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研究生英语第六册Unit 1 教案
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第一篇:研究生英语第六册Unit 1 教案

研究生英语第六册 Unit 1

Unit 1 Street Trees 1.Teaching Objectives

1)To know the meaning and usage of some important words, phrases and patterns 2)To to be famil iar with the contents of the text and make use of it in writing 3)To improve Ss reading skills by studying passage.Reading skills: Reading for the key idea in a sentence.4)To stimulate Ss to discuss the topic mentioned in the text.5)To read widely outside class.2.Time Allotment

Text(5 periods): Street trees

1st – 2nd periods: Pre-reading activities(theme-related questions for warming up)

While-reading activities(cultural notes;useful words and expressions;difficult sentences)

3rd – 4th period: While-reading activities(text structure;main ideas)5th period: Post-reading activities(comprehension questions;exercises)Passage(l period):

4th period: Practice of the reading skill(reading for the key idea in a sentence);

T checks on Ss' home reading by asking questions based on the passage.T explains some difficult sentences

Text: Street trees Teaching Procedures

I.Pre-reading Activities: Suggested steps for teaching:

1.Ask students to answer the warm-up questions in the student's book.2.Say a word about the author.3.Allow students 10 minutes to go over the text and then ask them some questions about it.4.Say a few words as an introduction to the text.5.Get students activity involved in analyzing and explaining the text.6.Help students grasp the main idea and the structure of the text.7.Help students learn in context the more frequently used words and phrases through a variety of drilling practice.8.Divide the class into groups to do oral practice in the student's book.9.Set aside 15-20 minutes for the classroom reading activity, through which to lead students to learn how to practice reading efficiently.10.Assign a composition as homework.Ⅱ.While-reading: 1.Introductory remarks

The neighbourhood where Chavis lives used to be a good place.People there lived and worked in peace, if not in perfect contentment.But to Chavis’ s dismay, after the place was flooded with drugs and cheap liquor, it became crime-ridden.For

研究生英语第六册 Unit 1 example, in the past five years, 16 people have been murdered in her neighbourhood.Another problem Chavis has on her mind is that many people there seem to care little about the protection of the environment.A case in point is the sidewalks which are littered with cans, candy wrapper, brown bags and what not.To help save her neighbourhood from deteriorating, Chavis has done all she can think of: planting trees, recycling what she can...Obviously, it is unlikely that her efforts alone will be rewarded with great success.However, when more and more people come under her influence and choose to contribute their bit towards the solution of these problems, things will definitely look up.2.Information related to the text

As a private investigator for many years, Melody Ermachild Chavis works to defend people charged with capital crimes or who have been sentenced to death.In her fascinating career, she has worked on behalf of Geronimo Ji Jaga Pratt, who was exonerated in 1999 and she investigated the tragic events in Jonestown, Guyana.She has worked on the defence teams of 25 prisoners on California’s death row, and for others on the Federal death row.She is the author of a memoir, Altars in the street, Acclaimed by Bell Hooks.Chavic has published essays in Sierra, Yoga Journal...She wrote the foreword to death row prisoner Jarvis Master’s moving book Finding Freedom.Language points

1.shabby:(of things)in poor condition through much use or being badly cared for---Joe wore a shabby old overcoat, dirty and full of holes.2.stride: walk quickly with long steps

---The interviewer strode configently towards me and shook my hand.3.I press by palms to the glass..:I pressed my palms to the window..4.donate: make a gift of(sth.), esp.for a good purpose.---Everyone was asked to donate a day's pay to the city charities.5.wield

---Suddenly a wild-looking man ran out of one of the huts wielding a large stick.6.tag

---Have you put tags on your luggage?

7.at risk

---It is said that people with fair skin are more at risk of skin cancer.8.be flooded with

---The whole room was flooded with warm, golden sunshine.研究生英语第六册 Unit 1 9.police beat: the area of a town, city, etc.that a police officer regularly walks around.10.turn(a round)

---Someone called her name and she turned around.---A new director has been brought in to turn the company round.11.idle

---I never met such idle bunch of people in all my life!

---Almost half of the skilled workers in that country are now idle!


---Monkeys were swinging in the street.13.peel

---It is easier to eat an apple when it has been peeled.14.fall victim to

---The company has fallen victim to increased competition.15.choke

---At lunchtime the street were choked with traffic.16.pathetic

---Her voice trembled.It sounded pathetic.---I'm fed up with her pathetic excuses for being late.17.give away

---We gave our old tale away when we moved house.---If you tell her any more you'll give the end of the film away.18.exemplify

---These female astronauts exemplify a new tradition among modem women.19.vacancy

---We wanted to book a hotel room in August but there were no vacancies.20.plot

---The captain plotted a new course.---It was alleged that they had plotted to blow up the White House.21.give up on

---He'd been unconscious for so long that the doctors had given up on him.研究生英语第六册 Unit 1 22.tackle

---It took 12 engineers to tackle the blaze.23.executive

---District sales executives will be visiting all the large stores.24.adapt

---We had to adapt our plans to fit Jack's timetable.25.thrive

---The business was thriving.We had one very successful store and had just opened two new ones.26.scratch

---She's scratched her hand on a nail.27.accept / take on faith

---You will have to accept my statements on faith.Ill.Post-reading activities

1.Have students done comprehension questions and exercises 2.passage understanding


1.Finish the exercises.2.Write a composition explaining how you will contribute to the building of your neighbourhood into a more harmonious one.3.Preview Unit 2.

第二篇:研究生综合英语答案 unit1


I.Comprehension check

1-5 DCABC6-10 DCDB

II. Vocabulary study

1.permanent2.has assembled3.discharging4.meekly




1-5 BDCAB6-10 ADABB 11-15 DBDAA16-20 CCDCB


1.His dream of becoming a football star faded out as time went by.2.A Boeing 747 aircraft didn’t gain enough height to clear the mountain.In a twinkling it crashed the mountain and blew up.No one survived the accident.3.Students facilitate the share of(have easy access to the)resources in the library, so they are supposed to make the best of it.4.Titanic, the most luxurious ship in the world at that time, hit an iceberg when she was under way to the US.Consequently, the ship sank into the Atlantic Ocean and thousands of people died in this shipwreck.5.Every summer, all the tourists pour into this famous beach.They lie packed like sardines on the beach to enjoy the sunbathing.6.They have been to St.Louis once and have a vague general knowledge of its wonder, but the day of their glory is over now.they lapsed into a humble silence, and learned to disappear when the ruthless “cub”-engineer approaches.
























活动进程学 生活 动教 师引

导设 计意 图重点关注





















活动进程学 生活 动教 师引

导设 计意 图重点关注










Unit 2


电子商务E-business信息时代information age网站website

信息高速路information expressway网络 network

the World Wide Web万维网(www.teniu.ccpact disk光盘


l.E-mail. With Internet,people can compose,send,and receive electronic mails. Many people get dozens of messages a day and consider it as their primary way of interacting with the outside world, far outdistancing the telephone and snail mail.2.News. Newsgroups are specialzied forums in which users with a common interest canexchagne messages.Thousands of newsgroups exist on Internet,on technical and nontechnical topics,including computers,science,recreation,and politics.

3.Remote login.Using the Telnet,Rlogin, or other programs,theuser anywhere onInternet can log into any other machineonwhichhehasanaccount.

4. File transfer.Using the FTP program,it is possible to copy files from one machine on Internet to another. Vast numbers of articles,databases,andother information are available in this way.

The Network Computer

The network computer,also known as the Internet toaster,Internet appliance or Internet device,is the low cost,no maintenance desktop device. It allows users to effortlessly connect to Internet and network resources. From there,they can share any resource and perform all computing tasks that they currently do on their PCs.

The network computer offers simplicity.Stripped of the hardware and software that complicate the PC life and only capable of network access and display, the network computer relies on the network for

virtually all software,services,processing,data,and resources. It eliminates the continuous cycle of desktop hardware and software upgrades,pushing that burden instead on to the network.

Need the latest word processor or spreadsheet? Run it off the

server,Want to save your work? Just send it off to the network,where it will be stored secured, and backed up.

Firewall: a Measure of Network Security

With the popularity of Internet,it is increasingly difficult to

guarantee the network security.Sometimes the networkwas breached because of not only hackers’ visit but also authorized users’ care out of ordinary.Firewall just is an effective measure of network security.It will ensure that all communications conform to your Security policy.

Once two lads broke into the university network,created a bulletin board,loaded popular commercial software on it and invited users across Internet to download the packages.Thanks to a firewall, network administrators found the system breached.They checked the audit and found the students’ IP addresses,names and location. The police arrested the two hackers.


One important application for Internet is communication between computer users by the electronic mail,or E-mail. E-mail allows users to electronically transmit and receive messages,text,or data.E-mail functions further like a mailbox:the user can send messages whether or not the intended receiver is currently on the network and the message is stored,along with a signal for the receiver that indicates that there is a message waiting.

E-mail has replaced the telephone for many messages.Users can respond when it is convenient,without being interrupted,and can get their message either on-screen or in the printed form.

Electronic Bulletin Boards

Another interesting application for Internet is the electronic bulletin board which is also called bulletin board service, BBS for short.It allows users to post and retrieve messages that are not directed to a specific user,much like announcements are posted on an office bulletin board.BBS has been used for everything from dating service and want ads to highly

specialized applications such as the exchange of research data in a narrow scientific field.因特网能为我们做什么?




















Book6--Unit2 c


Teaching materials VCD; Teaching cards ; Ted dy 手偶和头饰;自制教具(苍蝇 3 只,苍蝇拍一个); stickers ;

Teaching process warm up It’s time for class.Let’s warm up!Fingers fingers point point point.Point to the eyes, Chua Chua Chua.Point to the nose, en en en.Point to the mouth, xu(嘘)……..(可以灵活的换身体各个部位。)

story time It is the story time.Let’s watch the video!(领读)

Word&Sentence time Listen!Who is singing?(嗡嗡嗡。。),oh, a fly.Where is it? It is on the window.(引出并进行演练。游戏:满天星。用手指来指卡片。)同时引出句型: Point to the window.(Now, show me your finger.Here here.point to the window.)用苍蝇拍去拍苍蝇,一拍粘到苍蝇拍上。Oh, the fly is flying.Listen, where is the fly? 要引导小朋友往墙上看。引出并教授 Wall.(游戏:拍卡游戏。并结合实际进行演练)。Oh, the fly is on the wall.Let’s hit it.Everybody says: wall wall wall.请一位小朋友来拍,在老师的引导下,又被粘到苍蝇拍上。Oh, where is the fly? Listen, it is behind the blackboard.(结合实物和卡片进行练习。)单词和句型结合起来进行复习。(游戏:机器人或是僵尸跳)。请全班小朋友或是部分来扮演僵尸,当老师说出句型时,小朋友要模仿僵尸的动作指出或是触摸相应的物品,但要注意安全性。

Song time It is the song time.Let’s sing a song.Everybody stand up, please!(ONE TWO).播放童谣动画光盘,然后带小朋友表演动作。Time is up;class is over.Let’s sing bye-bye song.Book6--Unit2 classroom



focus 听懂,理解并会说出单词:‘ door floor.’。能理解并正确使用介词;‘ on behind in.’。能流利使用句型‘ Point to,………..look at……….进行表达。

Teaching materials VCD、Teaching cards、Teddy 头饰、挖好小洞的白纸一张。2 个一次纸杯,做的望远镜。小手指偶。

Teaching process 一.


打招呼,玩 HELLO 和 HI 的游戏。

二. warm up 复习上节课的单词,并带小朋友再来听一下本单元的歌曲。


story time 放 VCD 给小朋友们看,并让小朋友跟着 VCD 一句一句的读。


words time 1.直接用实物引出 door 并进行教授。请小朋友来进行实际操作并进行游戏。给小朋友延伸教学,要学习open the door 和 close the door.2.让全班小朋友一起跺脚,然后引出地板。用卡片进行演练。可以编个小韵文;(floor floor sweep the floor.做洗地板的动作,请小朋友一起操练。)游戏:冰山一角。教师用准备好的一张挖了小洞的白纸,用白纸盖住门,地板,以及窗户,墙和黑板的图片,然后一起猜并帮老师掀开白纸,进行单词联系。


Sentence time 教师用准备好的望远镜和 TPR 动作来教授 LOOK AT……..句型。游戏: Teddy Says.老师带上 TEDDY 头饰,发出指令,请小朋友做出并说出相应的物品。或是请小朋友来发出指令。


Song time

教师先用准备好的小手指偶 PETER 和 PAUL 来给小朋友介绍。通过情境创设给小朋友演绎歌词。再一起看一边动画歌谣。

Book6--Unit2 classroom32009-4-10 11:56:34 王俊 点击:673Contents Lesson3



focus 掌握字母 W 的自然拼音发音,并正确读出包含 W 字母发音的单词。能正确说出 W 字母的自然拼音儿歌。

Teaching materials VCD、Teaching cards、W 字母卡片大小各一张,大灰狼头饰。

Teaching process warm up 复习上节课的单词和句型。Point to the floor, floor floor floor.Point to the door, door door door;Point to the window, window window window.words time 1.先用大小写字母卡片 W 来进行复习子母的发音,并用手或是脚或是屁股来在空中比划游戏。同时用其他动物的声音来引出 W 的发音。(What’s sound of cat? What’s sound of dog? What’s sound of frog?,…..)2.和小朋友复习小儿歌里的单词。

Sentence time 用老狼头饰和动画 VCD 光盘来教授小儿歌。

Song time 结合 VCD 加 TPR 和小朋友一起表演小儿歌。

Book6--Unit2 classroom42009-4-10 11:57:18 王俊 点击:854Contents Lesson4



focus 能流利表演英文童谣{Two little funny birds} Teaching materials VCD、小鸟PETER和PAUL的头饰;折叠的小指套两个。

Teaching process warm up 表演W字母的儿歌。


2.游戏:(变魔术)。老师在每只手的大拇指上套一个折叠的小指套,请小朋友逐句说儿歌,说第一句时,老师晃动双手大拇指,说第二句时,分别动一动两只大拇指,当说到fly away ,Peter时,将一只大拇指上的指套藏到手心里,引起小朋友的好奇心。当说到come back, peter.和come back, paul时,老师再以很快的速度套上指套。可以反复表演童谣。



time Breakfast




Teaching focus


2、初步理解 it’s….o’clock 句型的意思

Teaching materials Vcd 教学卡片 幼儿园平时早餐用的餐具加上代表食品牛奶




时钟一个 Teaching procedure 一. warm up 1、和孩子打招呼 —Hello everybody , let’s begin our class 2、根据孩子状态做热身 —First, let’s warm-up, Ok? Music pleasse(请配班老师播放 hickory dickory dock), 边唱边做动作。

二.story time 播放 vcd,第一遍请幼儿仔细听,纠正幼儿坐姿。第二遍进行领读,引导幼儿进行跟读。

三.words time 老师以一天的生活为主线,引出早中晚餐。1、学公鸡打鸣,“喔喔喔”,做刚刚起床的样子,假装洗脸、刷牙、梳头,边做边说英文短语,和幼儿一起复习前面所学的知识。拿出时钟,指针正好指在 8 点,说出 it’s 8 o’clock。这时转动指针,和孩子一起从 1 到 12 点说一遍,让幼儿理解钟点的表达方式,然后再次回到 it’s 8 o’clock,oh,time for breakfast。拿出平时吃早餐的餐具和牛奶。This is my breakfast。领读 breakfast,拿出卡片,指着上面的时间 it’s 8 o’clock,we should have the ……breakfast,拖长音,引导幼儿说出 breakfast。演练:哪个小朋友说的好,请他假装吃一下早餐。2、练习完早餐,老师假装吃的很饱。然后开始早餐之后的活动。运动,读书、做游戏,这时肚子咕噜咕噜叫了起来,把事先让配班老师调到 12 点的时钟拿过来,oh,引导幼儿一起说,it’s 12 o’clock。Time for lunch。(lunch,语气加重,语速放慢)。把午餐的餐具和米饭,以及自制菜拿出来,领读 lunch,拿出卡片。玩大小声的游戏,重复巩固 lunch。依然采取如果幼儿说的好,请他假装吃一下午餐。3、练习完午餐之后,老师还是假装吃饱了。开始午餐之后的活动。睡午觉、运动、唱歌,这时肚子又咕噜咕噜叫了起来,把事先让配班老师调到 6 点的时钟拿过来,oh,引导幼儿一起说,it’s 6 o’clock。Time for dinner。(dinner,语气加重,语速放慢)。把晚餐的餐具和千层饼,以及自制菜拿出来。This is my dinner。领读 dinner。假装吃一口读一下的方式练习。Ok,I’m full。Today I am very happy, it’s time to go home,byebye.假装背上书包回家去。马上还原 成老师的角色,带领幼儿复习Breakfast



四 Sentence time 1 把三餐都摆到桌子上,调好相应的时间,老师询问“ what time is it ?”引导幼儿说出时间,并能和老师一起说出早中晚餐的英文表达。2 带幼儿整体复习一下所学单词及句子。

五 Song time “ Let’s sing a song.Music please.”带孩子边唱边跳“ hickory dickory dock ”

Book 6—unit4 time Breakfast




Teaching focus 1 复习所学单词 2 学会用 it’s….o’clock 表达时间

Teaching materials

Vcd 教学卡片 幼儿园平时早餐用的餐具加上代表食品牛奶






Teaching procedure 一. warm up 1、和孩子打招呼 —Hello everybody ,how are you? 2、根据孩子状态做热身 —First, let’s warm-up, Ok? Music pleasse(请配班老师播放 hickory dickory dock), 边唱边做动作。

二 story time 播放 vcd,进行领读,引导幼儿进行跟读。三 words time 1、运用闪卡的形式复习所学的三个单词 2、拿出时钟,巩固和复习钟点的表达方式。先由老师从 1 点到 12 点带领幼儿读一遍,然后老师随即拨出时间询问“ what time is it ?”请幼儿抢答。第一个正确说出时间的小朋友可以上来拨动钟表时间,以此类推。3、和幼儿站同一方向,以身体做时钟表达 1-12 点的时间

四 Sentence time 1 把早中晚餐摆放到桌子上,边摆边复习breakfast、lunch、dinner,和配班老师配合演示。老师把时间调到 8 点,询问“ what time is it ?”,引导幼儿说出 it’s 8 o’clock,time for breakfast。这时配班老师就要假装选择相应的早餐吃。依次调到 12 点、6 点,引导幼儿说出时间和相应的餐名。2 请幼儿上来做配班老师的角色,让幼儿主动参与 3 带上大灰狼的头饰,进行 wolf wolf,what time is it 的游戏。先和配班老师演示一边,幼儿数量多的话,不用让幼儿起立做动作,在椅子上原地踏脚就可以。

五 Song time “ Let’s sing a song.Music please.”带孩子边唱边跳“ hickory dickory dock ”

Book 6—unit4 time X / x /

Teaching focus 1 感知并掌握字母 X 的发音 2 通过 chant 培养孩子良好的语感

Teaching materials Vcd 教学卡片 字母卡片

个 fox、6 个 ax 6 个 box 图片

Teaching procedure 一. warm up 1、和孩子打招呼 —Hello boys and girls ,what’s the weather like today ? 2、根据孩子状态做热身 —First, let’s warm-up, Ok? Music pleasse(请配班老师播放 hickory dickory dock), 边唱边做动作。

二 story time 播放 vcd,进行领读,引导幼儿进行跟读。

三 Phonic time 1、出示字母卡片 X。T :“ what’s the letter ?”,S :“ X ” T :“ great!Do you know what’s the sound of letter X? Ok ,listen /ks/ /ks/ /ks/, 边说边做用手磕一下头再做喷杀虫剂的动作。领读 X X X /ks/ /ks/ /ks/,领读。过渡到老师说 X X X , 孩子说出 /ks/ /ks/ /ks/.随机抽选幼儿做小老师,带领其他幼儿发出读音。2、读音回归到单词当中。出示 six 卡片的单词的一面,只呈现字母 X,T :“ what’s the letter ?”,S :“ X ” T “ what’s the sound of letter X? ” S :“ /ks/.T :” yes./ks/ /ks/ /ks/ six,这时把卡片翻过来,呈现给幼儿数字 6 的图画。带领孩子读出 /ks/ /ks/ /ks/---six。让幼儿体会 six 的发音当中有 /ks/ 发音。神秘的拿出第二张卡片,还是只露出卡片背面字母 X,X--/x/ ,this time,what is it ? /ks/ /ks/ /ks/---ax.出示 ax 图片。领读。按照同样的教学顺序学习fox 和 box 的 /ks/ 的发音。让幼儿充分感知这四个单词当中都有 /ks/ 这个发音。

四 Chant time 1 老师说 X X X,引导幼儿回应 /ks/ /ks/ /ks/,再次领读 six ax fox box,运用 /ks/--six /ks/--ax /ks/--fox / /ks/--box 的方式感知 /ks/ 的发音。

演示 chant 中的词义。先出示一个 fox,--one fox,再出示一个 fox,变成 two foxes,一直出示到 six foxes,ax 也是一样的出示方式,然后做搬斧头的样子,抑扬顿挫的读出,six foxes moving axes。请幼儿扮演小狐狸搬斧头的样子练习语句。Box 的出示方式也是一样的,由一到多数,理解复数概念。引出 six foxes moving boxes。请幼儿表演联系。3 带幼儿一起边读边带动作演练小 chant,在 chant 当中体会英语语感。

五 Song time “ Let’s sing a song.Music please.”带孩子边唱边跳“ hickory dickory dock ”

Book 6—unit4 time Song

hickory dickory dock

Teaching focus 1 复习本单元的单词、句型及 V 的发音 2 能简单哼唱歌曲

Teaching materials Vcd 教学卡片 字母卡片

小木板一个 小老鼠头饰一个


Teaching procedure 一. warm up 1、和孩子打招呼 —Hello boys and girls ,nice to see you again。2、根据孩子状态做热身 —First, let’s warm-up, Ok? Music pleasse(请配班老师播放 hickory dickory dock), 边唱边做动作。

二 story time 播放 vcd,进行领读,引导幼儿进行跟读。

三 Word Time Sentence time Phonic time 1、复习所学单词、句子和发音 2、演练方式:闪卡游戏、wolf wolf,what time is it? Tpr 游戏

四 song time 1 运用 tpr 及情景表演分解歌词,让幼儿理解歌词大意。手拿时钟,举高,左右摇摆,说出 hickory dickory dock,带领幼儿一起做。把小木板搭成一个斜坡,演示 run up 和 run down。请幼儿上来根据指令做相应动作。带上小老鼠的头饰,说出歌词 the mouse run up the clock.,出示时钟 1 点,It’s one o’clock.然后做小老鼠爬下的动作 the mouse run down, 紧接 hickory dickory dock。第二段也是相同的方式通过情景表演,让幼儿理解歌词大意。2 演练:结合 tpr 和情景表演和幼儿一起边唱边跳。(运用分角色唱法)

五 Song time “ Let’s sing the song.Music please.”带孩子边唱边跳“ hickory dickory dock ”

研究生英语第六册Unit 1 教案