transmitting light so that objects or images can be seen as if there were no intervening material.See Synonyms at clear 透明的:能够传送光线因此可以清楚地看到物体或图像的,仿佛没间隔材料一样参见 clear  Permeable to electromagnetic radiation of specified frequencies, as to visible light or radio waves.可透过的:可以让某些频率的电磁辐射通过的,如可见光或无线电波  So fine in texture that it can be seen through;sheer.See Synonyms at airy 透过的:质地精良并可以让视线透过的;透明的参见 airy  Easily seen through or detected;obvious:显而易见的:很容易被看穿或识破的;明显的:  transparent lies.明显的谎言

 Free from guile;candid or open:直率的:不伪装的;真诚的或开放的:  transparent sincerity.无比的坦诚 opaque [əu'peik]

 Impenetrable by light;neither transparent nor translucent.不透光的:不能被光线穿透的;既不透明也不是半透明的

 Not reflecting light;having no luster:不反射光线的,没有光泽的:  an opaque finish.一种绝光的涂料

 Impenetrable by a form of radiant energy other than visible light:放射线不能穿透的:能阻挡可见光之外的各种辐射的:

 a chemical solution opaque to x-rays.一种X光不能穿透的化学物质, So obscure as to be unintelligible:晦涩以至于难以理解的:  “opaque, elusive, minimal meanings”(John Simon)“不清楚,含糊,难以明白的意思”(约翰·西蒙) Obtuse of mind;dense.See Synonyms at dark 愚钝的;愚笨的参见 dark corrugate ['kɔrugeit]

 cor.ru.gat.ed,cor.ru.gat.ing,cor.ru.gates  v.tr.(及物动词)

 To shape into folds or parallel and alternating ridges and grooves.起皱:使起皱,使有平行或变化的边或槽  v.intr.(不及物动词)

 To become shaped into such folds or ridges and grooves:使起皱:变得有这种皱、边或槽:

duct [dʌkt]

 n.管, 输送管, 排泄管  vt.通过管道输送  conduit ['kɔndit]  n.导管,水管,沟渠 ancillary [æn'siləri]

 Subordinate:从属的:

 “For Degas, sculpture was never more than ancillary to his painting”(Herbert Read)“对于德加来说,雕刻不过是从属于绘画的一门艺术”(赫伯特·里德) Auxiliary;helping:辅助的;补充的:  an ancillary pump.辅助泵  n.(名词)【复数】 an.cil.lar.ies  Something, such as a workbook, that is subordinate to something else, such as a textbook.附属物:从属于其它东西的物品,如参考书属于教材

conceal [kən'si:l]

 con.cealed,con.ceal.ing,con.ceals  To keep from being seen, found, observed, or discovered;hide.See Synonyms at hide  隐藏:防止被看见、找到、观察到或发现;隐藏 dispense [dis'pens]

 dis.pensed,dis.pens.ing,dis.pens.es  v.tr.(及物动词)

 To deal out in parts or portions;distribute.See Synonyms at distribute 分配,分发:分成几部分或几份;分配参见 distribute  To prepare and give out(medicines).配(药):准备并给出(药)To administer(laws, for example). 实施、执行(如法律)

 To exempt or release, as from a duty or religious obligation.免除或豁免,如职责或宗教义务

 v.intr.(不及物动词)

 To grant a dispensation or an exemption.特许,豁免 stratification [,strætifi'keiʃən]

 n.(名词)

 Formation or deposition of layers, as of rock or sediments.分层:岩石或沉积物的层的形成或沉淀

 The condition of being stratified.分层:被分层的状态  A layered configuration.层理:成层的形状 silt [silt] n.淤泥

 clay [klei] n.粘土,泥土

 gravel [„grævəl] n.碎石 v.铺碎石,使困惑 impose [im'pəuz] v.加上,课征,强迫,征收(税款)im.posed,im.pos.ing,im.pos.es v.tr.(及物动词)

To establish or apply as compulsory;levy:课收,征收:强制地建立或运用;征收: impose a tax.征税

impose a peace settlement.See Synonyms at dictate 强制推行和平解决参见 dictate To obtrude or force(oneself, for example)on another or others.强人所难:强迫(某人)接受或者把(如自己)强加于别人头上

 Printing To arrange(type or plates)on an imposing stone.【印刷术】 把…拼版:把(铅字或底片)排列到拼版台上

 To offer or circulate fraudulently;pass off:诈骗:欺骗性地提供或传播;冒充: heave [hi:v]

 heaved,heav.ing,heaves  v.tr.(及物动词)

 To raise or lift, especially with great effort or force:举起,升起:提起或提高,尤指努力地或使劲地:

 heaved the box of books onto the table.See Synonyms at lift 把装有书的箱子提起放到桌子上参见 lift  To throw(a heavy object)with great effort;hurl:投,掷:用力投掷(某一沉重物体);用力投掷:

 heave the shot;heaved a brick through the window.推掷铅球;掷砖块穿窗而过  To throw or toss:扔,抛:

 heaved his backpack into the corner.他把背包往角落里一扔

 To utter with effort or pain:发出(叹息,呻吟等):努力或痛苦地说出:  heaved a groan of despair.发出绝望的呻吟 uneven ['ʌni:vən]

 un.e.ven.er,un.e.ven.est  Not equal, as in size, length, or quality.不相等的,如在尺寸、长度或质量上  Having ill-matched opponents:不势均力敌的:有不良匹配对手的:  an uneven contest.力量悬殊的比赛

 Not consistent or uniform:不一致的或不均匀的:  an uneven color.不均匀的颜色

 Not smooth or level:不平滑的,不平的:

 the uneven surface of a cobblestone road.See Synonyms at rough  大卵石路不平的路面参见 rough  Not straight or parallel:不直的,不平行的:  uneven margins.不直的边缘 exemplify [ig'zemplifai]

 ex.em.pli.fied,ex.em.pli.fy.ing,ex.em.pli.fies  To illustrate by example:举例说明:  exemplify an argument.提供争论的例子  To serve as an example of:作为…例子:

 scenes that exemplify the film director's style.场景体现了影片导演的风格 partition [pɑ:'tiʃən]         n.(名词)The act or process of piding something into parts.分割,分裂:把某些事物分割成几部分的行为或过程

 The state of being so pided.分割,分裂:被分开的状态

 Something that pides or separates, as a wall piding one room or cubicle from another.分隔物:分开或隔离的事物,如把一间屋子或小卧室与其它的房间隔开的墙

 A wall, septum, or other separating membrane in an organism.隔膜:器官内的壁、隔膜或其它隔离薄膜

 A part or section into which something has been pided.部分,分割物:某物被分割成的部分或段

 Division of a country into separate, autonomous nations. 分裂:把一个国家分割成独立的、自治的几个国家 raft [rɑ:ft]

 n.筏, 救生艇, 橡皮船, 大量  vi.乘筏

 vt.筏运, 制成筏 mat [mæt]

 n.席子, 垫子  v.铺席子

Lesson 16 Foundations footing ['futiŋ]

 Secure placement of the feet in standing or moving.立足点:在站立或移动时脚停歇的安全地方

 A surface or its condition with respect to its suitability for walking or running, especially the condition of a racetrack.平面,状况:考虑是否符合走或跑的平面或状况,尤其作为跑道条件的场地

 A secure place for the feet;a foothold.立足处:支撑脚的安全地方;立足处  The act of moving on foot.走路,跑步:徒步前进的动作

 Architecture The supporting base or groundwork of a structure, as for a monument or wall.Also called footer 【建筑学】 地基:建筑中的支撑面或地基,如一座纪念碑或一堵墙也作 footer  A basis or foundation:基点或基础:

 a business begun on a good footing.这家公司建立在一个稳固的基础上

 Position or rank in relation to others;standing:地位,立场:与他人关系中的位置或等级;立场:

 Everyone began on an equal footing.人人以平等关系交往  Terms of social interaction:关系,交情:社会交往术语:  neighbors on a friendly footing.有良好关系的邻居 mat [mæt]  n.垫,丛,衬边 slab [slæb]

 n.厚平板, 厚片, 混凝土路面, 板层  v.把...分成厚片, 用石板铺 caisson ['keisən]

 n.弹药箱(车), 沉箱(桥梁工程)trapezoidal [,træpi'zɔidəl]

 梯形的 drill [dril]

 n.钻孔机,钻子,播种机  v.训练,钻孔 strap [stræp]

 n.绳,皮带  v.用绳索捆扎 retention [ri'tenʃən]

 n.(名词)

 The act of retaining.保持:保持的行为

 The condition of being retained.保留,滞留:被保持的状态  Capacity or power of retaining.保持力,持续力

 An ability to recall or recognize what has been learned or experienced;memory.记忆力:记起或认识出已经学过或经历过的事物的能力;记忆力  Something retained.被保持物 frost [frɔst, frɔ:st]

susceptibility [sə,septə'biliti]

 霜冻敏感性 wherein [(h)wєər'in]

 adv.(副词)In what way;how:以…方式;在…方面怎样:  Wherein have we sinned?我们怎样就犯了罪了呢?  conj.(连接词)In which location;where:在那里;在那个所在地:  the country wherein those people live.那些人所居住的国家  During which.在…期间

 In what way;how:在…面怎样:

 showed them wherein they were wrong.告诉他们错在哪儿了 sump  n.(名词)A low-lying place, such as a pit, that receives drainage.聚水坑,污水坑:用于容纳污水的低地,如坑  A cesspool.污水渗井

 A hole at the lowest point of a mine shaft into which water is drained in order to be pumped out.集水坑:矿井坑道中最低点的一个坑或洞,用来存集废水以便用水泵排出矿井

 The crankcase or oil reservoir of an internal-combustion engine.油底壳,油箱:内燃发动机的曲轴箱或罐

dewater  de.wat.ered,de.wat.er.ing,de.wat.ers  To remove water from(a waste product or streambed, for example). 使脱水:除去…的水分(例如废品或河床)electroosmosis  osmosis [ɔz„məusis] n.渗透作用,渗透性  n.[物]电渗 cutoff ['kʌtɔ:f]  n.(名词)A designated limit or point of termination.截止期:指定的期限或终结点  A shortcut or bypass.近路,捷径

 A new channel cut by a river across the neck of an oxbow.截弯取直水道:河流穿越U形河曲的颈项处而截出新的水道

 The act or an instance of cutting off:切断:切断的行为或事例:  a cutoff of funds;an electricity cutoff.资金的中断;一次停电 grout  n.(名词)A thin mortar used to fill cracks and crevices in masonry.薄灰浆:用来填充砖石建筑中缝隙的薄灰浆

 A thin plaster for finishing walls and ceilings.薄胶浆:粉饰墙壁或天花板的稀薄泥浆  Often grouts Chiefly British Sediment;lees.常作 grouts 【多用于英国】 沉淀物;渣滓  v.tr.(及物动词)

 grout.ed,grout.ing,grouts  To fill or finish with a thin mortar or plaster.给灌浆;给涂薄胶泥:用薄灰浆或薄泥浆充填或粉饰

periphery [pə'rifəri]

 n.(名词)【复数】 pe.riph.er.ies  A line that forms the boundary of an area;a perimeter.See Synonyms at circumference 边界:形成某地区界限的线;围界参见 circumference  The surface of a solid.外表面:固体的表面

 The outermost part or region within a precise boundary.边缘地带:在一个精确边界内部的最外部分或地区

 A zone constituting an imprecise boundary.包括不精确边界的地区 subside [səb'said]

 v.intr.(不及物动词)

 sub.sid.ed,sub.sid.ing,sub.sides  To sink to a lower or normal level.沉降:降到低一层次上或降到正常水平之下  To sink or settle down, as into a sofa.坐下:躺下,如坐入沙发中  To sink to the bottom, as a sediment.沉到底:如沉淀物沉到底

 To become less agitated or active;abate.See Synonyms at decrease平静下来,平息参见

decrease hydrostatic  adj.静水力学的, 流体静力学的 backfill v.装填


Chapter1IntroductiontoIndustrial Engineering

* industrial engineering:工业工程*manufacturing industry:制造业 * production system:生产系统*service system:服务系统

* efficiency:效率*effectiveness:效果

* curricula: 课程(or curriculum)*harmonioussociety:和谐社会 * IE graduates:工业工程毕业生(IEs)*IE engineers:工业工程师(IEs)* facility:设备、设施* health-care delivery: 卫生保健服务 * discipline:学科* methodology:方法

* literature:文献

* economic and knowledge-based era:知识经济时代* specialty:专业

* feedback:反馈* hand in hand :合作

* inclined plane:斜面* corkscrew: 螺丝刀

* simple lever:单杠杆* friction: 摩擦

* molecular:分子的* electricity: 电、电学、电流、电气 * thermal process:热处理* manipulate:处理,使用,操纵 * variable:变量* Pythagorean theorem:勾股定理 * hypotenuse:斜边(hypothesis:假设)* lag:落后,延迟

* impede:妨碍,阻止* civil engineering:土木工程 * military:军事的* fortification:防御工事 * mechanical engineering:机械工程* steam engine:蒸汽机

* culminate:达到顶点* electrical engineering:电气工程 * magnetism:磁学* static electricity:静电学 * carbon-filament:钨丝

* transmission:传送transportation:运输 transformation :转换

* fuel:燃料dye:染料lubricant:润滑剂* internal combustion engine:内燃机 * artificial material:人工材料* assiduity:勤奋、刻苦

* interchangeability:互换性* specialization: 专业化

* standardization: 标准化

* institute of industrial engineers:工业工程师学会(IIE)

* physical science:自然科学(natural science)

* productive:有生产价值的、多产的* cost-effective:有成本效益的、划算的Chapter 2 Work Study

* microcosmic: 微观的* macrocosm:宏观世界 * diagnose:诊断* method study:方法研究 * work measurement:作业测定* process analysis:程序分析 * operation analysis:作业分析* motion analysis:动作分析 * standard data:标准资料* time study:时间研究

* work sampling:工作抽样

* Pmts: predetermined motion time system:预定动作时间系统

* ASME: American society of mechanical engineers:美国机械工程师协会

* inconsistency:不一致* fatigue:疲劳

* operation process chart: 工艺程序图* flow process chart:流程程序图 * flow diagram:线路图* man-machine process chart:人机程序图 * gang process chart:联合程序图* two-hand process chart:双手程序图 * repetition:重复、复制品* chronological:严密逻辑的 * bench:工作台* consecutive: 连续的 * shroud:罩、遮蔽物* turbine:涡轮机、汽轮机 * blade:刀片、叶片* convolute:回旋的、弯曲的 * work piece:工件

* EDM: electron discharge machining:放电加工

* synchronous:同步的* jig:夹具

* notch: V型凹槽、切口* file:锉刀

* otiose:无效的、多余的* threbligs:动素

* pivot:轴、支点、中心点* knuckle:指关节 * wrist:腕关节* elbow:肘关节

* forearm:前臂* upper arm:大臂

* trunk:躯干torso

* motion economy principles:动作经济原则* symmetrical:对称、匀称 * simultaneously:同时地* momentum:动量

* muscle:肌肉* ballistic:自然带弧形的 * pre-positioned:预放在工作位置上* gravity feed:重力自流进料 * bin:有盖大箱* drop delivery:堕送装置 * ejector:斜槽、导轨* crank:曲柄

* screwdriver:螺丝刀* crossbar:十字杠

Chapter 3Manufacturing Systems

* automation:自动化* material handling :物料搬运 * synthesize:综合* integrated equipment:集成设备* raw material:原材料* positioning device:定位装置 * semi-automatic:半自动化* full automated:全自动化

* family:簇* production line:生产线

* fixture:固定设备、夹具* hardware:硬件

* machine tool:机床* lathe:车床

* milling machine:铣床

* workstation:工作站

* assembly line:装配线

* discrete:离散的* work unit:工件

* pallet:托盘

* vicinity:邻近

* workholder:工件夹具

* clamp:夹住

* conveyor:输送机

* parts feeder:送料器

* stamp:冲压

* automatic pallet changer:自动托盘转换装置

* job shop production:车间任务型生产

* identical:相同的* flexible manufacturing system:柔性制造系统

* coordination:协调

* computerized numerical control

* resharpen:重磨

* geometry:几何形状

* prismatic:棱柱的* cube:立方体

* work-in-process:在制品

* exaggeration:夸张

* infrastructure:基础设施

* drill press:钻床* portable powered tool:便携式电动工具 * machine cell:机器单元* ancillary:辅助的、附属的 * mechanized:机械化的 * tote bin:搬运箱 * workhead:工作台、机台 * orient:定向* chuck:卡盘 * hoist:起重机 * coil feeder:卷料进料器 * unimpeded:无障碍的 * ergonomically:工效学地* batch production:批量生产 * group technology:成组技术* portray:描绘* CNC machine tools:计算机数控机床* malfunction:故障* parameter:参数* cylindrical:圆柱的* rectangular:矩形的* scheme:计划、设计* sophisticated:复杂的、世故的* profound:深刻的* irrespective:不考虑的Chapter 4Service Systems

* intangiblity:无形性* simultaneous:同时的* consumption:消费* timeliness:及时性

* attruibute:属性* perishable:易逝的* occurrence:事件* synonymous:同义的* servitude:奴役* flip:轻抛

* department store:百货公司* insurance:保险

* real estate:房地产* miscellaneous:各种的,混杂的 * retail:零售* mine:采矿

* negative:负的* military and defense industry:军事国防业

* appetite:欲望

* geriatric:老年的* cyclic:循环的* sacrifice:牺牲

* falter:动荡

* defer:推迟

* ethic:伦理、文化

* germinate:发生

* adhesive:粘合剂

* world wide web:万维网

* competitive:有竞争力的* technocrat:技术专家

* annual:每年的* income tax:所得税

* clinical:临床的* deposit:储蓄

* after-hours:下班后的* engagement:预约、约定

* surgery:外科手术

* matrix:矩阵

* capital-intensity:资金密集度

* horizontal dimension:水平坐标

* resort:度假

* physician:医生

* architect:建筑师

* illustrate:用图说明

* customer participation:顾客参与

* perishbility:易逝性

* downsize:缩减规模 * influx:流入 * insatiable:不知足的* day care:日托* employment:职业、工作、雇用 * recession-resistant:抗衰退的* commission:佣金* fix up:维修* innovation:创新* post-it:记事贴* glue:胶水* commerce:商业* modem:调制解调器* market:市场、行销* statement:报表、陈述* millennium:千年* dry-leaning:干洗* laundry:洗衣店、洗衣房* drop-off:数量减少的* open-heart:心内视* demonstrate:描述* labor intensity:劳动密集度* vertical dimension:纵坐标* wholesale:批发* recreation:娱乐* accountant:会计师* quadrant:象限* undifferentiated:无差别的* simultaneity:同时性* heterogeneity:多样性

Chapter 5 Production Planning and Control

* production planning:生产计划* production process:生产过程 * due date:交货期* inventory control:库存控制 * luggage:行李* reservation:预定

* budget:预算* formulate:阐述、制定 * factory layout:工厂布局* intermittent:间歇的* forward-looking visionary: 愿景* profitability:收益率 * order lots:订单批量、订货量* forge:锻造

* weld:焊接* foundry:铸造

* unpredictable:不可预报的* flapped operation:节拍式加工 * partition:分割* process layout:工艺布局 * product layout:产品布局* cellular layout:单元式布局 * hybrid layout:混合式布局* fabrication:制造

* product life cycle: 产品生命周期* jumbled:混合的、混乱的 * locomotive:火车头* vessel:船只

* dam:水坝* adage:格言

* template:模板* hindrance:妨碍

* ample:足够的、充裕的* debris:碎片、瓦砾

Chapter 6Logistics Engineering

* logistics:物流

* MIT: 麻省理工学院massachusettes institute of technology

* saturation:饱和* distribution:分销、配送 * warehouse:仓库、仓储* normative:标准的* package:包装* accrue:增值

* cutback:缩减* appropriation: 占用 * engulf:吞没* E-business:电子商务 * procurement:采购

* electronic data interchange:电子数据交换

* supply chain:供应链* team spirit:团队精神 * circulate:循环、流通

* economic globalization:经济全球化* acqusition:并购

* alliance:联盟* third-party logistics:第三方物流 * competitiveness:竞争力

* Communication Techniques in Logistics

* bar code:条形码

* GIS:地理信息系统gerographic information systems

* GPRS:通用分组无线业务 general packet radio service

* GPS:全球定位系统global postion system

* RFID:无线射频技术radio frequency identification

* POS:销售时点系统point of sale system

* EOS:电子订货系electronic ordering system

Chapter 7 Ergonomics

* ergonomics:工效学* human factor:人因 * instrument:仪器、器械* muscle:肌肉

* fatigue:疲劳* inevitable:不可避免的 * align:适应* cognitive:认知的 * physiology:生理学* psychology:心理学

* multi-disciplinary:多学科性质的* anthropometry:人体测量学 * cockpit:飞机座舱、驾驶员座舱* feat:技艺、合适的 * nutrition:营养* thermal:热量的 * vibration:振动* high-tech:高科技

* anatomical:解剖的* biomechanical:生物力学的 * musculoskeletal disorder:肌骨失调* inclusive design:全方位设计 * acoustics:声学* navigation:导航

* frustration:挫败* practitioner:开业者 * sensory:感觉的* long and short-term memory:长短时记忆* interface:界面、接口 * human-centered design:以人为中心设计

* substandard:低于标准的* repetitive strain injury:重复性劳损 * work related upper limb disorder:工作引起的上肢功能障碍* percentile:百分位

Chapter 8 Quality Management

* reliability:可靠性* maintainability:可维护性

* fitness for use:适用性* customer satisfaction:顾客满意 * specification:规范* tolerance:容许偏差

* monetary:货币的、金融的* quality of design:设计质量 * quality of conformance:符合性质量* overengineer:高于工程要求的 * underengineer:低于工程要求的* gauge:计量器

* technical committee:技术委员会

* international accreditation forum:国际认证论坛* certification:认证 * registrar:注册人员* audit:审计

* trivial:琐碎的* template:模型

* workshop:车间、研讨会* seminar:研讨班

* demonstrate:示范、说明* preliminary:预备的、初级的 * reproach:责备、谴责* forcible:强制的、有说服力的 * statistic:统计的* six sigma methodology:6δ法 * standard deviation:标准偏差* pision:部门、分配、分开 * opportunity:缺陷机会* transaction:业务、交易 * metrics:度量标准、规律* instructor:讲师、教练 * incentive:鼓励* affiliate:隶属于

* literacy:读写能力* checksheet:检查表 * pareto chart:排列图* plot:以图的形式表示 * histogram:直方图* dispersion:分散性 * scatter diagram:散布图* observe value:观察值 * cause and effect diagram:因果图* fish bone diagram:鱼骨图 * specs:规范、规格* morale:士气、纪律





其所谓的土木。是指一切和水、土、文化有关的基础建设的计划、建造和维修。现时一般的土木工作项目包括:道路、水务、渠务、防洪工程及交通等。过去曾经将一切非军事用途的民用工程项目,归类入本类,但随着工程科学日益广阔,不少原来属于土木工程范围的内容都已经独立成科。目前,从狭义定义上来说,土木工程(Civil Engineering)也就是民用工程,即建筑工程(或称结构工程)、桥梁与隧道工程、岩土工程、公路与城市道路、铁路工程等这个小范围。




























清华大学 有结构工程、防灾减灾与防护工程、材料学博士点,并有土木工程一级学科博士学位授予权,结构工程(联合防灾减灾与防护工程)是国家重点学科。中国工程院院士2人,教授23人,副教授24人,讲师8人,目前在校本科生300多名,研究生200多名。

同济大学 中国科学院院士和中国工程院院士5人、博士生导师55人、硕士生导师105人、正高级职称98人、副高级职称135人。设有10个硕士点、7个博士点,设有土木工程博士后流动站。桥梁工程学科为上海市“重中之重”重点学科, 结构工程、岩土工程学科为上海市重点学科;桥梁与隧道工程、结构工程、岩土工程三个二级学科为全国重点学科。

浙江大学 岩土工程学科为国家重点学科;结构工程学科为浙江省重点学科;土木工程博士后流动站;土木工程一级学科博士点(涵盖结构工程,岩土工程,市政工程,桥梁与隧道工程,防灾减灾与防护工程,供热、供燃气、通风及空调工程等6个二级学科博士点)

哈尔滨工业大学 结构工程、防灾减灾工程与防护工程硕士点学科,结构工程、防灾减灾工程与防护工程和岩土工程博士点学科;土木工程一级学科博士后流动站;结构工程学科设有“长江学者奖励计划”特聘教授岗位。

重庆大学 土木工程一级学科博士点及所覆盖的结构工程、岩土工程、防灾减灾与防护工程、桥梁与隧道工程、土木水利施工二级学科博士学位授予点,现有博士导师12人。并设有土木工程一级学科博士后科研流动站。结构工程和岩土工程为建设部及重庆市重点学科,防灾减灾工程为重庆市重点学科。

西安建筑科技大学 教授28人,副教授,高级工程师43人,土木工程学院所属的实验室有结构与抗震实验室和岩土工程实验室,其中结构与抗震实验室为陕西省和原冶金部重点实验室,结构工程国家重点学科,土木工程一级学科博士后科研流动站。

天津大学 结构工程、防灾减灾与防护工程、桥梁与隧道工程、岩土工程有博士学位授予权

东南大学 结构工程国家重点学科、防灾减灾工程及防护工程学科为江苏省重点学科、中国工程院院士1名,教授29名,博士生导师17名

太原理工大学 结构工程、岩土工程博士点,防灾减灾工程及防护工程硕士点。结构工程、岩土工程为省重点学科

上海交通大学 结构工程博士点,岩土工程、防灾减灾工程及防护工程硕士点

北京工业大学 工程减灾与结构检测实验室、交通工程实验室和水质科学与水环境恢复工程是北京市重点 实验室。现有6个本、专科专业和方向,11个硕士学位授权学科,其中交通工程、结构工程为北京市重点学科,具有博士学位授予权。

北京交通大学 土木工程一级学科博士学位授予权;桥梁与隧道工程、岩土工程、结构工程、防灾减灾工程及防护工程、道路与铁道工程、地下工程、环境岩土工程、城市轨道交通等13个专业具有博士学位授予权;设有土木工程博士后流动站,可接受国内外的博士进站工作。其中桥梁与隧道工程、道路与铁道工程为铁道部重点学科,岩土工程、防灾减灾工程及防护工程为北京市重点学科。

北京科技大学 中国工程院院士(兼职)1名,博士生导师6名,教授11名,副教授9名,高级工程师4名。其中具有博士学位者17人,有“岩土工程”、“结构工程”、“防灾减灾工程及防护工程”3个研究生专业可授予硕士学位,“岩土工程”博士学科点

华南理工大学 有结构工程博士学位授予权和结构工程、岩土工程学科的硕士学位授予权。土木工程博士后流动站。

中南大学 结构工程、岩土工程、防灾减灾工程及防护工程、桥梁与隧道工程博士点,桥梁与隧道工程、道路与铁道工程2个国家重点学科

华中科技大学 结构工程博士授予权

武汉理工大学 土木工程一级学科博士点和土木工程博士后流动站,2个部级重点学科:结构工程、岩土工程

上海大学 结构工程、岩土工程硕士点

西南交通大学 桥梁与隧道工程国家重点学科,结构工程、防灾减灾与防护工程、桥梁与隧道工程、岩土工程有博士学位授予权

沈阳建筑大学 202_年10月经教育部批准结构工程学科为联合培养博士研究生学科,目前已与大连理工大学联合培养博士研究生。

北京建筑工程学院 结构工程硕士点

湖南大学 结构工程国家重点学科

河海大学 土木工程博士后科研流动站,南京工业大学 岩土工程专业具有硕士学位授予权、国家建设部重点学科

福州大学 结构工程、桥梁与隧道二个博士点和结构工程、水工结构工程、桥隧工程、岩土工程、防灾减灾工程、工程力学六个硕士点。

郑州大学 结构工程博士点,防灾减灾及防护工程、岩土工程、道路及铁道工程硕士点

广西大学 结构工程国家重点学科

四川大学 结构工程硕士点

西安理工大学 土木工程博士后科研流动站,结构工程、岩土工程博士点

西北工业大学 结构工程硕士点

哈尔滨工程大学 结构工程硕士点

大连理工大学 土木工程一级博士学科点、博士后流动站。结构工程省级重点学科

东北大学 结构工程博士学科点、结构工程省级重点学科

成都理工大学 岩土工程专业具有硕士学位授予权

辽宁工程技术大学 岩土工程和防灾工程及防护工程具有硕士学位授予权

贵州工业大学 结构工程、岩土工程硕士授予点

广东工业大学 岩土工程硕士点

深圳大学 结构工程硕士学位授予点

山东科技大学 岩土工程博士学位授权点、硕士学位授权点(结构工程、岩土工程、防灾减灾工程及防护工程)

长安大学 结构工程博士点

长沙理工大学 桥梁与隧道工程学科博士点、桥梁与隧道工程、结构工程、岩土工程硕士学位点

兰州交通大学 桥梁与隧道工程博士点,桥梁与隧道工程、岩土工程、结构工程、防灾减灾工程及防护工程硕士点

苏州科技学院 结构工程硕士学位授权点,结构工程省级重点建设学科。

中国矿业大学 土木工程一级学科博士后科研流动站;具有岩土工程、结构工程和工程管理学科博士学位授予权;在岩土工程、结构工程、工程管理、桥梁与隧道工程等学科具有硕士学位授予权

合肥工业大学 结构工程博士学位授权点;有结构工程、岩土工程硕士授权点;

中国地质大学 博士学科点(地下建筑工程、岩土工程、钻井工程)

贵州工业大学 结构工程、岩土工程硕士授予点

西安交通大学 结构工程、岩土工程硕士授予点

华侨大学 结构工程博士点、防灾工程及防护工程硕士授予点

广州大学 结构工程、防灾工程及防护工程硕士授予点


学位授予单位名称 整体水平分项指标

学术队伍 科学研究 人才培养 学术声誉

排名 得分 排名 得分 排名 得分 排名 得分 排名 得分

同济大学 1 88.96 1 88.60 1 84.41 1 87.72 2 99.39

清华大学 2 83.96 2 85.80 2 76.05 2 81.31 1 100

哈尔滨工业大学 3 78.80 3 82.13 4 75.70 4 68.45 3 94.44

浙江大学 4 77.70 6 78.97 5 75.55 5 67.88 4 93.18

大连理工大学 5 75.83 4 82.05 6 72.69 7 65.66 7 88.12

东南大学 6 73.78 5 79.01 11 66.61 10 65.02 5 92.74

河海大学 7 73.25 14 71.59 3 75.77 11 64.51 12 81.95

西南交通大学 8 73.20 7 77.89 7 69.12 6 67.29 9 83.33

湖南大学 9 71.08 13 72.44 10 68.31 13 64.31 8 83.60

天津大学 10 70.49 12 72.88 17 64.41 17 63.23 6 88.61

中南大学 11 70.38 11 73.33 9 68.49 9 65.27 16 77.33

北京交通大学(原北方交通大学)12 69.62 10 73.65 19 63.87 11 64.51 11 82.50重庆大学 13 69.34 16 68.76 14 65.08 8 65.63 10 82.72

西安建筑科技大学 14 69.28 9 73.85 13 65.41 16 63.35 14 79.15

华南理工大学 15 67.78 15 70.74 16 64.43 18 62.27 15 77.94

华中科技大学 16 67.75 20 65.71 15 64.86 14 63.93 13 80.36

武汉理工大学 17 67.55 17 68.51 12 66.44 15 63.56 18 73.76

冶金部建筑研究总院 18 67.47 8 74.51 8 68.53 26 60.09 21 67.43

福州大学 19 65.69 18 68.33 18 63.96 19 61.71 19 71.17

广州大学 20 65.11 24 63.75 20 63.15 3 69.53 23 64.40

东北大学 21 64.98 21 65.69 23 62.28 21 61.31 17 73.98

广西大学 22 63.17 22 64.24 21 62.47 22 61.30 22 65.72

哈尔滨工程大学 23 62.82 23 63.80 25 60.74 23 61.18 20 67.70

河北工程学院(原河北建筑科技学 24 62.72 19 68.06 24 61.38 24 61.12 25 61.38贵州工业大学 25 61.69 25 63.15 22 62.42 25 60.72 26 60.00

北京市市政工程研究院 26 61.25 26 60.00 26 60.60 20 61.35 24 63.69
