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饲料 feed


总能 gross energy;GE

消化能 digestible energy;GE

代谢能 metabolizable energy;ME 净能 net energy;NE 理想蛋白质 ideal protein

必须氨基酸 essential amino acid

非必须氨基酸 non essential amino acid 限制性氨基酸 limiting amino acid 可消化氨基酸 digestible amino acid 可利用氨基酸 available amino acid 氨基酸平衡 amino acid balance 必需脂肪酸 essential fatty acid 必须矿物元素 essential mineral 常量元素 macro-mineral 微量元素 micro-mineral 总磷 total phosphorus;TP

有效磷 available phosphorus;AP 抗营养因子 anti-nutritional factor 营养需要量 nutrient requirement

维持需要量 maintenance requirement 磁性金属杂质 magnetic metal impurites 粗蛋白质 crude protein(CP)粗灰分 crude ash 粗饲料 roughage,forage 粗纤维 crude fiber(CF)粗脂肪 crude fat,ether extract(EE)促生长剂 growth promoting agent 单细胞蛋白 single-cell protein(SCP)蛋白能量比 protein caloric ratio 蛋白质饲料 protein feed 调味剂 flavor enchancement 防腐剂 preservative 防霉剂 mould inhibitor 非蛋白氮 non-protein nitrogen(NPN)复合预混料 compound premix 干物质 dry matter(DM)感观指标 sensory index 国际雏鸡单位 international chick unit(ICU)国际单位 international unit(IU)混合均匀度 mixing uniformity 混合饲料 mixed feed 加工质量指标 process quality index 加药饲料 medicated feed 加药预混料 medicated premix 交叉污染 cross contamination

精料补充料 concentrate supplement 绝干样品 absolute-dried sample 抗氧化剂 antioxidant 颗粒饲料粉化率 percentage of powdered pellets 颗粒饲料耐水性 water durability of pellets 颗粒饲料硬度 hardness of pellets 粒度 particle size 量元素预混料 trace mineral feed 能量蛋白比 caloric-protein ratio 能量饲料 energy feed 浓缩饲料(料精)concentrate 配合饲料 formula feed 驱虫保健剂 vermifuge 全价配合饲料 complete feed 水分 moisture 日粮 ration

日粮配合 ration formulation 饲粮 diet

饲料转化比 feed conversion ratio;FCR 饲料报酬 feed reward 饲料标签 feed label 饲料原料(单一饲料)feed stuff,single feed 饲料转化比(饲料报酬)feed conversion ratio 饲料组分 feed ingredient 添加剂预混料 additive premix 维生素预混料 vitamin premix 卫生标准 sanitation standard

无氮浸出物 nitrogen free extract(NFE)稀释剂 diluent 消化能 digestible energy(DE)营养性添加剂 nutritive additive 营养指标 nutritive index 有毒、有害物质 toxic and harmful substance 有效磷 available phosphorus(AP)载体 carrier 粘结剂 binder 着色剂 color and pigment 自动分级 segregation 单一饲料 single feed 饲料原料 feedstuff(s)

饲料组分 feed ingredient 能量饲料 energy feed 蛋白质饲料 protein feed 矿物质饲料 mineral feed

单细胞蛋白 single-cell protein;(SCP)粗饲料 roughage 高粱 sorghum grain 小麦 wheat grain 大麦(裸)naked barley grain 大麦(皮)barley grain 黑麦 rye 稻谷 paddy 糙米rough rice 碎米 broken rice 粟(谷子)millet grain 木薯干 cassava tuber flake 甘薯干 sweet potato tuber flake 次粉 wheat middling and reddog 次粉 wheat middling and reddog 小麦麸 wheat bran 小麦麸 wheat bran 米糠 rice bran 米糠饼rice bran meal(exp.)米糠粕rice bran meal(sol.)大豆 soybean 全脂大豆full-fat-soybean 大豆饼soybean meal(exp.)大豆粕soybean meal(sol.)大豆粕soybean meal(sol.)棉籽饼 cottonseed meal(exp.)棉籽粕 cottonseed meal(sol.)棉籽粕 cottonseed meal(sol.)棉籽蛋白cottonseed protein 菜籽饼 rapeseed meal(exp.)菜籽粕 rapeseed meal(sol.)花生仁饼peanut meal(exp.)花生仁粕 peanut meal(sol.)向日葵仁饼sunflower meal(exp.)向日葵仁粕 sunflower meal(sol.)向日葵仁粕 sunflower meal(sol.)亚麻仁饼 linseed meal(exp.)亚麻仁粕 linseed meal(sol.)芝麻饼 sesame meal(exp.)玉米蛋白粉 corn gluten meal 玉米蛋白粉 corn gluten meal 玉米蛋白粉 corn gluten meal 玉米蛋白饲料 corn gluten feed 玉米胚芽饼 corn germ meal(exp.)玉米胚芽粕corn germ meal(sol.)酒糟蛋白饲料DDGS(distiller dried grains with solubles)蚕豆粉浆蛋白粉 broad bean gluten meal 麦芽根 barley malt sprouts 鱼粉 fish meal 血粉 blood meal 羽毛粉 feather meal 皮革粉 leather meal 肉骨粉 meat an bone meal 肉粉 meat meal 苜蓿草粉 alfalfa meal 啤酒糟 brewers dried grain 啤酒酵母 brewers dried yeast 乳清粉 whey,dehydrated 酪蛋白casein 明胶gelatin 牛奶乳糖milk lactose 乳糖milk lactose 葡萄糖glucose 蔗糖sucrose 玉米淀粉corn starch 牛脂beeftallow 猪油lard 家禽脂肪pouitry fat 鱼油fish oil 菜籽油canola oil 椰子油coconut oil 玉米油corn oil 棉籽油cottonseed oil 棕榈油palm oil 花生油peanuts oil 芝麻油sesame oil 大豆油soybean oil 葵花油sunflower oil




















194页:了解什么归入类别嵌入计算,它足以说明什么不是嵌入式设备的要求。嵌入的设备的寿命非常不同于通用机器的3 年的逐渐过时循环。有些设备是几乎一次性的:平均日本celluar电话在少于一年被替换。在oppsite极端,基础建设的设备例如电话交换机在30年的日程表贬值。这些寿命差异产生具体的影响,可升级性和向后兼容性。少量嵌入设备有升级要求。例如,积极汽车热衷者更改自己的车里的芯片,但是这些通常是只读光盘,不是处理器。大多数消费者项将被替换,不会升级。

Backward compatibility is seldom an embedded requirement,as software does not migrate from one device to another.An interesting exception is game consoles:to maintain compatibility,later console chips must be capable of being exactly as fast as the early versions despite changes in underlying process technology.In consoles,backward compatible is often implemented by putting a complete copy of the previous-generation console in one small corner of the next-generation die.Bacause many embedded designs need not be backward compatible with previous implementations,designers are free to switch designs with each product generation.Consequently,there is less emphasis on the distinction between architecture and implementation.If a new version of a chip is slightly incompatible but much better than its predecessors,designers may still be willing to use it.因为软件并不从一个设备迁移到另一个,向后兼容性很少是嵌入式的要求,一个有趣的例外是游戏控制台:要维护兼容性,尽管最新控制台芯片在基础工艺技术上有所改变,但是它一定是可胜任的是象早版本一样快速地确切。往往通过将上一代控制台的完整副本放在一个小角落里的下一代模向后兼容。因为许多嵌入式的设计需要,不能与以前实现向后的兼容,设计师可以自由切换的每一代产品的设计。因此,有少强调体系结构与实施之间的区别。如果稍有不兼容,但比其前任的芯片的新版本,设计师仍可能愿意使用它。


土木工程翻译实例----现场质量控制样件概述 On-site Quality Control Samples

The Specialist contractor shall erect the first area of each type of the Works and offer these to the Project Manager as on-site quality control samples.The standard of workmanship for the Works shall be to an agreed standard established by the construction of the On-site Quality Control Samples.The Project Manager shall review and comment on the On-site Quality Control Samples.Should the specialist contractor wish to continue with installation of any of the Works before the Project Manager has reviewed and commented on the On-site Quality Control Samples, he shall do so at his own risk.The Project Manager may require parts of the sample to be dismantled to allow inspection of concealed details.Upon acceptance, the on-site control samples shall remain as part of the installed permanent Works.The Project Manager shall reject workmanship that falls below the accepted standard and shall require the specialist contractor to remove it and re-install it to the acceptable standard.现场质量控制样件



Compliance with Standards

Unless otherwise described, all materials shall conform to the appropriate current European or British Standard Specifications.The Specialist contractor shall provide the Project

Manager, on request, with guarantees, or certificates of conformity, from the prime material manufacturers and suppliers proving that the materials to be used do in fact conform to such specifications.These guarantees or certificates shall also confirm that the materials are suitable and appropriate for their intended use within the Works and will satisfy this Contract Document.遵从规范


Sources of Materials

In accordance with the schedule of submissions, the Specialist contractor shall provide for the Project Manager’s review a list of the proposed materials and their sources.He shall also provide documents from the sources as evidence of their ability to carry out the tasks

expected of them, and written confirmation that the materials they are supplying are suitable and appropriate for their intended use and will satisfy this Contract Document.The Specialist contractor shall obtain the total quantity of each material from the same manufacturer.The Specialist contractor shall obtain materials from established and reputable

manufacturers, particularly those who are prepared to assist him with the design process, through to the fabrication and final installation on site.材料的来源 根据递交计划表,专业承包商应把含有提议使用材料的名称及其来源信息的列表递交项目经理审阅。专业承包商还应提供从材料供应商那里获得的相关文件以证明他们有能力完成其任务,以及书面确认用以证明这些材料在工程中的用途适当且合理,同时符合合同文件。





Bering Strait bridge


Technical challenges技术挑战

The route would lie just south of the Arctic Circle, subject to long, dark winters and extreme weather(average winter lows 20°C with possible lows approaching 50°C).Maintenance of any exposed roadway would be difficult and closures frequent.Even maintenance of enclosed roadways and pipelines could also be affected by winter weather.Ice breakup after each winter is violent and would destroy normal bridge piers.Specially shaped massive piers along the ocean floor would be needed to keep the bridge stable.The Confederation Bridge between Prince Edward Island and New Brunswick addresses similar concerns on a much smaller scale.桥的路线正好位于北极圈的南端,它受到了漫长黑暗的冬季和极限天气的影响(冬天的平均温度低至20°C而且最低的温度甚至可能达到50°C)。任何暴露在外的路面部分的维护工作都是很困难进行的,所以不得不频繁地将其关闭。即使是关闭的路面和管线的维护也将受到冬季气候的影响。在冬天过后冰的消融也会是危险强烈的并且会对普通的桥墩造成毁灭性的破坏。这就需要沿着海床布置具有特殊形状的大桥墩以保证桥的稳定性。位于爱德华王子岛和新布朗斯威克之间的联邦大桥就面临着类似的问题,只不过它受影响的范围要小得多。

The United States and Canada use the British and now world standard gauge(4 feet, 8.5 inches wide)rails, while Russia uses Russian broad gauge(5 feet wide)tracks, a

break-of-gauge, and this would have to be addressed.A dual-gauge track network has been proposed, as those are used in some areas of Australia, whose rail network is split into different gauges.A cheaper solution is variable gauge axles or bogie exchange, as used at several places in the world already.美国和加拿大的铁路采用英国的也是现在的世界标准轨距(4英尺,8.5英寸宽),而俄罗斯的铁路采用俄罗斯宽轨距(5英尺宽),需要说明的是这样就形成了具有不同轨距的铁路。一个具有双轨距的铁路网方案被提了出来,这种方案正在澳大利亚某些地区使用,他们的铁路网就为存在不同的轨距。一个造价更低的解决方案就是使用变轨距车轮或转向车,这种方案已经在世界多个地方使用了。






2、垂直安全绳之设置,应依下列规定办理: a、安全绳之下端应有防止安全带锁扣自尾端脱落之设施。











1.The setup of horizontal safety rope should comply with the followingprovisions:

a.¢8.3 wire rope should be applied.Three U-shaped claspsshould be used one both

ends to tighten onto the stable places on the buildingor structure.b.Only one safety belt could be tied on the safety rope between two adjacentstrut rods.c.The number of safety belt allowed to be tied should be marked on the head ofthe

rope’s anchor.2.The setup of vertical safety rope should comply with the following provisions:

a.At lower end of the safety rope, there should be facilities to prevent the fastener of safety

belt from falling off from the caudal end.b.One safetyrope should only be used by on worker.c.When horizontal distance between the operation or climbing position of workers iswithin one meter, one safety rope should be shared by two workers.d.All the vertical safety rope should draw down to ground/completed floor.e.The followingstick in colors should be stuck onto safety belts or safety ropes after test todisplay test passing of current month.In this way, qualified safety belt aftertest would be easy to recognize.f.During operation in basket, safety belt must be tied onto the self-lock of the safetyrope;tying onto any places besides safety rope is prohibited.g.Builder should be equipped with tool box.Small accessories should be kept in the boxand fastened to rope when in use to prevent from being dropped from height andhitting people or objects.Material and supplies at the edge of construction area should not be placed at will;more than one meter’s distance from the edgeof the floor is considered safe location for placing;in this way, droppingcaused by wind or man and hitting people or objects could be avoided.h.when big objects such as glass or boxes are placed, safety protection measures must becarried out.For example, glass of big dimensions(above 2.4 square meters)should be placed onto the two sides of the glass shelf with symmetry, and boundand fastened with rope.Glass in boxes should be placed together at one placeas much as possible.Boxes of Glass should be well padded to prevent fromslant.Wood-blocks should be used to joint all boxes to prevent from collapse.i.First-aidbox should be placed at construction site.Workers should be given heat controlarticles in high temperature season.








