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编辑:梦醉花间 识别码:22-1010523 13号文库 发布时间: 2024-05-26 13:10:34 来源:网络


In a telephone survey of more than 2,000 adults,21% said they believed the sun revolved(旋转)around the earth.An __1__7% did not know which revolved around_2_ I have no doubt that _3_all of these people were__4__ in school that the earth revolves around the sun _5_may even have written it _6_ a test.But they never _7_ their incorrect mental models of planetary(行星的)_8_ because their every  day observations didn‘t support _9_ their teachers told them: People see the sun moving _10_ the sky as morning turns to night,and the earth seems stationary(静止的)_11_ that is happening.Students can learn the right answers _12_ heart in class,and yet never combined them _13_ heir working models of the world.The objectively correct answer the professor accepts and the _14_ personal understanding of the world can _15_ side by side,each unaffected by the other

Outside of class,the student continues to use the _16_ model because it has always worked well _17_ that circumstance.Unless professors address _18_ errors in students‘ personal models of the world,students are not _19_ to replace them with the _20_ one.1[A] excessive[B] extra [C] additional [D] added

2[A] what [B] which [C] that [D] other

3[A] virtually [B] remarkably [C] ideally [D] preferably

4[A] learned [B] suggested [C] taught [D] advised

5[A] those [B] these [C] who [D] they

6[A] on [B] with [C] under [D] for

7[A] formed [B] altered [C] believed [D] thought

8[A] operation [B] position [C] motion [D] location

9[A] how [B] which [C] that [D] what

10[A] around [B] across [C] on [D] above

11[A] since [B] so [C] while [D] for

12[A] to [B] by [C] in [D] with

13[A] with [B] into [C] to [D] along

14[A] adult‘s [B] teacher‘s [C] scientist‘s [D] student‘s

15[A] exist [B] occur [C] survive [D] maintain

16[A] private [B] inpidual[C] personal [D] own

17[A] in [B] with [C] on [D] for

18[A] general [B] natural [C] similar [D] specific

19[A] obliged [B] likely [C] probable [D] partial

20[A] perfect [B] better [C] reasonable [D] correct

1.C 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.D 6.A 7.B 8.C 9.D 10.B 11.C 12.B 13.A 14.D 15.A 16.C 17.A 18.D 19.B 20.D




5、补充的新题:In a telephone survey of more than 2,000 adults,21% said they believed the sun revolved(旋转)around the earth.An __1__7% did not know which revolved around_2_ I have no doubt that _3_all of these people were__4__ in school that the earth revolves around the sun _5_may even have written it _6_ a test.But they never _7_ their incorrect mental models of planetary(行星的)_8_ because their every  day observations didn‘t support _9_ their teachers told them: People see the sun moving _10_ the sky as morning turns to night,and the earth seems stationary(静止的)_11_ that is happening.Students can learn the right answers _12_ heart in class,and yet never combined them _13_ heir working models of the world.The objectively correct answer the professor accepts and the _14_ personal understanding of the world can _15_ side by side,each unaffected by the other

Outside of class,the student continues to use the _16_ model because it has always worked well _17_ that circumstance.Unless professors address _18_ errors in students‘ personal models of the world,students are not _19_ to replace them with the _20_ one.1[A] excessive[B] extra [C] additional [D] added

2[A] what [B] which [C] that [D] other

3[A] virtually [B] remarkably [C] ideally [D] preferably

4[A] learned [B] suggested [C] taught [D] advised

5[A] those [B] these [C] who [D] they

6[A] on [B] with [C] under [D] for

7[A] formed [B] altered [C] believed [D] thought

8[A] operation [B] position [C] motion [D] location

9[A] how [B] which [C] that [D] what

10[A] around [B] across [C] on [D] above

11[A] since [B] so [C] while [D] for

12[A] to [B] by [C] in [D] with

13[A] with [B] into [C] to [D] along

14[A] adult‘s [B] teacher‘s [C] scientist‘s [D] student‘s

15[A] exist [B] occur [C] survive [D] maintain

16[A] private [B] inpidual[C] personal [D] own

17[A] in [B] with [C] on [D] for

18[A] general [B] natural [C] similar [D] specific

19[A] obliged [B] likely [C] probable [D] partial

20[A] perfect [B] better [C] reasonable [D] correct

1.C 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.D 6.A 7.B 8.C 9.D 10.B 11.C 12.B 13.A 14.D 15.A 16.C 17.A 18.D 19.B 20.D



Ask people for a list of their least favorite activities,and with “getting my teeth drilled” there is likely to be “going to a job interview.” The job interview is often regarded as a painful experience.The job-interview “go” may not be much fun , but it is a game you can win if you play it right.Here are guidelines to help you play the interview game well:

Present yourself as a winner.The way you dress, speak, and move gives the interviewer more information about you than you would think possible.The thumbs-down decision was often made in less than forty-five seconds-even before the applicant thought the interview had begun.How can you keep yourself from becoming a victim of an instant “ no ” decision?

Dress appropriately.This means business clothing: usually a suit and tie or a conservative dress or skirt suit.Don’t wear casual student clothing.On the other hand, don’t overdress: you’re going to a job interview, not a party.Look alert, poised, and friendly.When that interviewer looks into the waiting room and calls your name, he or she is getting a first impression of your behavior.Smiling and looking directly at that person, extend your hand to shake his or hers, saying, “I’m Lesley Brown.Thank you for seeing me today.”

Be ready for the interviewer’s questions.The same questions come up again and again in many job interviews.You should plan ahead for all these questions!Think carefully about each question, outline your answer, and memorize each outline.Then practice reciting the answers to yourself.Only in this way are you going to be prepared.Here are the common questions for an interview:

Tell me about yourself.Be prepared to give a brief summary of your life and work experience-where you grew up, where you went to school, what jobs you’ve had, and how you happen to be here.What are your strengths and weaknesses? Be ready to say something specific.How did the strengths serve you in the past? Don’t make the mistake of saying, “I don’t have any real weaknesses,” No one will believe that.Admit a weakness-but make it one that an employer might like.For instance, admit that you often seek perfection.Why should we hire you? Don’t be afraid to sell yourself.Tell the interviewer that from your research you have learned that this company is one you would like to work for, and that you believe the company’s needs and your skills are a great match.Why did you leave your last job? Never badmouth anyone.Say that you left in order to seek greater responsibilities and challenges.Do you have any questions? Ask a question or two about specific aspects of the job, pointing out again how well your talents and the company’s needs are matched.Even if you’re dying to know how much the job pays, don’t ask.There will be time for this later.Send a thank-you note.Once you’ve passed the interview, there is one more chance for you to make a fine impression.As soon as you can-certainly no more than one or two days after the interview-write a note of thanks to your interviewer.Make the note polite, businesslike, and brief-just a paragraph or two.No amount of preparation is going to make interviewing for a job your favorite activity.But if you go well prepared, your potential employer can’t help thinking highly of you.And you will be the one who wins the job.


97年英语专四完型填空真题[15 MIN.] Decide which of the choices given below would correctly complete the passage if inserted in the corresponding blanks.Mark the correct choice for each blank on your answer sheet. Unlike most sports which evolved over time from street games basketball was designed by one man to suit a particular purpose.The man was Dr.James Naismith, and his purpose was to invent a vigorous game that could be played indoors in the winter. In 1892, Naismith was an instructor at a training school, which trained physical education instructors for the YMCAs.That year the school was trying(26)___ up with a physical activity that the men could enjoy(27)___ the football and baseball seasons.None of the standard indoor activities(28)___ their interest for long.Naismith was asked to solve the problem by the school. He first tried to(29)___ some of the popular outdoor sports, but they were all too rough.The men were getting bruised from tackling each other and(30)___ hit with equipment.So, Naismith decided to invent a game that would incorporate the most common elements of outdoor team sports without having the real physical contact.Most popular sports used a ball.So he chose a soccer ball because it was soft and large enough that it(31)___ no equipment, such as a hat or a racket to hit it.Next he decide(32)___ an elevated goal, so that scoring would depend on skill and accuracy rather than on(33)___ only.His goals were two peach baskets,(34)___ to tenfoothigh balconies at each end of the gym.The basic(35)___ of the game was to

throw the ball into the basket.Naismith wrote rules for the game,(36)___ of which, though with some small changes, are still(37)___ effect.

Basketball was an immediate success.The students(38)___ it to their friends, and the new sport quickly(39)___ on.Today,basketball is one of the most popular games(40)___ the world.

26.A.to have come B.comingC.come D.to come 

27.A.between B.duringC.when D.for 

28.A.roused B.heldC.had D.were 

29.A.imitate B.adoptC.adapt D.renovate 

30.A.being B.to beC.been D.were 

31.A.requested B.usedC.required D.took 

32.A.on B.toC.of D.with 

33.A.power B.strengthC.force D.might 

34.A.fixed B.fixingC.that fixed D.which fixed 

35.A.methods B.rulesC.way D.idea 

36.A.few B.muchC.many D.little 

37.A.with B.inC.on D.for 

38.A.defined B.spreadC.taught D.discussed 

39.A.went B.tookC.put D.caught 

40.A.of B.throughoutC.among D.through Keys:a



277.When Henry Alien came fromthe last Thursday nighthe saw a fromsaidam goingto be withher for a few days.Therea fewthings that ought be donewhile I'm away.“First, take your blue coat to the cleaner'sand leave your shirts at thegetmy brown shoes? And somecoffee, milk, and butter.”When you get home, please telephone Mary Bickford and tell her I won't be able to go to her party tomorrow evening.Tell her why I come must be done before you go to work tomorrow morning: leave a note for the asking forjust one quart of milk, not two;put the inthe backyard;give the dog something to eat.“ If you have time on Saturday, cut the grass.Don't forget the onto givehim money.”I think that's all.I'll telephone this evening letyou know how mother is.Love, Alice.“atthe grass Alice wanted him to cut.His wife had asked him would bewell very quickly.279.ordinarychimpanzee, though.Scientists are doing a onbecome.Already she does many things a human being can do.messageswith people.The scientists signlanguage.When she wants to upup with whenshe wants to brush her teeth.This is done after every meal.Washoe has also trainedto think out and find answers to problems.Once she was put in roomwith food hanging from the ceiling.It was too high reach.After she considered problemonlongpole.Then she climbed onto boxgrasped the pole, knockeddown the food with the pole.liveslike a human, too.The scientists keep her in a fully furnished house.After dayThereevenenjoys watching television before going to bed.learnmore about people by studying our closest relative chimpanzee.283.It was an early morning in summer.In the streets, sleepy-eyed people were moving quickly, heading towards jobs.This was the beginning of ordinaryday in New York Butthis day was of be different.abovethe crowded streets, on top of building110 stories high, was Philippe Petit.This daring Frenchman was about walka tightrope between the two towers of the World Trade Center.stepwith great sureWithonly a balancing pole, Philippe walked his way across, distanceof 131 feet.Soon the crowdsbegan to notice.What wondertinyfigure was walking on air.Philippe made trips, back and forth.He wasn't satisfied with walking.At times, he would turn, sit down, evengo on his knees.Once, he had the courageto lie down on the thread.And thousands terrifiedwatchers stared with their hearts fast.After the show,Philippe was taken to the police station.He was whyhe did it.Philippe shrugged and said ,”When I see tall buildings, I walk".
