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编辑:尘埃落定 识别码:24-1134965 15号文库 发布时间: 2024-09-11 14:04:38 来源:网络


Module4 Unit1 Do you want some rice? 教学目标: 情感目标:培养学生学习英语的兴趣。

知识目标:学习句型Do you want„ ? Yes, please/No, thank you.能力目标:谈论中国和西方的食物。教学重难点: 1 学习句型Do you want„ ? Yes, please/No, thank you.2 掌握单词及词组:Chinese fast food/make noodles/nice/chopsticks/difficult 辅助资源:课件、卡片 教学过程: Warming up:

1、Greetings.2、Free talk and report.3、Let’s sing

a song:row you boat Revision: 1.用单词卡片复习学过的食物单词。2.复习“Have you got„„?”句型。把食物单词卡片分发给学生,然后提问,学生根据手里的卡片用“Yes, I have.或No, I haven’t.回答。


1、T : Do you want some apples?(手持食物卡片,提问学生)S1: Yes.T: Yes, please(师引导学生完整回答,并操练)T: Do you want some noodles? S2: No.T: No, thank you(同样引导学生完整回答,并操练)教师将所问的食物单词卡片贴入句型:Do you want some rice?教师现场书写出:Yes, please..和No thank you.引导全班学生齐读问句和答句。

2. Practice ① Ask and answer: T: Do you want some apples?(手持食物卡片提问)S1: Yes, please.(师生相互击掌,表示赞同)T: Do you want some pears? S2: No,thank you.(配合手势和表情,表示遗憾)② 引导学生用chant的形式操练这几句话 ③ 利用自备的食物,操练句型,与同桌一起分享。老师进行指导,检查,并给予奖励。






1、SB活动4.进行“Do you want some„„?”的食物问答接龙游戏

2.小组调查:将准备好的调查表发给同学,调查这次郊游,同学们想带什么食物 Summary: Today we have learned how to ask what they are doing.We can read them together.Homework:

1、用“Do you want some „„?询问家人想吃什么,然后自己试着准备。

2、Listen to the tape, and read the text.板书设计:

Unit1 Do you want some rice?

Do you want some rice? Yes, please./No, thank you.教学反思:本课中学生的活动量较大,但学生间的差异还是存在。尽管是同学间相互合作完成教学任务,但每个孩子有所差异,及个别学生声音较小。今后的教学中,还应考虑如何更好地发挥学生的主体作用,尤其是给这些在学习上有一定困难的学生创造成功的机会。

Unit2 How much is it? 教学目标: 情感目标:培养学生学习英语的兴趣和口语表达能力。知识目标:学习句型How much is it? It’s ten yuan.学习单词make/tomato/egg/potato/flower/dumpling/help/buy.能力目标:会运用How much is it? It’s ten yuan.进行购物。教学重难点: 1 学习句型How much is it? It’s ten yuan.2 掌握单词及词组:make/tomato/egg/potato/flower/dumpling/help/buy 辅助资源:课件、卡片 教学过程: Warming up

1、Greetings.2、Free talk and report.3、Let’s chant:Do you want some rice? Presentation 1.创设情境:Today we’ll go to supermarket.2.Show picture and teach: flower.Ask: can you draw some flower? 在花的图片上贴价格标签并问:How much is it?(同时板书)并引导学生回答:Ten yuan.同方法教学单词:egg/tomato/potato/dumpling 3.今天我们要举行模拟买东西活动,在这之前,我们先来学习一下如何买卖物品吧。Teaching 1.Play the tape: Please listen and look.(twice.)2.学习购物对话的基本模式: A(售货员):Can I help you? B(顾客):I want some„„ How much is it? A: It’s ten yuan.B: I want it, please.A:(把商品递给顾客)Here you are.B:(接过商品付钱)Thank you.Goodbye.A: Bye-bye.在呈现对话结构后提供若干购物场景,请学生根据具体情境开展活动。

3.Show cards and teaching: dumpling/help/buy 4.Play the tape: Listen and repeat.5.Group work: Act out.(模仿录音语调,小组内表演课文)Practice 1.观察图片,说出图中各食物的名称及价格,再两人一组开展对话活动。

2.Learn the chant: Make a cake.3.Practice the chant with the partner.Summary: Today we have learned how to ask what they are doing.We can read them together.Homework 1.Do the chant with the partner.2.Write the words two lines.Blackboard:

Unit2 How much is it?

How much is it?

It’s ten yuan.教学反思:

How much is it /是一个非常生活化的话题,在热身设计中通过对话交流,很自然的复习数字。既活跃了课堂气氛,放松了学生的思维,又复习了旧知识。


Module 1 London Lesson 1 教学内容:

Unit 1 When did you come back? 教学重点:

home ice cream ran-run met-meet back from China last Sunday 教学难点:

When did you come back? We came back last Sunday.I dropped my ice cream.教学程序:


教师欢迎学生暑假后回到学校,请学生谈一谈自己的暑假生活。教师问Where did you go during your summer vacation? What did you see there? What did you eat? 这样可以营造学习氛围,让学生逐渐重新习惯用英语会话,为后面的学习奠定较好的基础。


learn the new words and introduce the text in Chinese.The teacher should say sth about the text background.3、课文教学(1)学习新词

教师出示home ice cream ran-run met-meet back from China last Sunday的图片及拼写卡片,问学生What is this in English?并分别领读这些单词。


(2)SB活动1 听课文录音回答问题。教师提问When did Amy come back? Who dropped the ice cream.放第一遍录音,学生回答问题。



(3)SB活动2 学生三人一组,分别扮演对话中的Lingling,Amy和Sam(如果有配套的动画片,可让学生在角色扮演前先看一遍,让学生更好地理解语境语言,加深印象)。告诉学生这里就是伦敦。Lingling,Amy和Sam现在London。请学生将对话演出来,表演时可以离开座位自由对话。最后请自愿者在全班面前表演。

4、任务完成 SB活动3。


(1)听读SB活动2中的对话。(2)Copy the key words and sentences five times.M1 unit 2


Unit 2 Did they buy ice creams? 学习任务:

This is a letter about Lingling’s funny experience with Sam and Amy in London.了解字母、字母组合e, ea, I, a 在单词中常见的读音 歌曲:Where did you do? 运用任务:

1、read the letter

2、recite the key words.3、answer the questions 教学程序:


核对课堂活动用书Unit 1练习答案。借助挂图复习SB Unit 1。


review the words of Unit 1,Module 1;let some students read the text.教师应对学生的描述给予鼓励和肯定。


(1)用动画或大挂图加录音带呈现SB Unit 2活动1 放第一遍录音,let the student preview the letter.放第二遍录音,学生检查,and follow the read the text.教师对学生给予鼓励和表扬。(2)SB Unit 2活动2 播放录音,在每一句话后停顿,学生重复,模仿录音中的语音、语调。抽几组学生汇报。如果该组学生说的句子不够,其他组补充,直到把能说的句子都说出来为止。


全班完成SB Unit 2活动3。







SB 活动2。学生看书歌曲部分下面的图,用英语描述每一幅图上都有什么,让学生读每一个句子,确认学生明白每一句。问学生这四句话分别用来描述哪一幅图。




听磁带跟读SB Unit 1、2、3中的内容,模仿标准地道的英语。

完成AB Unit 2练习2和3。

copy the letter three times.Module 2 Shopping Lesson 1 教学内容:

Unit 1 How many do you want? 学习任务:

How many bananas do you want? How many cheese do you want? I want two kilos of rice.运用任务:


2、使用how many和how much询问东西数量,使用how much询问价钱;




教师播放学生在Module 1中学习的英语歌曲,并把与歌词相配的三幅图片贴到黑板上。学生跟录音唱,边唱边指相应的图片。



介绍购物背景知识。学习kilo。教师say kilo为公斤,half a kilo为一斤;Yuan是China货币。



出示shopping,bananas,cheese,list,card,egg的图片和单词卡,学生看图理解单词。教师每出示一张图片时可先让学生看拼写试读一下,这样利于培养学生看拼写读单词的能力。学生试读后,教师领读,学生跟读。之后教师读单词,学生用手快速指向图片。在学生能较快地指出图片后,练习读音,选择一名学生指图片,其他学生读出单词及词组。(2)SB活动1 学习how much的用法。how much既可用于询问不可数名词的多少也可以用于询问价钱。How much is it going to cost?问的是东西的价格。教师让学生看不同物品,让学生猜测How much is it going to cost?


How many bananas do they want? How many cheese do they want?

How many things are there on the list?



放第一遍录音。学生完成后教师给答案。说一说购物的过程。学生看书并听第二遍录音,在每一句话后停顿,学生跟读,模仿录音中的语音、语调。(3)SB活动2 学生看VCD光盘中的对话。学生一人扮演Ms Smart,一人扮演Lingling,教师指五幅图中任意一幅,学生两人表演。提醒学生在表演时要根据对话的内容配以适当动作。将与对话相配的挂图贴在黑板上为学生对话作提示。叫自愿者到前面表演,教师对学生及时鼓励。(4)SB活动3 教师出示活动中的四个回答,学生读出这四个句子,然后分别找出与这些回答对应的问句。学生两人一组做问答练习,完成后互换角色。


表演购物短剧。先问学生购物前应该准备什么(a shopping list)?购物时怎样问价(How much is this coat/shirt?)怎样问要多少(How many „ do you want?)学生两至三人一组自定角色练习。教师可布置出一个商店的环境供学生表演使用。



(2)模拟Unit 1,学生两人一组编购物的对话。(3)copy the key words and sentences.(4)recite the key words and sentences.Module 2 Unit 2 教学内容:

Unit 2 How much milk do you want? 学习任务:

What are we going to take on our picnic? Let’s make a list.How many ice creams do you want? How much cheese do you want? 字母u, o;ar, a;er;ir, ur在单词中常见的发音 Song:How many do you want? 运用任务:

1、用How many和How much购物的打靶游戏;






复习Unit 1课文。听课文录音,然后学生看5幅图说对话,教师每拿出一幅图就让两名学生进行对话。如果有VCD光碟,可播放画面但不放出声音,由学生来给对话配音。





(1)SB Unit 2活动1 看SB Unit 2活动1的图片,问学生图上有多少个小孩,其中一个男孩手里拿了几样东西,分别是什么,他正在干什么,他手里拿的那张纸上写的是什么。学生看一看纸上写了多少种东西。学生读句子。教师问第一个人说的句子当中be going是什么时态,什么意思。讲解make a list。教师说What are we going to take on our picnic?Let’s make a list.当学生说物品时教师在一张大纸上一边写物品,一边让学生看。待学生理解后,请学生读。(2)SB Unit 2活动2 学生看插图,教师说明那个女人是assistant,并用英语解释售货员是a person who sells goods。说明那个女孩是customer,并用英语解释是a person who buys goods。学生两个人一组说一说在图上都看到了什么商品。然后几名同学在全班面前说出看到的商品名称。请学生看图上的秤所显示的重量分别是多少。

放第一遍录音让学生听,并思考问题:What is the girl going to buy?How many is she going to buy?并作记录。放第二遍录音,学生检查所记内容并核对答案。




全班完成运用任务2。教师将各种物品的图片分为食物类,水果类,衣物类等分别放在教室不同角落的桌子上,教师找几名同学做售货员。售货员可以使用What do you want?或Can I help you?来询问顾客要购买什么东西,其余学生则为 顾客。让学生自由购买喜欢的东西,教师给出一定时间的限制,鼓励学生多买东西。最后看谁能在规定的时间内较好地用完分配的购物资金,购买到自己喜欢的商品。



SB 活动1。教师请学生看表格。学生听录音时,要仔细听表格中第一行所给出的元音字母或元音字母组合在单词中发的是什么音。学生听录音,思考。学生分别说元音字母或元音字母组合在单词中发的是什么音。教师请学生读出这些单词,并读出u,o;ar,a;a,er;ir,ur在单词中发的音。学生小组合作分别举出更多这些元音字母及字母组合发上述音的例子,并全班交流。(2)韵诗学习

SB 活动2。让学生看图上的动物是什么,告诉他们那是蝙蝠。并告诉学生蝙蝠的英文是bat。放第一遍录音,让学生边听录音边看书上的文字和图。


6、课后作业 熟读SB活动2。


Module 3 At the Weekend

Unit 1 We visited lots of places.教学内容:

Unit 1 We visited lots of places.教学难点:

What did you do at the weekend? We visited lots of places.Where did you go? We went to the British Museum.教学重点:

Words of Module 3 教学用具:radio and pictures.教学程序:



请学生拿出为自己的爸爸拟定的出差用品购物单,相互交流、给出理由。让学生回忆周一至周日、周末怎么说。问学生What do you usually do at the weekend?让学生平时周末所做的活动罗列出来,然后将自己的周末活动与他人的周末活动做一下交流。在交流时可采取小组表格统计的方式呈现个大家。


do the dictation work and review the key words and sentences of Module 2


(1)学习SB活动1 学习新单词。教师分别出示the British museum 这个词组及wonderful 这个单词的图片和拼写,让学生看图直观地理解单词及词组的意思,先让学生看拼写自己试读一下,学生试读后,教师领读,学生跟读。According to the steps of learning words ,the teacher should teach the students all the words of wordlist of Module 3.Play some games to consolidate the words ,let the students read the words easily.(3)SB 活动1 After learning the new words and phrases of M3unit 1,we can listen the whole text one time,and listen again one by one.The teacher must explain the meaning of the sentence with the whole class and try the best of the students’mind.At last ,let the students follow the radio ,and read it loudly.(3)SB 活动2 教师按顺序手指上的three pictures,每指一幅图就让两名同学来分角色朗读。最后任意指一幅图,学生两人练习对后。然后将学生分为两人一组,一人扮演Daming,一人扮演Amy,两人一起朗读全篇对话。请自愿者表演,告诉学生要根据对话的内容为表演配上自然的动作,如打电话、购物等。

(4)SB 活动3 学生看书,教师问看到多少幅插图,让学生说出每一幅图的活动是什么。学生根据对话两人合作。最后全班交流,教师纠错。

4、课后作业 copy the key words and sentences.recite some key words and sentences.Module 3 Unit 2 What did Daming do?


Unit 2 What did Daming do? 教学难点 :

字母o;or,a;oo;oo, ou 在单词中常见的发音 Song: the London Eye 教学重点:

The story of Daming and his father.教学程序:


review some words and sentences of Unit 1 ,Module 3

2、任务呈现与课文导入 The teacher should guide the students understand the whole story about Daming and his father visiting the Great Wall and helping them with the new words and expressions.3、课文教学

(1)SB Unit2活动1

listen to the tape and let some students explain the sentences.the teacher can write some key words and sentences on the blackboard.the teacher can use some games to practicethe words and key sentences.(2)SB Unit2活动2

read and answer the questions according to the story.the teacher can give some support if necessary.(3)think and talk about.let the students answer the questions by situations.5、课文学习(1)语音教学 SB 活动1。教师出示一些单词卡片,上面的词包括dog, fox, morning, tall, book, football, soup, food。单词划线处的元音字母写成红色。教师出示单词卡片,学生读出单词。




6、课后作业(1)try to recite the story,if not, read them AS

Module 4 Possession Lesson 1

教学内容:Unit 1 It’s mine.学习任务:

It’s mine(yours , his, hers, Lingling’s)功能:


1、根据物品特征猜测物品所属: 2、参加“失物招领”的游戏



课前安排两名学生在教师刚进教室时为争夺而争吵。A:It’s mine.B:It isn’t yours.It’s mine!教师在这时可以渗透一下本课的语言。Don’t argue!What ‘s the matter? It’s got her name on the book.教师给指令,学生做动作。2、任务呈现与课文导入

教师展示一些铅笔、书包、外套等物品说I’ve got something from Lost—Found Room Maybe something here is yours.If something is yours, what can you say to get it back? 3、课文教学(1)学习新词

教师把一块布浸湿,用手摸一摸,然后说It’s wet.一组学生传湿布,用手摸后也说It’s wet.在黑板上画四个头像,一男,一女,一幅像老师自己,一幅像班里一名学生。在头像上方各画一个苹果。一边说This apple is mine.This apple is his.This apple is yours.一边把his ,hers, yours, mine写在头像下面。


学生带着问题听活动1的录音,然后回答这四个问题。1.What colour is Sam’s T-shirt? 2.What colour is Amy’s T-shirt? 3.What colour is Lingling’s T-shirt? 4.Where are Sam’s T-shirt and Amy’s T-shirt? And why? 出示红T恤图片,学生猜测是谁的。同时出示Lingling, Sam, Amy的图片或头饰。启发学生用It’s Lingling’s.It’s his.It’s hers.来猜测。

出示红T恤图片,学生猜测是谁的。同时出示Lingling, Sam, Amy的图片或头饰。启发学生一起归纳,然后领学生读mine,yours, his, hers。放第二遍录音。说明当听到mine,yours, his, hers,Lingling’s中的任何一个单词时,他们必须举手。教师评比哪一组最快。放第三遍录音,每句话后暂停。学生打开课本跟读。把全班学生分成四组,分角色朗读。放第四遍录音。学生合上课本听,重复刚才读的角色的话,并加上相应的动作。



准备练习中四幅图的大图片,背面分别相应地写上Lingling’s skirt, Amy’s skirt, Sam’s trousers.Ms Smart’s sweater。出示这几幅图的一角,学生看部分猜整体。

5、课后作业 三人一组创作表演剧:在发现他人丢失物品后分析失主是谁。在下节课上表演。教学内容:

Unit 2 This bag is hers.学习任务:

It’s mine(yours, his, hers, Lingling’s)This bag is hers.This coat is Jimmy’s.了解a;I;oy, oi.Ou, ow, o, oa 在单词中常见的读音。功能:







利用简笔画吸引孩子们的注意力。画出书包的一部分,叫学生猜What’s this ?然后问Whose bag is this?教师播放SB Unit2活动1的第一幅图的录音,要求学生认真听,然后回答问题。

启发其他同学做出判断Yes ,it’s hers.或者Yes, it’s Lingling’s bag.画出一件T--shirt的一部分,让学生猜What’s this?然后问Whose T—shirt is this? 启发学生问Whose bag is this?然后回答It’s Sam’s T—shirt.用同样的方法教授SB Unit2活动1中第三和第四幅图的内容。学生打开书,读活动1。4、任务完成

课前准备一些卡通图片。这些卡通人物最好是孩子们喜闻乐见的,如柯南、樱桃小丸子、蜡笔小新和樱木花道等。再准备一些与这些卡通人物相关的物品。比如:神探柯南的杯子、外套,蜡笔小新的鞋、t 血,樱桃小丸子的书包、帽子等。把准备好的这些物品放在袋中,发给每个小组。要求小组的成员,尽快找到他们的物品,拼在一起。每组选一位代表在全班发言。教师在教室里巡视,鼓励学生在活动中尽量多使用英语。

例:A: Whose bag is this? B: It’s Crayon Shi-chan’s.C: No, it isn’t his.It’s too big.D: It’s Chibi Maruko-chan’s.A: Yes, it’s hers.各小组使用的材料可以有所不同。完成后各小组在全班展示。小组代表介绍,其他组员负责补充。5、课文学习(1)语音教学

教师把cake, bike, boy, house, rope, plane, rice, point, flower, boat这些词随意贴到黑板上,教师一边贴,学生一边读。





Module 5

In Class 教学内容:Unit 1

There are enough!教学重点: Words of Unit 1 教学难点:1.There are ten pencils in the blue box.2.There are enough pencils.教学用具:radio and pictures.教学程序:


Review the words of Module 4 2.课文教学(1)SB练习1 A.T播放磁带,学生听并思考以下问题。

1)How many people are there in this dialogue? 2)What is Sam doing? 3)Are there enough pencils? B.听第二遍后学生小组讨论上述问题,并派选手参加每个问题的抢答。在抢答的同时,T把一些单词写在黑板上,领读学生掌握不好的词。T给获胜的小组加分。

示例:enough give every everyone them careful B.放录音,SS跟读。a)俩人一组完成AB练习2 b)SB活动3 1)学生独自完成此活动,后俩人一组练习描述图。2)T准备一些图片或实物,学生练习描述。例:一大瓶水,俩个小杯子。

There is too much water.There are not enough cups.许多页纸,俩个小袋子。There is too much paper.There are not enough bags.3)必答,每组派3人比赛,对一句加一分。4)全班完成AB练习1 放一遍磁带。然后对编号。第二步要求写句子,难度比较大。六人一组,每人负一幅图。最先完成每一幅的组,要以最快的速度把句子写在黑板上,并得到加分。教师要多在教室里走动,以防有的组为了速度而由同一个学生完成。


Copy the key words and sentences and recite them.Module 5 Unit 2 教学内容:Unit 2 There are too many books on the desk.教学重点: There are too many books on the desk.教学难点:了解字母组合ear, eer, oor, our,air,ear在单词中常见的读音。功能: 根据实际情况使用many,much进行描述。运用任务:

1.在“Many or Much”的游戏活动中描述不同数量性质的物品; 2.能用many,much来提一些合理化建议。教学程序: 1.热身复习

review Unit1,Module5 2.课文教学

(1)Unit2活动1 教师课前准备图片。教师要求学生Listen carefully.Then tell me“Who said it?”


There are too many books on the desk.Who put them on it? 学生打开书,教师播放录音磁带。示例: There are too many apples in the bag?(2)SB Unit3活动2 让学生打开书,看书上的图片,默读韵诗。



(3)全班完成AB Unit2练习1 放一遍录音,让学生听,并指出相应的图。学生读句子并填空。放第二遍录音全班检查答案。接下来学生两人一组读练习1的句子。教师向学生说明:一名同学说第一句(不按順序),另一名同学马上说出第二句,看谁的反应快。(4)全班完成AB Unit3练习2 要求学生认真看图,然后迅速连线。向学生说明要一边连一边说英语There are too many„后让学生说答案。全班一起对答案。4.任务完成





There’s too much cabbage.There’s not enough meat.(给校长的建议)There are too many children.There aren’t enough taps.(给社区的建议)There are too many people.There are not enough(健身器材的图).(给市长的建议)

There is too much rubbish.There are not enough(垃圾箱的图).学生所提的建议有的并不是十分合理,但是只要孩子们能够大胆地进行表达,教师就应该表扬。特别是孩子们提到的关于学校的问题,教师应表示会尽量反映、沟通和解决。5.课文教学(语音教学)

学生打开书。教师播放SB Unit3活动1的录音磁带,全班同学听并跟读。全班一起完成 AB Unit3练习1.教师播放录音磁带,学生一边听,一边划线,一边说单词。教师把ear, dear, hear,near, fear,beer,deer, tour, pour, hair, stair, bear, pear, wear等词随意贴到黑板上。教师一边贴,学生一边读。然后要求学生把这些单词照读音分组。6.课后作业

copy the sentences and recite them.Module 6 Self—assessment 教学内容:Unit 1 You can play football well.学习任务:

I don’t play well.You can jump really high.You were very good at baskeball.You can catch the ball well.Lingling is a fantastic goalkeeper.功 能: 表扬评价,肯定与鼓励人 运用任务:


2.小组调查:小组各种能手(Xiaoyong can cook well.Lanlan can wash clothes well„

教学程序: 1.热身复习

教师说一些学过的动词和动词词组,学生重复并做动作。play football play basketball play table tennis jump jump high jump far run run fast run slow ride ride fast ride slow 13 学生回答问题:Who can run fast?Who can jump high?Who can play football?Who can play football well?能做到的学生就马上说I can.2.任务呈现与课文导入



Can you run fast? Can you jump high? Can you play football well? Are you good at basketball? 教师对学生的回答要做适当的反应。例如学生说自己跳得很高,而且很喜欢打篮球。教师可以问他Do you want to be in our school team?而有的同学说自己跑得不快,跳得也不高,教师也应找到他/她的其他优点,加以表扬。


(1)SB 活动1 播放磁带,学生听然后回答问题:

1.Can Lingling run fast?(No,she can’t.)2.Can Lingling control the ball?(No,she can’t)3.Can Lingling jump high?(Yes,she can.)4.Can Lingling catch the ball well?(Yes,she can.)学生回答问题的同时,教师在黑板上写fast,high,well,badly这几个词。领读这四个词,确定学生已掌握词意。把全班同学分成三部分,分角色表演课文。

(2)学生独自做SB活动3,然后和同桌说一说(3)全班一起做AB练习2 先让学生看懂问题,然后教师播放磁带。每一句话后停顿,学生找出答案。这个练习不难,让学生独立完成,然后在小组内对答案。在小组内就本练习进行问答练习。(4)全班一起完成AB练习3 先写完一道小题的学生把答案写在黑板上。教师给这些我学生贴纸(教师用书中间夹页)作为奖励。4.任务完成



They’re good at basketball.They’re fantastic.I like Liu Chuanfeng.He’s thin and tall.He can jump very high.He can catch the ball well.He can control the ball well,too.And he’s very cool.(2)学生三人一组谈论个人喜欢哪些运动健将,为什么以及他们擅长什么项目。教师允许学生使用少量汉语。示例:

I like Tian Liang.He can pe very well.I like basketball very much.I like Michael Jordan.He can jump very high and run very fast.5.课后作业


Module 6 Unit 2 I can do it very well.学习任务:

How well do you play football? I can do 6 very well.I sing very badly.了解ear,eer;oor,our;air,ear在单词中常见的读音。功能: 评价自己与他人 运用任务:

1.相互评价做某事的水平; 2.制作班级DIY册;

3.小组调查:小组各种能手,如做饭,洗衣等。教学程序: 1.热身复习


run junp ride swim read cook draw eat write row draw a picture wash clothes play the flute play football make a cake jump high run fast write a letter play the violin row a boat read fast draw a dragon ride a bike cook noodles repair a chair make tea fly a kite take a picture 学生从fast,high,well,badly中选择喜欢的造一个句子。2.任务呈现与课文导入


(1)SB Unit 2 活动1 把本活动中的图都贴在黑板上,标出序号。表述自己能做和不能做的事并同时做动作。

示例: I can do 1.I can’t do 2 at all.I can do 6 very well.What about you? 请几个学生回答后,学生两人一组,在两分钟内一边说一边做动作。(2)用电脑课件或图片加简笔画为背景搞活动


第一幅图 M King 孙悟空 根据M King的特点进行猜测他会怎样说。学生可以发挥想象力来表现:I can run fast.I can jump high.I can help you.I can fly.等。教师可以用一些令人意外的描述来增加游戏的挑战性和趣味性。比如就第一幅图的M King说I can play the flute.第二幅图 Kitty Cat 学生根据Kitty Cat(日本的一只可爱的卡通猫)的特点进行猜测她会怎样说。答案可以是I can speak Japanese.第三幅图 Snoopy Dog 学生可以说 I can ride fast.如果教师使用电脑,可以露出局部进行提示。比如第三幅图,可以露出骑车的脚、自行车把等进行提示。

(3)全班一起完成AB Unit3练习3 教师说M King,Kitty and Snoopy can do lots of things.What can you do?What can you do well?And what you can’t do well?Tell four things you can do well.And tell four things you can’t do well.Please open your activity book and write then down.教师说Now compare with your partner.示例:

A: I can read English very well.B: I can count very well.教师让小组评出一个最好的:Share in your groups this time.Then show me the best one in your group.这个过程也是孩子们对自己和他人评价的过程。教师给每组推荐的同学奖励。

(4)全班一起完成SB Unit 3 活动 2 学生看书上的图片,黙读韵诗。放第一遍录音,学生听。放第二遍录音,在每行结尾处停顿,学生重复。确定学生能明白韵诗的意思。


(5)SB Unit 2 练习2 教师在黑板上的六幅图后面加上第七幅:She sells seashells at the seashore.并且说I can say it very well.教师说绕口令,学生模仿。让学生单独说绕口令,其他学生用本单元学过的句子进行评价。示例:

She can say it very well.He can say it well.教师也可以参与,并适时鼓励学生You’ve made great progress.4.任务完成(1)下一节课要开一个English Party。本节课要选拔选手。根据班级的人数,把全班学生分成十人左右一组。每组发一张表格。

Class Party Singing: _____________________________________________________ Dancing: ______________________________________________________ Saying a Chant: __________________________________________________ Acting out a Play: ________________________________________________ 要求每个组每一项都要出一个节目,并填好节目单。教师在学生活动时要在各组间走动,鼓励学生用英语进行交流。


S1:I can dance well.Can you sing well? S2: Sorry,I sing very badly.But I can say a chant.[Student’s name] can sing well.(2)制作班级的DIY册


例如: Mary can wash clothes well.Look, Tom can cook noodlea.Wow,Miss Guo can make a cake.教师也可以把自己制作的DIY页展示给同学们看。

课后把每人的一页放在一起,装订成册,并推选一名学生制作封皮。5.课文教学 语音教学

SB Unit 3 练习1。把pencil,apple,banana,table,toe,rabbit,dog,hand这些词随意贴到黑板上。教师一边贴,学生一边读。教师播放录音磁带(pencil,apple),全班学生听且重复。让学生到前面来找出这两个单词,并放在一起。

6.课后作业AB Unit 2 练习1,2 AB Unit 3 练习1

Module 7 Community

Unit 1 He can’t see.教学内容:

Unit 1 He can’t see.学习任务:

Dogs are very useful in the community.He/She/They cannot walk/hear well by himself/herself/themselves.This dog helps him/her.功能: 谈论动物对人类的帮助

谈论人们能做和不能做的事情 运用任务:





教师围绕can与学生进行交流:Can you play football?Can you run fast?学生回答Yes,I can./No, I can’t.让学生两人一组练习问答。给学生一些图片或单词可以使练习有较强的针对性。

教师说:Can you write words?学生回答:Yes, I can.教师接着说I can write words, too.引出下面的内容。

2、任务呈现与课文导入 教师分别拿出电话、自行车的图片,说:Telephones are very useful in the community.Bikes are very useful in the community.用汉语解释useful和community的意思,同时板书单词,重复读,学生跟读。



用动画片或大挂图加录音磁带呈现。给学生看一张画有盲人和导盲犬的图片,教师说This man cannot see.He is blind.He cannot walk well by himself.板书blind和by himself。重复blind,说明by himself的意思。指向图片中的导盲犬说 Look, this dog helps him.重复说黑板上的单词,让学生跟着说。

教师说He is blind means that he cannot see.Now, look at this picture.给学生们看聋人和助听犬的图片,问Can she hear? 当得到否定答复后说She cannot hear so she is deaf.She cannot hear well by herself.板书deaf和by herself,重复两个单词,让学生们跟着说。然后问Who can help her? 学生答后作总结或提示A dog can help her.出示消防队员的图片,指图教单词fireman及其复数形式firemen,让学生们重复着两个单词。然后说These firemen cannot find people by themselves.This dog helps them.板书by themselves。可用by herself和by himself帮助猜测此词义。重复单词,学生跟读。

出示hot dog的图片,询问学生它的名字。然后教师板书单词,重复,学生跟读。

教师说词,学生指图或做动作表示。(2)SB活动1 出示大挂图,此时只展示图1。教师问What are the children doing?学生答They are watching TV.教师问What is the programme about?讲解programme的词义,板书单词,重复,学生跟读。放录音,找到答案。(It’s about dogs.)播第一遍录音,提问What do the dogs do? A.They help people.B.They eat a lot of meat.C.They are very lovely.(选A)第三次播放录音,提问Why do they help these people?(答案分别是Because the man cannot see.The girl cannot hear.The firemen cannot find people.)

给学生一定时间,练习读对话。然后把学生分成五组,分角色朗读。让学生分组表演对话。(3)SB活动3 给出练习模式小组练习,可连续表演三张图片。如太难,请学生介绍其中一张。

4、任务完成(1)大家谈谈狗还可以帮助人们做什么事情。(Keep sheep.Look after houses.Look after children.)

(2)基于人们自身的某些局限性,描述动物对人类的帮助。教师可做提示或提供帮助。(Doctors cannot cure certain mental illnesses but dolphins can.When men cannot find their way home, sometimes horses can.)



Module 7 Unit2 教学内容:

Unit 2 They can’t walk.学习任务:

„can’t„by oneself 学习四个辅音发音/k/ /g/ /f/ /v/ 功能:

用can和can’t表述自己和他人能做和不能做的事情 运用任务:





给学生看Unit 1的图片,一个学生讲解一幅图。讲2-3遍。


教师对学生说:我们很好地掌握了Unit 1的知识,现在看我们能不能很好地运用所学知识。


(1)SB Unit 2活动1 19 看SB Unit 2活动1中图1,教师介绍说This little girl can’t walk by herself.Her father helps her.请单个学生重复,提问句子中文意思。重复刚刚说过的句子,请全体学生重复。将句子写在黑板上。



教师快速出示图片,检查学生是否能迅速描述图片。(2)SB Unit 2活动2 学生先仔细看清图片内容。教师说:He can’t stand up by himself.学生齐答It’s Number 4.为了增加学生们的竞争意识,选出反应最快的学生接替教师的角色。熟悉之后,四人一组进行竞赛,看谁反应最快。

(3)SB Unit 3活动3 教师先与两名学生做个示范,说明此题做法。再请三个较好的学生为一组练习几幅图。




教师板书单词kite, music,学生读。然后教师在字母的下面划线,学生总结两字母的读音特点:两字母读音相同。

用同样方法教glasses, frog;fish, giraffe;vegetable, gloves几组词中的发音规律。

然后学生听录音跟读SB Unit 3活动1。(2)韵诗教学 教师讲解SB Unit 3活动2小诗,解释诗意,然后示范朗诵小诗,学生跟读。读出其中的某段,学生指向相应的图片或者做出动作来配合。





Module 8 School Unit 1 What time does school start?

教学内容: Unit 1 What time does school start? 功能:



2.仿写本课内容,向外国朋友介绍你的学校生活。教学过程: 1.热身复习

读SB Module7 Unit2中短诗,边读边做动作,创造良好氛围。




 指着每行学生说row;指着教教室中的小组说group.把单词写在黑板上,教师读,学生跟读。 教师读单词,学生重复。

 请出几名学生到前面,让他们听指令,做动作,练习这五个词。 AB练习1。让学生看书上的图,并识别图中的内容。⑵SB活动1  在黑板上写出中国小学的特点,听录音,让学生找到相应的英国小学的特点。

 注意英国学校的特点要与中国的对应着写。⑶SB活动2  教师说某句话中的一个字,学生要找到那句话并读出来。⑷SB活动3  学生两人一组讨论。



 让学生默读完信。

 第一遍播放录音,让学生们认真听,回忆原文。 放第二遍录音,在每个句子后面停顿。

 播放第三遍,让学生检查自己是否书写完了全部的内容。 两人一组,互读信件,对答案。5.课后作业


Module 8 Unit 2 Where did Lingling go yesterday?


教学重点:Where did Lingling go yesterday?

Can I ask you some questions? What do you do at break? 教学难点:/s/ /z/ 的发音及其对应的字母和字母组合 歌曲:I get up in the morning.教学用具:radio and pictures.功能:描述学校日常生活 运用任务:

1.能够互相询问有关学校的信息; 2.调查朋友的学校生活;

3.谈谈自己理想中的学校生活。教学程序: 热身复习




Can I ask you some questions? What time do you get up? How do you go to school? What do you do after school? What time do you go to bed? What do you do at the weekend? 将上面的问题重复说出,请学生回答,将问题写在黑板上,教师说出,学生重复。课文教学 ⑴学习新词

教师画出本校的时间表,讲解break,教师写出8:00—8:40,说This is the first class.再写出8:40—8:50,说This is the break.继续写8:50—9:30,说This is the second class.请学生说出它的汉语意思。教师读单词break,学生重复。

问学生What do you do at break?帮助学生回答I talk with friends at break.I have a rest at break.I drink water at break.教师说:I have a rest at break.边说边做喝茶的动作,在黑板上画出一杯茶,教读单词tea.⑵SB Unit2 活动1 放第一遍录音,学生找出对话中有几个人,名字是什么。放第二遍录音,学生找出第四个问题和答案。放第三遍录音,学生跟读。⑶AB Unit2练习1 播放录音,教师在每个答案后停顿,请学生说出答案。第二次播放录音,让学生在AB上完成回答。⑷SB Unit2活动2 让学生将自己的生活同MsXu的生活进行比较,请学生对照着进行描述。4任务完成





SB Unit3活动1。在黑板上写出单词sun和rice,教师读,并在字母“s”和“c”下面划线。教师再读单词,启发学生发现他们的特点:字母不同,读音相同。用同样方法教zoo,nose.教Theatre,mouth,this,mother.让学生总结出各组单词中读音相同的部分。学生打开SB,播放第一遍录音。第二次播放录音,在每组单词后停顿,让学生跟读。

播放AB Unit2 练习1 录音,让学生划出是哪个字母发出的音。⑵歌曲教学

介绍SB Unit2活动2歌曲的内容,帮助学生理解其意思。



Module 9 Feelings

Unit1 Are you feeling sad?


Are you feeling sad/bored/angry/happy? 功能:

围绕情绪和感受进行表述和回答 运用任务:


把自己的情绪感受和家长交流,并询问家长的情绪; 表演短剧。教学程序: 热身复习

核对AB Module8 unit3练习2答案。

挑出以My Day为题的小作文中交好的在全班朗读。任务呈现与课文导入

教师展示练习1的图,学生描述一下。然后教师说:“同学们,你们一天中的情绪可能是会变化的,有时快乐,有时难过,这些怎样用英语表达?” 课文教学

⑴学习新词 教师问Tell me what you always do at the weekends?学生可能回答I go swimming.或I go skating多问几个问题,让学生理解tell的意思.教师在黑板上划出国际象棋的棋盘或出示预先准备好的国际象棋,问Who play chess at the weekends?如果班级中没有人下象棋,教师就说I can play chess。将单词写在黑板上,重复读。教师将手摊开,表示什么都没有,说I have nothing to do,so I feel bored。重复说句子,表情要夸张,提问一个学生,教师将表示的面孔画在黑板上,然后将单词写在旁边。

重复黑板上的三个单词,边说边做出表情,学生和教师一同做。指向任意一个表情,请学生说出单词。学生两人一组进行同样的练习。⑵SB活动3 学生思考出有关的问句,并找到对应的回答图。学生依次提问并回答。⑶SB活动1 学生看图,教师提问。


Is Lingling feeling sad?

Is Lingling thinking about something?

What is she going to give Amy on her birthday?

播放第二遍录音。在每个句子后面停顿,学生跟读。播放第三遍录音。⑷SB活动2 将全班分成为两组,分角色朗读课文,在朗读时表现出适当的表情。学生两人一组表演对话。鼓励学生时脱离书本。

4.任务完成 调查三名同学今天的情绪,并作记录。

Module9 Unit2 I feel happy.学习任务:

You’re happy/sad/angry/bored/tried.How do they feel? I feel„

Do you feel tried? Poem 功能:

表达自己的情绪感受,以及有这样感受的原因 运用任务: 口头描述或书面描写自己的情绪感受; 2 调查同学们什么时候感到高兴/无聊。教学程序:




2教师总结说:“这节课我们要学习用英语表达产生各种心情的原因。” 3课文教学


把go out 写在黑板上,结合手势问Do you want to go out to play ?如果学生还不能理解,教师可以请一名交好的学生配合。



AB Unit2练习1 学生看图,并识别人物的表情。播放第一遍录音,学生理解。播放第二遍录音,在每个句子后面停顿,学生将数字写在对应的方框内。3 SB活动1 学生看书上的图片,注意人物表情或感受是否一致。全班对答案。4 SB Unit2活动2 学生两人一组完成此动作。

教师与几个学生进行问答,给大家做示范。5 AB Unit2练习2 教师举例说:“第一个句子是。要在横线上写出I feel tired》”。让学生们看图,自己完成练习。4任务完成





AB Unit3练习1。播放第一遍录音,学生打开书听。播放第二遍录音,学生在相应的字母或字母组合下面划线。最后对答案。歌曲学习

教师说We are going to sing a song。Are you happy?观察学生是否能理解这句话,理解后,教师做拍手的动作,让学生一起拍手。播放第一遍录音,学生听。播放第二变录音,让学生跟着录音唱。将学生分成四组,每组演唱一段。学生表现好,教师表扬。

Module 10 Manners Unit 1 You should look,then cross the road.教学任务:

Tom,say hello to Pam, please.You should say hello to my friends.You shouldn't walk in the road.功能:

运用should和shouldn't规范礼貌的日常行为 运用任务:


2.选出“最佳合作奖”(Well-cooperated);3.完成AB练习3。教学程序: 1.热身复习

教师与学生边说Module 10 Unit 2的Don't jump on the bed。边做动作。为学生创造愉快的英语学习氛围。2.任务呈现与课文导入

教师说:“星期一的早晨,Tom的妈妈Ms Smart急急忙忙地送Tom去幼儿园,幼儿园离家比较远,需要经过一段马路才能到。不过,Tom过马路的时候却并不着急,东张西望的,你们猜猜Ms Smart是怎样跟他说的呢?在去幼儿园的路上,他们遇见了Tom妈妈的好朋友Pam和她的女儿,Ms Smart告诉Tom要有礼貌,见到熟人应该打招呼。为了赶去幼儿园,他们与朋友匆匆地告别,可是却发生了一件令人啼笑皆非的事情,是什么呢?让我们一起看看。” 3.课文教学(1)学习新词

出示抽认卡,示范发音,单词walk,road,dangerous,before,cross,hold,when,talk, say,hurry,take,right,child,sorry,词组in the road ,cross the road,hold

my hand, in a hurry,say...to,can't talk,take the right child。利用这些词汇,做游戏Bingo。如:Listen and cross out,then say“Bingo”。完成运用任务 1。示例:right in a hurry can't talk sorry say...to take the right child can't talk child(2)SB活动 1 播放会话磁带和投影片或配套的VCD或CD-ROM。学生听并回答下列问题。

1.Who are they? 2.Where are they? 3.What shouldn't Tom do? 4.What should Tom do before crossing the road? 5.What should Tom do when crossing the road? 6.Who are the woman and the girl? 7.What should Tom say to his mother's friend? 8.Why can't Ms Smart talk? 9.What does Tom say to Ms Smart? 10.What does Ms Smart do? 4.任务完成

(1)完成AB练习1 把全班同学分成若干个小组,以小组合作的形式完成课堂活动用书练习1,务必使每个学生都有读单词的机会。(2)完成AB练习2 教师播放磁带,学生认真听。再放一遍,借助图写出听到的句子。然后以小组为单位核对答案。对完答案后,每个小组以汇报的方式,向全班展示,选出“最佳合作奖”(Well-cooperated Team),完成运用任务2。5.课后作业

(1)全班完成:SB活动1(2)个别完成:AB练习3 能力拓展训练:小组表演:You should take the right child.Module 10 Unit 2 You should eat fruit.学习任务:

You should...Yes,you should./No,you shouldn't.掌握m,mm;n;ng在单词中的发音

学唱歌:Little Tommy Tucker sings for his supper.功能:熟练运用should和shouldn't及语音和节奏训练 运用任务:

1.做游戏:“You should/You shouldn't”;2.学唱歌谣,选出“最佳合作奖”(Well-cooperated Team);3.个人独立完成AB Unit2练习1和2;小组合作完成AB Unit2练习3和4。教学程序: 1.热身复习

游戏:“使你变得更美好”。让学生们走出课桌的“重重包围”,走到“朋友中来”,大家围坐在一起,谈谈“知心话”,互相帮助,共同进步。利用句型“You should/You shouldn't...”完成互帮互助的活动。如果对方提的建议是应该做的,他会用句型You should...其余持相同意见的同学可以说Yes,you should.如果对方提的是不应该做的,他会用句型You should't...其余持相同意见的同学可以说No,you shouldn't.注意:No在这里要译成“是的,你不应该。” 示例:

You should eat fruit.Yes,you should.You shouldn't wallk in the road.No,you shouldn't.2.任务呈现与课文导入 老师为同学们准备了一项游戏的一首歌谣,学生在玩的过程中进一步了解如何表达(不)应该做的事。3.课文教学(1)游戏教学 Oh,my dear friends.Do you like playing games?I believe you do.And today,we will play a special game with a spinner.Look, this is a spinner.I can spin it by hand.First spin it and then look at the number.Look at the picrure,say a sentence,and add up your points according to the given number below the picture.If there is a “√”,then say“You should...”if there is an “×”,then say “You shouldn't...”Is it clear enough?OK,let's begin.师生共同做游戏或分组做游戏,教师做裁判,选出最后的胜利者。

示例:You should look before you cross the road/tidy up your room/play with your friends together/eat fruit/drink milk/sing loudly/read more books/do exercises/say “hello”to your teacher/ride your bicycle;You shouldn't make a mess/get up at 10/walk in the road /jump on the bed /put rubbish on the floor/cry/fouget to take your camera/put books on the floor etc.Total Points:()


出示几套抽认卡,包括moon,swimming,noodle,balloon,singer,cycling几个单词。每组发一套,学生在小组内轮流朗读。然后教师请学生通过朗读找出字母或字母组合m, mm, n, ng的发音,完成下面的表格,然后做汇报展示。根据各组的表现程度加分,评选出优胜者。4.任务完成

(1)全班同学利用磁带或CD-ROM做AB Unit 2练习1和2.(2)以小组形式完成AB Unit 2练习2。务必使每个学生都有一次发言的机会。5.课后作业

(1)全班完成:SB Unit 2活动1和2及AB Unit 3练习1。(2)个别完成:AB Unit 2练习3和4。(3)能力拓展训练




Module 4 My class




首先,从学生的能力分析,他们掌握的句型和单词的数量不多,虽在三年级年级学习的时候曾接触过数字1—10,也知道用how many去询问数量,可因为年龄的特点使得他们遗忘率比较严重,通过本单元所学的知识,学生已温故而知新,能够说出物体的形状及如何询问和回答。



三、教学目标(一)语言知识目标 1.熟悉数字1-10.2.熟悉询问有关数量问题的句型:How many„are there? There is/are„(二)语言技能目标




能在英语课堂中感受到Song 和 Rhyme 的乐趣。


1.单词:class, blackboard, star, does, each, group, see, Let’s me see, winner, Chinese, maths。2.学习句型:询问数量的句子:How many„are there?„has„





七、教学过程 第一课时Unit 7

一、教学内容:Let’s talk.二、教学目标: 1.单词:class, blackboard, star, does, each, group, see, Let’s me see, winner 2.学习句型:询问数量的句子:How many„are there?„has„

三、教学重难点: How many„are there?„has„



1.Sing a song with actions.Ten little Indians 2.Free Talk

3.Game :Simon Says 老师用英语讲数字,全班学生用手做出相应的手势。当学生听到Simon Says的时候,学生才能做动作;如果老师没有说Simon Says,学生就不能做动作,犯规者要被扣分。1)请一位学生来当小老师,其他学生根据小老师的指令做动作。




I can count from one to ten 1.首次播放歌曲,让学生在听的过程中找出歌曲中提到的数字。2.再播放一或两次,引导学生找出歌曲中提及的物品。3.重放歌曲,让学生尝试跟唱这歌曲。



1.Activity 1:看幻灯片回答问题

A.老师快速地闪现幻灯片里的内容,提问:How many„ are there„? B.学生回答。

2.引出句子:How many stars does each group have? 出现课本的图片,要求学生在5秒数出物体的数量。随后图片消失。T:How many„?

Ss记忆回答:Group 1 has„ Game:Do and Guess 他们要用Group 1 has„来回答。

(通过这样的情景创设,为学生提供操练目标语言的机会。爱这样的情景之中,通过学生的做和猜,能增加游戏的挑战性,让学生更好地投入到英语课堂的学习中去。)4.学习单词class, blackboard, star, does, each, group, see, Let’s me see, winner, Chinese, maths 5.游戏






Unit 7 How many stars does each group have? class, blackboard, star, does, each, group, see, Let’s me see, winner, How many„are there?„has„



一、教学内容:Fun with Language


(一)语言知识目标 1.熟悉数字1-10.2.熟悉询问有关数量问题的句型:How many„are there? There is/are„(二)语言技能目标




能在英语课堂中感受到Song 和 Rhyme 的乐趣。


1.单词:class, blackboard, star, does, each, group, see, Let’s me see, winner, Chinese, maths。2.学习句型:询问数量的句子:How many„are there?„has„







1.Sing a song with actions.Ten little Indians 2.Free Talk: How many …? 3.Game 4.复习单词



1.复习句子 How many stars does each group have?

Ss记忆回答:Group 1 has„ Game:考记忆力



(1)听录音带,回答问题。(2)跟读课文。(3)分角色朗读课文 5.表演课文 6.检测题目。





Unit 7 How many stars does each group have? Let’s me see, Chinese, maths

How many„are there?„has„



一、教学内容:Exercise&Sing along

二、教学目标(一)语言知识目标 1.熟悉数字1-10.2.熟悉询问有关数量问题的句型:How many„are there? There is/are„(二)语言技能目标




能在英语课堂中感受到Song 和 Rhyme 的乐趣。


1.单词:class, blackboard, star, does, each, group, see, Let’s me see, winner, Chinese, maths。2.学习句型:询问数量的句子:How many„are there?„has„







1.Sing a song with actions.Ten little Indians 2.Free Talk




1.打开书本40页,第一题,Listen and circle.Let the children listen first, and then check the answer.2.Game.(通过这样的情景创设,为学生提供操练目标语言的机会。爱这样的情景之中,通过学生的做和猜,能增加游戏的挑战性,让学生更好地投入到英语课堂的学习中去。)3.Look and count.Let the children do first, and then check the answer.4.Ask and answer.5.Sing along 6.检测题目。





Unit 7 How many stars does each group have? Fun with langue How many„are there?„has„ Sing along


第四课时 Unit 8 I like English best 一.教学内容分析:Let’s talk 本单元话题谈及喜爱的学科,该内容与生活有密切联系,学生会有浓厚的兴趣,但对问别人喜欢学科的句子What’s your favourite subject? 及其答句等, 还需要进一步的学习和熟练掌握。


(一)语言知识目标 1.词汇。

“四会”掌握单词:subject, favourite, best, write, story, about, What about„? And you„? everything, learn, sing, song, sport, science, understand, world 2.学会用英语表达你最喜欢的学科。









三、教学重点 1.掌握好新单词。2.能熟读和背诵课文。



学生能运用What’s your favourite subject? I like..best.来表达自己对学科的喜好。





1.教师和学生之间进行free talk活动。2.Sing a song.(二)呈现与操练



4活动:让学生带着问题看课文对话, 然后从学生回答问题的情况来检查学生是否理解课文。5学习新单词favourite.6学习新句子What’s your favourite subject? I like..best.7操练句子

8学习单词best, write, story, about, What about„? And you„? 9朗诵小诗I Love English。10游戏


1.活动:做个小小调查员,询问别的同学喜欢什么学科 完成一个调查表。Name Subject he/she likes

(四)布置作业 1.记忆单词。



Unit 8 I like English best favourite,best,What’s your favourite subject? write,I like..best.story, about,What about…?

And you…?



一.教学内容:Let’s talk


(一)语言知识目标 1.词汇。

“四会”掌握单词:subject, favourite, best, write, story, about, What about„? And you„? everything, learn, sing, song, sport, science, understand, world 2.学会用英语表达你最喜欢的学科。


1.能流利并准确地运用英语询问和回答你最喜欢的学科 2.能理解和连贯朗读对话,语音、语调和停顿基本正确,基础好的学生能表演对话。






三、教学重点 1.掌握好新单词。2.能熟读和背诵课文。



学生能运用What’s your favourite subject? I like..best.来表达自己对学科的喜好。





1.Sing a song with actions.2.Free Talk: What’s your favourite subject? I like..best.3.Game 4.复习单词



1.复习句子What’s your favourite subject? I like..best.2.Game 3.学习新单词:everything, learn, sing, song, sport, science, understand, world 4.Game(读单词大小声)5.朗读课文




1.活动:做个小小调查员,询问别的同学喜欢什么学科 完成一个调查表。Name Subject he/she likes 2.检测题目。

(四)布置作业 1.记忆单词。2.背诵课文。


Unit 8 I like English best

What’s your favourite subject?

everything,I like..best.learn,sing, song, sport, science, understand, world




本单元话题谈及喜爱的学科,该内容与生活有密切联系,学生会有浓厚的兴趣,但对问别人喜欢学科的句子What’s your favourite subject? 及其答句等, 还需要进一步的学习和熟练掌握。


询问别人喜欢什么学科,比较容易引起他们的共鸣。孩子们喜欢说,也喜欢交流。本课通过游戏、听说等形式拓展学生的语言课外知识及文化知识, 全面提高学生的英语水平,丰富学生的学习生活。同时,让学生评价和了解自己的学习情况。


(一)语言知识目标 1.词汇。

“四会”掌握单词:subject, favourite, best, write, story, about, What about„? And you„? everything, learn, sing, song, sport, science, understand, world 2.学会用英语表达你最喜欢的学科。









四、教学重难点 1.掌握好新单词。2.能熟读和背诵课文。




1.Sing a song with actions.2.Free Talk: What’s your favourite subject? I like..best.3.Game 4.复习单词



1.复习句子What’s your favourite subject? I like..best.2.Game 3.听写单词:everything, learn, sing, song, sport, science, understand, world 4.Fun with language.5.Ask and write.6.Play a game.7.Do the project.8.Story time,(三)作业布置




Unit 8 Fun with language & story time

What’s your favourite subject?

I like..best.七、教学反思



Module 1 Unit1 Go straight on 教学目标:

1、让学生掌握turn left turn right go straight on。

2、学会用Where's...? 来问路。


1、会用Where's...? 来打听道路。

2、能听懂turn left turn right go straight on。教学难点: left rignt go straight on 的正确发音。

教学准备:小红旗、糖果、若干卡片、自制小地图、多媒体课件、简易地图(学 生每两人一张)教学过程: Step1.Warming-up T: Hello!Boys and girls!Nice to see you!Ss: Hello!Miss Gao!Nice to see you ,too!T: I'm happy!Are you happy? Ss: Yes!T: So let's sing a song , ok?(教学意图:上课前的热身运动,边唱边表演符合小学生的年龄特点,吸引了学生的注意力,稳定了学生的情趣,也活跃了课堂气氛。)Step2.Presentation 1.T: Sam wants to go to Daming's home , but he is lost , let' s have a look.(播放课件)

2.T: There are some places in the classroom.Can you show me where's the school park zoo KFC supermarket?(事先把几幅相应的图片贴在教室的各个角落)The Ss point them out T: Is the school on my left ?(学生听不懂,用中文翻译一遍)(教学意图:以情境引入教学,并使用多媒体课件辅助,更易使学生快速进入学习意境,以听指的方法来复习学过的单词,既巩固了旧知,又自然地引出了新知:left / right)

3.Teaching the two words : left / right(出示单词卡片)4.Practicing the two new words: A.Guessing where's the sweet.(猜对的学生,把那个糖果给他)B.踏步练习:left,right,(分组练习)

T: Let 's do some exercises and we're going to have a competition.The group which does better will get 10 points.5.指定一名学生上来再做一组练习后,发出新指令:Turn left!(学生没有反应,不明白什么意思,教师用肢体语言表示其意)6.出示卡片:Turn 师带读 7.贴出标志图: 1Turn left Turn right 8.Competition.规则:每组选一名同学上台,听教师指令,做左转、右转,做错的同学淘汰下去,最后一名站在台上的同学就是胜利者,可为自己小组加10分。

(教学意图: 学习新词时,采用猜糖果游戏和踏步练习的形式进行操练,学生兴致极高,课堂气氛非常活跃;同时引入竞争机制,贯穿整个教学过程,使全体学生保持一种学习的积极状态,并培养学生的竞争意识和合作精神。)9.Teaching the phrase : Go straight on Show a map and ask the Ss : “ If I want to go to the KFC , how can I go there ? ”(学生用中文回答: 向前直走)教师给予肯定并用英语说: Go straight on.并做相应的肢体动作。

10.出示课题卡片: M2 U1 Go straight on!11.贴出标志图,并带读该词组 Go straight on Step3.Consolidation 1.大小声练习.2.学生发指令,教师做动作.3.Playing games : Help the other Ss get the flag.游戏规则: 请两名学生上来,一个蒙着眼睛,一个用turn left turn right go straight on来指方向,帮助找到小红旗.顺利找到者,可各为自己的小组加10分.4.出示一张自制地图,指名提问:Where's the...? 教师根据学生的回答在地图上画出行走路线.出示词条: A : Where's the...? B : 带读两遍.5.Pair work.学生拿出课前发的简易小地图,两两合作,一个问,一个答并画出路线.(做完了,请几组学生上台展示)Step 4.Homework.Tell your classmates and friends where your home is and how to go there

Unit 2 It’s at the station.一、教学内容








四、说学情 四年级的学生活泼好动、求知欲强,对直观、形象的事物比较有兴趣,喜欢模仿和游戏。对英语的学习积累了一些能力和方法,在三年级已经掌握了少量的介词,如:on,in,under等。并且在第一单元中接触了简单的问路和指路的句型。这些都为本课的学习做了良好的铺垫。



1、Warm up:Sing a song.—left foot, right foot, left foot, right„以此把学生带入今天的课堂。这样学生就自然地进入到一个良好的英语氛围,当歌声落下,我热情地和学生打招呼,与学生用英语进行简单的交谈。出示课件和简笔画,用Excuse me.Where is„?进行看图问答,复习问路和指路使用的语言。请全班同学为踊跃举手的同学鼓掌,肯定他们的努力,鼓励他们大胆尝试。

2、Let’s go to a place.Look!Here we are.把本课的hill, station, house,rain等图片展出。使用单词卡片学习单词hill, station ,house, rain。反复操练后,接着开展I can read!活动,检测学生对单词的熟练程度。(二)、新课呈现

1)、用简笔画添上一条铁轨。Let’s go by rain.邀请学生们一起坐着这辆火车去游玩,播放CD-ROM,为了更好地完成课程目标,我给学生下达了任务:让他们注意看图中火车分别进行到什么位置?这些内容用英语又怎样表述呢?为了更好地帮助学生听懂录音,同时把Where is train_? It’s _.写在简图的下方。2)、儿童的心理特点是好奇的,所以我选在这个时候为学生的疑问对故事中表示位置的介词进行讲解:把火车头对着山顶开,然后说:We are up the hill。然后操练和检测;用同样的方式学习down the hill,near the houses,at the station。



1、Read and match.2、Lisening.3、Read and complete.4、Look and say(SB活动3).2、活动二:播放课文活动4录音,鼓励学生跟着韵诗唱起来、动起来。(五)、课后作业


Module 2 Unit1.She's reading a book

1、Language knowledge 学习单词和短语“write、letter、picture、friend、take pictures、talk to、little、play with”和句型“This is...He's/She's„”

2、Language skills 能够听、说、认读单词,能够讲述正在发生的事情。

3、Sentiment 培养学生学习英语的兴趣,激励学生积极参与活动,逐步养成自觉学习的好习惯。

三、Teaching key points 掌握本课语言结构。能听、说、认读单词和短语,并能熟练运用新知识。

四、Teaching difficult points 灵活运用知识讲述正在发生的事情。

五、Teaching procedure

1、Warming up Greerings Free talk 老师和学生互相问好。在自由谈话中,随机向不同的学生提问:“What do you do at the weekend?”引导学生使用下列词组:play football、play basketball、play table tennis、swimming、watch TV等。老师要求学生回答问题时带上动作,在他/她做动作的同时,老师向全班同学说:“Look!He's playng football.She's swimming.”使用这种方法呈现更多新语言。

2、Presentation 学习单词、短语。


3、Learn the text 请学生仔细观察图画,认真阅读课文,帮助学生弄清楚故事内容和情节:Sam正在展示自己的绘画作品,其中有Lingling写信的画,Daming照相的画,Amy打电话的画,还有Tom玩玩具火车的画。

请学生对照着书听录音,老师帮助学生学习本课的语言结构,并使用不同的方式进行练习。例如:模仿录音,个人展示,根据课文内容问题:“What is Amy doing? What is Sam doing? What is Tom doing?”等。


4、Practice Play a game 玩一个“神算”游戏。在老师给出的图片中,让同学自己选择一张,在选择之前先算一算你能选到哪一张,如果选择的图画与自己算的一样时,那就是“神算”。

5、Production 仿照课文内容,以小组为单位编个小故事,并在班里展示。

6、Cooling down Review the lesson and end the class.七、Homework 结合本节课所学的英语知识,画出你的家人正在做事的图画,下节课向全班同学讲述。

Unit 2 What are you doing?


1.知识目标:watching TV,talking to „ taking pictures,reading a book,writing a letter,playing with,listening to music,What are you doing? I ' m „ What is he/she doing?---He/She is „



二、预习学案 预习目标:


1.复习上节课学过的内容:talking to „ taking pictures,writing a letter,playing with。




1.同学做动作.老师问What is she/he doing?多说几遍,找同学回答。2.复习上节课学过的内容,出示挂图根据挂图的内容,说出句子,可找个人说,或小组代表,或集体说.(二)小组合作,自主学习1.自主学习单词(Task 1)

(1)Listen and underline the new words and the difficult words.(2)学习新单词 listen to ,music, read ,掌握词组listen to music, read a book,根据卡片练习句子I’m listening to music /reading a book./ watchingTV,(3)小组展示 2.课文学习

(1)Listen and point.播放录音,主要培养学生的认读能力,至少听两遍。(2)Listen and repeat.再次拨放录音,学生边指边读。(3)小组对话练习.分角色朗读.3.学唱歌曲。


根据上节课学过及新学的词组,句型同桌练习,或者小组练习.根据图片或者动作进行对话练习:如: What are you doing? I’m listening to musicq


1.What is he /she doing ?的问答。

找同学到讲台上每一个人做一个动作不动.其他同学进行问答.2.对正在进行的动作进行描述.巩固练习.也可以采取you say I do ,you do I say ,you say I draw等形式.3.小结归纳

归纳总结本节课的所学的内容.What are you doing? I’m listening to musicq What is he /she doing ? 4.教师、小组、个人评价


Ⅰ.写出下列单词的现在分词形式。do swim take play read listen write Ⅱ.下列句子各有一个错误,你能找出来并改正吗? 1.What are he doing? 2.I'm watch TV.3.This is my father.She is reading a book.4.I'm doing I homework.5.What are you doing? I listening to music.五、课后作业



Unit2 What are you doing? G1 G2 G3 G4 I’m listening to music watching TV reading a book

Module 3 Unit 1 What are they doing ?



3.学生能够听、说、认boat chess row soybean milk drink hungry。4.通过创设和谐的氛围,让孩子们轻松愉快地学习英语,并形成良好的英语语 感。重点、难点: 1.学说问句What are they doing? 2.掌握句型They’re 动词+ing [+宾语] 3.能清晰准确地发出本课所教的单词的音

二、预习学案 1.预习课文补全单词

b t ch s r s b n milk dr k h ry 2.用“ ”标出询问动词的ing形式,反复阅读,理解句子意思。3.在笔记本上记录自己预习后的疑惑,准备交流。



1.师生齐唱M2 中的小诗,并配以动作。

2.教师快速向学生出示几组词,每组包含一个动词,请学生说出这个动词。师板书:read , write ,listen,play , talk „ 3.请学生说这些动词的-ing形式。4. 齐读黑板上的动词及其-ing形式。



教师模仿动作后提问:What am I doing?(我正做什么?)引入句子: I’m doing taijiquan.。

3.请全体学生一起边做动作,边说:I’m doing taijiquan.4.自主学习单词(Task 1)

(1)Listen and underline the new words and the difficult words.(2)Listen and read the new words and the difficult words 3 times.(3)Read the words by yourself.5.小老师检查单词(Who can teach?)6.单词句型运用(Task 2)

以小组为单位,用所学词汇造句,进行运用,找出本模块重点句型what are they doing?进行替换、拓展、对话等情景练习,然后小组进行展示。



2.教师通过提问:What is he/ she doing ?复习He’s/ She’s 动词+ing。3.请该生所在组的成员模仿该生的动作,并做动作边说:I’m动词+ing [+宾语]。

4.教师故作不解状问:What are they doing ? 后又释然说:Oh.They’re 动词+ing [+宾语],并板书。


6.小组合作挑选黑板上所提供的任一动词(不能重复),做出相应的动作,其他学生回答问题:What are they doing ?




3.四人小组中,请学生A 和B向学生C和D模仿一个动作,然后由C和D提问:A 和B在做什么? 4.让小组内学生互换角色。

5.请几位学生到教室前模仿动作,教师提问:What are they doing ?然后让全班或个别学生回答。

四、课堂检测 1.选择单词补全句子

riding playing rowing drinking doing They’re Taijiquan.They’re a dragon boat.They’re chess.They’re soybean milk.They’re on a bus.2.英汉互译 上车 在湖上

under the tree play chess 许多 row a boat


1.抄写单词:row , play, drink, boat, milk 2.收集有关人物或动物正在进行某种动作行为的照片、图片、图案,并用英语说说他们正在做什么?


Unit 1 What are they doing? What are they doing?

They are rowing a dragon boat.On the lake They are doing Taijiquan.In the park They are playing chess.Under the tree Unit 2 What ’s the elephant doing?


a、知识目标:能听懂、会说本课句型―What are they doing? They are„ What is Amy doing ? She is„




本课时的教学重点是掌握句型―What are they doing? They are„What is Amy doing ? She is„?,难点是培养学生在实际情景中运用对话的能力,教师抓住这个重点内容,通过大量的 会话练习,做不同人称的 替换训练,进一步突破了难点。


三、说教学过程 Step 1 Warm-up.1、Greetings and sing an English song.2、Let’s do.T: doing taijiquan ,rowing a dragon boat,playing chess,drinking soybean..Ss: Do the actions.(师先发指令,生做动作,再利用多媒体课件依次播放图片,让学生看图说出完整的句子, 如:They are doing taijiquan.(rowing a dragon boat,playing chess;drinking soybean..)Step 2 Presentation.(创设情景,引入新课。)

1、师先示范―跑的动作,让学生跟着做动作,边做边说:―I’m running.师适时提问:―What is the teacher doing?引导学生回答:―The teacher is running.2、师再分别出示Amy ―跑的动作并提问,―What is Amy doing?学生模仿前面的 句子说:―Amy is running.or she is running.师再分别出示Daming(看电视)的动作并提问,―What is Daming doing? 学生跟着说―Daming is watching TV.or He is watching TV.师同样出示Sam and Daming(打篮球)以及Amy and Lingling(打乒乓球)的动作并提问,T: What are Sam and Daming doing? Ss: They are playingbasketball.Boys: What are Amy and Lingling doing? Girls : They are playing table tennis.3、Listen to the tape and answer the questions.Q1: What are Sam and Daming doing? Q2: What are Amy and Lingling doing? Q3: What is Amy doing? Q4 ―What is Daming doing? Step 3 Practice.1、Play a game ―I act, you guess.一个学生做动作,另一个学生躲在其身后, 全班齐问What are you doing? S2根据动作猜出并回答:―I’m„‖教师让全班同学评出最佳默契奖,并以stickers奖励。

2、Play a game again―find your friend.‖

师事先准备好许多动作卡片,分发给学生,以四人一小组为单位,通过在组内对 话,让他们寻找自己的朋友,看谁找得快。

这游戏能让学生在完成任务的过程中,不断操练What are theydoing? They are„,What is he/she doing ? He/ She is„能极大地激发学生学习英语的兴趣,巩固所学的新授知识。Step 4 What is he/she doing ? He/she is „ What’s he doing ? What’s Liuxiang doing He’s playing football.He’s runnin

What’s Yaoming doing ? What is Dengyaping doing ? He’s playing basketball.She’s playing table tennis

Module 4 Uint 1 Do you want some rice? 一.教学目标 1.知识目标

1)掌握并运用单词:Chinese fast food want some make nice chopsticks difficult 2)熟练运用句型:“Do you want some „„?” “Yes, please./ No, thank you”、“Have you got„„?” “Yes, I have./ No, I haven’t.” 2.能力目标




1.教学重点:掌握句型Do you want some...?Yes, please.No, thank you.并能就食物的选择向他人提问或回答他人。

2.教学难点: chopsticks、difficult的发音及新句型的运用。



四、教学过程 step1、Warming up 1、Greetings

2、Revision T: Today we will learn the new lesson.First, let's review some words of food.(复习以前学过的食物的单词,全体学生齐读一次。)

3、Free talk T: Can you tell me what your favorite food is? My favorite food is noodles, what is yours? S:My favorite foot is chicken.T: Chicken is very nice.(教学nice)句型:Have you got _____ in these days? Yes, I have./ No, I haven’t.(此处的教授要迅速,简明,以免时间不足)step2、presentation and practice

1、T: I have got some nice food.Look.(Show the food cards and ask)T:Noodles、rice、dumplings、hamburgers and hot dogs are fast food.(Show the card and read “fast food”)And noodles、rice、dumplings are Chinese fast food.(explain “Chinese fast food”)Yes,hamburgers,hot dogs and sandwiches are Western fast food.

2、T: dumplings、noodles and rice are Chinese fast food.Do you like Chinese fast food? Ss:...教学Chinese / fast food(小火车读)

3、T: Boys and girls, look at me please, what foot I is this? Ss: Noodles.T: Yes, you are right.I like noodles.Do you know how to making noodles? Ss:...T:(出示图片)Look, what is he doing? Ss:„..T: He's making noodles.(随机教学 making noodles)

4、T: I want some noodles.What do I need?(用体态语帮助学生理解句意,同时拿出筷子)S: T: Yes, chopsticks.教学 chopsticks(把单词为两个部分chops / ticks)告诉学生这个词语用复数

5、T: Chopsticks are difficult.教学 difficult(个人读,小组读,齐读)

6、教授句型Do you want some...?Yes, please.No, thank you.T: Do you want some...? 1)板书Do you want some...? 2)引导学生回答Yes, please.No, thank you并板书

7、practice /先个别后整体/ 1)老师轮流指着实物图片提问Do you want some...? 2)全班开火车操练


Listen to the text and answer the questions: 1.Does Amy want some rice? 2.What is the man doing?

3.Are chopsticks difficult for Amy? 全班跟读3遍,分角色跟读并表演。Step3 extension 请学生看书上或者挂图上的五幅图,老师指着图问:What’s this? 引导学生学生说出食物的名称,然后指着图单个向学生提问:Do you want some„?要求学生用Yes,please./ No, thank you.回答。最后两人一组练习。Play a game: Do you want some rice? 食物问答接龙。

饭馆订餐游戏,四个同学一组,每组有两张菜单Chinese fast food and western fast food.创设去饭馆订餐的情境表演对话(一名服务员、三名顾客)学生进行对话: A: Excuse me, can I help you? B: I want to east fast food.A: Do you want some _____? B: Yes, please.No, thank you.A: Do you want some _____? C: Yes, please.No, thank you.A: Do you want some _____? D: Yes, please.No, thank you.A: Anything else? B: That’s all, thank you A: You’re welcome.Step4、homework 1)Ask your parents and friends what kind of food they want.2)Write the new words.板书设计:

Module5 unit1 Do you want some rice? Do you want some_____? Chinese fast food Yes, please.Western fast food No, thank you.Scores

Unit 2 How much is it?

教学内容:Students’ book Module4Unit2

学习任务:What are you doing ? I’m making dumplings/ I’m cooking vegetable.Do you want some ? Yes , please./ No , thank you.教具:实物:饺子,蔬菜,勺子,围裙 卡片,教师资源包CD 教学过程 一.Warming up Greeting 二.Chant : left foot ,right foot ,left foot right 三.Review 展示卡片

T:What’s this ?

Ss : cake, rice , noodles , fish(学生快速读出)T: Do you want some „

Ss: Yes ,please./ No , thank you.四.实物导入

1.T:老师今天带了二种好吃又有营养的东西,大家猜猜是什么?拿出饺子教学dumpling ① 全班读 ② 个别读 ③ 小组读

2.同法教学vegetable ①唱反调(师大声读单词,生小声;反之师小声生大声)②全班读单词 五.巩固单词

师(学生猜)Play a game:猜单词


1. I’m making dumplings.T:今天老师非常高兴,所以要大展厨艺(带上围裙,包饺子),now ,look here ,What am I doing? 想不想知道老师在干什么吗?要用英语怎么问呢? Ss:What are you doing ?(板书)T:I’m making dumplings.Do you want some?(板书)采用不同形式读句型I’m making dumplings.(如:师读快,生读慢;师读慢,生读快)2. I’m cooking dumplings.T:接下来,老师要展示每二样厨艺,Look here(师抄菜),想知道Miss Lin 正做什么要用英语怎么问

Ss: What are you doing?(板书)T: I’m cooking vegetables.Do you want some.(板书)采用不同形式读句型I’m cooking dumplings.(如:男女分开读,小组读)七.学课文


1.T:Now open your book ,turn to page20.今天Sam 和Amy去Darming家做客,我们来看看Daming 一家做了什么好吃的请他们。(播放CD—ROM)T:他们来到Daming 家,看到Daming正在making dumplings,他们两个不知道Daming在干嘛,他们是怎么问? S1:What are you doing ,Daming? T: Daming 是怎么回答? S1: I’m making dumplings? 全班跟着CD—ROM读。2. 情境表演

师去学生家做客,学生正在包饺子 T: What are you doing ? Ss: I’m making dumplings.Do you want some ? T: Yes ,please.(2)学生第二部分

1.T:Daming家除了Making dumplings 还做了什么好吃的? Ss: Cooking vegetables.T: Daming 急匆匆来到厨房里,看到妈妈正在cooking vegetables他是怎么问的? SS: What are you doing? T: mother是怎么回答的? Ss: I’m cooking vegetables.Read after the CD-ROM 2.巩固练习①师做抄菜动作

Ss: What are you doing ? T: I’m cooking vegetables.Do you want some ? Ss: Yes ,please./ No, thank you.②Play a game 听音乐传花,音乐一停,拿到花的学生做抄菜的动作,其他学生问 What are you doing ?此生回答I’m cooking vegetables.Do you want some ?操练对话。3. 表演课文对话 小组合作,表演课文对话。八.扩展练习

Play a game: Copy 不走样

请几名学生上台,站成一排,师传给第一个学生一句话(如:I’m rowing a boat.),此学生根据这句话做出动作,并把动作一一传下去,等到最后一个学生做完动作,全班问最后一名学生:―What are you doing ?‖此学生根据自己的理解回答,最后师说出答案,给答对的学生奖励。九.总结

Module 5 Unit 1 Can you run fast? 教学目标 知识目标 Knowledge aim 掌握本课主要生词并能熟练的听说认读 run fast jump high jump far ride fast 及听懂理解会说Can you „的句型和肯定回答Yes, I can.否定回答No ,I can`t.2 能力目标 Ability aim 能听懂理解会说Can you„ 句型,并在实际情景中进行应用。3 情感目标 Emotion aim 通过各种活动,使学生之间相互了解。激发其学习英语的兴趣,树立学好英语的信心.教学重点难点: 教学重点 Teaching Points 会听说认读本课词组 run fast jump high jump far ride fast 教学难点 Teaching difficults 能运用can you 句型进行对话。

动词 run 和 ride 读音上的区分 fast 和 far 在读音上的区分。教学方法: 游戏法、交际法 师生活动过程: 1.Warming up 师生之间自然地的问好。教师告诉学生I like sports.询问学生是否喜欢sports。引导学生理解sports 的意思。2.Teaching process.点击课件,出现各种学生熟悉的运动。带领学生一起回忆这些运动。并且说出句型can you 就学生熟悉的动作进行询问。引导学生用yes ,I can 或者no, I can’t 进行回答,同时把板书can you 写在黑板上。引导学生回答。根据教师的表情进行肯定和否定的训练。

图片演示本课中的新词:run fast.教师问学生:can you read it ?引导学生自己读出来。将词组写在黑板上,并让学生跟读。请单个学生进行操练。以行为单位开火车操练。在操练的过程中教师适当对学生的发音进行纠正。教师边做动作演示run fast 边说“I can run fast ,can you ?”先询问全班同学。再询问个别同学,引导学生回答。并让他问我can you run fast ? 请2到3名自告奋勇的同学接受全体同学的询问。

出示图片演示ride fast.教读该词组。并强调该词组与前面的run fast 在读音上的区别。全班读。叫个别学生读。并适当纠正不标准的读音。教师问全体同学can you ride fast ? 再引导个别同学回答。请回答问题的同学再问其他同学。

图片演示jump far.教师边演示边说I can jump far.can you ?引导学生回答。教读词组。分组读。学生随着教师的手势不断变换声音的大小达到熟练的效果。重点强调far 跟 fast 的区别,让学生注意不要混淆。全班将词组带到句型中读。分组读句子。第一组读大声,第二组读小声。

图片演示jump high.教师边做动作边问学生“I can jump high ,can you ?”并将jump high 写在黑板上。指导学生读。叫自告奋勇的学生读给全班听。教师读大声,学生读小声,并且跟随教师的手势不断变换声音的大小。让自告奋勇的学生来问其他同学。给予奖励。



3.跟录音读课文。四个小组分别扮演四个角色读。4.Expand with extension(拓展与外延)Unit2 Can Sam play football?


1掌握词汇: make a cake,play the flute,wash clothes,draw a dragon 2掌握句型:Can you „?Yes,I can / No,I can’t.教学重点与难点:


头饰,教师资源包CD,图片 教学过程: I.Warmer 1.Greetings 2.开展小游戏:


T:Can you fly, tiger? Tiger:No, I can’t.T: Can you fly, bird? Bird:Yes, I can.T: Can you swim,monkey? Monkey:No,I can’t。T: Can you swim,fish? Fish:Yes,I can。T: Can you jump,frog? Frog:Yes,I can。

引导学生唱自编小诗:I’m a tiger.I can run, run, run, run.I’m a bird.I can fly, fly, fly, fly.I’m a fish.I can swim, swim, swim, swim I’m a frog.I can jump, jump, jump, jump.I’m a monkey.I can climb, climb, climb, climb.II.Presentation:

1. 教师做动作,引导学生先后说出:make a cake,play the flute。再由此引出短语wash clothes,draw a dragon板书并教授

2. 教师询问学生:Can you make a cake/ play the flute/„? 3. 同桌互问

4. 开展游戏―互相帮助(就自己不能做的事情寻求帮助)

学生A不会洗衣服,要使用Can you wash clothes?向其他同学提问并寻求帮助,直到找到一名Yes,I can 能够帮助他的同学为止。每名同学都要为自己―不能做‖的事情寻求其他同学的帮助。游戏结束。可以请部分学生向全班汇报I can’t make dumplings, but Lanlan can.She can help me.I can cook vegetables, but Maomao can’t.I can help him.5. 学习歌曲

T:大家想不想做热心的孩子? 别人遇到困难了,伸出你热情的手,说Can I help you ?

1.播放录音,仔细听,感受节奏和旋律。2.进一步对can的用法加深 3.再放录音,学生跟唱,并做出相应的动作,教师适当指导。III.学习课文 1.打开课本part1教师向学生讲解Sam Amy Lingling Daming不同头像所代 表的回答。


3.分别扮演Sam Amy Lingling Daming小组四人以他们的口吻进行回答练习Can you make a cake? Yes, I can/ No, I can’t.Can you play the flute? Yes, I can/ No, I can’t.„„„„.IV.Practice 展示图片的动作:write a letter,row a boat,take a picture,read a book,do taijiquan,make Chinese food,play chess,make soup 1.四人一组,运用Can you„句型调查谁是多面手,能力强。2.选出两组汇报调查结果 V.小结: 本节课我们同学表现非常出色,很好的运用了―can‖来了解他人的能力,以便对你有所帮助。VI.作业: 1将今天所学的歌曲表演给好友或家人。

2收集学过的动词或动词词组,用I can描述自己能做到的,用I can’t描述不能做到的。

Module 6 Unit 1 Can I have some sweets? 一.学习目标: 知识目标:

1.听读并理解生词soup,sweets,bread,biscuits,fruit,dark,turn on,light在课文中的运用。

2.能够使用Can I have some„ 这类语句。3.听懂会读并理解课文。能力目标:



掌握语言结构Can I have some...?极其回答Yes, you can./Sorry, you can’t.能听、说、读单词,并能熟练运用新知识与他人对话。


我会写(将下列字母组合成正确的单词)。wsetse derba ibicuts posu

三、教学过程: 热身复习:


2、教师先把全班学生分成两大组,规定回答问题对者得贴画,贴画多的那个小组获胜。培养竞争意识。教师展示图片,一名同学扮演老师大声问:Can you do morning exercises/swim/jump/run/wash clothes?小组回答:Yes,I can./No, I can’t.通过此活动复习Can you„ ? 自主学习:


2、播放录音,回答问题: Who is on birthday? How old is Amy?

Can Amy have some food at first? Can Amy have some food at last?







Can I have some soup? Yes, you can.Yes, you can.Can I have some sweets? Yes, you can.Yes, you can.Can I have some bread? Sorry, you can’t.Sorry, you can’t.Can I have some biscuits? Sorry, you can’t.Sorry,youcan’t.四、课堂检测:


五、课后作业:听读课文三遍。Unit 2 Happy Halloween!教学目标:

1、听懂、会说、会读词汇:today, of course

2、能灵活运用重点句型Can I have some„? Yes, of course.Here you are./ sorry, you can’t.3、让学生初步了解西方万圣节的习俗 教学重点

词汇:today, of course 第2单元的英语诗。

难点 词汇halloween的发音。教学过程

一、Warming-up 复习上节课的重点单词oup, sweets, bread, light, biscuit, fruit及句型结构an I have some soup? Yes, you can./ Can I have some sweets?Sorry, you can’t.二、Leading-in T:在中国有许多节日,如劳动节、国庆节等等。在西方国家有一个孩子们非常喜欢的节日—万圣节,教师讲解万圣节的传统。




三、Learn the text


2、教授重点单词halloween 重点句型1.Can I come in ? Yes, of course.2.Can I have some sweets? Here you are.巩固练习句子



Can I have some soup? Can I have some fruit? Yes, you can.Yes, you can.And you can have some rice.They’re all very nice.6、Activities a play a game:SB4 b practice the dialogue

四、Homework Module 7 Ⅰ.Teaching goals: 1.Aims of Target language knowledge and skill 1)Function: Can use ― There is /are to talk about Photos.2)The students learn and can listen, read , say and use the sentences: There is a girl in this photo.She’s riding a horse.I can’t see her face.There are twelve boys on the bike.3)The pupils can listen, read and say the vocabulary:there is, horse, there are, have a look, sheep, vegetable, climb, face,fruit, chicken, bear,pig Can use: there is, there are,horse.2.Aims of emotion and attitude Pupils can actively participate in class learning activities.3.Aims of learning strategy Pupils can Actively cooperate with others to complete the study task Ⅱ.Teaching important and difficult points.1.Important points:Ss can listen, read and say the sentences: There is a girl in this photo.She’s riding a horse.I can’t see her face.There are twelve boys on the bike.2.Difficult points:can can listen, read , say and use the sentences: There is a girl in this photo.She’s riding a horse.I can’t see her face.There are twelve boys on the bike.ect to describe the Pictures or scene.Ⅲ.Teaching aids CD-ROM, pictures,cards, courseware Unit One There is a horse in this photo.Teaching Procedures Step One:Warm-up and lead-in.(about 5min)1.Greeting,then say the chant : ―Can I have some soup?‖

2.Show pictures: playing basketball, running, shipping, and so on.Let’s do asking and answering like this: What is he/she doing? He is„(激活知识)3.Show the picture of the text.(Amy is riding a horse)get Ss look at the picture and ask :What can you see?(Help Ss answer)4.Watch and listen to the CD-ROM.(整体感知如何描述图画)5.Watch ,listen and reapeat.(学着说,并提醒学生注意模仿语音语调,感知今天要学的内容There is „的语用,为新课学习做铺垫)Learn:horse 注意与house的区别,用图片进行比较。Step Two:Task presentation(about1min)向班级推荐手抄报的图片,并用There is..in the photo.He/She is„描述自己推荐的图片。

Step Three:text learning(about15min)1.play the CD-ROM.Get Ss watch and listen and thinking :1)What are Sam and Amy talking about? 2.Ss try to answer the question.(1,2整体感知课文)They talking about photos.3.Sam, Amy, Daming are talking about photos.How are they talking about them? Listen again(进一步感知课文)4.Show questions, listen and try to answer the questions(带问题听录音,试着回答,进一步了解课文内容,为学习目标语句打基础)2What’s in photo 1? 3)What’s in photo 2? 4)What’s in photo 3?

引导学生回答每个问题后连起来描述:There are talking about photos.There is „in photo 1„(板书There is a horse in this photo.There is a sheep in this photo.„)相机教学单词。

5.Try to say:There is a„ in/on/under/„ 6.listen and repeat.7.Work in group: retell the text.(A group of four把打乱顺序的课文句子重新排列好,强化对课文内容的理解)Step Four: practise(about10min)1.Listen and say(P40 Activty 3)跟读模仿语音语调

2.Look at the picture.(P40 A4),明确要求后,四人小组用there is„描述图片内容,共同完成任务。给学生三分钟练习,然后以小组为单位向全班展示。3.Finish Ex 1,3,4(课堂活动用书),巩固所学知识 Step Five: Task completion.(about 7min)T show some pictures, Ss talk about them and choose one describe it: There is a„in this photo.She/He is„

1.Ss talk about the Class Paper.(四人小组讨论手抄报的内容,合作画一幅画或推荐一幅图,作为班级手抄报的图片,并用There is„He is„来描述图片。意在发挥学生的学习主动性,运用所学知识)2.Ss report.Step Six Summary and homework(about 2min)1.Summary together.2.Finish ―一起作业‖ 3.Finish Ex2(AB book)4.以小组为单位为班级手抄报准备图片 Writing Unit 2 There are twelve boys on the bike.Learning: fruit, chicken, bear,pig There are twelve boys on the bike.Teaching Procedures Step One: Warm-up and lead-in(about 8min)1.Great and say a chant.1)Great each other.2)Say a chant.(U1)2.Rivew: 1)Work in pair:Look at the picture and talk about it.There is a„ in this photo./There is an„in this photo.He is„(doing sth)/She is..(doing sth)3.Lead-in:Listen,point and say.1)Look and the picture, watch and listen the CD-ROM(整体感知)2)Watch, listen and point.3)Watch, listen and repeat.(pay attention to imitate the pronunciation and intonation)Write the sentences on the blackboard.There is a boy on the bike.There are twelve boys on the bike.Step Two: Task prensentation Where is Daming? What is he doing?大明正在给大家介绍手抄报的内容。学完课文后我们也要选出班级手抄报的图片,谁的图片将入选呢? Step Three: Text learning.(about 15min)1.listen and think.What are in Daming’s photos?

2.Look at pictures and think how to intruduce them.3.Listen and point 4.Group work: try to answer the question ―What are in Daming’s photos?‖

5.T Guide the student to answer the question and write them on the blackboard.There is a panda in the photo.There are three chickens in the photos There is bear in the photo.There are eleven pigs in the photo.6.To compare: There is„, There are„用色笔标出要点

7.Show the pictures and learn the new words: fruit, chicken, bear, pig.8.Listen and repeat.((pay attention to imitate the pronunciation and intonation)9.Work in pair: describe the picture of the text.Then report.Step Four: Practise(about10min)1.Point and say.(SB U2 A3)2.Learn a song.Three Green Parrots 3.Finish SB U2 A5.(remember the pictures quilkly, then say it:There is„ There are„)

4.Finish AB.U2.Ex.1 Step Five: Task completion.(about 7min)四人小组合作用There is„ There are„ He/She is„ They are„介绍图片。然后请一人向全班介绍。大家一起选出好的图片,被选中的图片所在的组每人得一颗星以示鼓励。

Step Six Summary and homework(about 2min)1.Summary together.2.Finish ―一起作业

Module 8 Unit 1 we’re going to visit Hainan



(1)能听懂、会说并认读下列单词:children,tomorrow,from,China,swim,sea及短语: by plane(2)能听懂、会说并认读下列句子We’re going to go to Hainan tomorrow.I’m going to swim in the sea.2、能力目标

能听懂并能在图片的帮助下运用―be going to‖句型讲述自己的计划和即将发生的事情。


(1)培养学生将学到的知识运用于真实的生活场景中的能力,使学生具有一定 的社会交流意识,引导学生关注生活,热爱生活。(2)激发学生热爱祖国大好山河的情感。教学重点;1 学习运用be going to 句型。2 掌握单词及词组: children/ tomorrow/ by plane/ get up/ from China/ swim in the sea/ visit.教学难点: 能够正确理解运用be going to 句型。教具准备:

挂图、教师资源包CD、图片、挂历、一张中国地图 教学过程: I.Warming up 唱歌曲 I can’t do it.II.Revision: 1.复习以前学习过的动词及词组:run/ ride/ play/ swim„(复习动词是为了更好的学习本节课be going to句型做铺垫)2.Do duty report ―What day is today? What is the date today? III.Presentation: 1.教师出示当天的日历,指着的日期说 ―Today is 并出示新的一月份的 挂历对学生说:Our winter holiday is going to be in January.And I am going to go to Hainan in winter holiday.(复习对比日期,使学生初步了解be going to 的含义)2.学习句型 I am going to go Hainan.(为学生讲解be going to 的含义,并且学说, 同时讲解be going to 的用法。3.学生谈论What are they going to do at this weekend ? 4.出示中国地图,指着沈阳告诉学生 I am going to go to the zoo in Shenyang this weekend.So I am going to get up at 6 o’clock in the morning.(学说 get up)指着海南说And I am going to go to Hainan.I am going to swim in the sea.(出示图片,边做动作边学说swim in the sea)5.教师出示一张老爷爷的照片,告诉学生I am going to visit my grandpa, too.(学说 visit my grandpa)IV.Practice: 1.猜一猜:What is he she going to do tomorrow? 第一组:学生根据图片来猜:可以出示―天安门、石林、泰山、世博园、东方明珠等风景名胜,学生可以说出 ― He is going to go to Beijing.等句子。(这个活动不仅能够操练目标语言be going to,更能够激发学生对祖国大好河山的热爱,加深对中国地理知识的了解。)第二组:听声音猜。播放―游泳的声音、打篮球的声音、跑步的声音、飞机的声音„„。学生可以说出 :He is going to swim/ play basketball„等


句子„going to go by plane.这个新句型)2.学说by plane 3.放课文录音,第一遍学生听,第二遍学生指书跟读。讲解课文中 from China/ children等语境语。

4.运用任务:出示中国地图,小组讨论 : Where are you going to go? What are you going to do there?(这个任务活动是有意义的操练本节课的重点语句,学生在真实地语境中运用本节课所学知识,谈论的过程中达到了语言的输出,做到了学以致用,强化记忆。)在讨论结束后,进行汇报。5.完成课堂活动用书26、27页。V.Summary: Today we have learned the sentence pattern ―be going to.We can use it when we talk about the plan tomorrow or in the future.VI Homework Read text and talk about your plan at this weekend or about the winter vacation with your classmates.Unit 2 Sam is going to ride a horse 一.教学目标: 1、1知识目标:1)能听懂、会读、会说、会抄写单词stone, camel ,visit 2)能听懂、会读、会说句型:we’re going to do sth.2、技能目标:能听懂会唱歌曲:―We’re going to go to the zoo.‖ 二.教学重点:visit的不同用法 三.教学难点:stone ,camel,visit 四.情感目标:通过对本课的学习,使学生了解有关明陵的历史、地理位置及其概况的知识,激发学生热爱历史、热爱祖国的热情。培养学生认真学语言,乐于用语言的意识,并通过歌曲的学习,促进学科间的交流。五.教学准备:挂图,教师资源包CD,教学卡片(动物类)Teaching steps: Step1: Warmer


2、Sing a song--听Module7 unit2的歌曲并跟着老师做动作。

3、Say a chant: We’re going to We’re going to go to +place I’m going to I’m going to go to+place She is going to She is going to go to +place He is going to He is going to go to +place They are going to They are going to go to +place

4、Lead in: I’m going to check your homework.Who can tell me something about the Ming Tombs.请一两个同学把收集到的有关the Ming Tombs的资料与其他同学分享。Step2:Presentation 课文呈现:Ms Smart and her students have been to the Ming Tombs.What did theyn see in the Ming Tombs? – Lions, camels and elephants.T: We’re going to learn the Unit2 We’re going to visit the Ming Tombs.(板书)小朋友,你知不知道十三陵景区有什么有意思的东西。那里有许多动物的石雕。那么,石雕包括哪些动物?在那里发生了什么样的故事?Please open your books and turn to page 28.And then answer my questions –(1).Who are going to visit the Ming Tombs? Ms Smart and her students.(2).When are they going to visit the Ming Tombs? Tomorrow 交代任务:We can’t visit the Ming Tombs now, but Miss Wang have a good idea——We’re going to go to the zoo and visit animals.Steps 3 Practice

1、Let’s see some animals.(图片)Teach words: stone ,camel。操练单词:Game:老师说一种动物,学生做动作模仿,当老师说stone+动物,学生暂停不许动,然后请一到两个同学说动物。



4、T:Do you like stone animals or alive animals? Ss: Alive animals.T:Let’s see.(出示动物卡片)We’re going to visit animals.教单词visit.5、操练We’re going to visit +animal的语言结构。在黑板上画动物园,请学生用We’re going to visit+动物的语言结构说句子,说对的学生可得到英语书写的动物卡片,并贴在动物园他们喜欢的位置。Step 4: Production 1.请学生四人为一组,制定游园路线图,并做汇报。引导学生通过连词then来达到句子的连续性,和完整性。

e.g.A: We’re going to visit the lions.B: Then we’re going to visit the pandas.2.Game:邀请同学一起去旅行,几个学生一组,每人想出一个自己想要去的地方,相互询问:―I’m going to go to „Do you want to go with me?‖ 被问到的学生根据自己的喜好回答。每个学生都要努力找到旅伴。Step5 Sing a song 学唱歌曲We are going to go to the zoo Step6: Cooler 请同学们总结visit的几种用法。Homework:


2、预习Module 8 Unit 1。

3、请有兴趣的同学在课后自由结成小组,开展活动―We’re going to go to the zoo,可以在活动时使用相应的动物头饰和卡片。

Module 9 Unit 1 Are you going to run on sports day?

一、教学目标 1、1 技能与知识目标

1)基本能听懂、会说、会读、会写词汇:for, metre , every day , good luck, come on.2)基本能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型: ―What are you going to do for Sports Day ? ―I’m going to„.‖

二、教学重点、难点: 词汇--for, metre, every day, good luck, come on.句型—What are you going to do for Sports Day? I’m going to „„

三、教学准备:教师资源包CD,教学卡片,挂图。Teaching steps: Step 1:Warmer 1.Greetings T: Good morning , children.Ss: Good morning, Ms Sun.T: How are you today? Ss: I’m fine, thanks.And you? T: I’m great.Thank you so much.2.Sing a song –―I’m going to go to the zoo.‖ 3.Listen and do.T: The Sports Day is coming soon.Let’s do some training.Basketball , basketball , play basketball;Football , football , play football;Run , run , run fast;Jump , jump , jump high;Ride , ride , ride fast.Step2: Presentation T: Our Sports Day is coming.I ’ m going to take part in some of the sports games.What are you going to do for Sports Day? Ss: I’m going to „(引导学生回答)

S1:I’m going to play football/play table tennis/swim„..[

T:Today we’re going to learn the Module 8 Sports Day Unit1 What are you going to do?(板书)1)教师拍手以歌曲形式操练。―What are you going to do?

―I’m going to run.―I’m going to run.―What are you going to do? ―I’m going to run.T:Oh, I’m going to run the 100 metres.教授:run the 100 metres T:Look!(展示挂图,指着挂图上Daming跑步的图)Daming is going to run the 100 metres on Sports Day.Do you want to know who is the winner of the game? Now, let’s learn the text first and try to find it out.Please open your books and turn to page 30.Listen to the tape and then answer my questions.Q1: What are the children going to have? Q2:What is Daming going to do on Sports Day? Q3:What is he going to do for it? Step3:Practice Game1:―传卡片

T: Boys and girls , let’s play a game,ok? Ss: OK!A :What are you going to do? B: I’m going to play football.进行词卡传递,速度由慢到快,拿到词卡的学生要用句子回答教师及全班的提问。


老师请单个学生到教师前面模仿做某事的动作,并提问:―What am I going to do?‖把全班分为男女生两组,使用―You are going to„猜测。老师要鼓励学生模仿过去学习过的所有动作。Step 4: Production T :―You are super!And now you can do the task.Please work in groups and try to finish the task.(1)学生活动---完成运动会报名表。(2)请部分学生展示对话。(3)讲解课文。(4)跟读课文。(5)学生自由读课文。(6)全班读课文。(7)分角色表演课文故事。Step5: Cooler T: Class is over.See you next time.Ss: See you.Homewok:



3、预习Module 8 Unit 2.Unit 2 I’m going to do the high jump.教学目标: 1,能听懂,会用日常交际用语―I’m going to do„„对―what are you going to do? 作出相应的回答。

2能理解听懂,会说 run the 200 metres、long jump、high jump 等词 教学重点难点: 重点:理解掌握run the 200 metres、long jump、high jump等词的意义并懂得在实际语境中运用。

难点:理解并懂得在日常生活中灵活运用 what are you going to do ? I am going to „.等句型进行交际

教学方法: 游戏法、小组合作探究。教学过程: Step1: Warm-up(准备活动)

第五篇:外研202_新版教案module4 heathy food

Teaching plan

Module 3

my school Teaching aims of this unit: 知识目标:能理解there be 句型表示存在的用法

能运用there be 句型的肯定、否定、一般疑问及特殊疑问形式和相应的回答


能四会下列词语: picture, right, science, some, any, one,There , forty-six, thirty, fifty, sixty,seventy, eighty, ninety, a lot of, oh, world, behind, between, middle, near, with, for, room

能理解下列词语:computer, furniture, map, television, wall, lot, tree, dining hall, gate, library,playground, science, lab 技能目标:


能利用there be 句型介绍自己的班级和学校。





Class: Class One, Grade Seven Date:

September 23rd, 202_



Unit 1 there are thirty students in my class Class type:

Listening and speaking Teaching method: top-down approach Studying aims:

 To understand the conversation on class and classroom. To briefly introduce one’s classroom.Key vocabulary: computer, television, picture, thirty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, a lot of, oh, world, any, tree, Key structures: There’s …There are…

How many…are there

Is /are there…?

Yes, there is/are

No ,there isn’t/ aren’t

Teaching project:

computer multimedia

Teaching Procedures: Step 1

Free talk Step 2

Showing studying aims Step 3

Warning up / lead – in

 Greet students and ask them to look around the classroom.T: Good morning, everybody!Nice to see you!S: Nice to see you, too.T: OK, my dear class, you know, we have classes in the classroom every day.Look around!What’s in the classroom? Can you tell me? S.Desks, chairs… T: Pretty good!Now please let’s take a careful look at the pictures in activity 1.Can you describe the things in it using the words in the box? Motivate the class.Stand in different places on the left or right and ask if it’s the left or right of the class.Step 4 Task One:look at the pictures and talk about them(Activity 1)

Ask students to take turns to say what they see.Meanwhile, write down the words they said on the blackboard.Ask them to read after the teacher.And then ask them to make sentences using the words one by one using the structure I can see …

T: Can you see these things in our classroom? Show the following.desks, television, chairs, bags, pencils, pens, pencil-boxes, blackboard, broom, door, wall …

S: Yes, I can see eight desks.S: No, I can’t see a television.S: Yes.I can see some chairs.…

Give every student chance to practice.Step 5 Task Two: Listening---listen and choose the correct picture.(Activity 2) Ask the Ss to read the words first. Ask students to listen to the recording and choose the correct picture.T: There are three pictures of classrooms in activity 1.Which picture is the recording about? Play the tape again for them to work out the answer. Call back answers from the whole class.Step 6 Task Three : Listening and speaking(Activity 3)

 Tell the students they are going to listen and read about linda and daming’s classroom. Ask them to read the conversation silently. Play the recording and ask the students to listen and read the conversation  Complete the table based on the information they have listened to and read in Activity 3  Play the recording , check in pairs  Read after the recording together first.Then Read it in groups.Step 7 Speaking(Activity 8)

 Make some new dialogs in pairs. Show their dialogs. Ask sb.to find another partner to make a new dialog.Step 8 write about your classroom(Activity 7)Then go on with activity 7 and practice the numbers.At the same time, emphasize the difference between –teen and –ty.Ask students to work in pairs and write about their classroom using numbers.Step 9 Sum up Step 10 Homework :

 Listen and read the conversation till can learn it by heart.


Learn some words in Module3 by heart.Subject:


Class: Class One, Grade Seven Date:

September 24th, 202_



Unit 2 the library is on the left of the playground Class type:

Reading and writing Teaching method: interactive approach Studying aims:

 To read and identify places from descriptions. To describe pictures of places, using prepositions correctly.Key vocabulary: dining hall, gate, library, playground, science, lab, behind, between, middle, near, with,for, room

Key structures: How many…are there

Daming is on my right./ gao yan’s in front of daming and between zhaofeng and li min./lingling is behind zhao feng Teaching project:

computer multimedia

Teaching Procedures: Step 1

Showing studying aims Step 2

Free talk and Revision

 Greet students and ask them to describe the things around.T: Hello, everyone!Nice to see you!S: Hello.Miss Zhang.Nice to see you too.T: We are in the classroom now.Could you tell me what’s around you? Show the following.There is … There are …

Ask as many students as possible to tell the things around them.Then ask them to work in pairs and write about their classroom using numbers. Sample version:

There are 42 desks and 42 chairs in our classroom.There is a teacher’s desk.There are some pictures on the wall.There are 42 students in our class.There are 25 boys and 15 girls.Step 3

Warning up / lead – in

(Activity 1)

Ask students to do activities 1, 2 on page 16.First help students learn the words in the box in activity 1.Then ask students to finish the following.Show the following.We have classes in the ________.We read at the _______.We have meals at the _________.We do exercises in the ________.We do experiments in the ________.Teachers work in the ______.After this, ask students to match the picture with the places.

Check the answers in pairs and then call back answers from the whole class Step 4 Task One: Reading---Activities 2,3,4  Ask the students to read Betty’s words silently to find where the students are sitting  Do Activity 2 inpidually. Ask them to look at the pictures and check inpidually first. Check the answers. Read the passage and lable the map of the school

(Activity3) Listen and read the passage again. Read Activity 3 and call back answers from the whole class  Read and answer the questions(Activity4)

 Listen and read the passage loudly. Read and answer the questions  Check the answers. Step 5 Task Two: Writing

Look at the sentences and answer the questions.(Activity 5)

Ask students to practice writing sentences using the correct pronouns. First ask students to read the sentences and answer the questions in activity 5 and then answer the questions about their school.(Activity 6)Step 6 Sum up Step 7 Homework

 Listen and read the passage can learn it by heart.


Learn some words in Module1 by heart.Subject:


Class: Class One, Grade Seven Date:

September 25th , 202_



Unit 3 Language in use Class type:

Review and expansion Teaching method: Formal and interactive practice Studying aims:

 To summarise and consolidate there be structure  To consolidate the prepositions of places Teaching project:

computer multimedia

Teaching Procedures: Step 1

Free talk and Revision

 Check the homework.Review “There be” pattern by telling a story as follows.T: Hello, everyone!Today I’ll tell you a story.(Turn off the lights, and tell the story in a low voice.)There is a dark, dark house in the town.In the town there are dark, dark stairs.Go up, up, up the stairs.There is a dark, dark room.Open the door.There is a dark, dark kitchen.In the kitchen there is a large, large fridge.What is in the fridge? Now open your books and turn to page 30.Look at the picture and answer the question.S: There is some meat in it.S: There are some eggs in it.…

T: Are there any bananas in it? S: Yes, there are.T: Is there any sugar in it? S: No, there isn’t.T: Good.Now look around your classroom and talk about it.S: There are 40 students in our classroom.There are 23 boys and 17 girls in our class.And there are two foreign students in our class.S: There is a teacher’s desk in the front of the classroom.Miss Yang’s bag is on the desk.There are some books in her bag.…

 Then ask students to look at the pictures and complete the sentences in activity 2.In this procedure, pide the class into two groups and have a competition.One of the groups asks questions like Where is …;and the other answers in a limited time.Then exchange the roles.Step 2

Showing studying aims Step 3

Language practice

Ask the Ss to say what they have learnt in this Module.Encourage them to say the important sentences and the phrases.

Ask them to sum up the grammar about how to use there be  Activity two: reading Look at the pictures and answer the questions(Activity 2) Ask them to look at the pictures,. Students read the questions, then practice in pairs Complete the passage(Activity 2)

 Look at the picture and then read the passage. Check with a partner  Elict the answer from the whole class Complete the word map from the box(Activity 3)

 Brainstorm and complete the word map inpidually, and check with a partner Step 4 Module task

 Activity 6: Writing---write about your school 

Work inpidually first.

Check out the answer in pairs.

Call back answers from the whole class.

Explain something difficult.Step 5 Around the world  Ask the students to look at the picture and discuss what they see  Read the description.Step 6 Sum up Step 7 Homework

 Listen and read the passage can learn it by heart.

Exx. Learn some words in Module1 by heart.
