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编辑:轻吟低唱 识别码:24-752922 15号文库 发布时间: 2023-10-16 22:17:00 来源:网络



1.orientation meeting/session [.ɔ:rien'teiʃən] 新生情况介绍会

Ex: The University has arranged an orientation session.2.professor’s office hour 教授答疑时间

Ex: Many freshmen are uncertain or shy about utilizing a professor’s office hours.3.lecture ['lektʃə] n.演讲,讲课

Ex: Several hundred people are expected to attend the lecture.4.lecture hall n.讲堂,讲演厅,报告厅

Ex: The lecture hall was jammed when the professor arrived at the very last moment.5.tutorial [tju:'tɔ:riəl] n.个别指导

Ex: Small group tutorials are used to discuss problems which come up in lectures.6.deadline ['dedlain] n.最后期限,截止时间 Ex: There's no way I can meet that deadline.7.overdue ['əuvə'dju:] adj.过期的

Ex: I must take these books back to the library-they're overdue.There is a fine if the reserved library books are even one

hour overdue.8.schedule ['skedʒul] n.时间表,计划 v.安排,计划,Ex: According to the schedule, the first lecture begins at 9.00 am The test is scheduled to begin in one hour.9.time slot [slɔt] 时间空档

Ex: If you have two final exams scheduled at the same time, you will have to move one exam to another time slot 10.signature ['signitʃə] n.签字,签名

Ex: Each child must obtain the signature of his or her parents 11.thesis ['θi:sis] n.毕业论文

Ex: a master's/doctoral thesis on the effects of global warming 12.dissertation [.disə'teiʃən] n.论文

Ex: He wrote his dissertation on an obscure 16th-century poet.13.course [kɔ:s] n.课程

Ex: compulsory/required/mandatory course; elective course, optional course;foundation course,introductory course,intermediate level course,advanced course

13.elective [i'lektiv] n.选修科目 Ex: She took three electives last term.14.option ['ɔpʃən] n.选修科目

Ex: She is taking French as an option next year 14.assignment [ə'sainmənt] n.功课,任务

Ex: I have a lot of reading assignments to complete before the end of term.15.presentation [.prezen'teiʃən] n.(国外学生在课堂上所做的)演讲

Ex: The speaker gave an interesting presentation on urban transport.16.field work 野外考察 实地考察

Ex:Offered by most departments for academic credit, field work enables students to examine the way the theories and the practical experiences of a particular discipline interact.17.attendance [ə'tendəns] n.出勤,上课 Ex: Attendance at lectures is compulsory.18.skip/miss classes 缺课,旷课

Ex: He skipped chemistry class three times last month 19.tuition fees 学费

Ex: Many students will not have to pay tuition fees if their

financial situation is below a certain level.20.course syllabus ['siləbəs] 课程大纲

Ex: Course syllabus lists the course objectives, required reading assignments, examination dates, and other course requirements such as attendance 21.handout ['hændaut] n.讲义

Ex: I e-mailed you about getting the handouts from the class I missed the other day.22.semester=term [si'mestə] n.学期

Ex: How many subjects are you studying this semester 23.practicum ['præktikəm] n.实习科目,实习课 Ex: A




college course, often in a specialized field of study, that is designed to give students supervised practical application of a previously or concurrently studied theory.24.placement service 就业办公室

Ex: Placement service is a campus office that provides job listings from local or campus employees and assists students in finding full-time jobs after graduation is a/an 25.take on a part-time job 找兼职工作

Ex: He had taken a part-time job selling all-natural products.26.transfer [træns'fə:] v 转班,转学

Ex: I was able to transfer my credits from summer school 27.extension [iks'tenʃən] n.延期

Ex: Donald's been given an extension to finish his thesis 28.examination [ig.zæmi'neiʃən] n.考试

Ex: The examination results will be announced in September.29.pop quiz 突击考试

Ex: We have a history quiz every Monday.30.mid-term exam 期中考试

Ex: Alison has a history midterm next week.31.final exam 期末考试

Ex: The final exam for this class will be on May 21st.When is your chemistry/French/algebra final? 作者:新东方网编辑整理 来源:新东方网 原文:http://toefl.xdf.cn/201202/1035052.html 相关阅读:

【2】Dota版红宝书:倾情奉献连载系列--第一部分英雄篇(1)http://page.renren.com/600161032/note/807215268 【2】托福写作常见误区辟谣贴http://page.renren.com/600161032/note/807169976 【3】有问必答:关于出国考试和出国留学申请的任何问题

http://page.renren.com/600161032/note/782485636 【4】刘文勇主页http://page.renren.com/600161032微博http://weibo.com/liuwenyong



1.orientation meeting/session [.ɔ:rien'teiʃən] 新生情况介绍会 Ex: The University has arranged an orientation session.2.professor’s office hour 教授答疑时间

Ex: Many freshmen are uncertain or shy about utilizing a professor’s office hours.3.lecture ['lektʃə] n.演讲,讲课

Ex: Several hundred people are expected to attend the lecture.4.lecture hall n.讲堂,讲演厅,报告厅

Ex: The lecture hall was jammed when the professor arrived at the very last moment.5.tutorial [tju:'tɔ:riəl] n.个别指导

Ex: Small group tutorials are used to discuss problems which come up in lectures.6.deadline ['dedlain] n.最后期限,截止时间 Ex: There's no way I can meet that deadline.7.overdue ['əuvə'dju:] adj.过期的

Ex: I must take these books back to the library-they're overdue.There is a fine if the reserved library books are even one hour overdue.8.schedule ['skedʒul] n.时间表,计划 v.安排,计划,Ex: According to the schedule, the first lecture begins at 9.00 am The test is scheduled to begin in one hour.9.time slot [slɔt] 时间空档

Ex: If you have two final exams scheduled at the same time, you will have to move one exam to another time slot 10.signature ['signitʃə] n.签字,签名

Ex: Each child must obtain the signature of his or her parents 11.thesis ['θi:sis] n.毕业论文

Ex: a master's/doctoral thesis on the effects of global warming 12.dissertation [.disə'teiʃən] n.论文

Ex: He wrote his dissertation on an obscure 16th-century poet.13.course [kɔ:s] n.课程

Ex: compulsory/required/mandatory course; elective course, optional course;foundation course,introductory course,intermediate level course,advanced course 13.elective [i'lektiv] n.选修科目 Ex: She took three electives last term.14.option ['ɔpʃən] n.选修科目

Ex: She is taking French as an option next year 14.assignment [ə'sainmənt] n.功课,任务

Ex: I have a lot of reading assignments to complete before the end of term.15.presentation [.prezen'teiʃən] n.(国外学生在课堂上所做的)演讲 Ex: The speaker gave an interesting presentation on urban transport.16.field work 野外考察 实地考察

Ex:Offered by most departments for academic credit, field work enables students to examine the way the theories and the practical experiences of a particular discipline interact.17.attendance [ə'tendəns] n.出勤,上课 Ex: Attendance at lectures is compulsory.18.skip/miss classes 缺课,旷课

Ex: He skipped chemistry class three times last month 19.tuition fees 学费

Ex: Many students will not have to pay tuition fees if their financial situation is below a certain level.20.course syllabus ['siləbəs] 课程大纲

Ex: Course syllabus lists the course objectives, required reading assignments, examination dates, and other course requirements such as attendance 21.handout ['hændaut] n.讲义

Ex: I e-mailed you about getting the handouts from the class I missed the other day.22.semester=term [si'mestə] n.学期

Ex: How many subjects are you studying this semester 23.practicum ['præktikəm] n.实习科目,实习课

Ex: A practicum is a college course, often in a specialized field of study, that is designed to give students supervised practical application of a previously or concurrently studied theory.24.placement service 就业办公室

Ex: Placement service is a campus office that provides job listings from local or campus employees and assists students in finding full-time jobs after graduation is a/an 25.take on a part-time job 找兼职工作

Ex: He had taken a part-time job selling all-natural products.26.transfer [træns'fə:] v 转班,转学

Ex: I was able to transfer my credits from summer school 27.extension [iks'tenʃən] n.延期

Ex: Donald's been given an extension to finish his thesis 28.examination [ig.zæmi'neiʃən] n.考试

Ex: The examination results will be announced in September.29.pop quiz 突击考试

Ex: We have a history quiz every Monday.30.mid-term exam 期中考试

Ex: Alison has a history midterm next week.31.final exam 期末考试

Ex: The final exam for this class will be on May 21st.When is your chemistry/French/algebra final? 32.teaching assistant 助教

Ex: A teaching assistant(TA)is an inpidual who assists a professor or teacher with instructional responsibilities.33.instructor=lecturer [in'strʌktə] n.教师,讲师

Ex: He's a poetry instructor at a local community college.34.spring break 春季学期间的短假期

Ex: In the United States, the timing of spring break in tertiary institutions may range from the beginning of March to the later part of April, but many schools are in recess for at least one of the weeks in March 35.review [ri'vju:] vt.温习,复习(go over)Ex :We'll spend this week reviewing for the final.36.tutor ['tju:tə] n.家庭教师

Ex: His tutor encouraged him to read widely in philosophy.37.tutoring 家庭辅导

Ex: I have to do some tutoring to pay my tuition fees.Tutoring can be defined as people who are not professional teachers helping and supporting the learning of others in an interactive, purposeful and systematic way.38.internship ['intə:nʃip] n.实习

Ex: Jane has a summer internship at a local TV station.39.assistantship [ə'sistənt.ʃip] n.研究生助教奖学金

Ex: Graduate students have several sources of funding, but perhaps the most common is the assistantship 40.gym/sports center/health center 健身中心 Ex: I try and work out at the local gym once a week.41.lost and found 失物招领处

Ex: A lost and found is an office in the university where students can go to retrieve lost articles that may have been found by other students.42.health insurance 医疗保险

Ex: A health insurance policy is a contract between an insurance company and an inpidual 43.student I.D.number 学号

Ex: Students have an I.D number, with which they login onto the school's website and access assignments.44.snack bar 小吃店

Ex: A snack bar is a place where you can buy snacks or small meals 45.online course 网络课程

Ex: Online courses enable us to extend the opportunity of studying with the University of Oxford to students anywhere in the world, in a way that fits with the busiest of lives.46.plagiarism ['pleidʒiərizəm] n.剽窃

Ex: The journal accused the professor of plagiarism.47.curriculum [kə'rikjuləm] n.课程,全部课程

Ex: Languages are an essential part of the school curriculum.48.audit ['ɔ:dit] 旁听

Ex: As a senior citizen, he is allowed to audit university classes.49.multiple choice questions 多项选择题

Ex: A multiple choice examination or question shows several possible answers, and you have to choose the correct one 50.grade, score, mark 分数 成绩 Ex: Tim worked hard and got good grades.The school's test scores have not improved Her marks have been a lot lower this term 51.GPA平均成绩点数(=grade point average)Ex: A cumulative grade point average is calculated as an indicator of overall academic performance in a program and is used as a criterion for graduation requirements 52.with honours ['ɔnəz] n.优异成绩 Ex: If you complete a school or university qualification with honours, you achieve a high standard.She graduated with(top/high)honors.53.the stacks [plural] 书架

Ex: I couldn't find the book in the stacks.54.commencement n.[kə'mensmənt] 毕业典礼(=graduation ceremony)Ex: During commencement degrees or diplomas are given to students who have graduated from a school or college 55.report card/grade report Ex: In most places, the report card is issued by the school to the student or the student's parents twice or four times yearly.56.abstract ['æbstrækt] n.摘要

Ex: There is a section at the end of the magazine which includes abstracts of recent articles/books.57.summary ['sʌməri] n.摘要

Ex: At the end of the news, they often give you a summary of the main news stories.58.Literature Review ['litərətʃə] 文献综述

Ex: The ultimate goal of literature review is to bring the reader up to date with current literature on a topic 59.references/bibliography [.bibli'ɔgrəfi] n.参考书目 Ex: Bibliography usually appears at the end of the thesis.60.term paper n.学期论文

Ex: Bill has written only one-third of his term paper that is due tomorrow 61.graduate school application 研究生申请

Ex: My professor offered me some advice concerning the wording of my graduate school application 62.transcript ['trænskript] n.成绩单

Ex: I want to continue my studies.I would appreciate it if you could send me a transcript 63.diploma [di'pləumə] n.文凭

Ex: Anyone with a high school diploma can enroll in the course.I’d like to drop off my graduation form.I understand you need this in order to process my diploma.64. recall [ri'kɔ:l] v.召回

Ex: If the book is recalled by other students then you have to return it within 7 working days.65.certificate [sə'tifikit] n.证书 Ex: high school/college diploma 66.scholarship ['skɔləʃip] n.奖学金

Ex: She got/received/won a scholarship to Yale University 67.fellowship ['feləuʃip] n.研究生奖学金 Ex: She's applied for a research fellowship.68.grant [grɑ:nt] n.资助

Ex: They gave/awarded her a grant to study abroad for one year.69.registration [.redʒi'streiʃən] n.注册

Ex: Registration for the course will take place a week before the start of term.70.sign up for 选课

Ex: She's signed up for evening classes at the community college.71.major ['meidʒə] n.主修专业

Ex: He chose history as his major and French as his minor 72.minor ['mainə] n.副修专业

Ex: She majored in chemistry with a minor in biology 73.academic advisor 学习顾问

Ex: Academic advisors provide students with accurate information about academic progression and degree requirements.74.approval [ə'pru:vəl] n.允许 许可

Ex: I need to get the professor’s signature on my schedule card here, on the line above advisor’s approval.75.quit/drop 放弃 退课

Ex: I have to drop my chemistry course last semester when I went into the hospital, so I need to take it again, 76.credit ['kredit] n.学分

Ex: He's already got a credit/three credits in earth science 77.registrar ['redʒi.strɑ:] n.(学校)注册主任

Ex: at some colleges, an official in charge of examinations, keeping records and admitting new students 78.enroll [in'rəul] v.登记

Ex: I enrolled for/in/on the modern art course.79.library ['laibrəri] n.图书馆

Ex: The library loans books, CDs and videotapes.80.student ID card 学生证

Ex: You have to show your student ID card in order to go to the university gym.81.library card 借书证

Ex: I’ve lost my library card and I can’t borrow any books until I get a new one.82.fiction ['fikʃən] n.小说

Ex: The book is a work of fiction and not intended as a historical account.83.non-fiction 非小说

Ex: Non-fictions include dictionaries and reference books.84.reference book(=reference)参考书

Ex: The reference book I want to borrow has been put on reserve by the professor.85.encyclopedia [en.saikləu'pi:diə] n.百科全书

Ex: Does anyone know when Mozart was born?“ ”Look it up in the encyclopedia." 86.periodical [.piəri'ɔdikəl] n.期刊

Ex: She has written for several legal periodicals.87.magazine [.mægə'zi:n] n.杂志

Ex: She's the editor of a popular women's magazine.88.current issue 现刊

Ex: Current issues are put on the shelves in the periodical section.89.back issue 过刊

Ex: Back issues of newspapers are put in the basement of the library.90.journal ['dʒə:nl] n.学术杂志

Ex: The library subscribes to all the major science journals.91.newspaper ['nju:z.peipə] n.报纸 Ex: Which newspaper do you read regularly? a daily / Sunday newspaper 92.atlas ['ætləs] n.地图册 Ex: an atlas of the world 93.almanac ['ɔ:lmənæk] n.年鉴

Ex: a book published every year that contains facts and information such as important days, times of the sun rising and going down or changes in the moon 94.video 录像带

Ex: We're going to rent a couple of videos to watch this weekend 95.VCR 录像机 = Video Cassette Recorder Ex: a machine you use to record television programmes or play videotapes 96.declare a major 选专业

You must declare a major by the end of your sophomore year 97.computer access Ex: Computer access is provided in all the sections of the library 98.internet service 99.online database 在线数据库

Ex: We're linked to the on-line database at our head office.100.project 功课 任务

Ex: In our third year at college everyone had to do a special project.I am having problem with my group project 101.cram [kræm] v.仓促备考

Ex: She's cramming for her history exam.102.photocopier ['fəutə.kɔpiə] n.复印机

Ex: I have a photocopier in my office that automatically sorts sheets of paper into different bins.103.photocopy 复印

Ex: I'll just make a photocopy of the agreement.Could you photocopy those three pages for me, please? 104.printer 打印机

Ex :The future of high-quality printing in businesses belongs to laser printers.105.interlibrary service 图书馆馆际互借服务

Ex: Interlibrary services are services provided mutually by libraries with the aim of making library documents, irrespective of the place where they are deposited, available to all their users.106.closed reserve 非外借书库

Ex: If a print resource will be in high demand they can request that item placed in the Closed Reserve.107.put …on reserve 把资料放在非外借书库 Ex: The librarian has put the book on reserve for me 108.multimedia 多媒体

Ex: We bought a multimedia encyclopedia 109.online catalogue ['kætəlɔ:g] n.在线书目

Ex: There is a new catalogue of all the books in the library.110.keyword 关键字 Ex: You can type in the keyword to locate the book you are looking for.111.call number 索书号

Ex: A call number is a group of numbers and/or letters put together to tell you where in the library to find your book.112.check out 办理外借手续

Ex: Residents now have to pay $50 a year to check out books from the state university library 113.recall [ri'kɔ:l] n.召回

Ex: If an item is recalled, it's loan period will be shortened to two weeks 114.circulation desk [.sə:kju'leiʃən] 借书台

Ex: When visiting the library in person, you can bring the material you want to check out to one of two circulation desks on the main level of the library.115.loan period/borrowing period [ləun] 借书期限

Ex: The loan period for circulating materials varies according to the status of the borrower.116.renew [ri'nju:] v.续借

Ex: He renewed the book for another two months 117.overdue ['əuvə'dju:] adj.过期的

Ex: The library books are overdue.118.fine [fain] n.罚款,罚金

Ex: I got a fine for not returning library books on time.119.bachelor's degree 学士学位

Ex: He graduated from North Dakota State University in 1993 with a bachelor's degree in civil engineering.120.grade point average(学生各科成绩)平均积分点

Ex: Despite this tragedy, she graduated with the second highest grade point average in her high school.121.general education 通识教育

Ex: All courses in the General Education program strive to stimulate critical or analytic thinking 122.discipline ['disiplin] n.学科

Ex: History and economics only became separate academic disciplines in the 20th century.123.vacation [vei'keiʃən] n.假期,休假 Ex: We're taking a vacation in June.124.prerequisite ['pri:'rekwizit] n.先决条件

Ex: Passing a written exam is a prerequisite for taking the advanced course.125.quarter ['kwɔ:tə] 四分之一学年

Ex: A quarter is one of four periods into which the school year is pided 126.counselor ['kaunsələ] n.顾问 127.department chair Ex: He was elected department chair of the physics department.128.dean [di:n] n.系主任,学院院长

Ex: She is the new dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences.the Dean of Medicine 129.faculty ['fækəlti] n.全体教员;(大学的)系,科,院 Ex:the Arts/Law Faculty the Faculty of Science 130.drop out 退学

Ex: He dropped out of college when he was 20.131.make-up test 补考

Ex: I have to take a make-up test because I got the flu on the test day 132.expel [iks'pel] v 开除

Ex: Two girls were expelled from school for taking drugs.133.student union 学生会

Ex: In colleges and universities, the student union is often accorded its own building on the campus , dedicated to social and organizational activities of the student body.134.degree [di'gri:] n.学位

Ex: She's got a bachelor's/master's degree in history from Yale.135.freshman ['freʃmən] n.大学一年级学生 Ex: He's a freshman at Harvard.136.sophomore ['sɔfəmɔ:] n.大学二年级学生

Ex: A sophomore is a student studying in the second year of a course at a US college 137.junior ['dʒu:njə] n.大学三年级学生 Ex: a junior at NYU 138.senior ['si:njə] n.大学四年级学生 Ex: Jen will be a senior this year.139.dormitory ['dɔ:mitri] n.集体宿舍

Ex: He soon gets accustom to dormitory life and make two or three friend 140.roommate ['ru:mmeit] n.室友

Ex: Jean was my roommate during our first year at university.141.off campus 在校园外的

Ex: The Off Campus Housing office provides information to members of the Johns Hopkins community looking for a place to live near the university.142.title ['taitl] n.标题,头衔,称号

Ex: I've read one of her books, but I can't remember the title.143.skim [skim] vt.略读

Ex: It took me an hour to skim the book 144.graph [grɑ:f] n.图表,示意图

Ex: This graph shows how crime has varied in relationship to unemployment over the last 20 years.145.chart [tʃɑ:t] n.图表

Ex: He illustrated his theory by using charts and graphs.146.draft [dræft] n.草稿

Ex: She asked me to check the(first)draft of her proposal.147.register ['redʒistə] v.记录,登记,注册

Did you registers already for classes next semester? 148.seminar ['seminɑ:] n.研究会,讨论发表会 Ex: Professor White's seminar was cancelled.149.master’s degree n.硕士学位

Ex: Master’s degree is an academic degree higher than a bachelor's but lower than a doctor's 150.bulletin board ['bulitin] 告示牌 Ex: The classroom assignment sheet is posted on the bulletin board.151.cancel ['kænsəl] v.取消

Ex: The class has been cancelled because not enough students signed up for it.152.administration office/building 行政办公室/楼

Ex: He was looking for the administration building to drop off his graduation form.153.overwhelmed [.əuvə'welm] v.由于工作、功课量大而忙不过来 Ex: I am a little overwhelmed by the size of this university.154.swamped [swɔmp] v.由于工作、功课量大而忙不过来 Ex: I'm swamped with work at the moment.155.feedback ['fi:dbæk] n.反馈,成果

Ex: Every Friday, Mr.James would hand out the students' essays and give them some feedback.156.audition [ɔ:'diʃən] n.试听;试演

Ex: His audition went well and he's fairly hopeful about getting the part.157.career fair 招聘会

Ex: He went to the career services office to confirm the date and time of the career fair.158.linguistics [liŋ'gwistiks] n.语言学

Ex: Linguistics is the systematic study of the structure and development of language in general or of particular languages 159.accounting [ə'kauntiŋ] n.会计;会计学

Ex: In order to deal with the problems of budgeting for this it is necessary to know something of company financial and cost accounting.160.pointer ['pɔintə] n.暗示,线索,点子

Ex: I want some pointers where to go for information on this subject.161.textbook ['tekstbuk] n.课本,教科书

Ex: I can't get hold of any of the college textbooks he recommended.Most economics textbooks skip over the subject of investing and financial markets.162.apply for 申请

Ex: We've applied to a charitable organization for a grant for the project.163.résumé [ˈrɛzəˈmeɪ] n.简历,履历

Ex: She sent her résumé to fifty companies, but didn't even get an interview.164.stop by 偶然过访,靠近,访问(=come by)Ex: Can you stop by for a moment on your way home from your firm 165.submit [səb'mit] v.呈送,递交(=hand in/turn in)Ex: Please submit your application form before the deadline.166.outline ['əutlain] n.大纲

Ex: In this paper I will give a broad outline of the research we have been doing.167.blank out 忘记

Ex: I blanked out during the exam.168.shelf [ʃelf] n.书架

Ex: I couldn’t find the book I wanted on the shelf.169.clarify ['klærifai] vt.澄清,阐明,使...明晰

Ex: The teacher's explanation clarify the puzzling problem 170.synthesis ['sinθisis] n.综合

Ex: The teacher asked me to write a synthesis of what I had observed and read.171.revise [ri'vaiz] v.校订,修正,校正

Ex: My professor asked to revise the first draft of the thesis.172.poster ['pəustə] n.海报

Ex: He put up a poster advertising the career fair.173.flyer ['flaiə] n.传单

Ex: Flyers are inexpensive to produce and are regarded as a very effective form of direct marketing 174.come up 出现,发生

Ex: Should he be watching TV now with the exams coming up next week 175.pick up 取 拿 领

Ex: When you're in town could you pick up the books I ordered? Have you picked up your ID card from the office yet? 176.break 短暂的休息时间 课间休息

Ex.Would you like to take a break and get a soda? 177 give away vi.赠送,送出

Ex.I gave away all my out-of-date science texts when I moved? 178.cover v.覆盖,涉及,包含

Ex.We are rapidly nearing the end of this course in the history of classical music.We have covered several centuries in a very short time 179.accept v 录取

Ex: Because Susan was accepted by the state university, her brother Ben applied there too.180.overhead projector 投影仪

Ex:I can run this overhead projector There’s really nothing to do it.181.out of print(书等)已绝版的,已售完的

Ex:Her first novel is out of print now but you may find a second-hand copy.182.note [nəut] n.笔记

Ex: Mind if I borrow your economics notes for a while? 183.language lab 语音室

Ex:Shall I lock the language lab now before I go home 184.appointment [ə'pɔintmənt] n.预约

Ex: I have an appointment to see Doctor Gram for a physical examination.




穿衣服get dressed,Wearing Clothes 制服uniform 刷牙brush one's teeth 洗脸wash the face 整理床铺make the bed,bedmaking 打扫房间clean the room 锁门lock the door 离开公寓Leave the apartment 去餐厅Go to restaurant 吃早餐have breakfast 早锻炼Morning Exercises 跑步running 早读morning reading 列队fall into rank 集合gather,解散dissolve 上课go to class 老师好Hello Teacher,Teacher well 做笔记take notes 玩手机 fiddle with her phone 下课class is over 去卫生间Go to the bathroom 打水fetch water 喝水drink water 吃午饭have lunch,go to lunch 午休noon break,midday rest 去北广North Garden square 去超市Go to the supermarket 去饭 go to the restaurant 叫外卖Ordenng Takeout 去女生公寓楼下To the girl's apartment downstairs 等人wait for someone 等你Waiting for you 约会make an appointment 约了人吃晚饭 About a person for dinner 我可以约你去散步吗 Can I take a walk around you 我可以约你去看电影吗Can I go to the movies about you 吃晚餐have dinner,have supper 去吃晚餐go to dinner 去图书馆go to the library 借书borrow books 还书return a book 晚自习self-study at night,Night classes 回公寓 back to the apartment 用电脑use computer 看新闻Read the news 打电话making telephone calls 看球赛watch ball game 看电影see films 听音乐listen to music 玩游戏play games 聊天Chatting,have a chat 洗澡take a bath,have a bath,take a shower 睡觉go to bed,go to sleep 关灯turn off the lights 取快递Take delivery 晚点名evening roll-call 辅修法学A minor in law 理发have a haircut 社团活动Club Activities,Community activities 打篮球play basketball 洗衣服wash the clothes 晾衣服hang clothes out



primary education 初等教育

secondary education 中等教育higher education 高等教育


required course 必修课

compulsory course选修课

optional course / selective course选修课

teaching building 教学楼

dormitory building宿舍楼 School Cafeteria学校食堂dining hall student loan助学贷款

semester 学期 curriculum 课程

extracurricular课外的 major主修

minor副修 specialized courses 专业课程

subject 学科

discipline 纪律

school timetable, schedule,课程表

social practice社会实践

academic activity学术活动 internship实习

part-time job兼职

exercise 练习

dictation 听写

spelling mistake 拼写错误

short-term training 短期培训 military training军训

seminar 研讨班 break 课间休息

schoolwork / 学业

classmate, schoolmate 同学

pupil 小学生 senior学长

auditor 旁听生

grant, scholarship, fellowship 奖学金

holder of a grant, scholarship, fellowship 奖学金获得者 school uniform 校服

teaching staff 教育工作者(总称)primary school teacher 小学老师

teacher;lecturer;instructor 大学老师

professor 教授

full professor正教授

associate professor: 副教授 Teaching Assistant 教学助教(一般简称TA)Research Assistant 研究助理

guest professor客座教授

headmaster 校长(女性为:headmistress)

dean 教务长,系主任,院长

laboratory assistant, lab assistant 实验员 residence advisor楼长


gym teacher, gym instructor;PE teacher 体育教师 PE class体育课

private tutor 私人教师,家庭教师

to enroll 注册

to learn by heart 记住,掌握 to review;to go over 复习preview预习

test 考试





to take an exam, to sit an exam参加考试

oral exam, written exam 口试,笔试

examination paper 试卷

pass an examination(或exam), 通过考试

to fail an examination 挂科

to repeat a year 留级

repeater留级生 monitor班长

vice-monitor副班长 president 会长

vice-president 副会长

secretary general 秘书长

association 协会

degree 学位

Graduation Project 毕业设计 supervisor论文导师

Thesis Defence答辩


Undergraduate本科生 international student / foreign student / exchange student留学生 master硕士

doctor 博士(PH.D)(doctorate candidate博士研究生)post-doctorate博士后

post-graduate student研究生 personal statement个人陈述

职业教育 vocational education

国家教育委员会 State Education Commission

综合性大学 comprehensive university

文科大学 university of liberal arts

文科院校 colleges of art

理工科大学 college/university of science and engineering

师范大学 normal university;teachers' university

工业大学 polytechnical university

工业学院 engineering institute

农业大学 agricultural university

农学院 agricultural college

医科大学 medical university 医学院 medical college/school

中医院 institute of traditional Chinese medicine

教学人员 the faculty;teaching staff


副主任 vice-chairman

教授 professor

客座教授 visiting professor;guest professor

讲师 lecturer

专职教师 full-time teacher

学生会 students' union/association

(大学的)研究小组;讨论会 seminar


学分 credit

分数 mark;grade

成绩单 school report;report card;transcript

毕业典礼 graduation ceremony;

毕业证书 diploma;graduation certificate

奖学金 scholarship

领取助学金的学生 a grant-aided student

学费 tuition(fee)

副教授 associate professor

助教 assistant 兼职教师 part-time teacher 住宿生 boarder



a stack of 一堆,一摞,一叠 a wealth of 很多的

abrupt 突然的;意料之外的 absorb 吸收;吸引...的注意 academic performance 学习成绩 accuse 谴责,指控 accusation 指控,控告 advance 前进;增加 alert 警报

alternative 替代品;另类的 appear 看上去好像,似乎 Aristotle 亚里士多德 assembly 集会,集合

at hand 手头上的;需要马上处理的 at the expense of 以...为代价 attentively 专注地;热切地 attribute to 把...归因于 bacon 腊肉 bake 烘,烤

bake...into 纳入,合并

be entitled to 有权;有...的资格 be tied up with=be busy with bear sth in mind 将…牢记心间 beverage 饮料

biased 有偏见的;结果偏倚的 billion 十亿

blade 刀刃,刀片 bless 祝福;保佑 block 一块,一段 bloom 果树的花 blossom 观赏的花 boost 提升;鼓舞

box office 票房收入;售票处 branch 分支 breeze 微风 brew 酿造

brief 短暂的;简略的 bubble 气泡,泡沫

build up from nothing=start from scratch 白手起家

bullet 子弹

bump 上下颠簸;碰撞;膨胀 burglar 窃贼 cable 电缆

calligraphy=handwriting 书法

catch oneself doing sth突然意识到自己在做...categorize 分类 ceiling 天花板


chance of a lifetime 千载难逢的机会 Chances always favor those who are fully prepared 机会总是留给有充分准备的人 chill 寒冷;寒气 chilly 寒冷的

China’s reform and opening-up 中国的改革开放

chip 剪下;剪辑;夹住,扣住 clutter 杂乱;混乱;弄乱 cognitive 认知的

collapse 倒塌;衰退;病倒;崩溃 column 专栏;圆柱 columnist 专栏作家

come into being 出现,产生,存在 come into vogue 流行起来 comforter 被子 commercial 商业的 commit 犯(罪);致力于 commitment 承诺;忠诚 comparable 比得上的 compel 强波,使不得不 compelling 引人注目的

complement 补充物,衬托物 comprehensive 综合的 confront(+with)面对 consensus 一致同意 controversy 争议 conventional 传统的

correspond 通信;一致,相符合 council 委员会

count on 依赖,指望 counter 计算器;柜台;(棋盘游戏的)筹码 countless 无数的

cover the expenses of 支付...的费用 crack 破解(难题,密码);破裂 cracker 薄脆饼干 anticipate 预期,预料 credit 学分

crucial 重要的;决定性的 curb 路边

curl 盘绕,缠绕 curler 卷发夹

curse 祸害;诅咒,咒骂 damp 潮湿的

dampen 抑制;使…沮丧 define 确定,界定 definitely 一定 democratic 民主的

demonstrate 证明;展示;示威 depict 描绘

depress 使沮丧,使萧条 device 装置,设备;策略 devise 遗赠;设计,发明 dialect 方言 dig 挖掘

diligent 勤奋的 diner 小餐馆

diploma 毕业/学业证书;奖状 diplomatic 外交的

1/4 direct 直接的

disguise 掩饰,假扮

display 陈列,展览;显示;炫耀 distinguished 杰出的,独特的 domesticate 驯养

dramatic 剧烈的,显著的 dried 干燥的,干涸的

dump 倾倒;抛弃,丢弃;抛售;抛卸;垃圾场;军需供应站 dustbin 垃圾桶

economic 紧急实惠的 eel 鳗鱼,鳝

eliminate 消除,排除 emission 排放 employee 雇员 employee 雇主

encounter 偶遇,邂逅;遭遇 enroll 使加入;注册,登记 entrepreneur 企业家 essence 精髓,精华

essential 必要的;本质的 estate 房地产

exceed 超过,超越 excel 擅长(+in/at);优于,超过 excellent 极好的,优秀的

exclusive 排斥;排外的;专门的;独家新闻 excursion 远足;短途旅游 executive 总经理;行政领导;执行的(CEO)exert 发挥;运用;尽(力);施加 exert an influence on...exploit 利用;开拓,挖掘;剥削 exposure 暴露;曝光

extend one’s sincere gratitude to 向…表达某人诚挚的感谢之情 exterior 外部的 facility 天赋,才能 fascinate 吸引 fatigue 疲劳

feasible 可行的,可能的 finance 财政,金融

first-class=leading 一流的 fleet 船队,车队,机群 flour 面粉

flow 流动(v.&n.);流传,传播 for sale 待售的 fossil fuel 化石燃料 foster interests 培养兴趣 frontier 前沿;边界

fundamentally 根本地,基础地

generate 生育;引起,造成,导致,促进 give rise to 引起,导致 give 让步,提供

gossip 流言蜚语,谣言;闲谈 govern 治理;管理;统治;支配 grace 优雅;慈悲

grant 授予;允许,同意 grip=grasp 紧握住

guideline 指导方针,准则 timeless 永恒的

hang up 挂起(衣服);挂断电话 harvest(庄稼)收获 hated 令人憎恨的 haul 拖拉

hinder 阻碍,妨碍;后面的 Holland 荷兰

hollow 空的;凹陷的;窟窿

humanity 人类;人性;人文学科 hut 棚屋,茅舍

identical 完全相同的,同一的 identify 确定,确认,识别 identity 身份

ignorant 愚昧无知的 illustrate 阐明;图解 illustration 插图 immense 巨大的

implicit/underlying 含蓄的,深层的 impose 强制实施,施加

in essence 本质上,大体上;其实

in terms of 就...来说;关于...;在...方面 in token of 作为...的象征 Inc(incorporation)公司 incoming 进来的 index 索引

index finger 食指 inevitable 不可避免的

infant 初学者;婴儿,幼儿,未成年 inferior(superior)次的,差的 infrastructure 基础设施;公共建设 inherit 继承

innovation 创新;新发明 install 安装

instant noodles 方便面

instant 即刻的;即食的;速溶的 integrate with 与…结合在一起

integrate 整合,合并,使一体化;整体的 integrate...into 融入

intellectual 智力的;聪明的;知识分子 interest 利益;利息

interfere(+with)干预,妨碍,打扰 interior 内部的

interpretation 阐释,说明 intervention 干预

intimate 亲密的,私人的 investigation 调查,研究

irrational consumption 非理性消费 Jesus 耶稣

join hand 携手合作 junior 大三学生

keep back 抑制;隐瞒 leaf 叶子;人生

2/4 lean toward 偏向于… leap 跳跃;腾飞 lease 租约,租契

less than 一点也不,一点也没有 limp 软的;不强壮地;(因腿受伤)跛行 literacy rate 识字率 literature 文学(作品),文献 livelihood 生计 logical 合乎逻辑的 loyal 忠诚的 lump 膨胀

luxury奢侈(的);奢侈品 magnificent 华丽的;高贵的 maintain 维修

make time for 为...腾出时间 Mandarin 普通话 margin 边缘

matchmaking 做媒(牵线搭桥)mayor 市长

mechanic 技工,机修工;手工的 Mediterranean 地中海 merit 值得,应得;功德

migrant workers 流动工人;农民工 migrant 候鸟;移民 Millennium 千禧一代 mind-set 心态;思维模式 minimal 微小的,极少的 mobility 移动性 muscle 肌肉

mutually 相互地;彼此 nail down 确定,明确 narrative 故事,记叙文 nightmare 噩梦

Not until that time did I realize how important I am in your heart.obligation 债务;义务,责任;证券;契约;恩惠

occupation 职业,行业 ocean liner 远洋客轮 odd 奇数的;古怪的 odds 概率,可能性

on the side of 站在…的立场

One can’t make bricks without straw.巧妇难为无米之炊

outdated 过时的 outlet 出口,出路

outperform 胜过,做得比...好 outweigh 比…更重要;超出

overtake(=go beyond)赶上;超越;超车;突然袭击 pants 裤子 paper 论文 passive 被动的 paste 膏;粘贴 peasant 农民

penalty 惩罚;死刑

perceive 理解;意识的;发觉,警觉 perception 知觉,观念 perceptive 感知的 perfume 香水;香气 permanently 永远地

perspective 观点,角度;远景 phase(月亮)盈亏;阶段;时机 pinch 一小撮;掐,捏,夹 pitch 程度,强度,高度 plague 蝗/鼠灾,瘟疫 Polish 波兰(人)的 populous 人口多的 post 张贴;发布 postpone 推迟

precisely 精确地;清晰地 predator 捕食者 pregnant 怀孕

procedure 程序;进程

productive 多产的;有效率的;有创造性的 productivity 生产力 proficient 能力,水平profound 深刻的

promise 承诺;有…的可能 proportion 比例

prospect 前景,希望;景色;勘探 pull oneself together 使振作起来 pumpkin 南瓜 purple 紫色的

radical 激进的;激进分子 random 任意地,随意地 raw 生的;未经加工的 reap 收割;收获

recession(经济)萧条 recreation 娱乐 recruit 雇佣,;招聘;动员;征募 reflect on 仔细思考

regard 就...而言,关于...;认为,看作 region 地区;范围;部位 relate 讲述

relatively 相当地;相对地 remains 残留物;遗址 renewal 更新;重建 reservation 保留;预订

resort 名胜;诉诸;求助(n.);凭借(n.)respectively 各自地,分别地,依次地 restraint 控制,抑制;安全带

retailer 零售商 proverb 谚语

retrain 再教育,再训练 retreat 撤退;隐居处 reveal 揭露

revenue 财政收入(税收);利益

reverse 改变;推翻;反转,扭转;倒退 rosy 玫瑰色的;乐观的;愉快的

3/4 rough 粗糙的;粗鲁的;未经加工的 roughly 大致上,粗略的 run into 碰撞,撞上 rust(铁)锈

sack 麻布袋;解雇



scholar 学者

scope 视野;范围 scrape 擦伤;刮除 script 剧本;手稿 secure 保证;保护 set 布置

shed 工棚,工房,库房;流出(+tears)sheet 床单;一张;纸 shiver 颤抖,哆嗦 slope 斜面,斜坡 so-called 所谓的 solution 溶剂

sophisticated 久经世故的;精密的;尖端的 sort 整理,分类

source 源泉;根源;水源 span 持续的时间;期间 resource 资源;财力

spark a heated discussion 引起激烈的讨论 special offer 特价 split 分开,分裂 spray 喷洒

stack 堆起,摞起 staple food 主食

staple 基本的,主要的 stereotype 刻板印象 stoop 俯身,弯腰

strain 拉紧;扭伤;使过度劳累;压力 strip(+off)剥去,除去,脱去 strive 努力,奋斗 struggle 努力,奋斗

stuff 填/塞满;东西;原料;让...吃饱 stuffed toys 毛绒玩具 submit 提交

subsequent 随后的 sufficient 充分的 suggest 表明,暗示

superficial 表面的;肤浅的 surge 激增,突然上涨:(情感的)突发,涌现

sustain 延续,维持,支撑;承担;忍受 terminal 终端;致命的;晚期的;终点站 the Communist Party 共产党 therapy 治疗;疗法

There is many reasons accounting for(解释,说明)...tip 诀窍;小费;尖端 tobacco 香烟,烟草

torture 折磨,使痛苦 toss 扔,掷,抛

tremendous 巨大的;极好的 trigger(扣)扳机;触发 tube 管子

ultimately 最终;根本 uneasy 不安的 upfront 预付地

Valentine’s Day 情人节 vanish 消失,突然不见

vary from person to person 因人而异 venture 冒险(事业)verification 验证,确认

vigorous 强有力的,强健的,精力充沛的 violation 侵犯;违反

virtual(计算机)虚拟的;实际上的 virtue 优点;美德 virus 病毒

vision 视力;眼力;想象;美景 visual 视觉的,视力的 vogue 时尚(的),流行(的)voyage 航行;航程

vulnerable 易受伤害的,有弱点的 walker 助步车

whereas 然而;鉴于;反之 wire 电线,金属丝 wireless 无线电(的)

With/in regard to 就...而言,至于,关于 wrap up 拆开(包裹)

Yogi 瑜伽师(yoga 瑜伽)

