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编辑:清幽竹影 识别码:15-787945 6号文库 发布时间: 2023-11-08 11:36:12 来源:网络


Unforgetable Experience

Once I changed my attitude toward everything, I recognized my world, my future and myself.It happened when my friends and I had almost finished our last academic year and were invited by our lovely and friend like teachers to an amazing trip, to Issyk-Kul, the pearl of Kyrgyz land.About five of my best friends and I were going to the breathtaking places of our motherland where we decided to have an unforgettable days of our life.It was usual shiny day when we were about to leave our lyceum and get to the long road that was passing through the high and mighty mountains of “Kyrgyz jeri”.And when we were on the way to Tam chi, a fertile garden village of wooden chocolate-box cottages and shady, poplar-lined avenues, my teacher said with his funny voice, ?Listen everybody!Now we are on the way to Issyk-Kul, and I want you not to sleep on first mission of our summer vacation because you could not realize the beauty of nature and compose an essay on your final exam.And some of us really didn’t sleep after his funny advice, trying to get a real pleasure from staring at the grand mountains.But during the way the others of us were just listening the music, joking to each other and flying in their dreams.Finally, we reached the place where everyone changed their face and had a big smile, which showed that all of us were really pleased of seeing our magic lake.After some times later, we got into our nest!and then had first unforgettable dinner near the lake and under the thousands of blazing stars, which reminded us that we were in paradise.And it was indeed amazing? On the next day, after having a wonderful breakfast, we went to the beach for swimming and having a sunbath.When I saw the warm and silk like soft water that was attracting all of us, I rushed to it and noticed that not only I was running like a wild animal, but all my friends did the same as well.The water is excellent, said one of us.Yeah, it is, replied another one.But after a little time, there were again coming lots of voices like, WOW, Cool, and many other sounds that showed our both surprise and gladness.We were happy and at the same time tired.So we went back to have lunch and then to get asleep.Everyone was sleeping when one of my friends and I were playing cards and discussing about our aims in life and about friendship.I thought that having the best friends makes me feel self-assured in my decisions and be full for a real life by recognizing its wellnein community and nature.I thought that only with them I could get a hand and find the way in!my own life path by discovering my abilities and finding out my great wishes in life.But after some minutes my friend and I were sleeping and continuing discussing, and this time in our dreams.In evening, we were usually watching comedy films and films about the battles.But on another day we decided to have a party, so we went to a local disco named as Discovery.And the life would be more interesting that night if I didn’t quarrel with my best friend.We started arguing only for our own interests;he insisted on drinking some alcohol and dance, I insisted on not doing that because it would bring big problems and moreover it would be shame on ourselves.Unfortunately, all my friends were against me, because they thought that we could afford drinking alcohol considering that we were about to finish our school.That night I lost all my best friends just in a moment.All my thoughts about friendship were ruined;my heart burst into small pieces that will never be joined any more.And from that moment I started to build everything in my life from zero.I became more serious with my attitude toward people and became more careful myself as well.



it‘s my honor to have a speech here.we all know that autumn is a harvest season;it brings us achievements and celebrations.but this year is quite different.we are welcoming the 60th birthday of our nation!

what proves the growth of our country? what proves that our country is becoming stronger and stronger? of course,the changes,the avhievements.now we can touch the pulse(脉搏,跳动)of the

social progress,the changes of clothing,food,the living conditions and so on.once my grandma said that in the planned economy,everything has its own certificate,“new dress” is only a desire and many children could only expect new clothes on chinese new year.when my grandmother put on new clothes on new year‘s day,she would be quite satisfied and proud,because many children would come to appreciate it.at that time,new clothes are rare for common people.sixty years ago,it’s quite usual that a big family crowded in a small room.they put up a curtain separating the house into two

parts,and sometimes there might be some mice.my grandma said they played only seated in bed and several children did their homework on a small table.but now,good conditions,most families not only have a nice house with a lot of furniture,but also have more than one house.great changes have taken place gradually around us,especially after the reform and opening up.history tells us and tells future,dengxiaoping‘ construction was right.in XX,our country joined the wto.then we launched the shenzhou v,vi,vii and chang’e spaceship into space,and held the beijing olympics.we still remember the yesterday of last year,when the big earthquake happened,the whole nation was shocked and moved.not only

volunteers but everyone was devoted to help people in need.today we

see a new look of sichuan people,the energy and hope of sichuan people.what a beautiful day!

as students,we are enjoying the benefits of the progress of our country.now we are studying in a garden school which has experienced one hundred years of unusual history.look,the bright classrooms,the tall buildings,the green trees and these energetic students!we should work hard,for our future,for our school and for our nation.and i‘m sure that a better life and a harmonious society are around the corner.have you seen them?



it‘s my honor to have a speech here.we all know that autumn is a harvest season;it brings us achievements and celebrations.but this year is quite different.we are welcoming the 60th birthday of our nation!

what proves the growth of our country? what proves that our country is becoming stronger and stronger? of course,the changes,the avhievements.now we can touch the pulse(脉搏,跳动)of the social progress,the changes of clothing,food,the living conditions and so on.once my grandma said that in the planned economy,everything has its own certificate,“new dress” is only a desire and many children could only expect new clothes on chinese new year.when my grandmother put on new clothes on new year‘s day,she would be quite satisfied and proud,because many children would come to appreciate it.at that time,new clothes are rare for common people.sixty years ago,it’s quite usual that a big family crowded in a small room.they put up a curtain separating the house into two parts,and sometimes there might be some mice.my grandma said they played only seated in bed and several children did their homework on a small table.but now,good conditions,most families not only have a nice house with a lot of furniture,but also have more than one house.great changes have taken place gradually around us,especially after the reform and opening up.history tells us and tells future,dengxiaoping‘ construction was right.in XX,our country joined the wto.then we launched the shenzhou v,vi,vii and chang’e spaceship into space,and held the beijing olympics.we still remember the yesterday of last year,when the big earthquake happened,the whole nation was shocked and moved.not only volunteers but everyone was devoted to help people in need.today we see a new 海量资料分享

look of sichuan people,the energy and hope of sichuan people.what a beautiful day!

as students,we are enjoying the benefits of the progress of our country.now we are studying in a garden school which has experienced one hundred years of unusual history.look,the bright classrooms,the tall buildings,the green trees and these energetic students!we should work hard,for our future,for our school and for our nation.and i‘m sure that a better life and a harmonious society are around the corner.have you seen them? 相关内容

初三英语比赛演讲稿 初三英语家长会发言稿 初三英语演讲稿范文




no young man believes he shall ever die.it was a saying of my brother's, and a fine one.there is a feeling of eternity in youth, which makes us amend for everything.to be young is to be as one of the immortal gods.one half of time indeed is flown-the other half remains in store for us with all its countermeasure;for there is no line drawn, and we see no limit to our hopes and wishes.we make the coming age our own-

the vast, the unbounded prospect lies before us.death.old age.are words without a meaning.that paby us like the idea air which we regard not.others may have undergone, or may still be liable to them-we "bear a charmed life“, which laughs to scorn all such sickly fancies.as in setting out on delightful journey, we strain our eager gaze forward-

bidding the lovely scenes at distance hail!

and see no end to the landscape, new objects presenting themselves as we advance;so, in the commencement of life, we set no bounds to our inclinations.nor to the unrestricted opportunities of gratifying them.we have as yet found no obstacle, no disposition to flag;and it seems that we can go on so forever.we look round in a new world, full of life, and motion, and ceaselessness;and feel in ourselves all the vigor and spirit to keep pace with it, and do not foresee from any present symptoms how we shall be left behind in the natural course of things, decline into old age, and drop into the grave.it is the simplicity, and as it were abstracted our feelings in youth, that(so to speak)identifies us with nature, and(our experience being slight and our passions strong)deludes us into a belief of being immortal like it.our short-lives connection with existence we fondly flatter ourselves, is an indissoluble and lasting union-a honeymoon that knows neither coldness, jar, nor separation.as infants smile and sleep, we are rocked in the cradle of our wayward fancies, and lulled into security by the roar of the universe around us0we quaff the cup of life with eager haste without draining it, instead of which it only overflows the more-objects prearound us, filling the mind with their magnitude and with the strong of desires that wait upon them, so that we have no room for the thoughts of death.


it‘s my honor to have a speech here.we all know that autumn is a harvest season;it brings us achievements and celebrations.but this year is quite different.we are welcoming the 60th birthday of our nation!

what proves the growth of our country? what proves that our country is becoming stronger and stronger? of course,the changes,the avhievements.now we can touch the pulse(脉搏,跳动)of the social progress,the changes of clothing,food,the living conditions and so on.once my grandma said that in the planned economy,everything has its own certificate,“new dress” is only a desire and many children could only expect new clothes on chinese new year.when my grandmother put on new clothes on new year‘s day,she would be quite satisfied and proud,because many children would come to appreciate it.at that time,new clothes are rare for common people.sixty years ago,it’s quite usual that a big family crowded in a small room.they put up a curtain separating the house into two parts,and sometimes there might be some mice.my grandma said they played only seated in bed and several children did their homework on a small table.but now,good conditions,most families not only have a nice house with a lot of furniture,but also have more than one house.great changes have taken place gradually around us,especially after the reform and opening up.history tells us and tells future,dengxiaoping‘ construction was right.in XX,our country joined the wto.then we launched the shenzhou v,vi,vii and chang’e spaceship into space,and held the beijing olympics.we still remember the yesterday of last year,when the big earthquake happened,the whole nation was shocked and moved.not only volunteers but everyone was devoted to help people in need.today we see a new look of sichuan people,the energy and hope of sichuan people.what a beautiful day!

as students,we are enjoying the benefits of the progress of our country.now we are studying in a garden school which has experienced one hundred years of unusual history.look,the bright classrooms,the tall buildings,the green trees and these energetic students!we should work hard,for our future,for our school and for our nation.and i‘m sure that a better life and a harmonious society are around the corner.have you seen them?
